HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-07-27, Page 5• • . ,. I a T• THURSDAY, JULY 2H, -19.3.9. . e Theatre Wik.GHAM. ' SHOW STARTS ATS P.M. EXCEPT .SATURDAY SATURDAY NIGHT TWO SHOWS A;J' 7.45 and 9.45 p,m: MATINEE •• SA'I'URDA•y :`.FTEit,N(1()N_ AT' .3J, p•m hursli,' Frit! July ..: SIIJt:ISL• Also „AflMISSION' RICHARD,,ANITA . • ' GREENE •:' LOUISE IAN 'HUNTER-CESAR ROMERO. ARTHUR TREACHER. -. MARY NASH SYBIL.JASON MILES MANDER • A 20th:.C.9ntury.-Fox Pwtuce a Sport Subject,'. And•."New. s ADULTS'' -35c. • CHILDREN -20e • Mon,: ,,rue.. Wed., July 31., Aug. FAY BAINTER MDA' LUPINO "The *4y . -ad The .Nob';' .. : : When Fay. Bainter; a iaocicty ;lady decides. to clean up ,the city's rackets, .she provides the, year action -packed, laugh hit. • . • • ALSO "SUE •MY LAWYE t" '"SCREEN-SNAWSI•CO'IS" " (4RTOON" • I l• MikTl1s1.EE SATURDAY AF'1'•k R�.100N- AT 2,30 AI):MiS:3 ON• .. AD•ULTS-=:5c • 'CHILDREN ---15,c CREWE Mr..: and MrsKenny Campbell and fanvly •Mr.' and ,Mrs. Ilet'b. Curran,' Mr. and. Mrs. .Jack Curran and family spent Sunday at, •Grand. Bend, •' • Mr: and •Mi?s. Stanley' Fines • end daughter Suzanne. of Toronto spent' a few~ days. with Harold and Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil Blake. . Miss Margaret' .McKenzie of `:Part 'Albert was the guest of .her cousin Mabel Quaid on Friday. • Mr.. and Mrs. Wilfred Dlieniian,'Loi • . rainne, and J. C, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,Eldon Twamley at their cottage at Port Albert on Sunday. • • ' Miss torainne Durnin underwent an operation for appendicitis in God- erich Hospital on. Monday. Her many friends are glad to know' she is get•• ting elope so well. ' Miss Helen Quaid of Winghani spent the week -end. at her home here. Mr. and •Mrs.,Ben. Comfort and En- nis of St. 'Catherines are • Spending their holiday; with friends here., • • Mrs. Fenn t, Dentin. of . Kitamat, B. C., visited with her sister. Mrs. Matt -Shackleton 'during the week.. . Miss Bernice Duirnin :spent last', • week with, friends in. Goderich, • ••tea- .. ;,. W.. 1. 'SPONSORS. SUCCESSFUL ,PICNIC. M. HELEN'S NEWS) .THE :LUCKNOW•'$.ENTINE PAGE FIV17- The annual community picnic spon- sored by the Women's Institutee' Was • held at Kincardine n Friday when a very pleasant . time was spent. In the afternoon a program of sports was carried. "oat under the .direction of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson Waith the fol lowing results children's' race, 5 and •under, 'Ann • Todd, .:jean-McPhersox»; Murray Gaunt,: girls 640; Margaret McPherson, Fieeence:.McPhe4son; boys :6.-10, :Roy 'Aitchison, Billy Webb; girls 444; Mae. McDonald, Potothy.'Webb, girls .15 and '.over,, Winnie Barnard, • Ieabel, Miller; boys 15, ;tid oVer;' Gov I dao •Miller,• prank McQuilj,in, mar> ivied' ,; ladies; , 11 rs.w A G.atr;nt, Mrs W , _A.' 1VLiller; married ink • • Gordon Mc- Pherson, Fred McQ.uilliri; couple race; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson, Mc- Kenzie Webb and Mae 1VLeDonald; sack xace, Billy',MePherson, Florence McPherson; 'three-legged. race,• Roy Aitchison and Billy McPherson, Mar- i garet . Aitchison and Dorothy Webb; ' wheel' barrow race,' prank' McQuiliiu and .Russell Webb; throwing:the .ball, Mae .McDonald, Mus.: Gordon McPher- son; putting the shot, Gordon Miller, ` Fred Melleillin;, curtsey to the Queen • Winnie 'Barnard,` Mildred McQuillin. . I Latera a Soft • ball game: wits •-.played with Gordon , Mi11er and, Ross Mc- Plierson • with the •vietbry going to the foriner's . side., FOURTH CONCESSION The ;July meeting. of ,:the U: 1+. W. U. was held . on Thursday, 'at the home of Mrs. Dan McK•innon,.'6th conces- sion, 'with a large attendance' of vis- itor; and •;nieinbers present.. Mrs.. A. Mcl{innon• presided and the meeting opened with singing the Opening ode, followed ,t>y repeating, the. '.Lord's 'prayer in unison. The roll call was ,responded to by.'name and birthplace of'grandparents. The minutes of last Meeting and some letters •of thanks were read • by Mrs. Archie Maclhtyre. During the business period:it was'de- c'ided•• oil 'to join 'with, South Kililoen, and' have a picnic at Tout's Grove. rk.v. IL C. Todd' was the guest'speak- er 'and took as his' topic "The For, gotie1i •Canadians". This was very in- t ere. ting and enjoyed by all present. Alis Rhelnel, Marshall sang., a solo, playing her own accompaniment. Miss Mary 'McLeod •.gave. :the Current events. Mrs. Cecil Robb gave a 'talk on, the Handicapped Child which was ✓ ery good: , Little Miss Purdon sang- a solo "Any. Umbrellas to fix. Today", which • was. ,much enjoyed. Miss Blanch., McDougal and hall 'a -.,dozen g irls, , pupils of S. 'S.• No. 7, gave a little sing -song• to illustrate spine of the music taken' in the schools. TIis was vouch appreciated. A • ,vote 01 thanks wail given the ,hostess for her hospitality, and to those taking pari , in the 'airograTlime. Singing of. the National Anthem brought the meeting to a close, Refreshments were served rtnci a tileasant time spent The August aneeting is • to be at the hoine of Mrs. Wm. Maclntyre. Roll Call "A Canadian City and one thing ted for " • •ASHFIFP D N(YrES• Mr. and Mrs. Figgins and son John of St. Catharines and Mrs. R. Me Donald' of Dungannon spent .Wed -'1 nesday afternoon with .Mt". arid'•Airs. Gordon Ritchie. • ily. "visited with •Mr. and Mrs. Makin- I Mr'. and Mrs. Wm. Minter and fain • non of Tiverton. • • • I Mr: Donald Payne and Gerald Ilelni of Dorchester returned home after spending the past inonth with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helm. , • Miss 'Dorothy Dreneaii •is visiti i 1 her,sunt Mr's. A. helm at present. t ! . ,Miss Irene Hogati R:N.,, of Detroit' is holidaying with her parents at. ,present, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Robb spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 110.- Ritchie. • . Dr.. and Mrsl Tans ii corhpairied by, Mr. and Mrs. Ian McLeod and. fancily Visited with iMr. and Mrs. W. Helot I one day last week. Mr. 'ami Mrs.' Nilson Raynard acid family pent Sun aav 'with 1..es Ritc4-h-1 - re,s. 1. Messrs Hist" and ' Will •Hogan re- turned home Lifter a week's visit irh ,The •Wor'ld's i ''Fair ttd tith'ei Their cousins Messrs .lames turd •John J. arid Misses Loretta and Margarei Hoganreturned also to'bid farewell to their\ friends here b 'fore leavin>' for then home in 'Cur ri'ng'ton, North' Dakota. • 1' • +r MAFEKING Mrs. Melvin, Omens and two daugh- ter's of Detroit ,are visiting at • the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Phillips.' Mr. Baillie.' Stothers of London spent laiirt of last week •with M. 'and Mies. Henry Horton. Mr. 1. M. Kilpatrick, • Clifford and' Harvey spent a couple ,of days last. week in Toronto, . "The July meeting of the W. M. S. was held last Wednesday afternoon, at, the home of ' Mrs.. Godfrey it was the children's' meeting and •a; verv" interesting pt er sm e was giv- en.en. Tin' meeting opened with the pres- idet'it, Mrs. ,Iris. Henry in the chair; Hyinn number 609 was sung, •folloty- ed by `the Scripture reading by I)on. net Irony. Hymn nunrber 613 was then . used; followed. by.t a reading by Doreen Irvin. A quartette was then given: by Lorainne and Alleda Hall, and Et:helwayne and Truth Daniels. • Visitors .'in the community included Misses•. I,;enore. Logan of Ripley,. Mil- dred Iluglies of .; Orangevillie, :`Jean Reese of Waterloo With • Miss Irene Woods;, Miss Anna Stuart and Misr Star.°rte of T' aceto. with .M.r. and Mrs. George Stuart; Miss Marjory Leask and 'Mr:. Jim Leask'of Toronto. at Mr. ITugh K. Rutherford's; Mr. Robert Mc.Guire,.,Mr. and Mrs. Horace McGuire,' Mr. 'Dora :and 'Miss • Evelyn Tudor of London with Mr. and 'Mrs. E. J. Thom;• Mrs. Clark and 1Viis's,A ti- na, Clark -of Guelph''witli Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Webb; Mr.. Neily ' Todd: of Stratford at his honie here; Mr: and Mrs. Wm: Dougherty of ,Guelph ,and' Mr, and .`Mrs Wilson Woods of Dun,: das•` with Mrs, R. J. Woods; M`r." Rob-• ert Hamilton, Misses Jean and Agnes ,Hamilton and Mr. Tom Beatty of Londesboro with Mr. and Mrs: E. W. }lice. .. . The annual : social' -meeting of'' the W: M. S: was held .in'the church with Mrs. W. I. Miller presiding and with members of the' Whitechurch Society as guests. Miss Jean House of Water- lod faVovred with an, organ solo arrd Miss Irene Wciods gave a ' reading, "Life Needs Us All" by Edgar Guest. A solo 'by Mrs. Scholtz'and a duet by Misses Agnes ,Gilespie and Mph i 1 Watt sill .of Whitechurch, were' nruc•h•. enjoyed. Mrs,. Barnard told the. ,in teresting, story of the life of Mary, Reid,, the mother to the lepers. At the close of the meeting' a. pleasant Social hour was • enjoyed when • lunch, was• served.. - Miss Irene Woods is spending. this week as : an instructress 'at an Inter- denominational , Sumner°. •School near Paris.` She was 'accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robinson' Woods who 'tvi�l spend the week as guests , of Mr... and Mrs: Henry Woods at Galt. There was a fine attendance at• the. meeting 'of the 'Ye P, • 13. on Sunday evening.' Marie 'Swan" read' a poem' on " Kin.dness" and the- •toplt P!ui posar was. taken .by Rev. �Mr. Barnard; Mr; Porn Wi•Ison . of Whitechurch has been engaged' as principal of the.,, St. fielen's'school. Recent giiests with Mr. and Mrs. John Swan included, Miss Iona Swan of Crewe, Mrs; Jos. England of Ltick- n.ow. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Park, Beth and Jack and •Mr. Carman Haines .of Dungannon. The August meetiing, of the Wom- en's Institute Will be.held on• Thursday ,August; 3rd. Roll call—"A. household task 1. thoroughly detest". Subject in charge of Mrs., E. W. Rice, ,Holme Economics convener..Program .Com- mittee—Mrs. McKenzie Webb, `Mrs, E. J. Thom. Denionst'ration on making cottage cheese by Mr's.. Jas. Gaunt. Hostesses-.-4frs. Lorne Woods, Mil- dred:'MVIcQuillin, Lila Humphrey.• Margaret Phillips Bien gave a read- ing, Duets were given by Donna and Audrey Jean 'Henry, and Elva' and;, Fern Twamley. A clarinet sola • "The Holy City" was given by .Donald Stothers Mr. Hall , then favoured bvith, a short talk. A number• of solos, followed : by the . following: Jean Stothers, Muriel Wilkii}s, -Jack Stoth- ers,. Kathleen Stothers, Lottie Saun- dors and Howard Blake. - A mouth or- gan selection • ' was the given • by Irene:. Menary. Mrs. Jas. henry gave a story and the . meeting closed' with hymn number 623, •arid prayer by Mrs. Richard Johnston. 'Lunch was theft served. • C Id 'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • tubl.ished every Thursday morning at Lueknovr!, Ontario. Mrs. A. . D. MacKenzie -Proprietor Campbell Thompson—Publisher THURSDAY,. JULY 27TH, 1939. DUN,GANNON OCTOGENARIAhi WOULD LIKE TO FLY Robert Armstrong, 80' year 'Old for? mer rural mail courier,.is bored al- ready after a week of. .retirement. For 35 'years: a• postman throughout Nitron- Cou ity, he said a few days ago he Was thinking of learning to fly. • Five years ago. hp. 'decided. Ilia 'h.or-. "ses. were out oi''style .end at the age if • 75 bought;, aa. cars Within Awa -days 'he' paTssed` a d'river's' test wilith•• ing colors. NEW AGENT • Norrnan K.MacLeod;'. agent ' at Kin- eardine% for the Prudential Life ; In- <urance. Company; succeeding B. W. Kearns, who was transferred,to Clin- ton is ''no stranger ' to the • district as ,he was born near 11ipley and `spent 17 :years of :service with the 'company at ` Goderich: Mr' MacLeod has • been Et- repres entative of the company since 1916:° • s DONNYBROOK Mr: and • Mrs. Arthur, Horley and family of Beecher and Mr. Bob, Evans of. Wallace/sure were- Sunday- visitors at the liome of the 'fornier!s uncle, :Mr: J. C. Robinson. Miss Josephine 'Thhoinpson of List' owe' visited last week-with'her• ,cous- in Miss : Ruth Thohipson.. ' Mr. Harry Moss of. Glencoe spent the week -end with his part Tits * Mr. and :Mrs. Fred Moss:,.' , Mr. Wallace Cunningham , was • a recent visitor with his .mother, Mrs. J.:Cunningham . ' - Mr. Melvin' Craig of'.liotiden was a Sunday visitor with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs.; Jas. Craig. ' The Womexi's . Institute will: meet onWednesday. August 22nd at the home of Mrs. John Redmond. Roll call sing . or say"; current' .e -vents, Miss Lucy Thompson; mtisic, Miss' Mae Redmond; topic, Miss J.' I. Me. l Allister; "hostesses, ,Mrs. M. • McAlli- ster; Mies Rebecca' Thompson, ' Miss M. A. Brophy and Mrs. Thos: O'Mal: 'The Misses ,Joyce Carter; of 'Sea - forth and Margaret Tamblyn. 'of Mul- let visited last week with Ilene'avid Ronald Taylor. Rev. and and Mrs. Elmer • Taylor . and family of Wheatley were Sunday ,ria itors at the home of .Mr., 'and Mrs. Bert Taylor: • . COURRIE'S CORNERS•. Miss Hewitt 'has. been visiting with her friend, Miss Jean Nelson. • Miss Dorothy Drennan ,is visiting 'with Mr: 'and . Mrs. ;Albert Heliii of Zion.' Mr. and Mrs. John Fattish, Mr. and Mrs. ,Lorne Farrish and family' visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' Robb of Pinkerton. Mise A,nn'a Mae Farrish has return- ed home, from' Mr. and .Mrs. Carl Pol- loek's Miss Mary Alton 'left. with Mr.. and Mrs. Wesley ,Alton of, London for • st it;ip to Algoma 'and other ,pointe. Mr: and Mrs. 'James Little •and 'Joyce spent the weelhend with M•i•. and Mrs. Smith Of. Teeswater. Miss Audrey. Smith returned with 'them. • Mrs. Ewart Jamicison and Pearl spent last week with friends in Tor- • onto, - • ' Mr. and w . Roy•Stingle and fam•• ily called on Mr. and Mrs. James Drennan • and. Mr. Richard Twainle, one .day• last week. . I Mrs. Roy of Detroit is 'visiting with . her sister Mrs. Roberti .How- ard. Messrs. Robert' Farrish and • Kwith I. Johnston Lett for n• trip to Northern 1 Ontario last week, • c • • ' Reformer: "Stop, do you think a 1 glass of that vile stuff will quench your thirst;?" - Sailor,:.' o, sir, I'm gonna drink the whole jug:" ' Screws which' have become fiNily lodged should have a feather dirtied in vinegar 'hissed, around• them, After a While they will turn easily. To remove, stains from .knita.het- dlee, dip a piece of, damp flannel in table salt and rub;.'.the hardier well with it,., ' Empty a• freshpacket of .tea on to a ieee'of brown paper and place for a few minutes in a warni even This 'makes the "tett go farther, and• ' t,_: improves the, flavour, ZiCN . (Intended ]dor Last Week ) Miss Jean Ritchie, R. N.; of Byron is spending her vacation- at her Thome h, , i Mrh' tonsils reeremoitdd in.Eldon WfRitcn�hieamhad_ Hospitalhis ' on Monday . Visitors with Mr.'and Mrs. Richard Gardner were Miss Ada Webster of Lucknow, Master Bob. 'Webster, Port Credit,, Misses Eva and:Shirley Dick- son; Toronto:. •; - Mr, and Mrs. Richard Gardner; Mr. and Mrs, •H .Gardner visited.'in. Wing - ham on Sunday. . Miss Ella Hunter of Laurier .was. guest''for the week=end; with Mr and , Mrs. "WM: Minter, Jr: • • -Mrs. Jas' Cooke, Toronto, visited •,with .. Paramount' friends over he. week-elld.° : ` • ..a . Quite a number. from Zion' spent the 12th of July,' in. Kincardine. Mrs. Joh Helm has been confined to her bed'. for the past. few weeks With •a heart condition. Her many friends hope she will make a . speedy recovery. • Mr, and 'Mrs. Gordon 'Kirkland and David, Mrs. Isaac Andrew, , attended .the anniversary at Olivet On Sunday morning. Mrs. Andrew remained to enjoy the Olivet . picnic . held ,on day at Point Clark. • ' Mr. David Anderson; has.gone to. Lcindon to take a summer course: Mr. Anderson has been engaged as teach er for the- coining .term" on the Oak- ville 'public `school staff. ` Miss. !Kathleen Gardner spent Mon, day 'with • St.. Helens friends. • ( . Mrs. ' Robt. Andrew visited Satur- day. with Elora and Guelph friends: I • Mr. Robert Andrew and Miss Ellen spent the 12th,of July',at'Brussels. - . COULDN'T `FILL IT Subscribers to the . Wyanet Record; a ,weekly, received their papers Sat- urdayj'with one' page of a -four-page section blank except for the following in small type:' "Don't'laugh. .,;We had -I.. a helluva time filling the other three pages." • BORN 1 PETRIE—In • Alexandra. Marine and General . Hospital,• Goderich,. on! Monday, July: •17th, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs.' Charles' Petrje,Concession 4;'1 Ashfield township;, a son. 11F1RE.I US.TRYIN .EVERYU.fY 'MEE By ':Dr. H: 'G; L tiler •Photo Canadian Industries Llinitedj,l,' A . / - • Piped T,HE. child who• -swallows a penny, :or his,parent who justhas a p'a'ir sore throat, will soon find their phy-` sician betterequipped to cope with the. emergency. New surgical instruments - which • can carry .light, around curves, per nutting illumination,' of any affected inner part of the body, were intro- • duced recently ' to • the '.Americari •,'Colrege',of., Surgeons, 'and are now • being male in. Canada. The .nein' toolsof medicine are made, of ''a pla,st. c -material , called aLitcite'•' methyl, methacrylate,' the tongue= twisting designation'ari•sing from its • chemical constituents.-. ' • • Clear ,as glass, it h'as the peculiar. •pr'Operty • of '•transmitting ' light throughout• the entire length of• a rod, so that the electric btalb supply- ing ►t•can be_in.the' handle of the in- strument, rather than actually at its end,,inside the -patient's body, as has' previously been the case: Where there's',. light there's heat, perhaps; but not nearly so much, of it .to harass physiciari and patient with these new plastic instruments; Above is a dental light which focusses the beam'ekactly where desired. Light• • Thus the lower ti(p., of..the iiistrri ... rent, down in the 6 throat can . be made to shine with' a brilliant'1iight, to illuminate .the entire tract, and•by frosting. any. part of -.the •surface, the beams • .can ,be •, at,; the end but. on'whatever best light the sufgon's work.' }feat, glare or,electric shock, •which natur- ally .accompany a lighted bulb in-• ' . seated into the body, are also elini- : \• inated in 'the new ;instrument,' tile, • source• being far avray-. from, the • lighted end. • The ,characteristic of the' ni'aterial whieh''pe•rmits the :Ugh t-trapsmi ssion • is a• peculiar optical property 'ac- cording. to chemists Who:spent years p ' of research in its: development. The , .. rays .,of light, ,travelling Tip the in- . terior•, of the rod literally. "bounce': ,as they ' strike the highly -polisher side's. Being unable' to,penetrate,th• exterior wall, they "slides td,. down` inner.shaft'until they reach the ` • r ' cis fi bV 7e me our Bring tIc ewspap rinting 1'Oh' 1:Xi'Et.' 1' Yoitr Home Newspape.r to gi:e • Yea All 'fits. 'is •,.. 1'O[: F.X1'13t' ' Your 'New'sspaper To Take Lead •In .Advocating (`oininunity Betterment.... • YOU EXPF+;1'1' your' Newspaper To Boost For (Good Roads, Gond .:'schools, And Support ('.am- numity Cele brat inns and '•.t (aciations.... YOU 1~:`;1'1:("f • your Nc wi.paper To ' Suppbri Cont 'Toni; y. l lr'ivc -, For Charity. Etc • n 1'Ol' k Xl'Ecri 1'o•ur Newspaper To :Help Bring People 'l'o Luekntn . '.•- . Tei .interest Them In Thi, Town.. . ' • YOUR NE11'r+Pal' :R Try; 10 Do These Thin;;`: And help You. . The Next Titne. A Printfity' S a be s ni art Valls 'On You. Tell Hint Printing At The You're-.. (:Tang :I'o liuy Your Local Ne' pal>er• Office. •' WE 01441iit YOU; The Same Or '.letter Quality At As Low' Or Lower Prices And.'Cuarantee tire• • . - ter And Quicker Service Than You Can (;et F"rota • Out•of-tnwit Printing Houses. 1 r. Your Printing .To now a • a • "FINE ATTRACTIVE' Ar)V RTISi.ING".. .4.44 a ,1 1'