HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-06-08, Page 1:."
• 82.00 A YEAR -AN , ADVANCE -50e EXTRA, TO U. S.
••$Chool. .1loods• To. Take
Thi• Giants J•hey -Calk:64
Departing from: the usual eusteiTi, AGRICULTURAL MEETING
• l3ruce, _County • School Trustees, and
leatepa yers: Association brought With the annual Fall Fairless than
their annual" convention to 1410091Y! four months away, a _Meetingof the
, • the Most southerly part of the. CoUie directors has been called ',for this
this year. 'The • meeeing was 'held _Friday;evening, One 9th, it eight
• in the Town "Hall/ lait ,FridaY,_ !With Ale* in the To:4n Hall The revise
,etitisfa,ctOry- :..ettendarire. tef . eene ion of :the P5ize Jit ana other imp�rt
weeds to ,one hundred and fifty pee-
• sons. The meeting was in charge df
John A Jobnatam es, and Albert
• secretary, of Alleaford.
Chief speaker was Mr, Trussler,
field seetetary of the CeE,A., who
• substituted in the absence thrteigh
illness of Norman Davies, Supervisor,
of agriceltural classes .%
Failure of the rural student to re=
• ceive eqeml educational opportenities.
• he .cited as due to, lack of funds, lack
of specialized teachers, and lack of
service. and enuileinent in the 'smidl
units of administration.
ant business pertaining to the holding
of the show, will be dealt wieh.
The special improvementarid .sue -
cess of the indoor section of the Fair
last year is well remembered, and
there seems no reason, with proper
eelanning and co-operation; •why the
• Lucknow Fair cannot become .one "of
the outstanding shows 'of the dis-
' The Provincial Government had 'in-
creased its . grants by $3;000,000 •hi
the Pint two Yeats he mid and; were
prepared'to iricrettee them More. and
•more ,from year to year. "Ifyou
want more, ask for 'it," said Mr.
Treesler, bat be reasonably in asking
for a little. at a ;time; so tint the
government nifty make Provition for
the increase, • • •.
"Take all you can get," Mr. Tree
sler recenimended : in stating that
these geents,do not ultimately "come
out a the top eix inches of the soil,"
as is the common beliefHe explained
• that several million dollars of ed-
ucational grants, tone out...of the
Provincial Consolidated revenue fund,
whisCh is derived ,peincipally from
large minmfacturing centres, with the
purchases of rural residents Playing
it Major part in the building up of
• wealth in these urban •Points.. Bo
every tune you get a greet for ed-
ucational • purposes, •you practicallY
; get something for nothing. •He Cited
some . of the main sources of revenue
. of the • consolidated fend to he suc-
cession duties, the Liquor -Control
Board; gasoline' tax and Mines.
He advocated that rural centres• :
secure the best type of teacher pos-
sible, and that life be made pleasant
for eheine and an adequate salary
paidto:keep them in the rural nimbi.
J. W. McFadyen, delegate to the
gavea comprehensive report
• of this spring convention,., at which
An advertisement in this issue calls
for applications for the position •of
•teacher at Fordyce, V.S.R. NO.
•East •and West Wawanosh. 'This fol-
lows the resignation, Of Miss Mcleurn-
eY, teacher at this school for the past
four yeaes. •'
Dr. and Mrs. • R. L. •Treleaven loft
the first of the week for Toronto
where they Will attend the Ontario
Dental •Convention. .Frone there they
will continue to 'New, York to attend
the World's Fair, while visiting with
Dr. Treleaven's brother, Professor.C.
L. Treleaven and Mrs. Treleaven.
The drone of areoplapes overhead
is.n� loner an uncommon. gonad and
sight in- this distriet,. Opeciallyesince
the opening of Sky Harbour Airport
at Godcrich, when ,George Robinson
of Holyrood took to flying and who.
now, frequently circles over his hone
north of the village. George was the
'first flyer to "get his private pilot's
license' at this airport.
: Left Week Ger Wood of 'Detroit
Was repotted. •to have flown north
along the lake, ,three •days in success-
ion, on a fishing tripeto Manitoulin.
Several local residents reported sight-
ing his seaplane, as he Retied over
. •
Lucknow Ont., ThurAday June •8th, 1939
An interesting .historicalekeview of
the Link:new Presbyteriane church,
gieen in eennection with the Jubilee•
anniversarY services of the chinch,
held ieeeritly, appears in 'this iesue.
•The article .was complied and given
by re Douglas . MacDonald, atudent
minister .arid , pen of Rev 0 H, Mae,
Donald: neeter of the cluirch,for the
pest -fourteen years...e
-Additional conies, will be 'available'
for tinge win!, may , wish to send
.paper t former! 'residents. 4 .
LOcal Contigent Of Pupils Anew::
Thousands Lining Railway Track
, A. t .Stratford,' Who Failed TO. Get
Even A Glimpse Of Their Majesties
As The Royal l'rain Rolled UP To
• The Reception. Platform.
Upwards t� two hundred school
children' from Lucknow and licinitY;
and: .those in charge of them, were
several thousand who returned
home Tuesday night from 'Stratford"
•'wear y andsadly disappointed in
haling failed to get even a. fleeting
glimpse of the King and Queen, after
holies of Waiting under a hot June
Exacting plans; Which provided for
thousands epee thousands; of seliod
children to get a close-up view of
Their Majeaties . provedfruitless as
the pre -arranged schedule was net
carried out is expected; ,•• „
• Schpol children, in specially des-
ignated enclosures lined the tracks,
and freight shed platter/in for ,up-
ward to emitee I Through e this
avenue :of children; the.Royal
Train, evvith • Their t Majesties. • on
the rear observation 'platform, was
•to have Passed at a slovi rate of
speed. ' •' ••
.But thousands Were doomed tie
• The regular Thursday half ' holi-
day is being obsented in Lucknow to-
day asusual. • ,
Oe: Saturday. June 3rd. it Aeon,
quiet 'wedding toek, place at , the Ang-
church, Wrngham, , when Josee
Phine Sworn; youngest daughter of
Mrs, Joie Gaunt of Welt .WaWanosh
and the late Mr. jet.. Gaunt became
the bride et Mr. Gordon MaCTiteish,
•cid* son of Mr. and Mis. Allan Mc-
Tavish. 01 Lucknow.. The__,Ree. E. O.
Gallagher officiated.
The bride was becomingly attired:
in a floor length gown of gumdrop
pink georgette with jacket to match,
She carried a bouquet of snapdragons
and carnation's% ,
, Following the, ceremony the bridal
party returned to \ the hopie :of -the
bride's mother where dinner was, ser-
'ved to imme,diate relatives and
disappointment as the King and
.Queen mdde their appearance:after
their train, ,Ome•three-quarters of
•an hour behind schedule had rolled
pest many og these children, at a
,muclr feeter rate Of speed than sched-
Acepni odations for children at
Stratford 'were also said to be far,
-e-TIre—Lucknewe'--Sentinel-iVant-,--Ade-fromewhateadvance-itifcirmation said
thirty-five educational groups were Column is Meek and white but read they would be, and generalir-there
rural trustees.
Straps, (he said, as latticed .on
• four 'things in particular, ,at the 0. E.
• A. convention, .grants, the new course
• of study, larger units of adminstra-
'tion 'end health education. , HoW to
' care, nourish ad tin the body is
the Aherne of the ile* cOutse. While
• the department of Education does
not wish to be dictatorical in its Me-
• thods; lit- favours the 'Urger unit
, of administration, often referred to as
' consolidated schools, erid is willing
te Pay an additional grant to all
sections adopting the larger unit.
6. C. Dobson, I.P.S. lot West Bruce,
• spoke of the. growing favdur .fOr the
.• larger' ueit and said their' 'viere up-
wards to thirty of these units working
very 'satisfactorily in the Province.
Greetings were brought by Mrs.
Robert Davidson of Dungannon, pee-
• „renter of the Huron County Educat-
ional Association.
• Entertaining features of, the pies -
grain were two numbers by the
• .LucknOW school ehoir under the dir-
ection of Miss Peggy MacDonald, tap
• dance number by Bessie Stewert,
Catherine johneton, Carolyn, Allin,
Fern Twaniley and Mary Salkeld, and
,a solo, by little. Jimmy 1VIeMillan.
' The report ,of the nominating com-
• mittee was adopted as folio*, Past
President, 3. W. •IdeFadyene Tivere
•• ton; President, John A. Johnston;
, Sec., Aiken; Allenforde Ex-
ecute committee; Robert Scott, Kin-
cardine township; George McKee.,
, Bruce; W. H. Abell, Brant Gordon
•Alexander, Greenock; 'Robert Mof-
fat, Kinloss, Duncan McGregor, Tees -
water. •.
all over.
„ -
County Power Scoop At Work First
. ,
Of Week *Me Deepen Swimmieg
Pool At Old ,Waterworks Pump -
house Pond.
• The Work of fdjepening the pondat
the old waterworks pumphouee, with
it view to making a suitable swim -
Ming pool in.the village, was resumed
on Monday of, this week:
Last- vita' r the Clanimee undertook
this project and did.,Considerable Work
until late 'summer. Proper equipment
Was then not tvailable to make set-
'sfactor) headway in the difficult
process of deepening. This spring the
Clansmen are fortunate in securing
a hydraulic power ,Scoop, Comparat-
ively new machinery, Of the Bruce
County Highways Department., This
machine ,commenced deepening oper-
ations me Monday with Di0k4McQuilr
lie and Lloyd Henderson: at the con-
trols, and attracted much interest
• The •scraper of five -yard capacity
is powered b3r the caterpillar tractor
,used for winter snowplowing. Hy-.
draulie,comnression attaehments, op-
erated ftom the tractor, are used in
nosinf the neraper into the mud and
clay and stones that it stoops out, and
in the duitaiing operation. also. It is
a powerful piece. of, maChinery and
while•We witched it on Monday after-
noon, it was bringing out scoopfella
each trip equal to more than two selves, and appear to have had a
Wagonloads. This was being nod its
fill along the river bank below the
swimming pool dam, which *es re -
naked and heigthened lest year,
epeet ie, nictineeeendieloated
a real beauty \- spot in the village,
as well as filling. a iong Want in pro-
viding suitable bathing facilities for
the youth of the 'Village, to say no
is a wave of protest and indignation
ever.Lthembele affair in centrea
fected, where . considerable expense
was involVed, and where teachers 'and
other volunteers aesumed the exhausit-
insibilieY 'et 'taking ' charge
of these thildren, on what „proved a
fruitless ttip.
n "Tiro Special Trains Here % •
• It was a bedraggled party .ex-
cursionists .who arrived home on two
special trains that evening About ten
o'clock, after a twelve-hour day, that
'gave the kiddies an outing they . will
long remember, even if they failed
to see •Their Majesties. For, many
it was their first train. ride.
Shortly after nine' o'clock' Tuesday
morning, .a ten -coach train, -with two
engines, pulled into, the local depot,
already well loaded with passengers
from Kincardine and 'Ripley. centres.
This train cosild accomedate only
portion of the Lucknow passenger list
Which numbered 181 children, under
twelve years, and i 126 adults. An est-
imated crowd of between a• •theesand
and ,eleven hundred persons was a.
board, as this train pulled out from
The bride and groom left •innned-
lately on a motor trip to ,Niagara
Falls and other points. Fortravelling
the bride chose a dress Of powder
blue georgette, white coat and White
accessories. "
W. 1. . Hanna', ANNUAL,
The District aMitial meeting of
South Brviee Woe:notes Instieute will
be held in Lucknow Town Hall next
Tuesday Jtine 13 There will be morn-
ing and afternopie-sessiOns with the
opening scission at ten o'clock. Del-
egates fromelevenbranches are
pected and Institate Members are
-invited to 'attend: There hr--airbOn an
adjustment in the branebee, included
in this district, which becomer Otte -
jelly 'effective • at this cenvention, we
uriderstand. ,
qinet wedding Was Solemnized et
the home of the bride's parents on
Saturday, June • 3id when the Rev.
M. Wright of Whitecburch united ie
marriage; Christine Agnes,: daughter
of Mr. and Mrs; T. Ingles of Wet,
Wawanosh to Mr. John 'Sine son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sim of Toronto.
The bride win becomingly attired
in a blue and. white ensemble 'wear-
ing a cortege ofroses and lily-of-the-
•ealley. The bridesmaid, Miss Pauline
Ingles, sister o1. the bride; wore an
ensemble of navy with white access-
ories, with . a .corsage bf sweetpeas
and lily -of -the -valley,. Meer •the re-
--CePtieneatethe iirid•e's- home the &jai
couple left -On a trip for Witidser and
the World's Fair in New York.
On thein return they will reside in
Toronto. '
It appears that local and district
motorists need not worry about the
inereased gasoline tax, at' present
at least, fer. No. 1 gasoline isad-
• vertised by one local service station
at 24 cents, which is a cent lower
than the prevailing price before the
new tax came into effect. ,
• While many citzens were in Sind-
fotd to see the King. and Queen on
Tuesday, Dan Mer..-e_od and Jos Wilson
were playing a brilliant game of
horseshoes defeating two of , the
town's crack players, J. A. Mallough
and Harry McQuillin by a very 'close
margin. Donald MeCharles did the
scoring and Mr. • Fred Nixon was.
judge. Mr. Nixon remarked after the
game that it iwas one of the greatest
games he has 'seen played in Luck -
In Accident At. Handlton
Rev. R. C. Todd was in a motor
accident at Hamilton last week fol-,
lowing his attendance at London Con-
fetence. ,Details are meagre, and while
•Mr. Todd was reported to have suf-
fered a knee injury he will eaccuPe
• the pulpit at both services this Sun-
day. At the morning service he will
'address the Masonic Order on the
occasion of their annual church par-
AT stitatioRp
IllekhOW Pipe Band, fifteen strong,
were *Owed in a preferred position
ainong bands,: oi: the occasion of
Their, Majesties' visit to Stratford on
Tuesday. The band was withiii a few
feet of the reception, platform and
during the reception the Bend' iirayed
two flambee's, "Jennie't Boblne" and
"The Road to the Isle" for the special
benefit of the Smiling Queen, a nat-
ive of Scotland. ,
Mayor henry ,of Stratford on being
advised that the ideal band 'Would be
ire attendanCe, stated they would be
yelped near the redeption peleetfer*
and he personally saw'that they Were,
which was the preferred position so
far as the bands in attendance were
The Pipers 'assembled at the Mar-
ket Square, and With 'Cameron Ged-
des acting as pipe major, in the ab-
sence of Donald MacDonald„ led the
veterans in 'the parade to the stat-
Followipg the departure of 'Their,
Majesties the band returned to the
• City Hall where they played a couple
of selections.;
Church,As.. Given At Jubilee Service
• (By R. Douglas MacDonald)
:Abouteehe year .1852 the .Qovern-
meet survek Of the Tbwnship o Kin -
lose was made and the tome Apt, since
celled. "Lueknaw,', ;:set apart by ;Eli
Stauffer. A short distanceto the north.
Of if a Presbyterian congregation was,
prganied ,fie the year ,1855 ,by Rey,
51eICenZie of Zorra and if was
named the South Kinloss Chntche Or-
dinances " were supplied soniewhat ir-
regularly for abOut twelve years be-
fore they..received a settled Pastor.
The congeegation was comppsed cbief-
ly of Highland Scotch, there being
only one English -peaking commun-
icant it, their first sacrament. •
On the llth of obeceriaber, 1807, Rev.
jno. McNabb was ordained and induct-
ed into their congreginien as theirfirst
minister. He, resigned in September,
• 1$69 aed vacancy. of almost three
years in. its duration occurred. .
Dining this vacancy a part of :the
Congregation petjtioned :the Presby,
tery tO organise a .congregation
the village. Their petition was not
granted: After some delay • they,pe
thicend. the .Beesbyterian church- in
Capada,. in coninetion 'with the •church
of Scotland' and were finally organ-
ized on the 22nd of Feb, 1873, by Rev:
D. Cameron of London, and Were 're-
cOgnited, by thet elnirch, as St. And-
rews church:Linknow•
On the 23rd Of July 1873 Rev. Boyd
Taylor was Ordained and inducted into
this cpngregation. He'resigned in the
Anges McKinnon, son cif Mr. and
Mrs, Dan McKinnone Con, 6, ICinloss,
, .SThooi, .suffered aente attliele" o
UU eapPeridicitis on Monday,. land. was
rushed to Winghem Hospital Where
he underwent an operation early in
• the aftertoote Aligns' friends • will
be pleased to know that s condition - rig 0 e a u 'w 0 ne ou
Lucknow. • •
• A five -coach special followed an
hour later add three of the coaches
were used to irecemodate the , re-
maining ,crowd waiting at. Luoknow,
among , which ieeluded rural, schod
children in their respectile groups
from, Kinlough, Holyroml, ..Langtide,
and KintaiL , r•Q
'Those, other than 'school children
and •tin,' charge of them". who
went to' Stratford by train 'and motor
were more fortunate in being able'
to secure points Of v-antage for them -
satisfactory • view of Their , Majest-
Off 'Po" London' Wednesday
There was another exodus,from the
Village and district on Wedriesdak,
the tour of the erti promised to pro-
vid'e an evelielit opportunity to see
the Royal couple. Several local' vet,
erans have a 'place linnet the» hun-
. .
Next Thursday aftemon, June 15,
is the date set for the official open-
ing of Luckeow't post office. Post -
Master Generale the Hon. N. A, Me-
Larey Will officiate, but details of them .
progra.to be follow are not avail-
able as we go to press.;
New Carrier Boy •
• Allan Treleaven, who for a long
periodhas acted as Free Press carrier
bo -y in-thee-villageeeiienoWenniPloYed
at ,Silverwood's plant, and his route
hes been taken over by Kenneth
Wehate-re-soit-of Mr-eande-Mrsee-Wine
G. Webster:
• Joe Agnew, son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. 11. Agnew., received te severe glish.
ia his head while diving at MacDone
ald's mill pond last Wednesday even-
ing. The scalp Waa gashed open re-
iiring a numbex Of skin 'claps, to
close the wound but an x-ray , Pict -
pre dispersed any fears Of' a skull
injure'. An inoculation guarding- ilivn. a-
ggienstthe' dakger of tetanus evne
Joe in diving off the bridge at
the dale, is •believed to have struek
• his head on somenederwater cement_
erk inflicting the injury Whic,h bled
profusely Joe started borne on his
son's ' truck which, *as passing the
,strintrieWg hole-, He vat 'opefieed
to his bed for a few days; as an in -
!eaten developed, but this ha; re -
dreds of veterans coiespriphig a guard
thi th d Its h will d bt
Pitched Teeswater To Victory
'Pitching 7 -hit ball, striking out 13,
and allowing only two walks, Elliott
Carruthers kept the Sputhampton
Fishermen well in hand lastThursday
afternoon, while Teeswater chalked
up a 6 to 2 'victory.
, , •
Year 1382 di MaY Oth ,and was fol- '
lowed bk Rel. .Jno. McNabb in the
same year.
• In July Of 1872 the ROI D, Cam-
eron of Beaverton was inducted into ,
the ,South Kinloss Aurh Wiwi" he
conducted serviPetriri both English and
Gaelie •and at the seine tiine a Ser-
vice ia:$`' 'English in ithe village on
Sabbath •evenings to ecdomodate the
peesple who .resided there.
AiiisuWciftlflsthe •Pieebiterk.'—
of Maitland; in 1831 July 19th, de -
elated, the South Kinloss church dittid-
ed into two •congregaions, One part
to be called Knox chorch and to be
located, in Lucknow.
The Roy. D. Cameron' then ceased
Preaching at the South Kinloss churcb.
and came_ to preach fee': the cotigre •
gaeiOn of Knox,church in Lucknow.
• There was thin two congregations
in LecknOweeSt. Andrews and .Knox.
After some time many in both con-
gregations began to real* that the.,
existence of two congregations in such
a ,•sinall community was a source elf. •
weakness to thel PreabYterhin mine
and an unnecessary burden to the
•:people. This Ied to proposals for :a ,
-sunibri and the ministers, Messrs Mc-
Nabb and Cameron, believing that in
such a case 'union is strength', cheer,. •
fully resigned their charges in May
Wm. Trebel, isho for some two years
has Abeen employed at Ewart Tay-
lor's, left. on Saturday AT Toronto"
where he will enter the grocery. dere
his„ brother-in-law_ and_ sistere_Mr..
and Mts. Sidney ,Morgan. Mr. Trebel,
prior to working at:Taylor's, was em
m -
ployed for some tinie on the farm of
Mr., and Mrs. Toni Roach, where one
of his closest 'friends, Phillip Archer,
firet worked when coining froin Eng-
land. Phillip is now in charge of the
Stewart farm,. nearby on the 6th Con.
Mechanics At New Station
The J. 11. Evans new Enarco Ser-
vice Station at Kincardine was offic-
ially opened on Saturday. Mechanics
of the service staff •nre ,Reg. and
Stewart 'Levis of St. Helens. .
upon their resignation
steps were taken to bring about the
much desired- union, which was 'hap-
pily consumated t Kincardine by
ehe Presbytery :of Meitland on Jilly.12,
1886; and :the TJnited congregation was
named the Presbyterian Church, of
After a vacancy of almost a year,
during which Rev. H.: MeQuarrie '
Wingham Was interinemoderator of -
the,' united -session; the Rev. •.Angue
McKay .Was inducted into the con-
gregation on May 31, 1887. '
•, The congregation soon found that
greater.. accomodatiOn was: required,
for ,theit increasing ,Members. • •
On October, 17th; 1887 at the first „,
congregational meeting held after the
arrival of Rev. A. McKay the object "
of the meeting was stilted. by the.
cnairmen, Mr: P. H. Mackenzie; as
heing to discover the opinion of the
congregation in the Matter m
of ore '
church accornodatipn.
'At that meeting it was decided that
• neither' St. AndreWe or Knox' chureh
buildingseehe__rmnodelledebutet , ,
-new blinding be erected. To this. end
a committee was appointed to invest-
igate clinrch architecture, snitable
When- Goderich defeated Mitchell
last week 101to 2, in a Huron -Perth
league ball game, Fritzley and Gordon
Irwin shared the mound chores. Fritz
coasted along for 5, innings allewing
but four hits and two runs, Thep Ir-
win took °ler to limber up during the
last couple of innings of the twilight
fixture, pitching no -hit ball. The
Signal -Star, says: The evergreen Irwin
never looked better. He retired Miteh-
ell-in order in the sixth. In the seven-
th only four faced him. He fanned
three of these, one walking."
sponded to treatment mid Joe is now
• is as Well as can he ovectql. ' enjey• it as Well. of honour, . ,
^ • I on Y ea e y. .. 1 • •
Win. Holmes, 97, Former'Lucknow
• Produce Merchant, And Oldest
Canadian Veteran Presented To
• King And Queen At 'Port 'Arthur.
It appears now that the test' pf cat-
tle in Hilton County for T.B. restriet-
ed area purpdse may het be made in
MO; A letter received by j, C. Shear-
er, agricultural representative from -
W, 11. Golding, M.P., reporting on a
conferende he recently had with Hon.
J . Gardipeiewould, indicate that the
Work cannot be taken up tide year..
The substance of the letter is at
,folloWit Huron Comity'. wee establish-
ed a restricted area by order -in -
mimed of the Federal Government On
April 29, 1939. There ere nine counties
in the Province Of beta* that have
County iti which the initial test has
net beep coeducted: In •vieW therefore
of the large loltutie of Work toriffent-
itig the department it it not believed
that it will be possible to undertake
well the We to re tr the 'test in Hilton County during 1031)
William 5. Holmes, fOrmerly of
Lucknow wits presented to ,Their Maj-
esties, the King and Queen', upon their
visit at Pori Arthur. Mr, Holmes,.'
who Was' ninety-seven 'years of Age
lad week, is claimed to .be the oldest'
War veteran iii 'Canada, and undoubt-
edly it was .• a thrilling moment'
this aged gentleman, when he' was
introdueed 'to the .Royal visitors.
In spite cif his 97 years, Mr. Holmes,
retains all his faculties, and eontin-
nes to keep "abreast with the thries"
'and interested in the affairs of the
day. •
• Presented with her grandfather,
was ,Mies Jane Coulter.'
Mr. Holmesis one of the last eine
vivors of the Fenian Raids. He served
with the Huron County:militia in 1866
and was decorated by- the Federal
government, Which inedatiliejiiimidly
wore upon his recent presentation
to Their • Majesties.
Of Irishdecent, Mr. Holmes was
born at Holmeiville, Ont., on May
29th, 1843. t Upon his marriage to,
Alicia. Taylor of London in -1875, they
moved to Lucknow, where subse-
quently Mi. Holinee, established an
extensile business as a grain, apple
and produce dealer. Mrs. Holmes
died. in 1911. • • .1 .
For a number of years Mr. HolneeC
has resided at Port Arthur. In recent
years two of his family, 'Mrs. W. C.
Coulter of Port Arthur and William
Holmes of Detroit have paged away.
A.iii-A"Porg Arthur' and andll'a son, lit "'14V.
Holmes at Gerrie. °
, Mr. Holmes has niany friends in
Lucknow and on the ocCitaiori of his
birthday received greetings . from no
At a meeting iii -November of the
same year the committee reported
,two available sites—a lot oeined by
Mr. Geddes (presumably Wire Geddes)
on Campbell St., on which the Town
Hall and Public Lihrary now stand or
the present St. Andrews site 'between
Rose and Gough Sts., if a fronting
could be obtained on Havelock.
• The' latter site was chosen by the.
meeting. However at a later meeting
the question was re -opened and a
committee of seven was appointed
to choose a lot. In order that there
should be no friction it was specified -
that six of the seven members of the
committee should agree to -the' pur-
chase of the. lot chosen. As a result
of the work of this. Imimittee the
present church site was chosenand, ,
purchased. •
•' On October 8, .1888 at a congrega-
tienal meeting the building committee
of the dew church was chessen. . •
On June .3, 1889 after the eongre•
gation had Celebrated the Lord's Sup-
• per Prineipeil Cavell of Knox! College
laid the coiner • stone of the new
leas than twenty-four local peoPle. •
. The folloWinge was plaeed in the
cavity in the Cornerstone: ,
' • "205 inenibers are on the Commun.;
ion Ride 200eseliolars are enrolled in
the Sabbath School,• An ask:10,11e
Sabbath Seli6o1 existed on the 6th
corieession of Kilos s under the Teed-
ershin of Wm. Struthers and Wm.
•..,VSealsesilosn e: 14ers. •
"Rev. Angus MacKay, Moderator,
JI10. Areitheld; W. P. Patterson, 3fiA.
Baird, /no. IWirrdoch, Gee. Matheisore
Jno. Metiain, Geo. Middleton, WM.
Struthers, rind Wm., Valens. . ,
"The leicknOw Presbyterian time&
twits erected hi A.D. 1839, in the spnci
• Qneen Victoria; • Lord Stieley , being
Govettior.-General, the Et.' Hitti. Sir
Cno. A. MeeDoztald being Prime Min-
ister of Canada eittd the Hon. Oliver
(Continued. on Page Pour)