HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-09-07, Page 8M. H. MCINDOO Early Fall ress ahowing. . Fashion's f r - First Poop a�°iZ>sh1CMnS Secrets for the new season. S k for your inspection. The stock is wonderfully complete for so early in the season. NEW Aururei MANTLES (You ought to see.) Tailor-made in the top notch of style, colors, Black, Fawn, Gray and Tweed Mixtures. Men's and Boys' Clothing. Most complete stock of new fine goods in Oaercoats, Suits, Hats, Caps, Hosiery and Gloves, Carpets, Curtains and Rugs. Stock finer than ever. M. H. �jcIO' . -- t -•')OWE -The follow - ie • ' ' • 'ie Hamilton Times: - • T yer, a middle-aged wie:.w,.::, - 11 \Jingha;u, came to the city yesterday to try to find his fiancee, a widow, whose name is Mrs. Martha McKinnon, whose address he didn't know. He said Mrs. McKinnon came here about a month ago from his town,. and they had correspouded frequently until a week ago. He had written her several letters in the last week, but bad received no reply. He sent them as usual, to general delivery, but they had not been called for. This caused him ranch uneasiness, and on advice he went to the two hospitals and made inquiries. He got no trace of her. Mr. Toveker consulted the detectives in the evening, While Mr. Toveker was away lookinu for Mrs. McKinnon, his 18 -year-old daughter, Matilda, went to the foot of Simcoe street to take a swhn. She left her clothes on the shore, and when she went in the water some little girls ran away with her dress, retticoat and shoes. They Left a few things for her to put on, however, and she was able to get home without having to resort to a barrel. This matter was reported to the detectives." cnuUCH :TOTES. The District meeting for the Wingham District of the Methodist church will be held at Whitechurch on Tuesday next at 10 o*elock a,m, Rev. R. Hobbs and family are ex- pected to return home from 1Vluskoka this evening, and Mr. Dobbs will oc- cupy his owe pulpit ou Sunday next. Provincial Endeavor Convention will be held at Guelph on Oct. 2, 3 and 4. The programmes are out. Rev. Chas. M. Sheldon, of Topeka, revises, is an- nounced as one of the speakers and no doubt many will be an:tieus to hear hila. Baptist Church. --Pastor Freecl was away yesterday at Atwood attending the council ealledfor the examination and ordination of Rev. Mr. Saunders, pastor elect of Listowel and Atwood. Paptist churches. The Council met at 2 1>• rar. and 7.30 for Ordination. A full account !text week. cow:nm3A'tto.:At, CIIt71tdrr. t''I11c coming of Christie I£ingdour" is the subject of the sermon for next Still. day morning. The evening service will be evangelistic. Subject of sermon: S"The great Refuge, our need of ft." Do not leave the 'church without gil ing us it chance of shaking hands with you. If yott have no (•lnureh. 11.011112 we' want to make your acquaintance, Tho that hath No friend etltl no enemy is one of the vulgar 'r and without talents powers or energy.•--LEareter. $PORTING Xor err... Ths Boston Bloomers were defeated at Palmerston on Tuesday. Seore 1F1 to 12. 13rns; ,Ts 1 t aeb tih club defeated the Boston Bloomers on Wednesday. Score • 20 to 10. In the matched bicycle race at Strat- ford on ;1'forntlaey between Alex MoIvor, of Cao(lcricb, n11L3 Peter Cowan, of Roth- say, was won by Mayor. Distance 10 miles. Time 20.12. Ace, Mack A. and Aglnou Sim, race horses owned by H. Sham, of Loudon, were burned to death at Providence, R. I,, on Thursday v last. Chgloss to Mr. Slit—out; estimated at $8,000, Ace along was valued at $$0,000. Two Strike, the gray horse belonging to ]..11. Swells, of Goderich, that went in the frL•e-fo:-all at the Whighan races, won first money in the open trot at the T.n•eentee Fair races hurt week, Annie Gould, who also went here, won second money in the sante race. The way in which the Winghann vs Clinton baseball 1xlatch ended last Fri- day afternoon was a disappointment to the spectators. The game went nicely along until Clinton was taking their half of the 5th innings. In this innings Umpire Douglass gave a decision that did riot appear to please some of the C Titan boys. However the players had ,greed to go on with the game and seemed. to nem ort :en the umpire after he had made an explanation, bat ono of the Clinton players accused the Umpire of favoring the Wingham boys and be Wasrl r e c e ed to quit the game by the Umpire, Clinton would not proceed with -- cut their player as d the pine ended. Tee score was 8 to 4 in favor of Clinton, but Mr, Douglass gave the game to Wingham with a score of 0 to 0. This was the last league game and each club in the league now has equal honors, each. having lost and won four games. MINOR LOCALS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- eed to cure headache. -Oysters P. in season. -The town school re -opened on Tues- day. -Counterfeit $10 Molson Bank bills are in circulation. - The TIMES s is the best place'to get wedding stationery. -Northwestern fair at Wingllam. on September 27 and 23, -Teams for 25 cents till January 1, 1:)01. Subscribe now. -A new hardwood floor has been laid in D. M. Gordou's store. -D. Robertson shipped a carload of cattle to Toronto on Tuesday. -The Kincardine Reporter aud Mild - May Gazette are holidaying this week. -Regular monthly meeting of the School Board on Tuesday evening next. -A law prohibiting prize fighting in New York state went bite effect ou Saturday. -Theo. Hall has moved into his new residence recently purchased from J. B. Ferguson. -The trains have been running v e'y irregularly as is usual at the time of the Toronto fair. -The C. P. R. and G, T. R. will ruu excursions to Manitoba and be Weston Tuesday next. -New grain of all kinds has been delivered to Wingham market freely during the week. -Rev. A, E. Prior and family have moved to the house owned by H, F. Gordon, on Patrick street. -A number of Orangemen of town , were unable to attend the Orange.picnlc i at Maple Grove, near Lucknow, on 11:tou- clay, owing to the rails, -Conductor Parker has, rammed his run between London and Detroit, after an illness of three weeks, caused, he believes, by drinking poisoned milk in Detroit. -Monday, Labor Day, was very quiet !in Winghatn as many of the business p1 rtes were closed. The sports at Gerrie were the main attraction for Wing- 11:tmitee. -There aro several cases of typhoid fever in neighboring towns. Winghani hes not a ease of contagious disease. We have one of the healthiest towns in Western Ontario. -The TIMES and Daily Toronto Star to the 1st of next January for the small sum of '70o in advance. A portrait of the Queen and Prince of Wales goes along with this offer free. -Iiuron County Women's Christian Temperance Union will hold their aIlntlal convention with the L"'rlion in Blyth during the last week Of Septem- ber. Further notice will be given, r -A new coach hes been put o11 the I£iilcardine branch of the G. T. Xt. It is a first-class .ear such as you find on Inain lines only - high -back seats splendidly upholstered, toilet room, etc, --Tile work on the bridge cn, the gravel road near town has been delayed owing to the Holl -arrival, of the Troll, This pert of the wort: will be proceeded with ars 50011 as the iron ;Arrives, '-T his week has seen a number • from ' Wi nglnafnl go to Toronto to attend the fair and visit 'ceder friends. The morn- ing train on the G. T. l.2„ wetzt through from. Palmerston to Toronto on Tuesday. Thero• were 1180 .passengers on board. ROW THIN YGIU 1.ODKK1 Do you. lute to tnear it? If not, take Scott's Emulsion. ' swill illi out your sunken oyes, hollow cheeps, and thin bands, Why not have t>,, plump figure? Don't let disease steal n march on you. I3f11i1`. 0 Cosa• sa,( Pl at --In Wiuglxnni, on.A,ug.30th, the wife btii eh •A. i 1 t 111 i daughter. soe Ane Cr .T In Nt'malianl on Ere rtulnber 6th, the wit •,tit 1`. A. Augns: it sell. lsr��;!tltx�a:t onlls—Xeer,I:.aoilan At the Immo of the ,ride stttrenth Wllitcehur(•lt, on September atll, in rtes. A. I Frown, It. J. Doe't , hardware nal -chant, of Whitechurch, to Anise Alur -, eldest daughter of TLuxaL 5 Me C1; nal;Blit, IIAr1 k'.irititit. •At the Methodist p 'son - Wroxeter. by Bev. C. V. Lake, on Aug. ('ti, Mr. David Hall to Miss Mary Fluke«, both of Elnovae, IffrouPsmx-bI!>.r t oca zt,-C�l August 27th, at the home of the bride's. brother, Joseph A. 1tullou •h, bw the Rev. Dr. Chown, of Toronto, assisted )ty itcw 0. V. Lake, of \Yioxeti'r. Itev. Alfred A. Thompson, B. A., of Reston, aluzxi- toba, alxd Torras Julia AIuilougll, of Dungannon.. Ilot rrr h %Vry&r,woola,-At the 1 esidenee of the bride's ;;rand parents Mr, and Airs. Thomas l! ol:ster Yonge street, Hirzistou, ole the e venni; of, Monday Sept. 3, 1000, at 7 o (•loci-, by Rev, Joint (xilpin, Aits,i Witlz& \i'ellt5 00(1 of li lrriston to),kl1, Jolla Holmes of Whitechurch. zrrz n), f,tia li Thio'Cas(7iore, 5 120;ye.1sz(111(11112. days.. &er (roderi,1i, on Aug. 20, Iielttt, e r,f ,te„1:1 ..Morrison, tined 2years and li months. r:?.ZRxsoN,-I't (loderrcll township, on Aug. '•:-t,(,eo Jitchsen age47elyears, 11t.•E e u .•--In Bruce Tp.,on the lh 1 inst.,. Firs, i uihalilu• \ecitenzie, ged 70 years; Melee Ss lit l e In srll l 1 tlu;t c .0art till1 be held pursuant to 11 Ontario kers' Lists Aet, by lttti Honour the e u te Comity court et the t'ounrt; of Hurt, the kole,sec at Biut'vale, on the 13 ' of September, 1000, at 10 (t'uloelt ill iii Trutt u, to hear and Aa. ternuue the he tel eenn It is of errors (incl omissions i le V"oterie 14 of the Afunici• IInlltty of rube Fry for 1000. persons law, bt e.s,utthe court are veto ^11.toattend tit Mid. tint(' uu(1. it1ItL. tu`i•etle, Auer. "8, It 0O. JOIiN I3LTR(1EEt1;, Clerk Township of ',t`ixinberry. and constituted Clerk of said .Court. A Mau Wanted at once roe engage *with tm ole1. reliable firm in ai plea- sant psolitablr and permanent business in own county. (.00cl pay weeklyc xcivaive con- trol of torritol y. Onlthose wie ine'ean, business need ultply, nait1 to L• of CHENOWwTIi, 4•18111)0(11041. Ave., Toronto. AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm Property. 3111110(4 MaOD021ald and Angus MaeDonnld, executors to the will of the late -William Mac- luive Instruct'cd.T. Currie, Auctioneer, to hull bw public nuc'tion subjeet to a reserve bid, at Queen's Hotel, in the Village of Bel - grave, on Thursday, Sept. `loth, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon tercels of land, HCattirh.-3'u Hallett, on September 1st, kits. Part 1. Containing FO nerevdntore or less, 11114110x, aged (10 years. north of the Nortli z ^ of Lot, 84 Con, 0, East Waw'anosh, about •44 acres of cleared Bind. DR, IIGNEW, Physician, •Surgeon, etc. Mee -Macdonald Block, over J. 12. Davis' Drug Stove. Night calls answered titthe office. ;'ANTBD-ACTIVE "ik AN *F GOOD elle ructer to deliver and col tin Huron County for old e tablishe anufacturing wholesale house t 'J a1 • .u•, sure pay. Hon- esty more than ex •1• - Ice required. Our re- ference, any buil ' 1 any city. Enclose self- cddressed stetlnpe envelope. Manufacturers, Third Floor,. 834 Dearborn St., Chicago. Cook's Cotton Boot Compound, Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No, i, $1 pper box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. 1. or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -vent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. �siufsut(by all renble'Drggto recommendeda No.1 and No. 2 are sold in Wingham by A. re Hamilton, J. E. Davis, A. A. Morrow, Colin A Campbell, Druggists. IDEM AND JELLY MILL. Take notice that the Wingham. Cider and Jelly Mill has commenced operations and will run Every. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday until season 1s ended. BRING B.LoNG YOUR APPLBS and have them made into Sweet Syrup or Jelly without extra expense. DAVID E. HASTINGS. qty £TET. Without uestioll The best equipped business and short- haud school in Canada is the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. Large enrollment and strong faculty. Hundreds of students in good positions. Years of excellent work at its credit. Catalogues of either course free. Correspondence invited. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, FOR TIMES SUBSCRIBERS The Tie= has completed arrange- ments for the issue of a very handselne CHRISTMAS SUPPLEMENT tobe delivered or mailed On or about December 14th. The supplement will be in book form, and Will contain from 85 to 40 pages. It will be printed on good paper, , well bound and profusely illustrated. The reading matter will be much above the ordinary, and thework well worth pre- serving. Size of pages 11 x 15q inches. HOW TO GET IT 1 very subscriber w]10 pays all arrears and a year in advance, will receive a copy free. Every new subscriber who pays a year in advance, will receive a copy free, The price to non-pay-in•aclvanoo sub• scribers and the general public, 25 cents, Advance and new subscriptions twill be reeeived from ��ttybis�da�yte forward, TIIVit WI14G11A,1it. 13:111111e0 111 btlrh; a log house, fz'u410 barn an(1 frame stahtes, a good orchard, aboutsofa mile from, P. O., and near to school and elau•ch. This lot is well t'upplicd with good water the year Part round. ein e; part of the North ?r' of Lot 138, Con. 0, hast Wawnnosll, containing 28 acres more or less all bush. mon y to be pa,idlxoneday hof sale, Bal- ance/air- chase ' i Cf in 80 days. Further lt er paxti eulr ing made known on day of sale, or by attplying to tile Efi:•cutorx. Dated this lOtll day of August, 1000. JAMES MacDONALD, Executors. ANGUS Ai:acDONALD, J. CURRIEE, Auctioneer, St. Helens P. O. Winglatm. , • It will pay to be enrolled as it student in the CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. Many of "the students of our Shorthand and Business departments daring the last term, were offered excellent positions before com- lpleting their celuscs. Wo have supplied the argest cooperage concern on the continent with See BOOK-KEEPERS and STENO- GRAPHeres. RESULTS ARE THE TEST to apply when you come to decide where to take your course. 147' cities, towns and villages in Canada and Newfoundland ; 20 counties in Ontario ; Parry Sound and Muskoka, Alberta, and six states of the Union were represented last year. OUR QUARTER-CENTURY session opens Sent. 4. Good board for g ants at $2,50 per week, and for ladies $2.00. We pay railway fare to the extent of $8.00 to students from it distance. For the finest college catalogue in Canada, write D. McLACHLAN & CO. FORTY POUNDS OF QUALITY and an immeasurable amount of comfort is contained in every one of these MESS we are selling, . They are fine mattresses covered with Satin ticking. In one or two pieces as desired. The mattresses are worth and usually sell at $0.00, but we are offering them at $1.50, and $4,t0 Mattresses at $8.50. WALKER & BUTTON Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. SPECIAL I IN F1 wer 1-..q inch ' i 2 C h I l ower Pots t 3 inch Flower Pots 4 inch Flower Pots 5 inch Flower Pots 6 inch. Flower Pots 7 inch Flower Pots 100 doz. 1 50 doz. 20o doz. 30e cloz. 40c clos.. 500 doz. NOTE THE ABOVE PRIDES r at FARMERS, AUER & BUTTON and anyone leaving live stock or other UNDERTAKERS W articles they wish td dispose of, should.udver- , 11►GEIAM, largega Nia ht calls at Button $lock, or I+ Fifth circulation tells and it will bestrange indeedif yen do not get a customer. We can't guarantee tiso the same for sale in the Timms. Our hmoor south of School Souse, Shop. op - that _you Will sell because you may ask more posit° Macdonald block. for tins article or stock than it is worth. Send your vadvertisemento to the Timms and try this alan rticles. disposing your stock and other Pliotos at orne M. E, Zurbrigg makes a specialty of out -door photography; picnic parties, family groups on the lawn; residences, wedding parties and gatherings of every description photographed in an artistic manner. Wo deem it a pleasure to go anywhere so don't forget us. We do Picture. Framing -end we do it right too. _M. E. ZURBR1G-G-'S Down floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. MAM PUMP WEE MY! VI/ NAr1 COP ,D3f TNAT 'rat,�"P•f..,.^47ALLFC Having re -purchased our old stand, we are now prepared to supply the pub- lic'a-ith Wood -and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Gal- vanized Iron Tubing., Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks. Baths, Pipe Fitting, Well Digging and everything din con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Wiudmillsfor power and pumping water. We can do our work cheaper than others in the business as we have the steam power. Repairing promptly attended to. We also do well digging anti chilling. All work is thoroughly guaranteed. Give us a call. NUWOLSoN BUILDER and CONTRACTOR We are still in the building business and are prepared to take contracts for the oroctiQn_of all kinds of buildings. Plan and specifications furnished ou short notice. Workmanship guaranteed and at rea- lonablo rates, . WM. NICHOLSON. Residence Dlagnol street, opposite Francis street. Talk would be useless unless the fit, style and qualityl were apparent to back up' every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you, Leave your order for that new SPRING SUIT OR, OVERCOAT E 0. CLARKE D. SHOWERS & SON. Stand next Griffin's Grocery. Get t 4. a �.. a watch. We have something expressly for him fresh from the New Haven Works. The price will suit you, the watch willsuit the boy. The price is $r:75. The watch is a good looker, and a good tune-keeper—the biggest thing for the money --convenient size, neat appearance, made of good ma- terial and well set together. Don't confound it with the cheap watches you have seen, for it is one in a thousand. Absolutely the best ever offeredfor the money. We have also watches (C the highest grade, and at all prices. .: THINGS NECESSARY to the successful tailor are: A stock of Superior Cloth, I£now- ledge of his Business, Skill in Cutting and Pitting, and prices which are low enough to attract without being low enough to lessen value. The possession of these ossen- tials snakes us confident of our success in pleasinigeverypatronn. We guarantee satisfaction, Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor, Wingliam, G. '4tters�n, Stone Block, next Door to Clegg's Hardware. WANTED A rnan to represent us at Wingham and surroundiny. country, its the sale of our choice Canadian grown Nurser Stock. A permanent paying position with chance of advances anent. Arrangements 'will be made with a suitable man to SELL, DELIVER and COLLECT. Good pay weekly. We also handle sprayers, large and small, the best made Write at once for further particulars to The Thos. W llowinan & Son Co.,, Established 4.0 years," Li tufted, TORONTO, ONT*