The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-07-20, Page 4PAGE )FUlil
JULY 2RTIf, 193'.8., •
Buy Your ' Stocks _ s & • uds
While Ptices .Are Low
I Er` Aar:.
Offer For. Quick Sale, Subject''. To• Being Unsold At Time: Orders' Received:
$25,000 Dollars Electric Power Debentures, .Paying Interest At The Rate Of .5 And 6 Per;
cent Half Yearly.
Present Price Between $500 And $700 Dollars Per, $1,080`,' Which Gives You A Yield -About
11 per, cent. On The 'Money Invested.
These' D'ebentures;+Have Never Miseed'Paying Their' Iaoterest, And Are Old Established
Companies;Dealingsin'.A'Commodity That Is Absolutely NecessaryTo' Carry On The Pro-
gress Of The Country.
• Investment Dealers
Telephone 246•:• P.:.0.' Pox .236
oderch Ontario
Next . Sunday will be Sacrament
Sunday, In Donnybrook church.
Preneait Newlyweds •
The Y. P. S. met on Friday even-
ing.:Rev. H. C. Wilson gave the topic.
Irene, $Robinson contributed , a solo,
Floyd Thompson favoured, with violin.
selections„ At, the close - of the 'ser-
vice 114. and : Mrs. . Gordon' 'Naylor
were presented ' with a' reversible wool
• ' blanket. John ;A: Thompson read the
•address:and-Ruth. Thompson, made the
presentation on behalf of the, Y. P.
S. Mr.. and Mrs. Naylor Were honored
Wiens previously at St, Augustine
Hall when the community `.gathered
'for ' a social time and during 'the
evening, the young coeple ;were'pre-
sented with . a purse of money. and
• later the .9th line • folks gathered at
the• schoolhouse for social evening
when they were similiarly presented.
The W. M. S. 'met Thursday after-'
noon at the . river in Me. Wallace's
. bush for ,their ,regular •meeting. Mrs.
Neiman Thompson had chargeof the
'program. The roll call : was answeed
by . sentence prayers. Mrs. Cunning -
)plain read the. Scripture, lesson and a
reading •was given by Mrs. Albert
Campbell. Jean Robinson' had charge.
of the ebapter In the study book.' The
Captains in the copper contest gave
their reports: At the; close of the meet-
ing a pienie supper was •enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Craig and
daughters Jean and Margaret ' and
Mre. Olive .Atha .of Goderich . were
Sunday :visitors at the hoilie of Mrs.
R.Chamney. • •
• Mr. W. H. Campbell left last week
• to visitwith his sister in Jamestown,
Mr. shad Mrs. 'J. C. Robinson, and
family were ainong those who,atten..
• deo the boerr reunion in Harbour
'Park, Goderich on Saturday after-
noon. -
Miss Jean Campbell is visiting with
her sister, Miss Marjorie in Toronto:
Miss' Viola Thompson. of Goderich
was a weekend visitor with Mr. ' and
Mrs. Gordon Naylor. •
Miss Ruth ' ge was a visitor
• • at . ben horn `' „here for . a few days Y
before .returning to ,Toronto Where
she enters the Ontario Hospital at
ldfmico this week as a student' nurse.
Mitts Jean Thom, student nurse at
.the o
.►1 thercrat •
t Hospital,
is spending her vacation at her home
here.' '
• Mrs. Elliott Miller of Windsor, and
Mir. and Mrs. N. A. Olds and George
of Detroit were guests this week of
Me. and Mrs. E. J. Thom and Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Miller. ' •
Miss • . Sadie Johnston, R.N.. -of
Wingham is spending .)ter ` vacation
at her' home here.
Mr. Nelson of Detroit spent a ` few
days .at the .'home of his nephew:;
Mr. Dave Johnston.
. Miss C. Leonard of Cookeville •' is
the guest . of Miss Marion •MacKen-
zie.: •-
• The Ptesbyterian Missionary Soc-
iety meets this Wednesday, at the.
home of Mrs. Flora Ross in. Kintait
Messrs. Allan' end . Dan • Maclntyre
of Lake Linden. Michigan,
are . v'is:-
iting with . Messrs.. Alex and Donald
MacLean. •
People from 'this part o; Ashfield
celebrated the 12Th of July in. Kin-.
:sardine. .Amberley Orange Lodge
brought home the prize for the best
dressed Ledge. 1
Weare sorry' to report the illness
of Mr. James Sheilds of Amberley:
but .hope he will soon be well again.;
Master Roy Gibson soma the guest
of his uncle Mr. George Gibson of
Zen last week. •
• Mrs. McPb'ersoie of Morriston is a
visitor with her brother, Mr. D. C.
t and Mrs. MacDonald, •'
Miss Laurine Maller,
, nurse -in -train-
• ing at the' Stratford General 'Hospital
is spending a three weeks', ics at atio :.
at her home. Shehas as her guest
Miss Margaret Sebben •of Stratford.
The annual
community picnic under
the auspices of the Women's Institute
Will be. held at Kincardine on Fri-
• day,
• An average of ,over a million .and a
quarter poundal of . mail is carried
every three months in Imperial Air-
way's -airliners, according: toa re-
port - by Trans-Ganada Air Lines.
This amounts, to approximately 50,-,
000,000 letters. Each letter, the report
reveals, travels. approximately 4,750
miles'on the Empire routes. •
This establishes for 'the period
covered by the report, a world record
for over -seas mail.
The figures represent an increase,
of 101.22, per cent as connpared with
the same three months in 1938: The
increase affects mails carried on both
the Empire and European routes.
Only a minute fraction of the -mails
carried is surcharged, as . the sur-
chatge applies only to those European
countries not included' in the "all -up"
air mail scheme.
All the. letters in the 1,215,412• lbs..
of:.air mail ' carried on the Empire
routes were without surcharge.• •
Impressive increases are also re-
1 d in the paasengdr 'ti•stffic. Ap-'
Proximately 10,,000' passengers were'!
carried on Imperial Airway's-•
era in 1939' compi►red with :a little
over 7,00 in 3930, giving an increase
of 30.15 per cent in the year unseen,
review. ,.
Each. aircraft operating the Era-'
pire and Eufopeari service
s ' tarried
an average. payload; of 5,600. lbs. per
trip, according. to the sense" report.
The average distance travelled by
each of the•passengers on the E spire
routesalone was • approximately 1,-
300 'miles, which is equivalent' to g:
journey across Canada from'. Mon-
treal to Van'c'ouver, or across,. the
Pacific ,fro `j' Sart Fratneieco
te- Hon-
olulu. '' •
In addition to mall' andassen .er,
p !z
330,750 Iba df frieght and ,excess
baggages were carried on. Imperial
A w ways overLLseas'sstrvi¢eg during the
a 1, re e months.
Mr. •and Mrs. Jake Hunter spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Mallick of Crewe.
Mr. and Mrs. Les ,Ritchie and • Alvin
visited at Earl Sherwood's on Sun-
day.. •
D'Arcy O'Hara andhis 'mother
of Chesley spent Sunday at Rc . E.
• Gilmore's: y
. Miss. Jean Long accompanied by
Miss D: Matheson of Ripley spent
last Friday with friends .in• London.
Mr. James and Misses Loretta and
Margaret 'Hogan of Carrington, , N.
D., and John Joseph' Hogan .of Cal-'
ifornia were recent visitors with their
uncles in Ashfield; They left Monday
to . atteed the . New York World's
Fair; accompanied by . their cousins
Basil and Will Hogan. '
Mr. and Mrs. James -Bird of Brus-
sels' were 'visitors with' Mr: and' Mrs:
Jake Hunter's Sunday evening.
Mr. Pete MacDonald . visited ,on
Sunday with'. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
• We are sorry to report tbat Mrs.
Robert Ritchie is under the .doctor's.
care. Her Malty -friends wish her
a speedy .recovery,
Mr.' and Mrs. Ernest Hall` and two'
daughters of Brantford 1 spent the ,
week -end with Mr.. and Mrs. Godfrey
Hall. ' '
• Mr. and Mrs. Finlay. Shackleton and
ehilda'en of Mount Forest • are spend-
ing their vacation with Mr. and Mrs:.
Norman Shackleton: • -
Blakes •annual Sunday School, pic-
nic is to • be held down at the river.
Thursday afternoon of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ilrbra ism and
family' of Wroxeter spent Sunday
with Mr. .and Mrs. Wallace Twamley.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Birdand family
of Brussels visited 'on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Berman Phillips.
lifiss Jean:laeMilian of near Luck-
now •is engaged to teach in .our school
for the coming year. q.•
,and Mrs. Carman Stotla}ers and
• daiigbters of Toronto spent the week-
end with Mr;, and Mrs. Henry Horton.
'The W. M. 43. will meet this Wed-
nesdayafternoon at the home of Mrs.
Godfrey Hall.' R '
Rev.. and. Mrs, Campbell Taverner
of Bluevale visited on Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Hamilton of
.Atwood visited on Tuesday With Mr.
and • Mrs. S. ,I. 'Kilpatrick. • `•
1 Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernest Blake spent
Saturday in London. •
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey..Ande*s'on
and 'Marilyn spent Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Ml's. Everett Finnigan,
of Prosperity. • . ,
A nurnber from this line attended
the celebration
. Kine arliine last '
� its
Mr. 'L M. 'Kilpatrick received news
last week • ofl the sudden death at • his
brother-in-law, , Mr. Morley Gibbs of
Calgary Albe.rte, 13 wise.
formerly Miss Margaret Kilpatrick
and one .daughter, Jean, survive.
Mt. and ..
kris.. Eldon, Twamley and
children of Chatham's, are spending
holidays at their cottage at pori
MA and ; Mrs. A. Martyn _are vis
iting friends and relatives in this
doom linty.
Mr. and Mrs. J,"Ii. Howe of Mitch=
ell ,leave returned home on Tuesday.
Mrs. •. V. McGuire., Mrs. J,•'Snider
and children Joan and Maxine, also
Mrs. Warrener- returned to 'Detroit
Whovisited at the lame. of Mr• and
Mrs. H. I. McGuire and', friendsover
the week ;.end.
Mrs, T. Waller •.and son Lynn. of
Niagara are visiting: at the home . of
her .pirre;ts, Mr. and .,.Mrs. Mac: Mc-
, Mr..and Mrs. R. Fryd of :Dundee
also her :Mothers .Mrs,' W Hamilton,
have ;returned to, Dundas after. Inas:
'icing' friends, and,'relatives over4the
week -end. -
Miss Sadie' MnCharles was home
from - Toronto for the -week-end.
Mr. B: Wilkinson , is visiting'. at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W.. S. Mc
Guire. , •
Mrs. dean Mills visited for the
week -end at the home of her brother,
Mrs. W. S. McGuire.
Mrs. L Andrew of . Zion is visit-
ing at the home . of Mr. and :'%Mrs..
G. F. Brooks. -
Mr. T. McGuire visited one day last
week with Iris sister, Mrs. R. Osborne.
•Kincardine who is' on the 'sick
Mr. Alex .:McKinnon; visited ,for; the.
noeek-end at the home' of his aunt,
Mfrs. W. T. Roulston,
• Mr: Win. ' Montgomery of.: Detroit
visited relatives here du °ring the, week.
Mr. anal•. Mrs. IL A. Graham spent
a few „days, with Mr • and Mrs:. Jack
Graham, ;.Ann' Arbour. •
' Rev. G. Benson Cox; of Valley
Stream, New York. is visiting, with.
his mother, Mrs. M. Cox and other
relatives here.
Mr. Jack Graham of .Ann -Arbour,
Michigan, is, holidaying, at his home
here. '
Miss Mary Cox returned from New
York . where ' she ''visited with her,'
uncle and also enjoyedthesights at
the World's Fair,
. ' Miss Edna Boyle visited. Satur-
day with her aunt,, Mrs. E. • Simpson;
Mooresville:. .
Mr. and Mrs. ; George 'Haldenny.
and' Ethel spent` a few days in Tor -
' Miss Veronica . Eckens'willer'• and
Miss Margaret Mooney of Vancouver
are ' holidaying with the former's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eck.,
enswiller and other; relatives.
Miss Margaret Fuller is . visiting
with Mrs. M. MacLean.
Miss Frances Elliott. of • London is -
holidaying with her• sister Mrs. Karl
Boyle. • .•
Mr, Jas. Percy, Mr: Lloyd Percy &
Mary .of Kincardine were Sunday vis-
itors• M midi r
t .and' Mrs'.. Wm. Percy.
Mr. ands.
Mrs. Karl Boyle and. baby
Marilyn were ' Sunday visitors 'with
London friends. '
Mrs. B. Slessor .spent a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Fair,
Mis. Maude Hodgkinsonof Clinton
:s visiting. at the home of Mr. Isaac'
Pannell and other friends here.
Mrs. Coolley of Merriton is the
guest of, • Mrs. E. 'Raunchey•
The Anglican ,Sunday Sehoof , and
Congregational picnic . will •be . held at
the park, Kincardine, on Friday' July
21st, (at noon):, Everyone --is cord-
ially invited. Come one and all. Bring
yourlunch basket, your collection, a
picnic appetite, a 1 bathing.: suit or
anything that will add to your 'en-
joyment. The truck will be at the
corner at 10 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank' • Leslie and
three daughters of St. .Mary's, Mr.
end Mrs. Harvey Ackert and family
of Lorne were Sunday visitors at Mr,
Ernest Ackert's.
Mr. and 'Mrs.. Richard. Elliott .ap,i
Spent .Sunday at 1!r. Lloed
Robb's id . Glamis. '
• Mir. and Mrs." Wm, ,McPherson of
,Milverton renewed acquaietances her;
last week. : :
Mrs. Howard Robinson is nursing
Mrs. Caesar Of Langside .. at 'present.
Miss Winnifred ,Ackert • •wail a re-
cent visitor at Mr. R McDougall's.
Miss Shirley' Robinson is holidaying
at her grandmother's, Mrs.` T. Rob
inson's at present,; Y,
Mr. Stanley Hunniset of Toronto
was .a .xeeclt--visitor--at loll -Freie.
y wig] hiss mother, • Mr. Jack Ackert of Lorne' spent
SundayMrs. A.
Ackert and' 'Gwendolyn. -
Mr, Duncan 'Campbell t
Cm "l
noel o� . Ji;inloaa
Mr. Walter Bowen of Windsor spent
W ser
Sunday at``Mjrs James Baker's.
Mt. and•.
Mrs. Eddie Thompson s
spent 'Sunday with'. the hatter's par- t
Brits Mr.
and Mrs. Saunders of Ma'-
Albert faking.
Bs W H..Joneston;
In this new land of Canada a won-
derful opportunity awaited the Europ-
ean emigrants who came here. In the
old laud -very few -of .them ever `Owned
a square foot. of God's good earth.
But here ' qutold" ,thous nils' of acres
at an .Boost' unbelieva)ly low price
were waiting to be bought and ina-
prorred.bby those adventurous new-
We ' t `cares imp inethe • hrills
east s . l B t
they felt as • toy—:realized they had
an: estate of .100. acres all their own
'and neve}' any . rent to ' pay: • ,Hew -
they dreamed of niches and herr. jeal •
ously they held and veined this new
homestead cans'carceey,•be appreciated
today. It wus something like these
thoughts that started; and helpedto:
solve satisfactorily the pr.ablem ad •
rancid herewith: •,
• In the 'Townships of Ashfield; West
and East Wawanosh, the land was laid
out in"bloeks of 1,200 acres each, • i.e:,
three lots -o€, 200 acres between corn-
ers 'in each concession. 'Each lot •was
120 rods' wide and ran back 266 2-3
rods to the centre . of the block. A:
the .,newcomers generally bought 100
acres the ,farms' were 60 rods• wide
across 'the front • • • v
• ` In the second' block west from .the•
Northern Gravel road :on 'the ...ninth
-concession of Ashfield a mistake was
made by the surveyor and. the Western
corner of lot .7, was 124`•rods wide in-.
stead of 120: : The surveyor's stake;
were standing at • the corners of the.
lot when the pioneers arrived, but as
remained a busk lot for aver 'a
quattter, of a •centry' longer,, no ono'
thought of .measnring• it.;
The , four,. -farmers to the emit of
this lot', number 7, cleared their -farm•
built their ,line fences and . Were hap-
py and contented.,
•Then someone found out about : 70
y, ears ago that ,there were; four extra
'rods in :lot' 7 and .extending back 266
2-3 rods, a matter of 6 2-3 acres for
the whole Iot. 'The corner staked had
been: burned and no, one . professed t�
know 'where -it' stood. These facts
,started the fun. The, ,four• farmers.
east of lot .7 began' to talk. They did
no see..•why. ` they should nothave
a .share in those, four . 'rods. After
discussing the matter for months they'
telt they would; be very . much abused.
people if they dad= not get pit. If div-
ided it would mean 11 more feet added
.to the ;width. of heir farms.. - •
'ThenEariner :Number .One, the•
Most easterly in the Mock,' decided •
to'niove his fence line west 11 feet.,
An .old.' man, he called his neighbors
to his help and it was done.
Farmer 'Number • Two had a heav-
ler• °task•; as hie land was almost clear.
ed to the, back end and he, had • to
move over 200 rods of rail .fence,
• tha
t is considerably more than.1,000.
heavy •'rails, besides building the new
fence straight as .well. Further, it.
had • to be moved 22 feet hi order to
secure his share. Ile also, called, upon
his neighbors to help- in a big bee,
for, it was really a large job.
• 1't was then.�that Farmers Numbers
Three and Four .saw what they ,were
"p against. Number Three had' to
move his fence 33 .feet'and'•N'umbei•
Fonr 44 feet into the woods that; ran
along the west aide of .his farm: They
decided' it was not "worth the' candle",
and said so.
• Numher•,Three found he had to stop
Number Two some • Way. He warned
him not to attempt 'to move.h'is fence.
hit Number Two, though. gluts a.
mall man, was full of,fight and. en-
ergy and declared he would start in
the, m�ornialg, but he did not realize
what he was up against: •
Farmer ,'Number Three was about
70, large and unwieldy. In his ..earlier
;hays he was 'a powerful man,.. but
•no one ever heard of his quarreling'
' il:h anyone. Though he was a good'
Methodist, he decided it would not
rlo to adopt passive resistance.. He
marshaled a troop of ,men. to help
him. His, own' three -,sons were large,
;,ft ong men,• and his • wife's brother
was the father of sev-efesliger•.sons
who. were- always ready .for an en-
All were ready at daybreak and
when.' the' neighbors assembled they
were told they must not' attempt' to
move the fence • or something Would'
happen. The little roan blustered and'
threatened, buts found •hie was help-
less. :lip
elp-less.:Ile ;sledded' "discretion, was the
better part of valor." The fence
allowed to stand.
However, it was not all over: Up"
o -that-time-*erything was . '..i l
� go ng to
he done by mutual • con'sent' without,
• arny thought of: the ',legal side of the
matter. The next step was to sec pre
a lase' surveyor. At the time e i
.e 1 .. • , pPoin.
d ell interes
ted. eters present and"`
ed Int -the surireyor, they 'gathered
t the east cornea of loft 7. A•ftei'
orate discussion Fernier Four
old' that hp remembered seeing' the
take and indicated where 4t'
"Dig for it," eotnmanded the surveyor.
� ....kms
FOR SALE --New potatoes and veg-
etables. John Barger, north of- T. W.
Smith's garage.
STRAYED—From the premise's of
the undersigned about. -July 11th,, a
4 -year-old cow, with a chain around
its neck.- F.. G. TODD;` 'St. Helene.
WHY BUFFER ' with , Rheumatism,
Sciatica, "Lumbago .4'
Ramacaps ,Two.=
Way,' . Action euidkly relieves pain.
while attacking the 'cause,; lileKIM'$
FOR SALE -77 ft.•f McCormick -Deer-
ing binder; 2 M. • H. 'Binders, ',7 ft.,,
One has put'. . only 3crops and ` a• No.
•7 'spreader.J. S. Kilpatrick; Massey -
Harris dealer, Lucknow.
7,; Kinloss, State experience, qualif-'
cations .and salary expected. Applica..
tions received ,until July, 22nd by Alex
MacLeod, secretary -treasurer, R. 5,
household effects; etc.; at lot, 16, con,
2;Huron Township,',three and one hall
Miles .south ,of Ripley on Wednesday
August 2nd ,at 1.d0. See 'bills. Oliver
Wilson,, Prop. Well.. Henderson, slue,
Having purchased a . new 101 M. H.
tractor and Clipper Combine. We are'
prepared .to do ',custom work. For
particulars apply to Sam Gibson,
Thane 80°,22,. Dungannon of .to J. S.
Kilpatrick, Massey 'Nardi 'dealer,'
We have a good' supply of twine
on 'hand at my residence, opposite
.Lucknow School.
650 ft. .. $9;00 per 100 lbs.
600 ft. - • • ' $8.00 per ;100 .lbs.,
20c pee • 100 ib off fqr cash.
nosh, in. the' County . of lichen, Re-
tired • Far'mer, deceased, wha died on
or abort the 10th day of . February,
1939, are hereby --.notified to fiend full .
particulars of their .claims to . the un
dersigned• on or before the Loth "day
of August; 1,9$9, after which date
the estate will be distributed, having('
regard • only to elaiius Of which. the
Eticecutors shall then have .notice:
Dated et 'Listowel, Ontario, this
17th dey of July, 1939:. '
R, .W. Andrew,
Listowel, Ontario:
Solicitor'f.or the Executors,
IN .THE MATTER of the Estate of
Firances Ann Blackwell late of' the
Township of Ki;iloss in the County of
Bruce, Widow, deceased. .
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant
to the Statutes in that behalf that alt
persons having claims against the
Estate' •of the said Frances Ann. Black-
well, deceased, who died on. or 'about
'the Thirteenth 4ay of March, A: D.
1939, are required to forward their
claims, duly verified by affidavit, to
the undersigned,' Executor' of the last'
PWill' and Testament of 'the said Fran
ces Ann Blackwell, on ox before. the
Twelfth day of August, A. D. ,1939,
after which date the said :Executor
will' proceed to. distribute the'
of the said Estate mesons the 'persons.
entitled' thereto . having regard only
to' and being responsible only' for the
challis of wine)* he shall then have`
had notice •• •
Dated' at'"Lueknow, Ontario, this
1.9th 'day, of July, A. I$. 1,939.
• Harold Percy,
R. R. 1, .Holyrood, Ont.
• Executor..,
Successful men wanted to'"'- sell for
successful Company..O.ur dealers pro- •
•gress 'ireea,use we mustinsure their
,success' first. 200 'easy ',sellers.; low
prices„ attractively packed. Quick re- •
peat ordevs. '• Permanent ' .conheetion.
and steady • year round income for. •
capable' men;: Several localities avail-
able;. just now If qualified to'become
,your -''own boss, 'ENQUIRE WITH -1'
St. Clement, MONTREAL. •
NOTiCE-.TQ cREn1• ORS. • -
LIAM HELM, deceased. •
All 'persons' having ,claims against.
the Estate of Joseph William Helm,
late, of ;the Township of West •Wawa-
Dancing every Friday night at Par-
amount Hall. McKenie's orchestra.
Admission 25c.
4r.' John Hamilton of Toronto i;
calling on friends in and :around'
Lucknow: , . • • .
Mr. and Mrs,' Gordon ''Fraser of
Embro were visitors •nn -the, ' fourth
the end of the Week: • •
• The July' Meeting of the U. P. W.
O. Will be held at the home of Mrs.
Dan McKinnon (Con: 6) on Thursday
July 20th. Note the change of place.
• Mr. and Mrs. Warren Finlayson of
Detroit spent 'hast week at his hoine
owing to the illness and death Of his
Mother, who passed away on 'Satur:
day afternoon, ,atter a lengthy 'ill-
ness. The funeral was held on Mon-
day conducted by Rev. C. N. Mac-
Kenzie to Ripley cemetery and was
largely attended by neighbours' Sind
old friends. The sympathy of tee:
community is extended to the be-
reaved 'fainily and relatives in their
sorrow., •
and Mrs. Wen. Robb, were. vie.
itors, on the Fourth on Sundays •
A ,n0nibe'r from- this vicinity at-
tended the funeral 'Monday of the
late John MacVidar of I.uckknow..
° Master.. Allan 'Sangster of Torontir
is speeding his 'vacation with his
aunt, Mrs. Wm. MacDonald.'
Mr. • It Middleton spent Toeada•
with his nephewrM;d
,. Dr. White ,
Illeton of London.
This being ,carefully,done, e,_ the 11e -
wed renis. s o tale old take were'
"That settles: it," declared the
veyor, "make a new stake." This was'
done and driven deeply into the'ei
,` tt nth
and all dis•putes,were: ended."MAY
that, bre all 'oneerned appeared to
e tt
e r,,
rends than ver1after. all'
ei. The e
h owners ne • -
had said verylith 7 Oho
little ,throughout the
ontroversy, smiled serenelyand re.
juiced An their good lure-'
Ambulance .Service Day or :Night
3 Phones, 76.
G�seci«ess uy
You can still get Bray chicks in
most breeds.:Rut' last regular '1939
hatches are now in incubators. Act
quickly if you want July chicks of
famous Bray quality — sturdy,
fast-gr'owipg, early laying. August
hitches to order early..
Finlayson Bros..
9.30 A. M. To 6.00 1). M.
9.30 A. M. To 12:00 P. M.
E E•
from LUCKNOW '.
LEAVES Lueknow Southdaily,
except Sundays and'hol-
idays, 7 a.m.
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days, 9.10 p.m.
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