HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-05-18, Page 1$200 YEAE—Ivil- ADVANPE,--50c EXTRA TO U: S.: A.
Lucknow Ont., Thursday May 18th, 1939
‘ree •
Next Wednesday, .May 24th, is. a.
iiubilc holiday 4114 one
• which inter-
feres.with the, publiehiag, of the 'Seri."
Advertisers are finked to have
• :their :eopY in on Monday and all
contributed neevs fermi, required
as early .as possible, Rural ,riewii bud-
gets must be in not later than by
Tuesday's afteention mali service, :se
they. may be set that evening, in Melee
that the Paper May be published -as
early as possible Thursday morning.
:: •
, _ ' SeesIDRAW Hi llAtitILTON
We regret tatenort•tins„Week the
death', of Andrew, Hamilton rif the
-Eighth :Goriceesion of Kinneeie -On
4eassed away Suddenly On Thursday;
:May 11, Although not in the besesof
heelth, Mr. Hamilton was going a-
bout is usual, and death- came sud-
denly, following a heart attack
Mi. He-miltS n ivas the Ran Of Role
ert Hamiltoni
: and Sarah Humphries.
His aged father, now resident in Man-
itoba.survives him :lits 40his eiss,
tee; s Thomas Harper (Mary),
,Mre. James. Bualiy• (Entine) and Mre,
Thomas "Brandoe (Millie): all three of,
whom live in Manitoba. One brothel*
Robert,. fe.sides in Wingham. Be,
. •
sides. his 'fatbers,sisters and brethers,
he leaves behind, his widow and two•
ileuightere; :Gertrade :and Blanche.. A
"brother, Joseph and: an infant son,
piedeCeased hint
eSiece he wae it lad of sixteen,. Mr.
Hainiltori• has lived near Holyreod
ene .for thirty-five Years en his farm.
from evhich funeral services were con-
ducted on Saturday 'afterrioon.. The
pee _ere ,„el,„ vanes" agree-Of:We'
Douglas Meet/fine:nide Only ehild ef
:Mr.. and' Mrs. Giant Mielliarmids of
Paramount, "teas inetaiitly killed when,
eke rade' 'bicycle put of a la:newest
into the :Path. of .yregtbohnd: car.
•'drieete by Dennis Hogan; of Ashfield,
last Thursday evening anent 8.30
• o'clock.,
These are the, gehia facts of a
:tragedy that priuffecle Otit' the . life
yrnglal, the plide Mid
. ley of the home. apd around whom.
Were. ,centred .the ilteains and am,:'
• .bitioris of mother and, dad: •Douglas
was within two zininehs of his tenth
birthday. .
. •
:.DOuglas' • eneirnely death ihrought,
torrc•w throughout a Wide iirea,: and
the evidences of profound symeethe.
• for: the ,heart broken parents, reached
• their zenith on Sunday.,, -when huice•
lelreds Upon hundreds: gathered for
„the funeral service; :h'eki,et the home.
• and coed -acted, :sympatheticallY erid
•':comfortingly s by Rev.. R. ',C. • Todd,
° assisted by. Rev, J, CaNieholeon of
Pine• River: • : • • ..„
It was Mother's Day, and as moth- it Ilcilyrood: Sunday, May 7th.
ers' throughout the 'lend ,were .honoe- Miss Pierce, one of. a family Of
ed, beetled' mother, and his father, eleven Children, was 'daughter of
knew only the sorrow of t011owitig the.. the late Henry and Frances' Pierce:
• remains of, their son' to ,Gteeehill
She Wee: born on the Siirth -Coeeess-
: Cemetery, where the little::white cask- •ion of Kinloss on the homestead •
et was leweeed to, its last resting
• where k two 'brothers' and her -sister.
:place, While rain gently fell to mingle
with the tears that unashamedly flow, Jennie reside:, •
Her parents irielater years, retired
• .• ed down inany cheek. • • . ed to Helyrood, Where Mise Pierce
The 'pallbearers were ; Rityinond hal ernad'e -her home for more than
„ 'Rich:Melee Cameron Cook, , Bon Me- a quartet of ; century,. since -eeturn-
- Intosh erid jack MacKenzie, int from the Vest where she resided,
. • school boys and Mein:here. of Dime- foe some time. Hee mother and father
las' Sunday Sellueel Pleas acted as
predeceased her eleven and ten years
nearer' eeireee, to - cari•Y the inFiy% Ago. respeCtively, and since then NUS
many 'total teibutes that fuither em- Piece has resided alone at Heletrodd,
Phaeized the sympathy that goes out to leave. .her own: heirie,
to Mr .and Mrs. MiteDiataiidethe aged where she 'found leech 'enjoythent in
grandfather,. Mr. •Alex ; MacDiarmid• he; 'garden and :flowers and plants.
eltideother immediate relatives. '. The funeral;* service. was held at
Head Injury Caused Death " hee home on Tuesday, May 9th, 'con -
It was ,bicyCle; which Doug- ducted by Rev ..% C. Todd. Internient
Teen. Majesties -a neW, stanip •issue
New. Stamp Issue ,
Iu keePingevith the royal -visit of
i• has been receleied at the local poet
,Mre And MP. EdeVard Palter •
Hen-, office:The' one -cent stamps beer the
. , . . . .. , . ,
ored ley Family , And Friends On pictures of the two firiyal 'Princesss;
" • Their: lilortiein Wedding Anniver- the two's have the pictureofe the
sitty.- ,„ . ae. : - s: ' , e e s. i
*National . Memerial , at Connaught
' 7 , .. .,e__,_•..e. :', ' , ,
Place, Ottawa; tiit',Iie Unveiled by the
. kr., and Mre. Edward Dexter Of King during his visit to the capital,
the Para -mutt district west of Luck- and the three's Areeadorned with the
now Weees • honored • by their family, portrait of the King And Queen.
and fi-iends: on Tuesday evening on k -
the. occasions .of their fortieth wed-
ding anniversary. After the awes:
entation and toasts t� the , bride and
groom 'of two • score: years ego, a
bountiful dapper -was. -served, •the ,
gathering including some close neigh:-
bours., In the ' evening Many friend
„called to extend beet wishes for con-
tinued health and happiness,
• Mr. -and Mrs.: Dexter Were mar
ried in Bkegnese in .Lincolnshire Eng
Med in 1899. Tothe union were boin
three children; 1V1re, I. „Ensign,- God-
•erich, Mrs. ILRobirison, Holyroon
and Welter at hente. '
Mr.. Dexter for. fifty years., has
worked arhis' trade as blacksmith,
• s
which ..he ..commenced at the age ef
+6, -ea 4eiestseeeen sex ey---asee -e.:'eatesesse
• A special attraction next Monday,
Tuesday, -and 'Wednesday b r ins
"Sweethearts" to the Lyceum Theatre
screen at Wingham, Thi e great mus-
ical in niagnitcent- technicoler atars
Jeanette .MacDoriald• and Nelson
• Eddy. • iRemerriber, its the first of
emit 'week. .
It's less, than a weekeaway—The
Clensmenese .May ‘Tanehdree.:
Next Wedneschses evening, gay .24th
• •,_
,eTernes Leslie gar, , ormer y
of Saskatoon, died :in 'hospital in
-Edmonton Tuesday of last week: The:
is date, tlie,arena's,the :and
the first big act coinmences at 30
Admission to the arena id free, and
with three sensational agrobatk acts,
as the feature attraction; there is
event-- indigation that the (bnilding
will he filled• to. the cloors. •
• These ':isets. include performanees
on the horizontal here, en the •revole
ving,ladder and •on, the Roman rings
and trapeze,' by Canadian- Vaedeville
Eiechange pertiees. These are aces that
are "seen" entirely, so that no part
ef, this unusual eneertainreent be
iniased hy anyone within the arena.'
• The Clansmen's Ponidar • carnival
games will be in full swing.
.gamea are ' Popularly • priced! at a
• niekel, ' With. 'the •puetiomary quality
and eiiseful 'prizes.
There. will be jitney dancing to
music hy.11ecCartnee'a orchestra and
if the weather, favorable this will
ireeiy-teke eieof steeetedavase.
in front of the arena.
lielpful.inspiring serviceeduring vvhich ,. bah Waiii-iiCift rirSatoOri "int Imre'
most • of which.. was. „serviel
Mr. BOA. McaDenald sang "The End sieeship, ial. Mr.' Agar was a son of the lite
without wages. He can still expertly .
a the Read", The fyinpatliy of james Agar Of . Belfast..
friends was. evidenced by the beaut-
ifulfloral trihutes, Which, helped ti,
soften* ibe less Of a: most kindly hue-
„ . . .
Band and iathee. . . ' .. •
• eThe remains' were inteited In Kin-.
loss'_Cernetery. Thel'pallbeerere were
his brother &keit and his brothers -
Melee', Messrs. Jainess .John, Dave,
Fred arid Mark Johnstot. •!
Ili but A few days with ppeuniOnia,
a 'development CV the 'flu, death
ewing a efiere,pound her/niter, and ha
never: seen the horse he could no'
• Tbey.caine to tallada' in 1913, Mr.
Dexter working at .•hs . trade for. :a
year at INoith, Bey, befere Coming
to this district Where he took over
Gorden'e 'short it • the Ripley road
• corner...Later he took till farming,
but 'still centinues to ply his trade
as well. 'Mr. and •Mrs. Dexter -ere
•Well ,eatiefied with e.Canada, havirig.
started here' evith.yery. little and by
came to 'Elizabeth Pierce at her home :hard evoik and courage are now. in
very conifortable. cireamstanceme ,
• The following address was reed
from the family:
Dear, Mother and Dad;
•et is, with very great plea:Auk we,
-your Children and grandchildren' have
gatheed• here ,to observe with you,
nue fortieth wedding., anniversaty.,
Our earnest wish is that your futare
lives will he happy and•well: hiessed
and that these chairs will eVer be a
• pleasant remembrance of this day.
:And God bless you both. s'•
Signed; The Family
A eon, George: Agar, played diming
the parst• hockey season for Edmonton
Athletic Club Roamers, Dominion jun-
ior finalists. ' '• •
Surviving are his wife; one &ugh.
ter, Mrs. A. 0.Brownof Saskatoon;
two sons, Allen and George of Ed-
monton; a dieter, Mrs. J. Seedy of
Saskatoon, and a brother, ,Charles,
of Siesicanion, '
• Page three. of -this issue is,•deqoted
to pictures of the Royal family, and
feature articles' of: paeticalar inter-
est at..thie time (when Canada ..is in
readiness to accord a ,royal welcome
to Their Majesties.
las had had only a short tiine, that
was in Greerihill :CeMetery.-
carried him to his death. .bouglaii Surviting are 'five brothers and
• wad playing -with some 'School chums theeesseistemeasaars e•
-•, et the home of Mr; Jack McIntosh, Thomas and: Jim of Reston, Man.;
and . in racing them to the road on 'Alex, • Noble,- and Jennie of Kinloss;
- the wheel, shot 'acmes -in front of _
Mrs. Will McLean (Bertha) ,of Saslc-
atcheyean and Mrs. George Harrison
the weetbotend car
• : The .left feridee s
showed the result of the inIL. (Alice). of Huron TownshiP, • ,
ss .. .. pact, which shattered the boy's /' A :brother William A. died 'twenty -
leg and hurled • him into the ditch. th2, _
ree Years 'ego, and a brother, Ed -
to receive, severe head injueiee that ward passed away in the West, just • ,
caused practically instant death- Pier week§ Pievious to the death of ACT • ORDERS BOOST
Receive D. D. G. M. •
„Last Thursday evening; Old Light
Lodge A.F. * A.M., received or.
Bro. R. -W. ,N. Wade, District Deputy
Grand Master, on his official visit
to -the local ledge. This special meet,-
ing with the edual banquet
and toast list, presided oyer by Neil
MacLennan, Nir.M.„,
The sudden (leatii:•Of. Mrs. Alfred
Sherwood, •Iaet Feidey :eerie?* sadly
"bereitved hersituslearel and two dangle
eers, 1Vii1'dree. age 1:8 -arid Ruby age.
le, years. ,,edesi, -Sherwood was fortye
eight years of age, and Within three
weeks, On June • 3rd, ; she and *b.,.
'Sherwood would: have celebeated their
Ltiventsafifeli 'wedding anniversary. •
•Mrs. Sherwood had not been enjoy-
ing the best a health for a time.bu•t
wae able to be 'a•bout .and on the
preeieue Siinday had attended chnien
iri Lucknow. Laying down to rest.
Friday afternoon, ebe, soon after suf-
fered a severe paralytic eeizilee that
left her 5peeih1esss, -eied ralkilY, her
• 'strength failed until' she peeped away
that eveinpg about ten 0'0°4. '
, Mrs. 'Sherwood wal2fOrineily Mary
Hunter, a daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hunter. She was
horn.- en :the 12th of • Asbfieldi and
since her marriage has resided on the
eetb concession, to form a wide 'circle
of friends wnese. Synepathy goes .out
to the fannies, ie 'their loss of a 'good
Wife •and devoted /nether.
9114 fienereij. service. Was ceriducted
'at• her home on Monday -by her
pe.stoei Rev. C. 11., MacDoriad. Inter-
ment wa..e. in Greenhill ,Cemeterye
7pallbeerers. were James Henry, Wm_
Meceoptie, Alex Hackett, Tom Twain;
ley, °Clifford Hackettand JackMc-
nf.t.iipteg.w, h;Flower-beer:era • pine
• Besides the: bereaved . family!' two
brothers, and three sisters CUrvi4e• ,
Ceprge' Jacob of Ash-
field; Mrs. Jas T. Lyons �f West
Wewenosb. and. Mrs: Win. Huniphrey
of West: Wawanosh• and Mk,' Henry
• Gerdirier of Ashfield. Two slaters and
a brother predeceesed•.Mes.Bliernsied7
Death came suddenly early We
nesday morning to Louis Grant of:
St. lielens;evelien he iplfered a.heart '
ettiteke He was his 75th year It
waaea iheeking diseeeveine for . hie .
aged* wife to• find; he had: peesel atiay. •
Mr. Grant,_ has not serijnyed, geod
health Once slaffering a fractured
hip a few menthe -no. The funeral '
service will -be held- teem his late
residence on Vriday at ..two, o'clock
with ietennent in Greenhill Cernet,
. . '
. The helm -of Mr, and Mts.. W..M.
Graham; Wingleame• (nee Marjorie
Hendersen), waii. the scene 'of in in-
teresting surprise Party Friday night
when representatives of the Bell Tele•
phone Company's District 'branches,
gathered to boner them :�n the oc,
casimi Of ,their • recent Marriage.;
There were 36 present • .
Dating the early Part of the oven-
. .
itig cards and 'Chinese checkers were
enjoyed by the guests after whieh
the ladies of the 'company seised :
lunch. • • ,•
At the appropriate time an address
• of •felicitation and ,best Wishee for
their future” happiness . Was tendered
Mr, and Mrs, Graham by J. M. Mc-
Intosh, district ,manager,.:Stratfoid.
and the pretentation,iif a' handsome
chime click to the' popular couple
Was Made by -J. 11, McKinnon, Strate
Due to Their Majesties being in
Stratford on_Jnnee,'nth, the annual.
Convention of ..Schciol7rustees and
Ratepayers of fleece wll be held hi
Lucknow Town Hill, Friday after-
noon June 2nd. ',fleets, will be 'time
for discussion of subjects related to
matters oreducation, froin the stand'
point of paiente and triAteee.
is sister.
Mother's Day services' were obser-
ved in the local churches. en Sunday
morning, when . mothers were fitting,
• ly honoured and remembered on this,
• their day. ,
• Douglas Lorne Gibson, Who is, men-
tioeed as the winner of; one of the
$750 scholarships offered be Can-
ada's research council, is the second.
son of L. A. Gibson; 301 Beverley
street,. Manitoba't dairy commission. -
ere Ite is a purely Manitoba product,
secering all his early trending in Win-
eipeg sehoole and speriding many hol-
iday months: in local creameries. He
early showed his bent fef dike re-
search. 1In19S5 he ,received his B.S.A:
degree fteni Manitoba University.
having seiajored in: dairy research;
the years 1966 and 1937 lie spent at
Minnesota university, working for his
iriaster's degree, again specializing
• Mothers comprised the enoirs in
the United and Presbyterian 'church,
* and in the latter eerie a, quartette•,
; •Inumbei Wes:sting isy bits: Min., Mac-
' ,Kenzie, Mrs. C. H. MacDonald, Mrs.
Jeinee Sipith and Mk. IL T. Denims;
The esiesdial cpeeent's day' leaflet
program Weis' -follOwed at Sunday
School in 'the morning in. the 1.1nitecl
Church, when Rev. R. C: Todd, bapte
ized William, Beverley McNay, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Melslay. and• •
Eunice :Alberta 13utton, daughter. of
:Mr. and Mee, Jack" Button.:
At. the evening service, Mr: Sear,
a young .ordiimet, spoke on foreign
neismone and the need in this regard
• ;
M carrying rin the work. '
TZ,A,14.11,111eati 1. lons pat
Warden's Committee Of Bruce County
• I Has Inspected Lay -Out For School
Children To See Their Majesties
Ofl Mune 6 -It Is Exceptionally
!Good They Say-s-Reserwas published, results in,the
vatien 'Being issue
Made For Local Children—Will
Pipe Band leis:Meg out :on the
By Special proposed trip to London for Their
. •Maiesties visit.. ,
at et
private citizens,. to be in BY LARGE • AUDIENCE !
a meeting the Business Men's as
. •
• °A 'change in arrangements, on the
part of the London.Veterans, of which
we .. were not aware when our last
• Mks. R. G. Ellis, Who many years
• ago seias a• resident of Luckriow, and •
who is •a greaesaunt: of Mrs.. Henry
Horton of Ashfield,, recalls former
, •
visits of Royalty to Canada, as Their
Majeetiee Cenimenceethis 4eek..a 'beer
Of Canada which unquestionably will.
be the greatest . of all viicite.
Mrs. Ellis, reridorti
with her son Geerge,. was one haul
'deed years Old, on April 6th; and at-
tributes her lOng lifeeto hard work
and plain living.• •
The first royal 'Visit she recasts
nearly eighty years ago, was that Of
Ham sPrince of Wales . afterwards •
King Edward -V0,witii whom she
ebOok hands, and ,to whom her little
daughtere(now Mrs. L. Boristell Of
Toronto) preseptedli. bouquet Of, flow- '
ers. This wasat Poet Hope.
Xis.: Ellis 'next greeted eRoyalty
at North Bay upon the tour of the
Duke' and the Duchess of York, later
King George Vand Queen Mary.:
Mrs, Ellis also recall having seen .
the Duke of Windsor at Toronto and
Mrs. E/lis' proud beast iiethat there
isn't • :thing. in the home or en the
farm -,--either man'sor .woman's work,
that she has not 'done in her time.
Among. the ,farm duties she has per -
:formed she Mentiened; ploughing;
sowing, reaping, haying, cutting logs,
digging postholes, sheeting; carding.
weaving and spinning, tanning and,
syrup making -Swing fashions never I
bothered eue. oVee made What we
wore," she _said, • •
The centenarian is e daughter -
.the late Mr. and Mrs. • john James,
and Was cheistened "AlVira", Mrs;
Ellis has lived 'at Meetly places; in-
cluding Quebec, Port Hope„ Neyetee-
ville, Lucknow, and North, Bay: At
the age of nineteen 'elle Married Rob- _
ert Ellis, son of • Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Ellis of Wales. The ceremony was
solemnized ermanvillee
The investigation into the tragedy
that claimed the life of Doegias Maas
Diaresid, resulted in De. We H. Car-
son of Souehampton, chief- coroner'
of the County of Bruce, deeiding that
the circanistances. were 'purely ac-
cidental and that no inquest Week! be
held, ,
„Dee:nes-Hogan was drieine the car,
and was acconipanied by Jac M k aII
Harold Blieton and Mac Webster,: all
Members of MeKeneie's Orcnestriel
Svho Weee enreute to Ripley to joie
Mr. end Mrs.. Roy McKenzie, to ful-
fill a weelclY engagement et .•
Reeve N. EBushell was authorized.
A number of local veterans as ,evells
• .
pu, v. WELL ggcmp
London on that occasion nevertheless;
• Club on Monday.
An unexpectedry—large • airdiene
According to a dispatch from Tor --
onto in Wednesday's,Free Press, res-
idents of Wingliame Brussels; Blyth
Lucknow and Teeswater will have to
pay 35 cents ,for a haircut and 15c
for a shave Under an ordere-ineeouneil
Renounced in the current edition of
The Ontario ,Gazette.
diestriat Standards Act also provides
minimum salaryof $18 a Week
for full-time salaried employees for
the :pee comprising that town and
villages, all in either Huron or Bruce
Fiill-time .non -salaried .ernpleyeee
Must get a minimum of $13 a week,
plus 50 per cent of the proceeds of his
week in excess Of $12. .
The working hours of employees in
the barbering industry in the zone
are to be the hour§ which the shops
are .allowed to be openunder
byelaw. „
A schedule drawn ip ueder the In -
and who would .have been especially
proud to have. had the Pipe' Band;
moniestaking pare in., the -welcerning
eriait Strat cere-
space reservations to ".accom- greeted the players of St 'Peter's
...i.. local students who wish to see
A. Y. `A.;., • dramat'ic ' society, 'eri
Their ,Majesties when 'they '. ,
ford on Jene4itie . • farce,. "Keeping 'eP Appearances", in•
the presentation of. their. theee-act
A letter to Mr. Bushell. from War- s
e sehedule' rovides children's'
In dairy chemistry and badteriology. heeeeete eee eee.
in 1938 he Was :baetetiologist at Hai:teas; loeally; in the ineantint
den: Wellington S. Fenton, asked the
co-operation of municipal leaders in
organizing to give the boys and girls
a chance to see Their Majesties, which
may be once in a lifetime.
Special ,trains are being run by
the C. N. R. Stratford is the mitre
designated Lor the Criunties of Bruce
Heron and Perth, and the fare from
Lucknow and-•retUrn is 90 cents for
children and $1:80 for adults, Mons
dey night's meeeipg was informed.
• Warden Fenton pointed Pet in his
letter that the Warden's Committee
had visited Stratford .to see the lay-
out whieh is excel:M*3111y good. --
The children ,will . have / the front
rear on each side of the royal train
for e space about ten feet deep, and
for a distance along the track up to
the 'great Borden labOratories in ror e�ntntie at •thee 25g rate and 'whit
couree will be adopt, d, if the new
pet° and brought away with him a is to bee coMplied laviwith, has not bee
Much coveted TOMbeVShip in the can asaleese"e. .
aditte Instituto Of Cheesiest', Since
the auttlein of„I938 he Anis been ah SOffees Fritetereil Hip
iete'rerswee'ee-areettiieele547.77-vessetteltIVene44.414,Seess .SA114:-K-Tikeife---1:4102
Pbd, degree, which he will carry witb makes hi home with her son Henry
hite when he leaves for Reading next tuffered a fractifred hip in a recent
June to continue his studies in dairy fan. ati her home.' Die to her ad-
baeterielogy, •• • . yawed age, the injury is the more
Mrs. Gibson was former y Mar- g e
rMtic • PaAlarwitfie "WeitTerl
ada'!-was presented by a green ,of•
•o'ydlillg 'people, as the spring thanks
offering meeting of the Woinee's
Missionary SoCiety. •
5;000 feet it `necessary. This will all
he`lenced and provided with drinking
water and toilet acconiodation with
police protection 'eve* ten. feet.
Teachers- or guardians will be re-
quired to be with the pupils. The
train will, with Their stand-
on the tear platform, Pass along
• tine "avenue”, of children at. three
miles an hour,' sce all may see them.
• Vacant lots are beteg proeided for
• those. eoinieg distance where they
may have an open: space to at
expected to greet Their Majesties' at
this Centre. • .1'.
• A local committee has , beee ap-
pointed to take charge ef eriatige-
rnents in this coneeetion and fmtber
details ere like's, to follow. •
• .
In view of the fact that the Bell
Telephone Company plans to reniove
its -pole line from. the main street
this semmer, the eocal Hydro Com-
mission will have to purchase the old
poles, or put up new ones to carre
their hydro lines if the present sys-
tem of street lighting and •servicing
of buildings is retained. • •
Faced with this peobletn estimates
on the cost of ornammital. standard
lighting, which would see all poke
removed from the street are being
Mr. Peel Willis of the General
Electric -Conipany addressed a meet-
ing of the Business Men's Club in this.
regard on Monday .eeening; giving
prices on lighting. requipment •
Approximate estimates of this en-
tire worlc, With fixtures complete.
from Finiayson's stere to the United
Church was toughly based at from
$7009 to$8000. This was viewed gen-
erally, it appeared as being tie cost-
ly for consideration. One lof the Meier
expenditures 'would be the servicing
of buiklinge from the pole line at the
rear of the buildings. •.
Alternative arrangements .were dis-
cussed' to arrive at it minimum figure
at which this work &mid be carried charge of the train on its London to
out. Estimates are to be later Sub- Niagitra Pelle, run on June 7th. '
mated Or another niethed 'which was
The singularle honored Young man'
proposed. Thie plan woelil provide ;el
leg stio.inafid Votild-eave anO!efiTtereleereeraline
4.3.,,ltoi-piceeemseebuildine: The Hat. and 51111. 111 Mk. Edward MacLean
, . , „ .
Sion to tarry 4 'trolley Hee" overhea I a -4 •
sipeo.ntinente of train ctewee re -
to eery -ice hydro ueers, without einem- e • •
ing their peesent layout of sweating. ceetiy. itemouneeel, list A. MaeLean
of Port Huron and M. T. Po o
the current ••
nether detaile and the cost Of thio- Stratford as brakemen on the tilde,
plan are likely to be shortly dub- on sea permeeier rue.. obeious," Mr. Hamilton coil:eluded."
' ' ' 1 M serious he le :Mild ot be laded
garet Blake, daught.er of the late Dr. in a meet leurie receiving other treat-
. When you tell the 4titli, you don't
• ••
1nent and i6 respoinling saeisfactorily.
litive to remember' *hat yen said. .131#ke •
eeveste. seee7,-
• ••••••.••••......,•÷A•A
the TOWn .1401 Tuesday eveeing,.
. The play was Well received and well
enacted ,he the Cast of characters,
as follovvs, •tharles• Mansfield,' Rev,,
J. Watton; Ann,a, • his wife, Miss,
Maude Cooke; Joan, the elder daught-
er, Miss .Derothy' Cooke; Lee, the
youngeredaugnter, Nis§ ,Eileee Jen -te-
stae Grandma Lee, Aerie's mother.
Mts... Hassell; 'Alpheus and. Julie
Bent, fres:rad& of theMansfields, Fred
McQuiilin,and • Mk. Harvey 'Treleav:.
en; • Erie. Ridgeway; an ,artist, Clar-
ence Geer. • ' ' • •
. Rev:: .A.' A...Maloney introduced. .the
eharacteise •and the setting of . the
play.. 'Instrumental enulie. wee peovid-
ed. skiving the 'es-enieg by Mee. •Nore
nean Wilson and .Dr. James Little,
Residents oi• the Kirilough district
will have special ieterest in. Their
Majesties visit, due. to the fact :that
.6, waive been, ,soe. of • that hamlet
.will :be. a member of the crewe .in
• To commemorate the visit of Their
Majesties to Canada; the royal coat
of arm' e adorns the cover of the new
telephone directory' tor Lucknow and
vicinity reeently distributed by mail
to loeal sabscribers, of The Bell Tele-
phone iConiesany of , Canada. The
Lucknow directory. is ainong the fiest
to bear -the new -rest .which is printed,
'royal. blue ink.
The • royal coat of arms replaces -
the familiar Greelc god symbolic .of
• the 'Spirit of Communication as the
only decoratieei on the covey of the
new directory, W. G. Hamilton, Bell
manager for • Lucicriosse and vicinity, •
explained to The Sent:Mel. It is flank -
'ed, top and: bottom, by the domphey's
name, the date' of issea, and the
points to which 'distribution is made.
Four pageshavebeen eckled to. the -
alphabetieal; leetion, of the current '
directory, making a total of 40 pages,
while the Classified section centaine
4 peeps, :Mr. Hamilton added. Al-
tegether, there are diver 2,20 changes
recorded; in the neW volume. About
2,100 of these new ;and revised list-
ings in the White pages of the
Alphabetical listings, showing sub,
seribes' names,addresses, and tele- .
phone etunibees'. , The remaining
'iaenOeeeea..seeseaa-in;...Aee..Y.etsee2-,'„nnfaea,l seessa
of the classified% 'seetion.
"The need for carefully consuleitig
theeiew4ditectory before plating eel's,
in order to avoid `wrong numbers', is
stiledarcls 'from Finlay:soil's Store 'Id ie Harold AcLean •Port Hurori
P f