The Wingham Times, 1900-09-14, Page 2**** Wain ' WttGHA [ SEPTFITIER 14 t i'•T,e:': ti'=.:21 !'Li flat St+ t3 l c' ,\'Et the %':biller e of (' tIlitda G11av tt in ti.,, tz"caotil., Ianlsllelity sure'.\ t'SiV."---n",.;, they i;itdotibt(xlly have. Q.—To G lett is tis eerticul:arly to be ta.wA^� t•T,: "eretle to the feet that mile. the " i:tc',:::.litte ac1rni .retinuof the ilee.ett ale—J u?tzericeltare by the lIp'l. i.i.I : .t is 31r\rlt( bite to epurt 1'r.^.' a.,E•;'•uitnral I)rt)r1h1!tion in Canada s.) there there ifi lift inCreae- ing available surplus which finds a reacly- e:11e in the f aria t cf Great Brit.aite .-Ni'intt ettees were tat;,': to this end? ,A:,--.' ' . i l i l ' system of c(14 stor- age, f:. 1:i ill?, It . 11.11 ,'r to the consumer, was in -t t. ,e rht,:•i:'s. on railways, at (t.alt::. t4a ,: toe t•i,'\ :,t,•tn: dtr; 1: eltic'k,`, F '.1,e:•:.1N:, : the 1'e•:41.1it of ln- dtlt'+.:•tif.i"- t? 'ir ti by the Parliament of mead t (''.l : i) , Fedieres reeeteniewitb- tion. 1,—ITt w 4.I1 t :sleet the butter trade, for r;\ e pie: eVe—Tee net result is, that \w idle in they year et cline June 80 le'.:0, the neat exports tai (at E elk/a butter t t fereat Better ate:trt:ute4 to only se3,0:::, in the year ett ii g Jape e0 tee*, tele total so export+ El \w ,Less; tine ?lain amount to? A. Last per the Canadian farmers got fruul flit r In. it.l 1.t, for butter aloue, two and a esti t 2ail:'ou dopers more than in L'i:15t,� �•e.- YY a:• thie also tot iao is 1 in the expet''.it -,.t tet eeess to Geeut B.itailt? .r°l. 1i,::; r r,thka o' `,.tee,i(k in 181'e. to =;1 'r i••.. :et 1';e0. (y.—l.•i„ Of .....tai.t'c11 Of Cold stir- age letehC•1 +I leivc5 any l fie ct, upon the expor, l•tc.ine e a eta 1::t):. ;hitt letco.u? 211 l:.:.6 the total t':,p ort of haus tie, i ttci n to G. err Britain \\•U 4,e70,ee , ill iS.:r .I nese `1.0,-1Ui,664. t er t Q.—Lo ems was .lett ltnlll.!rt�."St;' in tlita bur :nes w n. tee CanatIi ui 1 farmers u: s eele nt d Ear,, it star? A.—Yes. Q.—Was the insreasa in the butter trade as t1 o expelise of fernier business in cheese exports? \'t"oartek not 4da,(la for ' oil. "A woman cane not 1x3 a vagrant, 1`e - cause woman was not made) tst week," :i• was thenovel decision 't d n nt (f ,. jury n i Ci- cago recently. The e: so one. trial stele that of a woman twenty-eise years c•Id, who, it was charged, had begged at 1IIi eaigait avenue housed for the last throe years. Kato Kane li,(,sai defx n°lt•:1 the p is ou.+r. After the testiznony ictal been talent l' irs. Rossi set fortis her view (>4 tine ease, bttt f tiled to convince ties just- ice that wotlttttl \Was not made to work. Finding h:'r ldeati lust la kta'eartl with these of tlto .sent, Lawyer l,ossi de- nt e- n lndet. a ,it:ry trial, and twelve men W,•3."0 ntnpaneil( d. r.i`e tient). silo repeated .ter arguen2tente, in greater (lentil. The seeeste;a' s:uttire, tae raid, defiued it L:3,. i ant re; early- p, ret tt Salt it: iil:e. re, •ahtt: illi;`, t('ld lief B�fi to \welt." .sl. ,. •, u. l,tn, site dt tiazl I tenter could cone ewes; draft �._,j\ is iolt,eaci woman \vas not !triter! t) \Ve,'tt. C:iatc.tn, history tua(1 'r:Ees:on W'a;(a (veiled's-woe. t') show ('Ile iasteuve in \, Welt women. was regarded as a being who lied beeeti created to wells. :•.lie gaoled t tot•ty to show nets woman was made to live :w left) of lei try. Did tit(' j r ry reneenber roe wotniil who wore • rinses on her t,iige t v. alai, bt.gis ou 1it'a' toes'? end they resin the hues front the peen eWeneare, \w'uII1:t:i, lovely evo- :n::,1''; How could •,lovely \, omen" be • i; ;40.,,.C, to handle. ..eerier eft ib cold fit ••U',.i.+e: \fiv.R,Ett had beet com- es. es Is to drib (aLtt•1h:r, tth.* last maple of et.::.i, .;rl;;,>, Melt t bit „'i,:, ovelitg to the fast teat ..:un, tlirougit les ivaLility to pro- vide for her, had econpelied her to make a heave of herself. lu so doing )tan had Butte against nature, • Tne faet remade. - ed that not otic litre ill history showed that woman wWS intended to toil. Tra- uitiO', the attorney said, \\)tks above all law, and tradition rat lwetl that w.)man was a doll to be petted. That l.c+iut; established, she argued, woman did not e. tie under the ban of the stat - i to its a person who should be apprehend- ed if not "working." The jury prompt- ly returned a verdict supporting the theory of the defense, and the prisoner was discharged. EASE AND DISEASE A. .:e., is 18:;6 the exports of cheese j,. Short Lesson on tete :,:caning of a bad a tc tai volae of .",'13,924,672, where- Familiar Word. as itt 1x4.9 the total was three millions Disease is the opposite of ease. Web - greater, or $10,718, 1d . !titer defines di:tease 1•s +•lark of ease, ul. Q,—Teking t everts for the year 1 easiuess, trouble, vezatiuu, disquiet." ending 3mie 3e, iue.i, as the standard, it i' a couditiotl clue to route derauge- uioi;t of th;t phrsie:tl erg autsm• deluges; what is the total nwitece in the value of tartj•:Pity of ting "dis-ease" from which the 1no.:uet,on to ute Ca h meta farmer, psople saffer is (Lae to impure blood. as she we l y ii r trade returns: c Disease of the lied is care(. by Hood's . A.—Fees, ati t. t144:4;h icier:•arse \was Sarsaparilla \vhieIl purifi s euriches au(1 210 1 *- is ' 1' •(i vitalizes the brood, Htr)(t s Sarsapar- ,. ...a., ,53,:.z�3 ie. the, ilia cures scrofula., Galt rheum, pimples secoit•, year; ' s ,«i kn i.io ie..iYt \•''ar; :end all eruptions. It tones the 'stomach a total o..•;_:;.,.eestr',a tee it. of rises •11;1 crea:e5 a gotel appetite, nate it gives alone. vigor and vitality to the whole body, (l:t.ie-i:., Iis reserves the couctitiou of things, ging health, comfort awl "easy" iu ten. : ae pace of "disease." ;a 61,:. . . i ,,. in . . , stense •!.-; a neat: Trouble at the Rotel. gain .,, .y_vr.,r , ae dune seals, on the At breakfast recently a young woman butter exports. found a little cote at lier plate, saying Q.—What has been the total increase that her aunt had arrived from Loudon on hams and bacons? the night before, tine was at a'well- A.—Iu the first veer .;1,471,274; iu the known hotel. About Mee o'clock she second year, $:3,650,133; iu the third vent to the hotel indicated, and asked year, te6,03i,253; a tutal of $11,157,e6e. the clerk whether the new -comer had ou cheese exports; -• been down to brealtf art yet. A.—Ia tee first year,'e721,1b7; in the The clerk informed her that he did second year. e3,593,0e0; in the third net believe she 1.acl been (.own, and year, 2,793,7746; a total of $7,112,942. offered to send up a card. Q.—What do you calculate to be the '•011, never mind doing that," she total increase sales of these four items, replied. "You just tell me the number resulting largely from the ,inauguration of her room and I \vii: go up," of this policy? "No. 42," promptly replied the clerk, A.—$24,253,3.3 itt ih::se three years. and the young wcenan took the lift. Q. --That 1:io'ss as though the Cana- Upon err is a. ).; at the door of No. 42, dial f:ereters were g. ttibg their share of instead of rapt :.)lit', -She s lftly pat her the ptoapa:ity of tele period? ear to the door and listened,. itt order 14 •—Yes, i;, dose, a:ice it exeltiu:i the Haat site might not disturb her aunt if almost uuvaryr'L sei,e:set beteg g iv. -n s1-(' were asleep. She heard no noise, by the fa.rinthg cuniinitl.ity to the eseu-eml 4o took ono of her cards, and, after Vier t.(cmn:niotration. w: :till(; "Will come atelier nt ten-3:tue," she tied a little bunch of flowers to it, 11Iiller':; 0.1 It envie is et isle;; oaTr I,J l and left it on the knob. Cents its. a3 Lis•;a.A t✓rile: ; V'.L..tl)- 1 tat ten o'claek she calve again. The bell s. clerk had not seen her an)lt, and did not The T reit:,' (o tt :- :11 eeveseet.iecreas- !believe that site had left her room. So, ed th_ aesteeetteee tee, 1.,,,'.0•1 store uy 1 after looking about the sitting-rGems itt $84603'. t'• t n:iw :. '.c;,(1VJ, vain, she went to the door of No. 42 and When you stly your t loott is impute softly tapped. and a+) h.ti•e yoa y,etre a tm:tu es "Who is it?" Baine a gruff voice, and your xt i l.zoacl t; t at rap:tIitl.. at the same time a man opened the door, Begin takieg It at vacs. j lam' stepped out into the hall. e Fro ,.10l: 113,1)111'011 aul ''tela "Oh, you are the party who was corn - twee, the war eorrespundents of tee leg again at ten, are you?" continued Glob•}, het.e arrive. home. the mean, smilingly. "Well, what can I do for you?" • "Nothing,thank eott,"sliert'plied,"un- less 3 ort conte downstairs and hale tem thrash that hotel clerk." . ...,......•0...• . 0,,„.w,.. If your liver is prat of order, causing Biliousness, ti•ick headache, heart- burn, or Constipation, take a dose of eenvr.e (, elf" t� l On retiring, and toxaorrowv your di- gestive organs will be regulated and yea will he bright, active and ready for a na land of work. This bye been the e pe. [i+nce of others; it will be your, I100D'S PILLS are Gold bwr all rnedieiria dealers. 26 eta. Xk n : 40". `i tooals Phosplioaino, 27th Great ,FIngZdsh Remedy. Sold and reeommetided by all druggists in Canada. only reef- able medteina discovered, ,1tx .packages guaranteed to cure all tonne Sexual wepkness, all Meseta oitibtle° or careers, Mental Worry. Exeessiva 1180 04 To- beaod, Opium or etlmulants. Mailed ori receipt o price, ogle taiekaao *1, six, b5. one etegeltease, sie WU cure._esstephIets free totirtyeddress. The Wood Coolpant, Windsor, Otittt, Wool'.' Mosphillno ilY Gala ire "wirtell'lnr' by Colin A. (Jtonpbeli, A. A. Morrow, d'. 15., Davis, A. L. Hamilton, Druggists. The weak, fluttering heart becomes strong. and regular when refiner's Cotn- ound Iron Pills are trete. At Colin A. Campbell's. /tents of fntefest. There are at present only 850 miles of railway hi Cilium. The bells of Pekin, seven in number, weigh 120,000 is s. There are on en average eight power - fel rat soles in a lion's tail, ''Tea drinking isblamed for tainting an increase in lttuacy in Ireland. Out of 400,000 vessels entering Chinas:' ports ever year, 20,000 aro British, The new etansus gives Cineinnati it poptllation of 8211,002, .itrwtratikee 26;1,3i6, and Bniftlo 862,213. In Hungary} there are thonsartrte of villages and hundred* of small towns vt' thottt eti doctor' within tete miles. Two amen have wagers t te2J0 that they will roll it Unroll cont i:niug 150 gallons front Vienna to Paris in fifty testes. An Irish glue 15 is cihargetl with im ' „» Ilnecn.,., on a zutddle-aged woman iaa Donegal by pretending, to receive letters. front heaven, The hottest place itt the world is the Death Vali 7, in the State of .Arises, t\•lter3 the temeeerat:tat3 ok un reaches 125. de;.;r.:04 n ti's Sit etic, A wonderful tallt:ing machine has t can constructed, end is sail, in a trial at Brighten to have made itself heard at Itt It distance •of ten mil v. • 7:.+seesive moisture, caused by the heavy avy nninthl1 int the I.anuerick district has t.ttusc'c. tiltabnormal growth of l oieonetle fnugi ',gild herbs, causing death among dab sit stock es1)ecielly in lu\\ lying parts. 4 :Tanen S, Barker, of 'M'issouri, is the o a- scl:.'t;ttr\Iv r 1 12 3 o t expedition poditioat of 1647 ,i. It h.)e1 ( i t f ,a � �. ei xa l Zachary Taylor 1)e A ry .fly 9x t r the tits- of lu4 Mebp• Ile rode on horse- back row. SS:lie:ma `i Austin, Tex,, to enlist in en to not Heys' regime:ett. It is a citvi<x, fact that the identical gen-earl-lege ii:ventod. by Captttle Percy Scott, to tette the 4 7 gun of H. M, S. Todliblu to Ladyenl tit, was lined again ro take it; to Ti.tct Tsiu, The naval "pet" eiieneed G,'neral Nib's big Krupp gwi at the I(,tt1't' u shot. ole >v ;glen s,iruluer olot44ng for the Germen troops who are belle; s.'tit oat, to China willbe "drilling," evh'ieh is cutisidorecl ma e duratheta aki, Lath man \vii'-. also be provide with a straw that, The G,rmaa :-love humont has ordered two million cigars Aird ten toes of tobao' co tee the use of the'treeps in Mina,. Ie. China the coinage is pierced with a sletre hole in the coz4.tre, rind in place of of a purse Toho *stamen en carries R piece or string; on which the coins are shirr;, The steel producti u of the United States (luring 1890 wa nearly 10,750,000 tons, That is :.bot 4,500,000 tons in excess of Germany's stotal, and about 6,00,000 tons iu excess of Great Britain, Easy a33.0 p1. 1 atom. i!p131e Iyeing. iVd >x Dyes WILL O3LOR.ANYTIIING ANY COLOR, The most wonderflhl helpers in the home to economical dressing are the Diamond Dyes. Th are so easy to use that even a child tau dye a rich and perfect. dress with tri m. Diamond Dyes ma faded and dingy dresses, blouses, cape , jackets, stock- luns, scarfs, laces a 'd draperies look like 1 new. Beware of dyes that claim to color cotton and wool with the salve dye. It is impossible to get se isfaetory results from dyes of that c1 ratter. Ira Dia- mond Dyes there are special dyes for wool goods. Each Y the Diamond ul Dye color is guaranteed to give full satisfaction, when used according to directions, Gold 1s'rlclt Garne. Denver, Sept. 6.—William Kerr, the kind-hearted Nebraska bttuk president, who thought he was buying an $18,000 gold brick for $13,000, will in all prob- ability have • a chance to see behind prision bars the mat who swindled hila. The gold briek for which Kerr paid $13,000 was worth 1;0.81. Three gold brick swindlers were invested , ,. (, t,ed 4 t Iviontr 1 ea „Caua<.a, a day . or to ago, as they were about two turn another brick, and ;the police believe they are the men whosswindlecl Kerr. Kerr is the president of the First National Bank of Hastings, Neb. - He ween into the woods, *ere ho met an Indian with the brick. V Kerr took filings from it and had them tassayed. The assay was so high that he figured it out that the lIriok was worth $18,000. It is evident that genuine 4old filing were adroitly exchanged for the brass filings that were taken from tbo brick, else Kerr wouII-have discovered the fraud, The teen making the sale said they needed money and wouldse11for $18,000. Kerr finally purchased the brick for . 18,C00. He shipped it to the T'irst National Bank in Denver, and the cheat was at once discovered. The brick was brass, and worth *0.81. ,F.t 0TI1E1t CASE. A few days ago a gold brick man ap- proached W. T, and L, Gordon, weal- thy then of Danville, Que., and wanted to :sell them it brick. All the details were gots through with as in the case with Derr, and an assayer said the brick was worth *10,000. The swindlers were willing to sell it for $6,000, and this aroused the suspicions of thepttrchasere, They notieed the detectives, bttt Went on With the scheme, and as the swindlers were having castled the check which the Gordons lead given them they were arrested and thrown into jail. They gave their names as Stephen Pratt, Abner 0, White and ,folia Saunders. They answer the description of the men Who swindled Kerr and they etre thought to be the saner:, 1/filler's 'Worm Powders eorroot all each troubles as lack of appetite, biiy iottsness, drowsiness, sallow complexion, etct.! Mee to take. At Colin A. C:tntp- bell s; 'S'Itnre It ,herb the ilts),sa !are. lfvnnkton•---Yon gilt home later than nCt1:t1 WI; steels t, tit'ar, Montittou--Yei, Poker. Nen 1 i:l'. tun —Poker, Yclic, never toll in) Vett yott played poker. Monkton--'rou /MTV 1I8!(ed me, Elis. Mutton (taghttstle-•Do you moan to sty twat every Saturday night you have been eat tlnri'ag; the past year yon hirve bosh pttrlbli'n,, •-•- gambling with pantie 1 aariiis° is ouktont--•Oarta'inly, Mrs, 1llonitton (intensely agitated).— And y'111 told 1111) it was business. :elextkton---'S'1re114.t is business. Whena ander .of my :ego pays poker every Sat- ni'day night, itt t}o( suit do it for his health. It's busies pure and eitnple, Why, during the lust six months 1 have 1 9.'i*Oli itl 1 1' won n u i ed c vier � t. , Mrs, Monkton—Ohl yon unnt:turtil want How you have ceivel met low could ,i Y \ \tcct How sinful l To treat inc so 1 INMonkton—Nonseuse Pitying cards ista't a bit worse that 1441 the things yon women do. t. Mrs, Monkton (te*ar}rely)—Maybe it isn't, but if I had ren live inuldre d dollars during the 1. t six mnoittlts I would at least have g' ell you halt of it. —.New York ',Life." Don'tIIet• i Tee ins If you say "4 lith kuo\vieclge is a dangerous thing," yo t are wren. The quotatioiu is, "A lit le learning is a dangerous thine." S Do not say "Fresh olds end pasture s new." That is obsur 1. It should be "Fresh woods and pastures neve." Birt ninety-nine., people iu a hundred misquote it. .d "Maks assurance. doubtly sure" is wrong. The corre4t form is "Halle assurance double stare," "Benedict, the married man" should be. "Benedick, the married man."' A man conviun d. against his will will hold the same opinion. still" should bo, "Ile that complies against his will is of his own opinion still." "Falleth. as the gentle dew," as it is generally written, is wrong. It should be' "Droppeth as the gentle rain." "The man that hath no music in his soul" should be, "The man that Mata no music itt himself." ,'Falls, like Lucifer, never to rise again" is incorrect. Shakespeare wrote "Falls like Lucifer, never to hop o again." "Just cense and impediment" SlloillC. be "O Luse or just impediment." And "The even tutor of their way" "Tho noiseless teaor of their way." PROVERS AB0JT WOMEN. r Seine Chinese Saytnge That Indicate stuck t'hisolophy. Raspect always a silut woman; great is the wisdom of the •w\ipman that hold- eth her tongue. A vain woman is to ile feared, for she will r wisacrifice all for her pride. Trust not a vain woman, for she is first in her own eye. A haughty woman stumbles, for she cannot see what may be iu her way. Trast not the women who t'llinketil more of herself than' another; mercy will not dwell in her hurt. The gods honour tier who thinketh long before openiunher lips. Pearls come from her mouths A woman that is not; loved is a kite front whioh the string Alas been taken; she drives with every Wind and cometh to naught by a long fall. iA wotnai and a oink, are alike; like; each needs a strong upliftnMai . A woman that respects herself is more beautiful than a single star; more beauti ful thee many stars at night. Wuinan is the ease for that which pains the father, sho is bairn for his troubles. A \woman who tnls5akes her place can never return to where she first was; the path has been covered up from her eyes. Give heed to her to whom children have come; she wants' in the sacred -ways and lacks not love. khan first a woman loves she fears; she fears not that to which she has be- come accustomed. A mother not spoken, well of by her children is an enemy of the State; she should not live within the kingdom's wall. A woman without children has not yet the moat precious c•f her jewels. • Give heed to the voice of an old wofnan ; sarrosv has given her wisdom. A beautiful woman knows not h( r charms, therefore is she beautiful, more so than the colours of the sea. . Speak not ill of any woman; if a wo- men bo not righteous what she is spetlts for itself, . Like sheep that be lcarrlerless are many Wotnee come together for mutat talk. Children Ory for CAST y+t it ie it disputed point whether host or guest should sugge4 retiring for the night. It relieves visitors of otlibarrass- hent to know the ways of the house- hold, and Et roadin38S t6' comply with them is a mark of xtoliteitese,' Sett 111 j� vi U 4.ti; al j.'j4_ R• t� t �a..,p \,:n.., .,f. y y ,r 1\,Y��i�'.W\il\, 1,s\T!\Yl���,Y\F:a�1`q,t.,i�,'�.�\`i��\,1. �..�,�, ,R.\ \ `. W� �iYsr ho.\. Castoria itt for Infanta mad Children. Castoria it a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops mid Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, .11Ierpltiuc icor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee ntee is tit:rty years' use by Millions of - .r o, e.,. Castoria destroys Worms andel allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea au(1' iti(S.Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation watt Pintnieuese, Ct t:torl e tsslni lates the Food, regulates L'.Io Stotuxielh and newels elauliaiats and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. 'Castoria in tide Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. Oa,$iQI":Lci., • "Castorla it nu excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told rue of its good ef:ect upon their children." La. G. C. OS000n, Lorl'll, ltrass. THE FAC -SIMILE "Caarort:t is so wcil adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pre. seription known to nee." II, A. Ancurlt, lvl. I), l;rooklyn, SIONATIIRE OF fi f• cid' J` y' APPEARS OFEVERY WRAPPERe 1 .,r r4G C=.tT,t•'R 141,11./0.t7,t MU PiY f31.$1 CT, ,it,,. 'VIM( 4.1.7• d- NEiV:Y!n r..tat;'3'•'I,• ,u..w, u.:. 'L'i�t,.�. '1'�l�Lu . .',, oi} m at.tz4"{ ,,,; t5iie! � of �Ur 5 Ri n ktr � VOUSDIsEASED rr Thousands of ling and middle Aged llten are annually swept to a premature�grave tllroagh .ain ;ally indiser„tion and later excesses. Se f abuse and al Blood Dis. eyes Wire ruined Aute wrecked the lite of many a promising young man. Have you t any of tate fu!towin+t`3rmptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in 'Morning; To Ambi, tion; Memory Poor ,Easily Fatigued• Excitable and irritable: Eyes Blur• i'ir'nplos on the lace; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Slotches; Sore " .itiroat; !lair Loose,;iPains in Body; Sunken Eyes• Lttoloss; Distrustful and Lack of t'tt Ener y and Strength,w Our Acw JP/kid lreatinent will bald you up mentally, physically a,i t restart), t 'brei=naeilead ��- What I o KE DF EDY & KEEGA It: ^� R troubled me. I could "At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined 31,P0. I became nervous and weak. My back dr•end no exertion. Head and °yell became dull. Dreams and ains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Klee - Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctora. They gave mo a i o help. A friend advised me totry Drs. Kennedy & tiergan. They py; s nt me ono month's treatment and it cured mo. 1 could feel ilYi ���11! i 'self gaining ovary day. 7helr New -Methal Treatment cures when C» ;u tv t ni 1,1 .,:1 al else jails." They have cured many oP my friends." ttlg ETAIAITrd MEM ENEDEB, l tl , • "tomo S years ngo I contracted a serious constitutional blood • (11 dISease. 1 went to slot Springs to treat for syphilis. Alerct•ry almost ti•i , killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore,' pains in limbs, pimples oa Pace, blotches, eyes red, lost', of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. j+ Kennedy," Iiergan's New Method Treatment. It eared mo, and 1 have had no symptoms for five years. 1 am married and happy. As a �rvl"fb doctor, 1 heartily reeomend it to all who have this terrible disease— Cure- , t syphllfe." It will eradicate the poison from the blood." Cunt,Tn neehd.15 "YEARS IN DETROIT. 150,000 CUBED. "1' am 83 years of age,' and married. When yonos T led a for ,Mee, 1 became weak and and later U cam© t ' affeitod and I feared Bright's disease. biarrie'd lit • was unsatis. Ito(ktreatment froml s.K Kennedy aI tried nd IKergn Their sw'`Qy and home hsaal tiltfailed 'Or Met fod built mo up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and not like amen in every respect. Try them." !1gt No Blames Used Without Written Consent of Patient. , /n- Cl,.u,. 11 treat, Our New Ntethad Treatment 1t strengthens the body, stops all never fails in curing Diseases of men. drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual systems and restores lost vitality to the body. 'We Guarantee to ure Pnervous febility, Failing itTaulnoe t, syphilis,' arico le, ,4tricture,Gleet,unit 'Aural daiselhurgee, Weak Parts au Ale Midney and Bladder ult tseasies. REIVIEMBE Dre. Kennedy Fe Recoil are the leading spocialists of America. They guarantee to euro or no pay. Their repn- tation and fifteen years of business aro at stake. ou run norisk. Write thorn fax' an honest opinion, no matter who treated. yon. It may save you years of regret and suffering. J Charges reasonable. Write for a Question List and Boots Free. Consultation Fret 148 Shelby.St. DRSI KENNED`� KERGAN Detroit, latit:h. To PATENT Good Ideas, may be secured by our aid. Address, ITME PATENt RECORD, Baltimore, M4. These pills are a specific for all diseases arising front disordered nerves, weak heart or watery blood. They cure palpitation, dizzitness, sttiotifering, faint and ;freak spetts, shortness of breath, aswliing of feet and ankles,nervousness, sleepless. tiers, ata tnta, hysteria, St. Vitus' dance, partial paralysis, braid fag, (mato etsnptahits, genetett chebtlity, h.ttd lack of vitality. Price sot. a bog. 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