HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-09-07, Page 5WINGIIAN 'I'11IES, SEPTEMBER 7, 1900.
Do you wonder
that we're busy ?
How could we be otherwise when we are selling all
our summer goods at cost.
Pretty Muslins worth 15c and 2oc, selling at loc.
Yard wide prints 8e a yd'; Fast colored Prints 5c y'd,
Bargains in Whitewcar,
A large consignment of French Flannelettes to hand
this week.. Just the dandiest goods' at a small price
that you could possibly buy for Waists and Wrap-
pers. They conte in Polka Dots, Plaids, Checks
and nicely Flowered Patterns.
We have nothing old or shop worn to work off—re-
member that.
The busy store at the busy corner.
Button Block.
Western "air, La'.n ,,n.
SEEMBER 6 h to 15th, E SOU.
ries Clo
e September 5th.
What Wxdeawake Tunes Correspondents Qoirimuniotto the
Items Clipped Prow. Our Exolinnges,
glom S.
Jennie, the littly daughter of James
McCall, of Holyrood, lance Co„ died at
the home of Mr. kIcOa11'.i parents, itli
Uncap. Monday night Aug. 27th. She
haalliMen poorly for some time and fad- ,
ed away despite tt11 that con111 be done.
The mother 'lied a short time ago. Th
baby was 0 months and 27 days old.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Popo, of Wro:[oter,.
Sundayed with M. aud Mrs. D. W.
Miss Mabel Harland, of Clinton is
visiting at J. G. Fyre's, 1st line.
Tho most complete exhibits '. Farm, Forest and Factory. New and start-
ling special features.. Chariot rac by imported. Grey Hounds, Balloon Ascen-
sions, Double Parachute Drop by � and lady, celebrator. Gymnasts, Aerial
Artists and Acrobats. Firework each : ' ening. "The armoured train's attack on
the Boer stronghold," and many eautifu et devices.
Special trains over all line each evening a
Send. for Prize Lists and rrogrammes.
the fireworxs.
even•:w t" ,,:, co
t , 4���
Troubles Of A Minister.
To benefit others Rev. J. T. W. Ver -
mon of Hartwell, Ga., 'writes; "For
a long time I had a running sore on my
leg. I tried many remedies without
benefit, until I used a bottle of Eleotrio
Bitters; and a box of Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, which cured me sounclaud well."
Sores, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Tetter,
Salt Rheum show impure blood, Thou-
sands have found in Electric Bitters a
grand blood purifier that absolutely cures
these troubles. Satisfaction is guaran-
teed or money refunded by Coliu A.
Campbell, Large bottles only 50c.
Painting, alterations, improvements, finishing, cleaning,
renovating, all completed. We are now prepared to do busi-
ness in the very best stand in town. Our stock of Jewelry is
new, up-to-date and decidedly of the finest kind. Our optical
goods comprise everything known to the science. Couple
that with thorough and skilful workmanship and you have the
„-.strongest combination.
fiLulsw tLC.
Mr. Eli E1liottl junior tvho was
terribly scalded at the b explo
at the brick yard, is doing well.
doctors attending fully expect him to re-
Miss Bolla Burgess is • visiting at To-
ro o and Orono. •
Mr. John
"t1io Burgess,,
igh Audit
Canadiau 0il,r o Foresters, vent
to Brautford last week to attend the
quarterly audit, but was obliged to
turn home before his work was do
he was taken i11 with pleurisy. '
other auditor, Mr. Thomas W. Gibson, Stitiilor for elle lamb ]tilled by lightning
now director of the Bureau of Mines, is considered satisfactory and is hereby
W. H. Wightnrau andMolbnne Mc-
Dowell left for Goderich Monday, the
former to attend the Couuty Model
School and the latter to attend Goderieh
Westfield Foot -Ball team played a
game of Foot -Ball with the Dnugannon.
Stars at the Presbyterian social at An -
bora, ou Thursday evening. The gauze
was very interesting from start to finish
resulting in a tie. Score Ito 1, Auburn
were to lav had a game with Blyth F,
B. C., but the Blyth boys failed to put
in an appearance..
1VIr, J. T. Carter, who condin t, an ex-
tensive henuery in our villa., , lasts a
• t hielten three months old that is hying
harvest thanksgiving serwi^os will be
held its Trinity church on aunday, Sept.
Mr. 1;. Livingston has arranged to
have his electric light .plant in running
order again ',vithin.atxnonth,
Blyth Pair will be held on Tuesday
and Wedneetay, Oot. Seth itncl 10th, Tho
direetOrs have avoided to erect a grand
stand in the Agricultural Park,
Last Stuuda.y evening Rev. W. Harvey
Grant, 13..A.•, late of Hon:tu, China, co,:
cul iesl the pnli4t of St. A.uch'ew's church,
He gave a full amount of the work be.
ing done then' by the mission with
which he is couiaeuted as well as a c(tiit-
prehousive description of the national
complications at present misting in that
country. IIs was listened to uy a large
and appreciative audience,.
He, Head A)rlght.
"Large sores covered the head and
face of our child," writes C. D, Isbill, of
Morganton, Tenn., ('that no treatment
helped till we used Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, which quickly cured her." Iu-
fallible in Eruptions, Bruises, Accidents
and Piles. Cure guaranteed.. Only 253.
at Colin A. Campbell's drag store.
Tho tlireotors of the Culross Mutual
Fire Insurance Co , inet in the Town
Hall, Toeswater ou Aug. 25th, 1000;, all
members present ; the President m the
chair; minutes of previous meeting read
and confirmed.
Donaldson—Scott— That the request
of the Trustees of S. S. No, 7, Culross to
erect a new school house near where the
old one stands be granted by observing
clue care while doing so. -Carried.
Donaldson—Scott— That all applica-
tions for insurance taken by the agents
since last meeting bo laid before the
Board for examination.—Carried.
as •
Reid—Scott—That the claim of Ignatz
ee[n'tk.ry, De ,eitssil hall
w:trua friends in b1's un and her
tura is sadly r carr tted by her eat
aoivaintanee, Maty Orr Wa, ,'bor4
Loudon on :'January ilei, 18a4 ad its
that place was united in marriage 'w,
lUr. David. T, win on May i,tl„ 1878. Of
this union six ehildr a were burn, all of
whom are linin
A., .of Battle
Creek; De. W..1' ., of Howell; hail E.,
Arthur J.. Fred, W, and Auua.lr.'no, of
this city. Deceased is the first of far
family of four sisters and one brother to
be oailed a Noy by death. The parents,
Mr. and. Mrs. 1i,obert Orr, of London,
are also still living. She was. at faithfat
and, devoted wife and mother aud en-
deared herself' to all with 'whom she
became acquainted, Mrs. J. P. Graham:,
of Saginaw; Mrs. John Scaudrott, of'
Belgravo; Mrs, Shane, of islyth, and.
Joins Orr, of London,. sisters and brother
of the cleocassed, wore all prasout at the
be home of Mr. J, 11I:Clonaghau
was the scene of a pretty and gale
wedding ou Wednesday, September 5th,
when bliss Mary, his eldest daughter
was married to R. J. Dobie,: hardware
merchant of this place, The eeremciuy-
was performed by Rev. A. I. I3roe'u.
The bride was beautifully attired in a
cream cashmere, prettily trimmed with
satin aud chiffon. The young couple
were uuatten•led and 1sft ou the 0.00 a.
m. train on Thursday for a trip to To -
alts, Cleveland and
Ti:,ras extends ecn-
fhiishecl tho world. Mr. Burgess is re-
Mrs. John McCracken, of the Blue -
vale road, was visiting relatives in Brus-
sels, last Week.
111r. Herbert H. Burgess, of Owen
Sound, visited the King family last
Miss Hattie Hodder, of Chicago, re-
turned to her home last week after a
visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Simeon
Hodder, of Morris.
,2iss Max Flueker and Mr David.
GOD a �:r,,.
,' A
r r. .i.IC
Tuesday and SE;
Prize List Aggregates $2,00
Only 2 Days, but they will both be
No Waste Time.
Everything begins at one o'clock on
M y
Hall, both of Blucvale, were married by
Rev. C. Lake at the parsonage, Wrox-
eter, on August 23rd.
Mrs. J. J. ]Messer and daughter, Mar-
garet, returned. to Hamilton, last Satur-
Miss Aggie Smillie and Miss Alice
Duff are attending Goderich Model
Mrs. 'Alexander MoNevin, of Seaforth
was visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Messer
last week.
Mrs. John Hall has been very ill.
Miss Aggie Herbert has recoveredfrom
the injuries she received while wheeling
a few weeks ago.
Mrs. Wesley Thornton, of Detroit, is
visiting at Mr. William Sellars'.
Mr. James Burgess got second prize
for the oheeso he exhibited at Toronto
Fair. Second prize is thirty dollars. •
Judge Masson will hold Court of Re-
vision for Turnborry Voters" list in the
Foresters' hall, Bluevale, epi September
Mr. Louis Blake Duff arrived hone
after a short visit to London, England,
on Saturday.
Fred Waxman spent Labor Day in
The choir of the Methodist church
here assisted with the progranimo at the
Methodist church tea -meeting, at Wrox-
eter, on Monday night.
Many of the wells in this neighborhood
are dry. Some farmers have to drive
their cattle to the river for water.
A disease effecting the oyes is going
the rounds of the dogs. Whatever it is it
takes the spirits out of the clogs and
loaves a bald ring around each eye giv-
ing them a look of an owl.
ronto, Niagara
other places. ' .ro
gr ulations. •
Another pretty event took place Mon-
dayevening at 7 o'cloe.k tit the residence
of Mr. Thomas Foster on Young , street,
it beiug the marriage of his niece, Miss
Minnie Wellwood to Mr. John Holmes,
a prominent young' farmer of Z1 flite
church. Rev. John Gilpin p lrfur moil
rho ceremony in the presence rel itI c6
and personal friends. The bride looped
charming. She was d:esse1 is white
organdie, and wore natural flowers. I
uncle, Mr. George Foster, gave irk a-
way. Atter the ceremony a wedding
supper was served and the evening picns-
antly spent. The happy coupls left ou
Tuesday morning for Toronto; Niagara
Falls aud other places, where they will
spend a short honeymoon, and will re-
turn home Saturday. They will take up
residence onllir. Holmes' fart at 'White-
church. Preseuts were =Moroni. and
costly, which showed the high esteoiniu
which the bride is held.. Tho Tribune
joins their many other friends in extend-
ing congratulations.—:I; rristan Tri-
ordered to bo paid.—Carried.
Donaldson—Ballagh—That having ex-
amined the applications taken by the
different agents and. find thein satis-
factory the President and Secretary are
instructed to prepare and issue policies
for the same.—Carried. •
Ballagh—McDonald That this Board
do now adjourn to meet again ea the last
Saturday of Sept., at 2 p. m. or at the
call of the President.—Carried.
D. Molxrosn, Sets'y .
The Leading County Fair of West- Tho Best Speeding Programme
ern' Ontario, held in the healthiest offered in the County.
and Prettiest Town in Canada.
It has the Finest Fruit Display in
• Ontario.
No other County Fait has so good
a Track, or such well arranged and
Commodious Grounds and Buildings.
]Music each day by the famous
Goderieh Marine Band.
Entries (except for speeding) close Sept 15th. Drop a carol for a Prize List.
The Great Farmers' Trot or Pace.
Prizes $30, x;20, $15 and $10.
2.20 Pace aud 2.10 Trot, Prizes $175.00.
2.80 Pace and 2.26 Trot, Prizes $150.00.
2,45 Pace and'2,42 Trot, Prizes $100,00.
0 0
0 0 0
Sider Shoe Polish
Many men use poor dressing on their shoes and when the shoe suffers
as a result, blame tho thee inetead of the vandal polish.
s '
Slater Shoe IyoliNh Is made to
protect ' ` Slater Shoes," keeps the
4 leather soft, pliable, healthy; pre -
vents cracking and insures catia-
factory shoe service; equally good
for ladies' and children's shoec.
Every bottle conttins a coupon
goo,. for 5 cents, en tite price of
'• 61ater Whoa. " Price '2:sterns
11 per battle. and .t'o worth it.
e1sCet a tOgy of "taltheriood,er
,,,i)a booklet telling Wahl -510y.
For Salo Duly ill 1 GREER1
The Stratford Witter Supply Co.
punaped28,712,840 gallons during the
month of August, an average of 020,-
20 gallons daily.
" fix{' .the Neil
On the E'elet+'
f1 you have eruptions, pains an the
head Or kidneys, stomach trouble and
feelings of auearincss, "Mt the nail Ott
the head." Hood's. Sarsapartfln Is the
hammer to use. 11 grant purify your blood.
the masses praise it for doing this and
making the avaiole body healthy.
• Sick Headaches -"1 'was troubled
kaalfai sltk headaches, 1 took Hood's Sar'-
sapari(ta, my husband having been carat
of silt taaeutn by 11, and soon it made the
feel like a nem/ 'woman." x Vlrs, 1?obcrf
McAfee, Deerhursl, Ont.
Senteneed To Death.
Blown to Ato.ns.
The old idea that the body sometimes
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative
pill hes bion exlaloded; for Dr. King's
New Life Pills, which are perfectly
lila rules.., ;>eetly stimal ., Hear and
ow o,stoexpApuisouons •:•se
the »sstunt :t i•. .ruse' t ,,
stipation seta She; He, . . • a = . gat
at Celia A. Ca"ilabail'N ...a
"You are in the last stages. • of Con-
sumption and cannot live mere than a
month," were the words of doom heard
by Mrs. Rosa Richardson, • of Laurel
Springs, N. C., from her doctors, "but
she began to use Dr. King's New Dis-
covery" writes R, L. Daughtou, of that
place, "and was wholly cured by it.
She is now a stout, well women." It's
the supremo cure for desperate dieases
of throat and lungs. Infallible cure for
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Croup, Whooping Cough. Guaranteed
bottles 50c. and $1.60. Trial bottles free
at Colin A. Campbell's drug store.
Mr, Toni Fotheringhta:n, of Walker-
ton, renewed old.acquaintanees iu town
o:i Sunday and Monday of this wee.;.
Miss Maggie James has returnees from
a six weeks' viriit with Allendale friends.
The Division Court was held in the
Towztship Hall en Tuesriay, .fudge
Doyle presiding. Thi leg al frit.traity
wet rep^eseated b • B trris-eri .D -olio
son and "6tanstone of 'W ughani, ?3petton
of Harristou and Irwin of Goirio,
Miss Jessie MoLaughliu.has returned
fern an estencled visit wvitii Tri.+wuls east
of Toronto.
Mr, Joe Eaton, of Conn, visited friends
in G)rriehisG've�,:.
Miss E lith Beaus is visiting in. Detroit,
Miss Bennett, of Blyth was alio guest
of her c aisle., Miss 3a 'tree Mama last
Mr. D. Robb, Public Scheel Inspector
of Brussels, is in this vieiuity this 'week.
Miss May Jaynes who lists beeat visit-
ing her sister iu'Orillia for the pint fot}r
months returned home on Tiescu:y. .
A largo crowd took in the sp ,rts on
Libor DJy. Evarythaas passed. o 1' sue-
I'Iiss Etta Cuinaner spent Sunday with
her friend,' Miss Lily Tate.
We are sorry to ie to t the e,erioes ill-
uess of lir. P. Arle:rvorth, who 'Ives
just south of the -tillage, but we hope
he will seen be convalescent.
The shower of rain ou Labor Day
ntoruiug weut against the demonstration
here. The base ball game in the morn-
ing between the Gerrie aucl Fordwich
juniors resulted in a tie—six runs each.
The next game between the Fordwich
and Wroxeter seniors was a curse. exeit-
ing game. Wroxeter won out by one
run aud an inning. After dinner Clifford
and Gerrie teams p'.aye i a one-si led
game, the former winning by a score of
twenty-six ruus to one. Tho victors of
the two previous matches then played
oft far ra prize, which Wroxeter wan by
a score us: fourteen to twelve. The clos-
ing exercises of the day's sp ,rts wag the
foot ball match between Listowel and
Brussels, which the former w.;n by a
score of two goals to one.
.after an illness of about four weeks
Miss Mary Aim Hay, the third slaughter
of the late RobertHay, died at her home
in Listowel on Sunday morning, Aug 26.
She was first affected with spinal imen-
ingetis and on the Tuesday before her
death paralysis set in ou the left side
which prevented her. taking any nour-
ishment and she gradually lost her
strength. After the death of her father
and three young sisters at the trine of
the severe epidemic of typhoid in the
village some 40 years ago, Miss Hay
lived with her mother uutil her death in
1888, since which time she has kept
house by herself, her home being a fav-
orite resort of her many relatives in
town. Out of her father's family four
brothors and three sisters survive and
are living in Listowel except Mr. D. D.
Hay who lives in 'Stratford, and Robert
Hay of Owossa, Mich. The funeral was
The Listowel Chair Factory Company,
a partnership consisting of the 1.'orbes
Bros. of that town, made an assignment
on Tuesday of last week to 11ir, Samuel
Bricker, one of their local creditors,
They were handicapped from the first
by a want of sufficient ctipital, as welt
as by a lack of experience in the trade.
A .complete list of their liabilities is not
available, but it will amount up all total
to about :t, 4,700. Of this° about $250 i
made up of wages. About $1,70011 00.1:1 ow -
a sn
, tvever,Pisappoint9 .'
Tho Liberals have appealed to add the
names of about 20 persons to tho Voters'
Asti and make a few other miner changes.
The Conservative appeals number three.
Misses Mabel Mason and Isla Reid and:
Messrs John Elliott, Nath. Johnston raid
Wm. Auderson ware in Toronto attend-
ing the fair this week.
Mrs. Jas. Parker is at present confined
to bed with a ;light stroke t.f paralysis.
Miss M. Lind, of Lower Wingham,
spent ' Sllnclay with her cousin, Miss
Messrs. J. and R. Currie Sunclaye3
with friends near Marnoch.
Miss Carrie McGee and. Miss Maggie
Wellwood are attending the fair this
week in Toronto..
The Misses Winters and Mr. Will Mc-
Murray of Morris spent Sunday at Mr.
Peter King's.
The anniversary services of the Brick
Methodist church on Sunday last were
largely attended. Rev. Shaw preaching
morning and evening. A good program
was very creditably rendered consisting
of 'speeches by Revs. Brown, Braudon,
HaIl,Shawv aud Brown, which coat tined
good solid thought and some very help-
ful points. Recitations were given by
Misses Wellwood, McGee, Reid, Walk-
er, aud Patterson. Music was furnish-
ed by the Methodist and Presbyterian
choirs and by Mr. A. Goodhew.
Mr. and Mrs. Constable, Mr. Young
and Miss Wade spent Sunday with
friends on the 10th.
Mr. D. Beicraft left fcr St Thomas on
Mr. James Blackbrough; who is visit-
ing hexa from Anaconda, Montana, has
purchased MrS. Jolla White's 100 -acre
farm. Tot 4`a Opal, for $3,000.
Lig for inaehitiery upon ww hich. tut au-
tifacturers and dealers from whom
they were pttrelutsed hold liens es se-
curity. They owt'e ntiottt .$1,403 to banks
and private individuals in the town in
the form of notes, the most of which is
secured by an endorsement. The asset
consist entirely of the building, plant
and machinery and goods on hand. It
would bo difficult to place a cash value
upon these assets hut taking them at in-
voiced price they amount to botwveen
$4,500 and ;4,000.
Mr. Robert O'Hara, Mastery in Chan
eery its Chatham, is oa4.
Children Ory ir6e c:ASIOi• A rr
Mrs. Ann Stitt, who at -one time to-
silolL near Auburn, died in Listowel on
I!'ridtty last acid was iuterred in Burl s
o snietery, Hallett, on Monday after Icon,
She was 87 years of it1;.s.
Robert Milne has sod his100-a
farai,lot 411 0011, 2, to Mr. ...fames u. 11 -
well, of Ilullett, for i55t . Mr. r';s
Well's seta sets, Rob trt, lc t4 wtu Rased the
adjoining 100 -erre lam from Mr:
°har.es Stewart for $40110
iYY.i.rxt.wr• t..
li'rom. the nit to. R+nnwrli(^t t w.t tape
e following with referene • to the
death of ,Mrs. Dev>(d Erwwlu '",`.';+
-"After months of itis;ns.'
Mrs. D, Erwvi1t passel fro n th's life last
Sunday at Mapl i Rapids, where she was
taken: for treatment several weeks ago.
The reimtitis were 1 rottght to her home
in this city on Monday The funeral
services wets hell Oa Wednesday, cony
dticto l by' Vie L. O. T, M. of Leslie of
which deeeasei was a iiiember,and the
teiiittins laid at tett its Maple Greve
The Department of A4ric:tltuee has
decided to issue a di,•eotery of ta, Can-
adian breeders of live steak.
Dr. Bryce, proviaclat health inspec-
tor, discussing the oatbrealt of the
plague iu Glasgow, whim has closed
trade connection with Centala by way
of Montreal, expressed the view that
the disesae may possible iavado some
of the coast cities of the United States,
although the danger to the Ct nadiau
Atliutie ports is not so great.
Get TIn
Get fat; get nice and plump;
there is safety in plumpness.,
Summer has tried your
food -works; winter is coming
to try your breath -mill. Fall
is the time to brace yourself.
But weather is tricky; look
out ! Look out for colds espec-
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is • the subtlest of
helps. It is food, the easiest
food in the world; it is more
than food ; it helps you digest
your food, a,nd get more riutri-
znent from it.
Don't get thin, there
safety plumpness. Mar:
woman and child.
I[yett hst+ehottriectt It, teeu s
d tat free p
its 'agreeable taste wits sarl+riea tt.
ltd O `7` 1', IIt7WN1t,
',$ori. slaves $t,00;..a11 drool*