HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-08-03, Page 3• Little Mi8taIes • Cause •Accident$ ,, Big Ontario Traffic `roll" Ys Made urger By Drivers' • Small.Misjudgments, Witten. tion - Up until the end of. June this year there 'hare been 191 people killed in highway Crashes • in Qn- tarsi►. Last year during the same ' ale months' period, 230 were killed. ."Our records show," last week Old A, R..Rowan, .chief of the ac-' Meat division, Ontario•Department of Highwaya, •"that the majority of accidents are caused by little•341n- ta1[es. It is not .a' question .of Wild .. and (drunken, driving, hitt' a little. misjudgmen.tsi"• , ' ' Fr•.equen;t MIcjudgment of Speed • He;:'picked up a file at: raedom..'I The. two•.acoidents.:on. tb.e::top re° sulked frons •sfde;swiping: The third was caused by inattention while the driver •lighted a cigeret--a • cause' of accident, incidentally which is .seldom. reported. The next was a .skid on greasy pavement. Tlie next misjudgment of speed on a curve and :so ondown the list, all'bearing evidence of the truth of the official's claim. • Deputy ;II~irand Master `Dr. John ,McRae of •Kingston, On- tario w s ho was electeddeputy e P y grand ,who of the :grand lodge A. F. & Air. M., of Canada, in the Province. of Ontario at the 48th '• annual communication at Toronto. Color Indicates Vitamin Val. es Eminent"' American Doctor Ad- vises_ is to Eat Bright, . Colorful , Foods--;--Yellowa, Are Rich in Vitamin A Dr. Victor .Heiser, whobelieves that pharmacy is'a.n older science :than medicine,' last week .gave ad- vice on diet, pointed out' that the simplest way to be sure of 'secur- ing' enough vitamins is• to eat bright, colourful foods. • • Yellow, foods, such as butter, corn, carrots,: eggs are rich in vi- tamin 'A which is essential for good eyesight.. • Greens are rich in minerals, and in vitamins A; B. and C. Gently Cooked, Best With' a".variety. of fresh, gently cooked vegetables, no healthy' per- son need worry about vitamin de- ficiency—But it• is of vital' im portance to re:meniber;that violent boiling or prolonged .frying -kilns •• delicate vitamins. The ideal ; diet, and. the safest for 'delicatedigestion, is light , meals; simply cooked, with ,por- tions ofrare meats, raw yege- ' tables. • • Grain And ay To ,,I° eeFi Horcses -Oats, Bran, Mixed Hay 'and Root3 Are Tops.In Equine Dict • P No feeds: excel oats, bran, mixed flays and roots for horse .feeding. Oats are the safest 'and best' of • g4ains. There is a, te:ndeney to re-. • gard • oats as the only 'safe grain for horses but in some countries other grains. are used as substi- tutes for bats. • The Arab. horses, known' for their' speed and ender-. ante, are fed largely on barley. This grain is also fod to horses in northern' Europe.',Corn' largely re- places: oats in, the corn. belt •sec- ' tions of flier:lnited States. Of th L1iays, timothy .has long been considered standard for the work • horse. It fs easily Cured and tor this reason free from du:st,..but It .has' also a slightly constipating effect. Mixed hays 'have a flinch, blade, _ nedJng_ralu-e_an-d.; mineral content, being especially high 'in calcium. Farm horses should' get these i,a4her than timotiryr 'Tarnished brass carr be restored •te •,its former brightness by apply- , ing a little motliylatpd spirit on a salt cloth. Add a few drto' s of l this spirit to •rinsing water ,for or- gentile,. ►muslin' and table linen to obtain the slight stiffness required. 10F Couples .MVlarr ed' t Impressive Montreal Ceremony Two scenes following .the'. mass, marriage at Montreal Stadium show, LEFT, Henri Lepage, one of .the. grooms, saluting his bride. and RIGHT, 10t happy couples grouped.together following the ceremonies, • The founder and chaplain .ot the •Jeunesse Ouvrieve. Catholique, sponsors of the mass marriage is Father Henri Roy, O.M.1, . • ' • RADIO A N D N i . TE S. N E ,VV ' S • By •MADGE• ARCHER NELSON EDDY RETURNS TO THE AIR ` Thousands of the admirers 'Ne1= son Eddy in •Canada and the United States will cancel all engagements on Sunday night, August 13, to wel- come' the return of tho popular bar• itone 'and film star to.' the, Chase and Sanborn .Hour... Mr. Eddy re- sumes his .place on the program af- .ter a prolonged absence on 'a•.con- cert tour. Donald Dickson,, his. sub- •stitute, is : returning 'to New York to rejoin' the Metropolitan. Opera Company. It is difficult to overrate Nelson Eddy's popularity hi he entertain -e• Ment •world: This year'he was nom- inated "star of stars" in mord than - one radio poll. • H,e.is equally suc- cessful in .the concert hall and on the screen as, he •ia on the air. Eddy is :a Rhode Islander and' he was born at. Providence;. in 101:: It: was' while he was a newspaper re- port.er In Philadelphia that he 'dis- covered that he 'had a ,baritone voice of unusual "beauty and mas- culine Strength. He tirade. his debut in Philadelphia; with an amateur ' theatrical group end, later, in local. .performances of the Gilbert and Sallivan operas. From these 'he graduated to the. Philadelphia. Grand: Opera' Company' and sang roles in French, :Italian and (.er- '"'REQUIEM" `DIRECTED• BY TOSCANIDLI ,. The n xt important'-Toscanin1, • date is set for Wednesday, August 16th; when a performance of Ver- di's "Requiem" directed by •tlie • great Maestro will 'be, broadcast .from Lucerne, Switzerland. Three, 'of•the; four soloists will be familiar ' to these who listen to the•: Metro:; politan Opera broadcasts. during the winter. They are Zlnka Milan- • ov, soprano; ICerstin Thorborg; con • tralto; and Nicola; Moscone, .base. The tenor has not yet been named. The broadcast will last from 4:00 till 5:45 p.m. ,Other Lucerne events inclltsia _a .• .,concert.by the choir of Strasbourg Cathedral, on Sunday', August 13th, from' 4:30 till 5'p:m. and one by the; Sistine Chapel.." Choir under ''Dom Loronza Perks on. Sunday,,' 4ugust 27th from. 4:00 to 4:30: p.m. All are being, broadcast slyer .the ..brpC-plate . . network. • 'TO BE" HEARD', Farm Broadcasts, . 'CIf"RB, 1:05 part, Monday to Fridays; Farm Broadcasts, C'l3L• 1:30 p.m. n Mon- days to Saturdays. August ''4 11:45 A.M. CBL Actuality. broadcast Deep Sea Fishing in Nova$Sootia . 9 p.nt. CBS CFRB Raymond -Paige . 9:30 p.m. MBS' CBL Take ' A Note" (naw) •:..August 5, 10:30 . a.m•.• NBC CBL Bright Idea Club .. • 7 p.m, CBC CBL The -Little, Re- vi"e w , ::8:15 p.m. CBL Actuality broadcast from Green Island off • Nova Scotia coast.. 10 p.m. CBS Benny'. Goodman . . . August 6th, .. 2:•30 'p.m,. CBL Devotional Ser- vices..: 3 pan. CBS 'CFRB Colum= bia Sym. , . 6 p.m.: CBS CFRB Gay Nineties ... 6 p,m.. CBL Grenadier Guards Band •. 8 p.m. 'CBL :Chase and Sanbarn: Hoer ... 9 p.m. CBL' Appointment With •Agostini , August 7, 8 'p.m. CBS C•FRB Accent on .Music ...8:30 p.m. NBC Magic Key •. ,.; 101 -30 -p.m. NBC =CBL- 'Chic ago Symphony ;