HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-07-20, Page 1$2.00 A YEAR. -IN ADVANCE -50c EXTRA TO U. S. A.
LucknoW Ont.,. Thursday July. 20th, 1939
• OW' Sunday :JuIy . 16th, the Olivet
.'• United church celebrated 'its fiftieth
anniversar. with Raw,' G: W. W. Riv-
,y d.
ors` of, Bolton, a:!former 'pastor,,•us•
uest s esker.. •+. .
:g p
-The rvice re 1 el :a. attended,"
se S Were ars y t ,
- ~ many former members returning for
the event: Words., of welc9me • were
e -
�j e:
• .: •iv • byRev. C. cK . zr
g, ,,en •
N. Ma n. ., pa.
tor 'of ' the . church and. visiting clergy-
men, sons of the community, . Who
were present'. assisted .in the services.
'Inspiring messages were given by the
• guest 'speaker,. whose four years of,
m•, faithful 'ministry thirty years .ago
r, still reflected` in the spiritual vrtal-
ity of this little country church
The choir, led by Mrs. Jos. Collings.
• was assisted in.the services of praise
by Mr. •Orah Crawford 'of Ripley, Mr.
Jack . Reavie . of W ingham, Mr. Her-:
.itage • of Toronto and ,the Misses Ger-'I
don of Winnipeg, Seated by. Mrs:
Colling. was •Mrs. V. J. ',Crabvford.
' Both' .these ' ladies had ., part °In the
serviees 'of: praise fifty years. before.
Mrs. Coiling, ;thew. Annabel ,"Bottle;
played the ,organ, she being organist
of the Ripley, . church 'at 'that time.
The organ 'was borrowed fey the oc-
MacGuire,. one .of the' original frust-
ees: of the church.' Previoue to se-
curing an organ, the. service of praise
was .led by a precentor and the alte
James 'MacTavish often acted ,in this
capacity. • , •
Letters.. . were • received .from several
former e memo
rm er .who reunable
sW we to
' return and who sent greetings 'and
best wishes to the.congregation.. One
: 'of 'the unique• features of these let-.
_ ters : was their references .to the late
Adam Wilson, one of',the' eerlk•menr•
hers• of the ;church, whose Godly life•,
and faithful,' service was perpetua-..
ted• in his son, the late, Thomas Edain
Wilson; for' many years • Local preach-
. er•'and Sunday, School,superintendent:
The interest. and devotion ;of••the Wal
:.son fami
Iy to the'.church may be
measured by the • fact that Mr.° Wil-
son gave' the ..land on . which the
church sits, • but no measure can
'• ever.' be made of the influence which
his gifted setts consecrated son ha=
• . given the community.
The records show that an Epworth
League was' organized in' 1905 under
•' the ministry of Rev. B. L. Hutton
• and following a' great revival in
" which 120 noels professed Christ and.
joined the church. The first president
was Jas. S. Hamilton, who also ser
"'ved as Sunday School ,superintendent
' and local preacher Tor a time. During
the intervening' !years this socieity
has formed°.an important part in the
life of the congregation and the com4-
munity may: well,' be proud of the
records of her sons and daughters.
From this little country church have
gonefive five men who 'are.' today serving
in the active ministry. They ate' Rev's.
A. V. Walden of Wallaeetown; E. S.
Houlston. of'ltidgetown; T. C. Wil-
kenson pf Hickson; F. G. MacTavish
of Sunderland and Duncan MacTav
ish of London. '
Not only has this congregation
been noted for its interest in young
.. people's work, but through the years
' it hays boasted •a choir of enviable
reputation. This has been chiefly due
•to the. consecrated services of the
leader, Mrs. Joseph Coiling, who -for
nearly half 'a .centum, in season and
out of. season, has given of her ser-
vices .gladly' and freely. Though .'now
advanced ;in' years, Mrs. Coiling still.
loves to ging "praises. unto our ,o "
G 'rl
in a voice that- for clearness of tone
and •richne,ss of.feeling hasfeiv equals
if' any and her contribution on Sunday
'was ,appreciated -by all. - ••
0 The .Building Of The Church
Previous to the erection of 'the ;
present building ,services were held
in the •V'erdun Methodist chtxrcir;' a lit
tie log edifice situated on the fourth
, s Concession on the farm of the , late
Jos, Coiling and in "Clov'er Valley"
school. house on the second concession
• and commonly known in those days
' as the "Hamilton Appointment", so
called because of its close association
with the late Alex Hamilton, a de-
voted • r.irurchman of ioneer days
p Y
whose name still lives iti thea miifiun
it in the noble line of grandchildren.
This little nnpredentious. structure
e .e $ i..
..> svas' i largely. • th_ result g' Y �,, ult -oz- natrtnii .
of material and labor. The logs were
given . by various people and drawn
to a distant mill, where tile_ Were
' sawn into lumber. The' building twat'
(Continued On .!gage Olio)
Bilis ale out announcing the July
street dance and bingo, under. the
auspices of• .: • the Clansmen to , be
held. -next: Thursday night, July 27th.
Florence' Sailer's 6 -piece band of
Mildmay, 'has. been. engaged to. play
for''. the . dance which commences at
aline .:.o'c ock as does' the. biri d, with
�n ;Attractive array of ' prizes ' to be
offered. .'In ease . ;of. .unfavourable
weather, both.will be herd in, the
:Town Ball. • z
• The funeral of E. J. "Ted" •Collins,•
formerly ..of Lucknow was held last
Wednesday'. in Winnipeg • where he.
i a residedforb of
Mr. Collins had been -'in excellent•
health up to a .,few days prior; to
his death on Monday July 10th. Taken
i11 the' . Wednesday .previous, • Mr. Col-
lins was ; taken to. •hospital • the `fol-
lowing day''for. treatment. • `
As his' condition became serious on•
Saturday, a major • operation,w.as per-
fornied,:. from whiteh . he failed . to
rally and passed away ' early Man-
,day morning.:
Presentation, Made At United Church
Picnic At Kincardine On Thursday,
In' Appreciation. Of Past ,Services
' As- Choir : Leader: "
Mrs; J; W. 'Joynt's • long and. faitli-
'fur service, as. a rii'einber':and leadei:
•of. the United Church choir, .was;
•cognized , at .the congregational pic-
nic' in 'ICincardine on 'Thersday.; ..pic-
was,••largely attended.
During the 'supper hour. ,Rev. I{. C.
Todd; expressed appreciation .on be,.
half .• of .the .congregation and Mr, • 'S..
C.' Rathwell supplemented his.remarks
in presenting• Mrs. Joynt with a lovely
leather • ��bound • hyminary.
• Mrs. Joynt, surprised and deeply
touched, '•expressed 'her