HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-09-14, Page 1VOL, XXVZIL--inn, 1482,
Business is booming so much with us
'in Tailoring that it is Hardly worth our
while to 'advertise this branch of our
business, but still we want to remind all
our friends that we shall be glad to see
them, and, we might. mention that wo
,aro selling off the balance of our Sum-
r er Suitings at a great reduction. In.
+ OOrrS and SHOOS
It is needless to say wo lead. the Trade.
Our customers have been more than sat-
isfied during the Net season; the conse-
quence is, we have had a large increase
an our sales; we anticipate a very large
'business . for Fall, and consequently
.leave bought heavily, and in order to
'make room for these new Goods we are
;selling the :balance of our Spring Stock
.at a large reduction from regular prices
-don't fail to secure sono of these bar -
;gains. Boys' and Youths' size: in
Bobs on Saturday at COST. We have
.just sorted up our stock of
In these we have the very latest—if
you want to be up-to-date in Neckwear
and Headwear, you must como to us,
We have still a feNv
left; eve are selling them at 60 per cent,
cost—it will pay yen tO buy ease
thing we have, even if you don't need
it just now. The rest of our Groceries
at cost and below. We have not =oh
left, bat what we have you can have at
your own price.
o & Sons
Issued by VILANZ PA.,rnasox, Ito, 58 Victoria
street. Witighain, Ont. No witnesses required.
a Fall Term' Opens Sept. 4th.
-t education for profitable, progressive, and in
perinationt employinent IS given in the ,g
t Central :Business College 5
Stratford,'Ont, P-
-xi No less than eight large bat:bless col- tti
ltges have applied to us within the hist fat
tions as teachers in their schools. As iti
many as live business Rrnis have aPplied +if
tO US ita one day for office help. !V :is is gi,
shrely tho best school. for you to attend. tfT
Write for our beautiful Catalogue. fil
W; J. ELLIOTT. Prineipal, 0
pays for the TIMES till
tritrillitry 1st, 1901.
10 Cents
pays for the TIMES and To-
ronto Daily Star till jail.
' ist, 1901, All who sub-
scribe for the Star get a,
handsomo pictures of the
Leave your orders early
lit the, Tturs Oleo
I so you should use
nothing but the
ep Vinegar
$ Wilson's Pure White
to Wine Vinegar is aclenow-
ledged to be the best..
You can get it along
with pure spices at
(The China House)
See Halsey Park's advertisement,
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham on the first
Friday of each mouth 'from 11.30 a,
m. till 3 o'clock p. for consultation
iu diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
of selections rend
Fridey evening.
becoming quite co
eir concerts will
'splendid programme
ed by the band on
As the evenings are
1, these weekly open
not continue mueh
SH.rexcirs,--T e following are part
of the shipments f om the G. T..R. this
horses for South. friar ; Currie & Rin-
ke-11, a car of ho es to South Africa;
Smith McLean, car or cattle to To -
of hogs to Collin ood. .
WANTED AT ONCJE.—A ood, bright,
active youth to learn
business. Apply- tcy"
going the rounds ite freely this week
that A. R, M nald, who formerly
kept a flour Mg feed store here had
been ltilled in Ma Utast)... We are pleased
to learn that Mr. McDonald who
was killed had n connection with A.R.
McDonald. As ecir as ve can learn
our former Win emit s in the enjoy-
ment of good he lth.
torney Lewis re
the County j
risTros.—Orown At -
true of cases tried tit.
lge's Criminal Court,
first half year of 1900
show nine theft , one aggravated assault,
one shop -break
horse stealing,
There were els en convictions, the sen-
tenceeranging 'roar three years to two
months. Six isonvs were sent to the
Central prise tweet° the Kingston
penetentiary d Usti balance to the
county jail.
Apprentiees worsted at once. Two
young ladies to learn tailoring.
ng and three cases of
fourteen oases in all.
5. 5. Exatinsx RnTuas.--The re-
turns from tile niers Sunday School
Excursion recent run to Goderich
were received G. T. R. Agent
Gordon on Saturd e last, and a meeting
of the joint comit ittee was held that
evening for the pu eose of winding up
the affairs in come tion with the excur-
sion, This excur on was the best ever
Tull to Goderich, ugh= sending a
complete train. of xcuesionists. The
returns from the *. T. R. to the local
committee Amount d to $280.55 and after
paying expenses, tl balance was divided
pro rat° among e different Sunday
Scheele of the tow . A kesolntien was
inuthimously pass at the meetiug on
Saturday* htst to ke the eXCnrSiOli Ali
animal event Lin hereafter NVO may
look for a Union nday School exam
dons were also mod tendering the
heatty thanks of t committee to Dr.
Towlet, the, sabre ary for his untiring
efforts in meld the excursion the
success that it w also A resolution to
Mayor Clegg for his cordial assistance
and kindness; 0 so to H. Gordon,
G. T. E,. for tho eep interest he took in
making the oxen sion. SUCCeSEL. WC
are pleased that he excursion was sueh
a grind MOMS ud aso pleased that it
is tube Stu mum 1 affair,
Ato Mr To to .—Money 'loan orl
notee, and notes discottnted at reagens
able rates. Money advanced on snort. HO
gages, with ptiVilege of paying at the fug t
end of any year. Votes tunl aecounts hens
collected. OilIce—Peawler Mock, Wing- prep
ham MCI?7,5110. apply
Suocmsseue One 'no .. John Me„
growth from his b ". Dr. Gnnu, of
town were the ph sicians. ..
the present dyten ery epidemic sufferers
from. the malady. 41 be glad enongli to
hear of a cure, , um and speedy. A
teaspoonful of J aim ginger in water
repeated if nee 'eary, with liot water
bottle On. the sto tech and bowels, will
mire the most st b 3. attack, accord --
WIND STOR1 heavy . wind. storm
visited this sotto). on Tuesday eveni
The front of Join arepbell'e warero
number of shade
blown over in th
and pears were bl
Cue fanner who
office on 'Wearies
think I ha,ve. only
the trees in my 0
See Mr. D'Olze cheiien in opera
house, September h.
OLUDInNek ROM, Vlore -will be A
number. of changes the Tenets. clab.
hint; rates for the f na winter camp.
paign, The advan e in the price of
paper-inte caused an alliance in our rate
from the publishers f the various pepere
end consequently our clubblug rates
will have to be Mc eased. partie-
niers will be ann. laced le our next
Second hand buggy for sele, alum
general merchants/ s nearing comp/
zig Itime The orpenter • have about Amish.
ed their work Ewa th painters will soo
1 ft be through, The pl e glass has arrsve
been placed in osition. The ree
bout tell clays an will have t au-
nouncement in our Xt issue.
sary arrangements
d fruit trees were
town. The apples •
frOm, the- trees
ailed tho Mute
y . mortising. said "1
three app left on
Richelieu! Riche e
Opera house, Sept. 14
drug store.
team Leny's DE Catherine Me -
Taggart, died at the lamed her daught-
er, Mrs. McTavish, dwexa et, on Mon -
Wel resided near Ri ley for a numiser
years and was hi hly respected. 5
had been spending fesv menthe with
her delight° er nd was confined to
her bed ' only a eev days prior to her
death. he rem ns were interrecl
Campbell's headache Wefers :gasman -
teed to (Jure headache.
—The Ttsts is. the best place to get
wedding etatioaer
—Teems for t till January 1.„
1901. Subscribe n
—New 'Zealand. al atlopt penny post-
age oa January Is next.
—Have you ni de your entries for
Wingbara's fall fra on Sept. 27th and
ea to that it wfil b off the lot mew own -
—Dr. Macdonald , P. will act as
town Xedieal Ilea h Officer durbig Dr.
w Southampton Bea sou are enjoying a
holiday thie week.
—A number f Winginun and
vicinity attended t e Western Fair at
Loudon this week.
r —Bush firee ha e been raging this
. be Feels in all direct eve,
e written by a former inghamite, i$ held
over until our next sne.
e being matte fo
the fall fair to be ld here on Sept. 2
and 28. The secret ry has already re
ceived a number of euteries and every
thing poiuts to a ccessful fair, Th
speeding events a cl other attraction
this year will be 11 worth the price
ed. admission. Let GS
of AnC1 make this yea
tic cessful one in the
was caused. on T
D. E. Hastings'
Mr. Hastings w
ladiesont of the
hotel, when the h
dosvn street. One
the hub of the wh
run in.to the sidew
broken, but the tw
siderable excitement
rsday night last by
orse mining away.
letting two young
lggy at the Queen's
se made a start for
ne got wound aroeud
1 and the horse was
k in front of Hutchi-
e. Nothing was
ladies who ere in
the buggy were fri htened
"liVeastrEne—Goo smart boy who can
handle a horse, an deliver parcels for
grocery and crockery store. N. A.
HURON'S GREAT FAIR. --The biggest
all: show of 1900 fe this sectioetwill be
e IL W. Ex bition at Goderich,
uesclay and Wedi esd.ay of next week.
The prize list is ses tal hundred dollars
in advance of last ear, and the speed
tests, four in insm r, promise to de-
velop lots of fun or lovers of good
horses. The track 3 in No. 1 conditicn
and tile grand stau rebuilt this sum-
mer, will acorn odate au immense
crowd. The poul list is second °ay
to that of the coun winter sh.ow, and
the "chielten crank ! will be out in full
force. The fruit ai root crops piknnise
to make a display unexcelled in the
history of the fair. The popular Marine
Band will furnish usic each day and
evening, and amo g the attractions
will be Edison's oving Pictures, in-
cluding South Afri n battle scenes and
other views just no of special interest.
A visit to Goderi h next week will
be doubly enjoyable.
Pon SA.I8.—Houso and lot with. stable
on Patrick street; seven rooms; good
cellar, garden, woodshed and summer
kitchen. Healthy situation. Apply to
present occupant, REV. 3. W. GOPPIL
ing of the Town Con ca re the proposed
stove feunclry were t Is Whig -
ham. gobig to have a stove foundry?
This is. a question tha has been frequent-
ly at3lteci, Last w' ter quite a move
was made in this dir tion, but during
the summer months the question was
let Iag. The Cou cil now has the
privelege from the G vernment to loan
$10,000 for the e tablishment of a
foundry here and wo eel sure that the
ratepayers would b k up such a loan
were a good. com eny formed that
Would. carry the es ablishment ,of ' a
local company with t vo or more skilled
mechanics from on ide should be a
of which she may we. feel proud and
we want as Menet err as we can get so
as to still make this to vn better,' known
to the outside world. Wingirani is now
hints as the f nen tuee cetitee
Ontario and the most regressive town
in Western OntEtriO. hy not make her
Itilown as one of th best places itt
Ontario in which to purchase stoves?
We trust Clouncilloi 110Xetizie may
proceed with his plan in the matter of
the stove foundry ant that at no distant
establishment of this Ind in her midst.
USE Volt SAT..r.—Any person tle.sir-
0 purchase a good comfortable
a in good location on easy terms of
tient, eau leant particulars hy
lug to the Tistits •011 -lee.
ry person turn out
's fair the, most sue -
story a the society.
So John Kerr's advertisement.
NEW Tenueerolas Colin A. Camp-
bell,the local agent o the Ban Telephone
Co., has been putti in a number of
new 'phones this w h. One has been
placed in Dr. Ago $ office, the num-
ber of which is 38. ..A. Farquharson
is having one placed n his grocery store.
The number will be fifty eight. J. J.
Elliott, v. S. is hay g one put in his
office on Victoria, st et and two are be-
ing put. in. for W. Vanstone who is
Mail and Empire a riday last says:—
Tile Canadian pace Harold EC., owned
by N. E. Sevarts. of , ingnam, awl driven
by A. Proctor, keep on winning. After.
teimming everythin in the Lake Erie
circuit, he was ship ed from Hornells-
ville to Pittsburg. e wonthe 2.17 pace
at 1,1c3lee's Rock tb.e other day in
over a field of eight earters. A Buffalo
gentleman tried to urchase this son of
Roadmaster a shor time ago, but the
price was a little to I stiff. Harold II. ix
the sensational C. laclian performer of
Richelieu is a roi antic drama o the
Three Musketeers type with
costumes are very eau rd and historic-
ally correct, and th production as given
by Mr. Edouard. '0112e, (of Lyceum
DiatniuTiv-2 Honsr .—Few persons
ho visit the horse bn dings, where all
use in front of the tails him/nob. are
abe and Mate," t o diminutive little
etland ponies exhi itecl by Mr. R. P.
Wright, of 846 Dam s street, mail clerk
on the Enron and B nee railway. Mr.
Wright is justly road of lus dainty
little team. They e a very intelligent
little animals, and. ' harness make the
swellest little team seen in London in
seine time. Ti e above from the
London News refe s to ponies owhed by
a gentlemen well- own in Wittgluina,
WANTED—At once., 100 Tubs Butter.
Seo that -window of $1.25, $2.00 shirts.
Your choice for 76c. G. E. RING.
— John Millar h been appointed
Police Magistrate or Walkerton, in
place of A. W. Rob resigned,
—Eli Elliott, jr,
hurt by the boiler ee.
yard is again a,ble to
— Handsorae badge
for the Officers an
—Read the adver.
issue of the Mires,
advts. will be fouud
vlao was so badly
losion at the brick -
e around.
are being seenred
Direator$ of the
toments in every
number of new
this issue
—M. Y. MeLear of the Seder
Expositor, we are leased to learn ie
able to be a,bout a a after his recent
— Wm. Armour I commenced the
. old town hall buil ng recently pure
chased by him.
r or the Best and
come to LK
0 We will please
0 you.
'Ours are fresh and
our prices
The old Willie= stand
We are just passing into stock aboati..
176 Ladies' Cloth. and Per je.ekets; -alga '
Fur Lined Capes and Wrape„ .
The above garments- eaye been ins -
ported direct femn the most eulebrated
makers in Berlin, Germany. and for
styles, materials, workmauship, At and
pribes will easily take first plaee in the
resale of this western seetion. Do noe
buy until you have examined very care-
fully these beantiful end seasonable gor-
.ments. It will pay you to see them be-
fore giving your fall order.
The Direct Importer
—The military el nges given in the
daily press last iday contaiuddr--,
"133rel (Huron) Re t —Paymaster and
Honorary Capt. S. Plays is granted
he the honorary rank f major."
—Geo. Powell's grain warehouse at
Elyth was Varna Thr,rsday night
last, with a quan ay of grain. Mr.
Powell resided in. ingham at ono time
and we are sorry t hear of his loss.
1 —The Hensel].
•k- .onats seventh ye,
me- Thos. Neetaeds' h
ris during these year,
The Observer is
is well patronized
—Regular Meeting
f Court Maitland,
O. P. this (Fr any) evening and
regular meeting Caulp Caledonia,
S. 0..5. on Monday veiling, next.
• --Chas. Barber au Ailtanlber Of Nvoi.
''reen lat.for Ripley- on Monday Mo
nese He cern -loco work on 1
contract of laying g unolithie walks.
—The Guelph Pa ing Co.ehas secured
the contract of la me the granolithio
walks in Lucknow. F. Paterson of this
vtilminagi ewilI act as at exintendent for the
—M. E. Zurbri,gg has quite a collec-
tion of photographs of gentlemen over
GO years of age on ew in his window
!this week. The hates aro all well
—The editor of th ThiEs has to thank
Thos. Phillips for c. ies of the Edmon-
ton Post and Stra icons Sun. Mr.
Phillips formerly worked with S.
. y ais (1 riot attended King
Bros' sale of horse at Sweets' hotel
barns last Saturday Quite a number of
homes were sold at Kos ranging from
The diploma we hold from the
Optical Institute of Canada is a
guarantee if our qualification to
give perfett satisfaction in tile fitting
of glasses,
Our equiptnent for this work has
always been of the best, hut to make
it still more eomplete and up.to date
we have just added a "Jabh Opto-
meter," the latest invention in tbis
clw of Instruments,
Do riot let fake., opticiant and
pedlers who have never studied the
eps, tamper with vours, and sell
you ghisses at double their value
when „). ott can he properly fitted At
—Miss S. V. M Laughlin, of Grey
towuship, who has een teaching in the
junior division of tl e Londeshoro School
is unable to fulfill h T engagement owing
to ill health.
on their road and opose to land pas-
sengers from Mout eal to 'Vancouver in
93 hours. The dis ,ance covered will be
8,194 miles.
—The defunct J urnal printing plant
was shipped to Lo don ,on Wednesday
ot this week, We niderstand 14.r. Sint -
mons intends sin ting a job printing
office in East Lon n.
—September of this year has five
Saturdays and t e holiday. on. Labor
Day, only left neteen school fla,ys.
This will not occu in September again
for a number of y ars,
—The Thins a d Daily- Toronto Star
to the ist of next January for the Sinai
sum of 700 in t dvance. A portrait of
tho Queen and since of Wales goes
along with the; o er free.
—Nettie Ih• , have been =liter
considerable •overnent in the Lem.
mox ptoperty, hey have had the old
carriage factory eliding overhauled and
fixed up in good shape aud. intend pats
ting fence ant d the lot,
The people of inghtun well em.
ber the fine pert. mimeo of the erchant
of Venice as giv 11 by the mem Co,
last season and ticul, d the artistic
work of Mr. Edo Ara ze Shyloelt
talented yot ng -It 'will be seen
Van? tita role.
preaCtited At Opera
Nth. &onto your
Ian at Thotiglass' drag
hero this season '
J„ 1E, DAVIS, Richelieu with
company in
104t1040iS"t AND OPTICIAN, will
housu Erich
WINGRAIVI. seats early.
eserver has entered
. The present eatorVe.
!s Leen at the helm -
all bnt a few months.
ecel local paper and
by the merchants of
801-100 BOARD,
of the School 'Board
lay evetther. There
irman 0:
Regular meetb
wee held on Tue
were present: Ch
and Henry Kerr.
A communicati I was read from the
County Treasurer enclosing *200, con-
tinu.ation class gra t whic.h was ordered
to be filed.
The finance CM tenitee reported re-
commeeding the p yment of the follow -
Jas. Brock, layink. walk, $16.84.
Teloved by T. rabeen, seconded by
J. Ilonsutle th t the report be re-
ceived and the ac unts paid—Carried.
Helmuth, that til (Andra= and secre-
tary issue orders for the teachers' and
Officers' salaries • the • month of Aug.
Board then ad, rned.
Wir,ghaillis Pt:pular Shoe Store.
Turnhig things tq.sie,e down at our
,ti t':44 f."t LE
Balance of surplus stoek nittst igt) to
Melte room. for Fall efinals.
These olfeelege stIr up (Meer
thrifty Aloe weaver.
Pell meek of Children's and Infanta.
Come along with year ordered work
and xl pairing. Yours,
Ankle& of Trtinite end 'Valises elate