The Wingham Times, 1900-09-14, Page 6l•1 ].;ThDIaeliED iors. TOL VIM £i', it } r . B. Fi.I3t3`i r. Poe eae ssal Arco 1'itez'a;Ix'r0a In+*+.«!�.,,.Fwc«+n,+M„w•,,.•:e+w>- 0i -V :, .mP,.-xu vwre!fr%...Mwr, 1'aIL)AY, ,•Ea:;•;EMI;lalt 14, 1000. ![ It OTT.. WA 112.ET11ER Worn our .own Cerrt• rout?est. .I:uww'a, t'tpt. !:til, IS00. nun tee:.;T c tiGVE1.A31E;ti'1', Wizen file Totem tali; about the in - cross(' er pouch: are gumsg the past three or four years they conveniently forger In VaY anything about the il:erease ill revea ate Thc:y kitten xiiglt r well that in i r.:l),:ttion to tk.• :remount of business Hour- th:'vc' has be'•n an actual reduction in the expenditere. Take for example the cost of collecting the rove -met -In 1898.0 it was ;:+9,830,453 while- in 180.1-5 it was of iy (),129, 410. But while tberc was thus as nominal increase iu 1 u9 -0 it 1 was only 21 per cunt of the receipts, 'whereas in the last year of Tory manage- anent the cost was 2S per cent. The total et:p nditure of the Customs De- Ii pertinent was 812,0,0;0 more in 1898-9 than it was in 1!37,-55 but the cost of col- lection decreased. from 5.1x) in 1894-3 to o 4.02 ill 1.98 9. The expenditure chargeable to the °eme dated Fund in 1894.5 was 17 per cent of the total trade of the country. The expenditure iiz 1898-9 chargabie to the sand account was only 13 per cent. This shows a reduction of 4 per cent. from 17 per cent, equivalent to a reduc- tion of about 25 per cent in the cost of carrying on the business of the country. ,A casual examination of the items of expenditure will show that every in- crease ims been where the marvellous I,nowth of the country's resources waxier wise administration have demanded bet- ter facilities. For example the increase in Railways and Canals has been $074,- 000; for cold -storage, $42,000; Trade and Commerce, 577,000; Ocean, river and coast service, 8194,000; Customs service,ti120,0e0; Mail snbsic.ies, 570,000 c Public Works, $174,000; Immigration, 500,000. There was also an increase of 'the interest on the Public Debt $388,000, and for Sinking Fund $480,.000, these two items being accountedfor by the in- creased capital ezpeuditure in develop- ing railways and canals, and transporta- tion facilities generally. Another in- crease was $538,000 in the Department of Militia. and Defence but the Militia to -day is in better shape than it ever was and no one questions the wisdom of the increased outlay.. On the other hand the 'Civil Service -expenditure increased under Tory rule at the rate of $25;000 per annum, and had this rate of increase .continued the expenditure in 1898-9 over 1894-5 would have been 575,000 but instead of •that there was a dscrease of ,10,'014.. Not only was there a decrease in the cost of the Civil service at Ottawa but also in the cost of legislation, in the manage - anent of the Peniteutiaries in the admin- istration of Dominion lands :and of the Fisheries Department and in the cost of maintaining the North West Mounted Police; while in each ease this retrench znent has been effected without in th Tightest degree impairing the effcien of the service. In other words the ,ad ministration of the finances of the Dom inion under the present Government bias been along the identical lines tha would be adopted by- a successful busi aless man, and the business men of the country, having themselves experienced a season of unparaIled prosperity and development, realize and appreciate this fact. AN INCONGRUOUS COMB/NATION. atiou "Laurier is too English for seta." Now tilt aluestioa arises which is the true Tory policy seal who 14 the actual 1ent1ert? Ntt tinebl uueertailltp exists in the Liberal ranks where there is bu policy in Ontario scald Qaebee; fo Drench aril for the English, for native born and for tint' eitiven by option, -.the volley enunciated) b Wilfrid Laurier, "to Make Cana 1 xlittiozl,a nation wit his thea British om .L natio:. great at iu tlta eyes of the wo tumor min= et :Tz:r.3,7 .. Suppose for tL nt0ttant that the re of the aznpemling election shouldhe return of the 'I rks to power; what of an outfit would they :have to re the present Cabinet? Tupper with "Laurier is too English for ane," H John Macdonald with bis loyelt British coultection; Pastor still uun ed from his treachery to his late el the present Tory leader of the Son Caron, Montague, mid Clarke Wall accusing each other of elauderans onymous latter -writing, and the atter very generally suspected of co plicity in the recent attempt of ex -erg zer Birmingham to "hold-up" th proseztt leader; Hibbert Tupper a aggart also of the "nest of traitor who for admittedly personal reasons ,. slot because of any difference of opiu u the affairs of state, turned upon th olitical chief and incidentally broug bout the overthrow of their party. TJ ' e1NUJ1AM TOLES, SEPTEMBER 1', 1901), Four JI,Illloaa Profit. A.few $ire : d (."an ulinu.� ouen made Baia' Piil::tltd of do11a1.. c•1t••(r profit out of lautittli:e a smell x:tilver-, o!; wrlaitlz t one xn0a, l `.tttuii.az-. have lever lac;lrtl. The r the railway in quo cion was the " 1u' - the Appell•',Long l'atLe :i:oaten:laewvan Bail- ed- , way"' which ill lee.7. receive.i i vtants y Sir J from tla;7 Doutiniait l averlalaaeut. .'ho C411.10,( a a luau( greut:�i1 to this company Was sold Aire for *.(,x..00,0•.13, and from the sale of bonds and tee t'a.sh eubsidi s the Com - pithy of moat f; ;,(100,030 more, awaking tk toast of w{y,O00,000. The t total coat of rld.t, suit o the the roast is estimated to have been not snore S 5Otl leaving w t Ot It av t .' Ii'nci k n not )r i (lilt !to the promoters o the toatd of foot* place 1 � tea x lluzl. leis • lions. The 0, P R. supplied the ter - ugh minas and the rolling stock and leased y to the road without a rental, thus taking lag- he xailwvay of the original owners. lief, This is one of the tunny railway stor- ate les which R. L. Richardson, M. P,, is now tering in the Canadian Magazine in, a series of four art/vies. Jr.lRich- ardsoa believes in °overnnaeut owner- ship of railways, tants. is writing these articles in order to lay his views before the people of Canada, ace an- two au - air nd s," lnd ion efr ght To e cy this any some of these men scare speak as,they pass by, and yet from t material the people are to bo asked express by their vote, confidence the stable, capable and progressive govt meat could be formed.. Such confide would indeed be charming in its chil like confidence. A P1tOPIIET WrmIIOUT IIottOn. Sir Charles Tupper must be a happ man these days for he is perfectly sati fled of his triumphant return ab the preaching elections. The result is most a foregone conclusion, the Liber party will be simply overwhelmed b the adverse vote to be piled up agains them. So it was in 1890, the sawn gentlemen was equally sure of au over whelming victory. The following ye the local elections in Nova Scotia wer to result in the annihilation of th Liberal Government, but when nos were counted after the fight there wee three Tories and thirty-three Liberals A very few months later the neighbor' province held a general local election and again the Liberals were to be beat en out of their boots, --no doubt about it, the endications were numistakable; buf of the forty-six members of the local Legislature of New Brunswick only four were Tories when the returns were all in. Once again the last local election in Quebee;was to be a sweep of victory for the Conservatives, but the actual re- sult was a bigger Liberal majority than before; and lastly the Liberal Govern- ment in Ontario had not the ghost of a chance at the last general election, but to -day they are still occupying the seats of the mighty with a good working majority, and a firmer hold upon the people than they had at the last election. Here are five pretty good samples of the way Tory prophecies reach a fulfilment and a very brief season will increase the number to an even half dozen. Where Aro The b,'keptles 7 Its spite of all the evidence published in the daily press and even iu spite of the testimony of your boat friends you may still be skeptical regarding the Unusual virtues of Dr. Chase's. Ointment. Not- hing short of au actual trial will prove alar1 doul to of t that ea 1DroChaase'sad o Ointments n his absolute cure for piles. A single box to will be sufficient to melee you as t,nthus- t a iastic as your neighbor in praising Dr. rChase's Ointment, for it is a certaiu to n - cure you. uce d- To Acquirrc a Good. Vocabulary. •"A, good vocabulary is acquiree. by reacting good books, as well as by hear- t' ing the talk of those who express them - s. solves in the speech of educated people," ap- writes Margaret E. Sangster, in the �_ September Ladies' Horne Journal. al "Thought lies back of speech, and the Y more subjects interest us the more cour- t mand of language we shall have in which e to describe then. They who read soien- - tile boobs will have a grave of scien- ratific terms. They who discriminate e nicely and use the very best word to e say what they have in their minds wvifl es consult a dictionary and see what are re the similarities or the contrasts of certain words; will choose, as among gems, the nig flawless ruby or crystal; will not be satisfied without the exact word which _ can express precisely the meaning thev wish to convey,. The reading of good authors lifts our vocabulary from mean- ness and meagerness to nobility and splendor, enriches our .speech with words which are like a beautiful embroidery on the garment of daily life, and furnish- es us with allusions, quotations and phrases which are picturesque, apposite or convenient for illustration." To AV N DIRECTOR l .IPTIt T Cx t'ltf iI- StLI`•bflf i ::c'rw'i('eS itt 11 it n1 and i p an, Sunday ,t.`0heol lit 1)ten) p Itz. General p1'it. 'r steed':, on Wednesday evenings R 't-. \V, Fined,. d,. neater. VV'. ,7, t iaal'iaan, S. S. St ape 'i1at 'lades d. itli 'ri1't.r>r:+r Oiil`ltfil^-: ital,lo ai la t,t•rw'iees at 11 a Ilk a1:d 71l 111. ;Sunday Sta(:el at 2801, x:13, :i':pwortla League every e ry 1i 1on- dav E7:,'ettl z=;• Cameral, prayer meeting on \Vedne'„Iay ove.axings. Ley, ltaehar(1 1Hal>brl, pastor. i.)r. Towhee V. S. Sup- erintendent. 1'111+.taAS'r1:12rAN CIl171t0I --•Sabbath tr.:t'- vlcas tat 11 n, zzz and i p nz, Sumer; School at 2: :SO n nk. Gerard prayer meeting on Wednesday ew enirgs. Lev, D. Peale, pastor and S. 5. Superinten- dent, ST. PAUL'S Cixtyixoii, BriscOPAL-,5'ab- bath services at 11 a Di and 7 p itt. Saul - day School at e :::0 p no General prayer meeting, on Wednesday evening*, I2ov. Wm. Lowe, inounibent, F, Shore, 5, S. Supe' iutendent. C(rirttln a,tpi:tar, ClITIIClr,-Sabbath services at 11 a in and 7 p nt, Sunday Scheel at 12 alk. Midweek aneoting;ou Weituesclry oveniugs at 8 o'clock., Gavin V)T ill on, 5.5. Supt.; A. 11.1. Prior, pastor. Roma le Mamma Crxvrakr -- Every fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:80 a in, ser- 111u1I and benediction at 7 p au, Rev, l) I?. McMeunmiu, P, P. tSALv,1TION Aner -Se vieo at 7 and 11 a nl and 8 and 8 p m on Smiley, and every o'clock at thehdring baLrrack the wvcall at 8 OIntIS Tr,1N AND MrtailoLtiri- ALLTANcI:. ltixcetange as follows: S. S. at 2,80 p. ul. I3'ellowwehip at 4 p, m,, and evan- gelistic at 8 p. nt,, e very Sunday ill Ititchte's Hall., Victoria St. POST 0111'10E -1u Macdonald Block. Osco hours from 8 a an to 0:10 p m, Peter Fisher, postmaster. MEOILINICS' INSTITUTP•,-Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:45 o'clock and everyevelling from 7 to :80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, ibrariau. Town Couerom-Wm. Clegg, Mayor; Win. Holmes, 11. O. Bell. J. H, dhis- ohn, G. A. Newton, Rolland Beattie, eo. McKenzie, Colutcillors; J. B. For- tison, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel shill, Assessor; Wm, Robertson, Col- ctor. Board sleets first Monday oven - g in each mouth at 8 o'clock. Smoot, Baas:p.--C. N. Griffin, (chair - au), Thos. Abraham, H. G. Lee, J. J. omuth, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos. e11, Win. Button. Secretary, Wm. obertson; l Treasurer, .1, B. 1! orgli.son, etings second Tuesday evening in each onth. [} PUBLIC SonI00L TRACI:MRS.-A. H. usgro•vo, Principal, Miss Robertson, ss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss ornyn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson d Miss Reid. BOARD OF HEALTII-Mayor Clegg, cbairman), 0. J. Readinti, Thos Greg - y, Dr: Kennedy, J. 13. Ferguson, Sec- ary , ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health cer. 9 1 h G Yo le m :E1 B R Me m Mi C an 0 ret Ofh .For Over Fifty Years. • An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -.Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millionsof mothers t for their children while teething, with - perfect success. It soothes the child,soft- ens the gtuns, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar- nccea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. The more you think of it the stranger and more incongruous becomes the as- sociation of Sir Charles Tupper and Mr, Hugh John Macdonald .on the same plat- form. Mr. 1VIacdonald's chief claim ,to public consideration is in the fact tat he is the son of his father, --the son of the man whom we used to be so const- antly reminded deelared:-"A British subject I was born and al. British subject i will die." Sir Charles Tupper his run - sling mate, has lately announced his policy very unmistakably in the dolor - Nervous and Debmtated. Aftnost a yiotlm of flervous prostration -Was Restored to Health and Strength by Dr. Chase's tlerve Fobd. • 112rs. D. W. Cronsberry, 1Cg Richmond "treat west, Toronto, Ont„ states: -- 0" Iv+iy daughter, who sews in, a. white goods manufactory, got completely, run dowla by the steady Confinement and close attention required at her :work. Her nerves were so exhausted, and she was so Weak and debilitated, that she had to give up work entirely, And wits almost a Victim, of nervous yrroatratiofl. •' hearing of ISr. Chase's Nerve hood, 'she began to use It, and was benefitted from the very first. It proved an ex- cellent remedy in restoring her to health and strength. .After "having used four boxes she is now. at work again, healthy and happy► and attri- butes her recovery to the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Pool." As a ood tie Dr. i Chase'sNerve dPoeta iser and nerve ofin. +estimable value. It snakes the blood red, the rzet•ves :strong', and the Whole system healthy and vim:mous. iiao s; box .-at all dealers, or mutation, Bates II Co,, Toronto: Summer Girl Shocks Wti. Chinese Minister Wu Ting Fang went on a strawride with his nephew. Fun Chea Sliee, Saturday night at Cape May N. Y. Pour horses decked with sleigh bells and plumes hauled a hay cart half full of Straw. The minister had, the seat of honor at the head of the load, A dozen pretty Cape May damsels with their beaux crowded on. Minister Wu was delighted until the light of one of the Japanese lanterns he sawn the arm of a gallant young fellow steal around the waist of one of the girls. In China this would be a most shock- ing breach of the peace. The Chinese Minister looked to see the girl resent the advance. Instead, herwhite hand found that of her sweetheart under the strawy and held it, Wu saw later the gentle hugging was being indulged in by other members of the party. Minister Wu had been brought up to different things. Taking the arm of his nephew firmly in his hand he pulled him to the tail of the wagon and alighted. "We need exercise and we will walk home," he salol, ,fend politely sayingx "good night," he and Elie young man went to the hotel across lots. There WAS an 0,Wkward pause, until a pretty girl somewhere itt the somi.darkness re- marked in a wvltisper, "WeII, roti know, the Chinese are not thoroughly civilized anyway." The Minister will say nothing as to Ixis reasons for leaving the party. no only rays the women of China do not go on straw rides. Children dry for CASTOR Ma If you can't .sleep on account of a raging toothache, Low's Toothache Gum will stop the ache and give you ease. Price IOe., all medicine dealers. Mr. B. D. Williams of Port Perry, Ontario County, is the father of ten strapping big sons. The combined weight of father and sons is 2030 lbs. lie taHe The Flo r In Agony With Pains in the Baok--Sloop impossible-Medioino of no Avail Un- til iso got Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Mr. Patrick J, McLaughlan, Beau- harnois, Que., States:-.-" I was troubled with Xidney Disease and Dyspepsia for 20 years and have been so bad that T could not sleep at nights on account of pains in the back,. but would walk the floor all night and suffered terribie agony. " I tried all sorts of medicines but got no relief until I began using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. They made a. new man of me, and the old troubles seem to be driven out of my system." Dr, Chase's Xidney-Liver I'i11s have an enormous sale and owe their popu- larity to the fact that they can be ab- solutely relied upon to cure all 'ail- ments of the kidneys, liver, and stom- ach. They are purely vegetable in composition, prompt and effective in action, and cure permanently. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers, or dmanson, Bates and Co, Toronto. DUNLOP SOLID RUBBER CARRIAGE TIRE! A new carriage tire that slakes riding on alI roads al. pleasure -economical, too, for it does away with the vibration that Shakes and breaks the carringes. A Y-shaped space between the robber tire and the steel flange preVents the creeping and cut- ting which other tires are sub- lnct„to. Soo the exhibit at tho big fairs. Send at once for Free Tiro Catalogue, giving prices of all sixes. TRE Dunlop Tire 00.1. TORONTO. I.IMITpb. tts..(UYIx. wvfltittrlGi. M(.IIiRBAL, WANTED AT ' ?NCB. Two Coat Makers. Also Two Pant Makers. WEBSTER & CO., Queen's Block. u Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. My office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Ofiict and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch orphotOgraph of invention wit:i description and statement as toadvantagge& Claimed. 431`1Vo charge is matte for an opinion as co pateutabibfit,, and my fee for prosecuting the application tett/ ,to3 "'e called for lentil She potent '((':towed, "INVENTORS' CUtatt, ' con. tailing foil information sent free. Alt Commie cations Considered as Wrist!! Confldentl8l. FRANKRa1N 1.. HOUGH Sets h' Streoe$, WAsliciarcN.IIi Itt tib 50 �fizAtis' eXpSEIISNCE Tnarse IVIanKS DastGNt3 hodGHtAnyone sanding a skotandea& lieysrbl*pinion free *mother au iprobably patentable. ConmiciaA. thins eonedetitfal. Handbook on Patentssant free, 0(dost agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn co. receive beats Mice, without charge, in ilio Scientific .A. handsomely + a0 cnlatton oionnyttit,e t1na jii rnni. T rms &4 n 10nr1 ±1111 nontbs,(1, sord-orR;i rowedenlers, 111HNN & co aeiilrosesty, }kir: yyltl, ::ranch Calces ftt 1'' 0,11.r'y u, ”' IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES TABI,I,' 'x,1.13)ik 72, " , 'j?(a,, :,p r it Til 5y ,sill ! 'A i r t It; 1'[*d3I+I'~Ir.I) tYLFnY FRIDAY MORNING -.a1,_ Tllo Times Oiilee, Beaver Sleek wr I.;f:1rA �x, oral`.>1:Io, Tri:'zatx of bt•itu i, LOTION -41.00 d't' M11111111 i71 ads Ince, ,.1. !l if rot • o fait. No x aper discos. thaw(' tell all arrears a1•st rrt+ ritiel, ea.eept at the vitt len of the patbiislatr, .awl w hall •7Ett IRena. •-- Legal else: outer euruiti adverti:,tint r)ta t c pt't•Nini ,al•lellitlt, for (list insertion, ;k' per line Up.' cath suesctlueit it,tor0010 oltivertio-cu'nts in Weal columns are clanged 10 eta. per sue. for first insertion, ia1t11 cants per lir(' for each subs( (!Hent ant+d 111Un,. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Perms fta• Sale or to Rent, and $)miler $1d,0 for first month and 10 cents for each suesequeatt month, Cot Tu tic.( Ii:tlez:s-The renewing table Fames (1 mate:; le the inser,ica (l allyt.ranoments for apeelfleil l,erioda:- rnnrr:• 1 rr.. tato. 8 no. ism. Olga Colu nni tOI.o'l $:.).11o $11.00 $f.(0 HaifOolttran !(5.01) lath) 10.00 4,00 t�u(,rter Column 11.00 10.00 13.00 2.40 .Advertisements without specific directions will la' i'lvca'tod till ft rbld ami charged elecorei- inf;1y, TI i asiout aivertist'snertts moat be paid for in advance, Tut: Jolt Dz•1ZxARmati;N . is Htod l.ed. with. an extensive assortment of all rt (iuL'itesfc'r;hint. rug, tttlbrding fe eilitit:a not equalled in the t otuityfor tui•ning•out first class worst. Large t3pt and appropriuto eats for all style i of Post- ers, hand Bills, oto., and the lett st "(;.les of c hoiee fancy type for the ilzwr classes of pl int- uit;. Proprietor toELLIOTT.elsher, AMC of HAMILTON Capital. *2,000,000. Rest, *1,231,120 President-'someSTVdw.r. free -President A. G. IttrisAm. John Proctor, Geo. Roach, Wm. Gibson A, T. Wood, A.T. P., A.13, Leo (Toronto), , Cashier -J. TURNBO'LL. Savings 1of °1 and 10 to Saturday, andinterest allowed. Special Deposits al.';o received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States Bought and Hold. Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ham imton alio: its BranehiH issue Circular Bates o hilnrinsieiit England, ensiled Dank of or rouible iu iszty 1111•t ot'tlie world. W. CORBOUL,D, Agent E. L. DICE.INSON, Solicitor. A. a E. SMITH 33 INT EL: TZ WINall elSl. Gelsara,1 Banking .lusinestt transacted. Money advance: to farmers and business men on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' ;are Nates Cashed Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of Canada and the "United States. IPotes and accounts collected on reasonable tomes. P. KENNEDY M. G...1±. 0.P. S. O . (Member of the BritiOh :Medical Associa- tion.) Golci Mectailist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Mee hours -1 to d p. nl. ; 7 to 0 p. m, DR. MACDONALD, J Centre Street Winglltini, Ontario. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC'. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate ofinterest. No comnlissionehargecl, Mort- gages, town and farm property bought and sold>, Mee, Beaver Block, Wingllain, JA. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c., wwrfngllam, Ont. L. DIC.KEr oN, . BARRISTER, ETC. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton, MCney to loan. Office -Meyer Block, Wingliam. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Collette of Dental and Licentiate tof O of the Royal over Post Office, Winglaam. ur YY T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. Special attention to the care and -regulation of children's teeth. Moderate prices'and all work y performedOfficeii BavBoWiugam JOHN RITOHfE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Winghnm, Ont. DEAANS, JiL, ■ LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sates attended in any part of the County, Charges moderato. JOHN CURRIE, Wx11Gi1Ani, Onyx. LICENSED At1CTIONEER. Sales of Fenn Stock rind Farm Implements a specialty, All orders left at Tun Trams oitico promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEEfl GS. Cain Caledonia, No. 40, meets S■ O. the first and third Monday in every month, in`the Oddfellows, Hall. Visiting brethren welteme. D. SrrwvAnr, Chief; H. B. Elliott, Rec.. Sec. JOB PRINTING, ineludinkt 13oeka, Pamphlets,Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., cttettted in the best style of the art, at ntodelaplieos, and en short notice. Bt>ortIO2NDTNG,-'-ivo aro style to iLinlollnoo that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our ,rein t attention Prices ifor Iliilding in any style will be given on application to TETE TIMES ()Pia INCE, Wingltam. ' XIAILWAY TITHE TABLES. G11Ai 'TRU1VIf ILAiI4WAY SYSTOM. iiAA itAtxs LtitV i irons Palmerston .... ,...., 0.63 a.m..,. 8.55a.m, London C, 80 a.m,.. 8.25p.m. 1t:iircardino..11.10 a.mII 2c p'in,.., 11.83p.ri1. ' AfLtItt'14 tttxomC Ittneardinc ..0.40 am. , 8.58 a.m.... 8.S.5 pat Lomat, 11,10 a.m.... 7,65 p.in ratan .4u 1>,nl. 8:88 .1', i , (0Itl7UN; Agetlt, 't'Vinghain. CiANAfIAN I'ACITaIO 11AILWAit'. TWINS L41A'Vrtit Iron Torontoict dEast......,• 1 0.82 Ti.li1....10.93n.oi. AILrtIvft nom Tee sweater...... 5.58 a nt.., 8 p.)n. Toronto and East ...... 182 la.m....I0:M8 p m. J. R. AEEM1EN, Agent, Wingtism, HOUSEHOLD DON -1",S, Ilene aro it few "' e1lt's" thiel: those• about to, ;furnish it -MUM 1Vol aid tl:a wvoll to beth ill sunt:, if t'.1"ywwish tlteirroOJns, to 1 e not only in gooit taste and artistic, 8 i but well lcQpt, sweet and cl0aal t J one comprehensive wore:, thorough ler dainty ill every respt'c.t, thoroughly - dainty Don't overload your rooms with furfli- • turn or pictures. Dazt't o]ZOOsealabez'ately desiguod epee, 1 man. . tains, hangiu 5 or tablecloths • o a. with a floral ! for a roes: Don't waste yotlr :flout,: 011 13 whole• accunaulatfota 0f cheer: brie -a -brae. It. only helps. to gather slur;t and dirt. . Don't clain hoose cur - ' r' p (club w,ltiz a� plain carpet and wall raper. Don't choose a 11111e paper and white, paint for a room, With nortlaexza--aspcot, a Doxa't indult t) x11 palette: milldu • stools or painted drain: ri e i; Don't waste your pipes. n s money all plush brackets, plush cap and 'saucer holders. or painted taltlboutfpes. DOn't drape your locking glasses art muslin, cr, for the c l with with anytlziilg at all, matter of that, Don't buy inzitaticaas 0f goo::thrab' ns the way of furnitur 4,yor afford the originals, doll i r>u cazzuot ut, and • content yourself with something is what it professes to be, which Don't tie bow on the backs of your ebairs. Do21't indulge in art muslin draperies. Don't paint your windows at all. They are more easily kept clean if with- out ch nmnn, Dosuck zu:agioraneo thtatioat a plentituclo of furniture means a well -furnished house.., It does nothing of the sort. Dou't.wwaste your money on a drawinr,.. room sidboard (so-called.) And if you are unfortunate enough to possess one already, don't overload it with cheap china ornaments. Don't buy cheap saddlebag, velvet i plainfurni.tui'e, ' o > xinaily, buy the least ninon/it of fur- niture you can da with, and let it bo of as simple a design as possible, and your house is sure to be. well furnished:— Brooklyn Times. . Simmer Colds. No cold is so bard to cure as the sutn- mer cold. It hangs on in spite of all tkdinary.treatments and frequently into consumption. what means have failed It Matters not• absohnely on Dr. Chase's you of Lin seed and Turpentine to promptly and: thoroughly euro every kind of cough and: cold. It is universally used in the best; families all over this great continent. 25 cents a bottle. Family size CO 'cents'. Mint$ for the Dairyman. Care is the great essential in dairy-. ing. Millet is good to increase the flow of milk. Do not use beef cows if you want to, succeed in dairying. - Tho feeding and milking should be - done at strictly regular intervals. Mill: should be removed to the dairy - room as soon as drawn from the cows. Observe and enforce the utmost clean - ss ablaut the cows, stables. and dairy - The time to dehorn a calf with any elnfcal dehorner is before the horns. w through the skin. Wheat is practically of the same value: barley or corn, pound for pound, for- d in the dairy. Pastures, yards and all places where ch cows are kept should be free from aying substances or anything that 1 produce noxious smells. These reappear in the milk if they are, sent. First-class. butter should not carry any - curd than can possibly be helped,, presence renders deterioration more. 1. Salt is a good preservative, but, poorer; grades must always be avoid-. as they are deterimental to the keep - qualities of the butter as woll as the. or and appearance. cart cheese shelves thoroughly after • sale, and do not place new cheese them till this is done. • ny extremes of temperature in the or cream, either 'freezing or heat - are injurious to the butter made, it, ne of the greatest triumphs in butter - Mg is to produce an articIe of a high e, and have it so without any vaira{ of quality from day to day. a 'baby' separator is used the minae t to ruin through it as soon tis cell., nt after leaving the udder, and the ' am be afterward properly matured, Dn. A. W. CHASE'S og CATARRH ARRHR CU C. ■ line ute ch gro RS fee mil deo wil will pre more Its rapic the ed, ing flay Cl each on A milking, from O mak grad Lien If xutgh vextio ere. its sent direct to the"polseased perks by the Improved dower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings tri the throat and ppermanently Cute§ " Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. Alt deater5, or Dr. A. W. Chase. Medicine Co,. Toronto and Buffaio. More than 4 0,000,000 of Irlalninillg birds' sun hires, orioles, gulls, sea birds, wings, birds of paradise andiiy.eatchors are annually used in cleoarating Wontet1's hats. -Exchange. And yet those very saltie women complain about the cruelty of live pigeon sheeting from the trap. lteadaelie all Mole. Mrs. Melbourne Parker, Torbroolt X. P., writes: 4"I have used llXilburn's Ster. onoortwo cfelt bo ter: nt n oodan taking able to got up and go on With rely work." ?rico loos and 25c,, all llealoX•se,