HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-07-06, Page 2IV!
Your. Dog :Knows
What You Mean
BY the Tones of Your ° Voice,
!rather Thain By the Actual:
- ' Countless friends will Cell .+,you
• Rover understands; every word they
speak. Rover does nothing of the
kind, :be he ever so well educated,.
,says' Albert Paysoln Terhune, ex-
pert o.n dogs.. But the theory itself
is correct, even if its deduoti'on are
not;' '1« or 'Ins tance ; .
Y:ou,.Aave''boitght:a, puppy Talk ..
to 'hint steadily,, quietly, 'for Much
of the time you and he are: togeth
et• not, in baby talk, but sensibly,
couise,•.h'e' won't get the mean-• •
ing of. One 'word in ten, any more
:than we could masteia, the Chootow•.
dialect.: Biit he, will learn the +tones:'
ofyour voice,,`and snoods as expre.s=
sedz•'i that vote'e, Indeed; .he *11
learn certain:simple verbal pliias
;es;'such . 'as . "Come fn!'" "001.'
,"Go.ahead!" "Quiet!" and
"Spear!" and the. like.. .
tie'liGlean the Sense
Don't be' discuofaged if, it first
he does not seem to•get your mean-
ing,; Your. three-year-old "Child. also
:would not .at first understand the
-speecit. addressed to nim .in a for-
eign language; , But,, . in vtime, he
would, glean the,sense of it. So will
your' dqg;:
Drive Urged
On Ragwee
'G'iraaication Proposed In 'Effort:
to Control Clay Fever. .
• Eradication of ragwe
for t.
.mo hay -fever s ee a k
t c s was
M.. 4 ,
eL #i
lit Wrbii .nn Citi 'in Toni`-
ist . centres, at the; Bominion Coon -
nil of Health meeting, at Otta,va-
Dominiiin and., provincial .health
authorities§ at the meeting agreed
that -education• of the public ,to the
menace of ragweed would-be. neces-
sary in an eradication campaign.
Saskatchewan: and Quebec'claanied,
ragweed -free areas,' Dr: Jean-,Gre-
goire, ' Quebec Deputy Health Minn
:later, said the Quebec Agriculture
Department had accoihplished , a
great deal lit 'the ''vay-of..stamping
out the :noxious weed, • particularly • p,
in. the :Gaspe'drstrfct: •
Heads Canadian Doctors
Dr. Duncan .Graham; newly -elected
president'of the Canadian Medical
• As8ociation. '
They Covered
9,031 Miles On
This Continent'
' King and' ,Queen Travelled 29 ,
Days• Aboard Train in Both'
Canada and the U.S.
When t1 eylboarded the •liner Fm=:
press of. ,Britain for Newfoundland,
the King and Queenhad seen more
of Canada and traveled longer by
rail in the -Dominion than'the vast
majority of Canadians.
The King and Queen topic' 1on•g.:
train journeys in their stride -as
they had, taken everything else
since they .left England.
Over 8,000 ley Rail .
Their 29 days of train travel,
• . however were broken by quiet. stop-
ofia where they could sleep in real
beds and their tour Was arranged
'so that their train often was put
' on a siding so, they eoudd sleep un-
disturbed by the rumble of wheels,,
Of the 29 nights' they spent in••Cen-'
ada and in, the 'United . States; 10
were spent oft the train,.
To Halifaxthey traveled in nniles,.
in Canada &y'rail 7,605; by motor
186, by water 27'5, Canadian total
8,066•,du the United States; 6y rail'
1,099, by motor 96, by water 40,
United States total .l,25. Grand
tjiiai 9,301
Typos oOf Women
There are six prevailing types of
wonted• ---the .short stout, 'the pet -
Ate the wotnan..,With'..
'de's and targe hips, the tall, hetet?,
ill, honed womaii, 1 thei tall 1 attd
very slender'wenianl• and the per -
feet average.
For the first. time in manymonths the.c .l. r l a ..
� ,, co o fun, family •of Sir Charles Vyner' Brooke, white rajah of •Sarawak, '
has' a'get-together .and the camera duly, records the event -foe 'posterity.,. ,LEFT•'to RIGUT• are Mrs, •Bob Gre=
.gory, better-known in the U, S., as Princess Baba,. daughter; Mrs: Harry Ray, 'another.daughter the white rajah .
himself; Lady Vyner Brooke; his 'wife, and•Lady Inchcape, daughter; They were reunited at the' annual dinner
of the Sarawak- association in London recently.. ''•
ave You leard
A lady went into a • butcher's •
• and asked for. a'•pound.of filet of"'
The ,butcher cut'it.of£.' "There
you' are, ma'am, just 14 'oun'ces."
• But the lady said,, "'No; I .want.,:
a : pound exactly. ' It's' for an' im-
portant •dish'•at An important lun
cheon." , • •
The-. butcher cut • off a• :bigger'. '
chunk.' '"Eighteen ounces. That'.
right, ma'am?! .
"No," sail. the, 'lady—and she
was a :rick and •:valued customer -•
"No, 'I want ,you to cut me off a
pound,,' no more' and •no less"
• "Oh,"• • groaned"the ,butcher. as
he took up his knife.. again, "you
and. your pound of flesh! , Why,
you're a regular' Shylock Holmes."..
"Professor! Professor!"
"Well, what is it?"
"There is . a burglar- in the.
: library'."
"Dear me. What is he read-
"Ah me,"• sighed the gossipy fe-
male „
e -male.. boarder, . "one half of the
world does•not know how•the'oth-
er half lives,"
"Oh; 'Well, don't worryb •
it,"' growled the old bachelor at
the foot of the table. "It : isn't
your fault if it doesn't know."
Hes, "Why did yousend
that' poor fellow backfor
your cold cream? He'll never
¢nd it• '
She: "l,.only ;wanted to get "
the chap off my hands."
The barbs was dark' and swar-
thy, his eyes�black'.and sparkling.
It was evident that he . was de-
scended from Latin stock:
• '!What do you think of the. Ital-
ian situation?" he inquired of the •
customer. "What is your opinion
of Mussolini?" • ' •
"The seine as yours,"' replied
the man in 'the chair." -
- "But how do you know my opin-
ion?!' inquired the startled. barber,,
"I don't," admitted' the 'man,
"but you have:the razor." •'
• •r
A e you a good calrpen ,
"Yes." .
"`Thenhow do you make a .
Venetian blind?" ,
4e. a
Etiquette• ...
'1,", -When a girl has been intro:
ducedto a young man, and is leav-
ing him, may she say* that she is
glad to. have met him? • •
2.=Wheh playing tennis, should•
hhthe receiver run after the first'
ball served, if itis wide, or await
the second ball?
3.�--Doesa' bridegroom usually
give' his bride a wedding gift?,,-..,:.
'4.—What. should a hostessdo
if one . of her ' guests brings up a.
subject- 'that. she •''. ieiieyes •should
' not be discussed for some certain
reason? •
5.---Wheh• a woman stops at a •
restaurant table where a girl is
dining with some friends, is it
necessary for her. to introduce
this woman'"to her companions?•
6.—Isn't it poor' taste for adults
to wear shorts: on a city' street? '
l 1.�lud, It is the man's place
to say "I hope• I •shall see you
again," or some . such expression,
to which •she may reply, "Thank
yogi." ' • 2.—He should remain
standing, and await• the second
ball: 3.—Yes; it is customary for
hire to give her • a gift of . jewel -1
ly. 4.- =Adroitly change the sub-
ject as gtihickly as possible, .with-
out doing so too ,abruptly. 5.-
Ne, at a --tot. necessary..
it is decidedly poor taste.
• One of the ''chief items which
Nazi Germany markets by. the .car-
load to the other, .barter states. is' •
aspirin tablets.,: •
These Three Stole The Show At Big Palace, Wedding
With -her escorts attired in court uniform, even to the ,swords, thislittle
lady seems to have stolen the )show at•the wedding 'of Mins Pamela .Sey-
mour to Lieut, Bryan Durant of the royal navy, 'at Hampton Court
Palace, Landon, .England: '
What ..Science
.Sei.eotis±q.:seeking •to lekrai. low .-
seas and continent's are formed .
will .start.explorfhg 4,500,000 squ'are'`
miles ;of the Pacific Ocean in Sep-
tember. .
The expedition,' formed by" the
National Geographic Society' and
the Tniversit Y
o Virginia `1
Ywill ex=
pnor e the areath at lies between the"
,Hawaiiian-Isianda and • Australia.
It has now been.disepver,ed the:
new drug, sulfanilamide,,' smothers.
disease germs in the human body.
Sulfanilamide, made • from a red
dye and first used as a medicine in
1935,. has been, thiscentury's; chief
medical sensation. Successively it -
has• become 'the best medicine for
blood -poisoning, pneumonia, menin
gitis, erysipelas ;and a dozen other,:
An 'extremely . high-power atom
smashing "ray .which may -bring
-science closer to the mastery of
bound}ess energy was put into use
• last week at the University of Cali-
fornie, . -
mabine produces a 19,000.;
The c
000 -volt Deuteron beam, the most
powerful' ever made by man,, •
One of, the recent adyances in,
this, ' field ' has• been: the disintegra-
tion of a form of uranium, the heav-
iest stable element, with a result-
ant terrific release of atomic pow-
er.'•By using relatively love voltage,
rays, sometimes not more (gap 400,-
000, experimegttrs have been able.
to cause uranium atoms to explode
with anergies ads • high as .2A0,I 00,-
00 volts. :
News More Vital
Than Ever Before
The estaiilishment .of•Boy •Scout: ,
Troops in the elenlentary Seheois
of Ontario, and a recognition ;of
them "as an integral part of the
educational development' of our
boys" is 'suggested in a resolution
at the .recent oonventiea of 'tkr-
ban School Trustees in •Ottawa.
. Tlie cgnstruetioji ,df la stout bi-
eyele` out' of the parts of three ,old '
wheels, and the c ling . of 620
miles in 6.days,'1as the example,
• of .ingenuity and stamina . given
by Scout Brill 1oncur of Thorp-
• dale,, Gippeland, ilustra ,ia.. His
.pui`Iiose was" to attend. the. Gig
scout Jamboree ,at Sydney,' The'
hSikicongut .cyclist curried full '
Scout kit., i ncludirig "bltin
kets,.and' Scout staves and most of.
• his %grub. On :the return,.'journety
he;'was .layed 'two, days by.. bush -
fires,. • so •required°S-days•;to cover, •'
the 600 'miles back home.
Canadian Indian liodvs`like'to be•
Scouts. Two new :troops of
young "br'aves"' have been* regis-
tered 'in: Ontario. 'They are the
1st .Spanish Troop, conipQsed of
lads of the Indian "'Residential
School at Spanish,on the . north
channel of. `Georgian Bay, and the
1st Tyendinaga Troop of boys
from several Indian: day ;schools
of the Tyendinaga Reservation on
the Bay' of Qtunte. The two lead-
ers o ndinaga Troop, are:.
young 'Mondians.
The planting 'of the first 50,000 -
trees'. of . a 'new' "King's Forest"
near Holly, Ont.; was one of the
important Boy • Scout events of
May 20th, the King'§ official: :birth-'
• 'day • The trees were planted • Un-
der the direction of Arthur 'Her.:
bert Richardson of theOntario
On tarso
programme of the Tenth Annual
Scout Forestry. Camp. at Angus.
'Some.4,5,000trees also were plant-
ed inthe now well . establish.edl
Boy Scout Forest at Angus, bring-
ingthe total stand ciftrees in this'
project to -seine 750,000. The work
wad d'one,by 147:• selected .Scouts.
:coming from all parts of the pro-
vince::: 'There, is keen competition
. to attend. the camps,'.notwithstan'd-
ing that •: each young '• forester
must cover' his 'oWn expenses, 'in-
eluding the week -end camp fee. •
People Living:in World of To-
day Turn°to Newspaper For
Interprelati6n, Advice, Enter-
' $ainiment
The constant "hunger ,for news"
is part of North America's history,
T. G. Vacher, National represent-
-ative of the Canadian Daily News-
papers' Association Bureau of . Ad-
v'el•tising, told ,a group of advertis-
ing men at Montreal recently.
'Mr, Vacher said that today news
is more vital than "ever before arid
affects everyone in the nation- but
people •turn to their newspapers for
more than the bare,' news' of the
day. They turn .to it for interpre-
tation, for pictures, for advice, en-
tertainment and 'instruction.
Siam Prohibits ' -
Cosmetics' Use
That schoolgirl complexion must
'be. natural or not at all • in, Siam,
•. where'• the 1 Inilstry 'of P'ubli'c.
strtdtion is launching a• campaign
against the "indulgence :by girl stu-
dents in artificial aids to' beauty."
' Regulations 'are being ,drafted
which 'according to t Bsangkok ver- •
nactrlar newspaper, will ensure that
"wasteful ,and dangerous beauty
.methods of creating, artificial beau-
ty be thorotighiyl suppressed." ,
Among th'e prohibitions are:
Students' hair must not be per.
tnanently w'avbtl. ' • •
',ck .p... •'are.' nne.
P i stn end rouge ba
p g d,
The n
T to use of �• eyebrows.."and
other artificial' aids to beauty"' may
in'ad to purilshment. •
Invite A Child
From• • The Cit
To Holiday 'With You On The
`Farm- Youngsters. • From
''The Slum Districts Are Dy-
ing to Get .A Taste of The
• Country
• `"'On our honor we'll be good if
you'-lf send Us to- a farm!"' This
was the solemn declaration made
•'by two' -young brothers around the
'ten year mark, as they stood in the
office of the Conntry. Home Depart-
' ment Iof.the Neighborhood Workers
Association; pleading to be sent to
the country fora vacation: ,, "•
The tads live on a narrow down- '•
town street. Because.. they .are pas -
1/ k °DOES taste good in a' pipe ;w"
f ' elso pecked in Pocket Tins
siouately'•foud oi!'liorses they spend '''I
,all thetr.out of-scho9t. time hanging
about a 'iivery, stable. - Sometimes
they earnal.dime far. helping ole.
up the place., They salvaged: a rus
mower and • a" pair . of '.old ' shears
from at,:rtibbish Bean •an,d, according
to the 'N.W:.worker,• they 'spend
many .hours, ,going from door 'to
doer toying to .earn enough, money
to buy a trip to the country., '
"please' doit't send us to a town. .
We wygtnt 'to' go to a farm where we
can help gather the eggs and look,.
after the horses," they, insisted. All •
the woirkers at the Country Home
office could do was to take:, their
names and address and promise .
them first 'chance if an 'invitation
arrived from a kindly, Farmer's wife
within a radius of 150 miles front
• Tom and Joe ' areonly'•two onthe
long list of youngsters who are all
longi'ng.for the chance to see' green
• fields, cows, flowers'and'the scores
• : of sights never witnessed in the
a Letters
crowded downtown' are s. ,
of invitation shotidd ' state clearly:'
how many children are invited, the
ages and sex desired and complete
travelling directions , 'Transporta-
ransporta-tion is paidbry the N:W:A, and the
children are ,medically examined'
before leavig town. 'Inquiries'
Should be sent 1'o the '"Neighbour-
' hood'•Workers' .Association,. 22: Wel-
lesiey ;Street, Toronto.
Can 1?•
'BY ANNE ASH; EY , • #
.9.,—H''ow can -1 launder' a: gar-
• went of bbush wool?. ' ' •
A.: ---Make -a suds of pare flake`s.
and warns water. ''squeeze the ;
garment ir- the 'suds,; changing the
'Water frequently... Rinse'thorotigh-
ly, adding .a 'few 'soap' flakes • to'
the last rinsing. Spread out ,flat
to dry, turning the garment .when
one side is dry: ,
Q.—How can 1, ,add a' few
pounds when. •slightly ' under-
A.—Olive .oil is a cellent for
. this purpose; and to make it more
palatable. try adding..a pinch .of
•salt to a wine -glass of the oil.'
Q. --How can. T' make 'a •flaky
piecrust? -,t
A.—Pie crust, in which .a half
teasplloonfui ' of baking powder ,is
added to every -cup 'e'f' flour, 'wird _
be unusually light' and flaky.
Chicks from bleadtested breeders,'
White Leghorns •6%c; 90% .Pullets :-
13e; Barred -Rocks $6.95; :90°ti, ,
Pullets $9.95; New Hampshire
• Reds $7.95; 90%• Pullets $10.45•
Cockerels Leghorns 3c; Barred
Rocks, New Hampshire . Reds 656c.
Large Egg •Qual•ity add, 'lc per
Chick. Bigger Profit Quality• add
2c, Will ship C.O.D. Prompt deliv-
ery..Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph
where on one day's notice. Phone,,
• wire or write your order. Grade A
' Barred Roeksr •White Rocks, New'
Hampshire Reds, Hybrids $8.95;
• '90% Pullets $12.75; Cockerels
48.00 Tlrown • Leghorns, . White
Leghorns $8.45;• Pullets . $16)75;
Cockerels $3.00, Extra Profit
Oracle • the kind that weigh two
, pounds per, hundred more 1 envy
Breeds $10.95: Pullets $15.90;
cockerels $9.00. Leghorns $10.45
Pullets :$19.90. Pour week old' pul-
lets and older. Three' week old ca-
pons. Tweddle ChickHatcheries, •
T united, Fergus, On•tcsrio.
Government- Approved Chicks
. from blood -tested breeders. Stand •
•rtrd Quality I.eg•hnrns • $6,95; T;nr
red Peeks $7.45; New Hampshire
*• Reds, White Rocks, •Hybi1ds $8:25;
•90% Puilets. reit+horn:, $133.90;
•TTarrcd iteeke $10,45: Reds, White
Rocks; Hybrids 510,95; Cociccreio,
Leghorns $3.00; Heavy. Breeds at
611e. ]'iii; 16gg ivality add .one
rent, l0xtrn Scicct, ,add two cents.
Prompt delivery Haden Electric • •
Chick .Hn.tehery,. Limited, Paden,
Ontario., - • •
IIAItY {'iiIC'I(S.,
BHT 13TtA't' COCKI+'.REI, iC HICK.�i,
The kind of chicks that make the
ideai broilers for- . tburist trade:
plump, .well -finished roasters for
Thanksgiving or Christmas. fly
Tiatchery:.1 10 John' Street' North,
Hamilton, Ontnfin.
Started "Pullet, ('hicks ' available.
TAy plena naw for next winter's
egg supply. Order at °nee. Tray,
Hatnhery,. 1+30 •Tohn. Sheet Nortth,
Hamiitnn„ Ontario,
5.:f1-'1 Tt'T;;SiJI'r:S--110r.Tw; iljsvf.;tr;
oped with htgioss deckled edged
prints -25e. 'Reprints 3e. Beautiful
ehlarg•ement 'free. Prompt. ser{{�'1Ch.
Excel T'hotns, 1246 T,angdolvne
Ave , Torontrr.
Esiti1A %(,i; (11•' 0r.11i HOOKS
... f i.T
(,(sT1i(T �I (iNbr.Ni 1, "Oil
1fnme study. Courses Nou'gh't and
sold: Ca:Vadats Largest dealer; blit
i riCps paid for old boopks, Send
tepfeenta atarnpa Or roll Poor list.
1•1rottenty ''T1istrihnting r'r,tnpnn}•.
1•enminitt'ntt, On! el
•provide"For Pets
::When On Holid$ ►:,
Abandenirig..a, cat' or' dog or any.
other .pet .is a criminal' • offence
punishable With a fine. of ,$506 and
• possible` imprison inent, • J. M. Wil-
. son, Toronto Humane- Society Gill-,
Bial; •, said - last week. Wilson co4-
demned "unfeeling citizens' who .
abandon their pets When they' go. '•
• .away for the summer:"
Toronto' HumaneSociety has ob- •
tained convictions ' against such
persoris, Mr. Wilso r said, adding,'.
"and if we 'find' the owner- we 'make
it our business to ,see .he. pay=s the
Modern Ideas
For .Cupboardsu,'.
If You're .Linen .Proud,_ Try►. O4rl
K Few of 'Mese Suggestions
• Foran bbdY wh 'has iurerit
:peed 34 •p'' ' -thsxa „ire atIM6 4 e-
volutlonary ideas for • linen .cup-.
boards'thAt-wil ins re--it-ali'-touch .
Worth being proud 'of! •
Most of the u'$ual old linen cup•
boards have plain rows 'of'slatted
shelves,' with' no division or' distinc•;
tion for: the different •pieces of 'lin•;
cru was only the patiance and the
care of • ..the, oid-fashiioned, house-
'' wives that kept the' li•nen"„ cupboard
from 'compl'ete .:disorder. ' • We no
longer have so ,much time to spare,
___O t slaiteal-...sltieiyesart-i• •
tions. And there are little name
discs. on the front of'eaoh partition
to show what is to be kept in thein.'
Painted Completely -White• • '
Instead• of 'having . to ' .struggle
with. drawer papers on the 'shelves .
We- have the entire, inside.. of, the
cupboard', shelves and all, painted •
With . white enamel paint. Then
, there need be no aggravating: Pep-
pers that get crumpled or fall down
when -the bottom sheet fs, puffed
Out.. And the shelves can tie kept,
clean And
a sbouge and warm
soapy water.
a �TCHH Ra
e�t sh
• For quick relief iroui itching ol>iinsect bites,' beat
rash, athlete's foot, eczema -and other atonally
eaused,ekin trounce, use world-famous, cooling.nati- -
septic, liquid D. D.1). 'rc8cnption. Greasele .
.-etainlean: soothesirritation-and-quickly-stopsintense
itching: 35o trial bottle proves it, or money. back, Ark
.your &See t today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION.
Classified....... -
�eal.a•atar t'lattbontA4•
.....r a...,,.r.
'tory offer, 8x10 -entargentent.with.•
every order. Roll developed ',and
eight prints. Reprints•,10- prints
Send *order, advertisement and'
' thirty cents. Mall order depart-
ment, Graphic Film Serviice, 24'734
' 'Dundee St., London, OnS. mstab- '
llphed 1920.' • '
Caps 35c, postpaid.,' Red, 'White.
and t.a•na'ry. Send for catalogue,
capes, rubber sundries. •Ray Hand-'
win,. Merlin. Ontario.
Would you tike .a genuine' $35 rte-
• tail Value Made to Measure suit
nbsoluiely`free for only a tittle'
of your entire time.? Write today
for full details. The Hudson .Com-
pany;, Labelle Bldg.. Montreal,'.
to -date. System. Government 1Ic-
rinsed. Free information. Modern
Garber School, ,142 Queen 'Street
East,. Toronto.
OIA;C;IIINE IV alt sum' zilptoules-
Of every description -boilers and
engines-eleetrio motpre--mech,
ant'e's tools --belting. Canada's
largest machinery house. Write or
«all The• A. It, Willtah'is Machinery
Company, , Limited', 64 Front St.,
West,. Toronto. .•
01151111C At,
HAY FEVER _ Perthshire Medicat-
ed •Snuff, Pleasant.; Convenient.
Reil es all cases, 50e and $t,(10..'
sizesSole •A•genttr-G:'L'.' T''roducts,
' Importers, Box 515,- Toronto.
' MU5i1'1tooms
$50 MONtHL4 UPWARDS, ur1ows
ing ttlushroonis for us from petit.
fires Spawn, Frte:B' a w n a'n iii
D d.
trageii, 7ntolrmittfori free.. :SerVi6e.
and.Instruetions guaranteed to
produce; Georgian I3ay Produce
Co., Moir 515, !Toronto..
Issue No. 27-•:- ' J
from. Many with means. Ii'erm-
ers' daughters, • W4dowe with
Property. Particulars 10c. con-
fidential. nos 128 Calgary. Al-
berta •.
Inexpensively. Home remedy: Tea-
Um1rulnls. . tluaranteed. Advlce
fires T3uriletl'e. Box 1. wiont-eg.
gestion, .Heartburn, '.Gas. ,•Take.
Arms Antacid 'Tablets" for quick
relief. 35c bo ; 3 - boxes 51.00.-
Arms Product 21;19 Oxford Ave., 'f
Montreal. Que. .
• ate romantic' sweetheart. with
money, write: Mury Lee, 445-0,
Rolla, Missouri. ,•
good renewed piano at a bargain .
price write for descriptive lista'
with prices, forwarded free on re-
quest. Hsintzman and Co•t • 195
Yonr:•e street" Toronto. '•
• t
bage Plants 1,000 92,50; 10,000
$20.00; Snowball Cauliflower, 1,000
$3.25; 10,0001 927.50. Prepaid. Peter
hugtigheid, Blenheim, Ontario.
lets. )SCeep fruits, pickles, ete.,
without 'air tight Jars. Economical
and reliable. Used, for eight years.
• Package 25e postpaid, protects 12
quarts. (:Good commission. • for
agents. X, E. Sexton, IC.entviile,
5'1'AMI'S a•
ferent 60e, catalogue value 92,50:
Pried fists furnished, -Ed. SCam-
me11, 11otwood, Newfoundland,
(;51:1) '1'Ittl;s di ,Itl;'i'11t:A1)s 1'•`'(5'11 ,
USI',D'ITiRES ANI) fthT,ft11ADS l Olt.-_ :
•- ttn',v' eAr or tru5lc, 95e and up.
Every ti rel •guttt.anteect. 011 8110
gallon and Op. flatteries, etc,'Deait-
I ors'.. Wanted, Write',for free bar-
gain peke fists. orders rushed..
J3uyMIth coritidence, from Can-
ada's Iargent retreailers, .Merrick
Tire 'Cempan'y, 'nox"e Wl-., •111-123
Ring, nt W
est fi
. �' �rnlliran, flnt'rrt<� .: .
, •WA N'I' l4)11
('perate SILVlsrt DING' vendors.
53,25 ip free instrinsiiinp, Anto-
nia t k. 2125(;., Tett] lei•trrn, ('hieago.