HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-05-11, Page 5TAU"[tEDAY,, WAY -11;th tele
LyceumTeatre •
SATURDAY NIGHT TWO SUOWS AT 7.45 and 9.45 p.m:
Thur's Fri;..Sat.., May,11`.1z-13.
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'Q' glorious 'tradi-
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great picture...and
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0006tAS OUM01Nlt • WIN MORiB • MOIOIN OinBk
Pietere. • .
* *•'*.in * ,* *a
.KILD.ARE".,;. Dr,
Ap owerful drama showing youbehind-the-scenes in a • hospital.
ADMISSION ADULTS = 25c; •.. CHILDREN. -=- '15c
Myrna Loy's pert 'spring bonnet.fe
tures; a cluster of multicolored yell/
flowers which sit on' the cone shag,
felt front. Miss •Loy'wi11 soon be se
opposite Robert Taylor in "'Luc•
Books For . Rural
rens Go Cheape
'osla1 Elates Are Lowered .h
Don inion On Books' Mail
To And From Non-Profi
Circulating Libraries.
.order to further enjoyment of
OA -lovers 1! ruraL.7pa i-•- hs.....0 `,
9:30 A. M. To 6.00 P. M.
9.30 .b.. M. • To 12.00 P. M.
AT-W.11!l:.sx iMLU STORE'
Crate/mos hGy
. hone or drop ip, and let me show
you how Bray Chicks made .,real
profits., for . poultrymen - last ydar. .
Personal attention, „p*orapt
delivery • •
Finlayson Bros
L> NOW, - ONT.
Miss Celia Pentland, Who is recup-
erating from a lengthy illtiesst is vie-
ieicing for two weeks with Rey.. E. Gill
and Mrs. Gill.
Mass Myrtle. Caldwell has sheen en-
gaged to work at the ,home of Mrs,
G. C; Treleaven and commended duties
last Monday •
Mr. h�Id Mrs. Harveys Webster and.
three. -e r'en, Goderieh,'visited Mr.
and Mrs. • John 'Durnrn,- Jr on Sun
Mr. and Mre. Wilbur Johnston, who
sold, .their .farts► on the 2n4 ,concession
of Ashfield to Mr. Victor Black, mox-
-ed . to the village at 'the: end of 'last
week to the . house they purchased.
Mrs. Patterabn :and family who had
occupied the house has moved to..God,
erich. , •
Mrs David Errington' on the 4th•
concession. of West Wawanosh spp'eeni'
the weeek-end . with•)» Mr. and. Mrs.
Thos: •Park.' • '
""Ma's,. Buxton' Roach Is spending a
few days this ; week with her daugh-
ter Mrs..•Reuben 13rew•er,. Goderich
Mrs. 'Wm, Watson, 'Nile, is. .assist_
Mg her`=daughter,-•Mrs.:Wilber. John-
ston to -get settled in•'het• new.' home.
Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. little.',
son Douglas and Miss Olive Alton,
Toronto, visited •Friday:e''ening, with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alton.. Mrs. Jas.
Alton., their mother, . of • L- ucknow Was
else present.
Mrs. David' Sproul who was ill with
'flu requiring " medical attention, Is
recovering nicely..
»Mr. R. Ii " Siddall of• .Toronto .pis-
ited' a 'few days with his sister -in
law, Mrs. David Errington, 4th 'con-'
cession . of',. Wept Watwanoah. • '
A meeting is called for l+ridsty
night » May 12th_•. for • the ratepayers
of S. S. No. 8.to'elect a ndvv'.school
trustee to replace Mr,' Victor Erring-
ton. who is resigning from the school
hoard. '
Mr. and. Mrs. 'Gordon H: MacKay
of Wingham were sadly tbereared: in
the; death of their' 1ti-months-o d -son,
Douglas Ian; who passed away suds'
deftly in the, Sick -Children's Hos- •
pital, London, early Saturday morn -
April .29th. The little lad on
Thursday morning had chewed 'up a
piece of . gristle; some of which got
lodged in his lung: He had violent
coughing spells and he was taken
Thursday night . to London . where an
operation was 'performed to' remove
theforeign substance from the lung.
The operan was apparently sur=
cessfgl but the strain wastoo much
on the child's:lteart, and he passed on
'at' 1 a.m. Saturday. •
Besideshis parents ho is »survived
by one brother ,Alan,.: aged 9 years
and one sistels.Barbara, aged 6 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector • MacKay,.of
Whitechurch, and Mr. and Mrs. Hats
vey Diette, of Denville, are grand-
parents of the deceased child.
The, funeral • service ,was conducted"
by Rev.E. O. Gallagher in St. Paul's
Anglican' Church on Monday after-
noon. Burial took place in' Wingham
Cemetery. .
Mrs and Mrs. John Blake' who have
purchased :the residence of the fate;
Mrs. Robt. Hasty' is having the house
wiredfor hydro andredecorated this
Rev. B :Gill and Mrs. Gill who has
been in .charge of the Dungannon-
Crewe Rppoinimanrs oi: sue: • • urn.
church for the past year bas•reslgned
and accepted » a call to go to Well -
burn, 5 ` miles south, of St. Mary's
and will have three appointments.'°
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Richardson
and daughter Isabelle .of Fergus vis-
ited' Wednesday of 'last week 'with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richardson: Mc.
Richardson.. who is recovering' from
brokenleg, leg, returned -with them .'lo,
'visit, fora few days.
The .marriage 'of -Mary Evelyn., third
daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Frank John-
* store of Holyrood, and .Mr.. Donald Al-
''1s1an Murray, no . of Mr. and Mrs ''41-
)ran Murray of Kincardine was solenit
ized ats the manse of Rev. R. Ester.
Ashfield, on Saturday May 6 at 2•
El it
clock, Attendants were
Bride .. <d Harvey Johnston, eldest
brother of the bride. Followtng•'the
rereniouy, 'the wedding party •ret=urn•
ed to the home of the tbrides§ parents
wherea dinner was, Moved to stseti v
Hexa; .».klaiiate • iielativ'es. The
grry o ma s gift to th-e rl"tle wits a win
gold wrist' swatch.
,Mr. and, -Mrs. Murray will rediae
. on the groom's far?in on the ninth con-
cession of Eincardine Tewnship,
With shocking suddenness the death
occurred on 'Friday- morning, April
28th, of Mary Bell, widow of the late
Peter Reavie, •Con.• 4, Huron,' in her
66th' year.Irs. Reavie had been mak -
'ink her hence with her son •Elmer,
'since' the death of his wife, .+eight
months age. .
. B'irn in Huron township; the young-'
est daughter of .the late Mr
Thos. Bell, who same to these p
'es early settlers from N'assagewya,
Halton ..County, she grew to woman-
hood;. and was • popular with.' young
and old; as 'a lady of refinemjent :and:
nolle character; commanding the re-.
•spcct and 'esteem of all her acquain-
tames. ' She 'Was.' united 'in anarriege,
to, Mr. Peter .Reavie,. over 38 years.
ago, and together they lived on the
4th concession of Huron. Fier husband
predeceased her 7 years ago. . •
As a member of Pine River Un-
ited Church., she Wei an .active and
earnest worker, in all its branches of
service. V
The Ladies' Guild `of 'St. ' Paul's
church met for their monthly Meeting
end tea last Friday 'at the Parish!
Hall and did some quilting. "rhe ladies
later adjourned .and had tea at the
home of', one of its members. Mrs.:
David , Glenn. Rev. J. , Watton,' who
has been. assistant 'rector; is leav
ing and will'be'replaced by •R7. Ship
Published every Thursday morning
at •'Lueknew, Ontario. -
•Mra. ' A, D, MacKenzie -Proprietor
Campbell Tholripeon-Publisher"
THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1939
Mrand Mrs.'Alex Butler and Mies.
Marilyn Butler from Goderich weree
recent visitors - . with Mr and -Mrs.
;;orlon. Jamieson. 1
The May Meeting• of take Paramount
Woinen's ' Institute was held' at the
.home. of Mrs. Orland Richards.. The
president, Mrs. Orland Richards was
In the chair,. The meeting 'opened
by, singing ..:the Institute -Ode,. The'
,roll call was "My,. Favourite Spring`
Flower" The. minutes were read 'thy.
the secretary, Mrs.:.Goldie. Martin.
•Miss . Hazel ' Percy , front • Kinlough
spokeon the work ':of, 'the;'Institute.
Thier delegates from here=`to •attend
the, District annual are Mrs :Oliver
, `Mrs Goldie '1Vlartin and
Mfrs. Orland Richards. After 'condmun-
icy; singing, Miss. Ethel Martin gave
:he :synopsis of the. Study . Book "With ;cilaine of Freedoms' .;bv • Miss Ethe1-
:hapman. MitisEdna Boyle from Kin-
ough favoured.' with: piano instrument -
"de. The topic, "The . Trillium, Our
''rovincial-Eznblefn" was .'given by
Airs. Goldie Martin. Miss, Mary Cox.
:ron Kinlougb gave. a splendid dem-
mstratiort on "Table Setting and. Ser
.vice and Etiquette." .Mrs. Oliver Me-
Charles:,acted as Professor Quiz for
•x very interesting contest:. Lunch was
;erired by the hoste'ss. The next meet -
ng will be held on Julie..ist. at the
tome of. Mrs... • Robert Hamilton . to
which all the. Grandmothers 'are spe. '
'tally invited. The :roll call to be. "The,
Historyaf 'My 'Farm :Topic; Histor-
ical Research by Mrs. :Arthur Cook.
Demonstration, "Salad :Making"' by
Mrs. Oliver McCharles. Cakes and pro-
ram,.Mrs. Herb Ensign and 'Mr's: R.
'Richards. " •
Recent 'visitors with,, Mr. and Mrs":
W. R. Martin were Mr. ,and Mrs: G.
Fisher and family from • Whitechurch
- -
anti TriY. 3s7ii1i' . D. 'Martin from Gd -
(Continued•' from, page One)
round Splendid program included a
reading liy Mrs, G. M. 'Young, and
a vocal duet by Mrs. Phillip Steward
and Mr. MacGillivray. . • •
Rev. Wm. Barclay, specials, anniver •
sary Speaker who has 'been well re
ceived by large. congregations at ''al1•,
services, addressed;,the meeting on the
theme "Changing Places" 1n .his re•
marks he endeavored to have his list.
eners change places in imagination
with' others • so that 'we may knots
what they. think and to t1Stough,4pa,»
tieularly as it applies in the ;mission.
ary causeeti. • d
Themen'; Was" further priveleged
to hear Mrs:"McKellar 'of Hamiltbr
,secretary of thei roviricial W..M S:
and •who ,has given outstanding, ser
vicie % to the. Presbyterian church in.
Canada.. v
Ml's. McKellar, referredto the.
"three.in-one" jubilee being »observ'eai
ras' a great • achievement ' ana thrill
ing one. She asked the audience to
visualize the. Christian efforts of those
who have 'passed. on, and admonisher':
the young to accept. the . challenge
of- the•' past and the opportunities of
the future, in carrying on the work
of the church. . ..
Ana thus, with the benediction pro,
pounced by Rev: d. 'H...MacDonaltd,
a; meeting, probably .as' outstandm,.,•
as any in its quarter.century of se.••
-nice, w11'1' be 'recorded in the minute:
'of the Presbyterian Guild, aild worthy
of red letter distinction.
, On Thursday April, 27th the Dung-
annon 'Senior Women's. (Institute met.
at:. the 'home of . Mrs:, R.- McDonald,
The main feature was the election'
of officers for the coming year. and
was in 'charge of Mrs. •Burton. Roach.
They are as follows: ' Pres., Mrs;
Lorne Ivers; '1st Vice, .'Mrs. David-
son; 2nd Vice, Mrs R McDonald,' Sec-
Treas., 'Mrs. .1..D. 'Richardson; Plan..
ist, Mrs.. Wilbur . Brown;. Mrs. Bruce
McArthur, assistant pianist. The dis-
trict' directors,' Mrs. J. Ryan, Mrs:'
T. Park and Mrs. George Hodge. au-
ditors, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. • Geo.
Hodge. Peace `convenor, Mrs.. 'C. Al-
ton; 'Child Welfare; and :health, Mrs
Bruce - McArthjui. Historical "research,
and: current event, Mrs.Rutledge;
community activities, and relief, Mrs.
Wilbur Brown; education, Mrs. Gill;
program convenor, Mrs.' • Gill, Mrs.
W. , Stewart'' and Mrs; Otto Popp;
_flower committee, Mis. B. - Roach.
Mrs. W..' Brown and Mrs. Chas.' Alton .
Mrs. Rev: ,Gill invited the' Institute,
to the parsonage for the. May .meet,
ing'. In regards to the next course
taken' up .for study, the choice; of
"Ice -finishing Furniture" was made
and Odra with "Quilts and Quilting" as second
at is half -`holiday time, again and
With it comes' a renewal of . the 'fe%ds'.
between the•' Student Nine and the
Town. Gangs for softball. supremacy.
The. season `kiffieially" opened at , the•:
school diamond last Thursday, and
the game ended ►with the school' scor-
ing -a run'in the last `inning to .win
s 19 to. 18 decision:
School -D. Finlayson, D,' 'Aitchi-
son, D. McKinnon; H Thompson, 'W,
Pinnell• A. McKinnon, R. Richards,
J: ' Cody, G. Steward.
• Town -4T Carter, C. Johnston,' A.
Aitchison, 11. •Ritchie, H. Greer, • R.
Thompson, G'. Fisher, J: MacDonald,
. McIntosh; -
Three residents of the •community
received" new •Congoleum 'mugs on . Sat-
•urday as- a result `of the, congoleum
rug guessing contests held at.the°Mar=
ket Store, .at Templeton's and at John-
stone and MacKenzie's Furniture
Store. •
At the Market, Mrs.. Joe Hannah
of liolyrood was' the Winner: • Her
guess was number; 2021, the closest
'to ' the hiddA+rt number which was
2028. At Templeton's, H. M. MaeLen-
pan of 'town entered his guess ' as
number 8069, the closest to the act-
uaT.' number; ' 3074. Miss Grace' Me-
Kinnen ;guessed 2089 at Johnstone and
MacKenzie's and won the rug'. there.
the concealed number 'being 2082.
. ehoieos " e -oaf -C oth•„- -� as -third
ervice n' Sunday The funeral � o 'was
conducted • -by Rev: J. C. Nicholson'
of 'Pine- River, • assisted by Rev. C.
N. MacKenzie of St. Andrew's church°
$ililey. . •
Interment was made' in,Ripley 'Nem-
etery. Tile pall bearers .were: Lloyd
Irwin, Donald Blue, Bert,Yrwin Arch-.
ie Wilson, Merton Fraser and William
Bradley. • ' '
To mourn the loss of an. affect-
ionatemother and sister; she .leaves
one son, diner and his little daughter
two sisters, Mrs. Thos. Hooey of Kin.
cardine and Mrs. 'Alex Fraser, of
Huron. ' - i •
Those froyn a: distance 'who were
in • attendance at the funeral were:,
Mrs. .Tames Geddes, Mrs. Clarence
Mullin Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fraser,
Mr. Merton Fraser, of Toronto°,. Mr.
and Mrs. George Blue, • Mr. William
'Blue, 'Mr, -and Mrs. Bert. Praser) Mrs,
Neil Goodhand, . Miss Flora Macken•
nun, of Detroit; -.Mrs. Steve Irwin and
daughter Eloise, Mr; Ralph IrvAn of
London; Mr. Edward Reavis, flyer-
ton;M1•, ' and Mrs: 5. Reavie, Wing -
ham': Mr. A. Reavie, Lucknow.
choice.. .
Miss ,Viola Young; who. is employed
at Blyth, .is home this meek sick
with 'Ella. •' , .
Miss . Violet Culbert; daughter of.
Mr, and -Mrs. T. IL Culbert' Crewe,
is assisting Mr. and Mrs, Abraham
Mr., and Mrs. Bob Henderson and
chlliren of Wingham visited the lat-
ter s parents, .Mr. and • Mrs: 1.T. B.
Mrs.» W. H. Maize of St. Lambert,
Que., spent the week -end with her
father, Mr. 0. Augustine, Blyth, Who
is , bed -fast with •
We . are sorry . to know that . Miss
Sally Polley is not, as well es :her
friends --'would wish her to, be,
Messrs, Allan and Andy . Ctitbeit
and their friend Gordon• Hale of Win -
chlor, spent the week -end" at the farm
res' home. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ross -MacMillan, Mary
and .. Hugh •Allan 'visited on Sunday
with Mrs. ,MacKenzie and Mary.
Bill and Donald' Sttmsoii and "Doc”
Stewart *ere home from Melton over
the week -end.: • •
Anniversary Service will. be If*
.in,. Sontli Kinloss chetah Sunday May
Slst: .•
'Mr. John Carter of •London is Visit-
ing relatives here. '
Miss .Myrtle' 1VIcQuillin reunited to
Windsor the• first of this week
- n
Mr. Peter T. Carter•v�ishes to thank,
all thgse who so kindly; helped in put-
ting out a fire :et his place on Sunday
Mise Msud Toker has ieeen i11 for.
odium 'tone, c
a Meb#all ofsTar ►••a ant-:T•kat
dart'-°af ierinitm--wrth lris-parents- here.
Jim MeNall was home .Also. over : the.
week -end, -
Mrs. Will Reed spent away at Mr,
Elmer Alton's recently.", •
Mrs. Martin ' of Toronto is, visit-
ing with 'Mrs: A. Fox and 'also with
relatives. in Lucknow... .
iYir.: 'aaYti iJitrtl'.il �?a --
couple of. days in 'the village,'. fixing
a •verandah' for' his 'brother-in-las\ , •.
Mr: John Jamieso
n -
"I •needed a:aew barn roof and I went,into
the naattervery carefully. he annualireport- '
of my •mutual .insurance company showed
that last Year out of 15 fire losses )were .
caused by. flying •enibe4s, and g;byi3 '.t , • ,
ping," Italked.temyinsurance'agent- a he
advised ta, fire -proof roof above all else No I' • •
decided: on., metal. Metal 'grotecte against
fire and.lightning and to so,'.againat wind; 'weather, rot and -upkeep:
I. Chose Metal.and I. bought TITE-LAP
"Tits Lap.•to my war of thinlda1, Leu all the bat
featuree-in metal roofing. II is rigid, has . nal
provision, for nailing. ie.abeolute wea I
' got the Cquncil Standard quality,and the year
guarantee that goes with it. And I was. plod to learn
about the. new reduction in coat because thess'e no
eller tax anymore." •
n Send ridge• and ra er meaaw'emen$ /los''. ie
roof ng estimate. Addy 9e Dept. 808. •
J-%jf „fired Facto,res also a•
'''PRESTOtt!io t., Montreal and Toronto
M b'_
Makers•ot� 51?,SteehtrdssBapss•=St.ite Nails JameswayPool tr } iqut1 ,nr•nt
Mr.' "John CIU'bb • Spent, a day •in:
Lu.e now 'with' his daughter,- Mrs. N.
Mr'.' George- •Garton, Sr:': has. return --
ed. to -.his hoarse here after spending
the winter months at-Leamingtori. .
11ltss, Francis '`•illsort -'spent a fey
days .at the home of her sister in» -1a it
Mrs. James Wilson.• •'
lklr, and. 112is, 'George .Fisher arid'
family' spent Sunday' with • her • aunt,
Mrs., Martin of Paramount. ,
Mrs. Tom , Morrison is' visiting in
Toronto. -•
Miss :Tena., Laidlavi , received the .
'sad news of tiie death• of her nice,
Mrs. • Alex Hannah .of.'•Toronto She
was.a Miss Jatrkeon�(jgf Auburnr '•The •.
f un rel was . held - 6nda in Auburn.
e.- w'3116nday ,
One , brother,'•' James Jackson, resides -
there. '
At a meeting ,held last Thursday
evening; the Luseknow Tennis Club'
re -organized : for the current season's
sport which ie already being engaged
in .by racquet enthusiasts.,
The courts• are in fairly good condi-
tion and are to,receive the necessary
attention • to put. them in . first -class
shape Membership fees were set at
$1.00 per' person with a ::daily fee sof
16c for visitors until the membership
fee is reached. • • ,
Officers elected are, Pres., A. E.
McKim,. Tress., Marjory Hoffman;
Sec., Norman Taylor„ •
Presbyterian W."M: S.
The May meeting ..of the W. M. S.
was held in the church. The 'meeting
wags under leader•Ship' of Mrs. James
Smith, Opening .exercises, were taken
by. .Mrs. Smith 'and Mrs. Russell The
roll 'call .was on 'victory. Miss Mac-
Pherson had the. Bible study and
Mrs. Richardson the' topic, which was
asi report of the 'Provincial which was
held . in Hamilton. Mrs. •Sarah. Mrs.
MacDonald, Mrs. 'MacKenzie 'and 'Mrs.
Douglas slink' a quartette 'which was.
enjoyed by all. Mrs. Agnew gave a
reading and the meeting closed with
prayer by Mre..Kwaln MacKenzie.
The Traif, Rangers met' at the Un-.
ited church " last Tuesday with 14•
present. The secretary and treasttr-
er read their reports for the last meet-;
ings, The -book of the Trail Range;'
Badges was read by. Willard Thomp-
son, Mr. Todd then began to. teach.
seniapliore'flag laata
ngge, The Health
Charts which the Trail Ringers had
been using• for the last month dverre
haiided""i, :mind - those who deserved
stars' weir ail their fi thettfin
tress part of the leeetinf it- was de�
Cided to stop the Trail Ranger meet-
ingsat the end , .l'une an n -
of d to co
•tinue in September. The meeeting cloy-_
ed with the .Friendship Circle.
• People of Northern Ontario
Mari always spot Dr. Allan ROY
Defoe on the road because of his
year -in, year -ort preference for r
Chevrolet and his. long -familiar
D-70• license plates.. Dr. Defoe is
shown here with his new 1939 •
The » `Little Doc'
• r
inusiroad—Chevrnlei. )frill Deluxe Coach -41M lrus&.
Takes Delivery of his 5th
0 you ou want to know why Dr. Dafoe slakes Chevrolet his choice? 'Then
- a
take the wheel andlet
the ear itself tell you.
Drive ve It
in traffic --and
yourll . quickly prove that Chevrolet is first in ac';eeleratian 'Drive it do
the hills—and you'1i know that Chevrolet is first in hill -climbing ability.
..Comp.are.it all along the• line and you'll.find that Chevrolet isnot only the .
liveliest of all low•pr' iced cars. but the leader in features -=tike leader` in
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value and there f qre. the leader insales./ Conte take- a ride ... ,prove
evrolet's superiority .ill• every way ... today: Low nzdnthly payments
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The only low= . Priced car combining ti ALL THAT'S BEST .AT LOWEST
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