HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-04-27, Page 8AGE EXGB�• ' T r Inde S al and A: (ongoleu.m (old Seal. lug NOTHING TO BUY.' NOTHING TO PAY Ga YOUR ENTRY BLANKS '° AT THE COUNTER Starts :Friday' ;April' 2 11 Sat. #loon Aioy semr.,.rrow..,wiw.si..SP.. • CIL Council net on abQve.date, all mem.,, hers present, minutes of Marsh meet- ing read and, approved' on. motion 'of -Frayne, :and Anderson,-•. The, resolution of Township ;of •How- ick re winter, roads, was ordered filed. The clerk was instructed to write, to the insurance company re'claim., Moved hy • L. Johnston and , G. Frayne that •this council request Hi►-: ron • Township to ,look after. the boun- (Lary road west. for .a .fe: years. Moved; ly 'Frayne nd Anderson that this' Township operate with the.County in puxcha "ing an acre of land: for anv school section wishing to plant it to reforesting on terms of ,5O-5-25, n acre to cost • mere,• :than $50.00.. Moved by .Anderson .and C.: C. .;_ John — :don the counci send for a ty' e,. w r The following'accotints were order ed• paid. Jacob Hunter, reinepving snow and fence, $5.75; Alex!MeNay, :remavl: ing snow anil-repairs, 3.25; 'Root An-. drew, removing snow,`:.6,jt; Thos Per- guson, rezrioving snow, 440; ; 'Harold- Webster, arolld'Webster, removing snow,' 1.50: John. C.. Dalton, grading and repairs, 9.55; Herb, •Cur ran`, , salary, . 18.40; Frank Wherever thea sign is'c(isplayed yotr may be r sure of obtaining paint - Products Of the highest quality that will gave you complete Satisfaction.. HOUSEHOLDERS' WHO KNOW HAVE ALWAYS - PREFERRED lili;<ARTIN-SENOUR P 1' . PROD- TCTa% BECAUSE OF THEIR QUALITY. Here • is your chance to . buy such quality products at a saving of ' 2'0%. Take:advantage of this opportunity to beautify and: brighten your home with, enamels of real quality— quality that givesgreater and longer lasting beauty, and protection. E, EL . (HIGH GLOSS) - A smooth flowing . ens utel that dries fast, leaving a beautiful, even • :porcelain- finish. For wood, or metal surfaces, inside or outside. ' 28. sparkling, attractive eOlors to choose from. QT: 6PINT • GAL 1/2 NAL 1/2 PINT .1/4 PINT 1. 2 .76' . 4.79 2.52 .44 .28 • REG, 1,15' REO, .95 REG. • 8.00' REG. 3.15 REG..55 • . REG. •.35. LOS A WASII'A:BLE SEMI=GLOSS ENAMEL.: For 'walls=furrtiiture--woodwork. Easy. to apply dries quickly to a beautiful satin -like finish, has no unpleasant .odor.' Obtainable in a widerange of beautiful pastel shades: . .:II • --QT.;PINT SAL, ' /2 GAL r%1PiN'r`114�11�1r� :�. 111. .�4 .39 .24 REG.1.50 REG. AO ' REG. 5.25 NEC.. 2.75 REG. .50 REG. ,d0. BUY NOW FOR FUTURE NEEDS: TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE THRIFTY' LOW 111 Porteous S.S. 0 SERVICES' EVERY .. SUNDAY • and WEDNESDAY ATS ale. SUBJECT for Sunday night: "W.,10' 1 Ass A ''Pentecostal_. Preacher". CHILDREN'S' SERVICE Sat; urday .afternoon ',at 3' P..M.• • THURSDAY NIGHT'at alta -.K,inlough• Orange Hall at 8.15 Subject— Childish. Christians,, ' Are You;„Ono?'•' •" Don't Mtss, This Service DON'T FORGET to. '•Tune• ui•; over •'Wingham .every Tuesda v 1,30 to 2, "Glatt Tidings, -Hour"..' •• . • Your .'.Special Speeia ' Monthly Sale :this„ week -end,' Get .a "Sale ~Bill" and :See the"displays, in the windows and store: THE MARKET -.STORE Hamilton, 'erecting snow fen ef' and ' ' grading; 6.75; ' Signal Star, ad for tenders on gravel, 2.25;. Mrs., N. D. • McKenzie, relief goods, 12.00; Neil McDonald, relief goods, 65.12; Sts phen Martin, relief goods, ...23,00•, Simon's Typewriter exchange,, 4500 Moved by L. 'Johnston. and C.'John- ston- that We 'advertise for bid on road insurance. for . next meeting.' Council '•then adjourned on motion of L. Johnston: and G. Fray'ne to meet on• Mav 8th -tit 8; -pan. • . C. E `',McDonagh, ~Clerk.. NeW. Patterns ....For Spring GAY MODERN ' PRINTS TO TONE'ANDCOL- OR TO YOUR HOME -IN hEEPINGf ; W I T 11 TIIE 'DECORATIVE MOTIO OF. SPRING B11tE: ARE PAPERS YOU'LL- L1KI , REAL QUALITY MATER- IALS AT AN :UNUSUAL •,' LY LOW PRIG Call And See; Them , F; M. PATERSON • THURSDAY, APRIL .drib, • 1939,. i. K I N LOSS COU NC1 • " �, .. Kinloss Council' met on April 17th,', 1939, all members present. • Moved by McKenzie and :Hodgins that the minutes of': the last' ;regular :meting :as read be approved and/ signed.'' . • Moved :bit , A. McIntosh and J'; Ate R' Intosh (that this council authorize the Treasurer' to 'traansact all the banking business of the Municipality, to aceordonce with the; form furnish- .ed 'by 'the Banks ' Of Montreal, Lucke now Branch. Moved • by J Mcintosh and.,).•Todgin.. that E m :arson Irwin he, paid 140400 on? salary as assessor. • • ''Moved by-A:.:Mcxntoslt and J. Mc- Intosh that we pay David ;Houston $1i10Q baanty .pn one Ewi1 dog. Moved`:wJ —met tte and FHodg .ns -that Dennis, Kenny ,lie paid $20.00. boentV • on tare Wild do gapts ., Moved •by Hodgins.. and McKenzie that •we . pay:. John $1000=. bounty en one wild dog. Moved by 3."Mclgtosh and McKen- zie' that,, the Clerk` and Councillor •"A. McIntosh' be a c6Mmitttee, : to inter» . View Mr. J. W. ,Bushfiel'd• regarding the Scott -Tiffin Drain Distress Sale •i Surplus Cheques issued: Ewart Taylor, re= lief milk, $2.20; Mrs. N D. 'McKen- zie, relief, 3.72; 3. H. Hall, relief, 6.72•; Miss S.' "Purvis, relief, 15.11; Village of Luckngw, relief, 18.33; E. Ilcillyman., relief, 35.07; Lucknow Sentinel, ,printing ane ads,. 58.05; Daily Com, .News, adv.. Ackert .drain; 5.2k; J. R. Lane, . postage and tele- phone; 3.00; 'Emmerson Irwin, part salary assessor, .40.00;: David Hous= ton, : bounty one ;wild : dog, '10:00; Den- nis Kenny., bounty two 'wild dogs, 20.00; John Wraith,'!bounty one wild Highway cheques: Noble . Guest, pay list • 16, $26.80; Farrish- Moffat, I pay list 17, 13;80; Road No. 4, pay last 18, ' 3.80 .Geo.: Lockhart, pay list 19, IMO:, 0; Alex,.' McLeod pay_ .list 20. 7.00; Allan Nelson, pay list 21, 125.25 R:os ell Gaunt, pay list 22, 7.10, Miss, S. Purvis; pav list 23, 3.00; Milton •I Walsh, pay list 24,. 7.45. J. R. ..Lane, Clerk. LUCKN1i3OW BIB1E INSTITUTE "The dead in Christ shall -rise flint'". Come, out to the Institute this Fri-' i • . da, t evening and :hear the matter tf 'aT e Resurrection of the Dead" dis cussed: by ,Rev. •J . K. MacGillivray at: 8'P.Nt Song Service and. Prayer for Revival. at' .7:30 P.M. Junior Bibi;; Chi)) every Friday at 4:15 P.M: Come. LUCKNOW; . UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. C. Todd, Pastor. SUNDAY APRIL 30th :.. • 11 a.m.=Morning Worship 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evening Worship Y. P. Rally; in Paisley • Friday ,night, April 2841. -Those who wish to go -may leave their names with Bud. ' Thompsott before : Friday noon. Offers of ;transportation will be appreciated by the Y,, P. 5, 1 88 • CORN, PLAICES 3 pk'gs,' (with dish). ... 25c 2 .Pkgs.. ALL WHEAT and ], CORN FLAKES ' with free cream or anger Howl ..... ... .... ... 26c YELLOW CORN '3 cans • 25c PEAS •, • No. 4, •.3 cams' ' 25c TOMATOES, 2,%',s,' 2. cans ' . " ' 19c LIBBY'S BEANS • 2 can l's .'.. , .". 15c •, M. I,. RAKING. POWDER 1 ib..can ...... ... 15c.. BLUEBERRIES ` ' ' •2 cans . A MRER , HONEY 4 lb. pail McCormick's '• SODAS 2lb. bag WESTON'S SODAS 2, 1=1b. bags ' • 25c, ' 25e 20c 25c CASTILE 'SOAP 10 ,cakes 25c WOODBURY SOAP • ' 3 cakes .... . .25c_ .(Bettie Lotion FREE) WONDERFUL •SOAP 5 cakes • 1 • ' 15e ORANGES ' Good sire 19c GRAPEFRUIT, 6.10r , • 25e Fresh Vegetables Always -On Hand. HO:MPSON Clothes NEW COATS:.I'all leadi _.n itga'shades, newest 'mat-. '�P erials smart styles, Pram 7.7 NEW .DRESSES --Axl latest styles, [lowered' end plait ors' newspring shades, •e�pceially the pip- • tol ....All 9 95.UP ulir. fushia, from d . NE*, LADIES'. 'LOVES -s -Silk:, aplatln Solorei.and two to ne an the newest spring 4hade3. ' • NI'. '-YOUNG .M> NS' SUITS --:In worsteds•, _.S and and tweeds, nes est patterns, single and dou- ^ble breasted styles , ,. , 12.'5 'PRONE' $5 i,tJCKNOW, ONT. • Dt1'•_ tam r Hurting corns, callouses, -bunions, ."Athlete's' Foot," —painful l feet, . tired, aching feet, weak or fallen arches , : allof these .common foot ailments - can be relieved quickly.•and'inexpensively. Dr. Scholl's, ` representi.tive' ,front Toronto *ill, be in Our store on' 'edriesdayy, May . from 2 •p: mi to 10 p.''m. Come. in:. Learn how relief can be 'obtained. •... and get Pedo-graph imprints ,of your .stock-• inged feet. RATHWELL & REED FUNERAL 'DIRECTORS FOZ,SITURE DEALERS - Complete New Stock Of Floor Cov7ings, Etc. And Furniture: Sacrifice Prices On Present Stock To Make Rcom For New Ambulance, Service Day Or Night , Thursday, Fridar and Saiurday 27th, ,See the Big Sale Bills and See the Window Displays and the Interior Shows 29th one 0. • •