HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-06-08, Page 7'Sere t • -. , • • • ssr P A ! r ",S.'"•••••. - People Must Be ..: Taught To Think •-1 • Challenge Is Thrown Down -40 the Educators of This Con-. tinent# Refuse to be Taken . in by Propaganda Lena Madesin Phillips ' of New, 'York, prbs.ident of the Interna- • Mortal Federation,'of Business'and Professional. Women's'' Ctub,', ad- dress.in.g 250 'delegates attending, the fcurteenth.annual convention ' of the • American Association for Adult, Education .at Niagara • Falls' ..challenged educator$ to make .peo- Weep -this continent learn to think • .arid like it.. .' • • People on this . continent .,are so taken' in ,wits)' Propaganda and high poweled..advei tisirng they shQuid be '. taught tile tricks :tot the trade; °1liiss Phillips said:. ""Let'`us :Analyze and ' discriminate on what we heed and r.'ead, and. make us willing to' pay. • 'the price of our Amer scam. institu- • ' tions, .our • American democracies, .before it is too•. late, Miss i'liillips . urged. oil Roster Prove Popular Foie of Them Now Operating in Ontario Just North' of Toronto Id•ichigan's • youth hostel, +nie•rt has gt•oWn:rapidly'in its•'five• •year 'history ' anci 'thousands of.. ' youths 'from .many 'states ,will'fo1 low the hostel trail ,across the state this 'summer. Hostel travel,,,, started.'in. 1910 .sthe.b. JUelt ril Sitifuleny ai eset na.n,. arranged inexpensive' dormitories se German youths , could, :extend their', hiking: and biking trips:' Am • erica! Youth Hostels• was, .estab- • iisbed fu 1934,. The. Canadian • youth. ;11oste's.' Association now has four: established to'Ontario '('a's well as • elsewhere •in Canada) In the vic- •inity. of. Newmarket •and •Massels man's Lake. • Hostels are ^farm, homes;• barns • • or 'other suitable • places. were hos • • telers tray stay for 25 cents a'night. • Theso.. travellers carry •: sleeping bags and cooking .kits ;and may tra ' vel by ,foot, boat•,• horsebackor' bi- cycle. 'Auomobile travelling is ban- s ned if they. w islt• to` use hostel fac . fifties.: •'• • BEAUTY HINT naSchooly lesson - LESSON XI' -PAUL •SOLVES CHURCH PROBLEMS ' `11. C.or. 1114, 10, 11;74:14:21; 4:14=21; Gal. 1:1.=7; 3:1;29;. 1. Thess.. 1•:1; 4:9.5:22. . Printed. Text-4-1,Corinthians 1:1.3, • 10;':.11; . 4:14.-21; 1 Thessalonians • . • 5:12-15.. "Gailden ,Tesit.--Let. your manner , Of .fife be worthy of 'the gkap.et' of Christ. Phil., 1:27. THE LESSON IN ITS, SETTING Time.=11t �I first Epistle to the °i he5salo. nians • was. tire fist letter by...the attastle Patti of which wo •have any record. and was written ut A D; 5.4 !The• Epistle to'the. Galatians. was written before the Epistle to the Romans, probably in A.De 54,, while the 'First Epistle to the. Corinthians was ••.seri:tten about one: year later.' Place, .The •city of Corinth both the city of Thessalonica were both in Greece, the former in the sou- thern• part, "and the latter in the' northern; Galatia was. 'located in • the northern part of..the great pen., :insula of Asla, known to .us to -day as Asia. Minor.' • St, Paid left Corinth''in con- sequence .of a determination . he had formed to 'spend the approach- ' ing feast .'at Jerusalem. • In 'con-. sequence ..of the:earnest, entreaty 'of the Ephesians 'that he would give. them the benefit of his'pres, • eneehe. spent- .three years' among. •ext' -Ara bis retuses froxe, Jer,usa- , tem. But the latter part.. of his stay was ,disquieted by reports . o f; . disorders. at Corinth:, ,Paul' 'could `co.uld not • leave Ephesus' at pres- ent,, for a l'gr,eat door' and efface teal'.' .had been opened : , to ' him: there. But the occasion was urg- .. ent, 'and could not ;wait for• 'his personal presence. • 1...Paui, called to be an .apcstle of Jesus Christ through .the, will of God, ,and ' Sosthenes .oii'r "brother; . 2. unto the: church of God whicti is at .Corinth; ec,en them that .are, sanctified in Christ. 'Jesus,, called to , be saints, . with •all that :call- • upon the name of our. Lord Jesus•• in every place, • their • Lord grid , 'ours: 3: Grace to you' and peace from God 'our Father,. and • the • Lord • Jesus .Christ. ", These three' verses' etake ust : once; in • • th a c to e heart of Christianity. " ' - Division in' the ' (hurah ; • "10. Now •I beseech .you,, breth- ren, through .the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, .that ye all speak the sante 'thing, and. that there be'no . 'divisions. •atncng. you; but that ye be, perfected together in the same.' ,mind and • in the sante judgmeht. 11. For 'it hath been signified un- te .me • concerning you, my' breth- ren, by- them that are of the house - 'hold of Chloe, that there are con- tentio•ns-amen):--you . • These divisions in the 'Corinth- ianChurch• .*ere 'fundamentally ---poi•-carsed-by-disagreeinetu._in-the. matter" of doctrine.' They divid- ed rather over their respective aIle- giancesl to some of .the groat: leen in the• church of the apostolic age. Some •woui'd say ' followed - Paul in his teaching; others would. say,they preferred the teaching of Apollos;. while• others •claimed. to • be adherents of the .apostle Peter; and then some, probably. the 'most boastful,' claimed to :be 'followers of Christ's teat ing, Now, the apostle says ' at they ought' not to' be followe4s Of an s•".name, ex.-. cept Alm name , of • Jesus. Christ; and' that' all the'epostles, himself, A-pollos-,•.P-eter,.and the rest,.wore.. saved only by Christ's death,. and • recognized • only Christ as Lord- • and Savior, • • 4:11L 1 write not these. things to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved chiliire'n. 15, For • • though 'ye have ten thousand tu- tors in Christ, yet }Lave" yE> '.not many flithers; for in Christ Jesus I beget you through the gospel. 16,••.1 beseech .you therefore, be ye • imitators of me. 17. For this cause have 1 sent unto you. Tinto- thy, who is nay beloved and .faith.-. • ful-child in the Lord,. who' shall put you in remembrance of my ,I ways which -are in Christ, even as• 1 teach , everywhere • in 'every 1 church.. 18. Now some are' puffed . up, as • though 1 .were not coming to you. • 19, But 1 will come to you shortly, if the Lord' will; and I will know, not the word of them that are, pufed up,, but the power.. 20. For the kingdom of God is, not .in word; but in' power. 2.1. What will ye? shall I come unto you' • with .ti rod, br• in love and a spirit .of gentleness? ' ' Brotherly love is of the very esc.J.tre of Christianity. Eibery • •bolievex_-ts taught •o:.f`'dove the brother Who, shares his faith; Such love' is the best and 'anly< 'guaranty of liii%.own salvation. rFhe tirotho l_u Iciae...of...tlic early 'church ;ii riot ort y vi sa e' o' its'"' cweticr ; it vas.iW.great reconnuendation tri the world's eyea. ' The " early Christian churches were little companies of • petilile .whero love was at. ''high t'etttliel'altire, others • 'Llpaticlt should be applied, according to Ann Morriss; with the mouth open, then carry, the color well Inside the mouth. Start, with the 'upper lip working out from the center to the • corners or in from the, corners to . center, Never swoop the Stich around ' the mouth in a circle. 'Some Folks Have. ' The Seeing Eye ti •'Can Get More Fun Out of Walking Round the .Block • Than ,Qthers Do, 1'roitt Circ, - ling the Globe • . Some :people can get more fun tits of,waiking round•the block than • others couldfind, in going 'round the world. •Youl, (tan t believe me? `Betehti a nickel." . I've heardwomen who have tray ailed. the' Seven 'Seas who will tell you languidly that • it was hot in Greece or the' shops in Paris were over-estiin;a.ted, .or 'the ' food Was. .terrible s.omewhero else -trait they ' • had never really "seen"'"t thing. .• Another person could come back • from the same tripand she' would Make yoa see and feel the' heat in '. Greece, but She could also make . you see the 'beauty of Ale scenery; she could telt you •abotit the. pie- - turesgne Costurees, about the Hypes Of beauty or the degrees of attar - atter or the fanny little incidents or some street scene -she has. the -seeifg eye- , Conversational Zest We can't all be clever enough, pe'rhars, to see a great deal •front :_s.sse e as rd %.-hitt-.F- yossik t- •• your eyes and -cats ;opeti whew •ewer you are • on the streetcar, the shops or just walking along the street. you Wills be amazed at the . atuoun4 of material yeeeean gather • to Adel 7(st to your conversation I b Brockville Glimpses A Slm lin King and Queen En route from Ottawa to Toronto, with a short stop at Kingston, the King' and .Queen'aa•e seen as they • stepped' out on to the balcony :of their observation: caras the royal train slowed, while passing through Brock- viile, where the ,resident@were massed for their short greeti=ng,• •. outward pressureVery 'often tight -t the inward bands, and where mutual eonfi:dense diffused.: con- tinual joy. ' ,1 Thes. • 4 :12. •That ye may walk becoiningiy':towara' them t2iat;' are"' without; and may, have need' ' of • nothing. The gospel bids us to. be •~ glad to give where help is 'requir- ed; .but it also bids us to strive not to require help and thus bur den others. : . 13.. But' we would not 'have.you ignorant, brethren, • concerning them.tbsat fall .asleep;'that ye sor- r,ow, not, even as • the rest, who have no' hope. 14. Fox' if we be- lieve that Jesus' died r and rose again; .even so thein also that.are • fallen asleep in ..Jesus will • ;God • bring with .him. • 15. F'oruthis .we Say unto you •b'y the word of the Lora, that, we' that are ,alive,•'tihat . are left., unto the coining, of, the, Lord, shall in ,no wise precede them that' are fallen asleep. 3:0. o Fori the L rd himself shall descend . . from •heaven, with a shout, with the voice of •the .archangel, and with the trump of • God: and the dead in Christ shall rise, first; '17. • :.theti ! we that are , alive, that are left; shall together with them •be . caught 'up., in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: -ant,• so shall 'we ever be with.the Lord., These ..precious verses teach a°t' least the• felowing truths:•.(1) that the L.oid JesusssChrist himself" will return • visibly, (2) his.yvil be a ,triumph-• ant return: (3) When he returns • for. his owu, those Christians wiio have ,passed on in death will rise first; that is, ••their bodies will rise W Eton tre grave. (4) . We wh'q are living on earth at. that hour will be caught up with' them. (5) Those • rising from the grave,aand those living on earth ivlien. the Lord re- turns, will Meet Christ in the air; it doe) n'et:say that ,we shall stay .sin -the air.• '{6) • For all eternity • w'e 'shall be in' the presence of • the .Lord Jesus Christ. .. • •Unselfish, Godly' Life • 5:12-15. 12. But we '.beseech' you, brethren, to know them that labor among you, and are.over you in the Lord; and admonish you; • 13. and to a teem them exceed= • . ing .highly in love for their work's • selves.• • 14. And we exhort 'you, 'sake. Be at .peace among your- . brethren; admonish the disorderly, encourage the faint-hearted, sup- port the weak, be longsuf 'eying to- ward ,all. • 15. See that none ren- der unto any one evil for evil.; but always follow •after that which . is geed, one toward another, and toward all. In the first two, vers.: , es • of this, rich • paragraph . the ' apostle is speaking. of those who • were the pflicerS and apointed rut- ' ars in the chtirch at Thessalonica. . . Love is, the secret of living. the ' holy,'unselfish, godly life Paul here describes. • The characteristics of a Christian enumerated here can only become realities' in our 'jives. by our deliberate determination to practice these virtues - always, without ceasing, in everything; '. Barry ' Ono, a, vaudeville• come- dian;, who ;recently' •appeared :in. Sydney,' Australia, .has,: a collec- tion., of "penny_ dreadful" ' maga- zines, which he values at gv.ez• $25,000, :some "thrillers" . being worthat least. X150, a copy. • RE.SEYIING AND GROWING • RHUBARB No fruit or vegetable garden is complete without from. six -to' 12 roots, according to the size and " • needs' of .the • family, of . either Ruby or Macdonald rhubarb, Rhur barb,thriv:es best on a compata- tively rich, deep, well drained sell: To soil selected should be prefr- ' ably prepared by spading in deep- ly and :thoroughly' a .good applies - tiers of stable manure.,. Where snare will pe •unit it :spay be plowed un- der.' Early the .following Spring the .soil should. be well.*orked up•• and a commercial fertilizer,' pre- frerab1y 5-10 5 •applied at the; rate 'of five pounds 'per sq care 'rod and. well, mixed, with the soil prior ,to . planting. • Select Single Crowns` .. When resetting crowns.. taken from old dug-trp clumps, single crowns should be selected, retry ing all old roots! These are set* three feet apart ,in rpws' five feet apart. , Plant the Grown so that its • growing tip is just below:.the-sus- face• of the soil and tramp' the soil. firinly, Hoe, dig .or cultivate at • intervals to leosen'the soil and control weeds. After the' 'Autumn frosts kill 'the leaves, mulch with straw or strawy manure for "the Winter. 'R'emove ,,this ;in Spring and continue to "die'and cultivate. Strong rapid growth of the leaves' , is the.objeetive. The leaves man- ufacture ,II the'' nutrients that \. op the roots, in which are stored the reserves, of food that make for the 'rapi'd growth of the stalks that we rase as'food in the•ear.ly Spring. Remove, no ' stalks the first year, bue few the second; and after that. never • more thanhalf the stalks• thu: sistekep. Tha.r'es .*.:irill•then . be large, long, tender, stalks for : the table. If takes three, or four Years. to . develop a really produc • tive crown.. . • ' • • ::Every farmer or gardener who •' has a good 'house. cellar should grow .his .own' Winter rhubarb. • Four to' six . crowns' should be. i R DIO N D -•NEW PROGRAM EXCHANGE • With the return 'to England of Their Majesties next week, radio listeners, who • have been concen- trating on Canadian and American broadcasts of the events Of the Royal 'Tour, wilt tura. to dialing • ' their favorite programs.' Radio, news columns' have• deyoted most of • their space . to theca royal tour broadcasts and many listeners have Jost -track, of what is .happening in this particular world of enterta•fii- ment. -•A new NBC, CBS. 105 and CBC program exchange•• system, Alarmed a few monyths ago, ie. now going into efefct. Tills will bring • to Canadian networks, Atnericau . sustaining programs which had not been heard in this courierL..-►.)ld,, .mere important, will -, release through, American network- facil- ities to listeners iii the , United States, Canadian program • which have never- -been heard in, • that countri•. • • • U. S. ,To HEAR OURS • Programs ivhich'°have' •been ask• ed for .lir the American networks, include the 'Grenadier Guards Band on Sundays at 6 • pail• which is being taken by N BC..NBC. is also taking •Sevillana, Mondays at 6.30 p.M., the •Stintmer Conceft series, Tubsdays•at 9.30 p.m., Over its west coast network, and, 'Miss Trent's Children, dramatic series on Fri." days ri- days tit • 8.30 p.m.. also over 'its west coast network: ,GIBS listeners will h.enr, the Lyric Trio. on Thurs. •days•'at 7.30 p.m., and (;eoffet=y Waddington.Conducts ori Tuesdays at 10 p.tit. Mutualwill of course Continue .the Percy Faith's Music . series on Wednesdays, at 9.30 p.m. Mutual' has added Melodic Strings on Sundays at 7,30 .p.m. and Happy. Gang front Mondays to Fridays at 1 p..m:.to its Canadian intake. '•Other Canadian programs' which will be heard over the American netw•orks, when they begin their broadcasts, wil be the ,outdoor 'Summer Symphony concert's,; which NOTE$ rl/ . s `will be, broadcast 'from' •the top of. Mount Royal. in ,Monitreal,' .by CSS, .beginning June 14 at 8.30 pa): and the Toronto.Promenade , .by NBC, beginning Concerts, t one r s ' July' O. ,CATCHLNG .UP WiTH NEWS •To catch up 'with our program •news ^the latest' important. briefs are-Bingr•Cresby goes on vacation ' July 15 and may do , a broadcast , from' the New' •o'rk World's Fair before he leaves on 'his .holidays. „ On June 9,. Raymond• Paige. 99 Men • and a'Girl wilt be heard over CBS. on Fridays at •9 tent.. - NBC is, . :setting up a' .special press room• . /or television critics - Phil Baker . Cit tttges: hts-•sch'echhrle to- Wednesa-- day nights ,at 8 p.m. on July 5. ' TQ:BE; ,HEARD ' ' June 9.. 12 noon. NBC,. CBC - Royal visitors • at Washington Capitol •..,,r4.15 p.ni., ' NBC, CBS. CBC - R. V. at 'Arling'= tout Cemetery • 8.30 -CBC Miss Trent's Children.• 12.15 a.m.-" NEC,•CBS, CBC - Departure of 11.,•V.• from Washing-. • tot Juno 10, 11 a.m., NEC, CBS. CBC Arrival of R V. at North River 16 board destroyer 12 Noon. NBC. ,CBS, CBC - , Ar- •. rival, R. V. at N. Y. World's 'Fair June '12th. 12.5.0 'p.m., CBC- R. V. to Sherbrooke P,' Q. 6 p. u., CBC -R, V. to Levis, P• Q. ...8 p•m.,. ('BS. CFRB -,Big Town -- 8.30 p.ni., CBS,. CFRB Tuesday Night. Patty$ 30 . p.m,; •NBG, CBL, - .Information Please 9 P.m:, CBS. CFRB -- We. The People 'June 137 12.3.0 ;p.m.;. CB(' -1tV. tit 1•'rederi.cton • 5.45 p.tn., CBC - R. V.'to St. John, ' N.B. June, 14', 12.30 •p.m,. CBC.' 'R t': to Charlottetown, P.E.I. • 5.30 pm.. C'BC•- R. V.. to .PIctou, June 15. 11.15 a.m.., CBC - „Greetings by Premier of Nova Sco- tia to Their _ Majesties ' 1.15 p.m.. CBC. - I{ing's last speech en. • - Canadian soil at luncheon in. Half-, fax. ..... 5.45 p.m.i CBC - Depart- ure of Their Majesties from Hall= fax to• England ... , • :Planted annually and .i'roin 4the fifth year on thr nunttber Can be dug 'tip annually for Winter use. 1n thjs way continuous prpduction for 110th Summer and Winter. use is possible. Arabia's new oilfield will providei t k for 1 0 000 eo 1 •wor . p p e. � • Under.- the patronage of the•Mils later of Education, Leila Beder- kian,,,a Kurdish, woman dancer, recently performed Kurdish �, and Moorish dances at night at the foot of the Sphinx, which, • was : floodlit, befoee many. residents of Cairo and a Bost of tourists. CuRIoVs - By •w,ntam 0'�iL J Ferguson. e }:D QNLY ONE MEANS OF DEFENSE•.,. A=OWER.FUL,; SPIKED TAIL, WH1CN t'Y SWUNG. LIKE •'• . CLUB, AT i S . AIVER.SARJ ES. fEMAL,E SAN SCALA • (NSEG' HAS. EYES, BLIT 7i•ER MATE FIDS" .ANJ EXTiE?A 134•/AZ • • COAR, 1937•BYNEA SERV CE, INC. 's COMMON • . ',9 AMARANTH.. IS ONE Ot= "THE Vt .Y FEV1! F4tDVVER.S THAT M'IGRA'TED ACROSS THE .'. UNITED s rPtrFS. FR•bm sr-tt,~ THE huge stegosaurus dinosaur could not have used. much head- • workin his battles,. sincetthe , was gifted with a two and one -hall ounce. brain, but what he lacked there v.as made up in the weap on -like tail; 'which,. incidentally, had a soft -of Eecondary .nerve cent•er. in the spinal cord to direct' . it. . NEXT:'°' What does the' tide average• at the Atlantic' and Inc Pa., rifle. ends ' of the Panama Canal?' •• Discoverer .of X,Ray. HORIZDNTEIL 1,7 the ;tnan who, - • discovered the X-ray. 13 Vegetable. 14 Striped, fabric. 16 Substantive pronoun. '` 17 Drunkard 16 Tiny particles: 20 Aye. .21 Tumor. 22 Gratified. 24 Gibbon, 26 Neuter Answer 'to Previous .Pu.zle All DOMUMO Doom ORM 0 ©©O© OREM MINOR NNE' � �Q N ORO NM E 1E • El ONfi ®TSN© OUR =OM [AMON VON MOON ON ©R E ©®I M TIJM E MO MUM ROM NOON ROOM OMEC It7C©© EILJg h7©M111P®! DONALD BUDGE: 42 Exists. VERTICAL • r • 12 Coinpass' point 15 Feather scar. . •18 Beer.. ' 19•Southeast. :21 He was a' Nobel Prize (pl.), .22 Feigns. . ' 23 Pharmacist. 25 Discloses: 27 American• aloe 29 Bitter herb.. 31 Dined; 33 Before..., 6 39 To instruct. 41 Doctor. '43 Bear -like • • pronoun. 43 Plural. 1 Grief. animal. • • 27 Form of "be." 44 Te harden. - 2 Insertion: • 28•Sun goad... 46 Gowns.'3 King of beasts - 30 You: •50 Aeriform fuel... 4 Opposite of 3I poc ice• ' ' 51 God o -W5r: cold. 32 Rubber tree: 53 Stream. 5 Half an em. ',.•34 Marked_with .. b4_Threefold.:_�._-,O-:Husband a>h... - spots. 56 To' scrutinize:. wife. • 35 Juniper. 57 Double base. • 7 -Battering ' 36 Night before.. 59 To drive.- • machines... • • 37.Driving •'command. 38 Right..; 40'Finale. • ' 61 He specialized 8 lvorthivest: ' in : ' ..'9Your. 62 He was ----- 10 Redeemer, by birth, 11 Theme: " • 45 Trunk • drawet 47 Epochs, 48 Sister. 49 Cry for -1ielp • at sea. _-...50_CL rue.. ..__ . . 52 Being. 55 To sin. . 56 Spain. : 57 Before Christ. 58 King. of Bastian. 60 Type measure. 7 9' ' 10 11 12' 15 16 20 29 85 30 5 50 54 35 91 • 60 '' IREG'LAR-FELLERS•L-The.Real Thing %CURE' YOU:,CAN BE 7HE , KETCHER IF YOU HAVE -A Mliii AN'A MASK•AN A CHEJ T PERTEC` Ali i ccs /. • O.K. : I4k't#'ir WITH. . YOU IN,THi.EE MINITS t WELL, Z• SEE. YC' ti HAVE .A .r{1ITT AN.' A MA5K, BUT I . I bON'T SEE NO - CHESTPEF2TECTOR Z 407 IT. R1,1sIT, HERE. IN MY .POCKET! B .GENE BYRNES ,. • - - ...- ,n ..--"--,../..,- 0 . son c c 4 c c O // 4 Ny r t Y_u 5 _rn OIe.. C1,t0a 7' e 7i