HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-04-27, Page 4•
THURSDAY, .APRIL. 27th; I939 •
..PAG/1 , FOU
Oil,. 5 it' 6.., from LU
To. Stations Oshawa and East to Cori wall inclusive, Uxbridge, Liiid-
say, • Peterbore, Campbellford;, Newiparket, '° Colrngwood, Meaferd,.
Parry Sound, Sudbury Capreol and West to •
,fdidlanii;, North, 'Bay, a y �
Beardmore, ' - .• 1j.
r k
Mt :Trains. May •5th -. - All Trains May 6th
also to Brantford, Chatham; Gbderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London,
Niagara Falls, Owen .Sound, St. Catherines, St, Mary's; .Sarnia, Strat-'
ford, Strathroy, Woodstock.
'See handbills €or •complete list. �of, destinations. i -: '
:co sult
ck etc. a
For ;fares, return limits, train A•nformatioin, tickets, eta,
, , , , ,, • - • uiearest Agent. •.
� CO �.
;_. 5 . � . , .
John , Fairish' who has ! under
gone two operations in Victoria , Hos-
pital, London, , its making;favorable
i' sires:' are; given .for.
recovery. Best yn . ,,
a s eedy recovery.
p �daugh-
Sohn: Parrish is at Tier; dag
ters, 'Mrs.,Lloyd Robb of Pinkerton.
A number ;:,:attended
f�l the. Institute
-Jan�°C :w L kn w .on rah rsday, night
air ith a n • umber= taking, 'part, in the
Mr. and Mrs. JaMes • Little, , Lorna,
Olivet) 'W M,
The Wemeli',s Missionary itieeting
for the month. of April 'was held in
the church on Wednesday, April 19th
'The : secretary, Mrs ' (. Brook, took
charge of the:roll call and -the reading
of our Minutes. Our vice=president
Helen and •Joycts"spent the week -ad
yvith Mr.. and ldrs, .Warner. Smith. Of
took charge of, the first part of our
meeting and after. the business part,
the leader, Mrs. J. McIntosh, for the.
month. of April took , charge, of the
remainder. Our first hymn' was • "Al)
the' Way' My Saviour .leads Me"
after - which all !repeated the Lprd's
wprayer in unison. Our second _ yinn
as .'Blest • be ,the Tie. That Binds."
Mrs, O.° Brooke read us our scrip-
ture reading.fpund in St,' Mark 4:25-.
?,3ad..13:51-35..We were
re th
oured.by a talk by Mrs.McIntosh on
thisscriptyre.which was verT inter-
All enjoyed a ,splendid» tem-
:,perance .talk by Mrs. H, 'Vegan.Mrs..
F. Megbarles very capably k
'charge et ,our Chapter `The, Pioneers'
of the: Present'; from our study bo •
-oda'. We
World : Can
e. of
favoured by is , reading, Moths
Wang's ,Easter" sent in by Mrs. M.
Coiling and well-read by Mrs,,. J. ,Coll-
ins °The meeting was'.brought to a
close by prayer, -by Mrs. J.- McIntosh..
The meeting was in \charge of Mrs."
:JMelntosh as • convener, and Mrs.
R.. Hamilton, Mrs. ' G. • Brooks, Mrs.
M. tolling and Mrs. R. Black as help-
era. ' The May meeting swill' be r,in
charge of Mrs. W. Lever ah convener,
and Mrs. Black, Mrs., O. • Finlayson,
Beth McTavish and' Jean McGuire. as.
, Mr: Gordon and Myrtle Johnston
visited during the week -end• ' with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McInnes of
Teeawater. t
Albert Mc
tioid. of Lucknow' is
visiting with. his 'daughter Mrs.. Jas.
Little.. ;
• eel t
s cometo
1Stay "sucker fishing is the order:.
of the day, the loud piping of the
frogsand the warmer weather.,
A partnership with the:Sun Life' of 'Canada
is a DSD ,QF SECURITY:for you and yours.
Representative,, LUCKN:OW
The , - : int
The'1�I:eek n P' ri.
M.,, ... By.• - .. .
. P.:
• I Q .
W:.R. T01V.r N
farreaching, lingo ce
A move• of.,
the House..of ora
was announced in
mons. Friday night. It`concerned ap-
peals • `from • the . Supreme Court of
Cana a to the. Judicial .Committee of
, in London. Hon.{
Connell, C
O y
the �, .
,C,,. IL Callan: again presented'.h s.'bill;
to• abolish •such appeals, but suggested'
din it' should
:_that' after its .sec Qnd reading
be referred' to..the' .court and, ultira-
e ,
ate) to,. :the • Judicial , Goli►mitte •, o
y- t s, ii o -its , coal
that they May ;pas p n
stitutional validity.,' The. Minister_.',of
Justice ' announced , that; the govern-
merit would make. such a reference,
fortlr buut without waiting, for
the 'to.: sanctioned.
the s�ond: reading be
It. has the Rower .to. refer any leg-
islation or legislative:projects to the•
court under ' provisions of ..the ;Sri
,piem-e Court Act. Abolition of ap-
peals to the 'Privy .Council has ,had'
a rather •recurrent advocacy,. 'but here-
tofore Without going further'than'
the talking : stage. The action now
to be., taken is' the first definite. step
in a Matter .that is the subject of•
controversy • both in. and'outside of
legal circles: . - • -
'The day was' largely spent in deal
ing.. with relief.. legislation. The. Min=
ister of Labour, at the outset, read
telegrams from seven provincial gov-
ernments, refuting.. Denton Massey's
story about `;`thousands" :of trans-
,4118, fin -mow a .a rviti .: and hex-.
posure. ' Mr.: Massey, however, dean,
ed to .tone • down rhe . picture he shad
' ;:.On : Monday Labour Minister.• Rog--
ers 'last night • again urged Denton
Massey to., withdraw the statement
Ale -lad, made., The statement was
'hunfortunate. land without . foundat-
ion" Mr. Rogers said,riand ,because of
the interpretation that had been plac.
ed 'upon,. it • the.'member' .should • with-
draw. it. Mr. Massey,, ; however, not
only •adhered to. his original state
meet, but declared "thousands more
are ' dying.,, .
Malnutrition. and starvation death's
in Canada :from •1.933• to, 1937 were.
given by.Mr. Rogers;'show'ing' a total
of • . 51 covering all, classes, of popu
lation 'and . circum Lances. A "report
to the'Health Dkpartment,: by a nu
titian study ' 'conniiittee • had shown
• that .:there ':was no evidence of in -
'creased - malnutrition ailments .dur-
•: ing the;, years of the• deprssion: It
had -been revealed,. the. Minister said,
that there ,was less actual want and -
more ,,medical . care, in Canada since
the': depression •thanbefore. There.
was : "not' the slightest evidence" . that
through any .failure of relief admin
istratiore there had been any increase
in•deaths, ' •
A nation -side. forestry program
was • strongly urged .by}' Colonel. Mul-
ock,` Liberal of North. York. He .com-•
,mended it alike 'for. the'purpose of
providing' emplooyMent and of conser
ing and renewing national resources.
He favoured" . government co-opera-
tion•with the provinces 'in, establish-
ing a chain of camps imilar to those
in the . States.: for forestation and
conservation and : also proposed; ,a.
national educational campaign. Part
°fit it: would' be schoolyard tree plant-
ing to impress :on children the value
of 'reforestation ''"
• The trade agreement • with the.
United States, debated so'long in the.
,House; had easy going,. in the.' Senate
where it 'was. sanctioned •with little
ado .last night. Senator Dandurand
,presented it with• strong eulogiuin.
Senator Meighen' didn't wish. to be-
little anything 'that, tended . to im-
prove British and American'.. rela-
ions, and, therefore, he wasn't going
to vote against ft. Bid he didn't want
anyone to construe this as' • meaning
that' he thought it • is 'a great . life
saver for Canada.. • .' • •
• ` The question Of unemployment. re-.
lief continued to', be idiscussed on
Wednesday. ' Mi.,- Stevdns, formerly
leader of the ill-starred Reconstruc-
tion ,.Party, and, now once • more *a
front -bench Conservative ' made : .a,
• comprehensive `Speech ' on the relief
problem. There were two points`"• in
particular -'-an appeal for . the. mob-
ilization of the ••v ious forces to try
to solve the problem -and the r'eiter=
ation of •an `older suggested remedy
for .• subsidizing• municipalities, to
bring about a lowering of taxation
to which they • themselves would con-,
In the, Senate. ,the' Defence Pura.
"chasing Board' bill was sent to'a
committee. • :
tor' •
Venof Callender, e
spent ,the past five months in Calf'
forn'uavisited at the home, of Mr..
and Mrs. Isaac Cranston last Week,
Mrs. Jas Wilson' and little daugh-
ter of Wawanosh agent pare or last
week with Mr.. and M% Harvey
Anderson. •
• Mr. Sidney Brown of Benrailler,
visited .on • Saturday .with MIC, and
:Mrs" S. J. Kilpatrick,,
s The W M. S. will hold their reg. -
ular ;monthly, meeting, also 'a quilt-'
ing, • in the hall, Wednesday afternoon,
of this week. _ •
Mrs. Elmer Phillips Beth and Jim
returned :henna on Friday from a t'wo,
weeks visit with. l an
Mr;,,and MrsCecil Blakeoof C
spent Sunday afternoon •withMr:and
;1VIrs, • S, J.? Kilpatrick °
Mr. ' and •Mrs.. George .. Saunders
• held a reception at their ,hoine last:'
Thursday evening in honour of the) i
daughter, :.Violets. whit,. was r
i e
:married. All report .4 good, t m ..
lllau rslid--Chevrolet.Master< Deluxe; Sedan with tr'gftk. _.
First in Acceleration—First in Styling
first in Hill-Climbing—First in Economy.
• L .M
and First, in Value in • its) Price, ,Class!.
CHEVROLET is winning leadership in sales
because outstanding leadership in per-, ;
formance — due, to advanced Valve=in-Head
Engine design enables it to, out -accelerate
and out-climball, other low-priced cars! '
Chevrolet is winning leadershipin sales,,be.
cause outstandingleadership'' in styling marks
Chevrolet unmistakably as the most beautiful;
ear in its price:•range.
Chevr_olet is winning 'leadership .in sales
because outstandingleadership in quality .
features identifies. . Chevrolet as. the ,only,
• pricedcar combining "all'that's best at
lowest cost;' in Brice, ' operation and ulikeep
Visit our showrooms today! See, drive and
buy today's fastest selling motor car 'and big-
gest dollar value the new' 1939 Chevrolet! ,
Low monthly payments' on the Garland -
Motors Instalment •Plan.
Frictionless G'on.'4prings;'
•Double -Acting Shock Absorb-
ers; Ride Stabilizer Shockproof •
Dual' Cross' Steering. , --•
"Vacuumassist", supplies Bo%, ,
of shifting effort. Simple, pose
tiye design: Only ;It ,extra.'"
Long; lownd roomy '... imp
provedNo-Praft Ventilation'...
ell -steel. Body by.,.Fisher. with
"Observation Car'' -visibility.
Valve4n4ead engines have,.
made all world records --on Bind
on Weer;=end• in the air
.PERFECTED (Qtliaslro-Aetton) -
Maximum effect with minimudt
pedal pressure• ... EMergeney•
• Brake Levo under the' cowl stt
dlirer's'•left. -
Mrs. Allister ".Hughes of Holyrood
wa"s a week -end with Mr. and
Mrs.' McKenzie' Webb • • '
. Itev, IL, 'M. took' charge of
the service' in the United church
; an absence of several Sundays
o+>.Oing• to illness. . Re roves
by.'Mr. Zinn of Lanes who delivered
the address.. •
The regular meeting of the Y. P. U.
Vas _,held on Sunday evening with
E. W. 'Rite presiding The topic, Sun-
day—a Holiday or Holy Day? was
taken by Mr. John Mochrie.
Mr. and : Mrs. Wilson Bryan
Orangeville were ' recent guests of
Mr. G. A. Webb and Mr. And Mrs.
E: W Rice. • r _•
The April meeting of t e Women's
institute' was held'. with a small .at-..
`endance. Mrs. McKenzie Webb Pre -
'Med and the roll call:' was responded
'o by the naming of a Canadian In
iustry and •where . it is' carried on.
The : subject was . in charge of the
4n, in,,it`air..Aaa, F'.annelimn Tndnntry
lonvener.:Mrs. John .Cameron. ' A pa-�
ler on "Rag Weed'.': was read by Mrs.
• J. Thom and one on "Bind. Weed"
•ty:> Mrs. W. A. Miller. Mrs. T. J.
•Todd read a humorous story entitled
Stubbles from the Farm" and .Mrs,
. ▪ •W Rice favored • with a solo. A
nominating' committee composed of
Iles. E. J. - Thom. Mrs. R. J. Woode
•tnd• Mrs. Bali .Was appointed. It was^
iecided to invite the District ` Pres-
ident, Mrs. Oster., to the May Meet -
'lug. At the conclusion,' lunch. was
.erved by the hostesses, 'Mrs. Weath
irhead, ' Mrs. Ball and Mrs. E; • W.
The annual meeting of the Wom-
- ' Institute ' will be held in the
'onimunity Hall on Thursday after
Moon, . May 4th at 2.30 sharp. ' Roil,
-all . —"The '.number of meetings . I
'have attended . during' the year" Sub-
sect—"Arbor Day.—It's .'purpose and
observance" •in charge of 'Mrs. Lorne
Woods. Program Committee=Mrs,
irervey Webb, •' Mrs.: George Stuart.
Hostesses—Mrs: D. Phillip's, Mrs. Ed.
;v1eQuillin,' Mrs. P. Mathers.
• His ':many friends are glad to know,
:that Mr. Louis Weatherhead, .• who_
has been ,confined ":to bed for three
weeks, . is : much 'improved and able
to be up and around.
Mr. and . Mrs. W. L Miller, Mrs.
• cordon,. Mrs. Tom Todd and Anne
:nd' Mr. Gordon. Miller were recent
isitors '.with Mr. J. W. Salkeld and
Bias Salkeld, Goderiich.' '
lVrartin's•"orchestra will provide,the
wogram and music for the -dance
•n the Hall this Friday evening under
auspices of the W. I.
' �lr�•�(
COOK and
daughters "liveutP.th
name:.'i<liey have wcln nearly
"oof , `the choice
"Spring' wheat used', in lnnihstig.
Hood ; is �thorooughly
• •
.washed, before it. is 'ground:
Look into: a bag of Robin White
ow, clean. and white it
and see b.
fin ness 'and. rich
is...Test its e
baking . quality by ribbin a g
handful between your fingers: :
eighty prizes.tor baking at the
Acton and $ria Fairs. "I really ".
believe'," e, " .say s Mrs. Cook ,• "that
Robin Hood`is the best flour.,'
I •hhetfor
cakes, cookies and
• • ies• and it snakes • such fine
featured, beautiful
• white loaves•. .
-of bread. I do all my baking •
Geo E. .Cook, R.R. 3, ••
llfrt: S8e,
ii Ont., with tier dangb1er5,
A ,
rent .
' tie
r c )
Robin' Hood. '
It 'isn't by "chance that More
1 �
Canadian women use Robin
od than: anyother : flour.
Robin. Hood is "the choice: of
champions" because champions
Best of'. all, try' Robin Hood:
in your awe kitchen: If '' 'You'
haven'used it before you''
ll be
delighted to find how•,good
cook you really' are!
are wise .housewives who think Si ncf<rely,
first°of: giving their families the
best in bread, ,cakes and pies;
And Robin Hood gives'them
;the best.
• . .
• , si. r
• :-
ROB i HOOD FLOUR, Mit,LS,1,11ff TBD "`—
'Customer.'. "You . charge More' for .:Barber: "_We 'barber's• have had, to •
;cutting • a Woman's . hair than a man's learn an. entirely . new l€ne o1 •. con-• °
'How's that?" versation -for you ladies.'
The suggestion. that Prime Minister
W. L. McKenzie King- ''travel- with
Their ' Majesties throughout Canada
on their forth�c��oming' visit to_ our
Country was *Welted in the House
byM . Coldwell, a •C. C. P 'member:,
who •di not Bee. 'any need for Mr.
King to`a+ company the King 'and
Queen. • An. explanation of why this
,was- necessary was issued by the
Interdepartmental Committee in
charge of details of the I:oyi Visit:
• "It has long been customary" it is
stated, "for the King,' when travell-
ing on formal or state occasions, "tp
be accompanied by pne of his ,con-
stitutional 'advisers 'as Minister in.
attendance. This custom of the con-
•stitution will, ofcnnr,e,, be observedPt'
At any time a royal visit imposes
exceptional ,responsibilities upon the,
government, and • indeed, upon the
entire country. It places ;a special •re
spoilsibility'..upon: the Prime ,Mini
ster.i'' •
"in the ciircuinstances of •the • pres-
ent visit,vwwhich is formal, official"act
Because . theTo onto Daily. Star
printed the statement that "Wiarton
Abounds With dibotleggera" the Town
Councillors .called. a special meeting
and prepared a motion, asking the,
Star. to retract the statement.
The actual motion, read as follows:
Moved Reeve Hunter and seconded
by Councillor Cottrill; that the Clerk
be instructed, 'to write `• the: • Toronto
Daily Star as 'follows: "'inasmuch as
",lie'"Star printed in .their issue of
April' 12th a. misrepresentation ' of the
conditions in the town' re bootleggers,'
urhich is veru°detrimental to the town,
we hereby demand a full, retraction
of semi. to be printed in,'at least 'six
different days and, that they coin-,
oensate the • town by giving the town
lee full page of advertising free of
charge. for -one issue, said advertis -
no to be prepared by the Town Coun-
cil." r °
Suffers Severe In'urles
On Thursday, April 13th, Mr. Percy
Roulston of • Stratford, ,suffered . ser-
'ious.injury when the car •wbich,he was,
driving collided .with another 'ear at
an • intersection of, the. city. In the
impact, the• Roulston car crashed a
hydro pole and was overturned. Mr,
Roulston was taken to the hospital
where; • it was., found his back was in-
jured, making it necessary to -have
him placed in a cast. Latest reports
sit? he Is making favourable progress
Mr. Roulston is 'a tion of Johnston
Roulston, concession 2, 'Huron.
of state, undertaken by the •actual
reigning Sovereign and the occasion
requiring that he be , eeompanied
throughout the visit by a minister
in attendance . in "full constitutional
sense, it • appears• even more incum-
bent upon the • Prime Minister of the
day to assume and , dischar!ge this.,
duty. It'will be the first visit' o£l,the.
actual holder of , the Crown Ito his
realm, ;of Canada it algid -appears
�,peci.rl authority and initiative at -
to‘ tire Prime Minister's of-
fice and function, that hellabieuld be
present throughout in order to be able
to decide, without undue delay+;; upon
.any action required by the various
exigencies arising in immediate eon-
section with Hie Maiesty's viait"
They're. iaying•RIOIL' Roofing
• and. right over the•.old shingles, toot
With Preston "Rib -Roll" and."Tice-lap"
metal roofing there 'is no•'niuss. of old
shingles • lying around and no danger • of
exposing your building while re -roofing.. •
"Tice -Lap" and "Rib Roil",, made in the
• famous.' .Council- • Standard ..quality, 'are
guaranteed for 25. years: Sure.protecti'on:,
against fire,and weather for the best part
of -a lifetime. • •
'Prices are lower than at this time last. year
.because there is no sales tax. Write to -day •
for'froe estimate. Address Dept. 906. •
Factories also at
Montreal and Toronto
•. The'Outconte of 121 Years'•Successfu1 Operation .
•• )s.' --r ITT Cz
that I like about this
bank is the= friendly, help-
ful way they do things
for you."
sscnettsitsp. tat:i
Lucid -low Branch: V. ,Nay PU:EST, Manager
• MoNtesat"-Ask be booklet
8 ViCifS:•fiF• •f'li't• ti NK t;[>•