HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-06-15, Page 2•
wolf; C°unt3
-.slur •"� Y
t 'Dkslle
° Tait To Rescue
�'i C Bator 'Of. ,41Riguated
Cluftooas is Tb Be Welcom-
ed at..Old Family Homestead
1(his: PititbSiter.: • °
Walt: Disney '•fatuous creator of '
etnimated .carr, oohs, Whose motion
pictures have started new - trends
iu the film in stry, will visit Mor-
ria tn,,wasliip, •Huron County, this
suinrner to Ise the old Disney home- •,
stead, wwhero'his great-grandfather'
ecttled in 1848. • . ' i
He will be accompanied by.:•hie'.
!other, Elias Disney The famous
• cartoonist was born in Chicago,
but the- district -regards •'him as
one of Its;native;,sons'o .
TtNo:ld.iles From Winghani
' .Morris :Township, just two. miles_
•iron Wingham, is, W t1t Disney' coni'
,selo'us., TI}e dog, owned 4.Y.an
,IVIcEwen:T•who :W f
noarms the,
sDisney homestead,` answet's:'to the -
name of .Pluto. Down the . road•
„there= is a real Donald .Duck. His
1VCajesty's•'Maliis drawn by.a horse
a,nswe:ing, to the lian1e1.of Horace
Horsecollat. . •
The biggest And -most- elaborate
reception in .the -history,,, of Morris. .
Township is planned for .W'al't. Dis-
• ,ney and his father... Plans area al-
ready 'being made. for , the "wel-
come•.honie" 'celebration. ' .
. Origi'fiyrs:' ,Drsne nall From Hoimesville
9 •' • arrived in Hur
Y• •
`on County in 1848,; and that. was'
the Present Walt . Disney's great-.
grandfather, 'Elias Disney. He set-
' tled at Holmesville, about 'six miler
from ,Qoderich, and started •a grist
mill a• a: sawmi i,
New Legislation
s o Improve
It is Designedto Improve'Con-
iliti'ons IIS Our Cheese.. Fac
tories,' Raise the.. Proportion,
of :High Scoring'.Cheel e
The Cheese and •Cheese Factories-
Improvement 'Act* which has been
- partied by the' Dominion Parlia-
ment''t8 not • only :designed. to im-
prove- conditions Canadian
these factoriesbut to raise the
proportion' of high.escoring cheese
produced, in Canada.. The milk pro-
ducers who supply .milk to cheese
facto rel} •'-in which 93 and .94 score
eheese .is manufactured will benefit
to she . extent:'_ of ' two cents per
pound lor. 9'4 score,] and one,' cent•
031'400 for 9h score.,
Start With Clean Milk
•Natura'ily 'the , cheesemaker has
a greatdeal to do with the• quality
,of : the cheese . which is marketed:
: The'' milk producer, however, .must '.
• •'co•operate to. the 'fullest extent as
no cheese maker 'can make high
scoring: cheese unless he has clean,..
pure mirky ,which.; has been.' proper-
,ly coioel'ed',.. to 'start. 'with.
The principal purpose of the Act .
•is. to maintain, and improve the
• positron of Canadian cheese on the
Unnited'Kingdoin market, where for
malty; years ' the best trine of Can
sultan cheese.' has been rated as, the
• ' finest ,Cheddar. cheese • imported .
from. any. cbuntry and where most •
of t'he ,fnaory choese-made--in,.Cau---
ada is,*sold;
Drivers Should,
;.Carry, Permits
• Attorney -General Conant last
week warped, that 'drivers of
• Motor vehicles must carry: their
operators' permits with then' or,
face prosecution. , . :
Issuing instructions to- pro-
'. vittcial• •police. ''to ;maintain ' a.
• close cheek on motor'i'sts, Mr.
•.Conant .said:, "Any drivers,
' found without.' their licenses
will be, prosecuted, even though
'they' have licenses but' did 'not`
have them With them. Under
• the law they are . required to
carrv.`their licenses."
Mars . Is Coaan�ng
Close To Eaith
July 27 Red Planet Will Be the
Nearest to. Our World In
y 15 ;Years
• A ;decade or. two i5 not' long to
astronomers, who do a nice job of
watcliiu•1 waiting. A long wait will.
be over . tar, Seine of theta next
July 22, when Mars will approach'
Within 3G,030„000 pules of the earth,
theneartest k has been in •15 bears,
36,000,000 Miles Away
They .hone to ieart4 whether t•he-
white Icap .which appear, fi.r&t at
' McIrs' south and then et its north
Pole. ai wipter .eCn.es, is composed
ot'ice and snow. Vapor `L•ould be
rising frank it and wi'1t spectra
graph' they .may be able to learl
what i+ is made of, it :tni'gtit be car-
bon dioxide, .i"tid1Catfng the rest -
1 ..dents: G1 Mar's. if any, hs y, a',na•
The ristronome0. also will get'
eibierlook at Mars' rana:s a' 1 ,Inst
This composite., photograph, made up of an artist's dra wing and an -:actual photograph' of rescue vessets,••,gra-
phically' illustrates the desperate, but vain, attenTptsof salvage crews to rescue the 99 men entombed in the
sunken British submarine, Thetis, which sank to the bottomof the Irish Sea while on a 'trial 'run: 'Four
men aboard the ill-fated craft succeeded in eseaping.'b y' using the Davis, lung.
ave You Heard
'An old ' dark)? „ approached the
minister cautiously •and .very: light-
ly tapped. hr's shoulder`:
"Parson: sun," he said, "Ali done
wants you , all,. to ,pray . for me. '.Ah's
in. a bad way. sell." • •
"Wall, Rastas. what's wrong with
you'.,• .
"Sub, .All's got a floating:kidney,.
Ah has; suh."' •
"But, Rastus,'." .replied the min-
'ister..".1 can't pray for ;physical'
I, things like :that; 1 only pray for
spiritual things," •
"You :all;can't pray fora float
ing. kidney?' Then' how' come 'you,
altprayed last Sunday for the loose
est Kangaroo =' Annabelle, •
where's tile baby? - '
2nd . Kangaroo --My goodness,• •0,
'eve had my pocket' "picked!, .
Progress of romance , :1n the,.
' :wheat belt, deduced 'from the Reg-
ina . (Sask..) Leader -Post classified.
columns: .
Teacher Wantedy:Pro.testant; sal-
ary,. $550;-11 pupils; English-speak-
ing district; none teachers married
from, school in 'last 19 years. Possi-
bilities not exhausted. Give phone
ambers when re,pWing, Address—
, Teacher. Bog 175,1•tanley, Sask."'
'It makes me sad
To think that we
Can never, see
Our Vertebrae.
Father:. "I wish you wouldn't al=
ways keep asking questions., Didn't
yeti ever hear that curiosity killed
the cat?”
Little • Arthur: "What did the cat
want to know, Father?" .
Cupid may be a °good shot
butene makes some awful Mrs.
Schools Compete
At Exhibition
Every Province In • Dominion
Will Have Entrie"s By Sphol-
ars In 'C.... N. . E.'Conmeti-
-fiefas This Year •. , �M
,That so-called 'new Canadians"
::are quick,to take,advantage of•the'
'facilities provided • by the Ontario •
system of • education IS: strikingly
-reflected in tire, extraordinary num-
ber..of foreign names in the more
•than nineteen hundred. entries al
• ready received in, the ;school ex-
hibits. and'coinpetitions at the Can-
:Olen National Exhibitioh this year: •
. Northern Ontari. mining And ag
ricultural areas will be represented,
in •a very large Way In, .the Kirk-
land ''rake district 'aloe five •
schools' • have• sent 80.0. entries .and
.there are :more to follow. Entries
etimrace • writing; ,'drawing; model-
ling in soap, clay and other mater-
ials,and all the. wide variety. of
, work covered',in the Exhibitions,
educational . section. Marked-
arked-crease in ti_a number of exhibits
from'a11'parts of Canada has neces-
sitated shifting: the location of the
:educational sr "on to the mezzan-
ine of the Automotive Building:
•• Every' province in the Dominion
will have more o; less re: : esenta
tion in ••'te school c' mpetitions this •
year. Ontario representatives al-
ready have arriyyed from Sault Ste. •
.Marie,.Pipton, A•mlierstburg, Kitch-
ener;..Owen• Spend, Simcoe, Walk-
erton, Englehart, Brighton, Dry.-'
den Stayner and elsewhere.
Out Ot..rashion
Miss I{atherine. Krug, Wilson
College'sdietitian, is not' certain
vrllethet `'emaciation" has ceased
to be fashionable, but., she • does
know that girls. under her care,
"eat far.more sensibly than they,,
used to.". . `
Although there is no college
rule 'on • the subject, Miss Krug
'said,' the. girls "attend meals re
.gularly—even breakfast." • ,
"The consumption of milk has
almo,t` .:a'ebled in 10 years, she
• said:
Hysteria Reigns. As Refugees' Ship Driven 'Frohn' Cuba
/hat Science
's �.
Slim 'Types Safest.,
The slim, '°asthentic type 'ofeper-
son is likely to go through•life with •
normal, or- even. low, blood . ores,
. sure, •bu.t the "pyknic" 'type,' char-
acterized by short, : broad body
structure, is suceptible to high
blood pressure, a medical -survey
shows-. '
Civilization causes- many degen-
erative diseases,and many of these
are. accompanied ` by.. 'overweight.
We are • victims of both, hurry and
• inactivity. • • •
• "Dynamite'! In. Bugs
'!The "hidden 'dynamite," carried
by someof the smallest bugs which
infest men is declared today to tie,
a potent cause of disease • and of
death during the suminegrmonths.
This"dynamite" ;ia•,the •virus of
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, car-
' rled by dog ticks and ticinsmitted
to man when an infected tick bites
a., humap being. It is so powerful
that the 'amount which could be
picked up on a pinpoint, can cause •
death. •
Rate Of Fingernail Growth
Two doctors. from Queeln's. Uni-
versity, •'Kingston, have infdrmed
the Royal' -Society of .Canada; that
they Are studying the rate of the •
growth of the human fingernail in.
.hopes' of illuminating certain
'Br1• ; f F ' 6 ,M.
Selecting, Your
Child's: Cl'thes
See That They Are Well Made
So Tiley -Will Stand Wear
and Washing
Children's .clothes, should be well
made. They get hard wear and fre•
quent trips to the . tub, and if' they
- are to 'stand up ;udder this and
at the same time• be comfortable ,to
wear, • seams 'and finishes' should
be narrow, smooth and''pliable. The
kind of construction. id determined-
• by the particular garment,'th.e •ma-
teriaT and the kind of wear it will
be given, but, in general., thread'
should always match the fabric in
strength and 'color, 'Stitchin'g needs
to he 'close and properly' adjusted'
and retntorcem'ents are a protection
for places likely to be strained.' '
Consider' Likes And Dlstiken •
Parents should also bear in mind
• that children. begin to develop color.
preferences and standards of taste
•and quality' very early. Some child-.
yen are very sensitive.: to colors and
their likes arid dislikes should nev-
er hew Ignored orrfdi'culed.. By tet -
ting it child have what he, enjoys,
• -so-far as it ispossible; parents can
encourage a wholesome., pride ' in
appearance, • • •
HowYouMa:: Redu
Varicose .e 0r Swollen
ins= --Heol Ulcers
A Simple Home, Treatment
The world .progresses. Today many minor
ailments that took weeks to overcome can
be helped much more quickly. If you have
varicose veins or blanches, start today to g
bring them hacKto normal size and if you
are wise you will do se. '
llafused peri -nasion tot land 91ii Jewish refu Lees from' Germany at Ha- Just get an original• bottle of Moone's
vada, Cuba, the hamburg -America' liner St, Louis sailed •from Cuba tc. Emerald 0,11 et any dispensing pharmacist
and apply, it night and morning to the en•
cruise in the :C•arribbean until 011ie other prht was made available fol' • Largedd veins, In a short time the veins
xhe''ranti g. the r.ef:> _ F�tiiliti :.t tire. 3 r.sa'ilael 6 s�is.� rsiuuddlbe(;•in o -s Lionall • ,—Ei�
nian '. witlT "ifr rh g o of human,misery. • li�f"an of thelwonien refugee' w>�'Rrored
i . , '�y Yg 'People, who want. to reduce varicose veins
lhecame hycteriral as" the St. Louis sailed froln Havana awl had' to, be or swellings,, should not hesitate to try a
res'trained fr'om`t`hrowing thertiseivei� over boat A: They would rather jumpbottle at once. It is so penetrating and. coo.
I deistical that'a small bottle lasts.a long time.
than, r tirti'tn C;ermany. , .
t •'
Q.—Would you please tell me
if it would do any good to put
,hardwood -ashes (sifted) on my
lawn, a; the grass is, rather poor `
owing to sandy soil, "also would it
do to put around dahlia roQtsj--'
$t W,=York County.
A As to applying ]hardwood
Ashes t your law;ni,. this will mean
an application of Potash and Lime.
If you like :a fair amount' of Glo-
ver %in your lawn, it will be. quite
good, b,owir, iif the. is:sligh't-
ly acid whicheveI surmisesoil it might bo
from 'your description,. an ap li-
cation• of Hardwood Ashes 'would
sweeten it up ; and make it. a. more
desirable location `or valuable
grasses and .clo'ver.
As to putting hardwood ashes
around dahlia bulbs, records shoal •
that ' dahlias :'thrive in a slightly
;acid 'to neutral sail:. If ' your •soil',
, is:slightly acid, then the 'addition,
of hardwood ashes will correct this
.conditionsince they carry _30%
lime.-=the-pottash ffi waod ashes
• will help the formation of starch
.in dahlia roots w'hcih,.is al d de-
sirable. .
Q. Could you please ll me -if
old sawdust' is useful as a fertil-
izer? I have a large quantityof
it 'rotten and would use it on the
land;'if it would be of any value•
' to the .land.—S.H._Leeds. County.
A.—In-reply to your inquiry of
.the 12th instant, which has been
unfortunately mislaid until now,
I wish to say that sawdust is not
looked•upon as a very high grade
fertilizer. I have. one analysis of
it which shows a content of about
.1% Nitrogen, .2% Phosphoric:
Acid,..4%,,Potash.. This. is how it
com,paros with Oat . Straw, the lat-
ter is" 6.2% Nitrogen, :2% Phos-
phoric. Acid and 1.04 % - Potash. ,1
presume that a.' light dressing of
this material on a heavy soil would
tend to open the soil up. On light
soil it,would tend.to• bind the soil
together and give it body. • -
Saw6dust does not rot. very
ctuickly; but applied in moderate-
quantities would be of Some bene-
-fit tothe, soil: 0.r,
• , Modern.
1..—When a person has finished:
eating, isn't. it. helpful if he• Will
..stack 'the empty dishes? •
• 2.—Should a man .And wife re= '
ester at a. hotel 'as' "William L...•
Allen ,and 'wife"?
• 3.—How• long before . the hour
fol' the church.: wedding 'ceremony
•should guestsirrive? ` •
4:—When .you have -been :intro-
..duced to a person, and 'upon
ing,. this , person' says, "-1 hope .1.:
shall see. you` again before long,'
what should the • response be?
• 6'.—When a. man. •is forced 'by '
circumstances to send a 'girl whom''
'p he has been accompanying, home
in •a taxi, should be ,Pay the 'taxi
rare ? ° •
entire slice of bread at one time? -
Answers •
t,—He�may conside:rLit• llelp> til,
but. it is certainly not good 'form
to do so. •. T'he dishes should re-
main as° they . are until the waiter'
removes them. 2.' -No. The man
should register; Mr, and Mrs. Wit- .
FOR 's ' ,®
Your first pipeful pi Dixie .Plug.
will convince you that it goes
further and lasts lonsef too:
Liam L., All'ellt, Chicago: :Oinit the ,
,street address.,. 3.7; -,--:About; twei
ty, minutes,; nes er. laWr.`thati . tea
minutes. 4.—"Thank 'yeti. I hope
I shall see you again, too."- b--
Fie. .h Quid ask the Over the ap-
proximate amount thefare will be
and pay him,'. adding enough for a
tip. 6.—No. • One should butter
a. small piece at a trine.,
Quick Change Police
A youth, su
mmonedfor riding
traffic lights in Lon-
don, England, told the Count
ryas • :16, .so the • case was sent to
'the Juvenile Court'. There ,mtagis-' ..
frates'b'ad.to wait until the, pollee
officer in die' case changed ilnto '
• •
civilian' clothes. By that time the •
youth could not• he found, so the'-
;poht eman hair to change• back into •
uniform' and go , in search of hint.
I;v'entually he. turned„ ].p, and. the
policeman having., put on' civilian
clothes once more the case went
on and the lad was fined160e..
A flew British liner has a. rclon3
exclusiveiy for the . playing, of
firestone •TIRES WE BEEN THE .
Asa direct 'result of their experience'
gained on ' the speedways of the
'world, Firestone engineers now offer
you the Ise national new Champion,
Tire:. Built . with the new Safetj-
-' Lock cords and a new and advanced
method of Guni-Dipping, thii •new.
tire is 35% stronger. ` The. new
Gear -Grip tread, with thousands of
sharp edge angles, is a marvel for
king mileage, non-skid •'.safety.. and
for sure, quick stop . Drive in today
to your nearest Firestone Dealer
and put on Champions—the only
tire' that 'is proved on the .speedway
' : for your safety on .the :highway,
Bottom from blood test-
ed breeders. Prices effedtive 'June
26th. Standard ,Quality Barred
Rocks, White Rocks, New Hamp-
shire Reds,' Hybrids •$8.25;, 90% .
Pullets $11,75';' Cockerels $8,;00.
Large Egg Quality Heavy. -Breeds -
$9.25; .Pullets, 313.75;• Cockerell,
-$9.O0. nigger Profit Quality slight
ly higher. Free circular.—Top
' Notch Ch.ickeries, • Guelph, Ont.,
chicks from Blood -tested breeders
at 'rock bottom price's while they
•• last. 'Standard Quality. 6% cents;
90% Pullets, 13% cents;' Large
Egg Quality add .01e. Bigger. Pro-
fit Quality add 02c. 'Shipped C.O.
p. anytvhere.—Top Notch Chick-
• eri.es, Guelph, Ont.
21st. Standard Quality Barred
'Rooks, White Rocloi, New Hamp-
shire Reds, 'Hybrids $8.75, 90*
Pullets. $11.95, • Cockerels $8.00.
Leghorns 38.25, 'Pul eta $15.95.
}lig Egg ,Quality ha cited from
25 to 30 ounce eggs'H avy Breeds
Pullets $13.95,. Cockerels
$9.00, Leghorns $8.35, Pullets $18.
90. Free catalogue. --Baden Elec-
tric Chick Hatchery, ,Limited, Bad-
en, Ontario.
I CiassiFied...,. 1.
er•'nment•. Approved Chicks in the
low price field' for June. Grade.
, A. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire
" Reda, White Rocks, Hybrids $9.46.
90%. Pullets $14.75,' Cockerels $5.
Brown Leghorns, White LLeghorns
. $8,95, Pullets $18.75. eixtra Profit
Grade the• kind that weigh two
pounds per hundred more Heavy e
Breeds $11.45, Pullets $16.90, Les -
horns $10.95, Pullets $21.95. Prompt
delivery. ' Free ' poultry book.-
Twaddle 'Chick Hatcheries Limit-
ed, Fergus, Ontario.
unA' Coimic$
t'HICI% .rstAgns SAY My. DRA4/
t'htr,•k4 are the biggest, healthiest
:hicks they've ever seen," ;Writes
Ontario, It.. It, 2, tint 'your order'
in for sturdy, fast -(;rowing BraY
ohir•k:i indap, Bray liairiirry, 13(1
John Strr.a•t North, linrrtlttr,n, lin
tprio:. II '
dvertising1. •:•
with a brooder stove; but T still
have as manychicks as, I paid for
after_.7 weeks;'.. says Mrs, A, E.
Bell of Apohagiii, N, B. Bray
chicks arrive alive and keep on
'liv'ing. Order yours now. Bray
Hatchery, 130 John Street North,.
Hamilton,' Ontario; - ',
Every dollar sale brings you rev- •
enty-five tents profit. Write.Ec-.
onomy. Distributing Company, Cur-
tis Avenue, Leamington, ttntario.
yams DEV imeruo
'ark rollfilm developed and eight
'high gloss prints 25e. 8 enlarged
prints 25c. Reprints same Prices.
Brtghtll'ng Studio, 294 Richmond
St. East, Toronto.
Would you 'like a genuine 335 Re -
tall Value, Made to Measure suit
absolutely free for 'only,° little
of your spare time? Write today '
for full .details, Thee Hudson, Coin -
puny Labelle Bldg Montreal." '
a genuine moving Picture ma -
Chine (eernplete with films:=Pop-
'eye. Charlie Chaplin, 13laok Jones,
-Laurel' & Hardy, etc„ etc.) AB-
SOLUTELY FREE for selling on1•y
6 packages Shampoo! Rush name
and address .today—we ti'ui(t yon!
,Charm Studio, Box. •144, VPctorta,
B. C.
IIAIit 0I)O11s
tvt,GS. T(,t(11'l144, '1'ttAN,yiooIt;,IA. •
tliVgatt; -ches, Curls. end all types
• of truest q,tlallty 1•lalr.iinods, Welt,
for riluatraled cetelegoe, contiden-
tlal terms errnnged. 7'0 out
ea Hair t3uPnlY, CO. CGS Bathur1
to -date System. Government :11c-
ensed, .Free •intgrmation.• Moder,
Barber' School, 142' Queen, Street • '
gust, Toronto.
HAY' FEVER, ROSE, i"ttvi SUS*.
torero.. Money Back Remedy: 31.00.
Canada Herb Co., Windsor,. On.
of each and ..PREM ENLARGE.'
. MENT-coupon 25c,—Offset.Photo-
graphy Dep. "A", 2 Russell. St.. ,
• lEn5tiaidi,
. from Many with means. Farm-
ers' daughters. Widows with .
' .Property, Particulars 10c, Con.
(ldentia.l, Boa' 128., Calgary, Al.
bents, '
GlU1T','ro9ACCO, SN'Ub'T�, EASILY,
Inexuensively..Horne (remedy, Tea
timortlals. . tivaranteed. AdVlcsl
free. • (lartlett's, Box 1.' Winnipeg. •
gestien, Heartburn, Gas. Take
Awns Antacid Trtblets".for quick
relief.. 85.'box. 3 boxes $1.00.--
Arms Products, '2159 Oxford Ave.,;
• Montreal, Que.
PLi'S l It'SAI1111 '
white. Springer Spaniel Pups; 8,
H.. Ozh old.Registered.1ity p�Avo,
SEWING nlAcilINEs a: SUPP11,11
Parrs,' supplies—till makct, nes
ar t.rnde-in, reconditioned mre -
Ines In stock •,-, Write A. r,(Ihe t•
& Son ;t5(' Yonge Ht.w: fo•ronto..
• • • STAMPS •
A,'vi titAMl':i, 4.b Ih411''+
forum 'Mk•, (1'tnlolipe value $2.50;
Prier. hlsl(1 furrtlshrrr....111 . tirnm*.
mc11, t;rittv"otl,,Ntwtnundrnhd.l
Issue No. 24 -. '39