HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-08-17, Page 2gest osition st 25th The., animal world is an important -;, spot `at the C:N E,, with ,the ;annual' championship' dog .and cat shows. aIdren's Dag,, August 28th • Children's Day, Monday,: Angus 28, will be a banner.' one at tit Canadian . National Exhibition where 'a full programme of acts vitt' :will .be provided . througholr the day, • MODEL YACHT REGATTA, 'Starting at 9 o'clock`- at the Water .Front there.' • will' be a Mode Yacht Regatta. Last year the' Re- gatta attracted fifty 'smart . model ,Yachts•' and the- ex'per ''manner in 'which their young handlers sail- ed. the boats ' brought'much ,fayor- able commendation 'from: veteran • sailors who :.watched, DIVER' "DUTCH" ..SMITH' in. the afternoon and evening there •will be a thrilling display of high diving by the World's Cham :pion, Baroid -�`"autCh' Srrilth, wh is flying to Toronto from Holly- wood. Hailed, as the greatest diver in the world; •S•rnith has , been, granted leave,forthe'. duration •of the'' Exhibition by:trie : Metro-Go"Td-' own -Mayer. Studios,, for whom he, has starred in 'several aquatic pie - ,, tures. • WATER SKI=ING There will be a. breath -taking display 'et water ski-ing and aqua- Nloaning,\ ` eaturing' the • youthful Henna Macintosh and .her. two, young brothers; Russell;, age 15 and Alec, age' 'Iii DOG An additional Water Front fea- ture• on. Child'ren's::Day,• And, tinuing On Tuesday; arid' Wednes- day, will be the Toronto. Star Do". Swimmir' g Derbtr ' ' More �tha'n,100" • 'dogs are. expected to compete' in a series 'of races whicli_gclll'start each • evening it five 'o'clock. -The dogs will swim, from one quarter' to. ' a .half mile:- As .a Children's —Pay feature; the "Star: have includ- ed a; Special Roce for ,boys and 'girl owners, under' 16 years'of age. The youthful. owners will' have to' do all the -handling them- , selves during the race. ONTARIO BOYS AND: GIRLS. MATCH SPEED • • In. front' of the Grandstand•. the 3:nnier Athletic 'Meet will be, held. '.with 'boy and girl runners'. from all 'parts of Ontario coming to' thatch their speed. The' .finals will 'be'contested in the .evening, start- ing at 6• o'clock. Freckle- Faced Kid$ • Coni'pete Two new, fe'atureslast year,. the • Decorated Doll' Carriage Contest and the Freckle Faced Kite com- petition'are:again included on the Children's Day. Programme at the Canadian National. Exhibition on, August 28, and. Indications point Haat they • will be more popular •. than last year. ' The Prites for the Freckle' Faced Kids competi- tion include a varied assortment of 'clothing for boys ' and girls. The Decorated Doll Carriage Con- test, has' been'extended to include Decorated. Floats. ' The • competi-. tions have been divided int, four glasses, with a''1940' Gendro.n "Eng: lish Style'Doll. Pram " for first, a Shirley. Temple Doll for second .and other dolls ' for t'hild and fourth prizes. t; e. t; • Bicycle Races The Ontaribi Dirt Track Bicy- ale: Champions are .'scheduled for V•turday afternoon and evening, September Oth ,in front of the Grand Stand, at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. The Championships down for uettlenient include the Half -Mile z,4 Senior,)Orte Mile:Senior, Five Milo Senior, Ten Mile Senior and One Vile forPJ.unior Boys under.sevetl- teen years of age on Sept. 9th. There will also be a One Mile No- vice Race, open to riders wile -have never won • an Open',Race and' a Three Mile Class B', Miss and Out Race, open to riders: who have --_never won `-e-Class "A" 1i ntn--`ar • i +J1iree. Class "B" races. • The man who cannot wonder, *ho does not habitually wonder,' land ' not 'worship) is but a Pair of Spectacles behind which\ there iso no Eye', —Thomas Carlyle T It1SPORTATION AND COIVMML►MCATjor�S'.YEAR This year's Canadian 'National Exhibition will look to the.future Us 'wren as••the past and present.. In the National 'Indust es' 'Wilding . . there wish ,be: both'a' complete . televtsiion • Studio In .o ration acid monstratioRa. of• facsimile broadcasting. In' a coinpletelii new"PaviL ion• of Industrial 'Chemistry there will he puppet shows 'staged tell-. , mg the story of the way itO 'which acieaitists'of today may'Use; cultural products of today to create sce!res of new'rnaterials not yet. ' known to 'man. • INDUSTRY Action in displays, with a define ite trend; towards. exhibits which tell . the 'story behind 'a product, appears to.. be the• picture which visitors. to the •'Canadian National Exhibition will see this year, ac- cording to officials who; have been, close to the preparations being made by many. industries: ' ' The . old style 'exhibit; with . a • .counter and a definite impression that something 'was being offered for • sale, has been displaced,;' ad- vertising: experts state;,' by displays Which 'have' plenty of ,movement, and which reveal what the' modern •' producer does to provide better products at lower prices.' For, this reason; they state, this' year's `ex- hibition will offer' a more 'intrigu- ing 'and .interesting, study ' for visi- • tors wbo,.look '.over the .commercial, :1' -as the feature, exhibits. NEW .FARM EQUIPMENT • Possibility. that the' mucch-dis- cussed new farm tractors, which' have intrigued automotive' and ag.- • ricultural , interests' • recently, may be 'unveiled publicly publicly at the Cana- dian National Exhibition, has. been indicatead''by rumours prevalent es the :opening date of the exhibition nears. ' • Following „private previews• of the new low:priced:. models, which are reported to embody revolption- • • ary adeencements.in design which permit very close • shall -scale -op- erations,one 'manufacturer •at least has reserved much larger space than in previous' years. Re- cently, it has- been .stated; one oth er manufacturer also plansto present the new model produced by his firrn, • LUCKY TETER' AND HIS -u DRIVING , .DAREDEVILS • For 'a longer visit than they have ever paid to Canada 'before; Lucky Teter and' his.•Congress .of Daredevils win come .to '.the Cana- dian anadian Nat'ional' Exhibition this year to stage their sensational display of •hair-"raisingdriving ofmotor- cars and motorcycles. ,The show will be. staged', daily in front of the grandstand, with a two-hour program:' of -'stunts. . Titer, w3_ e has •sta•rced n: sever- al . movies built around .' his show and who lectures On safe driving, Will . repeat .his'demonstrations of one -band driving of 'a car which plunges over . obstacles,. 'driving..a: car over .a, ramp. which is wreath- ed . in flames,. jumping a -car over, a 'truck and rolling a car :end- ever -end a half dozers. times.. His 'show,will include' the full crew' of 58 drivers 'and ' mechanics who carry with them 'a fully -equipped repair shop, 'body -straightening equipment andwelding shop. f PROGRAMT.••CAN'ADIAN' NATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1939 Friday, August 25th Opening Day • Saturday, August- 26th ' ' ..Warriors' Day • Monday,"August.28th • ' 14 Children's. Day • Tuesday;.'mAngst 29th Automotive. Day '. W.edne'eda . Ali" y,., est 30th '' •Food'•Products and Merchants Day , • Thursday, 'August 31st '' Women's, Music; and Art 'Day' ' . Friday, September .1st.. . , Press Day •Saturday, September 2nct - '' Manufacturers'„Athletic and • Floral Day • • Monday, Septernber. 4th ` Labor Day Tuesday, September 5th ' International Day Wednesday, September. 6th•.Agricu-ltur-ists'--D- ay ..Thursday, September 7th,. Transportation & Commercial Travellers' Day ' , Friday, . September 8th - Live -Stock. Reviett, Day ` Saturday,; September ;9th ', • ' •Citizens', Day i• • Swimming and Diving. •Amateur swimming and diving, will -play a very prominent part\ in - the, Sport, Programme' at the • Ca- nadian National Exhibition. Sev- eral Ontario Championships will be decided on Saturday, Sept. 2nd together with the _\,Barker; ` ., Gold Trophy Races ' for the One Mile . Amateur Championship for wo en . ' and the 'Two' Mile Amateur. Swim- ming Championship for men. • On Labor Day, Monday, 'Sept.. 4th, the Canadian National Exhibi- tion Junior ' Championships, for boys and girls under seventeen years of age,. are expected to draw capacity.entries as these races af- ford an opportunity for swimmers of every 'grade to win. WHEN IN TORONTO - SEE CASA L• COMA • Sir Henry•Pellatt Million dollar Caa- tle-ori,the-13111, Spadina Road, Tor- onto. Hour's- tour .thro' Castle, tow- er, tunnel, stables, art galleries, and coronation room special exhibits and souvenirs. See. "The Fall of Nine- veh,” (the king and his wives), painted 'by order of late .Emperor Joseph of Austria—has 29 life ,size . figures on a canvas, 28 feetx13' feet, and the Vimy Memorial. Oben 10 • till 9 p.m. 'Adults, `25c --Child-. •ren 15e. Sundays,' 25 cents. When' in Toronto, Visit Donald Macleal;t',s SPECIALTY SHOP 233 Yonge St. North of Queen St. LINENS, BLANKETS, TARTANS Formerly the John Catto C' o., Ltd. On ..Saturday, Sept. 191h, the Wrigley .Trophy Races for the Ontario One. Mile ' Swimming Championships.'for: men- and wo- men, will be the feature. > For the first time in the history'' of the .Canadian National Exhibi- tion, . a team of .swimmers will compete from the • Bahama. Is- lands. A group . of thirteen is scheduled to leave Nassau soon; arriving in Toronto- in sufficient time to permit them to become ac- climatized to the • fresh .water., At Nassau • they swim in .warm salt- water.. Archers To Compete Archery, for years a very. at- tractive sport, will agaih be ' in- cluded. n-cluded. at the Canadian National Exhibition. The Canadian Cham- pionships being scheduled for Aug. 28, 29, 30; 31 and Sept. 1. The Archery range ,at .the pxhibition isto the West of the Government Building near the Rose Gardens. . • Archers from all over the .Unit- ed States and Canada will com- pete. ART/f/C/AL L/MBS, TRUSSES MVDABDOMIN/IL Ban" "Gm • , r:tsv$ cfuwcN rTO,,O, o 9721 �,E �'�LL•.: eff.a_pTOR�xiTadiaxl+ri - .. • • EXHIBI T:LON VISITORS will have a chance to see the Maple. Leafs in'the fellowing'Tnterr:lti'en- • al.League 'gables: • AUGUS`I'A7, 18,'X9-19* -- JPgSE.Y y-..._. AUGUST 25, 26* -- BUFFAIRO . • -_. AUGUST 31 MON`1°REAL • ; . • SEPTEMBER 1 2* -- MONTREAL • SEPTEMBER 4-4 PMI., 5,• 6 ROCHESTER , SEPTEMBER 7, 8, 9* --: BUFFALO NIGHTtGAMES• EVERY DAY EXCEPT LABOR •DAY Largest Test' Tube In World • •10174 renitnauuts i•.�n. 14'iY.'^:ivn:: �•fo\n'T:niva�:.^� 'vM �'• 0:.. C • The page shown in ront of the Natio a . n 1 Industries' Building is carrying thelargest test tube •'yetproduced, six feet in length,, for installatio 'in the new Pavilion of Industrial Chemistry. ,n . .ROYAL • CANADIAN' MOUNTED . POLICE TO PARA -.:A': •h'or the first time in 'its i.en;;thy histpry; Canada's' • faiiioiis police force,; the Royal Canadian ,Mount= ed -Police,: will stage : the first par-. ade' of a full .detachment• through.' . the .streets of Toronto when they 'inaugurate -the opening 'of 'tile Ca nadian National :E•xhibitio.n •by rid- , ing • to the. City • Hall. •. The detach= meat will. be made up,;of `the men • who .acted as special guard of hon. our'to the •King and '1ue'en during.' Their•. Majesties' visit''to• the New '..York • World's Fair.. The deteehrnent Will be accom- panied by the •first brigade, of pip- ers'. ever. assemltled in Canada.: .This brigade wil1--hernade - up ,f- -' the -Toronto Scottish, "the , 48th,... Highlanders, 'the,.Royal Irish Regi ment,. the Seaforth. Highlanders,. the Saskatoon Girl's' and the fam- ous Dagenham (England)' 'Girls' pipe. bands. • The .parade will be held at nogn,: August 24,' the day.: 'before the,,Exhibition opens, and will introduce •the...guest. band ,of honour, His Majesty's Royal. ;Ma- ' rinee . o.f-Plymouth• who •will' de= . posit a wreath on the civic gene- • taph. Softness is the keynote of the newt'mill nary.. Many ,hats have ' semtted i rahigh crowns which 'are softly draped •or manipulated. Turbans are intricately wrapped. Berets,. which 'shoot high, are, tuck- ed or shirred. Brims, are narrow 'or visor -like. Tiny ostrich plumes • - and flat wings are the most papu- ' lar ornaflientarronl -: While . in'T,oronto ,.Call at O'Donne11=Mackie, Ltd. Distributors for NEW ST(JDEBAiCER CARS And the very best Used Cara 1009 BAY ST.' .' ML 3571 • Heintzman & Co. An invitation to visit Liss At the Exhibition Our display at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition is of unusual interest to many.' thousands of music lovers, • We would lil;ie you to come and', Visit.'us.' The 'acceptance of this • ••invitation involves no ptigation whatever. Maywe look forward to seeing you? Turn right: Main entrance (ops. Fountain), to Manufacturers'. Building. - Duplicate Stock at ' Ware' Rooms 195 Yonge St., Toronto Our • Canadian' Weight..Lifting Ch'ampion,haps 'The Canadian' Weight Lifting Championships' will be. contested' - at the Canadian National Exhibi_ tion on Saturday, September' 2nd. and Monday, '.Labor 'Day, . Sept: 4th. ' Outstanding :United States' Champions will 'again make an at- tempt to retain for. the United United States the majority of the . Canadian 'titles. • • . When In Toronto, Visit Gross `Machinery Sa)iiplies 1i$17D MACHINERY AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Agents for new . Alntce . Pumps, including Sump -centrifugal, gear- ed, piston, etc. 108.112 Front' St. East • a'li.ttle' east of St. Lawrence tfkt. AL BARGAINS • I•'N FULLY RE'COI4DI•TION•E''D 'USED TRUCKS 1937.MAI'LE LEAF long wheel- base, 14 •'foot, stake $795 body. 84x7 tires,' dual rear' 1937 FoltD 2 ton long wheei- baee, 12 foot -take $725 body, 32x6 tire, dual rear. 1939 CHEVFW-LET ,A 'ton char- sis and cab, with;6 foot x 0 loot stake body. This' truck has been used . less .than 3,000 $725. dines • • 1936 MArLJ LEAF, . short • wheelbnsc, new II' plat form; body, 32 a 0 • tires $650 d our rear – • 1938 ( EVIIOLE'r. •sedan dell,. ery. Tfls . truck' Is $595. ✓ eal t•ulne • 1935. MAPLE LEA • shout • wheelbase, 9 f of stake body, ' 32 x 0. tired, '• dual $495 roar• 4 , 1937 1''ORD Sedan dellvery, like new In every $495 `way 1936 WILLXS Panel, .for •real economy In . d'elly- $325 cry work • 1934 nib 2 ton, 12 loot 'stake body,'7i50x30 tires, $295 .1191,;314!rear ...... 1634 CHEVROLET .ton .panel d real bargain $275 for . . o, .. Many Others of Ehival- Value Fall tank. Of gas Milk each 'sale TORONTO MOTOR CAR Downtown Dealers for 28 years Ford, Mlercury, Lincoln, Zephyr 120 ADELAIDE. E., at .>;tirtbo Ft.ghi 7384—TORONTO .(Lot) 880' IIAY ST., at Grosvenor 'rtAndotpti 150r.--'zORON'Po 0 WHILE 1N TOR014iO Visit-our--S-10 ® euro` - 145 FRONT ST. EAST, , . a sFAVLOR LIMIThD TORONTO •,SAFE WORKS' • ALL SIZES NEW AND 'USED SAFES • • I8iC In The • Modern Manner N n • Wei Grit)! • Olen. Gra;t who brings his Casa. Loafs orQhestra to the • Canadian • Naturalh ltilittic►t► as One of the five' fanaOtts • modern-aaausit' aggt'ta- • gations to be heard this year, De- gan his clidal,. to • international''ra: dio •fetlie in Ontario. When the faanoiir, l'eIla4. castle; esti Teronte's' hill was first -tattled into a public ; building and became; .briefly, a ho- , tel,, a gl ollp. e.t' \ Qtr t ;stcrs arrived to,.,provide thetuuste. 'This -bate.' group,. now . °Itis r, nd►t ttelebrated • as smooth 'experts. fit. slippery tem. :pc), come b?nck again `e8ri'yutg',the , Casa,n -` name La ,a yisua a still,. souvenir• :of the, engage neat that ,sterted:'them• .to ' the heights::.•• Tandem Canoe, Marathon The Canadian ' Fifteen Mile Tandein-Canoe Marathon Champ- ionship will be.centested on Sat- urday afternoon, 'August .26, . at. the Water Front at the • Canadian *National Exhibition, Last year,' sevent.y, pairs of 'ca- noeists made a Most., : imposing eight as theypaddled fifteen miles' in front of the' Water Front Grand Stand at Exhibition Park. The Canadian Champions,. Au- brey ireland, Jr.,. and Terry Evans will attempt to, make' it three Ca'- ." nadian Championships by winning. .E H:, E V Off r •FOR 'YOUR CONVENIENCE ,Glen Gray' who returns to',Toronto. With his .Cassa Lorna'Qrcliestra,and' •i '•Bing of •Swing". Go'odma'n with. , • his 'clarinet. . ,.• Canada, uArgentina; and Austra.' lift provide . the bulk of the wheat entering world trade. Exports. from the United States, the •Soviet Union; and the Danubiaui countries show wide 'fluctuations but are ,oft- - en substantial. Caliada's. Leading Machinery and Suppy House Invites you to see them at their • Toronto showrooms, directly opposite New Union Station • South Bend' Precision' Lathes ;-D"elta 'Motor -Driven Tpols Ideal Lawnmower'Sharpeners H iggs'' M otore Belting, Pulleys, Vises, ,Electric Drills," Lathe Tools, ,..Chucks, Wrenches, Machinist's Tools - EVERYTHING FOR THE MILL —SHOP • -- OR ,FACTORY. New and Rebuilt Machinery Lare Stocks Prompt Shilinient THE, A. R. WILLIAMS MACHINERY CO.; • L'TD. 64-68 FRONT S. WEST, ' TORONTO ELgin 2381 Farmers Attention! WHEN IN TORONTO Call TO See Our • FNESS•AND COLLARS ' FOR FALL PLOUGHING The good are 'right, 'and' so' are out" prices. �•Ve manufacture in our factories—Harness, Horse Collars, Sweat Pads; Horse Blankets,' and Leather Travelling Goode. Steen Brand gives 'satisfaction. Made Samuel Trees Conipany, Ltd. Factory and Showroom • WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. 'East,. Toronto • peen coin e e ,tbringIon eyed P°en tope aft' a o h g ag , sod sic s ' beipas, s8po o1, -- music $eters \fie t - a8 ani s, pig t Due and a Wags W do and Beel of •-"'0 ,r