HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-09-07, Page 4A guaranteed cure for sore, sweating and swollen FEET AT Colin A. Campbell's DRUG STORE. TO ADVERTISERS. • Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday reoon., The copy for changes rnust be left not later than Tuesday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1S72. TIIE WINGRAIE Tis. R. H.ELLIOTT, PUBLISHED, AND PROPRIETOR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1900. WRITE THIS ON TOUR BANNEItS. "We shall appeal to the country with a record of which any Government and country may be proud, We will point te a record of four years of good govern- ment—four years of clean government --unstained by the blotches which mark the career of honorable gentlemen op- posite; four years of splendid develop- ment of Canada, both in her inaterial in- terests and her national advancement; for years of remarkable success in the financial and commercial development of this country; four years of a truly imperial policy, which. has given Canada aposition in the eyes of the empire and the world such as she has never occupied before; four years of that kind of settled government which commands the con- fidence of capieal and industry; four years of busy activity among the work- ing classes of Canada, who have found themselves busier, happier and more prosperous than ever before; four years of peace; four years of progress; four years of such prosperity as this county never before knew.—Hon. W. S. Field- ing, Finance minister of Canada. THE THREE HURONS. THE Toronto ,Globe' in reviewing the political situation in the several ridings, las the following to say of the three Hurons : —Huron is solid Liberal Comity and. each of the three ridings are rep- tosented by men who were elected by large raajorities. Mr. John McMillan, :who sits for the South Riding, has been a familiar figure in the' Commons for l'arliaments. He is a representative farmer who never hesitates to express his views, which have weight with his fellow-members,when agricultural ques- tions is the subject of debate. He has been a leading. member of the agricul- tural Committee for family years, and upon the election of Hon. Mr. Bain to the Speakership, was unanimously elect- ed Chairman. East Huron is representedby Dr. Peter Macdonald, a clear thinker and. an able and vigorous speaker, who is listened to with attention whenever he rises to ad- dress the House, He is a keen student of political affairs and readily grasps the salient features of any question that may be ander discussion. He has held the seat for three successive Parliaments and the riding is solid for Liberalism. Mr. Robert Holmes, who was elected for West Enron in the bye-eleetien in 1898, will again be the Liberal candi- date at the ,general election. Theriding 40.....01•11dommomm..eviotommiommommea•ao* • FIORE PREGIOUS THAN fine gold is your eyesight. Don't be so foolish as to buy spectacles frotn ped- dling so-called Opticians, when you can be properly and scientifically fitted by a responsible dealer. We carry a very full line of all kinds of spectacle wear. We test the eyes free and guaranteesatisfaction. HALSEY PARK • jeweler and Optician Macdonald Block. hes teen Liberal since its erection in 1042, with the exeeption of one Parliamert.. INir. Holmes, who is a newspayer man, is I .oRoetel by Mr. Robert McLean, a cattle I dealer. Both are old residents of the riding and haw large interests there,. but Mr. names defeated his opponent two years ago by a 11011dS01110 and the popularity of the policy !Mali Mr. Holmes euppoitshas. undoubtedly added to hie strength since the former oleo tiou NOTES AND COMMENTS, By arrangement between the Liberals and Conservatives, the election petitions in Manitoba have been withdrawn. LIECT.-COL. MCUTLLAN, ex -Provincial Treasurer 01 Manitoba, will be the next Lieutenant -Governor of Manitoba. CHARLES NACKENTE, ex -N, P. P,, a brother of Hon, Alex. Mackenzie, died. at the family residence, Springbank, Sarnia. Tem Ontario Agrioultural College will open on Sept, 14th. Already more students have been enrolled than the „College residence will accommodate. Ho, J. C. Patterson's, five year term 1 as lieutenaut-government of Manitoba. expired on Friday. Mr. Patterson was at one time member for West Huron, HON. H. R. E. MUERSON, Premier of New Brunswick, Inas retired and will either go on the supreme court bench or contest a constituency for the Dominion House. Hon. L. J. Tweedle, provincial secretary, has formed a new cabinet. WILLIAM SMITH, who on oath ad- mitted that he was an election boodier in South Ontario, and received a good calling clown by the Juclge at the elec- tion trial, has been chosen as the Con- servative candidate for the riding. Many Opposition papers do not make any kick about a matter of this kind. Tao total increase in the trade of Canada during the entire 18 years that the - Conservatives were in office amounted to $66,000,000. The increase ia trade during the 4 years of .Liberal rule was more than twice as much as during the cativo terni of their prede- cessors in office, being $134,000,000. Ar the nominating convention of the Liberals of South Grey, held in Durham, on Monday, Dr. Landerkin was nomin- ated, G. 1VIcKechnie, who 23 years ago nominated Dr. Landerkin, expressed the pleasure with which he again nomin- ated the doctor, who, in a short address, confined altogether 'to purely local mat- ters, accepted the nomination. THE West Huron Conservative con- vention. at Smith's Hill Friday indorsed Mr. Robert McLean as the party candi- date. Mr, McLean, in a moderate speech, accepted the honor, and the two Bobs are once more in the field. Dr. Sproule, M. P., North Grey, and T. W. Leavite, the Conservative organizer, each addressed. the gathering. Resolu- tions in support of Sir Charles Tupper and Mr. J. P. Whitney, was carried with three cheers. IVROXETER. Mr. Frank Sanderson who has been spending some time with his parents left for Chicago on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hazlewood and family of Clifford spent Monday in town the guests of W. 0. Hazlewood. Mrs. Moffat and daughter, Miss Clara, of llyth are visiting at the home of Mr. Robert Miller. Rev. and Miss Anderson returnedfrora their holiday trip on Fridaynight. Miss Sara Allen returned to Cleveland Ohio, last week, after spending the last few months at her home in town. The re -opening services and tea -meet ing in connection with the Methodist Church on Sunday and Monday were a decided success. The services on Sun- day taken in the morning by Rev, R. 3. Garbutt of Gerrie and in the evening by Rev. Mr. Bristol of Trowbridge, were largely attended. On Monday evening the church Was well filled and the tea and program passed off very success- fully, netting a good sum for the Ladies' Aid Society. THE VALI. FAXES. North-Western, Winghairi, Sept. 27-28. Western, London, Sept. 6-15. Listowel, Listowel, Sept. 18-19. Northwestern, Goderiela, Sept. 18-10. Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 18-10. N. Perth, Stratford, Oct. 2-8. W. Wellington, Hartiston, Sept. 26-27. Teeswatet, Sept. 25-26. Exeter, Sept. 18.10. Fordwich, Oct. 6, Palmerston, Sept. 25-20. East nlirOlif Brussels, Oct. 4-5, Lneknow, Oct. 2-8. East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct, 1.2. Elma, Atwood, Sept, 20-21, Hincardine, Oct, 4-5, Sopt. 25-20. Blyth, October 0-10. A. new organization to be known as the Canadian Association of Opticians was formed at Toronto this week. —Do yeti want to sell Or rent yout farm, or bray one Make the fact knowu in the Tints. The Tints Covers the —The Grand Think manageanent have. decided to renumber every piece f roll- ing stock in its poeseesion, with the ex- oeption of locomotives. Friendship improves happiness and abates miser by doubling our joy, and dividing OW grisf.—Addison. THE ININGBAM TIMES SEPTEMBER 7, 190(h PERSONALS.. Ostila bo glad to hove eontrihati es to 1t (Il or.d. tell Or L4 ix to. 5 OV fe41V 171: tilts vont Win. Dison is visiting Vim& ia HAM- iltou this week. lt Art Meltwain has gone to the boo to accept a situation. T. E. Walker of East WalVaLlOgi is im NOVIVielt this week.. Foster loyfe has taken a situation as operator in Barriston, ' Ernie Button and S, Dever are Wen- ding school in Clinton. Mrs. Morrow was visiting friends near Guelph during the: week. Miss Etta Gordon is visiting with re- latives and friends in Listowel, 3. J. McDonagh, of Aylmer wasvis. iting at his home here this week. Will Pearson spent Sunday and Mon- day with his parents in Ingersoll. Mr, and Mrs, It Clegg- Were visiting with Ingersoll friends. this week. Percy Greet, of Peterboro has takeu a. situation iu M. H. Melndoo's store. Herb. Wiglatnum took part in the Labor Day Demonstration at Drayton, Miss Eznma Campbell, of Toronto, is visiting under the parental roof in town, Thos. Bowers spent the Labor Day holidays at his parentalhome in Inger- so Walter McKibben left on Tuesday for ToroV, to attend, the Pharmacy Col- lege.Mrs. Pilgrizn and children of Brant- ford is visiting at the home of R. Herds - Miss Eva Dawson,of TorOnto was visiting for a few days at her home in town. John Hillhouse and son, Hope, of Clifford, were visiting at H. Davis' last N:7ek. VArchdeacon Davis of London spent last Frida " in town with his brother, H. Davis. Mr. Stewart, son of. Peter Stewart has returned to Glencoe to attend school. Mr. Doubledee, jr., left on Tuesday for Woodstock, where he has secured a situation. R. J. Dallas, of Montreal, is visiting with his parents in town, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dallas. Robt. Hiscocks and wife, of Bramp- ton, spent last Friday as guests of R. J. 1VIEtelVfath. Rev. Mr. Kennedy of London was visiting with his son., Dr. Kennedy, dur- this week, . Miss Belle Cummings of Wingham is the guest of Mrs. G. Wells.—Southamp- ton Beacon. • E. J. McGuire, of Wingham, spent a few days at Geo. Rogers' this week.— Brussels Post. Dr. Jerome was summoned home from Arthur on Wednesday, owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Jerome, A. Galbraith of the Canada Business College, Chatham, was visiting'veith his parents and friends in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Constable; Mr, Geo. Young and Miss E. Wade were guests at Mr. Menzies, Wawauosh, on Sunday. Rat. Watson and Mr. McLaren wheeled from Hamilton to Wingham and spent a, few days with friends in town. Sas.,Lawrence of Buffalo was visiting ;with Winghara friends this week. Mr. Lawrence resided in Wingham some twelve years ago. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Brownridge, of Toronto, have taken up their residence in town. Mr. Brownridge is operator at the 0, P. R. station here. Mrs. R. Elliott, of Ingersoll, spent a few days at the home of her son, H. B. Elliott. Master Frank accompanied her home after spending ten. weeks at the home of his brother. Mr. and Mrs. John La W of Sarnia, re- turning front 4 trip to Lisbon, N. S., Portland, Me., and oid. Orchard Beath, spent a week in town with relatives. Lester Robertson, who spent several years with J. E. Davis, druggist, left on Tuesday last for Toronto, where will attend the Phatraaoy College, Dr, Kennedy leaves on Tuesday next or Ottawa and. Montreal to attend the Dominion Medical Assoeiatiort. From there he goes to Winnipeg to give ex- pert medical testimony in the case Elliottvs. Campbell. Mrs. Kennedy and 0 f Minn accompany him, to Mont- real During his absence, his friend Dr. Stevenson, specialist, who has recently returned from an extended tout of the leading medioal centres in Great Mittlin and. Europe will attend his praetice. I.)r. Itennody expects to be home in about two weeks. Purchase not friends by eftg, when thon coasest to give, such will cease to love.—Fuller. Let friendship creep gently to a height if it rushes to it, it may soon run itself otit of breath. One hundred and fifty thonsand ratios hos hoenlancled in South Africa slnot the beginning of the war. That Mandela/I will not 'continue to Co end which is boort fo an end. Quarles, WEN011.411i TKAHRET Wingham, Over per 100 lbs.... ..... Pail Wheat Spring 'Wheat .... BarleyQa..... , ; FM, . Ducks, per pair .... Tuakeys„ drawn ..... Buttor-... . „ , • • Eggs per dcz Wood per cord ... ..... 1"1PolVoetTs per btzshei „„. Tallow per lb Lard , Dried Apples per ib...... . 2 00 to 2 10 0 00 to 0 CO 0 or) to 0 051 , 0 na to 0 25 0 85 to 0 38 , 0 55 to 0 511 , 0 00 to 0 10 0 05 to 0 06 0 40 to 0 50 • 0,00 to 0 18 0 12 to 0 13 0 00 to 0 00 , 7 00 to 7 00 0 40 to 0 00 0 05 to 0 00 0 12 to 0 12 • 0 00 to 0 00 NWKA.. 0 17 to 0 20 Dressed Hogs 0 00 to 7 00 Chickens * 0 85 to 0 40 Easy Lessons in life Assurance. The Mutual Life Assurance Coe of Canada, has 4-80 years suecessful experience. 2—A large surplus. 3—A low death. and expense rate. 4—All the beat plans. Enquire rates of AIMEE COSENS, Agt. The Mutual Lilo Assurance Com- pany of Canada, formerly the Ontario Mutual Life HERE AND THERE, There's 110 gain without pain. It is said that the Mississippi River and its tributary Streams aro now lower than they have bean for nearly half a century. • , The Standard Oil Co. are leasing 10,- 000 acres of farm lands in Pilkington township, Wellington county, west of the Grand river, for the purpose of bor- ing for oil or gas. Mr. H. H. Wood, of lot 12, conces- sion 4, Usborno, has leased his hundred acre farm for a term, of years to Mr. Win. Ford, of Hay. Mr. Woocl will move with his family to Loudon. Official returns for the week ondiug August 25 show nearly 8,000 deaths from cholera in India. This was a decrease compared with thepreceeding week, and the situation is reported as showing an- provment. Iu poverty and other misfortunes of life true friends are a sure refuge. The young they keep out of mischief ; to the old they are a comfort and aid in their weakness, and those in the prime of life they incite tO noble deeds. There are now 13 cable lines iicross the Atlintie iu successful operation, yet the charge for sending messages remains !what it has been for twenty years or more -25 cent a word for commercial messages and 10 a word for press de- spatches. • An exchange says; While we do not take much stock in the faith cures ef- fected by the lying on of the hands are frequently met with, If laid en early and often they will euro boys of cigar- ette habit. A good leather strap or hickory switch should be firmly held in , the right hand when making the ap- plication. .1.111,1=•=1111•1•0111111111111111115111.111.11.M.M.=111118•1114. So many persons have hair that is stubborn and duJl. It won't g r o W. What?s the reason? Hair needs help just as anything else does at times. The roots re- quire feeding.. When hair stops growing it - 1 oses its lus- ter. It looks dead. AN/Cr:3 Hair vigor acts almost instantly j on such hair. It awakens new lite in the hair bulbs. The 4 effect is astonishing. .1 Your hair grows, be- I comes thicker, and all 4 dandruff is removed. And the original color of tarty life is restored to faded or gray hair. This is • always the case. $1.08113°406. All dkugglets. littve wed Astr's Mat Vigero and hie realty .astettished at the gba4 ft has done in kapingmy bair from earning out. it is the hest tnn T bevo tried, and tian teethes° to recommend st to ray worlds," Itirtnt nom; Sept, 21, ISaO. ZursitigtossilL C. It you de hot ebtele all the Witt* kett eMiteted trete net/Sea old Hatt Vig6rrackeollriitgatkiat. 4 The People's Popular tore We will extend time for the closing of our sale of summer dry goods to the end of this month. Our cus- tomers are delighted with the bargains they are getting, We make a number of very special offers for the balance of this month. Move quick if you want to se- cure some of these bargains, 2 5 per cent, of all Boys' Blouse Suits, 25 to 5o per cent. off Boys' & Men's Summer Hats, 7c Prints for 5c. lac Prints for Sc. i21c Prints for zoo Several pcs 25c Dress Goods going at 15c yd. . . Shirt Waists. Only a few left at HALF PRICE. 25 per cent. all Lace Curtains. Girls' Straw I -fats at Half 'Price. JOH off 25 per cent. off all Men's Sum- mer Suits, 100 Art Muslins 7c, I 2 " 0C IOC. 25 per ceut. off all Dress Ginghams. 25 per cent. off all Parasols. • Macdonald, Block, 0' CHOICE CLOVER AND TIMOTHY , SEEDS AT LOWEST PRICIES.