HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-07-06, Page 4• PAGE FOUR •' Ranier Patterson.Blaksm . . Of4he.Arena SI10 One. Block . South Gasoline, als. $1.O0 (Tax Extra) ESEN,T HUILUfNG WILL BE• TORN DOWN AND RE• 7RUILi' �DU -: ARE ,,;,.. BUII[rT, • I3<ilT IN THE�IVIEA NTIME r OUR ' FItO � AVAILABLE. r.lE N TINEL KILQCALOdGE1ERAL . •A� T: hte •.� . FOURTH . RTH CONC:ESSION:..... ' LAt4GSIOE' Rae -Watson of London was a Sun -i flay tor, at Mr. and Mrs. P. J, t McMill n'a f Miss Barbara .Stuart of Niagar 'Falls" ;•is 'visiting it -' Mr. and Mrs. W. W. HOPS., • Miss Mary Olive Webster Of Tor-• .t onto is theguest of her aunt, Mrs..i VANILLA • • • Large ' Battle .. 15c W'. ; G. Andrew this week. PEAS, CORN & TOMATOES •• °.19c Mrs, • Charles Radford of Edman Large .cans;; 2 for' ... ; ... ton, for erly• Willeria Henderson of SODA BISCUITS Ashfield, visited fxlends�"in this P! din-: :2 b4 bags, apc '.. tl,, "-, . :WHEAT PUFFS .. . `19c •trice recen y . : Large'' bags . GRAPENUT •1 LAK 'ES; �n BRAN FLAKES' Pg. •' PEANUT �. . SUTTER 50c 4 -Ib. 'pail NUT CRUSH • 20 1-1b. • Mrs CANNED •PINEAPPLE 2 for ..I,. ..... 25e •BLUEBsERRIES 25e Week -End et). 1 M. L. BAKING POWDER ', 1 lb. tins Vie BAKCING POWDER: • 25c Quart 'Sealer's •, Misses Mary and Grace - Reynolds • The ladies of the 2nd and 4th, of of Toronto. aPent relatives here.` � a • few days with. the United chus h held a tea at the •`. home of•Mrs. J: B. 'Morrison .on • . Mr:and Mrs. A. McLeod and son. Wednesday afternoon. Blocks !were . Jim_ of. Londonspent the 'week end: completed for •s quilt: Attendance at- Mr' John, McLeod's.•' ' ;12. Collection $2.63: Miss. Shirley Moffat is visiting with �' Mrs. Malcolm McNeil, Margaret Mrs. N, L. Campbell and Mica '1.er- na p..,,C.atri .,bell ,o1 Toronto are visiting, this meek' at thew home" of . Mr: " and. n . H. ps Thom o Mrs. R. j Mr. and Mrs. W:' W. Hill and 'Mr. : and Mrs. Cameron MacDonald spent the, week -end with relatives in Flint,, Michigan. . v Mr; sand d ;Mrs.: James, Bowden, and'• 'Mrs. Alex' Leitch of Detroit visited' with relatives, in-. the community "the first of the week., Mr. and Mrs: Al Dube and child) ren,, Bonny and Betty of Detroit .were guests : last week of . Mr. -and Mrs. Kenneth Cameron. ••' • MissMargaret "MacCallum of. •St: , Marys;. left Wednesday: "by' motor to spend ' the summer months with her mo'the ••'and ,.sister Martha, at Port Alberni, B. C. - Miss A. roarer,: who. has resigned 'b er aunt t Mrs..McCall of Brussels: and Betty spent a day last week with • . )1r and.. !Ica, Cecil Golden of De= her sister, firs R . Stuart.' treat were• :visitors<' -on- •the. lane re- Miss Pea l; Eoirkley }o>E a$incardine' • ,eently 'is •.spending a' few days;:of vacati• on A' social time and presentation was with her,sister, M'ra. Russell Moore. held in Huron School in honor of Mrs. ,Cottle; Evelyn. cud 'Thalia Mist Irene.. Strathdee; , who intends. and Messrs: Jack Chamberlain and leaving after teaching 'in that 'school I,yinan Trewartlia •spent . the', week- end several years: Miss Elizabeth Mc- end with their relatives Mr. and Mrs:, liar is hired for the coming year George, Wes., and Orville. Tiffin. "Mr. and: Mtn.' McKenzie and Kath- Mr. Davidson, Mrs. Edna .Forsythe; leen of Detroit visited last• week with r Mand ,Mrs. D. McConnell. • , Mrs. Norma Taylor, Miss 'Hayes. and .Mrs. RobertM ' offat returned home Jerry Morrison . of Toronto, Mr. las. • . Morrison' Jr., of . Listowel spent San- from WiEghab HoMilve day with their parents Mr, and . Mrs. Miss Elizabeth .McIvor. • has' gone to. Toronto to attend summer school. J. B. Morrison and during the .day, Eva (Mrs: ,Don Cameron) ;phoned her. parehts long distance' front New York ' REV. - I B WALWYN DIES •and could be heard roery distinctly. , Rev..:I. B. Walwyn; a former'. mini- : Mr, and Mrs. John McIntyre and ster here, and well known throughout .Grant spent Sunday with Mr. 'end Ontario for his work in tha Methodist ..Mrs. • George. Tiffin. ' and innited ci;uirches, died -in Toronto :: -Mr.-and Mrs: John Hayes,' Marian atter a long. illness: He was, 79. Born Dorothy and, Donald. Mr. and Mrs' in Bond ;Head, Simcee • County, Mr' Russell Proctor and David of Detroit Witlwyn was educated at the Univer- spent the 'week -end with Mr: and Mrs.• sity of Toronto and preached' in many Reuben ' Tiffin and on Tuesday Mrs. Ontario towns .before retiring eight Tiffin returned to Detroit for a. years ago. Surviving are his widow, 'week's visit with thein. two sons and a daughter... • Tier . position -sm. ate to ff here, left for her home' at Dundalk cin Monday:• She : will takea' special University .course in the Mr .and Mrs. E. Snider -and child- ren, Wilfred, Carol and Avis Marie, of Detroit werre, 'week -end guests Of Mr. and Mrs.'. Kenneth Cameron. Mrs. Snider will remain for the summer. months. • ' Mrs :also Mrs.- - Fred .Hamilton ' of. Vaiticouver 'visit alp Y- with . relatives , in . Hamilton. They 'were' accompanied 'by Mr. and ' Mrs, W: R;. Hamilton aid : Mr. and Mrs. W. '1'. Rouiston. •1Qe. 2• RED'far SALMON Large. . 25c SOCKEYE SA'LM'ON . 15c Smalls . • Wh TUNiteA MEAT 17c. MOP STYCI<{S Each ' • .. - .. .I;5c 6-STRINC• BROOMS 19c Each..... . Fresh Fruit and Vegetables • ' 11 Always on Hand.. ,t. 46i. V, :ems A SKETCH � OF VILLAGE• (Continued from page tate'. game of lawn croquet. Mr.. Treleaven recalled, as • a lad,' hoiding, the lantern for such Men as Dan Kennelly. and Wm, 'Connell, as they played the game long after darkness had fall- en, "Those were the • days of ' geniel fellowship," he remarked. . Mad Hepburn: 'Warned At one time there were eight hotels and three: liquor stores here. "Why we had Hepburn trimmed is mile," said Mr.°Treleaven, "and he'U have ;to, go some'. to get us back to that, con dition" Mr..:Treleaven related•. an ::a, Musing, story_ told him by the r'iate Rev. George Turk, former Methodist minister ;here.' Rev. Turk' and "Rev. 'D. •.E. -Cameron of :the Presbyterian n Chiirc; -Were camp ,airs gi .g the in, terest of the Scott Act. Mr. Cameron generally spoke first with Mr; Turk "coming on with _ the arousements." In this particular incidence they were campainging in the "Lion's'' Den"' at Lochalsh, where those stalwart Scots) were noted for their love : of :a wee drop: A Scotch ';Presbyterian . gentle- man was defending his rights, in ilia - cussing this temperance issue with =Mr. Turk, and left the later . speech- less withIhe:'remark, "I Will admits we always have 'our whiskey, but when you Methodists get hold of it, .it sure ,raises H.:..." The 'educational and religious • life of these early pioneer days 'was also dealt ;with by Mr. Treleaven and in conclusion` a deep-seated municipal pride and 'patriotism,liecomeincreas- i'ngly vident as he admonished this p ri +'M. to cheat*. the noble her- itage left by'•the founders of this •vil'1� age, and to stand true to the inher- itance -so that 'we . may go forward in , all worthwhile' phases of, icom inunity development. ' Hr Thompson 'Phone ` t32, Lucknow• KINLOUGH. Mr: and Sirs. Rudy Selloff 'and El- ' roy of Detroit spent a' few days with toe' latter's ,'.another, Mrs, .. Ada Hod. gins, 10th eons, . ,: - Miss Dorothy Pinell is spending the • rummer months with -Mrs. Taylor and daughter, ' Miss Margaret Taylor, • Lucknow. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. . Russell McBurney . and Frank and Dorothy of Monteith, Man.,' Mr. and .Mrs. Harry McBurney of Tees - water. Mrs. L. Hodgkinson, Mr. I. Pinnell and Mr.. and Mrs. James Hod- gins of . Kinlough mere Sunday visi- tors at the home of Mr, and 1 Mrs. • L.' A. Finney, manager of the Bank of : Commerce at Listowel, and -forpn- erly . et • Lucknow, has • commenced a three -Weeks' vacation. Murray Rae of. New Hamburg ,; is . relieving at ,:this' branch during the -staff's .vacation period. • Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Win. Hackett, 4th Conces— sion of • Kinloss, were Mr. and Mrs.: Wm .McNall of Lucknow;. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. '.Pickett . of Goderich Town- ship, also Miss Norma Pickett, . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holland of Clinton. THURSDAY, dl F 6TH,, 1989. TO RENT—Comfortable- . six • r o o m house, town water, Temple Clarke. WAGON ,. FOR .''SALE! -2n4 •:,heed, farm wagon Apply to • Dean ` Mc- Tnnes;"3+ucknow. .m PIGS FOR SA,L'F�- 50 chunks,. 70 lbs. or• less Apply to Joe 'McMillan, Phone 1,, Lucknowr FOR SALE -2 boars and sows, all. 'purebred'Yorkshires .Apply George MacDonald, R.' I, .Ripley. ' • FOR' SALE --Comfortable, . ;dwelling in Lucknow, 'hard and soft water. STUA1 T E. I ROBERTSON.•', FOR SALE. --:•A quantity of hay, wheat and: oats.' Apply on premise, Let 4, Con. 7; Kinloss. Mrs. Sarah Hamilton,' DON NY°BROOK - A number of Donnybrook people at- tended the special services at West field on •Sunday.' ' „ Mr. ' M, Robertson ''of Goderich • vis- iced' at the home .of -Mr; W. A. Camp- bell. Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and daugh- ter ; Louise • spent . a few •days at .. the home of her parents, kr. and M'rs Thornton at Bluevale. - • Mr. and .Mrs. Ross Robinson and Mr.' Calvin Robinson of. Tilsonbuig• wereat the' home. of their father, Mr, Thos. Robinson over the :week -end.: HUGHES PICNIC ' •HELD AT- 'POPLAR.BEACH The third' reunion) of the Hughei family took theform of a picnic at Poplar 'Beach ,recently. A program of sports was carried out under the dir- ection of Bill Hughes of Tiverton -and Edith Hughes, Ripley. Winners "of the special events were 'youngest .member, Shirley .McNeill, oldest member, James Hughes,' Rip• ley; coming longest distance in Can= Tom H-i'll. •• ada, Mrs. Samuel Nicholson, Tuxford Mi., and Mrs: James Wadel of ' Saskatckewan: doming longest dist- Northern Ontario . are, spending ;this anee . in. the United States; Mr. -and week at the home of the former'. Mrs. Peter "MacDonald, Georgetown. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wadel. Michigan. • • We are . sorry to report Mrs. J. J. fin .sports, the •winners Were;, race, boys 12 and under, Eyan ,. Smythe, Ronald - Smythe; young ladies, . Mary McCullough;' married ladies, _Mrs. S. Nicholson;, young men, . Dude Hughes; married men,• A. Worrell; ladies' nal' driving, •Mrs. James McNeill; men's nail. driving, Jetties McNeill; ladies' rolling'pin throw, Mrs. Allister Hugh- es; ladies' curtsey to Queen, Mrs. A George; men's bow to the Queen, Pet- er MacDonald; minute walk, • Ted •Hughes. After the sports, • dinnelr was ser' ved by the corirnnittee headed by Mr; : John Smythe and Mrs. Allister Hug1:y es. In the election of'officere which followed Allister • Hughes, Holyrood was chosen president. Other offider ora : honorary president, • ' Jame, Hughes, Ripley; secretary -treasurer Edith ' Ilughes, Ripley.• sports coin niittee, Bill Hughes, Edith Hughes refreshments, Mrs.. John Smythe. Mrs. Allister Hughes', Mrs. Peter Me Donald. • ' Jim Hodgins (nee Alice Evelyn Pin- Johnston is still not as. well as, her P nel) who were married on •Wednes- many friends would like to see her. day last at the manse South Kinloss , On Saturday • the McInnes -Falconer by Rev. G. M. Young.:,. reunion was' held for • the first 'time Mr. and Mrs. Clift Lloyd, Clifford at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert and Mary Ann • of Tonawanda, New •Mcrnnes near Teeswaters Games and • York, visited over the week' -end with races were enjoyed. The oldest lady relatives here. '' present was Mrs. John Falconer. An Mrs. McMullen and daughter of ' organization meeting was .held pre- sided over by Dr: Dan McInnes and and seey, Mrs. D. McInnes With the. folio•w ing slate of. ' officers 'elected: following 'state 'et officers: pres., Mr. Wm. McInnes; vice preg.; Jelin Fat toner, Jr.; .sec.-treas., Les*'Fat toner; committee, Mrs. Alex Battler Mr. J. Falconer, Mrs.. Wm. McInnes Mrs, Robert' -McInnes, Il*s. Orville' Tiffin. Those present from a distance were from (frangevllle, Goderich, Clinton, Blyth and Oregon. • MISS DURNIN PRESENTED Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. M., McLean. Friends. from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. George Percy • at Glamis on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlan• of 'Kincardine renewed acquaintaneesi hereover the week -end: Kenny re- mained to spend. part of the holidays. . Miss Hazel Percy is. entertaining the lath "eethent Y' 6f tom unit: at 'a miscellaneous ''shower at her home, •on Wednesday afternoon in honour of Mrs. Jim Hodgins. ' A number from here teak io the old Boy's' Re -union. at Walkerton. Dort and• Betty -Gillespie of St. Thomas are • holidaying withtheir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hod- gins While their mother,1Mrs. Charlie 1 ' Gillespie is enjoying.a Motor trip ,. ..end visit with relattves in the. We . • Misses Bess and Jean Lane.of' dell -I and are spending the. holidays,' drith. their parents, . Mr. • and Mrs. J., R. Lana: ' Mies Helen Malcolm of Toronto is a holiday guest tit , the Malcolm home,' Brae Side. - . D�fiirs J Laie and Mr. A, ,Pliiilps Were Sunday evening visitors with Ur, and: Mt; . Dorsad MCCosh. Teachers of the two 'publie schools had an • outing at Harbor Park on Monday evening, the '' affair having been arranged in honor of Miss Doris Durnin, Who has been an the teachiing` staff, here 81YeTO 10.ars. and'"lx. lcavinry: to take' a similar position at Woodstock. Miss tirnin was'present• be t A fare*ell ed 'With, a' geld 1 ke s a gift fromher fellow teachers, Prin. Opal Stonehouse of Victoria, school, making the presentation address. A picnic Supper Was enjoyed,at the park and "afterwards the' party Went for a' trip on the lake 'on. the. "Captain John."•-•Goderich Signal -Star. Miss Viol Thompson 'of Goderich visited with friends on the 9th• line, Mrs: Olive Agin .of 'Goderich and daughter, Miss Helen' Allin of Brus- sels were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. R. Chamney. Mr. Melvin .Craig oiv''London spent the week -end with his „parents, Mrs' and Mrs. Jas. Craig. Miss Gladys Jefferson, • R.N., and Miss' Olive Jefferson, R.N.; of "Wood•• steel(spent • a few days •with their, mother, Mrs..C. Jefferson before go- S ' EC Y : RETIRES ing to Wassago Beachrfor their _vac. __ __ Mr.I S. C. Rothwell- Retires. As Secy t f Th La Association Of FOR SALE—T m CASH McCot er _'s.,• nick Mower; dump rakeside' delivery take, hay loader, 7 -ft: D ering binder, 2 wagons, a. quantity.. f . farm tools oo • � all' in a and other -useful" articl. s, good. condition. ALSO farm for . sale. Apply to Frank Henry, R..6, Luckn9W, Lot 34; Con 2, Kinloss: Phone North Hur- on 612: ting 2: '' • • • • ' SALESMEN WANTED Calling go pin�d salesmen. only! Wiliam. , ilex spices, extracts, a'1•imenteriess . medicine, stock and, other 'farm pro- - ducts. Monthly FREE gifts open every door. Every person a user. Good h, tested territories open. Try and :sac- ..:- pro- ceed •or give up without • risk.-' Steady, , pleasant and profitable Work for hon. est,hard.worker. FREE plan. and cat- alogue. FAMILEX,, 570' St. Clement,. MrONTREAL , . • TWO-WAY' ACTION on the•. Kidneys. antiseptic • and invigorating. Rums= caps attack thecause of Rheumatism,' •Seietica; Lunaliago. -i1'ic1511t'S-•DR1LLG TORE. ' Get In The News - Licknow Pipe' Band filled,0 three day 'engagelment at Walkerton re-. union on Saturday,.Tue:pday and Wed- nesday. Pictures in the Free. Press of the opening day's activities ' on Saturday; showed Ettabelle; MacDon-, ald, Audrey CamIIt�bell and MaryMc- Qg. uai , .in' Highland• costume, as they appearedwith the Band. Roy Me - Kenzie, pipe major, was also,pictured In Tuesday's paper appeared; pict- ures• of Jim Henderson of Lucknow and . Bert ' Thompson. of Kinloss, . who are among those attending West- ern, University summer school which, opened on Monday. •• , LA' ' ASSOCIATION • NOTICE Cleveland. Tractor Demonstration at the farm 'of• Ernie Ackert; Hely- rood, Tuesday 'afternoon and even- ing,' July 18th. See the caterpillar aurid the Little General on rubber -A. 'G. Porteous, .Kine'ardine: • NOTICE TO CREDITOR'S :; IN TIIE. MATTER of tate Estate of Elizabeth Ann' 'Pierrce,.late of the, Township. of Kinloss in the County of ,B'rueess Spinster, ;deceased. NOTICE IS `HEREBY GIVEN, ;pur- suant to he Statutes in that behalf, , • that alt' persons having claims against the. Estate of the said Eliz-,.' abe h' Ann Pierce, • deceased, who died on or about the Seventh day of May, A.D. 1.39, are required to for= ward their claims, duly verified by jassids:sit; to the ;, 'derdgned` Admin-~ istrator et the said Estate on orbe- fore the Fifteenth day .of July,' A.D. `1939 after 'which date the•' said -Ad- iniriistrator , will • proceed to distribute the assets of the said Testate among the Persons 'entitled thereto having regard only and 'being' responsible for the claims of •which he shall .then have had 'notice: • Dated apt Lueknow, \ Ontario,',. this. • Nineteenth day of June. A.D. 1939. • e. T Alexander Pierce, • R.R: 3, Holyrood, Ont. Administrator.. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Girvin, Harry and' Charles' of Nile spent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs; Lorne Emmons.' Mr. Victor Whitley who spent the last month at Stindridge returned home Saturday accompanied by his :son .Edwin and wife and infantson, who will spend a month with friends; here. •- • • Miss Susie ; Kilpatrick of Lucknow ,visited -old -friends ; iere=-oir Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and' children visited on Friday, with the fernier's sister, Mrs. Wilfred Plunk- ett and'Mr. Plunkett., • Mr; -and Mrs; Wilfred Quaid and family spent Sunday with relatives at •)'ort Albert. • Mr. ,Stanley Hoare • sof' Lucknow spent a day 'recently with Mr, , and Mrs. • Raymond. Finnigan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran and•fani- ily spentSunday with friends at Maf- eking ". - Mr. Colin. Crozier 'left' on Monday for Guelph where he is taking a sum- mer course. Mr. Aldan Hasty has been engaged as teacher at Port Colborne for the coming year. . • ' Mrs: Vernon Hunter spent Sunday afternoon, with Miss Bernice Dur- nits. WM. YOUNG DIES . ation. , . • The Misses -Margaret and Irene Jef- ferson., and Elaine Bamford left this week' to take summer courses at Tor- onto and Mr. Warren Bamford has gone to London for the summer cies, •es'•.there. Wm, Young, well .knownKincardine barber, and for ninny years Pipe Ma- jar of the •Kincardine Pipe Band, "was laid\• to .rest on Sunday. • He died in. Kincardine ' General Hospital: having been, in ' failing 'health far 'several months.' • , lie. was born 66 "years age. near Pinkerton and has resided in Kinear- dine for 45 years. His wife; . formerkr Mabel Verritt-' predeceased• him 'thfr- tytwo years. ago. MANUFACTURER'S : OFFER TUDOR -PLATE ONEIDA COMM0Nrre July 6th to 15th only DESIGN OPEN STOCK. PRICE 0 COMPLE1lE $Ef$ • At : LOW At .Z0 CHEST1NCWOED Maarion it ' • alum Plat. Quality amid artist a full itsoIssernens , Gda* nI t .:a The .Presbytery. Of Bruce. The United Church. Presbytery of Bruce' met in Port Elgin on June 21. Rev.. G. W. Moore•prea'ided, and gave. a devotional missionary address. ' This was 'declared to be the Jub- ilee Picnic meeting, in Winer 'of Rev. H. •J, Harnvirell, Ph.B., and Rev..John McKinnon, M.A., B.D., who were com- pleting fifty year!) in the ministry. Greetings were sent to Olivet `Church for its 5titli anniversary, ' Pine :River for its 75tH, Saugeen for its 110th. - The Boundaries Commission report- ed .that ape Croker, Adanisville, and Purple Valley had been made„'one charge. Rev. Frank Burgess was ap- pointed stated supply for one- year. Cel.poy's .Bay had had attached to it the Oxenden charge, formerly of Grey • . Presbytery; Rev. J. R. 'Wilkinson of Wiarton was appointed stated supply Rev. W. M. Lee was' made superin- tendent of both these charges. Rev. D. 11. Gallagher, B.A., B.D., president •. of Hamilton ')Conference, presenton his official visit, address- ed the Presbytery. . dee hour of the Fall meeting was isssigned to the Missionary 'and Main- :enan'ce • Fund. - A, request to devote one.session Br the Pall to Evangelism was 'refer. ell to. the 'chairman acting with the •'••ommittee on Evangelism and. Social ' Service. ' , I. Presbytery adjourned to. 'mee- t at the Beach for dinner. . • • A fter 'dinner fiddress'es were given by Rev's. James' Hampson' and Bs E- N'ewnhani, who are leaving the Pres- i,ytery, Mr. W. 11 rornlinson, I .'C., M.P. for Bruce,' Mr, S. C. Rathwell; M retiring secretary of the Lay AssociLL atinn, and Mr. Will Williams, its. in- coming president. Presentations *ere made :t0 Rev.. snit Mrs. 11. J. Barnwell- and Rev. 1' :rnd Mrs. John McKinnon by Rev's. J. C;.•Nichol.soi and G.W. lioore resp., and suitab!l replies made. 'Appreciation of '1'iieir Mapestio's' i September 12, •: . We sant' a caption the other day • that just about tells .it: "Mani is the 'only' "ani a animal who starves e4 in s hthe midst of plenty." ' jEwgilEit SCHMID' visit was voiced by the chairman and (lod Save the Ring was sung; .Inly 20. 'Supper, sorved under cover ro ttr r m6 � tl< 'The next rrieet n will OBITUARY CHARLES SEWERS.. . OHNSTONE 'and • MacKEN.ZIE FUNERAL: SERVICE AND FURNITURE . COMPLETE REVISION • • ' OF. PRICES Ambulance Service Day or'Night. • 3. Phones, 76. ' - For twenty years a resident of Kin- cardine, Charles Sewers died ,at, his home, Queen Street on ' Thursday. June 22, after a lengthy: illness. He was 82 years of age: As a boy he resided in Seaforth, later moving , to Teeswater. Forty years ago he • purchased a farm in Culross Township and worked' it till his' retirement 20 years ago, when he Moved to Kincardine. --- Ile was wed to Mary 'Comber whs.. predeceased • him by. five years. Sur viving• are two sons, Harr3c and Charles; Culross towrighin and three daughters,. Mrs. E. Palmer and Mrs. David Young, Kincardine and Mrs, (William Drinkwater, Toronto. Funeral services were held Friday night at Mr. 'Pelnier's• residence, with the Reverend'George Kersey, officiat ing•. During the. service Mr, H'arole Linklater' sang' "The Old' Rugged' Cross". Remains were taken to the home of: his -so'n, Harry *here the Yerviee was held Saturday afternoon. Mr. ,Kersey, officiated, assisted by 'he Rev. .1.,: Knox Of Salem United • church. ;interment was made in' Tees: water Cetiietery, During the services Mrs. Bannerman, sang' "In the, sweet h�ye and bye." ' "' t: 1 COMItiG EVENTS PARAMOUNT DANCE • Dancing every Friday night at Par- aniOniit Hatl: MiciKonse s orclie§tra. ' Admission 26e. - J I_ Ulf(fY,,EE GARDEN PARTY• Olivet United Church; 60th Jubilee Garden -Party . will be held on the rihurch ground's an Thursday evening O r 8 m xd tr � w be at Be ire p G o ram [C 1 1 g. Ad� mission 3 fc a tel BRAY CHICKS 41)e - Why write letters and send money orders? Order. your Bray Chicks . through me—personal attention, j►rolnpt, delivery. r • Fi:nlay,son Bros. LUCKNOW r • — ONTARIO F. T. ARMSTRONG • OPTOMETRIST Ill' LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY 9.30 A. M. To 6.00 P. M. EACH SATURDAY - • 9.30 A. M. To 12.00 P. M. ' AT WM. SCH•M1D'S STORE s B S SERVICE Iron • LLJCKHOW LEAVES • Lucknow South daily, except Sundays and bol- si-days,- 4 sa:m. .. _.._. NDAYS & Holidays -4 p.m NORTH to Kincardine Daily. except Sundays and . holt- •' days, 9.10'0.M. UNDAY' S. S & Holidays, --:10.50 p na Y por Purther, Information See ' • Locai Agent. SMITH'S GARAGE �.• •WeRier Ontario ,Motorways