HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-07-20, Page 8• -°I .q. 4�'wxr ry�!D", • 4 4'"`9iwrtt"t„r•�:r.1±F�.4i"ib'".M'Y� SEN Ik ' M!M Ruma DETERMINED. TO CLEAR OUR ,SHELVES Op. ALL' Ow AND ENDS, DISCOUNTED MERC.HANDI*E, YIF rice : on the sensa on$. °bar airs e .. shish p s . , . :. �.. , �, - SMOCKS. REMNANT* -COR+SBTS, CHILDREN $ pRES . _ SE $, T . SO:CKEES, . $114},E. PANTEES, BO�.:S, SHOIt�TS &PAN S. ;B'ATHIN BU,ITS & TRUNKS. LABIES' BLOUSES ° MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS,- G,HLLDREN'S SLAGS,•' H'DKFS;.< ROUSE y DRESSES. HOY'S JERSEYS ' i at. Sc a:'' mile dor: up to f!Ve:•. passengers aS en ,ger._ 3:oand `a pair cents a mile` UNfER AUSPICES OF.. THE'. CLANSMEN UR JULY Z7HI GAMES & DANCING START AT 9 SHARP Bingo se VALUABLE P=RIZES Street D'dn+ce',, ,JITNEY DANCING FLORENCE SAUER'S. 6 -PIECE ORCHESTRA • If . Weather ' Is • Unfavorable, Dance and Bingo 'In Town Hall Miss Marion Cowan and Barbara Culbert spent Sunday with Miss Sadie Parrish. . Miss 'Ila and Peggy Culbert have . returned to 'Detroit after a two. weeks' ” vacation at their home. . THAT LITTLE' LABEL:' Ohl YOUR PAPER.' CLoL and GNERAL . Mr.- Ric=hard ' liucking , of . Detroit railed on , friends or Sunday, - •Ides. Win. Armstrong �mstrong of Kinloss: visited with Mr. and Mrs - F. F. Cole, Tack •' Naylor of . Toronto is spend- ing' the. summer vacation withrein-.' dyes. here. .. IVI'rs.' Wm. Black of .Espanola is 'visiting this Week Arith Mr, and 'Mrs. R. J. Cameron, r pressent.: location; ,beautifully, 'wooded, • Mrs, I. ',T. , Goodhand .of Detroit Ia 'consists of 14 acres,' on the shore of visiting' with. her brother, Mr- Hugh Lake Huron Receb`l' years -have seen' MacIntosh . of ' awn,:-, many •; improvements : rn•' camp Build D,. n anent r Alvin A., Cantexon of Ottawa . i. gs and equrpymenta with' perm. buil 1VIt B:,D•, Cameron iof ,Walkerton ,huts:wi4i' en vas walls providing tide Were �w.eek-end: visitors' in ',town quare •s,heltei' for the students, the ladies are hou•sed' . on th•e north , side 'Rev ;and Mrs.' G..1[4. Douglas of of the stream popularljr known among Niagara Falls, are visiting with the.•ithe camper's• Saar :the "Jordan",' the formers' father, Mr G. H. Douglas clearing .to the south containing the Lloyd and Audrey ,.Burgess of Tor- boys' cabins:, The recently.. improved onto are visiting with their . grand-' dining, halt and kitchen ; is : located P=arents, Mr; and Mrs,. George 1 Ur at the south. side :of the property gess:i near the lake. • " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole have. re- The school' thi=s,year was headed turned after spending , a couple ' of by: Rev. 'David kL ` Gallagher' of •Oak - weeks. at dih#eaen:tpoints along :Lake •ville.,•.as. Dean and' l?rincipal and Wm. • S °McVittie of Hespler : as Director. • • ' • 1 Other leaders included :Miss Ruby: Rutherford, ;leader of Recreation aid' Song; Miss ' Marjorie •. Stewart as nurse; , Mrs:. J. W. Stewart,,`camp mother;, Rev. 'J. W. Stewart, of Dray= ton,.' Commissar. The leaders, of the Enrichment courses were Rev. Messrs. A. L. Sanderson, C. Todd,. R. N. •SStewart, . J. ;'W. Stewart, D. A.', Facey. Method courses were led McVittie, Rev,.. L. E. 'Gruchy, .Rev. N. A. MeNairn, Miss R. Rutherford, Miss 'M. Stewart :and Miss 0 B. Facey. The .recognition 'of the • work : done by the students' In, these' courses Was made at the. Thursday evening' meet- ing, when the Leadership training Certificates•' were presented. It is ex= petted that over one hundred eertif- ART: 11; SCHOOL The Northern Sommer S'choel •. of the fla nilton,,Confetence of: the. Unit ed Charch of .:Canada.; •OPe . :•'pn Wed "nesday, "July`'Star, at their.ee)1P site at Miranlichi Bay a 'few mil=es,, north ,l of Port gleam, They. have .bQ,en ' mak ign annual ;use of this groundfor the past; 15 years, +s?ndprior to that the school met ;iii various towns in -dif- ferent parts',o&the conference. The This qu'estiod you so fairly , ask, Does not impose on us • a task, Too ' hard ••to' do, and yet .perchance We. fail to: take this Upward glance. This label, 'without doubt or fears, So kindly tells of 'our arrears.; And. yet somehow; by hook or crook, We at this label fail to look: I took ' this look • the : other ; night, And lo, behold; I' got a fright To find. the year had fled a gait. Anfl, with my dues„ Was •somewhat•, late. ' So now, kind friends, if you, like me, " Ignored this ,label sent to thee.; Just take a glance at it 'tonight, Then do at •once what .seemeth right. ,Twill cause the .printing staff to • And carry on for. yet a' while; • To know .we paid our dues on time; Accefpt the 'hint hi this wee rhyme., A 'Subscriber. ESSAY •ON COWS .. Writing an essay on "Cows", a student,' rises to -the heights' of wit. when' he says: "The` most 'important part., of . a ' cow is the receptacle 'in which the . milkis stored. This is 'called the `udder.. By Ui clever arraiige- ment it is 'divided, into four compart- ment* each with a separate . tap. By this means the milkis divided at the source so,that.•one, part goes 'to the' landlord; one to the Mortgage' com- pany, one to 'the government, and ow to the farmer."—Bowma'nville States- man. • " Mrs.', Wm 'Russell ' and two boys, Bobby and Billie : of . Torhnto are vis- iting with her parents, .Mr. •and -Mrs, George Burgess. ' • Mrs. Elliott Miller, of .Windsor and., Mr. and Mrs: N. , A Olds and son George of. betroit called on friends. in town the first of, the 'week. Her application 'having • been ac- cepted, . Miss .Islay Campbell plans to enter Guelph Genel Hospital as:a student nurse,: on 'September' 1st.' Mr. ' and 'Mrs.: Walter . Eaton o?' Woodstock and his' sist=er, Florence. ;she,,are holidaying at Point Clark called on friends in.: town an Tuesday Douglas 'Clarke, Malcolm 'Watson and Edwin 'Smith : ' who are taking 'summer courses at Toronto spent the Week -end • 'at their respective homes Mr...Walter Taylor of Detroit call- ed on friends .here Ia:st . Friday.. • 'Rev R. H..Barnby, Mrs Barnby and their two daughters •Jean 'and Ruth Of :London were callers in town : on Tuesday. Mr. Barnby: is' a 'former Ash- field boy. 'N .:Mrs. James C. Hale. '•of Chicago;. and, her daughter 'Mrs.'' Gladys Taylor :of St.' Louis, lido„ are .•spendingtwr• weeks .:with the former's' sister, Mrs Mary' Moore. Miss; Mary ' Douglas ,arid • Mr. T. Leishman of Kitchener; who are tab • ing summer courses at 1,ondon;:spent' the "week -end with the.. foriner's father 'Mr: G. H.. Douglas. " TO KILL DANDELIONS To rid your lawn of dandelions sprinkle ' a . solution. of :.equall part',. of ;voter and' sulphate of iron. Iu a' few days' every dandelion will dis- appear and the laiun, will : take on. a • new 'rich, "green appearance. The gras& will become black at •first .but the 'stain 'will disappear in a few days. a FRUIT -.GROWERS TO, HOLD • PICNIC. ON FRIDAY . • ' The Huron. County Fruit ,-.Grow er's Association•' is holding it?s 'fuss annual picnic, and • field 'day at the farm» of 'George' Laithwaite and 'Son G.oderich 'on', Friday of -this •week at two 'o'clock. ••A trip through the or- chard and reforestation block is plan ned for 'the older, people, while s sports program . is arranged for the younger folk with liberal prizes. • A basket picnic lunch will .be hel.' on .the lawn : to he followed with a program of music and speakers, • Pentecostal' ''Mission, . EVANGELIST ' BRUCE ` • STAT- WOOD Of the Bible College of SPRINGFIELD MISSOURI' WILL' PREACH AND SING. Evert Aup, ,& , Wed. at 8 - p.m• Children's• Service- Saturday 3 ''p.m. • AT ' KI NLOUG'. Every. Thurs. 8.30 p.m., in.the • Orange Hall Misa 'MacDonald of Evangel 'Tem- ple,' Toronto, will .assist ' in all ser,- vices 'with',:Piano•^ Accordian. Listen In ;C.K.N.X. ev Nry Tuesday 1.30 to 2 p.m. ' E.L.RIPLEY, pastor itrap;lqw UNITED CHURCH Rev. It.'. C. Todd; Pastor SUNDAY • JULY 23 10 a.m.,,-Sunday School • 11 a.nt,,--Morning, 'Worship con- ducted by Rev. J. C. Nicholson.,of Pine • Rivcpr. , ' 7 pau.-µEvening Worship in' the Sundays School Room •Rev. i). Nicholson of\ Buckingham, Que., will preach. , May we let God transform our drab lives so that the beauty of Jesus be seen• in 'them! '; si TH=URSDAY., J l.' L' 20TB. •• 1939. Atiende ice` Below Expections ° Wj int frft4en lodges present. t Ktuenrd#ue Iran' week to ceylebrat.•'! the Glorio us Twelfth, th e attendant.e fell .81n:.? .what ss mnPectedl 'ever} theless the celebration 'bras carried. out ..quite sueeeaefully, - The K ineardine. News, said among, its. 'eomn4ie$k on;'the. day, , ,!Peter Car- ter of Lucknow,_ Meipber 'of Kinlough i odge, as King William was the most hotOgra h d'. subject Oia ,the,,day,' houg11 lis',Steed. by no means could be termed a• charger. "When King Wil iam, '1939 version, rode his, White •horse,' the docile an • WW1 'vas'„one''frrom the farm of Jaaner• D 'Pollocck, Huron Townsthip, hituse an enthusiastic Orangeman,” FORMER BANKER` MERE UNFOiitrUNATE. AT BALL. ' Mr Met 'Hackett, 'accountant' of, the Canadian'. Bank of Commerce, ha .. been: unlucky ` with his baseball this season Early in the year bewrench- ed his, knee• Which, kept him out of the game; for . some' time: On. Thursday evening of last week in a game with doderich , while going' after _a high fly in the field, •he slipped in some, iniad, and 'the .ball •struck him •in ' the left eye, inflicting a nasty wound that required three stitches to close, and• caused ' a very discolored ' optic. ' Mr. Hackett is at present on vacation and 'will. ;visit at his' home:in Lucknow— Exeter. Times -Advocate. ' icates'have been earned. 1•A Day -Ate Camp . From the rising ,bell, •at 7 a.m to'. the 11 pm. Plights , out",the day a . replete'. with study .and camp life: Breakfast is ,preceded by the 'morning • dipa..'setting'-uli; exercises and .private devotions, and is followed by a period of house=keeping In the several cabins.. At .•9 o'clock the. school assembles at the Chapel in the Pines for worship This service is arranged:: by student groups _ and the Deans 'presented a; series. of talks' on, the life' of Jesus•. The: study' periods Of 'the anorning are separated. by' a • half-hour' of recrea- tion:' The classes, weather• permitting, are hel4' in shady corners and, grassy slopes Of the campgrounds. The afternoon includes rest,,, period;. camp ' council meeting, which is at-. tended'by staff and student' represen- tatives; water . and land sports 'period for assignment work . in connection with classes. • Following ' the ' evening 'meal the vesper service is held on the 'shor=e at Vesper Rock. Concluding with the setting ' of -the ' sun, this is one` of the unforgettable experiences of the camp These services' have been :conducted in turn by Rev. ,D, E. 'Gallagher, 'Rev. A. L. Sanderson, Rev.' N. itdcNairn'. Rev. C. 'd; Harris, Rev, . D. Face*, Rev. A. S. Trueblood, Rev. R. N. Stewart, Rev: J. W. Stewart, Rev. It Turnbull. The fireside program held each evening provided' skits and stunts. by the students, • instrumental.''land vocal •numbers as arranged. 'and' a 1 11101'11e speaker from time to time. The community singi�tg' was a feature not 'only at.tithe fireside" but also at meals. The 'day is concluded with "starlight' groups" when the.. student?. • with their. 'leaders, have 'the opport- unity'to recall the worthwhile exper. iences of the day: ' . The annual meeting of .:the Camp Exeent 'e and trustees was held on Wednesday afternoon, when an , iin- r,roved financial position was shown and plans made for • the reduction of the debt. The election resulted in Rev. D. Facey of Rothsay being elec- ted President, 'with Rev. R. H. Turn- bull of Port Elgin a's Secretary -Tress- oxer.. ' .• *According to the report of the Reg istrar, Rev. C. 'Todd, eighty-three per sons registered at the camp, 'with m=an.y more attending for shorter per- . lads 1.1111-Sonsitser Sale Dr�ssei THE LATEST STYLES :LADIES SUMMER DRESS -.-ALL ....., --COOL AND WASHABLE, SIZE$ 14 TO 20 M V38 TO 44. LOT. T 0.0 IN .REGULAR O.4. . • : ", TO: CLEAR- ,t#T as 5 The Sale Is, Still.Going. _On With Drastic Reductions On. The Entire .Stock.` ° •Buy ' Now And "Save 'All White Shoes..At Greatly Reduced Prices WE ARE DETERMINED' TO CLEAR OUT EVERY PAIR OF. WHITE "SHOES.: AT '' COST OR BELOW, TAKE, '. ADVANTAGE OF THIS 'OPPORTUNITY TO GET YOUR SUMMER • FOOT." WEAR' AT LOW COST. TO YOU. , "WOMEN'S WAITEI Dios. Shoes: CUBAN: HEELS • • $1.49 0'• ' WOMEN'S'. • ite•,Oxfords LOW HEELS' . ' •' ' $1.59' Ihte Sa i ' h.daIs Allowed Only' :Three"Hits. - In .a''recent Bruce League fixture,• ,Teeswater.';'drubbed •,Mount Forest, AO to 1. Elliott Carruthers, ' on the mound for. Teeswater, issued' only one walk; allowed , but three, hits,' :.struck out 12, ' and furthei.• • -helped his mates with 'a double, . Slipped Off 'Load Of Hay Mr.- .J. B. 'Morrison had the `mis fortune to 'slip' off a'load-'of hay ten days, ' ago ''and landed on his back on the ground; when: the .horses --stepped= ahead unexpectedly. 'He has suffered considerably. since. , Pays, '$25 Fine. • ' ,Stewart Mullin, •Charged with _fail.. ing: to 'return to thescene • ofan ac- cident, was fined $25 and costs last week at Goder•ich. 'lie. vas all=owed to retain his commercial license,- but is not to' drive a private motor car for thirty' .days; TWO LEGGED PIG BARN ON ' FARM NEAR RIPLEY Mr. Norman.C, McDonald, . livin•c• three miles , west of Ripley, on con cession 67, has a 'real freak of naturr at• his ''far=m,• in the' form of a tui legged'. pig: The little porker, which is now 'three weeks •dld,•.is minus• the. take' hind legs, having -been born with no sign of these necessary propellor;; It ls. able to hold its body ' up and move around 'with comparative ease. • Transferred- To Mount' Forest Ivan Bird, a hockey and • baseball playa'. Of considerable ability, has been. 'transferred from Kincardine 't. • Mount, •Forest. Bird Was at one tint mentioned • as likely, to 'come to Luck now to manage the new' 5e ' to $1.0' 'store here. leek -End .,c a MINUTE- TAPIOCA With free drinking'• glass .. 15c . NU=JEGL ' 3 • pkgs. (With glass jelly, mould), - „ALL WHEAT. '2; pkgs. , , .. • . 25c (With' creamor sugar bowl) PEANUT BUTTER ' 4' lb.: pail MacLaren's.. , .. " 50c CHRUNORY NUT 1 lb. -jar MacLaren'a ,20c RED SOCKEYE SALMON Large 29c Small' • • • '15c CASTILE -SOAP 10 'bare.. .,........ 25c COMFORT; SOAP 4 bars ....,....... ... i5e IVORY SOAP 2 large bars' 15c 'PEAS, CORN or 'TOMATOES- .' 3 cans .+ '25c 'GRAPEFRUIT• 0 for . 25c EXTRA LARGE' ORANGES Per' dos. 39c 25c R. H : Thompsonsoin • 'Phone 112, Lucknow, . BORN • POLLOCK-In Kincardine Gene Hospital on Thursday, June 29th,R 'rto Mr. and Mrs., Carl , Pollock, ' R. R. '2, Ripley,, a. daughter, Anne Marie, • L. B,a r g'a ins «In Huse Dresses. Luc ID Women's Fancy:' s, Nigh't..'.Gowfls, Silk and Cotton Undergarments now, • 0 bargains • in Street esses • D. •6 • • •y