HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-04-27, Page 5. •• I A • ••. •: A".• ' 40' • , T:111:11iSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1939, • • • THE - LucKNqw 'srNTINiL' ......... ' .. ' ... WHITECHURCH , 1 ,DUNGANNON .iVIrs. Rope. rund • )4rs. . Oen., Me- WS. Murray Dyer 41*1 littledatili. Kague of,'"Cceawater•sPent iM Wed.: ter Patsey 'of Eden Mills near -Guelph uesday . with the former's tlitlightr,. is a' ViSitar for two weeks with .her MS, Jannyi McInnis. Potenta, 'Mx. and Mrs. Tilos: Dick- ' Mrs. rred Davidson visited • on soh, gr. Thorsdok kith her friend, 'Mrs. Eli. ! •Kiss MarYJ. Robb of Auburn win Jacques. • ' • Spent the winter With ter uncle 'Mr.' i AO.j• , James Ross S Stiffeting #0iii Levi 1Vlarweod is .coming back to her 'ft, beaVt attack.We hope to hear of, 'hymmrsainErithies village atrhttiiorBeihs;th vis._. .an improvement soon. . ' ... • Mra Geo, EiSher spent. Thursday led herariend Miss Iris Rivett last with her, mother, Mrs.' J. ,CarrutOers. Satdr.darf • .P.4 and: riValt Forester rowed. tc, ,Mr. Dick Parlc, vodngest son of Mt. ttihu.4erirh?nloWrne0ttnhitP.he. 6th elnic"iihmi of and Mrs. RiPh. Park underwent an op eeT' tration wq;e4erich iwapitai. xm Mon Rev John ,Pelloek..and Mr. .Chsbh. ' laY: itis condition Since has been fay i. . ' ,, are . attending the meeting Of. the 0:0:0leu. • Synodat Stratford . • ' • Mrs RebeccaXxildw_ell and Mr Nei. Mr. Jack' -MeLeitii iha:this week. s returned . ce t gave:a house party last to: his home: • here after spending ow, :.!''iida, n Ott. . for,Miss 'Myrtle Cdrd- winter- Months, with friends at Niag• .:ell w m home di a visit -from 'Oa runs. ,. , ., .. ,. , , , Toronto. We ' are eat!: tc. report dr; Sandy Mrs., Vis; . .',Bray Visited; a couple of ilibW able to return, to: his home here 'lays, this week with her. friend. Kits 174 . after ,b.eing .4two welot in • Wing-' laVid Errington on tbe„ 4th ;'corn of twiii. 1.10E.30itkl, .2_..r.. • ••, ; . :.• • 'WeseWitiOnosh. Mrs. Lorne DuitnIii of'! Bt. -Helexis, Mr, W.' -.A:. Culbert and sons have.. spent Monday .with her mother, Mrs. 'leeured slity thousand' trees an are P. 'Kennedy, . • , .. • , .-1.f.o.yietilSaitetirikotaltuerefvartnat sap,:wersed from Mrs. Shaildeten..visited last Week FOURTH CONCESAION •vitir Mri and .1VIrs. •John; MeWhinney Mrs. : R. •SnelgroVe and Sehr"R! J• returjling Sunday''. • '' . . . of Detroit spent the week -end with ' -Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Hall are re MrsTRobinsoni• , , " . turning to their home in : Ashfield the . . . : . moMorciayanwdithMfrsri..e.nlid:s:Bihnewkthiontecwhiustehd., werlindte•orfulthonetliwseienkftthaeverillaspgeen. ding the Mr. and Mrs. D. , McConnell et- . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce: McArthur had' • tended the funeral on Tuesday of as' yisitors this week their paren-ts Mrs. Ailaii McConnell of :London. . :Mr:. and .Mrs.- G. W. Collins of Chats:, new G. M. Irount• and M. Jelin worth ,and'.51r. and Mrs., Jos. .A. -Mc- McDonald ,are attending a:meding Arthiir of Renfrew. .. . • of the SYnott; whfiCh. convenes :ln . Mr. and Mit. Robt. Eillittt arid little daughter Edith. of Teeswatet visited , A. • .• • • . I ° WINGHAM SHOW STARTS AT 8 P.M. EXCEPT fl.ATYRDAV • SATURDAY NIGHT Tivo SHOWS' AT 7.43 and • 9.45 MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 2.30 p.m. Thurs., Fri.,Sat April 27,18.-29 I SONJA lifNut I • * * • • y .LUCKY STAR" Songs by'Cordell: and Revel, Styes by Royr., andPS" 1132449' superb 'skating all *Combine 'to. mike, this Picture first elass-"enter- tainment ! • • • :ALSO "WINTER STYLES4'. LAND of CONTENTMENT"; iliEWS1'; tt • Mon,• Tues., Wed., May, 1 -2 -3 SPECIAL SCANDAL THAT -SEE A WORLD AFLAME! • TheexettIng ioreuteFe of a beautiful girl•queenearch- • -big For &love that her montage could never give. Mighty' unfolds tee most magnificent production NORMA SHEARER • TYRONE POWER oth 'JONA BARRYMORE ANITA LOUISE ROBERT MORI:0 • AWN SONILDKRAUT ilreeted byW S VANOKE II • Produced by Mil .STROMBES • • • Stratford for three days theSt. Andrew's Presbyterian church. Tuesday at the home,of Mr. and Wits.. Friends and neighbors are sorry to' J. Robb. • hear' of the death Edward Mr, and Mrs. Alfred. Hefford .and Pierce, formerY of the arxth Con., three Children Of Toronto visited, Mr. andMrs. Wm. McClure, over the week- end. They were accompanied by Miss Wilma Treleaven who 'visited her pa,r, ehts Mr. and Mrs. G. C: 'Treleaven. Mr: Treleaven is making .a slow.but steady gain :to. recovery:: ' Mr. Wilbur Johnston who hasold his -farm and selling his farnistock and implements by auction has pur. &anti the---irturse---Fecupied by -Mies: Patterson. ' The W. M. S. of ErskinePresbyter- in ehurck.piet Wednesday April 19 at the home of Mrs. John Bennett wItkthe president,'-.1VIrs. McWhinney in the chair: Mrs. Davidson , was in •charge Of the devotiOnal• period, giv- ing a tai k on "Living agreeable with othera"'taken' from the. 15th chap- ter of nonians, followed by. prayer. The roll call 'was answered by a Bible or hymn verse. Mr's. McWhinney gave the top,ie 'on "Missions. in Korea'. Mrs. Arthur Stewart and Mrs.,: Misr. idson gave readings on the 'topic. Nominations were given 'to fill • the ,vacancies on the •Presbyterial board to •be eid t Luckno-w ih. May, The secretary, Mrs. Fitzgerald • gaye the minutes of the March- meeting arid: a report of -the ,Tliatikoffering meet- ing Good ;Friday. Mrs. 3. Bennett and, Mfs. W. R. StOthers: were ppliointed ,delegates to attend the Presbyterial in May at Lucknow. ,The president closed the meeting with prayer:. Mrs. Bennett servedrefreshments at the close of. the meeting. • Mrs. Arthur Stewart was organist for the meeting.. Mr. Jack Richardson who broke his leg seen weeks ago had it removed from the cast this week...It will be a while 'before hejs able to walk qujte natural. • The Senior Branch of othe Women's Institute will meet this Thursday at the home of Mrs. R. McDonald and an election- officers will be held. silebitirphde ' . , .... . • .... • • • • Owing to the length of this picture there will not :he ani short 4ubjeet. • . • AtIMISSION-LL•ADULTS 35e; CIIILDREN•1=-- 20c MA• TINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON: AT 4..30 P.M. • ADMISSION -- ADULTS .20c; 7 CHILDREN .16c ROUKD TRIP TRAVEL BARGAINS from Lucknow May 5th -6th to CHICAGO $12.80 May .6th To WIRDSOR; To DETROIT $4.:45. Equally low fares from all • adjacent To N. R. St:ethics. For train • service. going and returning see handbills, Or ,conscilt Agents. . . • • , T120D CANADIAN - NATIONAL, Od3i/TUARY WILLIAM LEDDY William LeddY; 85, died on Sat- urday in West Wawanosh. Horn at Prescott, shortly after his family. had come from Ireland he was only six when- they •Moved to St' Augustine in West Wawanosh. Following ,a .period• . during which he worked in. Michigan lufnber camps, he 'returned to Huron County where he took up farniing. He retired from farming in 1920; He was prominent in community affairs ! • andwas one of the founders of St. Augustine Roman Catholic 'Church. He is .survived • .by two sons, James -and . Raymond,* of West Wawanosh, and three daughters, , Sara, of Wing - ham'. Mrs. W. A. Boyle,. of St Augus- tine. and Mrs. A. , Boyle- of West Wawanosh. • He is, also survivediby two brothers, Paul, of St. Albert, AI... berta, and Daniel, of Goderich.....Funer- al services were conducted by Rev. J. ',McMahon, at St. Augustine Roman Catholic' Church, on. Monday,. at 9.30. o'cleck. Interment was' in S. • Augdstine cemetery. • • • : "Wewere ameing the first • . - . subscribers on the Line says Mrs. Tohn Schaeffer, GoWanstown. Ontario, "and we all use it a great deal. My husband is a drover and the teleihone exchange gives him wonderful servicel" No farm home should be without la telephone. It banishes isolation and loneliness. And it's mighty handy to cc* relations and friends and quick aid if need be. tt, Mt% , \.*V • i1u -S-Cf14.Atft SchwerV4rttatOtitgLo mond; ior • „their telephone servim nquire now ubout .• • • LOW RATES for FARM HOMES who died at his. home in Reston, Man., • _ Mr: .and"Mrs. 'Torn Morrison and Marlyn of Whitechurch sPent• Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ham- ilton: ' • - - ' • • - A -number of the. people who have been suffering from the effects of the 'flu are improving., • Tftra Ilanrore____Riaker _UV faMily and My: and Mrs. Eldon Lav- ery and children Spent Thursday With Mrs. J. Carruthers., . • The'meeting of. the U.WW. 0.•was held on.Thursday at the home .of Mrs.' .L Carruthers for the month, of April with a good attendance. •Mrti. Mckinnon 'presided and the .4tmeting opened' in the usual *ay: • Mrs.. A, Maolntyke read the, minutes of the last Meeting, also' 4 letter. of thanks After, community' singing, the roll call was responded to by a name. cif a flower. After the business period, a program was; enloyed.'A paper by. Ms. atitherland; and Miss Mary McLeod "Should Modern DreS be Reformed".; a huinOrmis reading by Mrs. G. platter; aipaper "The Joy of good Music ,in the twine" by Mrs. D., L. McKinnon; cuitent events Pre, pared by Miss McLeod' Were read by Mrs. A, MacIntyre; comic readings by Mrs. G. 111: Young; a quartette by Messrs. David H, 'John, Elliott' • and Irwin Carruthers accompanied by Miss Lillian Carruthers. Mr. D. W. Cameron, Sup't of the Children's: WasSociety- of the COnnty of Bruce; Was the _guest, speaker and gave a • very 'interesting ,and helpful. talk. A vote Of thanks was tendered the •hostess and' those tdking part in the program. Singing of "God Save The King" brought the meeting to a close. Lunch was: served and a social time spent. The May Meeting is' to be held in the sixth Shod Hodge. • BUS SERVICE Begins April 30th0, • LEAVES Luc/chow South except Sunday's and hol- idays, 7 a.m. • SUNDAYS & Holidays --4 p.m: NORTii to Kineatiline. Daily, • except Sundays and hall- • days, 9.10 p:nt. • SUNDAYS & Holidays, -10.50 `poi Further Information' See • Local Agent. SMITHS GARAGE Western 'Ontario Motorway • ,.„ ... ... ..... • ' .• • • ••••••• ' • • . SEDAN DELIVERY : ' • ; • • . ' PICK-UP DELIVERY' : • • Pale 1 #00.. PRICED 1•101AIER, ALL. ALONG. THE LINE -y a say— on ery Way, -Lon purchase price; on operating costs, on , •upkeep -L -When you choose your Int& from the Chevrolet, line • • 01 'grear'T-n-rifreai,LiCLZ7 ' ,3n-are-sfr.-back. tyves of trucks . including every popular body style ... offering • W1,Ton, I2 Ton:2 Ton, 26 Ton, and 2 Ton Cab -Over- • Eilgine models . . with a wide: range of wheelbases . . . with- ne* trudiictyling. new all.sted, N',(.-Typt Cabs, pOweiful-N4raulic Truck. Braks, chevrOlet's .famous 'Valve-:in.Ilead Special Truck lEnginei • Full -Floating ,Rear Axle On. Heavy Duty modeli. And all, these new • Chevrolets sell right down With the lowest, at sub,1 tantidlly reduced prices! Drop in at our showrooms'. Learn all about,the outstanding " I9:..39,1ine of Chevrolet "Thrift ,Carriers".7and arrange a thorough demonstration toddy. Low inenthiy payments on the General Motors Instalment; Plan. •• . • • „ STAKE EODYM6DE&S • eAB-OVE12-• • • ENGINE MODELS DUMP pEODlfr MODELS ,CT -49r • • ' • L M. MacKENZI THE KEY TO LOWER ,TON -MILE COST ,m11.1•11•01.911.11•111•••••••••••••••••••111MIRM. F.T. ARMSTRONG, opTomEinusT IN• LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY • 9.30 A. M. To 6.00 P: M. EACH SATURDAY • 9.30.4. M. To 12.00 P.'M. . AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE `The BRAY CHICK Does theTricid Bray Chicks are.real money. • jnakesican.DrOVit. nate. your order here, 160% live de. tiverylparanteed. LUCKNOW, ONT. 45 Finla son Bios • itts:hovv --priced Ihe.Low esti.. YOU'VE wished to drive something better. Well, .here's hews! Pontiac's right in line with your purse! .10 • ' Prices are down as much as $100 compared with last year . . right down with the lowest! Yet, Pontiac. looks hundreds of dollars above its,cost. a'great: big beauty with wide doors . "humpless" floors... richly fitted spacious interiors, New Unisted "Turret Top" Fisher Bodies afford greater visibility all around. "Finger-tip" steering and shifting • "silky" dotal, action . . .perfected .Hydraulic bniking, You. simply laze at the wheel... effortless controls at your instant ,• command, The grand "Newrest" ride • levels the road . keeps you fit as &fiddle,- on a4y-lottg drive! • , • • See and drive the Pontiac "Arrow"— . and Its great coUlpeelon car, the Pontiac "Chieftain", most advanced car,iq the low. • price' field. 'remit arranged through the General Motors Instalment , Plan. 11:1913 • •*::°iftf6:•••' •"THE MO flT ADVANCED CAR IN THE LOW -PRICE FIELD''. -tis the Pontiac • ",Chieltain", the only CO in its rnice • oltitsts With Itellesigned and,. Improved 'Knee -Acton Front Wheels, New Haat OA . . Spiiingand other exclusive- leatares. . . , A. t infra arage-