The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-07-06, Page 5.. % r r• HUROD:4kt SLY T1939 t °ceum Theatre W I`'NGHAM Show . starts at .8- pen. wept Saturday: ---Saturday •nighit two shows at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. 'MATINEE Saturday, 2.30 p.m. •Thursday, • Friday, Saturday July' • 6 - 7 PENNY SINGLETOI4 ARTHUR LAKE, BLONDEE''`- The; •characters of Dagrwood, Blotidie;•. and ..Bab r '.balm ling, which ppa ear.in the Glebe and Mail comic strip, lose none of their ih'urnorous appeal when, 'they are "' portrayed on. the screen in this fast-moving com= edy. Also "Two Comedies "Screen .Snapshots!'. • "'News" .. Monday, 'Tuesdi y,, Wednesday - 11 0 12. JOE E. BROWN ''JUNE TRAVIS in *- "THE GLADIATOR" From one'laugh to' another as Joe becomes a scientific' ex- periment and turns into astip • er-moan. Also "Many Sappy :Returns" "Demons Of The Deep"' "Bluebird' .'Baby" MATINEE, Saturday : 2.30 p.m.. Admission Adults -20e ° 'Children --10c . •'ASHFIELD ST. HELENS An impressive- service washeld in the United, Church on Thursday even- ing ',when. Rev,. p.' A, Barnard, form- erly •�f- Nile was inducted into the charm of .St. Helens and ' White- church. Rev. hite••church.'Rev. Mr. Townshend of .Bel- grave and Rev. Mr, Sinclair of Blyth were incharge. .:At the conclusion. P,ev: Aid Mrs; Barnard and Mise Win- nifred were introduced to those pres- ent • and later a, social hoar was en- joyed. , a . '1,,.• M and 'nd. Mrs. Wm. 'Dougherty, and M .Gruen: of 'Guelph wIere ?visitors. . -pt Mrs:' R. J. Woods... -g'' - : The' 'death'- Occurred eon :,Friday.. Morning Of: the infant ,daughter. ^of Mr.; and Mr$. Elwood :Barbour.;,The 'funeral • ,,services '.0'n' Satilirday :Were -in charge, of }Rev, Mr Barnard, , Miss Vera Taylor: wa. home from Goderich, for•' the week -e d. Mrs. E. J. Thom,. M'r • and ;Mrs. W,-' A.. Miller' and/Allan . were visitors en Friday 'with' Miss Laurrine Mil- lei and other . friends . at Stratford. •Mr:• and Mrs. Ewart ,MePherson;; Florence and Jean, Mr. aisd. Mrs. Mc- Kenzie Webb Dorothy and Billy Were recent visitors at tine Blyth. There •was a fine attendance at the meeting, of the -1/1.-P..„;11._ Sunday evening 'when the • president, Dick Weatherheed had charge:. E. W. Rice read the Scripture -lesson ' Mrs Rice .read a 'Poem "A . House- wife ,speaks . ••The topic ."Adventures' in self . control wan taken by Dick Weatherhead:' Mr. and .Mrs.- J, W. Dean, Margaret and Billy of •London were ' recent guests of Mr, and ,Mrs. John• Cam-. 'eron. Mrs. John Webster has been a .vis itor .with relatives. at Guelph: , - Miss Jean Webster is taking a summer •course at 'Kingston Univer- sity. w - Mr. and Mrs.,Jim Mitchell., Messrs. Georgie, and. Bill and: Miss Freda Mitchell and little :Miss. Louise Mitch with ' Mr and Mrs. Will •McCrostie ell 'of Toronto 'were week -end visitors and Mr. and Mrs. Will Webster: Mr- Harrison Tayio' was.. home. from Kirkland Lake ,.for the' holiday week -end; .Mrs. Alex Leitch' and .Mr: "and Mrs. Jim :Bowden of Detroit we're recent visitors with •Mr,: and Mrs. E. J. Thom ' Dir,, Arnold Cowan of Toronto'spent the week-endat his home here. . , The Mary Hardie Mission Band met, • at the manse on Monday., " Mrs. J. N. 'McKenzie of Ripley is visiting her - daughter, Mrs. D. A. MacLean. # Miss Isabelle MacLean has resigned •as- teacher, in Laurier school and in. the closing' exercises the pupilspre- sented her with tL silver cake plate. Miss E. Brown. of Amberley has been • engaged for the next term.- The people of this community cel: ebrated .July lst .at the new Recrear . tion ' Patk when a field day was-' staged. In the draw.for •'the' first game Pine :.River playd Kingsbridge Pine • River inning. The Ashfield m •p Y. ptea la ed Pine River, which re- sulted' in a tie. •Between these games the • girls softball teams played n game with Sarabelle Finlayson's side Winning 14; to 13. .There 'were races. for the .children and altogether a full - afternoon ,of sports was enjoyed by all; • , Mrs. Kenneth MacLennan returned " front her visit to,.Chicago'and was ac- companied ° by. Dr. and Mrs. White • and faitily. • - +. The most . of -the. school teachers "ate' away to summer school some to London and • Guelph, others to Tor- onto. • • , Mrs. M. J. MacKay .and daughter Florence of Goderich spent the week- end' among• relatives here, • • • Miss Betty Bissett,, nurse-in7train- ing has returned to her duties in Goderich Hospital after a two weeks' vacation at her home here. MAFEKING T HE LUCK!! .. W . SENTI'NEL T... PRE�SENTA IOhI MADE TEACHER The Jolly Time Literary. Society held 'a social evening'`pn F�riday, June 30th, at the school SS, . No. 9, tart Wewa,nosh Ito honour their . teacher, Miss Olive Farrigr, prior to her de - P rture to 'tea h in Toronto next, term; " . Miss Farrier was the recipient of a beautiful "Mirapack" travelling ba.g and'a, .sum -of money. . ' • The presentation address was read by the ` president, M4:;,4,JaFk 'T`aylor.. The address was as • follows. Dear 'O ivies Members of the Jolly Tante. Ylater=` ar , Society.'area gathered Where to,. night' to show in. •a smaij way• out` appreciation of the active'' mart. You' have taken in 'this ,society. Yea 'have entered ,whole-heartedly into.all part.s of ,your work as teacher in :,a' rural community, and we would make spec'- ial mention of 'the,. way you have de" veloped the musical talent of your pupils and trained 'them to take their place on. the 'programs •oaf. the Lit- erary Society; also of ,•.your willing help at all times, not 'forgetting, your joys ,and "'sorrows, trials. ,and tribulations, with the gang in • the will-miss-you- but ill m=iss- you=but , feel • confident that the Toronto Board of Education is receiving • •One of Huron . County's 'best,. We; present to you this mirapack • as 'a mark Of' • appreciation - and offer you .the wish, of the Jolly. Time Literary Society -Success • and New Friends,: After the presentation . Miss Far rier . fittingly replied. ,' A very, Pleasant evening was.: en,- io,yetl•- by .n:ir -On Wqdnqsday '!prior Miss .Far- rier was ..also .presentedwith a silvett pyrex casserble by her pupils: The presentation was made by 'two of her pupils, Blanche-Manto and Cath- erine Currie. A. number : of mothers. were' present for the occasion." ,Guests' of Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart 'included Dr. J. W. McGregor and daughter" Donna, Dr. W. C. Mc- Gregor and Mr: • Lloyd Walker' of Chicago, Mrs, Kenneth. McGregor and daughter; Violet of Granum; Alta. Miss Grace Blake of Drumbo re- turned home .Thursday. She left a- gain Monday morning for. Toronto where she 'will Mark exmin;ation papers for the ne,it three weeks' • Mr., and • Mrs. S. B. Stothers and - family of Arthur are at their cottage at Kintail for the summeii months. ' Mr. and Mrs. Palmer tKilpatrid of Toronto are spendiig • a .few days wif.h•«their parents here and' at Ben in.. this week «... miller. They intend leaving • on a Motor trip ,through the western Provinces to the coast. Little Keith Moffat of Watford is s rend,tlg some bine with his grand- mother, Mi•s. `Richat•d Johnston. •Miss Elizabeth McTvor of Itis 1osr who has taught in otir schoo fol• the pest year' has tendered her re:4igna- tion: We are 'soi'r9 to lose 'Miss Mc-• r otir , community as . she ... , . .Ti�,air; from .. .... , _.., hmade many mmany friend's here.. The • school children presented her • with a silvor bonbon dish as a little re- membrance of her: pupils front .S. S No. O. e ' ° Church stervice will be at eleven n.m next. Sunday. Sunday school` 'in the afternoon 'at the regular hour. COURRI E`S CORNERS A' fire , alarm' was sent out on. Sunday. afternoon ' and neighbors' helped to• extinguish the fire on Mi's. Wrn.''Brennen's house .of .the ninth concession. . ' ' ' Miss Ina Campbell is; atteindilig summer 'school at; Guelph. Mr. Wm. 'Caswell and Miss Elsie Caswell of Flesherton, Mr. Leonard M:iCarthy, of .Prieeville Mr. 1Wm. McLean of Saltford were. Sunday visitors with Mr: and Mrs. George Lane. Mr. and ,Mrs. ' Nelson and ;Mrs.. Holland of Clinton visited with Mr. and M1 s, E. G. Zinn on Sunday.. Mr. Duncan .McKay treated the ' School Children of No. 10'to a day in Goderich.. S• • Miss MacEwan of Goderich has been engaged • as teacher at No. 10 for the coming year. 11?r. and Mrs. Elmer Farrish vis- ited with friends at Holstein'on Sun- day. Maxine remained for a holi- day. " Mr. and Mrs. , Alex Watson, Win - THE* CKNOW SEN Published every ' :. ,urs a.y' at I.ueknow, Ontario. Mrs, A. Dpi iVIacKenzie,_P Thompson -Pu .--,U TINEL Th d morning o. M roprieto►' Campbell blisher THURSDAY, JULY 6T11, 193.9. DUNIGA:ON ' Leland Baer of : Milk River Alta:, is`r'expected to -visit. her :sister Mrs. dos. Killough • and ether •rel- ative.s in these_ parts.. It Is .over twen- ty years, since she was •;here., befo;;e. Iyer, 'hus'band will . arrive' later on in the fall • Miss Eva - Kiliough, 'Toronto anz,j'C;'.'Bus,' Pr , .C;. Mrs'. Win. '•Kelly and 3iininy are also' visitors. Jimmy will 'remain .fer the surmner months: ,• • Mrs. Wm. Sproul has returned from a 6' weeks' visit with friends. et Win, •nipeg, -Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman. Treleaven Toronto, are enjoying a few holidays' -with their mother, Mr's. Annie Trelea, • LUC.KNOW HIGH SCHOOL REPORTS' 8 Lrlcknow High School Reports for . The Year 1938-9 in Grades I1t..nd• , X •And In Latin And French Of Form III. • Y It will be- necessary for the studentt whose' -names are omittedfrom this report `'to • remain -next' yeer in the same grade. • Grade I3k . Chin;. Sam -Eng., • C; Fr., 'C.; Art,. ,C; ' 1VIus.;,I•II Soo: Stud.,.III; .Gen. Sc.,, II; "Bus.' Pre, C;• MathIL ` .. Creen, Luella-En‘C.; Fr.; C;' Art III; 1Vius:, R; See: Stud., C, Gin Se., . Born to Mr: and ..Mrs. J. D. Rich= •ardson,'Friday June 30th at Goderich Hospital, a son,' Congratulations. Born to. Mr. and •Mrs; Bert' Maize I?u ngstsnn:oii' .en T,hursday_..Tune 29th a daughter. . Congratulations Mr:, . Harold. Sproul; Mrs Warner Sproul and, children returned,:to the West after a month enjoyed,:;Wath. e ' the for•men s Mother; Mrs. s David' Sproul • Ad:. other relatives. Miss' Amelia Mcllwain •is •assisting Mi;,s.B J. ,Cra`wf; d at her home. On The :Cong Hg,r r' 'on of the United church has been. very . much disap- pointed of the .non•=arrival or the minister, Rev Johh Richardson, who 'when expected last week, •,was moving' to `I$ensall 'to :take,a; ,rest for a year,. instead of. taking over the Dungannon 'eharge. as 'appointed from the 'Londoii Conference last May. What seemed.a second misunderstanding was the postponement .df 'the Sunday 'morning' service when after" fifteen minutes of Waiting by the congregation, for a supply. speaker to come, • they gave up . and returned to their' homes: 'HOLYROOD Rev. T. Kennedy and. sons ,James and Wm.- of Norwich were the -guilts Of • the fgrnier's' sister, . Mrs. Thbmas Roach and Mr.: Roach the. past week. Mr. .and Mrs. 0. Russell of ' Kin- garf and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Acekrt acid Clarence' and Ronald of •' Lorne were Sunday , visitors at Mr. Ernest Ackert's. . Miss' Leona White spent the past. ineek ,with her . grandparints; IMr.. and Mrs. 'Thos. White. Mr',' and , Mrs. Sam Nesbitt of :Lur- gen were Sunday visitors at Mr. Thos. Roach's. - Mr rand ,Mrs. Wilfred Hogan and babe of Toronto were recent visitors at Mr. Thomas Whites. Mr. Peter Johnston our mail Cour-. rier is attending the World's Fair at New York. He had the good for- tune to. wiri the trip in a. contest for the- Globe and Mail. • Mr. Gordon Campbell has been re engaged as teacher here. - We a`re pleased to report that Mr. Richard Elliott,.. who • had some ribs broken from the hay wagon running over- him, •is improving nicely,' Recent' visitors at Mr. Richard El- liott's were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; Henry, 2nd con., Mrs. Almer Ackert Mrs. J. H. Ackert,. Mr. Wilmer.'. Robb of Amberley. • WHITECHURCH Miss Letty Pierce ' of Brussels is working at the home:• of Mr. and Mrs. ' Geo. Kennedy. ' • Miss Murphy of Woodstock' is vis- iting at the home of Mr. and 1yIrs, Robt. Mowbray. . Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques spent a day with her niece^' Mrs. Win. Cur; rie, Wingharn. ' What's wrong This is' Ian 'unusual happening and we* hope in • a short. time things ,will'.. be `smoothed out • for the best, ' • Mrs. -Will Crawford has left to re - titre to her. home at Victoria,: R. C., going via Detroitwhere she ha's'•been visiting her . husband's °:sister,' Mrs, R. E: Willis. Miss Bernice Roach 'was home over the week -end with herparents,.'Mr: an'd'. :Mrs: Arthur Roach. Mrs:: Wm. Andrew, who has spent the, past six weeks visiting friends in Saskatchewan is expected.. home the latter part of the week. Rev. ,Dean Armitage of .Saskatoon called on Mr: and Mrs. R. J. Durnin on 'Monday . bringing greetings, from some of their friends in those parts. Friends... visiting Mr. and Mrs,' Geo, Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fow- ler-on ow-ler-on Sunday were Mrs. Wm. Henry and Mr. and Mrs; Howie McCauley. Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. H. Bell- aniy Mrs, Jack 'MacDonald and Betty of ,Toronto , and -Mrs:' Roy Burchill, Mitchel. Mrs:' 'Colin Campbell return, ed to Toronto with them on' Sunday to visit before returning to her home in Ottawa. ' • aAn outbreak of chicken pox more or less threw a wet blanket on holi- day for -the children: Thanks .to the ,famijies whose cases' reported kept strict quaranteen 6f their own ac- cord, and no new, cases are coming to light. . Gardner, Kathleen- 'Fr., C,, Hackett, Keith-.--Eng:111aA:,:• C; . Art, rI;'<Mus:,;.IJI; Soc. Stud'.,' L,: Gen. Se., I; ;Bus. Pr„' C:' Mali..., ,C. ' Irvin, Willa- Eng.,. C; Fr:, C, 'Art,' C; Mus., 0; ,Soc Stud., .II; Gen. Sc., III; Bus. Pr., Co; Math., 'C.: '• ' 1 Irviiin, Lloyd -Eng.,' C; Art,, C; Mus., ;III; Gen. Se,, :C;. Bus. Pr., C;, Math., C. . ' Johnston,. Catherine -Eng., I;, Fr., II; Art, ?III; Mus., III; Soc. Stud,; 1; Gen: Sc., •I; Bus. Pr., II; Math H. Johnstone; Donald --;Eng:, C; • Art, C Mus.; III; Soc. Stud., ' C; 'Gen, Sr:.; C,•ua• Pr., C. • , . -: Macs ,li ion, Angus -Eng., C; Art, C; .Seer Stud,, C;' Gen. 'Se., C; Bus Pr.,' C; 'Math:; C. Maize, Ellen -Eng.,, C; Fr., C; Art, d; C; ;Mus., C;. Soc. Stud., III; Gen. Sc., III; Bus. Pr:,, -1$1; Math., C. ; McBride, Muriel -Eng.; .C; Fr, C.;. Art, C; 'Mus.,' C; Soc. Stud., C; Gen. Se., , I.II;' Bus. Pr., •f:Il; Math., C.' , . McGuire;;, Dorothy -Eng.,,. C, Fr , C'; Art, 11; Mus„ C;. °Soe. Stud., C; Gen. Sc., • I;' Bus. Pr.., C; Math., C.' Orr, Helen -Eng., 1I; 'Ft:, TI; Art, II; Mus.,' I; Soc. Studs I; Gen. Sc., 1; Bus. •Pr:, In; kith., II. . • Paterson, Ross -Eng:; C; Art.., C; Mus.;,II; Soc..' Stud., C; Gen: Sc., Il; Bus. Pr., C; Math., • C., Prest, Katherine -=Eng., IIF'., C; Art, • 'III; Mus:, III; -,Soc. Stud„ I; Gen. Sc.,"II; Bus.P'L f11; 'Ma,'th., II1. ,.Reid,. 'Kathleen -Eng., C; ' Fr.; •t;; Art, CFIVIos., TI; Soc. Stud,, -III; Gen. Sci, III; Bus. Pr.; C; Math., C. • •'Reid, Lorna-Fr.,..III. ' ' Steward, Gordon -Math., 0.. .Taylor, Betty.=Eng., ,II; Fr.; 'III; Art, III; lVIuA., III; Sc.'e,' Stud., :IL; Gen. Sc,, I; Bus. Pr., .PII; Math., • VIII.. Treleaven, .William Eng., III; . SFr.. C; Art,. C; Mus., II; Soc. Stud,, III;; Gen. ,Sc., I; Bus. Pr.y III; Math, III. 'Webster, 'Fred -Eng.,' 0; ,Art,: C Mus., , III; Soc: Stud., C; Gen. Se., C; pus. Pr: C. • Wilkins, Mur'el t Eng., II; • 'Fr., III; Art; III; Mus., .I; Soc.: Stud., II Gen. Sc., . I us. Pr.. I• Math, • C. Wilson, Celia. -Eng:, C; • Fr,; • III; Art., C; Mus.,C; Soc. Stud., FII; Gen. Sc., II; Bus, Pr., III; Math., C. W.ylds, Lloyd -.Eng., C; . Art,C; Mus..III; . Soc_ Stud,, - C; -Gen,-- Sc., -;C; - Bus. Pr., C, nifred and Margaret spent an even- Mrs; John Turner and children of ing with Mr., and Mrs. Adam John- Kitchener• spent the holiday with her 'stone last week. ,; - brother, ;j1'1r•., Albert Paterson. . Mr: and Mrs. Hugh - McMillan of Detroit are spending a few days with f• Southsinloss. W. M. S. . .M Those who, listened to Mrs. (Rev,), Polidck address the "t oriie Helpers" ,at Mrs. A. Sutherland's horne. tatere impressed by ,the thought she brought to them. •Taking' for her subject, LOke, -as found in chapter' 1.0, she ,made it very, clear, that Is hot who we are; 'tut what we are and what . we de,that is worthwhile, in life. Read- ings were: , given ‘by nieinbers ores-. ent, and an appropriate• duet entitled "B.rig * the earner, where you are' , ae1nt re was, sung .by Mrs. A. M y . s and Mi s A. 11+IeTay. 'It was moved, and 'carr ied .that a rue•s kage of sympathy be sent to Mrs. (Rev.) Gray Reid 'of Chathe:ei 'in the loss'of her husband It was •duiaing their ministry in South Kin•loss`that the Horne Helpers of the W. M. $. was first • started: ' ' "It 'mist be awful to be a debt col- lector. You' mm ust be unwelcome 'wher- ever, you go." ''.'Not at all.,•.Practicii:lly everybody asks' me to call' again." •his brothers here, Messrs: John and Pat McMillan. ' ' , Mrs:- George Cottle ;and daughter and. their friends of ' Detroit , spent a few days with her, sister, Mrs. Joseph Tiffin. r A. mimbei• from here 'attended the Miss • Wilma ' Treleaven, Toronto, is visiting for two weeks with 'her par- ents, •Mr. 'and' Mrs. G. C. Treleaven. 55th Wedding .Anniversary ' On July 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson celebrated their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary' quietly at their home . on 'the '2nd concession West Wawanosh, Mrs. Wilson, -whose .maid- en name .was also Wilson, came as a young •womgn to this country from Antra', Ireland in 1881 to her aunt's, the late Mrs. Wm: Phillips, Belfast. In 1884 she was married to Mr: Hen- ry Wilson ,of the 4th 'of West Wawa - nosh: They lived ''ell these years on the • same 'farm: They have .three children, Mrs. Young (Ida) 'of. God- erich, Mrs. Gould (Mabel) Toronto Win. IL Wilson of Sault Ste: Marie, Charles Earl deceased, nine grand - 'children acid sial .great-grandchildren and oe Sunday they hed Mr: and Mrs. Elwyn` Young and Carole of Goderich,. Mr, and Mrs. Meredith Young, Eve- lyn and Marjorie of Lotdesboro, Mr. and Mrs.,. Worthy Young and Dori:* and Me. .end _Mrs: Won, B'arkwiek, 3 1; Bobbie and their aunt from Kin- burn. Mr.' and Mrs. Wilson are both enjoying. fairly 'good health and we wish then,. many, Mere.' years of health and happiness: ' _. ,...,. . • . ASH FlEW worts tS Falconer and •McInnes picnic at Tees - water on Saturday.; July lst, • Mr. Rory Ross and his sister Mar-: garet and. Miss McLennan of Lang - side. Spettt, Sunday aftei loon withMMiA. Reid. 4 We • 're sorry- to. report Mr, Albert McQuillan tb be. on the silk, list, We hope to hear, of -iri 'improvement soon..l• Mr: and Mr's. 'SIM of Toronto spent a . few days with the latter's • parents Mr, and Mrs. 'Thos. Inglis. ' .' M'r's. ,John •t~'arrtithdi;s and `fami13 and, Mr .and Mrs, i.iiansell of Londot spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Fisher. ,' - Mr. and Mris. George Jacques and family of Preston spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques, . •b Grade X :: .• Allin, Carolyn -Eng., II; Fr., ,1II; Lat., II; -Mils, H;. Soe St., I; Gen. Sc., I; Math., II ' Campbell,: Audrey-Lat., IIi: Cook, John -Eng., C; Mus., II;, Soc. St.," C; Gen. S'e„ .III;' Math., •C; Com. Work, C. ' Crozier•,, Lorena-Fr., Ili; Lat., III; Soc. •St.,' C; Math., C. • • Curran,' Bertram --Math., I. Gibson, Kathleen-Eng.,0; Pr., 0; Lat., C; Mus., III;• Soe. St:, C; Gen, Se., III; 'Math., C. ' . . • ' Hoffman, Marjorie-Lat.,, III; Gen. Se., 11; Math., II. • Hunter, , James -Eng., C; Lat., . C; Gen. Sc., I; Math.; C. • Miss Ila and P,e.ggy 'Culbert of tie- tr•oit spent two weeks at their home - , , Lat., TT:; Mus., 1I Sae:. St:, 1; en. aceonipr}nied by •then nephew,' Tyul<it ! and. Jackie. Ashton. Sc., I; Math., II. °• c.---.7 - PAGE FI•YB 4 '- • is ,Modernly . They. Ford Garage g quipped F - i ' echan cal Service to g��e the Fr>�est In M . ,.Our ; Repair' Shop .a . IS IN CHARGE OP AN;ExPERIENCED MECHANIC, AND HAS . NEWEST'. PRECISION ,MACIfINERY INSTALLED ` TO F.NSURJ A PERFECT;. JOB;, Including ELECTRIC WELDING. 1 0 0d'0t 0 ae�t,RQO .,C , . . N 'D .•. LADIES' ARE,,,: '' ODE NEW REST 4Ol?'M:"G FOR ME , , . AN;� ' • NOW OPENED, FOR `Y°OUK CONVENIENCE, •ce AND FOR BEST PER- 'RODUCTS. The For .Garage e GARFIELD • OSTRANDER, PROP, LUCKNOW, ONT.. -Sales' ��'��d '°Sere . SEE AND.DRIVE THE NEW FORD - •FORMANCE USE B. A 1• .ahoocl-S��wa�t Lumber. . Compa;ny OPEN EVERY WEEK'DAY., FROM '•7:30 TO 6.15 ALSO SATURDAY AND WEDNESDAY. NIGHTS, Prices . The Lowest In'The Community Campbell St., Lucknow. Phone. :34 : • KI'NLOSS'COUNCIL ,I June 12th 1939- .. xlsiifield,.-J .. , Oounail 'met 'en. :above' date, ail members present, 'minutes of former meeting read and approved Ori notion of L: .Johnston and Anderson. • Moved .by Frayne and C. Johnston and resolved • •THAT collector get bonds on'' alls taxes outstanding. • Moved 'by. 0• 'Johnston and L. John- ston and resolved THAT the fran- chise of the Goderich Rural Tele- phone Company, be extended and,'a by=law be • drafted .bringing' condit- ions. up to date. ' The •following bills and accounts -were ordered • p'aid' on motion, 'of Frayne^ and• L. Johnston: • ' Thomas' Anderson; putting in corr. tile, $23.60; Harold Stewart, , putting in coir. tile,. 31.70; Clifford Crozier. widening road, 39.90,; N. J. McKenzie, grading, file and repair, 10.30; Albert, McGee, grading, 9.90;' Herb :Curran, work O. men, 8.50;.W. A. Boyle; pow-. er maintainer, 88.60; 3.' C. Purdon., operator maintainer, 20.65; . Pedlar People, culverts, .641.09; Herb :Curran, salary,' •109.20;' Sandy and.• Salkeld, gravel, crushing ;and delivering, 2621.00; John ''Bennett, putting in' arch culvert; 12.50; , Mrs. Jas. Me - Kenzie, tongue for grader, 2.00; Win:. N. Brown, work on grader, 1',00; • Jas. °Burns, cement tile,' 133.25 • Frank Hamilton, ditching and grading, 14.20 Robt. Andrew, repairing, 1.50; W. P. Reed,, part ,salary, 75.00; Clerks 'h salary 55.00, 'postage 5:00, 60.00;. Wm. Davison, indigent funeral, 40.0.0; Idrnund .Sinnett, balance .salary. 14.00; ...Mrs, N: ' D. McKenzie; relief goods; 11,99. - . Council then , adjourned on motion of •Frayne and Anderson.. C. E. McDonagh,, Clerk. Jamieson,, Pearl -4%1g., HI; ,Fr:. C; Eat., 0; Mus., II; Soc. St.-, III;' Gen: Sc., III; Math., C.. MeeDeneld, Margaret -Eng., C; Fr:, C' Lat., III; Mus., C; Soc St:, IH; 'Gen: Se., II; Math., C. MacKinnon,. Grace'Math., McKim, Reid -Eng., C; Fr., C; Lat. 0; Mus., IT; Soe. St., III; Gen. Sc., TTI; Math., 1I1. . . McNeil. Ray -Eng,', C; Fr., III; T:at.. IT Mus., III;' Soc. St., C; ,Gen. Sc. ITT;�1VIath., IIL - Niicholson, Margaret -Eng., TI; Fr., C; Lat.,, C; Mus., II; Soca St:, II; Geo. 'Sc., II; ,Math., C. ' Reid. term -Eng., C; Mile., 0; Soe: St.,i C; Gen. Sc., 1'11. - Salkeld, Mary-•-Eng.,,.11;, Fr., tI at III; Mus;, of Soc. St:.''I;' Gen. -T; Math.,. III. , - Solomon, •Marvin•• --Gen. Sc:, H. Steward;, Gordon- Eng., 'C; M't s,,• IIT; Soc. ,St., C; Gen, Sc.,.C. - I`iry r, Evelyn -=-Eng.• -III; "Fr. C; Mus., . III; Soc:' St., 'C; Gen. Sc., C; Math., I'I'I.'• " Thompson, milliard -'-Eng., C; Lat., C; 1Vtus,, II; ''Soc. St 11; Get,•, Se:, C; Math.,. C, . 'Twarnle'Y, Terme,--Eng., I.1;. Pr., II; LIVET - The. Women's Missionary • meeting.. . for. the inori'th of June: was held.in the church With' a • good attendance.. The meeting • opened- with .the.. singing of • the opening hymn,'no. 153. Mrs. 'Dave. - Stewart's group• being. in charge of this meeting. The secretary, M.rs,• O. ' Brooks,. took.'charge ,of the. roll' call .and' the reading of the east minutes. The Scripture reading, •was well -taken ' by Mrs.. G. Backwell, • choosing oto , read Psalm' 31. Mrs. •O. Brooks fav--. or•ed, with a very i.riteresning• reading, "The Christ of the , African. Road". -Mrs. Black - gave the account. of the Convention. We were then .favored.' with •a-bea-u-tiful: solo by Mrs, J, Coli- :.• .Mrs: D. 'Stewart gave" a very interesting and instructive. talk- on the Jews. The. meeting was brought • •to a'elose by a -prayer by Mrs: W. S. .,McGuire. Plans were shade at this 'Meeting for the -Garden Party which will be held in July. This June meet- ing was in eharge'of Mrs, -D. Stewart, ,as ,convener, and her helpers,. -.,Mrs. ' W. S..•M.cGuire, Mrs. Joseph, Coiling, Mrs: b`. Brook's, Mrs.' G. Barkwell and 'Mrs, W. T. Roulston., The next -meet- ing- Will be in charge .of Mrs. H. Vegan as'convener and her helpers., Mrs, J. Coiling, 'Mrs. Mao, MacGuire, Mrs, 'C, -.Hamilton ;and 'Mrs: F. Mei.' Charles. •` Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hamilton and Mrs,. E. A. • Mitchell of Vancouver, have returned .to their hones after visiting with friends and relatives. in Itiplev and throughout Huron, and •Kinloss Townships, . • Miss Sadie McCharles ,ha's' left. for Toronto •where she will take a sum :Form III .. - Campbell, Audrey -Fr. Au., C: Fr. Comp., -C. Carruthers, Kathleen--T.at. Au., C;. :Lat., Coinp., C; ' Fr, Au„. III; - Fr. Comp., Cowan, Marion-Lat. Au., 0; .Lat. Comp:, C. . Culbert, Gel &l4 -Lat. Au., , I Lat. .d. , Com, p.,• T; Fr, - Au., I; Fr. Conrp., I, F goon Donal-' Lat. ' Ali., 0; rola y , tat. Comp,, C; 'Fr. • Au.., C; Pr.. Comp., C. Fisher, MaryLLat: An., G; Lat. Centre., C; Fr. Au., C; Fr. Comp., e. Macintosht ---Robert-Fr. .Au-, IIT;, Fr. Comp., C. MacKinnon, Grace ---Fr. Au., II; Fr. Comp., .IT, • • ' _; • Clifford;-Lat. u La . A,. ,; I;.at. •Me�l'all; •Clrf t . r C , Coinp., C; Fr.. Au., 111; Fr,' Comp., C. •Nelson;, Sean -Fr. Au., r: • Pr. 'Camps,: III. ,:Sandy, ,Jean-Lat. C; Lat. titer .course: RAPID. CITY • Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNeil and' family spent the first at Seaforth. • Mr.' Allan Hayes,, of Port ,trill, im. Mr. and Mrs. 'Joe Jardine, Gsi•en ani Kenneth of Evanston; Ill'., are visitors riith Mrs. McKenzie ,and Mary. Mr. Jnrili•ne returnees home Tuesday. . Mr. `Allan McConnell who -is ` ern liioyed in Toronto spent the week -end at, his home. Mr. John McCosh was in ii;russel, aver the holiday. • Mr. and intra, • Ben Brown were 8u11 - day visitors at their honi+ here, I , •M,r•. 'Dick..Reed attended;the•• 01;1 . Boys Reunion; at Walkerton Satur- day. ' youngster Loses. End Of .'Finpit;;r • . ' . C, . June Ross, 2_E+ear-oldvdaught'er Mr. and Mrs: Johrt D. Ross had tli:• ' ntisfoi'tune of having the end of ono Comp•., II; Fr. Au., e; Fr•, Coiitp'., TIT. finger• thken off when, cnu.ght.in" the ' F.E.;,l Lean: electric washer last Thursday. , r ti