HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-07-13, Page 8•
1 , .
THURSDAY, JULY "13TD• + 1933,
a At.. T.e ton
TRA ist,LERS' SAMPLES Children's Dregsee; aize 2, 4,•`,4 yrs.
At ..,.. ,. • . • . , , , , ,, . 45c &' 69c
LUII,DI[tEN'S. VOILE DRESSES—White ground, colored,
to 14.'veara. ... , ;... , . , , :,.... • 79c.
MISSES' .PRINT DRESSES—(Jean Gordon) Size 14 to 20 Years
A.t ,
• .: , ... • * .... .85e
TEA TOWELLING.—Check linen Regular 25., per ...yard. .
, 5 yards' fob .. , 4.; ... , n 0.00
UNBLEACHED SHEETING •-Godd:weight, extra width, Yd • 39'
S -=.Spacial{ per,, pair .. a : • 25e
LADIr ail. -4 PANTIE
Bova' ald'OUTHS'' ATHLETICry+Style 'white cotton sliir'ts, Free;•
easy,'"comfortable. Size 26=3.4 at .. , ' , . 25C
Former Patterson Blacksmith
Shop,: /One Block South 0f The Arena
'ax' Extra)
fi:'PRESE 'T'
At :services -held in Olivet United,
Parch recently,.' two - newly elected
:elders were ,ordained , by the,. ,pastor,
the R4v. C. N. MacKenzie, to.,replace
two brethren deceased.•
W. J. Roulston and Howard I. Mc-,
Glare ;'were . the two' .gentlemen thus
honored by their fellow members, ,to
4 fill . these positions. These 'men: have
long been u}terested in the work of
the' church: and ,their addition ''10 the
Session will 4i111 'strength to that or
ganizati. i. •
ESTATE OF $1,292.726
Col. Harry McG .who was senior
vice-president of the T. Eaton .Com -
peaty Limited • when he died two
months ago, left an • estate of . $1,292,-
1,292 726. His, will°was probated last week
Most of the ' estate was left to his
widow and a sonrin-law, Leon S. Port-
er of Toronto. The residue of the
estate after Mrs.- McGee's death •will
go to relatives. More than half . the
estate was in .cash or money oh' de-
Col. McGee . bequeathed to his wid-
ow all household contents . of both his
city . and Lakeshore residence, includ-
ing• a motor car, a 'life interest in
these two residences,' and: the net
income from the residue, of the es-
tate after paying annuities provided
in the will.
Mr. Porter ace d $10,000 and Mi•
'McGee's nephews' each will receive
$1,000' - -, -
During Mrs! McGee's lifetime, an
nuities of 43000 each: is provided.
'for his daughter, Edith Kathleen, and
his grandchildren, John ..McGee 'Por-
ter ter and Harry Ernest' Porter. For his
daughter, Isabel, an annuity of $2000
is provided. , .
Upon Mrs. McGee's, death theres-
idue of the, estate is .to be held in
trust fair his daughters and grand-
children with provision for distribu-
tion among them.
Canadian National Railways oper-
ate,'all-year "hotels -of distinction" in
eight Canadian cities.
Miss •Audrey Horne of, Tor hto is
spending WS Week ,at ,her home.
Miss `A1mt . Alton=. of ,the London
teaching staff is visiting with her
Mr. and •Mrs.• W. J. Spindler' and:
Mins$!Gill are visiting with friends
in Port Huron.
Andrew Thompson principal. of
Bowmanville PubliE Se ol is holiday
•ing'at his home here
Mrs Alex Johnston of Chicago vis-:
'ited last week with her sister,, Mss 1
D. Wylde: and •Mr.. Wylds.
.Howard. Johnsten of reort Colborne
"tspeut tlee ifeek end with his 'parents,;
•Mi, and Mrs P..M. Johnston, •; ` ,
Mrs. Leland Bair' of Milk River,
Alta., ns y a visitor With :her sister
Mfrs; Kenneth • ameron•`tlis• week
Edward end- Beulah MacDonald of
Toronto are . spending • six weeks: at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.:John Car-
Misses' Dorothy Nixon and. Helen
Thompson •are taking a..ten=day "re-
fresher Bourse" in music .at London
at .present.. .
•,Mayor„J. E, Hunter a;forinerLuck-
now 'boy,, and .Mrs; 'Hunter of .Ottawa,
Visited • last week with his ' cousin,.
Miss Mails Struthers.
Clearing the balance .of this seas-
on's House and Street , dresses' at a
Big :.Reduction. ' .• . THE, MARKET
STORE. ' . ' • • •
I1¢i.s Agnes D. McQuaig left Thurs-
:sy for, 'Chicago. 111,, •Where she is
.!idii}rind with her sisters, the. Miss,:
• Sarah and Mary 'McQuai"g:..
'Mrs -Witham l'Jlewat and cblldreii
Bobby' and Nancy Loci of Sullivan,
Quebec are visiting . with her parents,
Mr. and Mrd B. H. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. L. MaeDiarmid,
Arlene and .Doris :of Jamestown; N
Y„ are holidaying with the former':'
father, Mr, Alex . Mactharmid,
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm • Armstrong
and; children Jamie and, Billy of Port'.
Arthur, :are visiting with Mrs- Arm-
'strong's parents,7: Mr. and ,Mie:' Wni.
The United church congregational
picnic is being held; this (Thursday):
afternoon at.. Kincardine,.' „while St.'
Peter's' church picnic will .be held at.
Goderich.' .
'Miss Lillian, Carruthers is visiting
Tn 'London.. this week. , Lilian in her re-
•.ent., music : examinations, ' received
t-onours. in piano and first class hen.-
on=airs in theory.
Mr. and, Mrs. W. J. M...McMuller,
and chiildren, Billy, Betty and . Mary
of ' Toronto. Spent the week -end with
the former's sister, . Mrs..' W. J. Dav•
ison and Mr. Davison. .
.. .
Mr.. ' James McCradie .of Grandin;
North .Dakota''an& his, daughter • Annie -
of Minneapolis; Mrs. Arthur Black of
Hamilton, Mr. Bob' Maxwell • of Tor-
onto Fere visitors at Mr: and Mrs.
James Forester's. . ' • q
Miss Lorna Camlpbell,• who has been
visiting here during ' the'' past week,
left.on Monday. from Owen Sound on
board the Manitoulin for a five-day
cruise in 'Georgian Bay,, via the North
Channel to Sault Ste. .Marie.
Mr. •'and Mrs. Wm, Huston of De-
tohit spent last• week with the form-
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David.
Huston. Weel`end' guests at the Hus-'
'ton.'home. were Mrs. Shannon and
Miss Dorothy Lynch of Detroit.
Visitors with 11[r. and Mrs. Kenneth
Cameron this week- included Mrt an'd
Mrs., Bert . Vincent, Mrs. John Mc.
Dowell of. Belgrave, .Mr. and, .Mrs.
R.• Thompson , and Mr.. Leonard Mc-
Dowell - of Rudyard,. Mich.
is still o n �theentire stock priced l._
ow for
is e. big,On lss this chance to saire real moneY
Theree are' still a few Silk • resses.
sizes 14 to 20 for
'Mr. K. Finlayson and family wisr',
to thank their many friends and
neighbours Tor. the kind expression.
,of sympathy and the _ many acts of
kindness during their recent sad be,
reaveiuent, . :They also wish to thank
Rev. C. N. MacKenzie; 1
The modern • front hi', the ; new.
” Sepay!';. 5c to . 41.00 store • was 'in.
stalled' last week .by a London firm,
The color scheme isin green, black
and yellow, in the new vitrolite mat.'
erial • and. makes quite' an attractive
front. _•
Mr. 'P. M: Johnston, 'local mail cour-
ier, :returned on Friday after a week's
holidays,including a trip to',,the
World's: Fair, as .the guest, of ,the
Globe and• ;Mail Mr.' Johnston was
one of a .party of . mail couriers and,
carrier. boys,. ,that enjoyed -the de.
lightful tour. :of New York...
Mr. David Huston has made. a're-
markable recovery from a recent sere
`ious ilInes''s and for more than a,
duple'' of''weeks has 'been' able to, be
about again While he -hasn't yet ven-
tured .a game of bowls, which' he so.
.much Ioyes, he. takes • much pleasure
in watching activities .at -the ,green,,,.
'Entertained At Tea.
' Miss Lucy Robertson was a guest,
last Week of. Miss. Olive Alton, and
during: her'visit bete Miss••'•Alton
entertained a, number of friends at a
nicely arranged afternoon tea, held
on' the -lawn at the Alton home et.
Friday,,.- . '
Who says' -freckles aren't useful?'
They will. .bring some Welty young-
sters nice prides this summer—that is
if they have' enough of them! Whicl
means that , the 'Freckle -Faced Kid,
Competition is on again at the Can.
adian National Exhibition. So' • bette.
write . away for an entry ;form—en,
tries close August 24th.
. Rev. R. e. Todd•,
JULY ,16TH =
10 a.m,—Sunday School.
11 a.m.—Morning . Worship. Ser-
mon, -Mr. Hopper, Wingham.
7 p.m.—Evening Worship in 'the_
Sunday School room: The Mini-
ster will.:Preach:.'
Thurs. .icily 13, -Congregational
picnic at Kincardine. Leave church'
at 1.30. Everybody come. Those
with cars bring those without care:
$2;31:6.14 FROM HURON
Cheques totalling , $42,090,54 were
mailed .last week .by Huron County
Treasurer A. H. Erskine to the'.
o4 nineteen Collegiate; High'
and Continuation school• 'boards: The
money is . in 'payment • for the second
'ars school •education of • pupils •whose
homes..are. outside • the respective
school districts :and •.is • cassessed a.
:gainst the. municipalities from which
the students cone. The list;,
Goderieh „ $' 8,135,29
Wingham�. , .. , ..... , ' 5096.25
•Seaforth ' 5,417.27
Exeter ' ' 5,268.06
Clinton 7,786.55
•Hensall . , • :1,740.10 '
Wroxeter. ... _ . , ...... 1,521.11'
13:gi ... , . ...,51.1
Brussels • • 1,411.11-
Fordwich . • . A 1$91.12
Clifford • . , .. .......... •. '426.90
Harriston, , ° 1$1.02
Listowel, .. ..:.. 131101
Lucknow • • ` 2,316,14
Aarl;ihill , .309.93
St. • Mary's.: , ... .. , .• , 526.94
Mitchell ' 80.65
'Arthus •46.85
Chesley ' + 35.43'
,''Phe number .of .daily papers pub-
lished- this year, in comparison: with a'
decade' ago,.''shows Considerable dwin-
dling. In that. _space of • time a . nunn-
ber - of weeklies. also ' have ceased
publication, ;but the toll.has not been`
nearly so great as in' .the daily field..
The weekly news 'Magazine, Time,
• comments ' on. chis, pointing out: that.
weekly:- newspapers have, gained cir-
culation and advertising linage, while
that of the daily group• has shown a
decrease° •
Time :says that . the radio has cut
in • on the daily group till.••'they arE�
squeezed hard, both in news . and in
,advertising. On the 'other.' hand, Time.
;points. out that the field Of the week-
ly: has not' much • to 'offer the radios
the advertising field; is: limited' and
the 'news that the• small cbmmunity
wants the radio'can'ti supply them.
Therefore, then says the Time, the
well edited and newsy weekly paper
fills a place in .a larger :community
'that no other agency can possibly
tench. • The news carried by the weekly
paaier is of no interest to the world
at large but • is of vital, interest to
*the district which it serves; and the
good weeklies. are serving larger dis-
tricts; being'printed at .some central
point, containing'•news brought inby
a 'good news gathering 'source. '
Interesting, too,..to note was Tie':n
statement theta country editor rare-
ly gets rich, that he works • from 60.
to 80 hours a week;' rarely has• til e'
'incl �lea�ra�ce
Of All White Shoes-At:Greatly .Reduced Prices.
White Shoes as. kw As a l
Girls white. Sandals
To clear,..., 99c
to read a book, and has to be. mighty
careful what he 'prints,—Kincardine
'News. '.•
(intended . For Last Week)
Mrs. Jas. -Cooke of Toronto' is spen-
ding the : holiday season with . her
Ashfield and Lucknow friends::
Visitors this week with Mrs. '•Isaac.
Andrew and Mr and Mrs. Gordon
Kirkland. were Mr,, and Mrs. Lorne.
Woods and Donna Jean of St. Helens.
Mr. ' and. Mrs. Stephen' Stothers an?
Miss Agnes. of 'Arthur, Mr. and Mrs"
Palmer Kilpatrick; Mr. and Mrs
Kirkland of.. Toronto.:• -
Mrs. Anson Finlay who has spent
the • past two years • in . Georgetown.
and Lucknow returned to her home in
Saskatoon on. Tuesday.
Mr, .and Mrs Jas. .Gardner and
Bobby. of Luanda. were Zion visitors
on Sunday. ..
-Miss Elleda Hunter left this week
to take, 'a five -weeks' course at Tor-
onto University. •
Mrs. '' cCharles'. Ritchie, is spending
this week with. Walkerville and De- •,
troit friends. ,
The• Y: P. 5. took the service in
Zion church on Sunday evening in the
absence of our pastor who is ona
week's vacation at Windsor, and Sar-
nia, .
Small . in cost yet large in results.
Sentinel Classified Ads:
to any pont.,
at any time:
8c. a mile, for, up. to five passengers
1 passenger, 3 and a •half cents a 'mile
Snick Sedan comfort.
ar Pains
presses -
Bargains in.
Wonien's,, Fan W%ws, Night Gowns,
Silk and Cotton Undergarments