HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-07-27, Page 8nti�o rteu•:1* e' Peruvian � CONTAINI IG NO..ADULTERATTION`,.OF ANY DESCRIPTION- ICBG ON. FECIas1L PR Maur Blue ., :'lied Ethel Reg THIS WEEK ; ONLY 9110e PLUS' ar 13 ala �e _ TALC • 159"e PLUS . �' 15TAX. -Oil ' l , ills' • � 100 o.'Panr�sva Y 3 IN 'SEALED- CANS OR' PER 0c' .$1.00 . Reg: °.40e, ' Per•QuartGAL• LON SlinnY rvtice 011 ' .Co. • a 14 tip wItI. '.. i..erY , " ' ICH TO :PURL ,RASE HOSIERY BEFORR r.1IE; ;,A, .CHANCE IN WE PRICES " ADVANCE, , LOVELY CLEAR CHIFFONS and Seim 'service weights of • flue silk. All the season's newest shades 75c pure si < , . SEMI SERVICE WEIGHT; Summer shade&, full fashioned•_-S..S. , Regular 75e. . Sale., . •• #9e i CHIFFON. S. • Reguaa1 11.00. S. S...Salle ..•......,... • .:.•., bye - SPEGIAI IN 'STAPLES. - ,.. WRITEBRQADC,I.OTH: 36 : inches •ivlde, 2. y:tFdsfor......,'25e .. a l ., file a.. 1016 Das�ot' fat , . , ..av fiS . • Lxdies SHEER "DRFe5E5. 'Reg: 500 for'. . „ : ;I98 STS, ' Smart styles (Jean,, Gordon). 'Sizes 14 ••MI$SE3'. PRINT'.DRES o ' 20 years ; . a .. ' ' • 05c < ' em letor P'LAN.S FORL COUNTY ' RURAL' BEAUT ♦ -*-1/'\4..1 TME -LUCK .. 7S N.TI EL '$ iiEAl oI4 FARMEi ]'OiJ111D and EN RAL . AFTER, TWO -D, -DAYS' IN' SWAMI! Miss. Belle Roberton1 is holidaying Murdoch MacIenzie, S0 -year -els'; at Pen Lake,,' Muskoka. e Mrs.. Milton' , Lowe of ••Bruseelq. is visiting with Mrd ;T. A. Leith }• Mrs:' Ed. .Snider was the guest' lath week of Mr. and Mrsa Robert Gib-. son, Wroxeter; • Mr and Mrs,• E. H. Agnew and. son at eland, • , ' swamp both the Thursday and Friday e Kincardine • Township farmer, Was 'I found early Sunday evening , after wandering. 'foe two days in the ,wild recesses `ofdra en', ec " swamp, was alA; .s• e: 1 ood ..rdrilla. aoubtfui .cif he bs'd f -. (Whig that limie relatives Cl v'r: Joe are holldaymg this . week with MacK. zie had wandered into-. the Rev.' and • ilirs H: DlacDnall prevsa s. FZeret rued ho rn e the first ���- t back b and fend& r visited .friends last; week . night. but was.. Early y .� •neighbours Friday. Early satarday he m' Pontiac and.Detroit again` disappeared into the swamp. of Marjorie and Shirley' HaldeinY , - ; Wb." found ,,Sunday, after all rtl-; roare •',holidaying` wiith their'discarded 'his. To n . tensve' ,hunt. „:he ,had aunt, Mrs. Dudley of � town•• 'I shoes and his feet were cut, blistered ltDC: Y U KN0. • BY CHARLES. WYSE Mr. and Mrs . •James . R. Hackett and swollen, while his entire body returned col Tuesday. from a _week's was a` mass of: welts from mosquito vert with relatives., at ,Detroit. ` ' and other insect bites • • Mr: and . Mrs ` Irvin McCabe' spent The old man, who had apparently a few days last week' at the ironic of list his reason,. was 'unable to give John .MeQuillin. • West Wawanosh. . any coherent 'account of his . adven, tures. He' willingly'""'allowed •,himself Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson and to. be assisted to' his home by his son Billie of Detroit are . guests of. three sons,'Walter, Ross and George; Mr. and Mrs. J: R. Melia)? 'this week, who discovered him , Mr, and Mrs. Leith visited with the Dr, A. E. H. .Couch, Kincardine„ Tatter's brother and sister -ie -law Mr. 'afterwards declared McKenzie to be and Mrs. Jarvis' Livermore of Clinton in "reasonably satisfactory condition. on Sunday. - if .no compliehtions set •in.", Dr. and ' Mrs. 'Wilfred W. Kearns "It was one chance in -a hunched and two sons of Detroit were' Sun- that they • . ever found him," .'Dr. day ,callers with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Couchsaid today. "Considering what 'rieth Cameron: .. '.. he went through, heis in fairly goo, ' The Pipe. Band was in Port, Elgin shape. He did not :have, any food, and. 'Tuesday. t tak art in his body was covered with bites . and ization which'would, sponsor farm and home beautification, on' a countywide; '� basis, • thf ough already existing' .or- ganizations- such as' the.Women's 'In- on evening o e p the Rotary Club's"second 'annual •car-, scratches.". nival and frolic. • • ." • ' I Carmen Moritt ,and Russ Button. of tzr'Wn cert ori Monday by 'mntrn- with a Kincardine ,party, bound for Western Canada.. . • !lift'. and. Mrs. Frank Cole 'spent .a yew days at Point Clarke with their friends, Mr. and :Mrs. McKinnon of London at 'their" cottage. . ' • 1 ' Keith. Harrison of Exeter and Wil- fred Harrison. of Mitchell were 'vis- i'tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell, Ashfield,. last • week., Mrs. Charles'Slade of California 'and Mrs.. Frederick Hall and Mrs. H. Jane Percy of'Kincardine • were. guests. last week of Mrs. M. Dudley. Mr, W, Wilkinson is'visiting a I striate :which. ireaches .lalmost. 10041 the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S., Me- Rep'resentatiVes from 'a large num- her. institute :branches • -' of wome>ts.. and: Horticultural Societies an Bruce, County met at the .Women's Institute. • 4 Tourist . Park, Wiarton, on Wednes- day afternoon'; last week for the purer'! _pose of considering the advisability and; practicability of undertaking ` a coney -wide rural home beautification :program. Mr. G. Ii. Gear, Agricultural 'Re- - - • presentative, acted as chairman and • introduced'.: Mrs. Ashley, President . of the Wiarton 'Women's Institute who ' welcomed the visitors to Wiarton and' to . the Tourist Park. . Mr.' John F. ' Clarke of the 'Ont- ario Hbranch; orticultural Societies Toronto, who was guest speaker, thoroughly explained the objects and .advantages of such a program which inelude:resultant'increase,in the value of property, making home surround- ings More yleasant, presenting a more attractive countryside to tourists; etc. He expressed the 'opinion that the Bruce Peninsula, which is rapidly' 'becoming a paradise for tourists,,with its scenic setting and abundance -of nativetrees, has possibilities for the development of such a program not to.. be ' found elsewhere in Ontario. Following' the ,addresses . by the sPeakers an 'open ' discussion, led by Mrs. L. G. Crozier of Walkerton, was held. Thisresulted in a motion being brought• in and .unanimously carried ry the 45 present, to form an organ- • •familiesinraceo eU - • uric. B Iltri iturai Soc G Mr.'WilkinsonWilkin returned for the .' , ieties,.,..Agricultural Societies, Farm golden jubilee services of Olivet .•Un - e r's . Clubs,. Junior `Farmers; Service- ited-church., : in which .community he Clubs, or any other organization that 'farmed for a •number of years. He might be interested in co-operating. is the father :of _Rev. T. C. Wilkinson It was decided to appoint, a' commit- of Hickson and .formerly of St. •.He1- tee consisting , of a representative en's. from the Horticulture Society end: Vlieek=end visitors; with . Mr. and one from each of the• three District Mrs, W. • W; Hill 'were Mr. • and Mrs. Women's Institutes,. the Warden of • F..I. - Stuart 'and son Bob and .Mrs. . the County, the Chairman of the Re-' Miler of Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. forestation committee, the' three P. •Norval Rogers, Mr. and ' Mrs. Albert Inspectors, the County Engineer, and Hill, Mrs; M-eWebb, Mr. and'. Mrs. the. Agricultural Representative. This Robert MacLaren,.Miss Velma, Rogers; 'committee will meet in the near fut- Mr. Lloyd Caine and Mr. Harry Mac- ure to appoint an, executive andpre- Laren -all of '• Flint, Michigan. pare a tentative. program to be •o 'sub- mitted to a, general meeting at a . later date . mother knows how •e child • Every .• • , will . cry . when a sore place ' hi' ,uli- CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CLUB 'The club'meet • as usual this Fri- day evening at 8 p.m. List Friday the message was .brought by Rev. Mr: Stewart of St. Davids, Ont:, whq, with, his wife are guests at "Rest=A-While''', Bruce Beach. The message . was • a; blessing to all who were present. We ask your: prayers for •the work and invite you to come next Friday evening and. bring a friend ,and your Bible. please. . Old . Hen: "I'll give you a . piece of good advice." • Young Hen: "What is' it ?" Old Hen "An egg a day. keeps the butcher away!" bandaged. Here is a pain ess. ay o remove bandages. Drop a little per- oxide of hydrogen where the bandage is sticking, and ;;leave for a few sec- onds' This will Igosen and cleanse the place at the same time. , Holidaying. 'In Old Country Campbell Grant, .prominent ' Bruce barrister of Walkerton, accompanier, by his wife, is . in Britain . where he. Will spend the next six weeks. Part of Scotland, file • time will be spent in Scot from which place,. came Mr. Grant';; grandfather, who was a -piper, of note in' the Oid Land, 'playing before Queen 'Victoria. • • Minister: "Now , Macpherson, why don't you fight against your long- ing ,for drink? When you are tempt- ed, think of your, wife at .home," ,.Macpherson (thoughtfully): "When the thirst is upon., me, I• am absolute- ly devoid of fear."• • a A If .custard 'curdles when you alae making it, set. it. inh pan of cold water and'beat with .an egg-whik un-^ till smooth. tr' T ---Jobs, for' 4000 provided as. THAT—Jobe Toronto 1?oet, Office "starts building ' 4bop i l igliteen months 1, ..g _ ..Eighteen steady work tom►" far , 600 . Skilled artisans.. Cost $Z;3 .tl ' new wing .,, r �. on '1 e bit sui_..Tu�►m$t `�A • ta, . n • Front Street, •THAT—Three Toronto people die ' in -. automobile ••pile ,; P near Markham: Two. others eritibally injured in Midnight, highway tragedy. . }. • , a THURSDAY,. JULY 27TH, 1939. . H In the Bea3 n -Herald roving re- porter's column, "What's Doing :To- day", be .O Ates. Mr, 4E4 . Purvis. of St. H'elen's as follo. ws: Ed. Purvis, St. Helens: I quit act- ive ea ve farming •about' eight • years ago and ,now I'm interested in sheen' and turkeys and;things, are pretty good, even though the prices aren't what they used to be. I have only,one white' turkey and•the strange thing'about it is. that the white .one is a handy bird to • have around because it leads the bronze turkeys home. THAT -.-.Nurse is tarred and feather- ed at � y. p Calgary.' Accuse :two women. 'Socially rominent Wife, daughter ,.of Calgary :doctor,, held. THAT -A "• man-' On the . street•, ;had 'drank ...something stronger than • MILK." He asked a stranger which was the other • side. of the Street. 'The stranger surprised,. Paid; "Over there",; The drunk re- plied, "Some 'fool over there tbld•. me it was here" •- THAT—An 'Amdrican Railroad en- gineer in charge • of a fast passen- ger' train was leaning from his cab while the 'train was travelling fit top speed. Out . popped his • false teeth and fell on the right of: way.. The train was .stopped and the pas- sengers joined . in the hunt for the engineer's plate. The teeth were, found.. Pentecostal Miss.on Evangelist BRUCE STALWOOD of Central Bible lneliituter Spring- field, Missouri, Will "preach in all services. ' ED. - AT 8. -P. M. . •SUN. •dt W M Children's Service 3 p.m.(', AT.) •AT' K I NLOUGH 1 Thursday 8.30 p.m. Evangelist Bruce Rtalwood will, preach. ' Miss ` M. A. McDonald -will assistin all the services .with piano accordian. • • Te 'Teed'', AtHarristen' •- Mr. -Meltvin• MacLennan, .Who been principal Of' the Teeswateii pub= Be school for the past '"four mid u half years, has' resigned' -from•' the staff. and;' _accepted ;the pof'itionof principal' -of the '.Harristbn apubl•ic school. THAT; -•--,A Winnipeg , girl t aged 25 • years committed' suicide when she jumped 250 feet" off the Prince E• - rd .•vinduet T•eront-to her ;death,. THAT From • Edmonton comes a re net that Ontario • cattle' win • in Pra r.i a Exhibition.,, Unionv.ille;: Weston and Woodbridge' breeders are tops.,, • • • HAT --Frim Chicago comes a" •re - Listen in every Tuesday •1.30 to• . •• C.K.N.X. , E.L:RIPLEY, pastor! CLUCKN O'W ' UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. C. 'l'ud.•t Pastor .. SUNDAY • ' JULY 30 , 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. SUBJECT —''THE. BLIGHT QF UNBELIEVE." 1 p.m.—Evening Worship in the ,Sunday Sc400l Room. araYns an Ouse r€SSS i WEDDINGi ,BELLS STE. MARIE—PAGE A pretty summer wedding was sol- emnized on. Saturday morning; July 15th; at 9.30 o'clock in • St. John's church Grinishy., when Mary. Florence. • daughter of the late Mr .and Mrs.. Thomas J. Page of Goderich, be came the ,bride of James Ste. and, arie, son of Mr, Mrs. J. Ste.' arie ' of St. Augustine. Rev, Father Web- ster officiated. The bride, whowas given in 'marriage by her . brother, A. Patrick Page of Detroit, wore a white sheer floor_length gown with match- ing turban,. white • 'shoes and gloves: She carried „a white ivory prayer book from which fell: white rosebuds,y intertwined with white satin ribbon. Miss Veronica Ste. Marie, R. N., sis- ter of the groom, Was bridesmaid,! in a gown of blue taffeta with match-. ing bolero: and hat. She carriedrI a• bouquet of snapdragons and sweet-. peas. ,,ilr. Thomas' J. Page was the port .that .Hogs and Worms , are grooms attendant. After. the Gere- blamed • fol-, `"•FLU". Bacteriologist I mony a . wedding breakfast was ser - finds insects .carry' swine influen= ved to sixteen guests at Hotel Grims- ya. by. The couple .heft' on a short motor • trip. and on their return will reside THAT- Speaking at Orangeville, Ex- in. Grimsby.. Guests were present from Premier E. C. Drury told his; list- St. Augustine, Detroit, Aylmer, Galt, eners that Ontario's. virgin forests .Windsor, Mitchell and Guelph. were ., nearing their- finish, • People' - are waking' up to the need of re - BIG ENGINE, PLAYING LEADING STAGE ROLE. 'Six' .hundred • and • ; fifty .'thousand pounds 'of glittering blue and silver machinery—locomotive _6400 of the Canadian National Rilways whic�.i. hauled the Royal train of King George and• Queen Elizabeth on part of their Canadian tour—is playing the star role in the spectacular drama "Railroads : on Parade" presented daily at the New. • York. World's Fair. The big engine has the leading part in the grand finale of' the, railroad presentation in which mare, . than 206 people • appear:. • • forestation; says . Ex -Premier. THAT -Britain's'' new anti-aircraft gins hurl •shells' 7 miles in the air: THAT -Send :in your __news:.items _._to. :. ',The ,Lucknow Sentinel: If you have anything to self, a small Ad. in the Lucknow Sentinel will bring re- ' suits and money to your pocket. ' 'THAT --A 92 -year-old faemer'was in- stantly killediby fast C. P. R. pas- senger 'train at Newbury, Ontario. Drove horse and buggy 'on . track. and failed., to notice oncoming train, Horse; was • uninjured. The nona- , .gena.*inn's body was hurled 200 feet. THAT—A' Detroit husband gets .a divorce because his wife ;would not mend. his underwear. His wife used, • safety. pins •,instead of thread and buttons to fix the punctures in his panties. • ' THAT -t is, alleged that, .$250,000,- 000 $250;000,000 is bet on football pools in Great Britain every year. , • • THAT—The worts Jitterbug is often quoted. We are acquainted . with June bugs, bed .•bugs, humbugs; Potato bugs, etc., but we have yet to realize the meaning of' Jitterbug. Many have seen bugs that - have given' them the jitters; TItAT=It pays to 'observe the speed law's. A warning to . spee'd fiends. Watch your speed, • fast boy. You. can't do . less than 30 days in r month in any jail. ; THAT—Many National. League Hock ey stars were at the Port Elgii Rotary Club's Beach Frolic on Tues- day. Bobby Bauer, Porky Dumart Ott Heller; Schmidt and George Hainsworth, goaltender, of •Canad- ien and,,, Maple Leaf hockey fame. George's suftball team toe real fait ters and made a hit with the faits By the way. do you know that George Hainsworth would make real double for• Premier Mitch Hep burn. George looks as :much liter "Mitch" to be a twin. 1. argans in W�nten's Fancy Si��s, Nlst Gowns, SIlk and Cotton Umd�rgaranents. Street and b-Ing0 UNDER -;AUSPICES 01, TUE CLANSMEN 1. : Lucknow ��n �• L GAMES it DAN C1Ni. S ,TAllin AT. 9 -SHARP. Bingo 4 VALUABLE plt1 ES Street, Dance JITNEY•DANCING • FLORENCE. SAUEB'S 6 -PIECE ORCHESTRA • . . If Weather' Is Unfavorable, Dance and Bingo In Town Hall. BEQUEST PERMITS PURCHASE OF NURSES' 'RES!IDENCE ' Through the,. beneficence of the late Jarvis 'Wiles, bachelor Ashfield town- ship farmer, a nurses' home has been purchased for Alexandra .Marine and General', Ifs spiital,-Gederich. .• .. The nurses' homeis located across the road from the hospital And is a' former private 'residence, ,For • two years it has' been in use by the hos- pital on a •rental basis. The purchase - price was not disclosed. Mr. Wiles left.. the residue .of his estate, about $20,-, ' 000, to' Alexandra Hospital '. for the,. construction or purchase 01 a nurses' ' home and for assisting in the care of patients . "other than indigent , pa • tients": Mr: Wiles `was a :.patient in the institution before:his death; . Paye' Fine , Arising out of'.an accident on the Bluewater highway 'south of :'Kincar=• dine on July 9, a Lucknow man paid a fine and costs of $31.50. Traffic. Officer -E -4 -TA -Webb of Gaderich test- ified 'as ,to the mishap, in which the aceused's car went into the ditch. -Acting for the -defendant; :Hier Mc Nab ' claimed - a blowout had caused his : client's car to swerve into an- other and .go into the ditch,—Kinear,- dine News.. A Won Bowmanville Car • With •' several tickets sold locally, it will be interesting to know that Bill Canipbell, iSouthampton• dairy- man was the winner ,of the Chevro- let coach, as the major ,Prize in the draw at the 1'3owmanville Lions Club carnival. held recently. • SOOTHING ' WORDS LURED COW AWAY. A despondent cow apparently at- tempted to commit suicide at M.11ers' , Falls; Mass., recently, by lying down on the main line of the Central Ver- mont Railway a few minutes before the fast freight trait -"Recker was due. Four sectionmen vainly 'attempt•• ed to move 'the animal . with .shovels, ropes, halters and words, kind and harsh. Finally the owner, an uniden- tified woman arrived, addressed the cow' in soothing Italian. The. animal '. sighed; rose and was led away. Bargains in Street resses