HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-06-22, Page 8IES, EIG 1Tr 1* our'Bathing uits At Templeton s. PURE WOOL TRUNK; with reinforcement, extra quality • iz1--,�4 , • • • r, MEl'1i?S PURE WOOL BATHING .SUITS, Detachable tops .2,25 ,. $ :. MISSES E5 PURE WOO", BRA,THlNG SUITS Lined maize, coral, blot, green and .red. Sizes 34.42: Iteg .x$1'•95 Social .., ... $1.49' GHILB'S FANCY !STITCH WOOL ' SWW it SUNa SUITS, Sun- s -..,....,.�.. ........ 98e • back wrtli:'straps straps, -,red royal;, size 2; 4, $ •• For V,acat on ne• Ti..` .: OU'I H'S LQ.N:G-:P'AsT'S in, navy :or. zipper pockets!. •SEE. OUR ;SPECLAL IN SOCKEES 'navy 'Cheek, sanlforizedi den' for °LADIIES, GIRLS or B c CREPE HOSE in all the • new `shades for white shoes ., t . HLOCK. TRAFFIC LANE ' Motoring through Lueknow's. maip street _•on :a 'Saturday night israther difficult between 'the • hours, of , nine and eleven o'clock. ' Wheu'.the Pipe; Band' presents. their Saturday; night • performance at th'e intersection, at ,the Post Office they are circled by a' crowd ;of, spectator , • that make it difficultto keep,.open a .`- single.-laneway for ,motor .cars.',,Th•is" performance is,, followed by a, street - THE • LUCK O V SEN 1 �N:E .•:• .ATTER TO' EDITOR •. Mr. Campbell Thompson, Editoi Lucknow Sentinel, Lueknow, Ontario Dear Sir: ! "` ' 1,,141 I. am instructed • to forward you a copy pf:the below resolution Passed: unanimously bthey the directors of Stratford. $card of Trade at .a special meeting in connection with' the fail - ere ,of. the Royal Train to slow down': at Romeo St., Stratford, on June..&, "The : directors of :the •Stratford Bard of Trade join:with . the City uracil (and all our citizens in ' ex- pressin, very sincere rgret that angow- s ata a or" misunder:'-_I ..to me m� •I standingii• car ry ng out.the plans; •and schedule, as understood and made pYbirc, by the Royal Visit..Committ ee , so many, were disappointed in • net seeing Their Majesties' on the oeca- 'sign of • their` visitr here on Tuesday; June 6. We desire especially to'; express- our regret to the children, teachers, and all others' who, after' so many hours. •of' travelling and waiting; were' so. keenly ,disappointed;• • We' desire also to pay tribute to the Rev. F. G. Lightbourn %'and the nein-• .bers .of his committee; • particidarly Mr. W. L. Whyte, of Seaforth, in! ` of an'zat' n of school r. ofthe i charge g , children, Scouts, Guides; Cubs and Brownies, for the very fine and faith- ful work done by them and all who.' assisted : • them, and . regret that, spite • of their efforts, there should be. so much disappointment; ''.Notwithstanding • disappointments. we desire to express our appreciation. ofthe visit of Their Majesties to the Classic City and of the' opportunity many, marry. thousands had'. of seeing them iii person and of being able to appreciate their gracious, kindly Spir- it and interest "in••all those qualities which bind the Empire 'together and challenge ..us and. our children.to'.a` deeper' • devotion andfirmer loyalty." Yours very truly, H; -Meson. corner service -conducted by E. L. Rip- ley.; of the Pentecostal mission with testimonials by members of • the. miss=, ion.' This :service .also attracts a large gathering of people' which •extends • out:, into -thee traffic. lane, and thus for about two hours motorists have to; or should, exercise particular care at this . point. CARD. OF. ;'-HANK•' :, ri LOCAL itor Wath friend's andHERAL The MacGregor. family•is I'deeply appreciative of, and, derives to' • ack- � nowledge with thanks the many . acts ��tt w"1Virs, R. Jameron of jucknow as a �yeek-end Cvis of:kindness and expressions of •sym-1 near "•Guelph. ;s pathy extended . them in their •be- eek Mrs H, G. Sherriff spent thew .. • end with' her friend Miss Peg Mac - Callum;, St= Marys. Stewart—Cameron of Port .Colborne: spent • the weekend at the 'home -of his paronts,: Mr., and Mra 'kJ: Cam- eron. reavement, ave read the Sentinel till You ha•n4t you've read the "Want' Ad" column, y on paget'4 / • . Ford' 'Garage is modernly` equipped' aippedp' The g q o •.give e Fl st, : in Mechanical Service !..Repair Shop. IS .1N',CHARGE 'OFI AN . EXPERIENCED • MECHANIC, AND IAS NEWEST PRECISION MACHINERY INSTALLED TO ENSUREA; PERFECT JOB, Including ELECTRIC WELDING, Rest Room Accomodatiofs - OUR NEW REST ROOMS FOR MEN AND LADIES ARE. NOW OPENED, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. les and Service 'Dept, SEE.AND DRIVE THE NEW FORD AND FOR BEST. PER- FORMANCE' USE B. A. PRODUCTS. The1F�rd Gara e . GARFIELD ., OSTRANDER, PROP. LUCKNQW, ONT. • aho d Stewart Lumber Company Ali Building Supplies Prices . The Lowest In The Community ' =Cambell St., L.•ucknow• ' P � Phone 34. BQ.RN KENIO DY,--IIn Wuigl am General Hospital On ' Saturday, June 10th, to' Mr. and Mrs` George Kennedy,. (nee Olive• Robb), a son,If ' • ' rL ,•OCHREY .In •;St Joseph's Hos- ita'1' o don ••air Saturday,June. 3rd, to' Mr:',and Mrs, N S...Lecheiy (nee. Mr acid Mrift Frank Cole visited, at o where, Wooilstgck. ,fort , w.. weeks, during. the visit,.they. hada gooii vie of the :King • and Queen. Willa* • Chestnut) daughta , . . Jeanne Fauhn. " .MOT b ST F•to D etra t, or-.:' Chicago is $ o le ving,by.Satarday of this weekti and MORRSON In C,odefiieh Hospital; wishing a passengers please notify+ and, Mia. 6th; to lir, d Ce •:. cads .. • 6$. Tu •June M • • i a otn on y.,7'he $entnpel •Off ee . . 'Charles Morrison,•(`ries 'Pearl Irvin) :a Y son. 1Vlrsi 'James SinitIr is :'this week at- tending.: the Rebekah Assembly '',at Hamilton as. a representative of Jew- el Rebekah Lodge, Lueknow. 1 COMING EVENTS ' 1 PARAMOUNT DANCE • Dancing evert Friday nJght"at Par- amount `•Hall Mn Kenie's orchestra.. *Admission, Mr'. and Mrs; -Wilfred Murdoch and daughter, and Mrs, J.. G Mur- doch 'of Toronto. are spending ' this 'Week with Lueknow friends. Attend' . Church . Service • ' THURSDAY. 1t E 2234 • vowervon 1939. Sunk '. Service ned Ga.soilne , 'o�fl u0 t 11 l quart c' e .. .. - ,; �•Gas a• �l , arnd r e`n .� :`: Farrv�e s ec�al � �P��tes� �'a� R • l : •1 w . • 0 ,t�� t. �, 8 •e t X10 ' L Free Sun Go gales w'it:h each purchase of $1'.•50 or over:• Sunny • 'Service Oil ' :Company 25c. • • • . . l RADIO TROUBLE INSPECTOR ' I. - I:.O.L. •CHURCH Pt#RAbE , ,; • 'Pi a Beand uelFnow L;O.L., No: • ' Members of L_ the Goderich• "branch of the Canadian . willattend divine 'worshiip, :in St:.t 428, . a e d , Legion- attended divine worship a Mr: J. S.':Howard, an inspector • oon Sunda Peter's church, Lucknow, Y of the radio division of,the I)epaut- ilewdcsd by the Lueknow p W -S HERE LAST WEEK ' St. George's Anglican Church' o ment of Transport; was in 'town last ,week seeking to detect, causes of radio interferenee....Mr. Howard ' operates one, of• a fleet :of thirty-four cart. used 'throughout the Dominion' for• the investigation and.suppression of interference. •. • ' Common sources of radio inter- ,ierdevice, la...the home..: sib • listed ..in three .classes: loose connections •in electrical systems .and faulty, appli- ances; • appliances\ using'. electric Motors; and !special appliances; • In the first case• all loose eonnect- ions should,' be repaired by a compet ent electrician., A11 lighting and heat- ing appliances• such as la'''ps stoves. irons, heaters,.,warining pads,should Cause • no interference When proper condition, . ' Secondly are the' appliances using electric motors .such as vacuum clean- ers, refrigerators, hair :driers, etc The cure .for ' .this 'class • entails the installation of suppressor units the . power supply';, circuit.. • . The'. third cause ,of interference is special 'appliances, including electric .shavers and some types of appaiatus'L. for electric. treatment. These require a suppressor "unitt; of a more dinn- plicated type, in correcting interim. ence. The co-operation Of radio broadcast' listeners is. sought in eliininati,Ug equipment that causes. interference: June 25th, at 7 o'clock. Brethren are asked.to meet'.,at the Lodge room at 6.20..Pipe Band in , attendance.; -- ,• :ST. HELEN'S GARDEN PARTY • The annual 'Garden Party of . St.. Helen's. United . church will; be held. today, (Thursday). June 22. Good sup: •per and program. Supper served' from 6 to 8 o'clock, Admission 35c and 25c: Whitechurch; Young .-People's "Union" will present their' play 'j'.Paying The Fiddler." REGRET EXPRESSED' ' IN TELEGRAM • FROM PREMIER.. • In : connection' with the . Stratford incident at '.the time of the Royal Visit, Mayor Henry has received the following telegram by Prieto 'Mini- ster MacKenzie King: ' "Aboard the Royal: train, Valley, Nova Scotia: I have. told the King of. the • dissappointment experienced , by school children • at Stratford at . not having had an opportunity to see Their. Majesties as the Royal train. entered the city . Tuesday, June 6, Their Majesties regret that children should have been,disappeinted and PI Will be :grateful if; you will live the message conveyed to them. at the first .favorable opportunity.• I have also investigated the whole matter again personally and am quite sat• isfied -. the Interdepartmental Com inittee "in charge 'of the tour were in no way responsible for what occurred. No undertaking was or could have 'been given that ' Their Majesties would be able to. appear on thqq• rear platform df the train..Arrangeinents had been made that the Royal- train slow down , for some ' distance before arrival at the station and •this Baas done. I .join in regret that so much disappointment should have occurred. (Signed) • • -- "W. L. MacKenie King." Moves To New ,Quarters Mr. J. S. Kilpatrick, local imple ment agent, has " moved from the Henderson 'Block to the premises adjoining the hotel, which until. :re- cently was occupied as a service station. • GARDEN.' 'PARTY' •AT ZION • . The, Ashfield' Circuit .W As•"Garden Party will be.. held. on' 'Zion. Church lawn (under:. coyer•.1f • considered' ad- ;visable) 'on* Friday evening,;;June 23 Supper served -from .6-8p m..;,. They program will be furnished.• oy Bedmiiler Young.' People, •including a play entitled. "April. Fool": • Admission=Adults,5•c, ,Children,. 20c. °. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. C. Toihd; Pastor SUNDAY JUNE 25th 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Worship p.m.—Evening Worship. Sub- ject , "ARMAGEDDON AT HAND!" ' ' When a* 'Christian Really Enlists In The Christian' Life,- Some' Evils Are Bound To Give Way! • Pentecostal . Mission• - Services Every Wed. & Sun. ,8. P.P. Subject Sunday night: , "Watch- man, What • Of ,The Night?" Open. Air Service Saturday 'Night AT,KIN'LOUGH `• Special Service Friday Night. Rev: GORDON ATTER, Field Evange- list Of 'Thd P. A. O. C. Will Preach. ,]Friday Night At 8.30 p.m. In The Orange Hall: Special • `Music 'And : Singing., .• .. Tune ..In Every.' Tuesday 1.30 • 'to 2 p,m. C.K:N.X. • • Sunday evening, • When a fitting Magna Charts service was 'held.. :The Dramatic. Society of.St:,Peter':,` Church, presented their three -act comedy "Keeping -Up Appearances"; at Dung: anon; last week', 'A member of the: 'cast. was. Rev: J. Watton,, ast sistant to Rev. A. A. Maloney, who has Been appointed rector' Of Ate ,' Merlin Parish. - William MacKenzie, son of Mr,. and Mrs. Wm.. MacKenzie , of, town is, spending, the :week here. BiII; a stud- ent at Chicago Osteopathic Hospital, hitchhiked from the Windy City 'last Sunday, arriving here within four- teenhours after setting` .out that: morning about 8 o'clock from the out- skirts of. the. City. Amazing Growth •Mr; -D. C. ' McMorran has a 'field of oats .at his residence.; which- has shown: a ' remarkable growth . Last Thursday, . just' three • weeks: exactly from :the date. they' • were .planted, Mr•:- M;cMorran -pulleda stock that 'meas- ured 19 inches' from the top of ,the To• Teach At. `Woodstock •, Miss: Dori's ' Durnin, daughter . of Mrs..A. E. Durnin and the late• Mr. Durnin formerly of 'LucknoW, has been engaged to;fill one of three vac- ancies on the. public ,'school staff at Woodstock. There were ''800 appli- cants. Miss Du'rnin: has been teaching sit Goderich. Bowlers' Won • Local bowlers were in 'the money last , Wednesday, • At Goderich, Cam Finlayson, John McPherson and. An- gus McKenzie, were third in a trebles twilight, while at a rinks tournament at Paisley;, the local rink of 'Jos.. Agnew, Robt. Rae, Wm. McPherson And Jack , MacDonald wo$.. -fourth prize. .LET'S "PAVE. THESE .ITEMS Vacatidn season ishere and :it brings a 'steady stream of visitors to the community, while scores' of local residents are' holidaying at other points • from time' to 'time; Every one of these visits is 'a news item_ of in-. terest to at least some -or our readers, and we are anxious to receive these items. Send them in, biting them in, ,phone them in, or if • yob live in the •country let your district- correspon- dent know. May we count onyour co- operation ?, DEDICATE Y'.M.C.A. CABIN IN MEMORY OP i, C..STOTHER.S:. The John •C'. Stothers memorial 'ca- bin, gift pf the, London Kiwa.nis ` Club to the Y. M. C., A..camp' at. •Silver Beach, on the, shores of Lake Erie south of Aylmer, was .dedicated at t well -attended . ceremony .04 Friday night. ' - The Cabin, latest addition to 'grow- ing centre of boys 'work activity on the lakefront, is in .meniery of an out. .standing .worker" on behalf of the boys, John, C. Stofhers, a native of Ashfield Township" 'and 'former i'n • spector. of public• schools who was hairman of, boys work for the Ki- '�wanis .Clob for years prior- to; his death. • .' • •• Rev.' C. W. Foreman in' dedicating the cabin, said: "We dedicate: this. hut, the John -C. 'Stothers Memorial in •honor• of a fellow. •Kiwanian wh:, devoted his talents to, the further ance of the highest ideals of educ ;l tion and. to' the welfare of thoxe un-: derprivileged youths whom he knew; and Wel the .Kiwani5, Club of London Month Watch 'far: our Sale/ 11 i`.: If youdon't get one in the inail,, ask for ft at t he stOr, iimpimmummow Lucknow, now, • Seasar:abte. Week.End . l CORN 'FLAKE'S Sugar Crisp, 2 for '....•.•. 15c PUPPED -WHEAT & RICE 2' for. : ' • 15c OGILVIE'S FLAKES With Free Photo Royal Family 2. for . ., -: 23e'. H'USK'IES •• Reg. 2 for- 25c,, 2 `for • 16c HUSKIES. - With. Free Cereal Bowl • 2 for ........ 25c .. GOLDEN BANTAM CORN,' '3, for . • 25c STANDARD PEAS' 3 for , 25c: •A•YLMER TOMATOES ....Squats, -'3 for ...... , .... 25c • PtCKLEb3 •. (Gerkins, Mustard,: Sweet and Sour Mixed) ~' . 32• oz. bottle 25e ,RED ROSE COFFEE n • .• 39c• CLUB 'COFFEE . ' Fresh ground MIXED CAKES' • 2 Lb. ' 35c .SODA BISCUITS 33c 2. ib. bag • , t.. 20c STRAWBERRIES PLENTI- FUL AND AT THEIR BEST. H: Thom sin Phone 82, hucknow do present this John' C. Stother' Memorial but to the Y. M., C. A. ,Sil•• ver Beach carat) that this institution may continue to serve the youth of Canada and pr6mote the fourfold •pi•o • - gram; -=physical, • mental,' social and religious." • ' MONTH END SALE at the Mai'- ket Store -Watch. for, your sale bill or get one at the, store. THIN: MAIL- KET STORE; • Expected Back This Week' . Mr. 'Neil McLennan: or Ripley is expected 'to return this week • after n motor trip to Pilot Mound, Man., With the remains of • the late D. B. 'Graham who. died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Archie, !!'triter- of. West Wawanosh. , Mr. McI,.enl1aii, ., accompaniedby •Murray McLennan made 'the' journeyy by • way 'of Port Huron, Straits of Mackinac and Duluth. They are 'reg turning bYY may of Rainy'River, where ;they .have, been visiting with friends WInd� w and Store Ilisplays • ki hpne .,,,;, ;,w IF