HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-05-18, Page 1$200 YEAE—Ivil- ADVANPE,--50c EXTRA TO U: S.: A. • 4 ear Lucknow Ont., Thursday May 18th, 1939 ...vaa,pmr,••••••.••,•=,..•••••••••••••'' A ‘ree • .14PLIIDAY. NEXT WAFIK e Next Wednesday, .May 24th, is. a. iiubilc holiday 4114 one • which inter- feres.with the, publiehiag, of the 'Seri." Advertisers are finked to have • :their :eopY in on Monday and all contributed neevs fermi, required as early .as possible, Rural ,riewii bud- gets must be in not later than by Tuesday's afteention mali service, :se they. may be set that evening, in Melee that the Paper May be published -as early as possible Thursday morning. HIGHWAY TRAGEDY TAKES, LIFE of ONLY CHILD OttiTUARi- :: • , _ ' SeesIDRAW Hi llAtitILTON We regret tatenort•tins„Week the death', of Andrew, Hamilton rif the -Eighth :Goriceesion of Kinneeie -On 4eassed away Suddenly On Thursday; :May 11, Although not in the besesof heelth, Mr. Hamilton was going a- bout is usual, and death- came sud- denly, following a heart attack Mi. He-miltS n ivas the Ran Of Role , ert Hamiltoni : and Sarah Humphries. His aged father, now resident in Man- itoba.survives him :lits 40his eiss, tee; s Thomas Harper (Mary), ,Mre. James. Bualiy• (Entine) and Mre, Thomas "Brandoe (Millie): all three of, whom live in Manitoba. One brothel* Robert,. fe.sides in Wingham. Be, . • sides. his 'fatbers,sisters and brethers, , he leaves behind, his widow and two• ileuightere; :Gertrade :and Blanche.. A "brother, Joseph and: an infant son, piedeCeased hint eSiece he wae it lad of sixteen,. Mr. Hainiltori• has lived near Holyreod ene .for thirty-five Years en his farm. from evhich funeral services were con- ducted on Saturday 'afterrioon.. The pee _ere ,„el,„ vanes" agree-Of:We' Douglas Meet/fine:nide Only ehild ef :Mr.. and' Mrs. Giant Mielliarmids of Paramount, "teas inetaiitly killed when, eke rade' 'bicycle put of a la:newest into the :Path. of .yregtbohnd: car. •'drieete by Dennis Hogan; of Ashfield, last Thursday evening anent 8.30 • o'clock., These are the, gehia facts of a :tragedy that priuffecle Otit' the . life yrnglal, the plide Mid . ley of the home. apd around whom. Were. ,centred .the ilteains and am,:' • .bitioris of mother and, dad: •Douglas was within two zininehs of his tenth , birthday. . . • :.DOuglas' • eneirnely death ihrought, torrc•w throughout a Wide iirea,: and the evidences of profound symeethe. • for: the ,heart broken parents, reached • their zenith on Sunday.,, -when huice• lelreds Upon hundreds: gathered for „the funeral service; :h'eki,et the home. • and coed -acted, :sympatheticallY erid •':comfortingly s by Rev.. R. ',C. • Todd, ° assisted by. Rev, J, CaNieholeon of Pine• River: • : • • ..„ It was Mother's Day, and as moth- it Ilcilyrood: Sunday, May 7th. ers' throughout the 'lend ,were .honoe- Miss Pierce, one of. a family Of ed, beetled' mother, and his father, eleven Children, was 'daughter of knew only the sorrow of t011owitig the.. the late Henry and Frances' Pierce: • remains of, their son' to ,Gteeehill She Wee: born on the Siirth -Coeeess- : Cemetery, where the little::white cask- •ion of Kinloss on the homestead • et was leweeed to, its last resting • where k two 'brothers' and her -sister. :place, While rain gently fell to mingle with the tears that unashamedly flow, Jennie reside:, • Her parents irielater years, retired • .• ed down inany cheek. • • . ed to Helyrood, Where Mise Pierce The 'pallbearers were ; Rityinond hal ernad'e -her home for more than „ 'Rich:Melee Cameron Cook, , Bon Me- a quartet of ; century,. since -eeturn- - Intosh erid jack MacKenzie, int from the Vest where she resided, . • school boys and Mein:here. of Dime- foe some time. Hee mother and father las' Sunday Sellueel Pleas acted as predeceased her eleven and ten years nearer' eeireee, to - cari•Y the inFiy% Ago. respeCtively, and since then NUS many 'total teibutes that fuither em- Piece has resided alone at Heletrodd, Phaeized the sympathy that goes out to leave. .her own: heirie, to Mr .and Mrs. MiteDiataiidethe aged where she 'found leech 'enjoythent in grandfather,. Mr. •Alex ; MacDiarmid• he; 'garden and :flowers and plants. eltideother immediate relatives. '. The funeral;* service. was held at Head Injury Caused Death " hee home on Tuesday, May 9th, 'con - It was ,bicyCle; which Doug- ducted by Rev ..% C. Todd. Internient COUPLE FETED. ON ANNIVERSARY Teen. Majesties -a neW, stanip •issue New. Stamp Issue , Iu keePingevith the royal -visit of i• has been receleied at the local poet ,Mre And MP. EdeVard Palter • Hen-, office:The' one -cent stamps beer the . , . . . .. , . , ored ley Family , And Friends On pictures of the two firiyal 'Princesss; " • Their: lilortiein Wedding Anniver- the two's have the pictureofe the , sitty.- ,„ . ae. : - s: ' , e e s. i *National . Memerial , at Connaught ' 7 , .. .,e__,_•..e. :', ' , , Place, Ottawa; tiit',Iie Unveiled by the . kr., and Mre. Edward Dexter Of King during his visit to the capital, the Para -mutt district west of Luck- and the three's Areeadorned with the now Weees • honored • by their family, portrait of the King And Queen. and fi-iends: on Tuesday evening on k - the. occasions .of their fortieth wed- ding anniversary. After the awes: entation and toasts t� the , bride and groom 'of two • score: years ego, a bountiful dapper -was. -served, •the , gathering including some close neigh:- bours., In the ' evening Many friend „called to extend beet wishes for con- tinued health and happiness, • Mr. -and Mrs.: Dexter Were mar ried in Bkegnese in .Lincolnshire Eng Med in 1899. Tothe union were boin three children; 1V1re, I. „Ensign,- God- •erich, Mrs. ILRobirison, Holyroon t and Welter at hente. ' Mr.. Dexter for. fifty years., has worked arhis' trade as blacksmith, • s which ..he ..commenced at the age ef +6, -ea 4eiestseeeen sex ey---asee -e.:'eatesesse SPECIAL AT; LYCEUM • A special attraction next Monday, Tuesday, -and 'Wednesday b r ins "Sweethearts" to the Lyceum Theatre screen at Wingham, Thi e great mus- ical in niagnitcent- technicoler atars Jeanette .MacDoriald• and Nelson • Eddy. • iRemerriber, its the first of emit 'week. . NEXT WEEK IT'S THE JAMBOREE , It's less, than a weekeaway—The Clensmenese .May ‘Tanehdree.: Next Wedneschses evening, gay .24th • •,_ ilELFAST NATIVE DIED 1N• WESTERN. CANADA , ,eTernes Leslie gar, , ormer y of Saskatoon, died :in 'hospital in -Edmonton Tuesday of last week: The: is date, tlie,arena's,the :and the first big act coinmences at 30 o'clock. Admission to the arena id free, and with three sensational agrobatk acts, as the feature attraction; there is event-- indigation that the (bnilding will he filled• to. the cloors. • • These ':isets. include performanees on the horizontal here, en the •revole ving,ladder and •on, the Roman rings and trapeze,' by Canadian- Vaedeville Eiechange pertiees. These are aces that are "seen" entirely, so that no part ef, this unusual eneertainreent be iniased hy anyone within the arena.' • The Clansmen's Ponidar • carnival games will be in full swing. .gamea are ' Popularly • priced! at a • niekel, ' With. 'the •puetiomary quality and eiiseful 'prizes. There. will be jitney dancing to music hy.11ecCartnee'a orchestra and if the weather, favorable this will ireeiy-teke eieof steeetedavase. in front of the arena. lielpful.inspiring serviceeduring vvhich ,. bah Waiii-iiCift rirSatoOri "int Imre' most • of which.. was. „serviel Mr. BOA. McaDenald sang "The End sieeship, ial. Mr.' Agar was a son of the lite without wages. He can still expertly . a the Read", The fyinpatliy of james Agar Of . Belfast.. friends was. evidenced by the beaut- ifulfloral trihutes, Which, helped ti, soften* ibe less Of a: most kindly hue- „ . . . Band and iathee. . . ' .. • • eThe remains' were inteited In Kin-. loss'_Cernetery. Thel'pallbeerere were his brother &keit and his brothers - Melee', Messrs. Jainess .John, Dave, Fred arid Mark Johnstot. •! ElsiZA.BETH PIERCE Ili but A few days with ppeuniOnia, a 'development CV the 'flu, death ewing a efiere,pound her/niter, and ha never: seen the horse he could no' • Tbey.caine to tallada' in 1913, Mr. Dexter working at .•hs . trade for. :a year at INoith, Bey, befere Coming to this district Where he took over Gorden'e 'short it • the Ripley road • corner...Later he took till farming, but 'still centinues to ply his trade as well. 'Mr. and •Mrs. Dexter -ere •Well ,eatiefied with e.Canada, havirig. started here' evith.yery. little and by came to 'Elizabeth Pierce at her home :hard evoik and courage are now. in very conifortable. cireamstanceme , • The following address was reed from the family: Dear, Mother and Dad; •et is, with very great plea:Auk we, -your Children and grandchildren' have gatheed• here ,to observe with you, nue fortieth wedding., anniversaty., Our earnest wish is that your futare lives will he happy and•well: hiessed and that these chairs will eVer be a • pleasant remembrance of this day. :And God bless you both. s'• Signed; The Family A eon, George: Agar, played diming the parst• hockey season for Edmonton Athletic Club Roamers, Dominion jun- ior finalists. ' '• • Surviving are his wife; one &ugh. ter, Mrs. A. 0.Brownof Saskatoon; two sons, Allen and George of Ed- monton; a dieter, Mrs. J. Seedy of Saskatoon, and a brother, ,Charles, of Siesicanion, ' , SPECIAL, PAGE • Page three. of -this issue is,•deqoted to pictures of the Royal family, and feature articles' of: paeticalar inter- est at..thie time (when Canada ..is in readiness to accord a ,royal welcome to Their Majesties. las had had only a short tiine, that was in Greerihill :CeMetery.- carried him to his death. .bouglaii Surviting are 'five brothers and • wad playing -with some 'School chums theeesseistemeasaars e• -•, et the home of Mr; Jack McIntosh, Thomas and: Jim of Reston, Man.; and . in racing them to the road on 'Alex, • Noble,- and Jennie of Kinloss; - the wheel, shot 'acmes -in front of _ Mrs. Will McLean (Bertha) ,of Saslc- atcheyean and Mrs. George Harrison the weetbotend car • : The .left feridee s showed the result of the inIL. (Alice). of Huron TownshiP, • , ss .. .. pact, which shattered the boy's /' A :brother William A. died 'twenty - leg and hurled • him into the ditch. th2, _ ree Years 'ego, and a brother, Ed - to receive, severe head injueiee that ward passed away in the West, just • , caused practically instant death- Pier week§ Pievious to the death of ACT • ORDERS BOOST Receive D. D. G. M. • „Last Thursday evening; Old Light Lodge A.F. * A.M., received or. Bro. R. -W. ,N. Wade, District Deputy Grand Master, on his official visit to -the local ledge. This special meet,- ing with the edual banquet and toast list, presided oyer by Neil MacLennan, Nir.M.„, VQNrENTION DATE CHANGED „ OBITUARY MRS. 'ALFRED>, SHERWOOD The sudden (leatii:•Of. Mrs. Alfred Sherwood, •Iaet Feidey :eerie?* sadly "bereitved hersituslearel and two dangle eers, 1Vii1'dree. age 1:8 -arid Ruby age. le, years. ,,edesi, -Sherwood was fortye eight years of age, and Within three weeks, On June • 3rd, ; she and *b.,. 'Sherwood would: have celebeated their Ltiventsafifeli 'wedding anniversary. • •Mrs. Sherwood had not been enjoy- ing the best a health for a time.bu•t wae able to be 'a•bout .and on the preeieue Siinday had attended chnien iri Lucknow. Laying down to rest. Friday afternoon, ebe, soon after suf- fered a severe paralytic eeizilee that left her 5peeih1esss, -eied ralkilY, her • 'strength failed until' she peeped away that eveinpg about ten 0'0°4. ' , Mrs. 'Sherwood wal2fOrineily Mary Hunter, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter. She was horn.- en :the 12th of • Asbfieldi and since her marriage has resided on the eetb concession, to form a wide 'circle of friends wnese. Synepathy goes .out to the fannies, ie 'their loss of a 'good Wife •and devoted /nether. 9114 fienereij. service. Was ceriducted 'at• her home on Monday -by her pe.stoei Rev. C. 11., MacDoriad. Inter- ment wa..e. in Greenhill ,Cemeterye 7pallbeerers. were James Henry, Wm_ Meceoptie, Alex Hackett, Tom Twain; ley, °Clifford Hackettand JackMc- nf.t.iipteg.w, h;Flower-beer:era • pine • Besides the: bereaved . family!' two brothers, and three sisters CUrvi4e• , Ceprge' Jacob of Ash- field; Mrs. Jas T. Lyons �f West Wewenosb. and. Mrs: Win. Huniphrey of West: Wawanosh• and Mk,' Henry • Gerdirier of Ashfield. Two slaters and a brother predeceesed•.Mes.Bliernsied7 ST, AgLEN'S gisIDEN.T. pAssgs SUDDENLY Death came suddenly early We nesday morning to Louis Grant of: St. lielens;evelien he iplfered a.heart ' ettiteke He was his 75th year It waaea iheeking diseeeveine for . hie . aged* wife to• find; he had: peesel atiay. • Mr. Grant,_ has not serijnyed, geod health Once slaffering a fractured hip a few menthe -no. The funeral ' service will -be held- teem his late residence on Vriday at ..two, o'clock with ietennent in Greenhill Cernet, ery. • . . ' PRE§,ENTATION, MADE • mg..AlsTD"Mtt. MAC GRAHAM ' . The helm -of Mr, and Mts.. W..M. Graham; Wingleame• (nee Marjorie Hendersen), waii. the scene 'of in in- teresting surprise Party Friday night when representatives of the Bell Tele• phone Company's District 'branches, gathered to boner them :�n the oc, casimi Of ,their • recent Marriage.; There were 36 present • . Dating the early Part of the oven- . . itig cards and 'Chinese checkers were enjoyed by the guests after whieh the ladies of the 'company seised : , lunch. • • ,• At the appropriate time an address • of •felicitation and ,best Wishee for their future” happiness . Was tendered Mr, and Mrs, Graham by J. M. Mc- Intosh, district ,manager,.:Stratfoid. and the pretentation,iif a' handsome chime click to the' popular couple Was Made by -J. 11, McKinnon, Strate ford,_ Due to Their Majesties being in Stratford on_Jnnee,'nth, the annual. Convention of ..Schciol7rustees and Ratepayers of fleece wll be held hi Lucknow Town Hill, Friday after- noon June 2nd. ',fleets, will be 'time for discussion of subjects related to matters oreducation, froin the stand' point of paiente and triAteee. RESERVE SPACE AT STRATFORD FOR LOCAL. STUDENTS is sister. MOTHERS HONORED . WON CANADA RAO...ARCH ON TH E I R DAY . Mother's Day services' were obser- ved in the local churches. en Sunday morning, when . mothers were fitting, • ly honoured and remembered on this, • their day. , COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP • Douglas Lorne Gibson, Who is, men- tioeed as the winner of; one of the $750 scholarships offered be Can- ada's research council, is the second. son of L. A. Gibson; 301 Beverley street,. Manitoba't dairy commission. - ere Ite is a purely Manitoba product, secering all his early trending in Win- eipeg sehoole and speriding many hol- iday months: in local creameries. He early showed his bent fef dike re- search. 1In19S5 he ,received his B.S.A: degree fteni Manitoba University. having seiajored in: dairy research; the years 1966 and 1937 lie spent at Minnesota university, working for his iriaster's degree, again specializing • Mothers comprised the enoirs in the United and Presbyterian 'church, * and in the latter eerie a, quartette•, ; •Inumbei Wes:sting isy bits: Min., Mac- ' ,Kenzie, Mrs. C. H. MacDonald, Mrs. Jeinee Sipith and Mk. IL T. Denims; The esiesdial cpeeent's day' leaflet program Weis' -follOwed at Sunday School in 'the morning in. the 1.1nitecl Church, when Rev. R. C: Todd, bapte • • ized William, Beverley McNay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Melslay. and• • Eunice :Alberta 13utton, daughter. of :Mr. and Mee, Jack" Button.: At. the evening service, Mr: Sear, a young .ordiimet, spoke on foreign neismone and the need in this regard • ; • M carrying rin the work. ' TZ,A,14.11,111eati 1. lons pat IN • ,HAIRCUT PRICE • Warden's Committee Of Bruce County • I Has Inspected Lay -Out For School Children To See Their Majesties Ofl Mune 6 -It Is Exceptionally * !Good They Say-s-Reserwas published, results in,the vatien 'Being issue local Made For Local Children—Will Pipe Band leis:Meg out :on the G.° By Special proposed trip to London for Their . •Maiesties visit.. , at et private citizens,. to be in BY LARGE • AUDIENCE ! a meeting the Business Men's as • BAND WjLL NOT GO TO LONDON . • • °A 'change in arrangements, on the part of the London.Veterans, of which we .. were not aware when our last • s 'FORMER RESIDENT . AND CENTENARIAN HAS MET --ROYALTY • Mks. R. G. Ellis, Who many years • ago seias a• resident of Luckriow, and • who is •a greaesaunt: of Mrs.. Henry Horton of Ashfield,, recalls former , • visits of Royalty to Canada, as Their Majeetiee Cenimenceethis 4eek..a 'beer Of Canada which unquestionably will. be the greatest . of all viicite. • Mrs. Ellis, reridorti with her son Geerge,. was one haul 'deed years Old, on April 6th; and at- tributes her lOng lifeeto hard work and plain living.• • The first royal 'Visit she recasts nearly eighty years ago, was that Of Ham sPrince of Wales . afterwards • King Edward -V0,witii whom she ebOok hands, and ,to whom her little daughtere(now Mrs. L. Boristell Of Toronto) preseptedli. bouquet Of, flow- ' ers. This wasat Poet Hope. • Xis.: Ellis 'next greeted eRoyalty at North Bay upon the tour of the Duke' and the Duchess of York, later King George Vand Queen Mary.: Mrs, Ellis also recall having seen . the Duke of Windsor at Toronto and Brantford: Mrs. E/lis' proud beast iiethat there isn't • :thing. in the home or en the farm -,--either man'sor .woman's work, that she has not 'done in her time. Among. the ,farm duties she has per - :formed she Mentiened; ploughing; sowing, reaping, haying, cutting logs, digging postholes, sheeting; carding. weaving and spinning, tanning and, syrup making -Swing fashions never I bothered eue. oVee made What we wore," she _said, • • The centenarian is e daughter - .the late Mr. and Mrs. • john James, and Was cheistened "AlVira", Mrs; Ellis has lived 'at Meetly places; in- cluding Quebec, Port Hope„ Neyetee- ville, Lucknow, and North, Bay: At the age of nineteen 'elle Married Rob- _ ert Ellis, son of • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellis of Wales. The ceremony was solemnized ermanvillee TRAGEDY ACCIDENTAL,• NO 'INQUEST TO 13E HELD The investigation into the tragedy that claimed the life of Doegias Maas Diaresid, resulted in De. We H. Car- son of Souehampton, chief- coroner' of the County of Bruce, deeiding that the circanistances. were 'purely ac- cidental and that no inquest Week! be held, , „Dee:nes-Hogan was drieine the car, • and was acconipanied by Jac M k aII , Harold Blieton and Mac Webster,: all Members of MeKeneie's Orcnestriel Svho Weee enreute to Ripley to joie Mr. end Mrs.. Roy McKenzie, to ful- fill a weelclY engagement et .• • Reeve N. EBushell was authorized. A number of local veterans as ,evells , • . t pu, v. WELL ggcmp yg London on that occasion nevertheless; • Club on Monday. An unexpectedry—large • airdiene quate According to a dispatch from Tor -- onto in Wednesday's,Free Press, res- idents of Wingliame Brussels; Blyth Lucknow and Teeswater will have to pay 35 cents ,for a haircut and 15c for a shave Under an ordere-ineeouneil Renounced in the current edition of The Ontario ,Gazette. diestriat Standards Act also provides minimum salaryof $18 a Week for full-time salaried employees for the :pee comprising that town and villages, all in either Huron or Bruce , Fiill-time .non -salaried .ernpleyeee Must get a minimum of $13 a week, plus 50 per cent of the proceeds of his week in excess Of $12. . The working hours of employees in the barbering industry in the zone are to be the hour§ which the shops are .allowed to be openunder byelaw. „ A schedule drawn ip ueder the In - and who would .have been especially proud to have. had the Pipe' Band; moniestaking pare in., the -welcerning eriait Strat cere- . space reservations to ".accom- greeted the players of St 'Peter's ...i.. local students who wish to see A. Y. `A.;., • dramat'ic ' society, 'eri Their ,Majesties when 'they '. , ford on Jene4itie . • farce,. "Keeping 'eP Appearances", in• the presentation of. their. theee-act A letter to Mr. Bushell. from War- s e sehedule' rovides children's' In dairy chemistry and badteriology. heeeeete eee eee. in 1938 he Was :baetetiologist at Hai:teas; loeally; in the ineantint den: Wellington S. Fenton, asked the co-operation of municipal leaders in organizing to give the boys and girls a chance to see Their Majesties, which may be once in a lifetime. Special ,trains are being run by the C. N. R. Stratford is the mitre designated Lor the Criunties of Bruce Heron and Perth, and the fare from Lucknow and-•retUrn is 90 cents for children and $1:80 for adults, Mons dey night's meeeipg was informed. • Warden Fenton pointed Pet in his letter that the Warden's Committee had visited Stratford .to see the lay- out whieh is excel:M*3111y good. -- The children ,will . have / the front rear on each side of the royal train for e space about ten feet deep, and for a distance along the track up to e. ° the 'great Borden labOratories in ror e�ntntie at •thee 25g rate and 'whit couree will be adopt, d, if the new pet° and brought away with him a is to bee coMplied laviwith, has not bee Much coveted TOMbeVShip in the can asaleese"e. . aditte Instituto Of Cheesiest', Since the auttlein of„I938 he Anis been ah SOffees Fritetereil Hip iete'rerswee'ee-areettiieele547.77-vessetteltIVene44.414,Seess .SA114:-K-Tikeife---1:4102 Pbd, degree, which he will carry witb makes hi home with her son Henry hite when he leaves for Reading next tuffered a fractifred hip in a recent June to continue his studies in dairy fan. ati her home.' Die to her ad- baeterielogy, •• • . yawed age, the injury is the more Mrs. Gibson was former y Mar- g e rMtic • PaAlarwitfie "WeitTerl ada'!-was presented by a green ,of• •o'ydlillg 'people, as the spring thanks offering meeting of the Woinee's Missionary SoCiety. • 5;000 feet it `necessary. This will all he`lenced and provided with drinking water and toilet acconiodation with police protection 'eve* ten. feet. Teachers- or guardians will be re- quired to be with the pupils. The train will, with Their stand- ingMajesties-. on the tear platform, Pass along • tine "avenue”, of children at. three miles an hour,' sce all may see them. • Vacant lots are beteg proeided for • those. eoinieg distance where they may have an open: space to at ii.'ett/WetlieteietillIffiteWeere expected to greet Their Majesties' at this Centre. • .1'. • A local committee has , beee ap- pointed to take charge ef eriatige- rnents in this coneeetion and fmtber details ere like's, to follow. • • . EAR LIGHTING PLAN ,ouvoNED In view of the fact that the Bell Telephone Company plans to reniove its -pole line from. the main street this semmer, the eocal Hydro Com- mission will have to purchase the old poles, or put up new ones to carre their hydro lines if the present sys- tem of street lighting and •servicing of buildings is retained. • • Faced with this peobletn estimates on the cost of ornammital. standard lighting, which would see all poke removed from the street are being received. Mr. Peel Willis of the General Electric -Conipany addressed a meet- ing of the Business Men's Club in this. regard on Monday .eeening; giving prices on lighting. requipment • Approximate estimates of this en- tire worlc, With fixtures complete. from Finiayson's stere to the United Church was toughly based at from $7009 to$8000. This was viewed gen- erally, it appeared as being tie cost- ly for consideration. One lof the Meier expenditures 'would be the servicing of buiklinge from the pole line at the rear of the buildings. •. Alternative arrangements .were dis- cussed' to arrive at it minimum figure at which this work &mid be carried charge of the train on its London to out. Estimates are to be later Sub- Niagitra Pelle, run on June 7th. ' mated Or another niethed 'which was The singularle honored Young man' proposed. Thie plan woelil provide ;el leg stio.inafid Votild-eave anO!efiTtereleereeraline 4.3.,,ltoi-piceeemseebuildine: The Hat. and 51111. 111 Mk. Edward MacLean , . , „ . Sion to tarry 4 'trolley Hee" overhea I a -4 • sipeo.ntinente of train ctewee re - to eery -ice hydro ueers, without einem- e • • ing their peesent layout of sweating. ceetiy. itemouneeel, list A. MaeLean of Port Huron and M. T. Po o the current •• nether detaile and the cost Of thio- Stratford as brakemen on the tilde, plan are likely to be shortly dub- on sea permeeier rue.. obeious," Mr. Hamilton coil:eluded." mitted. ' ' ' 1 M serious he le :Mild ot be laded garet Blake, daught.er of the late Dr. in a meet leurie receiving other treat- . When you tell the 4titli, you don't • •• 1nent and i6 respoinling saeisfactorily. litive to remember' *hat yen said. .131#ke • WitiniOg° ' eeveste. seee7,- • ••••••.••••......,•÷A•A the TOWn .1401 Tuesday eveeing,. . The play was Well received and well enacted ,he the Cast of characters, as follovvs, •tharles• Mansfield,' Rev,, J. Watton; Ann,a, • his wife, Miss, Maude Cooke; Joan, the elder daught- er, Miss .Derothy' Cooke; Lee, the youngeredaugnter, Nis§ ,Eileee Jen -te- stae Grandma Lee, Aerie's mother. Mts... Hassell; 'Alpheus and. Julie Bent, fres:rad& of theMansfields, Fred McQuiilin,and • Mk. Harvey 'Treleav:. Treleav- en; • Erie. Ridgeway; an ,artist, Clar- ence Geer. • ' ' • • . Rev:: .A.' A...Maloney introduced. .the eharacteise •and the setting of . the play.. 'Instrumental enulie. wee peovid- ed. skiving the 'es-enieg by Mee. •Nore nean Wilson and .Dr. James Little, A, DIRECTORY -BEARS COAT OF ARMS KINLOUGH NATIV.B' MONG. ROYAL,TRAIN •CBEWE Residents oi• the Kirilough district will have special ieterest in. Their Majesties visit, due. to the fact :that .6, waive been, ,soe. of • that hamlet .will :be. a member of the crewe .in • To commemorate the visit of Their Majesties to Canada; the royal coat of arm' e adorns the cover of the new telephone directory' tor Lucknow and vicinity reeently distributed by mail to loeal sabscribers, of The Bell Tele- phone iConiesany of , Canada. The Lucknow directory. is ainong the fiest to bear -the new -rest .which is printed, 'royal. blue ink. The • royal coat of arms replaces - the familiar Greelc god symbolic .of • the 'Spirit of Communication as the only decoratieei on the covey of the new directory, W. G. Hamilton, Bell manager for • Lucicriosse and vicinity, • explained to The Sent:Mel. It is flank - 'ed, top and: bottom, by the domphey's name, the date' of issea, and the points to which 'distribution is made. Four pageshavebeen eckled to. the - alphabetieal; leetion, of the current ' directory, making a total of 40 pages, while the Classified section centaine 4 peeps, :Mr. Hamilton added. Al- tegether, there are diver 2,20 changes recorded; in the neW volume. About 2,100 of these new ;and revised list- ings in the White pages of the Alphabetical listings, showing sub, seribes' names,addresses, and tele- . phone etunibees'. , The remaining 'iaenOeeeea..seeseaa-in;...Aee..Y.etsee2-,'„nnfaea,l seessa of the classified% 'seetion. "The need for carefully consuleitig theeiew4ditectory before plating eel's, in order to avoid `wrong numbers', is stiledarcls 'from Finlay:soil's Store 'Id ie Harold AcLean •Port Hurori P f •;•••