HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-09-14, Page 5THE W1NGUAM Tins :SEPTEMBER 14t l , Do yoDoyou wonde 'tat we're busy? How could we be otherwise when we are selling all our summer goods at cost. Pretty Mullins worth 15c and 2oc, selling at loc. Yarcl wide print 8c a ycl ; Past colored Prints 5c yd. Bargains in Whitewear. A large consignment of French Flannelettes to hand this week. Just the dandiest goods at a small pries that you could possibly guy for Waists and Wrap- pers. They come in Polka Dots, Plaids, Checks and nicely Flowered Patterns. We have nothing old or shop worn to work off—re- member that. The busy store at the busy corner. Button Block. Everyt 1 0 NEWS FROI O 'R BORS EVERTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OU.R. READER'S. • Whit Wxdoawalto Thies Correspondents Oomrnunloazto Atli xteras Clipped I''rom Our Exchanges. apt: El .N I). People in t1ii v]einity axon resh- ing. bar. J, Wilson of Chicago was as guest of J. Taylor, last week. a>, very enjoyable evening was spout by a number of young people eta Tues- day last at the home of Airs. Coulter. Arch. Gordon, of the 13. Lino, bas sold his 55 acre farm to Rebt, Stapleton, of East Wawauosli, at a fair price. David McOoual(1, sr.•, has been on the sick list. We tare pleased to learn that he is improving. Tho Trustees U. S. S. No. 7, Zetland aro advertising for a new teacher. Duties to commence first of 1901. We understand Miss Higgins intends study- ing for a second-class certifloate, Gel Painting, alterations, improvements, finishing, cleaning, renovating, all completed. We are now prepared to do busi- ness in the very best stand in town. Our stock of Jewelry is new,;,up-to-date and decidedly of the finest kind. Our optical gogds; comprise everything known to the science. Couple that' with thorough and skilful workmanship and you have the strongest combination. J. OPTICIAN AND JEWELER 7iAiiJEIi:Y NU_ Take notice that the Wingham Cider and Jelly Mill has co manenced operations and will run Every Tnaesatay, W ednesday, " Thursday and Friday until season is ended. O YOUR .APPLES S IN G ALONG �3 and have them made into Sweet Syrup or Jelly without extra expense. DAVID E. HASTINGS. friOLS IJILDER an CO TEA.0 OR We are still in the , ik prepared to take co • raet all ldnds of build' gs. Plans and notice. W sonahle World's Champion Realer. "I tried many remedies to cure piles" writes W. R. Smith, of Latham, 111., "but found no relief till I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I have not been"troubled with piles since." Grandest pile cure On earth and the best salvo in the world. 25c per box, guaranteed by Colin A. Campbell, druggist. ' noun Es, Mr. and Mn.. ,Toga Maliuing attending the wedding of Miss Winuie Raynard tit Ethel last wools. Miss Mabel Fisltc.r, este bas !feed 'vis- itiug with relatives on the 5111, line for the past fifteen anoiatlas, left bait waek for or home in Yellow Grass, Mr, James Craig, vlao. has, been ill with dropsy for th -east six; inoutlas , died on Monday anoruiag, Deceased was born in Southold and maim to Morris 40 years ago from Blandford township, Oxford county. Ile leave:, ca widow and 12 children to uaouro his loss. Tho' fun- eral took place on Wednesday afternoon to the Union eminate ' and was very largely attended, d A VFL7 ITL IUIL �Cii. (X 1 On Wednesday of last week the home of W. Kew, G.T.R. agent here was the scene of a happy event when. his daugh- ter, Miss Annie, was married to J. A. Skelding, of Shelburne. Rev. Mr. Leech, uncle of the bride, and .Rev. A, I. !Brown performed the ceremony. The bride was dressed in white organdie and and lace and looked very pretty. She was assisted b her sister, Miss May and assisted by his brother, ter the ceremony, 'the hap - any was photographed by M. business and are the erection of ecifcatlons furnishe ksnanship guaranteed an tes. n short res- the groom t Arthur, py com- E. Zurbrigg, and then the guests sat down to a choice repast. The happy couple left for a trip to Toledo and other cities, followed by the good wishes of many friends. They will settle in Shel- burne on their return. WM. NICHOLSO Residence Diagnol street, opposite :Francis street. TH CREAT NORTHWESTERN EXHIRITI WILL 13E HELD IN Tuesday and Wednesday I0 —ON— T. i 8&19 Tv But Uvita, Tl? THONla WHO igiI, SICK MAK Uri DEN' SSRD• :XX'a:t 1ir.:.I.ti (Otl0ON, or WIXXTI;. nom ,71.111.144, N. 5., TRW; ROW srni IIT:iGA,INIr.» IX1:.iLxt1 AND ADVX : i4 otIXI'n 3 To r -Yr• LOW IIFIC T:i JII'X•E.. Props the Acndl"n, woltville, N. 5. At White hock Mills, witlda sound of the uolay swish of the Crasporeau river, is a pretty little cottag'. In this CC/MVO 111er3 ('.wells t` ith her parents Mise Belle Coheen,. a my b.i ht and attractive young lady w!lo Ojos s a lively interest in all tho e utrclt and society work of the little village, A short time ago an ,A.cadien representative caned upon Miss Cohoon for the purpose of ascertaining- her opinion of Di•. Wil- limns' Pink Pills—which remedy he had boon informed she had been using. ! 3t� was very cordially received and found both Miss Cohoon and her mother Most enthusitistic and ardent friends of this great Canadian remedy which, is now so universally used throughout the world. We give below in essentially her own words Miss Cohoon'sstor "Throe years ago this spring was very nisch ran down, been feeling well for so when spring opened up a became warmer my worse. The lea' c and was follow GLX:N1 ananOW. 44.,444'"' Quito a number from this vicinity at- tended the Harvest Home Service in Wroxoter on Sunday and the tea -meet- ing on Monday evening. A. very pleasant evening vas spent by a number of young people at the home of Mrs. Joseph Higgins (Maple Avenue Farm) on Friday last. Rev, Mr. West, of Bluovalo, conduct- ed prayer meeting at H. s,3cDougal's on Stuff last. Mrs. Fleming and son Frances return- veal'noss and rapid palpitation of the ed to L' ondon on Saturday. t ' We are sorry to hear of Miss 1I,11Iillian heart. I seemed to lease my ambition, Rev. W T. Hall who was attending the being sick. We wish her a speedy re and a feeling of languor and slugishuess Exhibition last week was consequentlyftiilecl me E4$1 WAWAOS 112iss Grieve, teacher of B. B. o.► East Wawanosh, has been re -ear ed ttQ teach for 1001, The ti as steel have shown, their appreciation alter servioes by siva leg her a liberal increase of Mary. Mr. John Elliott left on Thursday of a short visit to Ohio. On Sunday evening of last week the infant son .of Mr. and Mre, P. W. Seatt passed away to its heavenly home. Much sympathy isfelt for the parents. Geo. W. Sowler, who has .spent most of the past eight years in Manitoba, is home on a visit. A voters' list court of revision for this township will be Bels at :the house of Daniel Geddes, Belgrave on Thursday, 27th inst. Mrs. James Hoary lett on Menday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Dau Henry oft Michigan. Mrs. Robert Shiell who was attending the Fair in Toronto was unable to return. hoose on. Monday .on account of an ill- ness, Many will with deep interest crud. heart- felt syunpathy for the bereaved. . ariends read of the sashimi death berlaucl, of'Ieeswate ,. • • '.ss Annie Chatnney of ..d event took plaoo on Seaweed. -Janet et six o'clock: at her home, The cause of her death is doubtful, she having gone up stairs to put the baby to sleep she was'found dead iu a short time lying . beside the sloepiug baby. She was in. the best of health and strength. Barely the is truth who says "Even in the midst of life we are in death." Mr. R. Leishman attended the wed- ding of Miss Ellen Nethery of the graxel to Mr. James Noble of the Oth coo. Mrs. Patou left on Tuesday for Mani- toba where she will visit her daughter. 1th not e and e weather ion became exhausted me y an awful feeling of covery. Messrs Stitt and Moore of rJ.'eeswiater visited (>n the Oth Sunday last. Miss Clara Millis i left for Harriet= on Monday last. She purposes going to High School in that town. Mrs. 13. Henning and son Eldin visit- ed on the 6th Sunday last. A wedding is expected in the near future. Who is it? A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy spells when thousands have proved that Elec- tric Bitters will quickly euro suck trou- bles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phobo Cheriey of Potersou, ,Ta., "and a lame back pained ane so I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and although 78 years old, I now am able to do all my housework." It overcomes Constipation, improves Appetite. gives perfect health. Only 50c at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. Prize List : ggreg. es $2,000. Only '2 Days, but the w 1 both be Hummers. No Wa' 4 c Time. Everything begins on • o'clock on Tuesday. YOU ARE IN TED TO ` ► a ME AND SLE. The Leading County 1.0ern Ontario, held in t and Prettiest Town i It has the Finest Ontario, No other Con Track, or s . Yommodion. Music Ooderi E of West- Healthiestanada. ruit Display in y Fair bas so good well arranged and Grounds and Buildings. ach day by the famous Marine Band. The offered in P:UIIN. AU Mr. Grant, returned missionary from China occupied the pulpit of the Presby- rian church, Sunday, September 2nd, and gavo a very interesting.talk of mis- sion work in China. The Methodist people closed their morning service and came to the Presbyterian,eliurch, Mrs, Nathaniel left last Thursday on a visit to Cleveland, , Ohio, in company witlallier brother, John Elliott,of Wing - est Speeding Programme he County. TUI;SDAs— The Great Fat Prize WEDNESDAY' -- 2.20 Pace and 2.16 Tro 2.80 Paco and 2.26 Trot, 2,45 Pace and 2.42 Trot, ers' Trot or Pace. $80, $20, $15 and $10. li Reeve Lockhart and wife paid their daughter, Mrs. J. Johnston of Wingham a visit last Saturday. • We are glad to hear of Mr. J. Johnstone gr vino* trade in the bakery business.1 Miss Nicholson of Chicago and Albert. Nicholson of Manitoba, returned to their positions; this week. Mr. Nath. Johnston attended the To- aonto Fair this week. A neat brtek woocl shed has just been completed at. IT. S. S. No. 16, East Wawanosh and will no doubt be agreat addition to the comfort in winter. Mr. Steer is to hold an entertainment on Sopt. 12th iu the S. S. '-Not.'16. Mr. Steer is a blind man and is aceempaliiecl by his daughter. The entertainment will be composed of Magic lantern scenes of the South African; War and the gram. aphono songs. Suoh pieces ` as "Freak the news to Mother" and "Bealah" will be given. ' The young ladies of the Ordline had quite a paring -bee last Monday evening at N, J'ohnston's. Apple hottersea- son has started. The , young men ought to have the next ono. What A Tale ItTells. If that miror of yours shows a wretch- ed, sallow complexioil,�a jaundice('. look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, it's liver trouble; but D•r. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, purify the blood, give clear skin,. rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25e at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. took its place. My appetite absent from his post at Calvin an 7 liars - and my bleep at night was disturbed aucl nt f from i o er meetingviand on. I"Y.P y restless. In fact I was m a gory sorry I Sunday afternoon at 2.80. condition. l suffered in this way for Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Beecroft and. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beecroft were in To- ronto for two days last week. Jame• . n-1 Miss Ellen Robinsoa at - ten . ' the funeral of Mrs. Cumberland fonday last. On Wednesday evening, September lath, as the evening shadows began to fall over the 1 and, there gathered at the home of William Sutherland, Esq., 13th concessiona select com- parry of relatives anti near friends of the bride and groom, to witness the marriage of his youugest (laught- er, Catherine Elizabeth, to Geo. Wilson, a young 'farmer of • this township. At twenty minutes past four the groom en- tered the parlor, followed by the bride, dressed. in a gray travelling dross, ac- companied by her father. Rev. Wan. Lowe, rector of St. Paul's church, Wing - ham took charge of the young couple and had theman and wife in just eight the claim that they are a marvel among minutes. for congratulations had tho triumphs of modern science. The been exte ed, adjournment was made genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxesto the dining room, where stood the bearing the full trade mark "Dr. Wil- tables laden with everything that could. Hams' Pink Pills for Pale People." delight the eye and please the . taste. A Protect yourself from imposition byre few hours of the evening were enjoyably fnsiug auy pill that Floss nr the re - spent. Peter Stewart, of 'Win ;hang, a ' • gisterecl trade mark aroundd tato the box. genuine Highland. Scotchman, delighted those present with some fine selections on the bagpipes. The presents of the bride were both beautiful and useful. The happy couple ]eft on the early train Thursday to take in the London fair and visit friends and relatives, aFter Nvhioh they will return. ,to their homy ou th3 boundary.. They start wedded life with the best wishes of their many friends and the TUXES extends congratulations. Mr. Wilson is a brother of John Wilson, V. S. Whig ham. His .brother James Wilson, V. S., Cattle Inspector, of St. Joseph, Mo. was unable to attend the wedding as he is confined to b ed from the effects of sunstroke. sono time, Then I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they soon be- gan to work a change for the Lotter. My streugth and spirits 'improved wonderfully. and the okd feeling of tirecl- ness began . to leave me. My appetit returned and my weight increased steadily. 13y the time I had used less than half a dozen boxes I felt stronger than Iliad done for years. Since that time whenever I feel the need of medi- cine a prompt use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills has always brought me speedy re- lief, and hi the future when ailing I shall never use anything but these pills, and strongly advise others to follow nay ex= U(JLIto SR. ample." A special meeting of the Uouucil was Dr. Wfllfat is' Pink Pills create new held in the Town Hall, '1'ecswator, Sept. blood, build up the nerves, and thus 5th. All members present; tho Reeve drive disease from the system. Libuud- iu the. chair; minutes of last meeting reds of eases they have cured after other were read and adopted.medicines have failed, thus establishing Reeve's report and reasons for calling a special meeting:— A complaint was made to mo that Certain parties were spoiling the road on 25th sideroad, con. 15. Mr. Jarvis end I had to put up notices and to see where gravel could be had for gravelling 14th con. (County' Grant,) and we went to seo what was be - in; done. We found that in digging the ditch the earth in some places was piled up on the si le of the road and iu some places was thrown ou top of ilio gravelled portion. We also found that instead of taking the ditch from 'where the culvert was put in by the council ac- cording to award and. continuing the same to creek as staked ,out across lot 25, coo. 15, the ditch has been dug from culvert along the side of the road to the creek which is not according to the Engineer's award and allow the water from the creek, even at low water, to flow back to, the beginning of the ditch. I would also call your attention to the Engineer's awarctrequiring the .Council to maintain the ditch on read allowance, when completed, and I . would recom- mend that a councillor be appointed to see that the ditch is completed according to award before it is assumed by council and that the earth is two feet from edge of ditch: H. MAcec. Y, Reeve. Scott—Jarvis—That the Reeve be ap- pointed by this council to see that the ditch on 25th side road, when completed is in accordance with engineer's award. —Carried Jarvis—Moyer—That as the approach to the bridge on the gravel road, opposite lot, 15, con. 18, is in need of repair that Councillor Scott have the same attended to. --Carried. Scott—Jarvis-That by-law No. 86 be now read, passed, signed and sealed.— Carried. Scott — Mc1 ague -- That Councillor Jarvis get a load of concrete pipe 7 pieces, 17 inch; and the balance of the load 0 inch.---Carriod. Scott—Jarvis--T11at as some parties have not completed the 'McDonald ditch con. 15 according to award. That the clerk write the engineer to come anti provide for the completion of the flitch has per award..—Carried. ' Scott---Jarvis—That as Mr. Ross hr,s chi, it ditc:i on the 25th sidoroarl, ,don. 15, without authority and to the ,'.!jury of the road that the clerk notify hien to 611 up the saute and remove rill earth place4d on gravelled portion of said road. •-•-(,hurried. ', McIriaguo--Meyer---•That this special has boomed theirntbu itesi as Erect' ...)Cott S L.laiLlaxcOiiti'rlll1: 115 oil lneotiit : of the council do '.tory atljottril ta:ttlel for it as to that. gtrial bottles to yufierc rs, ttltrl posifTva'ly 1F yes ,lave 5act'trieci it, ✓send for• tru+a to meet again on the Heat regular in(.et- g*,aiaarant{'eta Cure ail Coughs, Colc1.1, ata agrc.•ahlo !sats Viii it er,adiliC ing, Sept. lith, at 10 O'clock L. rn.--Car- p;rolac]iitis, Asthma, Croup, awl n111 t,cor9' ar slowxit, 'cher ri3d.Throat mut Lungtroubles. A trial ; aux i ,e C. Btix'roN, Cleric. 11 pr tvc:s its .merit. Prim We. and asi0t5.. l• Prizes $175.00. Prizes $150.00. zes $100.00. 'zo List. ary. ries (except for speeding) close Sept 15th. Drop a card for a JAMES MITCHELL, Seer ,ire. Petit tis -4 01.6 ,r►! ;irk ' •: ' fit.. Patented July 10!11,1(00. No. of Patent 63140. Bonanza Hay and Stock Rack rA7 ElaTitla-t: DR, W. MORRIS and 'TIM. TONEY, OMIDTOWN, Ta11t,'II. Best and Cheapest Ibti' : on the Market. Co CITY 12IU11rJ.1S 1i'0It NAL1 0111M.P. Fol` fell l>aetieulars, address, Dr. W. Morris, +4ageto'avf, Mich. "Deride Not Any Man's Infirmities." JAMI STOWN. Miss Hicks of Wingham is visiting her friend Miss Eliza Peacock. ' Miss Mary Simpson and Miss Ago e Forrest was visiting at the former's home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Miller aro visiting her parents in Toronto and also taking iu the exhibition. Mrs. George Smith and daughter Lily of New York were visiting at Mr. Frank Wright's. Messrs Taylor, and Gauve of Gorrie, Sundayed with Geo. Wheeler. Miss Rebecca Forrest has returned home after visiting her friends in Grey. Tho Misses S. and R. Wright were visiting on the third line of Morris one clay last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eokmire and daughter Fern, Sundayecl at L. Rattan's. Miss Iviira Ramsay who has gone to the West to become a resident in the future. Mr. Tom Hainmill of Iron Bridge, Algoma, arrived home last Friday. Tom is well pleased with the country and has taken up a farm. Mr. Wesley Johnston aformor resident of Jamestown but now of Fordivich is going to conduct service in Johnston's church next Sunday evening at seven o'clock. 11ir. William Wright is building a silo. Ed. Smith is the contractor of it. Sonic of the young lads will be get- ting into trouble if they do not stop an- noying people at night, Old Mrs. Rattail who laas been under the doctor's Caro foe sotto time i3 slowly improving. Ifou are nervous and nti- Mr. William Wright took in the To' i S� ionto I hibftioii lest; week. i table, you may only need more fit b your nerves— " you are probably thin—aid T oy struel; you cott's Ei tulsion of Cod Liver f e. It vas a graual thing :fear !this comm u- Oil will give you th., fat, to be- pity that such an enterprlsilagt A druggist 1T1 with >aa t;olitt.tL.t ftttpbel1sCUured the y Care, $10 aS `':1t goes for :Dr. Ring's iiow Discovery for '°os. > " a st:in-Ale 1, the tvondorfttl remedy that has st;ai'r1ei the world by its marvellous coxes, The furror of enthusiasm overit 7ett him, rather, heat to gdt rid of them. Most infirmities Come from bad '.hood and are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every person tufo Lias scrofula, salt rheum, humors, catarrh, dyspepsia or rhetrmafisnt should at once begin faking this ritedicdne that the frif irnilty may be removed. Weakl'ies3 ."I have given Hood's Sarsaparilla fo my boy !otiose blood teas poor. He tuns very creak, could not keep warm, and suffered from pains in his stomach. Hood's Sarsaparilla made him strong and'shrelt" Olrs, W. a Stratton, rhornas St., Deseronfo, Ont. Huron Presbytery met in Willis Church, Clinton, on Tuesday of this week., If you have neuralgia, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will feed the nerve that is cry- ing for food—it LI hungry— and set your whole body going again, 1n. a w y to t.'atisfy nerve and brain from your usualfood. That is cure. Full cure is getting the fat, 'tron need from usual food, and