HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-09-07, Page 3DG` EXRETES THE SEASON WHEN Pain 's e cry Compound SHOULD BE USED. Nothing Like it for : ealth- uild ng. A sudden jump from torrid heat to 'weather o1' a changeful character! The change is a serious one for the ailing, 'weary, sleepless, despondent, citable and for those whose nerve energy is almost exhausted, Tho qulokly varying _temperatures experienced during this mouth, add to the sufferings and burdens of men and women whose systems aro deranged or broken clowll. Long Sears of triumphs tend successes have established the fact that I'aino's Celery Compound is the infallible cure tor the fearful ills that result frons an dmpairecl nervous system. and impure blood. Paine's Celery Compound. makes nerve fibre azid nerve force; it purifies and enriches the blood; it regulates di- gestion; it promotes sleep anti. gives to the entire system a fulness of health and 'strength that makes life a pleasure. • Our best people are users and friends of Paine's Celery Compound audrecozn- mend it to their friends; it is prescribed daily by some of our best physicians. The Buffalo Stotb. Tho ravages of the Buffalo moth is causing such extreme consternation among our housekeepers, that anything in the way of a preventive or curative is now read with deep interest. For that reason we publish the following letter, written by Prof. W. M. Doherty, of the Ontario Agricultural College in answer to queries as to the best method of deal- ing with the destruotivo pests: "In regard to the Buffalo carpet beetle, 1 may say that it is becoming altogether too common a pest, and is doing con- siderable damage in. all parts of the province. The eggs aro laid by the beetles and from there the young larvae hatch out. In the larvae stage the great damage to carpets and woolens is done. These larvae in their development to the adult stage occasionally cast their skins. The mature larvae is the peculiar hairy creatures described in your letter. These hide in the cracks and crevices about the house and change in the pupa (stage, e, emerging as the beetle. In this country we probably have but a single brood. In Europe where mats aro used instead of carpets, this beetle does very little damage, and we in this country may yet be forced to do away. with carpets. I would advise you .to take up all your carpets in your house, and after thoroughly shaking aud. beating them, spray them by means of an atomizer with gasoline or benzine, .remembering that these substances must not come in contact with fire in any shape; also spray the cracks and crevices with the same material. Another, but less effec- tive method, is to lay two or three layers of wet cloth upon the carpet and go over it With a very hot iron, which process 'will generate an amount of steam suffi- cient to cook most of the larvae. Further 1 should advise a liberal use of, naph- thaline in crystal balls in all trunks, closets and woollens as a preventative." Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Colin. A. Campbell. An Englishman named Cross had a daughter born to him, and he christened her Victor -Ya. He now boasts of his Victoria Cross. As the girl is red-head- ed, she is and always will be {L member of the Red Cross Society. ABS TE SEC1ITY1 Genuine r tcai r Little Lien Pills. lrlltttst Sear t itirtr'lttiro oP e �e Sas Fac..811:ttle Wram cr 10oiar;r TISri lstrra11 0112 38 0%4 , „ til3 to CARTEgg ti r; PIP...(o,r F''tli1 En��l;1d�i1 n Ft313 CIL:11d„.SSe t rl.a 1311.9 L IEfw. 1 ted Tracie°int I,IV tie ?'{I),n t3ey�la1T�JIPATIU'Il. E'G1 ill.11L1W will fE. ran Tr71M COMPL XiCII sasiivtearaau riun: nos e/4 ., '< ..:.:,.... CURL $IVis 131:ADAOii11, "RE WINGIIA1 TIMES) HUMMER MJ3ER 7, 1900,. WINGH "2Viartoua's to dollar, Wroxeter cou prohibiting.c0w streets at night, Walter {i'11o32 closed a coutrao 5,000 barrels of When we 118 healthy, strong, a11(1 energy. H good blood. Daniel Herb(. fifty acre farm ton, for the FM Stream). Bros, put in the bar a made iu the Qu We learn that Ieas taken au i shoe factory at proposes movzn family. That fulness t lioved by taltint pound Iron Pill by Colin A. Oao J. J. Blair, eb ton postoffice, purse of money there. Walkerton there lose all th and shops if o weight. Another week up the graiiolith this season in. worth has been Worms aro da convulsions and suffering from Low's Pleasant safe and always The Listowel a partnership ec Bros., made an of last week to of the local Bred Ed. J. Guthrie; agent at Harristc has been trausfe'. place at Harristc Hogarth, of Son It begins to lot will be without this year, as the tura). Society ha rangomeuts for 1 If you can't raging toothache will stop the eel Price 10e., all m John Clarke o ley, disposed of 1 Lamont for the farm adjoins Mr sidered a barna. Col. Hegler, o pointed to t11ke the assizes at Go held on Sept llt criminal cases to There were 4: position make v Walkerton II. S. Mr. Fields, TI Weidonhammer salary of $800, w When children restless at night two of Miller's by Colin A, Oam Mr. John Mil Walkerton Binclt busy man. just nc three thoueancl c holders, and as er gistered, the pc, same will amours Burney Galin Walkerton state that town on Tu struck a stone an air. He fell on skull, and died o He was 22•years Miller's Iiidne headache, Indigo all ailments eau and bladder. St bell. On Wednesday a very happy an place at the Itos a •ers Bnrdn Ink when her daught holy matritnblly Stein of Detroit, Alf. 13aeker of down to business firm of Baeker & got the busiuees and Alf. will no flour and feed tit He hes lead tt got connection with doubt make the 1 025 Monday e home of des. 4, of a happy (vent' Julia M411011 1, the Toronto D unites[ in the Ilol rtev. Alfred (1.'I" tort, Man ',Cil+.t '1,orsinto vont-mei e i Lalce, til 1'i•.( c t 1; • .lint tlzl s.0 .i:1{, 1c lativc' tl'tgv trtl' ,''t flit' 11ttt11 or bed.4. It 1-• _'(hives sw'llb ;, taint i1111111111 twit, t :fat's out p. tin, tat.' cirri y t lits, burnt: braises, t 3t', (lti_t`�s , ti;ttJ t.e1,).1t" t'., , 1/E4',11:1*. M PIS'TRieT, 1rt, to. m eon g f u f the h. on I3 ): l'(Y A. MCD. Allah left last week fol• to assume his duties in source bola with the Canadian fruit exhibit at thePeaisExposition, We siuoerely regret to have to ohron- We the (lecease, at the age c1 '(Si years, Of Muco Ann, the beloved wife Of Chas. Robinson, pcstznaster at Pros exity, p which occurred at his residence, West Wawanosll, on Sunday afternoon, Aug, 26th. The deceased had been for many years an delicate health. She was high - ly esteemed by tell who lead the privolege of being acquainted with her, was quiet and uilpbtr'usiwe, and an excellent neigh. bop. T.e box(aved husbaild has last a good meth()); and the sons and slaughters have to metre. the departure of a loving anti kind mother. The deceased was a resid(nt of eistlfieicl for vera taxa, y y Mrs. Reynolds, mother of Jas. • Rey- Molds, of the 4th con. Hallett, is just past into.her 413th year, audjs a wonderfully actino and well-preserved 'woman for one who has seen so mazly winters, She Cantle to this countrywith 110r lata Ines- band some 60 years ago, and settled at once on the farm on which she has since resided. She was, in her early days, a womaa of wonderful vigor, and many a time walked to Goderich aid back to at- tend divine servioe. Her lime was always one of hospitality, and no • ono enjoyed the social gatherings of the young more than she. A great reader, she has never used glasses all her life, (while her hearing and memory are as n good as ever. To look at her one would not think she was more than 75, and we sincerely hope she may enjoy an indef. inite lease of life yet. A correspondent inElma, Mr. W. H. Berney informs us that oil' the evening of Moncla3+ last Mr. Joseph Lambert, who resides on the 10th con. hearing an unusual noise among tno hogs went out to ascertain the cause when ho discover- ed a large bear among them. Mr. L. at once gave the alarm but before he sue- seeded in driving hila olf, his bearship had selected and appropriated to hini- self gena of the best porkers in the lot and was snaking his way oil" with his booty at the top of his speed. Dir. Iz. Was not the man to give up the pursuit so easily, and having summoned Mr. Lazlgfore, a neighbor "war to the knife" became the'vatcl.ward and armed with whatever came to hand, the two went in pursuit of bruin and directing his course towards a trap which Langford had in the meantime laid. Bruin with booty became entangled. To despatch hila was onlythe work of a few minutes. , The bear is described as 'being by no means of a diminutive size these speci- mens being seldom x0011 in Canada.— From Renlinseenses of 40 years •ago iJ. Stratford Beacon. . Thos. Willison, who lived for thefuture. past fifty years on the 0th 'con, of Hallett, died on the 12th of August, aged 73 years and five months. He was born iu Selkirk, Scotland, auclocame to Canada with his parents in 1827. They settled in was 24 yearsle oftlagefl40d Helived was until g married to Elizabeth Murray. He To- moved to Brantford plains,3 where he resided fur a few years. From there he moved into the township of sullen in 1850, and settled on the farm on which he lived anthills death. Mr. Willison survived his aged partner just ten years.. He was typical Scotehman an honest yP industrious, trustworthy man, and high- ly respected in the. locality in which he has lived so long. He was straightfor- forward in all his dealings with'his fellow men, and honorable in every waik in life. He was a.Prespbyter]an in religion and a Reformer in politics. He leaves - a family of two sons and three daught- ers to mourn the loss of a kind, indul- gent father. Meeting A nteotill of the countyboard of ex aminers'was held in the' public school, Seefortlh, on Saturday, Aug. 25th. lee- gelding the extensions before the board, it was decided to grant thele as hereto- fore. The Following is a list of candid- ates alloted to the respective model schools: C+ob>;lticl: CLINTON Beckett, Nellie Aikenhead, A. Brydges, Wm. J. Campbell, Geo. Doan, Mina Campbell, Mabel 'Down, E. E. Chidley, Agnes Hackett, Hackett, %Vapor Cowper, Eva . 1 Donaldto � C ur ie H y'o t o, attic Hamilton, T. J. Ellis, Mattie Matheson, Wnt.. T. Govenlock,.Jennie McDonald, Fraser Itooper, Alfred McLean, Amelia Hove, Janie Isierce, Amy. A. MaEwan, Eliza Smith, Alex O'Neil, Willa) Smillie, Agnes E, Stewart, Mary Taylor, August Scott, Ethel Turner, Florence Thompson, lossi Wi httnau, W, 1I. Stanburq,>+'lossie Wellwoed, M. Stelk, Robt, F. Williams, E. L. Waugh, Isabel II.• lit, Ethwell (ulna Binto, ticor(tary, Clinton.. rt 1 A itp rN °� 14 i 1 t► a VIN Lai kfel 1 10••* ` 4, Will Jye any Article OI Lamm i JfP"$1 F�' i. F 1 E t til. t a stock 1tilitiiww of Torii rumen, ° '*711118 Iazeaa who a,rA just Starting the.business of farming thould tizgirrzliaadrs as to 'what kind theywill handle and should secure best the kila('1 that van lie for by so doing they are laying foundation fora fortune later oat. is azo 1110110y t0 be made in raising stock, say33'a CarretpeudePt of the Farmer.. Suppose 0110 lune hunch of corrllllon steors and another b1111e1e of high prudes, l t wilt same amount of feed and Perhaps. for the scrub lot to prepare the for guar cot; then whou they are market will be from 50 gents tligh4r in favor of the high grade (131(1 filo awnAr of the scrub.' lot jest that much, for the labor pollee of raising the two lots have the same. Nor is that all. who is setielled to han(lle poor never leas anything that will buyer to offer afancy pried for thein. the fact tin, c his cattle never attract attention, The cattle I would advise y gnat; farmer t0 1landle would shorthorns: They aro not only cattle, but they are fair milkers average butter makers, Their and beauty aro attractive to the bilvers. Ent they uzust be well seta oi, elle must be )xAwitIed They y1 good shelter and not allowed to in the staikfields all winter, They be fed well so as to hoop then. condition. is uulke tap of stock the obtained) the There scrub Prairie feeds it take the more animas sold the to y1.ilU cattle, hAs lAst and e°x- Veil Tho Mall stock induce from f111y t'he, be the beef and fine form eyes of taken 'nitiz ran out must in good iii situation from the England 1800-1000 suc- crop has im- against The that as by to of searcit ' a serious will markets and ' the re the past It is also evil of to, frons be in the Buy- ers caamot be continually deceived, an the result must bo grave sesiscllief to tui trade, as au illuuense proportion of tb deaalaardisfor ha3lgst'1y.pacic4(1 barrel: which, �vitla any doubt to the contrail will cease to exist—thus spoilingwile should be a entisfaetory ;,and pro„ tab. business ter all comma" -•-------France rata is 23 mills on the ncilhas passed a byl .w s from rtlleuiza; an the zsazl, of Mitchell, Iles t to supply, a arm with split peas. we good blood we are vigorous and full of life Sarsaparilla makes Logan, disposed of Iris ll, Cnxt'is of Fuller- ' of $"3,125• have had a new floor id other improvements s hotel, Brussels, .Fred Eibbler of Zurich :Wrest in the Williams Brampton. and that he there shortly with his »for ono of ] lspromptly Com- atter each meal. Sold ipLell. iJf Clerk in the Walker- vas presented with a the other day on leaving akers. under the law bread in their wagons tI loaf is found under or so will about wind is sidewalk building per'Woodall Brussels. Oger $4,000 luttdown this year. Bath s, often fyourtquill 1 on them, administer Dr.' Worm Syrup which is effectual. Prion 25c. /hair Factory Company, Insisting of the Forbes assignment on Tuesday 2r. Sam'l Bricker, one itors, , who has been G.T.R.)11 )n for two years past, irod to Ingersoll. His n has been filled by Mr. them )ton. l ik probable that Clinton its customary fall fair Huron Neutral Apical- s so fax made no ar- Lolding one. sleep on"'account of a , Low 's Toothache Gum 10 and give you ease. editing dealers. tho`Babyloll line, Stau- lis 100 acre farm to W. sum of $3,000. This Lau cut's and is eon- at the{ price paid. Ingersoll, has been ap- Crawu business at clerich, which will be So far there are no Como before the court. L applications £or the 'actin& on the staff of by the resignation of by ie application of Mr. of ,Leamington, at a els accepted. are pale, peevish and they require a dose or 'Norm Powders. Soldcountry P bell ler, a4c.rotary of the Secrete ar Twine Company, is a lw. He is sending out :irculars to the stock- .ell letter has to be re- stage required for the t to 1:210. aith, operator at the while wheel'pa into esday evening, Aug. 28, d was thrown into the his head, injuring his Wednesday morning. ole1 the day he died. P end Bladder Pills cure sti0u, rheumatism, and sed by fLffeeted kidneys old by Colin A. Camp- • afternoon, Aug.2nd;" g d pleasant event took ae of Mrs. Ferdinand is I Listowel, nau street,'v.. el Susie, was unit0il In • with Mr. Charles W. Mich. Brnssels has now got as successor to the late ;Vanstone. They have (t£, filo old firm settled" at carry on the grain, 31114ss at the old stand. id deal of experience in p tWri file old firm and will no J1ldine5s It 4.I11000.88,, n veiling, ling. 2t th the 1 Ii 11t i h was tel • scglzqy g (i , wheal 1113 sister Miss i of Dungannon, late of i t.acon;.sa Ilonie, was y bonds of wedlock t o f 7 htit111150n, 13. A,, of Hes- t e: I'onl')ny was parfetrnl-' I ilott-rt president of the ' r ;wok lt'l' a:>:il+ted 1) 'lac^' . ('i. ('t,:,1a1t1 wets tvitnes:h-' 1y ,n c ,ts, mostly int- , .,.• 3t•itiheh..• a .:ta(1g groom. The Only i1V C �'Lc`i3O . ;w N ' That Make Fast and t Unlading Color's, a f)aeor ri;tillgion,. There is ,'k kind of religion that is l mixture of habit, superstition Glad stole mei. We have kuowu amen who wool not spit on »1e Sabbath Day, but wh ____,_'vhast;o hylr_13s'v1111e flgtlring sem groake(1 (leaf or 114 r le, SOtnA Galea s(hemA oat their nes ;lzbors. We l.eard canftrule(1 (lrlaukax(1 sayt. 11e other da 'pith a',low of atisfact on, that ho ha never €;one to test in his life wit'ho say lug his prayers. About tllo woe nisi mac;r've (suer knew was s(partleul a about fila fourtiz couzinanduieslt filet h would not allow a flag to be hoisted or. whistle blown on his yacht ou Sundae There are some people whose emotion (}epez'(1 on the cenditit)hiS ofmien insi(let When tlwy are well furl they will sit an sing themselves flv, ay to a'erhtr tin bliss, bit(• a •(tpe 1i t:f 00t' • t • ' "=r•,,,t) their "e p+'lienco" ;1i;:1et:..,... :.:;• f helm, Don't pity the pot. •., his hoodoo doctor ant: .,.....' . • year religion consists mere of lixlbiGB c ehmeh going, Sabbath keeping or teach Lug a Sunday School class. .A. xeligio: that can be knocked out bya dose c green apples, a loose tack or a lost Bolla batten, is not worth the soothing syru azul. sticking plaster it tares t) Hold i a together. It is wonderful the nnmbe of growls up intelligent people aroma tv;16 do nut know religion from a phi. in the stoanacli••—Svluzllan in the it ural lure Journal. "'"'"" Feathers, ribbons, sill, ties, dress hilts, luxG'ralets, dresses, sostuaues, etsp(s, �aclCefiT, a21d S11a'Y1S Cala be (lyc(iat hulttl` with Diamond Dyes las so. that they s,ii. look like new, ,Cry a peonage of t'bo Di'amoted Dyes, and see wizat is brit=ht, befllitiful, non -fading color it will imiko, with but little tranb]o,, Diamond Dyes aro the greatest money Garters of t]ie a o, us u3an 'whiz nue or has ten cent ptutittl ellf of these dyes has dyed her old dross a lore- ly and fashionable color so as to caner file expense of a atm one. Partly worn clotlung eau be lade Over for the little ones alicl byd slum it 'vitlz Biemond Dyos no Onti'vU111c1 reeoguiz t11t1t the dresses and snits were riot net. usDiamond.es Dyes are adapted tomany Diamond Dyes simply *dyeing new life land use- fulness to ourtazus, furniture coverings, draperies, carpets, etc, Beware of inn- tenon and common pacltago dyes; ask for the "Diamond" and see that you. get thein The I. 0. F. Goderioli Ont.,29.—At this the + Aug.b' second day's meetiug of •tho High Court of Ontaro, I. O. F., Messrs, Cameron, of Galt, and Kerr, of Hamilton, and Dr, McGarry, of Niagara Falls, were put into nomination for high chief ranger, Mr Calnerou was elected. For vino -II. C. Iy. there ,were naniin- atecl Bros. Porter, Sinlcoe; Garry, of Lo.tclon, and L. A. Harrington, Chat- Ilam. 1;r0. Porter was elected b a y majority o£ nue. 'Cho other officers elected were: Frank lac° i�k S'i. '1`11omas, high secretary; , Arch Deacon Davis, London, high treasurer; Dr. Piper, London, highDread 41oia11; Bro. Prouclfoot Goderich• Tomisellol : R. D. Cameron, Lncl.now' C. H. Merrifield, Moncton,. high aucli tors f The high chief ranger :rad( the fel- lowing appointments: H. Chaplain --Rev. Ed. Hughes, Tel- sonbur;. T H. J. S.—R. A. I�arriu ton: H. S. W.—H. Eilber, M. P. P. H. J.• W.—E. F. Davis, Mitchell. H. S. B.—James Fry, Sarp1to. H. J. B.—H. Maloney, Littowel, H. Mar.—J. Dauncey, Ailsa Craig. H. Cond.—A. K. Gae loran, Cayuga. Ii, Mess.—Dr. D.1`tash, Taxa. H. Organist—Miss Torey, Grimsby. .. Co. t Woodall & circular dealing say: "The imports United States and during the were moderate, cessivo season proved a partial ports were 1,192,000 1,100,000 in the quality generally experience has a small crop is the shrinkage atrnospheric condition the development the fruit; and induces operators and inferior fruit, mistake, as under such shipments attract the attention costing as they sults, as has again season, have been a matter to by false packing has more especially Canada. Strenuous taken to prevent It can """-'•""""'-'•'"-�- *,yfN+, vt;Ne;a,�,a+,w,��tot� ;�,i® ��,r`",'v^i.d.v%ee ' vFEATURES �i v Sam A Special ,f s 11' Ontario o • �� v y a e ley •(f� t ', v ``sL 9AA �c �Sp9 + ve, t . hefOt, PtibuShes fct At In the �� while �� v e ,�� readable. v ° IDt +�# HERE vpre vpf! ,f a The Toronto �� r�January i To 1 y� 7 f� vep 6�. The and0 �� $ .t a lication. ;, o STAR in r4 inti 11) best Q �� 1 `e`�ft, ��' To ) beautifulplate '' y y and the Q• fells ptetnre. ti royal tnalll(rt' �• 4ltcert r4.vioaent i it ;5331114 ttg1ttsOVe('olf,"tt - ,ti+ InOt Illi of It�r motherhood. the future Ring, 6i MSrOyal-Medlet•. 41 t1':L1nee,'would 'e4 It is a A and is a �1�;,, "�+,:�» I�'�r.-.0'—'4° I°- nil �+,•'a' ' ; iy e, ,"', .z ,L, ; y `, Tap ,s.tlr e,4 i till .1Citiitt " "� t f. ,iYf•:'1 r'1 oil Co.; with season. making in failure; previous was again rarely is and as before. no to the do, disastrous. deplored been its serve SO Hunter's excellence its IS regular t t The the afternoon every Fi'iiice rapt tier penult Fitting. and Le special wont • '^ 'tom *--►f>•'�1t PA � I,}ll the of the of Canada which barrels, vex demonstrated of generally keeping to which cirounlstances of high happened in recurrence no ,— Cables, Despatches, Madge "v. '^; CI .. present homes whit: 5un t191tlllell sue so The an ornomont of . y irm. .P.e Y Attple Liverpool, apples good unfavorable stated pack English the that much shipments efforts the news tiiLnatioll-. apple into of the third the the total as year. y inferior,and quality, caused quality unsuitable is trade prices, in the restored should purpose. t.;.� Cartoons, Merton's Children. _Cry for .• ';, ,_ ,AST Al. and 'Young Turkeys. �, 1 - Stale or say bread is, says a co.ro. pendent of the American turkeys,Aghu _ia excellent food for young but th busy housewife with several l r4ocls be feel is often at a loss to sa p1 enough. I have found the following goody plan: Earl in the fall and auxin the winter mouths every scrap of bre that is left from the table is put into t warming oven and thoroughly dvie - then stored in old milk taus and he'lt spring use. Take lobbered milk, h t to 120 degrees and put the cued over t bread with enough whey to moisten i The frieucls thou least and their aloe tion triad, grapple to thy soul with hool of steel,—Shakespeare. P For Over Fifty roars An Old and 'Yell -Tried Remedy—airs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millioizsof mothers x their children while the cing,'with perfect success. It soothes the child soft- ens rho gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is' as. best rhooa. 'It is to the tax e. or Sia by. druggists 111 every part of the world. Tweuty-five cents a bottle. Its valve is incalculable. Bo sure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take 210 other kind. �� e w .,,��.,,�.,����®r,�©,�0,,+� to �.�:., ��,,�.��0����, Full Market Reports, The Khan. ' Sporting News. for Women Page,� , + �� v + �1 ��' ve 1: YY� ; Ii + E ,�� e WA leads y , a x/ + end r� v �r ftp v + �� n + f ®r ��� �ifi �t 1A �t1 �� a year, + �� u b• ' THE yi in read- :I - �� d:, xi'� a v t r t Of the .4 Vttltsot`tho 1 ,`r. a1 ,3 tilt b11 13 <1•. .1s (11++ 'v lhOOd Rl)(1. .ler : o 9 of filo Oath. ,>( 11)e Tel " /7 Soli, vi a , « .�y r r Y� ,►044No t tast� '..t.t IIo Wanted a T.eleihit. There was a lawyer it. the Indian who had none too good a repu- ta•tion for honest says the Chicago T y y g A est s. One of the aborigines employed hien to do a liliie legal business. It was done to the client's satisfaction, the fee duly paid and a receipt for it duly de- mended. "A receipt isn't necessary,"` the lawydr said. "But I want it," re- - batt the red man. There was some ar- gument and the attorney finally de- t, mantled his reason. Siuoe becoming a Christian I have been very careful in all my dealings that I may be ready for the " judgment, answered the bravo, sen- Ekut• ousiy, "and whoa that clay comes f�� I don't 'want to take time to go to the- bad place to get my receipt from you." Tho receipt was made but and promptly delivered. Of the same sort is an account of Cap- tain Jack,'the chief of Modoes, who gave the country a bad quarter of an • hour aucl was executed ferit. A clergy- Izlai.'vaited upon the toughold chieftain to offer oonsolptioi.. Ho ended up a long exhortation by saying: "And if you repent of your wickedness in fight - ing good white men the Great Spirit will perluit you t0 rw to heaven," With all the politeness in the world Captain Jack in .tired: "Ile you think you, ,will oto that place?" y"Certainly," said filo minister. "If I shonTd silo to -dad T would be there before eight," Q iicle as . a ft(Ls11 calve filo answer: 'r11 you•'vitl tae,- niy pisco tend bo Ila:it^yq(i-tA-mo.• roty „ 1 will give you 40 ponie4 The offer n g was not taken Emit the cleegyman sought lleavt?1z•b tt less 2lirect polite. •, ,. „_.,. ,,, „,. -1- best i LI 8 of of its columns ...... r� -:1 `. ,i t II everythii g. It special departments Ili"e brl� ht 5 A BARGAIN FOR THE BALANCE M OF THE YEAR. Daily Star Will 1)13 Milled to any Address �± `� 9 1 . 0 ! i Ceirrts subscription price of THE STAR is $o.00 file a �r is not receive ccl e i duntith z •1 P edrv.ftcr offer is made with a view of placing of thousands echo will be interested papwt in Ontario.IA p OF THE QUEEN subscriber Will be mailed of Her Ma -est y Queen Majesty Victoria of Wales. a :01y sons for 75 rents, Is Vto itnnedent �t sfteture vt'ei ptittiil t fat t:Lnnd:t, 'lhu euuv.•utlnuat pal V01111.8.0?'tllnll 11i(1 el l`.0 01• y'8r8 li:t.3 lett 11,31 (1o; )ieo1i1C 10V3 incl' 31111 Will i„%te4tnb,.t Avlil ,ver lis t'euleinber oft—tlt,! ty, a ol: I!:infriusi1 woout it t, tb sretore, that She should bo I,atntl,t along with is tins historical wetm'u the 1 rtaee stands b: Mild tincture i5 is r. 21 Nelms, In 15 811.olesurvowt,italisultabiy on any Wall. psiliting, .tilt^ado e,ielusivel. for The sit. y Toronto + a "lp. � � ` tee tp. wRn,; ro;a R ` �, 1 � •� 0-4x"` 0-4,0�0'4400'y ,N.4:04a,►'iN"41Wtii 'y i 71 , i0 4,.,.,? .( , y v^ aka r. nw ,s'.i . re `.ii"'` r +�":l t„ ,, moi' f X1 ,;;;) *:.. • , i aa c , and. �t1t, )1c;tC W of 1�E n k�l'. »'V ''^ :44 '�• ��r"t, t a �•j ���rj` i y+I�+p� F 11 Ilemhuelte all < 080.. Mrs.i1tFJlbUnril9 PaliiGt,,'l.Orbroak,rt. .r'., writes: "I have used Milbturn's Ster- iiuIiteadttcho Powders,ttnd after taking 0310 er two felt bettor tet once land wa.I able to get tip and go ott'vlth nty'vaxlt." Price lOc, :end 35U,, all dealers. .. _. A Itecor(1ln Is1ooti. Thos record of Hood's Nt-sat:twil it is literally written iu the t loud of mil ions 0f pe.Ul)le to wllolu it Iles i;ivetz ;;Ua(1 health. 7 li „ .lt•ttltlt. It is all the time +"1t1111t{ t,INtst(1;(.a the stomach, nerves, Itithltlys 11n11 need, and it is doing good Mtn' Clay t Y thousands who aro iLlitnt., it ft,r poor ' appetite, tire(.1'uelil g owl one'ral d(. bility. It is the best reedieme mealy MCI bray. r.0£ At N..v.'11try al' the tools and t;tecl , in a watchmakers factorywere renat`Ir(: Its,,1083 1).•111, itt,tivietizoa , by " during i'% lima :;fords. _ .. _. _ ; Am,o '11 s oat. •- - , , i�r),A>. aY 1�1'a1e v,,,:\lit,,,.1'•f..!',}:,..,�� )�I•]f,., i 'Mr. (.'has, Johnston, iit't3r l iVI., ,nlrs: "I. was 1111 bit? 1 with Itc.als.r- n'.•.a fund. t..)I'e thINtatt :3334 41,?t:'r t ortic'4 (.1.' ',xi "Weters Norway l,1iju 1"„ : 'p .e ev .4 ea: lr' lge t'ure(1." 2;1 rents. , t Ott an aVelrttgt' ..t: ut , ;110 tt ;l'I b t11,' 11?rlple' [ Itit 1.'ittt.'ssovaryt1o".•of tht';;.:r, s t. 1t 1 t fl',O I'J1 0 e n a y (1 ut st ar s ( r s 1 if NI are now a sill. ;;'iht,'l• ttt the ',l'I:ttl•'s+ you c:t't 1 1:tC thc rx.d Picture for t:t t:c::lt!i. I.tiavt your c':I dors t ' rly at T• .:'d i'l lir,! .f". v ."b 15✓ E. eeleteittet