HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-07-13, Page 7Men Prefer
- eal
Canadian Dietetic' Association
Remind, JUne: Brides That
Hubby Likes Thigh • Jtnicy
ro Steak
.: Calling 411 June lt•rides - thick,
' Iuicy steaks' ie. • still the. best way'
.to .make the love light glow in hub'-
by's eyes.
Take it' from the young, ladies of
the Canadian D.letetih 'Association:
iove woh't last `long pn an .empty
.mtoniaeh..'Her,•e's their diatnglid-ring
course of do's, and dontt.
v, Don`t forget he's -a mane -lie lilies
:square; 'meal:. : ` ' • -
Don't try yqut pet speciaeties
. first nigh.t—•this treat an ex -bride •
whose .pride.:was cuet.ard • p"ie.: She.
know her 'brand .sew ;hue-
• heed abliorre{i. ft 'and • t made .help •
Have. ops he.t meal every. ;dad+,
even if it's small: It aids, digestion.
and. improves ••his dispos.itiori..
Don't give him light dessei•tsn,
Ajost men don't give a darn about .
ttheir waist -line, and like pies and
puddings, or at• least ice cream,,
Don't serve fussy and effeminate
foods. A man likes a sendwi:eh be
can get' his'fist'over., a ecokie"wit'h.
two bites:. • •
Basic In Diet
,If We Desire 'Proper Nutrition,
;.Dr, 3'isdall of Toronto De-
. ,,claresouild Arojuind It
Canadian 'were urged last week
by .Dr. Pep. Tisdall of Toronto•;'te
masts ,'milk a basic part' 'of their
• diet if -they desired ;prover noire
Minits . should •1rrve •..a hal-f-
leet to: a . pint daily ;and children' a,
'pin•t to a pint and one-half.
,,Chairman of the Canadian Medi.
cal Association's nutrition eor.umie'
tee,• he, addressed a .pulllic; meeting
under au'spice's of the association,
at its seventieth°'annual meeting
held in Montreal. ' °
Dr. Tisdall said' the liropr• diet'
shouldbe, built: around 'Milk 'and '
heti Id' include at least one egg a
day, two vegetables, meal and fruit:
Some pgople• .oiijected: to' milk as a.
weight -builder, but should ,remem-
ber it contained a large number of
calories and if •they are to cut down:
:on their weight .they should reduce
on other .foods; ,
•' Milk contained "calclum, f'oi^; one
thing, and. that it . buret' Strong
'bones. Ifpeople drank 'lots of milk-
•in their youth. their' bones w;ovldbe
stronger, and possible falls lit later
years would not,pi•oduce. fractures
as in•eon-milk drinkers.
Plan Mining
Lignite .Coal,
Premier 'Intends to Have Ina-
I• tniense Deposits In Northern
Ontario. Developed I
• ;Development of the immense 'lig-
nite deposits in •Northern- Ontario
jjunder consideration,' Premier M.
• /F. Hepburn' intimated last week.
�'.. Premier Hepburn became inter;
ested.in the commercial value of
the deposit dining Ms visit to Aug-.
tralia'last winter when he inspect
ed the Australian lignite mines
where electrical energy is .generat-
ed from lignite -fired ateata plants
and briquettes for fuel are also
made. The use of the Northern' On -
tarso deposits for the manufacture
of briquettes: is under ' consider,-
ation. Geologists and engineers
have estimated that there is at
least I50,000,000 tons of pure lig-,
nite in the deposit, which is north
of Cochrane and only about a' mile
and a half from the T. & N. 0. Rail-
way.: The Northern 'Ontario lignite
is said to be ofa higher quality
tben the Atistralian 1rgnit,e.
'Doctor Scores
Modern Met
That•Depends.So, Much oe• Pre-
• pared Foods --t,
Canned foods and otherforms.
of, mass ''produced "'appetite -tick-
ling concoctions" have prevented
mass starvation inmanycountries
but they have done ,nothing •t`o
build up resistanceagainst disease
Die Clara' 1i1. Davis, Winnetka, 1111.,
well-known child nutrition special-
let, 'told., the Montreal Star last
"tisk. .
Dr. Davis, is Ilk fadisti but •she
lives that eatiiig has becotne
toa much of a habit, and by con-
suming too
on-suntingtoo much "prepared" foods
people have largely destroyed 'the
abilityof their' appetites drone to '
control• their" eating.
N, 'Appetite Destroyed
Milk, sour or fresh, eggs, fresh
meats, oranges, . apple's, bananas,
potatoes, carrots and peas seem- :
ed tb'possess everything that Wes .
needed for , a„balanced diet. Those
things were easy to get and gen-'
0 -rally cheap enough, she said.
"If we could eat more of them
•piaci less Banned goods,we would
• to a healthier rnat'loii-”
dHIS FATE is. SEALED" One of
the wisest women of .our time,
Mme. Gene'Vieve..Tabauis, French,
newspaperwoman, declares that '
.Hitler's hour has struck, His day
• of destiny arrived, 'she says, , .tlie
day his'.bidiers• entered 1't ague, ,
o"On that day-demecracy' woke up ..
13ritain•:an,d France. It wail like
•a bugle callelt was Hither',% great-
est triumph •-, and it spelled his
among' the ;countries of the world
reporting an .increase; of u iemploy-
men•t during the second quarter of
1339: Royal., visit .or, no royal, visit;.
there 'are. now fewer .Canadians:`
who are 'working in steady jobs
than at this time' last' year. (Busi-
ness, ,generally; during this .period
.upped 3 per cent., nevertheless). .
Nobody ;mows exactly how many
• jobless there are in the Demin.ion.
E,mployinent figures . the '. Govern-
aneut uses come from several. thous-
and i'epresen,tative firms across Ca'
nada who carry a fair , number of
men en• their ,payroll,' Nobody
know&._.ow many '.jobless._,young
people are living at home with.
their parenta,.how .many transients
there'are, or how .large is the num-
ber .of unemployed wb;o have' not
appiled for' relief. .
Farmer's Solni Makes New ' Fust Craft for :'Snow and Water Transportation
6 :•
James K. Lawrenoe, farmer's son of Myrtle, Ont, built thie novel craft in his Spare time. --'He claims that it is
, capable of travelling on snow and water and would ba ideal for travel* the north country: It is driven. by `.
a propeller, and has air conditioning, a radio: and is equipped with electricity. ': The department.of transport
has inspected' and approved the craft:
milk from' the producer to the con
Council.'is urging a ••Pre'vinelal in-
vestigation into the'pri'ce. spread of
sumer. Farmers of Southern. and
Western' Ontario are''paid. on the °
average of 3`1/;3 cents per quart
for 'their milk while ,city: people
are charged 12 cents per gdart. The
producers. complain that :the trem-
endous wastage in milk 'bottles is
responsible te scm'e' extent for the
12 cent price; but Why charge these •
against the coiisum•er? If we had to •
pay a cash deposit 'on each one,
fewer • bottles would be used • eta
Slo.iver vases, jam, containers, or
• thrown Inl the garbage can, and in
cidentaily, there, would be 'much
less excuse for charging tide Pres-'
ent price for Mille
• RUMOR .DEPARTMENt: It is re-.
ported by gree: -vine telegraph that
tho National Association of• Manu: -
factures in the United 'States is
:out : o '.'g ft" President Rooseyeit;
that they.have 'sunk $750,000 in a
campaign to, see that he isn't 're-
turned for a third term
while• weare on. the subject of Am-
erican' politics' (which, like it or
not; are tremendously 'important to
Canadians), .what regrettable effect
• is the. House of Representatives' re-
fusal to change the; Neutrality Act
likely to have on aggressor nations
in Europe? Answer: The, House's
' refusal to make it ,possible to' sell
• arms to non -aggressor nations
(France or England, for instance),
niay, be ,construed throughout Eur-"
ope as evidence .that a majorityof.
Americans are not behind •the Pre-
: sident's-efforts to. deter further
warlike 'action"by .Hitler and Mus-
us-solini." •'
Benjamin[ Britten
Faaiious young . English musics,.
r• composer ' who is seeking • fresh
xiusical 'inspiratieti ' in Canada,
sees a great. future for. young Ca-
nadian . .composers, especially
those in small 'communities .where
the thiel;' facility for instruction is
radio' broadcasts of symphonic
Canary Is Back '
After Year Away
The old adage, •"leave 'em
alone • and they'll some home,"•
holds good ever in the ease of
missing canaries, according to Mrs.
Charles Lance, of Marorl,`lil: HetLei
canary , escaped "in June, 1V8,
When a cat, springing againsthe
cage, knocked open the small door.
'The bird disappeared: After an
absence of 11 ii'enthe, the canary
returned and• perched on the fence
in front of the Lance '.horn& Mrs:
Lance said she had se trouble sit
all in asiii ••it liacI into Vs nares.
' Despite the; extensive • campaign
'carried on during . the past • few
''years by • the' • advocates .of • artift,
cial baits to .have every angler use
tamesvinneas ltngs ,and sirniler'
• artificial Lures, we will • always •
have, with us the old 'dyed -in -the
'•'tvool'fish'erman who'prefere worms
first, • last and always.,. • To, .these
fishermen we direct the following'
d•ailvice. • • .
To .have the pleasure of • good
• worm. 'fishing in August and Sepe
tember, . the experienced angler .
• prepares his- bait during this .
month. • 'The trouble is, ,however;
that the majority' •of •fishermen
'find it diificult , to keep worms
tough and in' a• fighting.' spirit '
throughout the summer months.
There is one sure way ' of •mai•n-':
' taining a .large supply • of wor rria 'so •
that: they. will' snap .:hack t :the,
'tree arid'this is •ill . '
All.ln'A'Box .
• . Csthstreet a 'box. about 'six by•
four by three.' feet -deep of one.
• inch lumber. 'Cover the. • 'inside
with :several Iayers'•of gunny sack'
or paint with pitch. Sink -,,all but
about tourinch'es'•bf !the -bee in .•,
the ground in some shady spot, •
•• then fill ,to within- eight inches' .of
the top 'with' leaf .mould. and good
rich -.soil. About once •.a• .week
sprinkle ...1st/she' coffee. grounds, ,
powdered milk , or. cornmeal .lightly
over the surface Of,your : worm
cache.. Duringvery wrm weather
sprinkle' with a -little water; being
careful not to use too • much .or
will sink to the' bottom. and .sour
the soil and the worms 'will die
within 48•' hours. -
During'the real hot days, place
s .couple. of sacks, over the top ,of
the, boa to ..keep Out, sortie of the.
heat'. - This box. should , take 'care
of at least a thousand *wee:end'
willkeep most of them through the.. •
entire summer:
• Stairs Are Vital •
In. Rome Layout
101d homes may be greatly im-
proved • in appearance with mod-,
ern stairways. ,Several treatments
to beautify the home .and reinove
a menace to safety, are:
.1.. Replacing wet -it -out treads on
2. Giving attention to creaking
3. Giving additional support to
rickety cellar steps.,
4, Installing railing on cellar
stairs to prevent accidents.
5. Transforming closed' stair-
ways into open stairways by, re-
Movingone or more _walls.
6. Replacing', old posts and rail-
ings with modern..types.
• i 7. Installing disappearing stairs_
to attic.
Roosevelt[gin ..
s • • y .
1Ei$bth' Cousins, 9,enealogist
$ays;. ' Queen ' Related to
Washington, Lee:'.
A high British authority on ge-
nealogies, has announced ••his co,n
" clusion that.. Queen . Elizabeth is
'related• to George Washington and
Robert E. •.Lee and 'that President'
Roosevelt and Prime Minister.,
'Chamberlain' are eighth. cousins
three. times :removed, with •King,
Edward T of England as a com-
mon ancestor. • '
King Edward 1 Their :Ancestor
' 'Thoserare findings of Aritho.ny
p1Wpagner,holder, of the 5Q0.•year- .
'bbl title of Portcullis Pursuivant
at'the College of A•rms,horse of
British heraldry. •
-' Wagner has• jtist completed ..a
genealogical table . shiwing that
• ; Roosevelt and Chamberlain de-
scended from a daughter and a•
son; of William Coytmore, an :Eng-
• Lishman who lived in :the 16th cen•-'
-•Queen Elizabeth's i•edationshi.p
to 'Washington. was discovered. ac-
• cidentally When Wagner wee work-
ins en Washington's' 'family'. tree
for theBritish pavilion at the 'New
York •Weeld's fair:'""
• .
Nicotine Sulphate.
Contr tli lB
Catch These Plant Lice At the
Beginning of, an Outbreak
Aphids or plant lice are soft
bodied insects; which .are frequent- .
• ly found, feeding in clusters on a
wide variety of plants.. . They vary
in colour; white,: green, blue, red
and black forms being the most
common. Aphids ,can be controll-
ed much more . easily at the ,begin
ring of an outbreak than later in
the .neasaz when their ;numbers
have increased and the' leaves on
which they are feeding: have curl-
ed up in such a wayas to protect
them from sprays and dusts. •
Spraying the plants with nico-
tine sulphate 40 per cent. and wa-
ter, to which has been addeda
small amount of laundry soap, is .,•
the easiest and best method of
control, Nicotine should be used
at the rate of three-eighths of a
pint to 40 gallons of • water with '
2/3 pound of Soap. added. In
small amounts of •the, spray, use
2 spoonsful of nicotine in a gal-
lon of soapy water. Apply the ma-
terial on a hot, calm day and
drench both .the upper and lower
surfaces of the• leaves so as to ac- -
tually hit all, the insects.
• Gypsum production •in Canada
'during the first quarter of 193p
' totalled • 36,/81 tons compared
with 18,579 tons during the •cot-
responding period of 1938.
of the
• since the Royal tour asks baled
on the .people in °Canada have had
o'ppe rtunity, to' learn the names of
th'e '•premiers of :our• osAn'-...nrious
provinces. -e—Peterborough Cxan-
As a rule, we get enough pre-
• cipitation in Ontario, but;we don't '
hang on to it, Because of denud-
ed land, bare hillsides and drain-
ed swamps we run it all off to the
sea.—Fattmer's Advocate.
Ontario's motor license ; , plates
are being. printed•=black on`.ean-
ary yellow. Apparently' the' High-
.. ways' Department's`one experience
with fancy color. schemes: •wla;s.
enou Spit -Times.
History. in the movies is all.,
right, bait future youngsters may .
say Don A,meche discovered the
telephone,' Clark Gable the Missis-
sippi and Raymond Massey invent
a d ,Lincoln. They saw them do it.
--Brannon • Sun:..
Letter from John M. Robb,'Con-
se;vative organizer, is asking the
party organizations' in, all consti.
tuencies to welcome, back return-
ing Reconstructionists. They will
just be regarded as prodigals who•
have come back after epwing their
wild votes._Toronto Star.
• There' is no: substitute for.: the ,
theatre, in its true sense. It' gives
'a scope, to the average individual,
• with latent or developed •artistic
sense, that no other medium can
supply. Its popularity only stres-
ses its effectiveness. And in a day
when synthetic forms of 'entertain-
ment• ho„1 such a large part of the,
spotlight, there is an increasing
need' for more .activity itt t•he field
n of Amateur theatricals.'—Ramilton
Training For
Health Urged
Dr. A. S. Lantb, head of the de-
partment of physical culture at Mc.
Gill University and president of the
Canadian Physical Education .As-,
sociation, recently told the associa-
tion its' d}}ittywas to ;protect and
promote. health rather than to
carry on the "mistaken notion of
exercise -speed, s t r e n g t h and
CAN r UE 17IIM.?.•
The . Pieced Quilt
And Patchwork
Wilt -Making .Is An Old Art Om .
Thos°Contiinent —.Collecting
Specimens An ['interesting
It is not so much •the' objects col-
leeted as the interests. they bring
• with them that provide the thrills.
for the collector. Quilts collected by
Mrs. Fulton Lewis, of Washington, •
D.C.., are witnesses to the hardy
spirit of the pioneer :women who
followed their hesbands to carve..
out homes:4n the wilderness;,
• Per man •than 20 years she' has `
gathered fine specimena of this art
Of women, of:early d'ay : I esfaes .,
with 'such•. 'names as ''Kansas
Troubles, l'Log. Cabin" and ."Whig
•Ro8e"" tell •oi!. days 'when men and
wonien,'si'ere :Mak ing.•a•petion. '' •
Quiiltetakinn.g`can`rte. divided, ;hnto, -
two classes;' `says Mrs. Lewis, "the
first •the pieced 'quilt and ,then the •
patchwork one. The pieced' quilts
were the ones used .every day, so
they are now ;arer..'than :the. patch-
work or • appliqued ' ones, which
were put away for best,''
vVild West Days
Come To Ontario.
New . Dude. Ranch Overlooks
• Hockley 'Valley, .Near. Or-•.
y with w, st .a
fl the sav
'wild west da
'or • of 'bow-legged cowboys, w: wade
brinimed'•:hats and 'corrals, Neve in-
vaded the,green hills oyerlooking.
the Hockley Valley. •
Dude ranchers.• from iitany parts
iia ::aura .and the ai•tetl
drop in at'the Glenn ,S. ranch;five '
miles east of; Orangeville, Ontario,
to paund a' little 'aeather and to
give the,:lariat, a twirl.
Under the in$tt•uctioe, of .'Glenn
'Sargent; owner of the randh, : and
'his .four.. " podners," •dude :•cowboys
are taught te, ride in the, real west- '
ern .style. Saegent conceived the'
idea torsueh a.rancli whiie'he was
rounding up cattle at his home in
Wyoming: City folk, after paying a
visit to 'his parents'' ranch, .always
went aemeinbued with the wishi;•to
ow•n.a ranch.
' Duties 'Rise At Dawn
When a dude arrives 'at the
.ranch he changes to, the Glenn S.
outfit of high -Heeled •boots; chaps,
a bright -colored shirt and necker-
chief; emcee wide-Srimmed bat. The
dude soon - catches the atmosphere
• 'of the ranch: -
The :dudes rise at dawn, and aa
ter breakfast they saddle •up and
are out on the trails. ;Some of tl}eir -
trips. last .for two or three days
through` the ' valley. They bivouac
at night and cook. their. •meals over
• the..camp fire...
w ..
Books ' And -Y OL :{
B.y Grace Livingston Hill
Curl. up in a hammock with this'
one: Th'e well -loved Mrs. Hifi, au-
`thor of "The Seventh li.our," "tell
Michael," Ete.,'. has written a de-
lightful end intensely human stcry •
of Patricia's 'struggle for and at-
tainrnentof, in spite off'• .her, social-
climbing mother, a way el. life Oat; •
brings ha°pprness, satisfaction ''and.
inspiration. .,May On:Fifth; of the
year. Patricia.,Prentiss was -twenty-
four` ha°•d• ,.become a day 'of dread'.
-because she must give;Thorny Bel-
lingham' his f•nal answer .to,. his
• many' proposals ,of 'marriage,
stead of the. gala day o£ years` be;
fore nw'hen' she .had seen :the Worth •
-.familyaunited and warmly..happy. '
Each year Patricia had kept • May
' the Fifth' sacred and • the memory''
green, aided by the lovely bed of
lilies -of -the -valley young John
Worth 'sad planted at her gate on.
that memorable day. John return -
cd on this; crucial anniversary to
Pat, through ,the fragrance' of,the::-._ -
few lilies he' had picked on hie way
to the house, of all her childhood
and,- young -womanhood The de -
;voted' followers of Grace Living-'
ston Hill's ch'arniing 'novels will'
take John Worth' .and Patricia to
their hearts:.'
"Patricia"—by Grace Livinastoe
Hill... Toronto: J, 13 ' Lippincott,
215 Victoria Street . , $2:25. t
..444 1,04 ft�.i�1.41.11/Fa�.
DRi E .
_By Fred Neber •
"Ncw you. can see bow it will look nn von, .madam,.'"
t CANT .PA`'f YdU. A
7 f/,
, vn.4lie