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The Wingham Times, 1900-09-14, Page 3
S1eiesslless I 4,r'u Common .A.t. oar, ,t; 1 Brill MOM" lzis efftete t14t re in the clear WlNORMA C?lSTR.iCT, C.tearles Armstrong ',i.'estfield, bas I bought a Ruins near Elount Forest, and Woman... THE TROUBLE IS CASII,.1' CONTROLLED. Pai•�c� •a 'j .PRODUCES PROMPT AND PERMANHT CURES, When women are ctltiic teen with sleep - lessuess and the many 2.11'1 arleizlg there- from, should, be aware of the fact that they can, by their own efforts, b control anti banish All troubles. By the use of Pallet; Celery Compouizcl ` 1 the inipule blood that undermines the i stomach and the nervous tlyo-itcm can bo purifl•.cl and enriched and the num-, 1 boa- of red corpuscles i2i rea sed, Sleep -1 lessuess that causes latch of the nervous j zn postratiou venom. efo len is a trouble I r that Fame's Celery Compound :ever fails to cure. Painees Celery Compound by its well known nourishing lowoas enables the nerves to get back their control over the cireulatiou, so that the blood supply becomes greatest where it is most needed, as in the stomach aftereatinge and least eviler° its presence can only do harm, as in the brain when sleep. is needful. If wearied, worried, weak and nor - sous Woanen desiro gill health and. a 'happy life, we urge them to friva Paint's Celery Compound a fair and hoi:est trial. Paine's Celery Compound has a mar- vellous record of rapid and permanent cures that embraces every city, town and village in our bread Deniinion. No other medicine is so frequently pre- scribed by our best physicians; no other cau so surely meet the ailments of afflicted women. future, Natured d gee has been struck in Hep, Worthnzt41 dt4plit of. 101 feet, and tine drillers a cunti(lont Gil win. Soon be Ito .,e d. 1 i J. B. Grimly has doe,icled to remove his 1 creamery from eltuforth to Clinton, on Recount of Clinton teing better •for chipping facilities, McGuire, r J. J n,. , rY' c(�t '. tate the popular • 7 o t l.0 f -r... pl freight ugent at Clinton, was married to Miss iss Irlo::sie Po taste), nt Clinton on Tuesday a this week. . Andrew Ingram of M eai'orth las cured the management of the 1 Um eleetiie light plant, and ha hie family to that town. e stt award - moved, T. Hudson brought the largest load o1' fuss into Hensel' out Weduceeley thathns eon brought in this season.. The wagon and load trreed the settles at 1,8001bs. Edward Daley, a wolf -known ycaug man of Seal'ortb, and Miss (;race Ord- ure, daughter of W. °velment, Loudou oad, Tuoti:ersmitlz, were married en Wodncsclay of this end.. Worms aro dangerous, often bring on convulsions and dt .tdl. If your child is suffering from them, administer Dr. Low's Pleastrzt'Worm Syrup whiele ie safe and always effectual. Price 25e. The Iteturn el the Oyster. The coming of Septembox on Satur- day meant far more than the cncl of summer to the epicuro. It meant the return of the oyster. Whether it is be - Muse the four-month fast puts the appetite on edge or not, the native Blue 4 .Point, most esteemsd in this part of the \ country, never tastes better than during the month of September. There aro many who eat oysters all summer lougi but acknowledged C llvied o t ed author- ities maintain that the shellfish is not at its best from the end of April to the be- ginning of the coming month, says the New York Sun. This is not because of the rhymed adage that gives warning against the oyster during the ni'auths that are spelled without au "lt," but for .(he reason that during 11Eay, June and ,Tiny and August tho oyster planters re- move the beds from warm shallow places to cold deep to prevent spawning. Planters do this so they may meet the 1 e1 summer resort demand, and say that the bivalves are not injured by the pro- his cess, but epicures, as welI as scientists, say that the check injures the health and ss a wholesomeness of the oyster. swas Statistics, often unpleasantly opposed c1Ea to general opinion, declare that it takes yea Lert. McCorvio, Luoklzow, tool; ill with pheumonia iu. New 3. City returned to the village a week a ;;led at the beano of his mother on Th tley n iorniug of Inst week, The voters' list of the town of Go rich for 1003 has been printed. total number of names on the lis 1,20E-706 in part I, and 408 in part The aggregate number of jurors is 87 Tin she '01)2 go, THE WINGITA [ TIMES, tits I''.I'I+,.oI13E 14,. 1900, A deep aloud Of sorrow was cast over lax *tor on Friday, Aug., 81st, when it WAS Ienrned that IvErs, X. ,d•. lh a1as0aa, eviclt,sr, hod died after a short illness, Tile deco:nee(l had enjoyed, good, health, ]tp to about two weeks previous to 11er 1 dent h„ 1 when she h was k; tkl,ieal down, With v n an attaek of typhoid fever, which gain. 0d suck hold that her ease assumed n seriousasp et almost from the first and and in spite of the best medical s'2i11 awl. lnursing she sank until death claimed her. The deceased was highlyrospecto(1 awl her death will be regretted by many. leaves , • oI4.S : n. '405 mourn toil.oti i z 1� n her c.(. i demise e a � Dsvu u family p 4g. y od three sons and two daughters, On the 13tht nit., I\r. Cha:•:es Iiusto Men at bis home, 7111 con., Huron, fro paralysis, and he was buried in Kin. cemetery on the 2nd, the funeral cortege being of goat length. Dew. C. 0, Zaino was the officiating clergyluan. Deceased was well-known by a large circle of aognaintnuces who honored and respected hint for his many good quell. ties of mind and heart, Chas Huston was barn 07yearn ago in the county of J'oliott, province of Quebec. When still a meg man he canto to Huron town- ship, with his brothers and friends and commenced hewing out a home. He of course experienced most of the early pioneer hardships, but had a very suc- cessful career, He was a resident of the toswnsliip for some forty-eight years, hence lie knew well the development of this part t;f the c. untry. J. Ii. ]SucLean of Tocswater has re- tul,'ned Lomb from his. trip to the Old Land. Two weeks or more were spent ,AC �+. ISS MOH:TENT. a�ir�AA dors, estiat,, ,f 'luta tal'At. lay to tlte. .in„P&,;tel with aate. Larotalor Watitout liras:.lni, It. When C,:1.p. John �Sannith, of Thames, Q fD (. n 'who returned ,h 1 hem ass a t week, lay a , Y on his baolt for ten long, weeks in the great Wyarbexg hospital, his attention; WAS drawn to a young man in the next cot who lay in the delirium of fever. He did not know who the pian was and a ohiangs in the nurses buried ani of lais. identity, but the regimental rzunnber oat bi h. s cot. t 1?'o weeks For vee they he In silo b Y Y y side, o, ..ud Jahn Smith, wit.) was in goad health, Save for his wound, watched with pitying eyes the sufferings of his brother soldier, At last the day came in the Highlands. The voyage was a very pleasant one but the weather in de- Scotland WAS quite cold and wet during Tho more than half of the time be spent "u Is.- the couiatry. Mr. McLeanfouncl a greht Ichange since his Inst visit in the interest felt by the Scotch people for Canadn. That interest dates from the time of the has jubilee when Sir W. Laurier took st:ch fol: prolnine:it position 111 the rejoicing of lap- that time. The feeling. has been very ith much increased by the preferential se, tariff and also by the sending out of the two contingents to South Africa. In his en's previous visits Mr. McLean found that bi- the people generally knew very little red about Canada, but now every school boy ul. has affair knowledge of this fair colony it of Great Britain. ng Robert Raw, a blacksmith, who been working at Walton was sent up triol by Magistrates Kerr and Tho son, of Brussels. He is charged w stealing some oiG0 front, Charles L. Bee of Grey township. Aldie Holmes, clerk. of S. Jacks drug store, Clinton, met with an ac dent last Friday, which has disflgu his face and was for the time paint When lighting a small alcohol stove exploded and the fluid fle:vup, smeari his face and burning it severely. The announcement has been received of the wedding of Rev, Donald. I'.Io- Gillivray, formerly of Goderich, and now of Shanghai, China, to Miss Lizzie Augusta Bovey, Mrs. MaoGillivlay, like her husband, has been engaged in' mission work, having been a Church of England missionary in Shanghai for the past three years. David Douil, of the 10th concession, Grey, died, very suddenly on Sunday arning, Sept. 2nd. Ho had not been 1 for some time, but was not thought ors° than usual, and got up and ate breakfast that morning. Soon after- rds when sitting in a chair his head seen to drop and he was found to be d sitting fir his chair. He was 70 rs of age. three hours to digest the oyster. Fresh raw oysters require 2 hours and 66 day minutes to digest. and stewed fresh Gre r. oysters reactagainstt5 et require1-2 hours, Y 3tOt r5 > 1 hour for boiled beef or mutton. Despite this there are few, even among pronounced dyspeptics, who fear the effects of oysters. and. they are often ordered by physicians in. eases of illness where the stomach re els against more solid food, An Anti -Consumption League has been formed in Toronto. The Palmerston Reporter has issued a very creditably gotten up Special Trade Edition. It is copiously illustrated with cats of the more prominent buildings of the town and. contains handsome photo- gravures of the principal business men. It is a handsome souvenir of Palmerston. ABSO kTE SEni�t�i ~ r �, .t K , aIR r, 1111171.4.149.01 Conifne artees 11 Liver Pills. ' 4.51 Llan PC Must hoar Ignatui'© of See p'aeAStntlto Wrapper Dclbw. very ,limit sad an CMS0' ** tt ca QS onger. . �Q�2 6iEA0A��d�., MO DIZZINESS. !TIRE I~dtd OlLIOLIONCSS. 'I�E• .rut TORPID LIVER. pi LL PON CONSTIPATION. }OO SALLOW SKIN. (444,6 FON 1IISCOMPLEXlON II 1t1t"61rvftj�A�f►t5i$+ CURS SICK 11 ADACHIL Wbile drawing out manure a few s ago Wm. Mines, of the 1st con. of y, came across a, curious rand, some lulu° s �n na:.os eggs. They were about y the size of bantam hen's epgs°anal ha a tough skin instead of a shell. Th looked almost like small puff -balls. On breaking some of them a snake was found in each, some of thein being six inches in length an nicely spotted. Some of the eggs wore sent to Ethel, where it is expected they will be kept as curiosi- ties. `+ ppijiJ, 4Ong �L 18 "FACTS -ARE DiVINE TRIOS.” Such was the saying of a master mind, and what applies to things of state ap- plies with double force to matters con- cerning health. When it is said that Dr. Pitcher's Backache 11-idney Tablets can, if intelligently used, cure all kidney and bladder troubles, and such other diseases as can be traced to a slugg]sh or imperfect kidney action, it is always backed up by the positive proof and tes- timony of some reputable person, some one who is glad and willing to tell the world the results obtained. The follow- ing testimonial of M1:v. W. Eaton, 10 Penning St., Toronto, has the ring of truth, and bears out the claim that it is a euro beyond a doubt for the young, middle aged, and aged. Mrs. Eaten says: -- "Dr. Pitcher's Backache Iidclney 'Tablets have been of the greatest ea s t. t Uenefi t to xn e. Formerly mor I had so much backache it extended to my d hips and limbs. At times there would The be an acute lameness in my hips and a burning that causes very disagreeable sensations. I find that I ant very much invigorated since I used. a bottle of Dr.• Pitehoe's Backaghe Kidney Tablets. My back has recovered from its lameness, and I ala sleeping well eights, From my experience in using the Tablets I have much eonfzdenoe in them, and I can highly :recommend them." Any reader of this paper eat test the merits of,Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing, two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular size 60 cents per bottle. Sometime between Saturday night and Monday morning a house on on the old Richard Cudmore farm, 2nd con„ Tuckersmith, was destroyed by fire, much. to the surprise tf the neigh- hors, who knew nothing of the event until nest morning. Geo. White had moved some of his furniture into the house on Friday, intending to occupy it as soon as he got the balance of his stuff moved over, his brother, who had been occupying the place, having just moved out with the exception of some canned fruit. Wednesday's s Loudon Free Ay e0 Press had the following item which will be read With deep regret :—"The friends of Mr. James Young, of 711 1Vlaitland street. will regret to learn of his sudden death. Deceased was in good health when he retired on Monday evening, but shortly afterwards was stricken with paralysis aiid died within, two hours, The late Mr. Young was r1I old Huron settler, and for many years was a general finer, chant in .Corrie, Nino years ago he moved to this city. He leave.2 to mourn kis loss a widow, one soli and two daughter y. A Chicago paper tells of the death of Mrs. Lilian lily, slaughter of the late Samuel E. Eby, who left Port Elgin a few years ago. The story, briefly told, is that another lady, purely for fun, handed the young mother it large doll, with its eyes closed and a hanclkerollief' over its fate, for her three 20011(hs' old baby. Mrs. Eby was so frightened that she went into convulsions and died the Best day, despite the attendance of phy:- silialYs. The woman who se, thought. lessly played the trier lyse distracted audit wee thought she tveuld lose her reason. The physicians say itis nut 0.22 - Mutely singular ease. Lost 1238 Deposit, One of our local ministers some mouths ago gave an order for a suit of clothes to,a travelling pedler, paying a substantial deposit, The clothes were to be sent from Toronto 'when finished, the fakir giving the name of a svell- k11ow1i tailor. The clothes have never arrived and the Toronto tailor of course knows nothing about them. The minister is out the sum paid, and possibly will buy his next suit in town, It is not Sate to deal with pedlars at all unless you know thein,_ .. ,t, Sore Throat.. Mr. Chas. Johnston, Bear 1tiver, N. S., says: "I was troubled with hoarse - nem less stun sore s o t 11rc.at tool all aft r e taking three bottles of Dr. 'Wood's Ndrwtiy Pine Syrup I was entirely rated." A Detroit luilliolittire had his beautiful pleasure boat attached to Osvon Sound deck The tot k on Monday, 1 A 1 , .L le Ct . �' OS'4 were n in their bale foot life tars 00 board a than., of -swat, A trained nurse was olliboard to look after tho millionaire's physical welfare. On the pleasure boat was a gasoline launch that could bo easily ttn. shipped and run into any shallow -water cove. The Lent cost 400,000, I Ver blots :1; ki(I C" 'arta. Ne 41:111;0 wheal Corp, Smith was sent down to Cale Town, on the great transport bound for England, and the sick strange r pass- ed from his ken. When Smith arri'ved iia, Bugland he went clown to Bristol to see his relatives,. and when talking over bis exp.erieuce 121 the hospital be was told. to his surprise that his brother, a member of the Im- perial Areny Service Corps, was in that same hospital daring the time he sport there. The regimental number told Corp. Smith that for ten long wceka he had lain side by side with the brother he had left a child, sixteen years ago, and land never set eyes on since. Beep in- deed aro his regrets that their voyage through life should bring them so close together, and that fate suffered them to pass each other without a word. or nal. Ile fs happy to know, however, that his brother has recovered complete- ly and is again on duty. One W0111411'0 wardrobe, H. J. O'Neill, Chicago's "Barley King" nosy a petitioner in bankruptcy with liabilities of nearly half a million, might to -day have been a wealthy 1n£11 but for his wife's fe ldnc,,s for dress. She bi now in Paris, after baying escap- ed from the importunities of an army of creditor merchants, O'Neill still stout- ly defends his wife, Mrs. O'Neill start- ecl for Europe with 23 trunks. The creditors got ell but 8 at Montreal. 'these eight contained among other things: Twenty-three pairs of colored gloves, eleven pairs of white kid gloves, seventy-three costly lace handkerchiefs, one box.of bolts of lace, each bolt of which was valued at from $800 to $1,000; four ebony handled umnrellas, four parasols, twenty-eight silk vests ninety-seven dozen pairs of silk stock - inns, nineteen night-gowns, valued each at from ,1100 to $800; 826 gowns, valued none less than $500; ninety-three dresses for the daughter, a child of twelve, nine fur.maiis and eleven fur and feather boas . and collarettes, twenty-three maohiutoshes, twelve pairs of fancy corsets valued at $50 each, fifteen pieces of assorted silk garter ribbon, thirteen silk petticoats, nineteen opera cloaks, nine bath robes, twelve dozen boxes of ft'Lnoy neckwear, eight dozen silk union suits, twenty-nine pairs of shoes anti eighteen pairs of slippers several nets complete of toilet articles, seven pocket- books, sit lounging robes, eleven belt buckles, throe necklaces, twenty boxes tortoiseshell hairpins, three boxes tooth brushes, seven sponges and three work baskets. . The agents swllo followed her to Mont - groaned saythe trunks hitt had to stand tiro strain. There were six others filled wit h unconsidered nicknacks. "Tout Faree" still talks of Mrs. O'Neill from her reckless scattering of silver from the Eiffel Tower to a forced auction of personal rainents, consisting, among other items, of 136 gowns, sixty- two skirts and 106 hats. Cures Biliousness, "I have tried Lara -Liver Pills, and find them an excellent medicine for In- digestion and Biliousness. X. McCallum, Stouffvillo, Ont. halve loo Ever ileard It? After the well-known pianist's con- cert was over, the rural critic took us aside, and gave vent as follows to his pent-up feelings: "I tell you, mister, she was a slasher. Our Jennie couldn't hol a candle to her. When she first sat downs she looked wild . then, with a heel, dug her linger nails into them 'ere rough notes, and shot them like lightning up into the thin ones. Then she paused for a reply, mister, She then commenced at the right hand side, went a•rippling down hand over list till she got clean down, malting a noise like thunder. -She then wrenched a handful out of the centra, and plant- ed nonfat* the end, she wriggled with twoAngers, grabbed up another et fistful, ptttched right and left, wont ripetenhop ety-scotehy tip and down, toad I tell lout the trimmer howled. She then gave an . other snort, and when she, wont she bust.. otl in .like mad, raised up oft her chair, stuffed three fingerfuls there, crammed. eh; more in the corner, gobbled up a few more tones, and settled their hash in about it minute, After that she tackled fe it with her left hand alone. Between .you and me, mister, the men that'own. ' tel that 'ere planner went slliftin' about on his chair as though ho had a carpet• tacks under him. Good -night, mister. nrlee 0.1 cal. "I never ouch coal in my life," she de. Oared. "TWQntyhve shilliulgs g.4 tear you ones' irf (l 2110 for the snail, sari it won't burn 'aWpll, 2)1181us,"secsthe r.lp'y, "coal. Is o ax str at f twine p:,css, ':u(1 eve h;lv1 to be satisflod with what we can get, 1 gave twentytwo shillings et torr for that coal inyself," "Then you've been robbed," retorted the grumbler. "'Why, my husband cs n supply you with the same stuff at belt the price,,' . i didn't t liriiDSv t, husband, sus Y bane l was in the Coat trade, rni5stl8-„--,.” "He ain't," snapped the woolen. ""lie's: a4 slater?" A dose of Miller's Worm Inworr's o0ea,sionlally will keep t'•u elakh• 1x healthy. At Colin A. Cuznpllell's. "Pe1sy,1..lz'e Pnulierauset A small plineplo on your fano ri p seem, of little oonsequenoe, but it slao�sva your blood is impure, and impure blood, 2s wlr tt causes most of the diseases from; wh'eh people suitor. Better heed the n , war run given the 1 �, g bypimple told miry 'Amu, bluott at once by taking 1 -food s Farmyard's. This medicine cures all rl anuses duh to barn blood, ialc1uc11l, pc regale. pndsk4lt rheum,. The non-irriting oatartic -- Mood's Pills. . McNeil, G i largest ltx �e l ono f o t1ol..r 5 , t ..,t r +� grape P growers 111 Essex 00 122ty says that the grape crop will be far below the average in gnat county this season. The severe, weather in February, 1.1300, and agninr last spring injured the vines badly, Ile places. his own 1'083 tllit3 season at P.:3;000. NGEtORZ DYSENTERY. Mr. John L. Carter, ofBridgetown, N,S,, in the following letter, tells how it saved Ms life: "I had suffer. edwith dysentery for four weeks and could get nothing to cure elle. I then tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and I feel that it saved my life. It restored me to health when everythingelse failed. I con.. sider it a wonderful remedy that should have a place•in every home." Soothes the irritated bowels, settles the stom- ach, gives prompt relief from pain, prevents col- lapse, and cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, �. Cholera, Cramps, Colic, Surniner Complaint, Cholera Infan- turn, Nursing Sore Mouth of Infants and all bowel complaints of young and' old more safely and speed- ily than any other remedy. 17 TEARS iR 11SR, Mrs. Middleton Wray writes from Schomberg, Ont., at follows: "Dr. Fowler's Extract .,• of,y ddStra strawberry the best remedy I know of for Summer Complaint and Bowel Dis• - eases of children. I have used it in our family for the past seventeen years and never had occasion to call in the doctor for these troubles, as the Fowler's Extract always worked like a charm," Always ask for Dr, t owier's Extract of Wild Strawberry and refuse substitutes or imitations. ;5:1T.r'%'4Qty.'��'1rly„!krytt�ri•Cb�4.',"'ge,�eF,. R�1••T nir..rk�dt� �o.. ��.�a ^y.��k� 'yam, ,. A.i�.n. n� A, +� # klzie'IY-•-' :-';34 `'w�..Y'�0;S:,.AV.-.1 I1.-A,,ekri tea'W' 4<'i3.,.�`--b+yR'n.,.?b:'•C��i U6p 3Ti✓•�xY�',O•arNu•i;1Y"LiY'l'�t�o�M"'VIS W. SOME FEATURES Y: YX Sam Hunter's Cartoons, Full Market Reports, Special Cali;es. Th , ��E • Khan. f Ontario Desp'ttehes, Sporting News. Madge mercrn"s faze for Women 114, rvv7��Jt p 1� Y4 . 74 Iff, T An °A UQ �i,Y•( >L,w..Ii tea. � Ii• �' `��a In Publishes the best of cvervthincl'. Itleads lis: t,e�4 x� in the excellence of its special. departments $ while its' news columns are brio -ht and xa readable,Yft NC ¢•, HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR THE BALANCE Y' 74 OF TATE' YEAR. R. A yfk The Toronto Daily Star will be Milled to any Addressi'i YA kTo ., 1901, or di vi Ye)c0C(ir:,4111„,f-50 The rogtiler subscription price of Pini STAR ' �� l is .t?sy $ a Par fly� and $2,00 ss here the paper is not ret^'v 3 1 , !! 1 7 ,.n e@ antil the ciao after ptib• �� lication. The present offer is ntaLic with z view or platin i Ills v t STAT. in the homes; Of tlinusan(i•5 who will be interested iti read- ing the boot afternoon pang in O.ltyia'io, • 1 PY a y To every subscriber will be • . o mailed _ .a llt FICTURE OF THE OULN GIVEN FREE., y9 beautiful plate of Her Majesty Queen Victoria V/ . and the Prince of Wales. /i '.' 1•Ayhl nriitlirrtut>tl`gulla�ever siabii 119 fol• 'l.i rant9, is the hanrlssrrto=t irirtul•o et the i ��9 ] sed int t1hii.y 91a coltv.,ntio: 1. sur:rl1tt9uFthb r,?na•ir rn•esen i ➢tr as much yvuu,ton• than toe ti • •. 0 b ) CIC ii L7fl ilia ` 1:,(111,,!,,,, 110 lli od sovutroti a t1,1Lt l,er people lvve hag ,.rad tivili1 member la. sent yet t ' 1• 0: 0'::• I:Pnille ghe \viii r'Vet' be 1•elnenll)orC,l-•*•tll.l 1y 1 eta tier F m-,h,'rhoaat. Putties,; it is theroibro, that 91iu shotli,2 Uo 21 1 tni� u2,1.2: l iiiilla i alld the ' Yuture { l to anti 90 i t Jt, of Ills bi C e � e!i soltai � tt r ret • ttte ti lei'r int 69.d e lila ,' hts • :• h.,, to aln,oh •.> 1 ud t ei. n „ 'Che i n rlC rlaair tura .i o 1 91aa-ai zr aches, in i6 r3h tdes v r t trAmid. li'et h i eters, a and, t i bean ornitnso Ito, ,sena* t n any (Voll. b y � It Is a special, /c !_.,palixtltlg, triads a rrluSiVs]y for The 'Toronto y 3 and is a work of Alt. ; StAr� ►�\r\r0i... 10, i�a� PR�...;*�.0►'s14 THS �' T �' and JA Nova Scotia wilt this year have the ti •,. larr gest Apple crop in its history. ilagyard's Yellow Oil is a s odeaunn ). for man or Beast, It redacts Wt'1,liil; y : allays inflammation, talus mit pain, and dd' II retires arts, barns, t.rui es, spraitiiy, i quinsy, 1k.lre threat, e'to. Price 116.•, , i awl t" "1A . J. 1•14041.6filli at.uar y tSt T9 • i , 1') ''' " 1.K:t;ll;•f' or i1., 'Majesty i.ju Cir 15:iorin ilrtd Prince! t'( iS ,l'(:'+ It','" j;<?' C -ail L•sTs, If you are now r.I $subscribes' 10 the 'films you c to I'swe .`'.,'tt.2r .,; d P.ctui'e .or ,50 cents. Le it"e your orders ` trty at 21:01 a tS