The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-06-15, Page 10A cravat is always. Welcome:11 it's a FersytbCravat, it's doubly.tveicome: ' Come in. Choose Dad's gift ,now. from • the, hand- some •patterns • and'designs' • our. splendid ,se- lection ofForsytli se•.lectionofForsytli Cravats. X . SHEEN" C1.�►t Ma. -R ,1N KI,NL-OSS; ,..: (KINI..SS; QUUNPII4', MINUTES), The ,Municipal Council met in 'AU thl `Hall, .Monday, May 29, .4939. A 1 members preterit ' . The mutates of the. last regular meeting'. as read were approved. and signed, • John Carter,' . The ;sheep claims of Peter McKinnon, 'Win: McDonald,, Rod.: McDougall and Richard 'Elliott. anion,ting to • •.159:00 were paid with`. inspection s cos :of ' $8.95: in p n The Court ofRevision. on the Asa' essment Roll: .o f. 1939 was convened with, theReeve :as chairman .of ;the. e` Court :The. appear :of Robert Moffat; on his own behalf,` and tli'at' of the rate; .. " • ,payers of..':' nS � "l� .o 6 asking, fora reduction 'on 'account of 'School being closed, was first heard. Appeal. not -FOR 1,044; and: Co. IN • idles Suirnii' er $OLO'CLOTiE : COATS,. White. • and Pastel. Shades. Reg to ' $10. NOW, ONLY Sao • +�5. :• SI•IARKSKIN' TOPPER Coats, 411 ' summer ' shades.;Reg '$4.50. - NOW . AT ONLY ,k_ L _ C • U _ p��01�1� SENTINEL, FENCE - PLANS TAL.L.. -FAIR At a Meeting; of the diretetorc 'of the . Lucknow Agricultural Society on Friday evening brief reports 'Of the. Grey -Bruce Association convention, at Owen Sound, were :given -by delegates W. A. Miller and John McQuillin, be- fore the meeting reverted to the bus. mess ' of revising •the prize list and other preliminary Work in Prepare. tion for the fali';fair. • • The regulation geveming the plac- ing of indoor "exhibits was slightly revised and is to be. "rigidly enforced. Exhibitors ,this;_ year • Will have until ane.. o'clock to ` iiIace' xhibits:, in their, Proper . classes. At 'this time .judging. will .start • and late . entries will net 'he considered. • a .. Onother -regulation 'that will' be enforced is - the one permitting only one` prize being paid in event of no. competition " There was,', no: extensive ichange ; madein the prize list. A Southdown class for -sheep wasadded, and the; swine •prizes • raised, in an effort to attract competition. In•' this • respect. the"necessity of hog pends stres- sed, • as ' well as suitab display coops coops for poultry .. A, Committee ' was appointedto ar- range if possible to have a .display. of .pioneer • implements, household. equipment' andantiques. It is also planned to . make, the sch601' children's athletic competitions a ,feature of the fair. Appear• Adam McQueen „on. Lot: 1; Con. 6, not; sustained. Appeal Robert. Nesbitt, Lot. 3,. 3 R.S., assessment•.reduced $200. Appeal Wm. Stanley, Lot 11-12, 1 ' R.N.., Dog struck ,off roll. Appeal Adam , McQueen, Lot N.H. 17-7i1, Con: 1. Dog struck off,roll. Moved by L. Mc3titosh • and J. Mc- Intosh 'that the Court of Revision be tiow closed an.. that the Assess- ment ' Roll as now revised be taken ea a, basis of taxation' for the year 1939 Council now 'resumed ,for General Business. i .' The 4ssessor having completed his Roll was paid balance of salary 940.,, .postage , $1.00, .equalizing' Union `S. - ti „�� th-T +tr i 6$ 00. The Auditors reported en the audit of the collector's roll showing as fol- lows! Face of Roll .. • ' , 927,118.28 Paid to : Treas. . $25,652.32. Unpaid. tax arrears o previous; years' . .365.28 1 Arrears 'of 4932 re-,-• ' t turned .ta . Cp. 'Treas.. 622.53 Bal: on hand ' but not osite 478. -•••2 5.. any New Siummer: Dresses Have Just Arrived: You ican., talk;' to .one nu81-:•our classified ads. talk to thgnsands. 'ENGAGEMENTS Mt: and Mrs. John *Ming, their Loyall. announce the .hngagelne. rit- , f daughter, Hazel Ann,, ,.to Andre;v. Stanley Todd, on of Mr. and 'lira. David, Todd, St. Helens, Ont.,, .. the marriage to take place late in June.' N TS. ,EVE COMi,NG I. 1 , PARAMOUNT• .DANCL., . Dancing Friday -night at Par- amount Hall, MieK,t nie'a orchestra.• Adrnission:.25c.. I. PEARLMAN Lucknow • , Ontario Yet den d. 15• . 27,118.28' Statutory inter- ' • est' collected :. 7749. Ey-Law penalty . , 62.98 ' ' ,.,n,. 140.17 Moved by • A. McIntosh and J. Mc- Intosh that we accept. the Collecter's Roll of..1938,'and-that he now be •Paid Is Your ,Subscription .paid? -4.8-:63 IPL*- 1VIARRIIED IN B. C , LOCM and GENERAL . Cecil Mullin .attended Co>int.y Lodge.' at Bervie on 'Tuesday: evening. • Mrs, Walter Donee; of Quebec is visiting with friends in the village.. Special prices prices. on. 1?rints:. Wash Goods,. Broadcloth, Etc., THE MAR KET $FORE,. - Mrs•, ' A. '.. Mitehgil and. son .of 'Kirkland Lake are Spending two weeks at the home of Mr.M. Mitchell. WEBSTER P,I,CNIC .. •.• The annual Webster picnic , will be, held : this Saturday afternnoon, June 17;: r od -ich:. Members.. at Harbour-`; Park, C elk • • ., of the connection are asked to bear the tate in mind, and attend. ,this an- nual • outing which- toinmencea at one o'clock. ST. HELEN'S GARDEN PARTY The' annual Garden Party of. St.. Helen's United church will be held next Thursday sd June n. • 22 d Good su Mr. ,and Mrs: Fred McQuillin Spent' the week -end in Windsor ' with the, foriner's .sister, Mrs. Irvin McCabe and Mr.. McCabe: Rey. 'Ig:. R. Todd and . daughter Cleinenta of Suneoe, were(:week-end,. r rtheir . son,:.: Rev. i* R. 'Ct. visitors *with . Todd and Mrd. Todd. • Mrs, " Harold -Dawson. and little san of 'Toronto •'were' visitors with Mr., and Mrs ,Edward '1VIeQnillin•'the past. week, Mr: Dawson coming up for. the •weelk-end.' • ' Mr. and Mrs. Jameson MacRae, Miss. Jessie Maci4e and Mr• and Mrs. Albert .' Wallace of ' Toronto visited with' Mr- .and Mrs John • MacRae over the Week=end. Sunday services in the Presbyterian ,. per an. Pro. ' d gram Supper served from church were: conducted. •by. ;Mr, Mot- 6 to 8 o'clock: 1 ton ,of the Temperance ' Federation, in Dickson_ Schneider. Mr. , and Mrs. Thomas' Dickson have received word' of the marriage of their son, Freder- ick , Allyn; of Kelowna, B.C., to Anne Schneider, also:of,Kelo'wna, but form- erly of Saskatchewan. The marriage took place. in May. They 'are' spending their honeymoon in Vaneouyer; et the hone ofthe bridegroom's aunt,• Mrs. E. Sherwooth and .also were going • to Victoria,, where they expected to see the King and • Queen:. On their return they will reside at Kelowna in 'their new home, which has just recently. been completed. GARDEN PARTY • :AT' ZION : The Ashfield Circuit W. A. Garden Party will be held on Lion Church lawn ••(under cover is considered ad-'. visable) on Friday evening, June '23' Supper reserved from' 6-8 pan. �, The program . will :be furnished by Benmiller.' Young People,. including' a' play entitled "April Fool"... Admission—Adults, ,' 35c;. Children, 20c. • '"Yrie wFi's ?i,._u,.;.,e. • eihrkroh' and Mrs. `Ross and 'Margaret Hender son .of Buren 'Township, returned • Friday from.. a week's visit in New York, 'attending the World's Fair. Congratulations • To' Elva Twamley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace' Twamley, who 'has successfully completed her•r fourth year High School work at, Lucknow; having obtained all nine papere on her year's work. his salary with 95.00 extra : for post- 21.00 age and expenses,' 24.00 Moved by : McKenzie and •. Hodgins ( 4800 that the Auditors report ' on the . Col -145:00 lector's Roll be accepted and and they be. paid "•$4.00 each.. Meed by McIntosh and McKenzie that'. we do .now adjourn to meet. again on • Monday • thea • 26th day of June .at. the usual time and place.., Cheques , Is$ued—J. R. Lane; . hydro. . at 'Hall, $4.08.;:"E. Ackert, Qnsurance at ; Hall, 6.25; Harold Stanley, *eft insp., y 7.65; Peter McKinnon, : sheep claim, 21.01; John Carter, sheep claim Mahood-Stwart • Lumber ,Company, All Building • Supplies 'Prices ' The Lowest In The Cornni snit r Ciampbell St., Lucknow. ' ' Phone 34 FRILLED • Size 2 r/4 x 18". on curtains. length, complet with tie backs. CURTAINS Bargain price • Full • 2% Yard e..... 49c • ,SCRIM''CURTAINS Lovely frilled Curtains, 28 iris. wide by 2.14 yds. long with at: tractive eealance nand tie backs. White or. cream ground.. ' . • • Trimin ,various ' 9 C colors. ......• ,....,.. r n COTTON STRING tN BLFACI•1ED IA ib. skein Wm. McDonald, sheep claim; Rod: McDougall,' sheep -claim,; Richard Elliott, . sheep • claim;, Mark'" Johnston, sheep, insp., 1,.30; Richard .Elliott, part salary, 15.00;. ' Angus McIntosh, part salary, 15:00; Alex McKenzie, part salary, 15.00; James McIntosh, part salary,: 15.00; 'Earle Hodgins; part salary, 15.00;. Thos. Gaunt, part salary; 25.00; J. R. ' Lane, part salary, ' 50:00; E. Hollyman, relief, 22.13; Village of Lucknow, relief; 25.79; • ' J. 'R.. Lane, expenses 'to Wingham, 2.50; A. Me-' Intosh, expenses to Wingham, .2.50; Treas. of Ontario, liscense for hall, 3.00.; Thos. Gaunt, excise, postage,' 3:00; Emmerson Irwin, bal. salary., etc:, 66.00; Wm. J. Henry, audit.coll. roll,: 4.00; P. A. Murray; audit coll. roll, 4.00;;:.1). E. $tatters, coll. salary and postage, 120.00; ' J. R. Lane, bal. clerks fees Ackert drain. 1.5.Op. Highway Cheques—Frank John- ston, pay list 24, $17.40; Levi Eck- enswiller, pay list 25, .6.00; Russell Gaunt, pay list 26, 18.75; Clifford' Congram, pay list 27, 16.00; Milton Walsh, pa4 list 28, 7:80; Noble Guest, pay list 29, 7:60; Robt. Rost, pay list 30, 12.60; Roads, no. 1 and 9, pay list 31, '30.02; : Allister Hughes, pay list 32, 9.50; Roy . McInnes, pay .list : 33, 39.00; Alex McLeod, pay list. 34, 15.05 Dan McIntyre, pay list 35, 22.00; Miss S. Purvis, .eay list 36, 3.00; Road no. 8, pay list 37, 8.40, J. R. Lane, .Clerk, 'NOTICE the absence of Rev. C. H. MacDonald who is .in attendance at the. General Assembly at Midland • , Graded Streets • , The Bruce County power grader and scarifier •was in operation last' week improving gravel roads" in the. village whichhad become quite rough during the spring: Return, From New York. Mr. Donald MacLean . of Ashfield • TIitillSDAY, JUNE. , 1G:tha .1939!1 Young Peoples'. Union are .presenting a 3-act'coinedy: drama. entitled "Pay: ing the Fiddler"' in, Institute' •Hall, Whitechurch, on Tuesday evening. Tune. 20th, 8.30 j.m. Admission 25c The cast are ready. to accept other: .engagements: .For. particulars • Com- 'rmunieate with J. Harold Pollock, R.R:, 5; Lucknow,. 'phone 612-4, Wing LUCKNOW UN-ITED CHURCH Rev. . R. CaTodd, • Paiitor SUNDAY JUNE 18th 10 a:m,—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning ' Worship.' jest --"Jesus, MY. JESUS!" 7 . p.m. --Evening Worship. Sub- ject -"WHAT DO YOU GO TO CHURCH FOR?" Christ died for us that we might live for Him!. ' ' Sub - Pentecostal •Mission' Services Everv. Wed. & !Sun. 8 pm. SUBJECT, Sunday 8 p.m.—"God Hath Spoken:" Children's Service Sat. ' •3 p.m. AT KINLOUGH Service Every' Thursday ' 8.30' SUBJECT—"What. Profit Is There To Pray Unto. Him?" COMING! Rev. G Atter, .Field Evangelist -of ,Pentecostal Assent= blies Of Canada. ONE NIGHT ONLY, I4riday June 23. Tune , In CKNX Wingham Every Tues. 1.30 to 2. Mr. E. L. Ripley in "Charge This Week. it Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. • V. Hoffman were , the .• latter's brother and sister, Mr. R. G. Banbury and Miss Hanbury, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank. McIntyre of :Dundalk. • Mr. Hanbury.: is postmaster at Dundalk and Mr. McIntyre, editor of the` Dun- dalk Herald: • Left On 'U.S. Trig. , • . '. Mrs. T. S. Reid and Eldon who vis- ited here• last week,, left on -Saturday • accompanied. by Mts. G. A. • Newton and by Mr.. Austin Reid from London on a two weeks' motor ttip in United States, probably as far south 'a$ Vir- ginia. , They plan . to visit at the World's Fair, New. York. See 0.-S. B. Operetta Mrs. A. Ackert' and Jack,' Messrs. Clifford Ireland , and Gordon Camp- bell were in Brantford Tuesday even ing, . attending the ' closing operetta "Merry .England", presented out:of- doors by the 0. S. B. The school term does not end for a week yet, when Miss Gwen Ackert will return to her home at Holyrood. 1k'ORMER RESIDENT RETURNS ON., VISIT - Week -end visitors at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. N... E. Bushell were, Mr: and Mrs.: 3. W. Corbett of Leroy, Sask. Mrs. Corbett, a schoolmate of Mrs. ,Bushell's, was' formerly Eva 'Al- exander, a daughter of the late.. Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander .who lived' near Joynt's evaporator, where) Fred Enrberlin now resides.. • It was Mrs. Corbett's first return to Lucknow in twenty-four years. She had with her a well preserved copy . of the reunion issue of 1910,. bearing the address label ' in her '. father's name. ed .Gasoline 14e a..gallon plus tax .>' o 0 Pennsylvania 00 Vic` a quart?. .. a • F. Gas Special Prices ;•�'o Farmers on Oil and sLtatio. 'will in scknow about ut June 21 Free Sun-.�G eswdtleach Purciaseo 1S 0or over • Sun y Sery eeOli Co' _nepan3>► eek*End. ecials,. 1VIANY FLOWERS SOAP 15c 3 cakes • (Package Flakes, FREE) WOODBURY'S SOAP Cakes25c (Bottle 'Face Lotion' Free) CARBOLIC `SO'AP 4 cakes. • 19c 5 cakes • . 15c • LUX FLAKES ' 2 -pkgs. .: • .. .. 49c (Knitting 'book value 35c free4) SWEET . PICKLES. •32 oz. bottle. ... , .... 23c WESTON'S SODA : BISCUITS • 2, 1 -lb. pkgs... ' 25c ALL WHEAT ' 2 pkgs.. , ....25c (Sugar bowl or cre.m pitcher• FREE)' iUAIKEIR PUFFED .RICE 2 , , •1'9c TOMATOES .II 2 large tins 19c 'GOLDEN,: BANTAM CORN 2- large tins .. . .. 19:.'' ,PEAS 2 large tins 19c PINEAPPLE MARMALADE • Jar . • 23c. GRAPEFRUIT ,MARMALADE Jar .. •23c 1 . Thompson son R t� p ('Phone 82, • Lucknow • 1 OTHER .GIFTS' FOR DAD, such as -- 'Forsythe Ties, Pyjamas, Handkerchiefs, Hats, Sox, Ete: B. Pearlman LUCKNOW, • ONTARIO Clinton . LIONS CLUB4th_ Annual. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st RECREATION PARK, CLINTON AFTERNOON PROGRAMME 2 p.ni.-SEMI-PRO BASEBALL GAME --London vs •Port Huron • • (Regular League Genie) e• 4 p:m.—GREYHOUND. DOG. DERBY -7 races to determine:winner . of New PLYMOUTH' CAR • '' • . • • MIDWAY AND OTHER •ATTRACIIIONS EVENING PROGRAMME • PRESENTATION OF CAR; and 35 other Consolatipn , Prizes . , Modern dancing --Town Hall Old Time Dancing—Legion Hall • BOOTHS GAMES ATTRACTIONS H. C. Lawson, Pres. M. J. Sehoenhals, Sec. ALL PROCEEDS FOR CHILD'S WELFARE WORK Ladies.' Summer Cotton, VESTS and BLOOMERS Knitted balbriggan cotton bloomer ,with elastic at knee. No' sleeve-4semi- corihfy cut vest.' Sizes Medium and Large. Moonier in White; and Peach: Vest White only '., e� 'Each Garment LiC . White and Colored • BROADCLOTH • Fine mercerized finish. Try once—you `' 'will like the quality so well you will find ninny uses for it &19C- • . Yard wide Outstanding Values •In WEN'S HALEY HOSE ' Silk and Lisle --Fine .ribbed tops. or' Laster topsExcellent 35 C patterns ' 3 pairs• .$1.110 ' Checked Rayaa anti Cotton TABLE CLOTHS U =pay/ to buy the ,best. In the larger sizes particularly, we ,offej the bes we can buy in an attractive but con- servative check pattern, Size 41 x 41 pze 50 x 50 3c 39c rip • > Men's and Youth's Knit ATHLETIC Slllli'I'S ' Spring -needle knitted 'cotton sleeveless jerseys White only. Sizes 32 up 1 ✓(� C • •BROAlDCLOTH SHORTS Attractive striped patterns in 72 x 56 count hrdadeioth, Large balloon"Seat .toe com= 29C fortablc� fit- all sizes.. d now, Phone ,MEN'S HALF HOSE FANCY COTTON—.A favorite ;Mee foe Omeler hOse'nrei' a gond" euality for the 15 • 1; 1 fr