HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-04-27, Page 1• •••., r4.00 A TEAR -IN ADVANCEe.-40e EXTRA TO U. S. Ae vet • POE SAL,E--4rade heifer, yeaijng and a•bull ealf, 10 weeks old. ApPly • at THE MANSE; St o Helens. FOR SALF,-K,itcherie range, eaten - ton table, single woodenbed, dresser and stand. Apply at Sentinel office. FOW.SALE-Yellow. blossom Sweet . ()lover,. grade -No. 2, $3,50 pet -bathe', , ROD MeBOUGALL, 'Phone,' •26-28, • , °KIDNEYS- ARE CLEANSED and in. itagerated -.by,. using; -"Ratinecape.,...: At • eegillar hiteryais, use Iftlimaca,ps for' e your health's sake. McK,Dd'S .DeRLIG .. •I s , e ' AUCTION SALE of bousehold•effecte . , ••at the residence •of C. Thornton, Rip- eley, 'Saturday April 29thsat 2 o'clock: "-reeSee bills. C. Thornton, Prop, Matt Gaynor, Auc. 4 - AUCTION SALE -Of farm stock implanter -its at Lot 22, Con. 2Xulross; .4 miles :seUtleamet of Teesivater, the. •• estate of the late Gilbert Marshall, on Tuesday, May.2rid.•See billi. Matt. Gaynor, iAuc., , FOR SALE-e-tord Sedans ',geed tires, . new battery, • Iblack; ducos new, lic- 'nse, $5.00.e Repossessed . 1939 .Bettery Radio used one Month. test e.$8.0O-Sacrifice $26.00with new: heavy duty batteries: J: .0. Stewart, Lucknove. , • . • NOTICE TO.FARMERS • The Lucknow Joint Club mixing station has a tomplete •suppl7 ,of fer- tilizer .rnaterfals on hand. .JOHN Digneger,Jalone Lucknow. e TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF -siSHFIELD ::The• undersigned clerk will •receiye 'bids Or tenders on road insurance on Township roads to eight fattoek P. M. On May the 8th. e20 miles of koed:. No tender or bid neeessarilY accepted. ." C. E. McDonagh, clerk,,Lucknow 3. CLEARING., AUCTION SALF;L-Of : farm .eteek• implements and house- hold effects' at Ralph Nisairesa. (st ' .storner. west of Litcknows one-half mile south), on Friday; April 28th at 1.30 o'elotk. 'See bills for :list and ,eerms. Med. Gaynor, Auee JOHN le: MCKAY, Prop. • ALL YEAR INCOME selling large line° spicess-extracts, "toilet selennisit,es stock, and other farm ,products Our COiebinatiOn Offers Open every door. • No extierieneeneeded. Pleasant 'woes, • Steady repeat Maleri from old , and nevacustPmers. A small amount puts you in business for veunself. NO RISK. Excellent opportunity to _right Party. For, free clostaile and catalogue; • FAMILEX CO. 5/.70, St . Clement, Montreal. • • s I . : ".APPLICATIONS WANTED • Applications will. he received by the • undersigned to June lit, 1939, 'foe, \--the riosition efeCourity COnstable for ' the County of. Bruce, 'salary $1000:00 per annum and five cents per mild, • silievired,-all court •Ceste and fees to, . revert to the bounty. • Please etate age, married or single, qualifications and exPertence if any, • and give references. '• • A. Nelson, .. ,rer Co. Bruce ; ,Box '70; Walkerton, Ont.._ ' PE•CIA.4 LOW., -•PRICES • Due to exceptionally large ketches • of, 'Ink husky. Chieks • ' ' • • Mixed. boeic leti eras White Leghorns 7%c Ific 2e ' Barred Rocks . 12e 7c New H. Reds ... Sake 13c • 6c Hybrids •, 8%c 12c 7c4! Livability and satisfaction guaran- •teal. Sterted chicks reasonably priced. !latches: every Meniday. Inspection in- vited. Neer C.N.R. station, DUNCAN KENNEDY, Witigham• Ont. 1 • ' WHEN YOU pry . BABY CHICKS. youexpect them to live, grow' and • produce both _meat ,and. eggs prefitt ably. You are assured these. euttliiies ° when you secute your clrickd from , oar, poeltry farm. For .22 years we • , •have been selecting and 'breeding Our 1.4els for arge •bniler .end egg stie end high' pi:eduction. ,All breeders • • laeodstested.•White.leghorns, 9c, pe I ; 20c, Barred rocks,' and New ea I shire, lee, May re less. •e ' ELMER. 'PARRISH. GORRIE. • NOTICE • . • „ A meeting' of '•the Business Mena • aaeodatioe of Ltieknow well be held in Bothwell and Reed's Store tine Pridity 'evening, ,Aptil ° 28th at 8 O'clerek. • All those interested, and ,eyeryeee houid be, are urged to he sweeesenereestereile . . •. --easeseese.- •'NOTICE • r Constab R. Moore warns the public that they.. Must exercise tete iedieposirig garbage and refuse at the Village eperip, and not on the- high • greyed, seriseendingthe. pit • . HOCKEY.,CL.UK.STAGING DANCE THLIS .FRIDAY The LriCknow'llockeer Club is stag- ing..a dime in • the TOWn• Hall this `Friday •riight, ,April 28th, which is certain to popular event, and according to the advance sale of tick eti, is assured. of being well patron- :. • ;Ernie' Brown's :Band base -been • en- gaged, which is goad neWs. te the majority Of dance patrons, ,for this ercheiteasproired'eptite impale! at. the Ieeent Clansmen's -deride • ' Tickets may be .secured adeance. from .several . mernbets ;of the, inter - Mediate -teane• and the past •season's executive. ' In order to provide v,eiridbeeakers brain same Aimiliar way to recognize the success of the intermediate team this: season, •a esune of moneYwas voted by the Arena Committee tedent- 1Y, to augenent. the club's finances. At a recent hockey meeting, the club decided to sponsor the '•dance in an :effort to raise Money for this pur- pose .ttrid so avoid the necessity, as far as possible, .of accenting the do- nation sfrom. the Arena Citminittee, which „amount can thus be retained fey debenture purposes. ' • " • LOPAL BUSINESS mgN: TO • MEET THIS FRIDAY ' A Meeting of the LuckneW Buei- !less Metne Assecietion has beenees111- ed. for • this iFriday evening it 8 yeloele in Rathwell „and Reed's store. This is a meeting that Merits the atten ance of all business men and •• ens generally, who are interest: in the civic, welfare and progress ii Liree-village. • '•• Alive.bpsinesi men'A Organizatibit ie:e* real necessity and 'asset in any, community but ,such an Organization Tan .effective only Stsi the degree • 'ts members .make it,„ ' ••An interested • executive, elected tie office after careful consideration; end Which has the co-operation and itipport of the members, can 'make he Lneknew •Bueihess Men's .Club, force for good thee will do ;ninth n• keeping this village in the limes • • • • 41 . United.: Ch I Y s . e At -the Y.P.S. -meeting of. Monday everling;' foljneeing the opening devo- tidnal exercises, the Scripture pass- age as read by Norma Ritchie Mrs. Normari Wilson favoured with .a piano instrumental and Mre. Duncan Mae-. Donald with ,a reading. A 'duet Was sung' by Annabelle and Queenie Wil- kins, with Mee. Wilkins accompanist The Topic,: "The Mieistry and the Storm Centres" r was taken by Miss Eva Greer: STILL PERSISTS . .-spite • of • repeated • attention drawn to the careless disposal of gar- bage and refuse at the village dump, the practise .• is continued by some Who persist in strewing this refuse around at randoin orttlie high ground, loading to the pit...This freer' time to time involves expense in putting the aprlosteh to the pit in order, • , The can be no excuse for this eareleseness, as Vehicles can approach right to the edge of the 'hole', where all garbage can he disposed of With comparative ease and where it must be disposedof in future, Constable, R. J. Moore weeps.. STORY OP. ROYAL STANDARD. AVAILABLE TO SCHOOL PUPILS Coincident With the 'Thrthcoming Canadian'teur of Their Majesties, an ettractive-eillust,40aniPblet -tones tainingethe history of the Royal Stan- dard, the personal -flag of King George VI, is being distributed to local school children. The Rowel Stan - deed. is •printed in color on the front of•the pamphlet and seven diagrams show the Various 'banners that have served as the flags of British kings during the last 700 years. , - ' ' The pamphlet is entitled •"The Story., of the Royal' Standard." It was written by E. E. Robinson, an employee of the Bell Telephone Com- pany of Canada in Montreal whose hobby is heraldry, and first appeared in "The Blue 'Bell," the monthly nutg•• azine published by that company for its •employees. The free distribution of the pamphlethere hasbeen made possible through the co-operation of the iChenl authorities and the local 'office Of the BeIrTidephone Cempany. I. . COMING:EVENTS' , ••' .PAR?AiVIOUNT DANCE ' Dancing every Friday night at Par- amonnt Hall. lACKeinie's orehestra. Admission 25e. 0 • BAKING SALE " • Honieenride baking for aside in the oOrange Hall ori Saturday; April 29th. at 2. eine, sponsored by the "South Kinloss Ladies' ,Aid."- Tea- booth in conneetion. ' . • . 'DANCE AT ST. 'HELENS A &Mee Will he held in St. Helens Hall this Pridaero April 28th, under auspices of the Women's Institute, Mesie And • program by Abe Martiii oreheetre. Leech served. Achnisaton 5e and 15e. '1I,Astie,;e'es-*ItetVIVIVO -"The Little ,Clodhopper", an en- tertainieg • play, will be preeerited- in the Town Hall, 'IselelasoW On Ftici!isf May 5th,, by the Young People, of North "St. United Church, sGoderich under •the auspicea 'of the W. A. of the Lecknow United, Church. Ad- mission. 25e; children.. St:, • • • LucknowOnt.,- Thursday 401 27th, 19 MASONIC 'AT HOME HELD AT RIPLEY' _• • The *Intel :'At Home of Old -Light Ledge, ethictsis marked:. as "Ladies was held last Fri- day evening in,'the Township = Hull, Ripley,' and in spite of nidayorabo -motoring teonclitione; attreeted•e par- ticularly 'Mae attendance." _ • The, progeant was .piovide4 by the Walter Butes Singers of•Toronto,•and the gathering was delightedeeneith the 'offering of this :eheir of. It voices, and the several ; selections, ,ber.-the feature soloist, :Mies Iles* Sinelithe It was a delight, indeed; to be priv- ileged to ehear 'these representatives of the Singers Guild; their visit to Ripley being made possibly.. in no Oman 'degree, to the fact that, Mrs. Heritage (nee Vera ,eCrawford) ' Was the pianist accompanying the sing- ers, and She received a ".big hand" as she took a bow at the eonClusion of the • recital. • The program wee' late in ietting underway dee to weather and flood conditions , delaying :members of the Neil MacLennan, Worshipful Mast- er of Old 'Light Lodge, very capably presided as chairman calling on Rev. C. N. MacKenzie and Rev. J. C. Nicholson, who briefly spoke. Prior to the, program commencing; Mise Blanche McDougall favored with in- strumental numbers.' • • . After lunch was served, the even.. bi eyg tbomconcludedecb a rwi ei with rcdancing,beetat.61111usi PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH- TO , effeeR'K VOLVENeitlIALEE : The Ltiekhow Presbyterian Church Will celebrate the Golden Jubilee Of the layjng of the corner stone of the present church building on Sunday, 1Viay 7th. Rev.' Wm. Barclay, M.A., B.D., of Hamilton will be the guest preacher. This date coincides With the .Diamond Jubilee of the "PresberS tery of Maitland. The Presbytery will 'meet in LaCknow on Tuesday, May 9th in the afternoon and in the even - Mg the Diamond Jubilee of the 'Pres- bytery and the Golden. Jubilee of -the Church will be celebrated at a Public' meeting to whieh all are cordially. invited. °.. • .• FOR HOMES BEREAVED The Sentinel can 'supply you with printed' sympathy ' acknowledgment 'cards, black Or grey bordered, • and envelopes ee matchein any nuitneiter. Satisfied With- Oh Reliable An exchange days 'they have -ee- ceived•e renewal of the weekly paper from a I3.' C. subscriber by air -mail; We have never yet received a re- newal in' this way but we have cents' h. :number of overdue subscriptions and aldeaie Find enclosed Order for $2" by just the old reliable postal serviee would be greatly appreciated. , . OBITUARY • • MR: JOHN WOODS ,-Mr; John Woods, whose death took place at Melfort, Sask., was, an „es- teemed resident of. thisctommunity for a numbers of years.. He was horn in • Simcoe eCounty 'and came here with hisepardnts to West Wawa- nash in 1872 .andslived at St: Helens till 1908 when he moved out West. • Deceased- was in' his 197th year. Ile was married in 1891 to Margaret' Reid of° StanieSewho is left to mourn his loss and six children. Also two brothers, Mobilise/1, of St. Helens arid 'Henry of Galt. Teen predeaeased•him in -1010 -.astride. driseeehlesteerdasigheeree Violet (Mrs. Cole) in 1937. Services were conducted in.Melfort and in Pathtore where he lived be-• foie he retired to Melfort He was buried at Fleet 'Springs, ' • BOWLERS PLAN' ACTIVE SEASON • Organized On Tuesday Night ---New Cup Donated For Tivilight. Doubles • -Joseph Agnew,`Rerelected Pres- ident. nommoloo•••1•••.• With,. greens' in eiCellent condition, and withea favourable financial hal- Ance from , last season's activities, .the Luck/Myr 'Bawling Club re -or- ganized ,on •Tueedayl, night, and laid plans for the coming season which is anticipated will ht one of the •best in the CIA's history., , • -e-A, nevi cup is up forcompetition this,- year. it is the Tip Top Tailor trophy donated by E. V. Hofftnan 61 Lucknow, and will be competed for at 'a twilight doubles tournament On June 15th. The annual doubles tour- nament was set for Wednesday, July 5th and the rinks tournartient for August 17th. , Officers Were re-elected es follows:, Hon, Pres., J: W. Joyntr. Pres:, Joseph Agnew; :Vice -Pres., Boy Finlayson, and t ec.4retti., .Clark •Finlayson, " Cnmrnjttee n r e as follows. Groundilt. Rae, E. V. lloffnian, Wellington McCoy; Membership„E, LI Agnew, W. McCoy; , ToernAteent, E. V. Iloffinen, G. R. Smith; John A. Meborield, Writ alePtietsen, Member:shin fees are $5:00 flit Inet year reemberse;$3.00 for former Merit - newsro'iN,°*tvg.linthitetttribleite mernbeese e$10.00 Per family. •It Was decided to join the Provincial Lawn Bowling Association, It was decided that there be free bowling for theithera,.ledies and gen- tlemen, an all evenings, except Ofl specialoecision as clecidecl hv the eitecutive Commit . tee, • " 9 • HALF HOLIDAYS 17 . [TRAIL RANGERS COMMENCE -NEXT WEEK r• • . , Next Tlinneday,;May, 4th marks :the comni6neenient of the weekly haif, holiday, as Observed by Luck. hew merchants ?According to eustem; businees places will:then remain OPeek an Wednesday even - bags :commencing next week: Thi pubhc are reeked to .bear ' tl!is chaie fit- mind. LOOdia. „O'letSitOg • BORN KILPATRICK-In Winghame Hos- pital' on Wednesday, April 19th,to Mr.. And Mrs. 'John Kilpattxick • of uckhow, a daughter.' ' COMPLETES: TERM AS MOD .RA..,TOR' Rev. Frederick ,Gilinoeit Of London Succeeds. Rev,, C. H. MiteDoneld As. Moderator Of The 'Sealed Of; Ham' ilion And London. ' . The Rev Frederick 'ailriniure B.A., Ei.te, for the past fourteen years 'pastor of .Elinwood church -in leeindonS Was Monday night elected 65th Med- erator of the Presbyterian Synod of Haroilton and London. He succeeds the Rev: Chillies MacDonald of Luck. now. "Some 300 delegates, represent - ethic •of every congregation -within the Synod, gathered anneal ses- sion at St. Andrentee Church, Strat- feed, made the choice of the 69 -year. old cleric:, unanimous after the ,Rev, RI• Allan.Cranston of Welland, had declined o alio* his nomination to go before °,the Meeting. ' 2,F1 •!rather follew than the map We love singly refer to as Charlie MacDonald," • Dr. Gilmour said in his opening re- marks to the • Synod.. qufhe, spirt in hint, I trust, will follow ene• in the work Of serving a great Synod." '. e Reviews Stewardship , • • ; • Foleowing o•ii-t the •usuel ceetorn of e retiring 'Moderator; Rev.: Mr, MacDonald said, in ;giving. £in ic-' emint of hsstewardship, •that he had enjoyed the •year in office • and eosin. thanked the Synod for the honor it had conferrednpon him. • ' One of 'his fleet duties as Moder- ator was to officiallY open the Kin - tail camp, the buildings of • which he helped to erect by doing car- pentry work. He officiated also nt the opening of th e pretty • little church at Gorrie after it bed been redecorated andrededicated • free of debt. The..c.entenary ,celeleration at Ste Andrew's and the preaching at other enniversaey service throughout the Synod helped make the work interesiing,. To his Atonic congregation at LucknOw, Rev. Mr. MacDonald offered his •thanks for it had been mostconsiderate in , ac- cepting eechange pastors whenever the occasion • demanded. The, office provided the retiring. Moderator with the, opportunity of meeting members of •congregations and church officials' that he could not otherwise have done hed it not been for the generesity Of his' owe congregation, ' ------- • HOYs and *irle, plan now to . enter the "Sepoy", Trail Rangers grand Marble Tournament to he held on the lower lot of the L. P. S. next Satur- day, April 29th. , It is your opport- unity to win se. worthwhile prize anti become Leekriaw's ene,and only Mar•e •Ille Chemin. So enter now' and . jein, , in the fun. • ; ptit" your name, • age And, J ra.:.10c !entry fee in an ,envelope ared deposit ,it, in a .ipecial bax. ateRsesii -TilloMPsen's store before- 6 tine 'Fri- 'el;4•,` • !-' .TO BE..B,URIED ON • HER 83RD BIRTHDAY , . • The death of Mrs. Robert. Smyth occurred at ,her home,. Conceesion 6; West •Wavvanosh on Wedoesday'. Mee. Smyth Will be buried an her 83rd birthday son Friday. The funeral ser- vice Will be held at her late -residence, at two o'clock•vvith interment in. Dun - gannets cemetery. Mrs. Smyth, forms' erly Susannah Baldrow, is the mother of Councillor Brown • Smyth. . ' • CLOCAkaudGENERAL Miss, Rhoda Cook spent a day re- cently in Toronto. . , SALE! SALE! 'froth Aka 29th to May 13th at the Gift Shop, LuCknow. -EVA GREER, o • • Miss Heffron, of etlyth is a visitcor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wise • MacKenzie. • , '- J. W. Joynt and, Wm. Porteous Jere in attendance at the • Grand Chapter convention. R.: A. M., being held this 'week in, Windier. ' Dr. and. Mrs. R. L: Treleaveri !at- tended the military ball of the Scotch 4F4silnieigrshth!ld in Kitchener on Fri- ,• Your Speeial -Monthly Sale th;s week -end. Get e "Sale Bill"- and see the displays in the windows and store. THE MARKET. swoRp. Mr. and Mrs.Albert \ Cook spent, Monday in Owen Sound, Where Mise, Edna is nurse -in -training in the Gen- eral and Marine Hoepital. • „ Mrs, Jessie ,tuyler of Liberty Lodge, Kinerredine and newly elected District Deputy President,' paid an official visit to Jewel Rebekah Lodge on Ttiesday evening, Rev. J. and Mrs: McGillivray of LucknoW, motored to Stratford on Monday to attend the sessions of the Sensed of Hamilton and London being 'held in St Andrew'sPreabyterian 011MA • -• ' Mr, Andy Orr and sore Doneld of Ansa Craig visited 116e on Thuri- day and Friday: of last week. While here ele; Orr Joined the MeCharlese 'Orchestra, Whieh .-Plaveci for the Kitt - tail Institute dance ..here on 'Thurs- day arid at the Masonic "At Horne in Ripley. Friday. ,t • • • L') CLANSMEN 'PLAN' FOR MAY 24T11 'FROLIC The Clansmen, Meeting last Mime day night, received the financial ee- • Pert of their annual donee showing • a profit of $20..70 and then laid pre- liminaryplane for holding n frolic ono Wednesday, May 24th einiiliar to the event of thisdate last. year. A committee wae appointed to bring in its 'recommendations as, to what line of entertainment be adopt This report will Ilse submitted this Week, and 'it is expected the ac- tivities will be confined te the even- ing only including a dance, the Claps, - men's games, and probably a feature atti-action -by Canadian Vaudeville performers. But More about the de- tails at a later. date. ' .. The, financial report Of the. dance is as follows: • ' 1 . Receipts '. ' ' - $71,20' .. •ExPenditurese, • Sentinel and radio 5.50 Decorations, Hprizes, wax 6.50 • B. ,Ward, caretakee, 1.00:' • - 50:50 • • Net proceed . $20.70 • LY0puni THEATRE SPECIAL • Next Bionclay,, Tuesday and Wed- nesday the 'Lyceum Theatre, Wings ham, 'presents "Marie Antoinette', ee- cthrring, Norrna Shearer and Tyrene Power.. This week -end the Lyceum features- 'Sonja Herne and. Richard Greene in "My •Lucky Star." Read the ad. • South • K inlos 7 ' P. The meeting of the South Kirilese Y. P. • en Friday....qening 'toak the. ferm; of a .."Qtrit" 'on the .•geepel' of. MatthewAftee the opening •exer- cisee, 'sides.. were chosen. •andeach; one. in turn • dee* from, the forty Sines- tionsewhich hadbeee 'prepared: .Mr.• .j., D. Roes acted- as • judge and Miss Catherine' Macinees's side Von by tw.o. • ThiseQuiz eireved very inter- esting. and it, was. cjecided:te.• have an.s otheielsook .studied for' a. later . ineee- ing ,,The • meeting. was . eloped by .peetieg the •Miepah .Benediction. • • . • WEDDING BELLS . _...".GRABLAM-HENDERSON eiclock.- Ree..C. J. Queen officiated , The .marriage. of Marjorie Kathleen sister of the bride aedeJohe Schutz: if TiDgu:r.habainriil''id. eldest &tighter' •of• M. and Mrs,' Well - ten on Setuedays April 22nd At 1.e0, Attendants were. Mies • joy' Hendereole ingten Henderson dt,• Dian*, and Mr. • Minoru ..Malcolm Graham, •of Gra- ham • and the, :lite- Mi.• Graben'. Of Miaphell, was solemnized at..Prineee bride looked of kn.. George . • •. • . ;loOke' el , charming, •M. a. 306Z. CluseY rose' wool • suit, with fox far trimmings...And: navy.....accessoriee, Her corsage,'was 'of ..koselilli ' eepees... ely-ofthe-valley.„.;eind maiden Imie .re•lnfe. and Nirse,Graham Inter 'left . • .. Mr. . ...n 'a . wedding° •trip ,to Rochester. They see eeeide in Winghare ' HAND LGASH,ED, IN BUZZ SAW , •• .(110LYROOD NEWS)" • , We. are sorry to .report .Raynard ,Ae.kert, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Aekert, met with a very Painful ac• cidene while buzzing 'wood oil Mon- day. The thumb and index finger were badly s .gashed • and • the ,eecond ,finger had to be amputatedl at the hand, It Was the right hand that as injure and it lay lenynaed' aff wok, for some 'thee.. He is in Kin-. carellee Hospital At present.. • ' ' Me. and Mrs. 'Austin Legge. And Meetly „and Mr. Wm. ,Eadie spent Sunday ...atDurham • 'where . Mr. reggers Mather is very poorly. • Mis. Eobt. MacDonald, -FlOrence and Jack were recent visitors.. with .Mr: and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton. . Mr. and Mee. WM- Eadie and feee- ity' spent Mon•day evening at 11ft.• john„ Peterbatigh's, Sleuth, Line. . We were also sorry to leafn th'ai Mr,. Merle Joenstote was operated on 'for .appendicitis it • Winghem Hos- pital- on „ Monday night. Ile i .ini- proving . favorably.. • . ' • Mr. N udie refurned.to her home in Clinton on StinAayhaving gpent 'the past twe 'weeks' with „lief niece Me% Aimee Ackert. LOCAL t ONSEItVATIVES MEET A Mbelline ''of the Ltreknow Con: servative 4-04-aeiatiOn ..'weithalitat:the4 ItrOgne. otel. otre Ttieedase eeeffilia ,when a comniittee. Was eet lip to I 'supervise and direct local affairs, There will be a complete breimia. nen in the village to co-operate with • L. H. Snider. the riding candideie in the next Dohnolon electf6n0 wheel is 'anticipated will be in the; fall at this year. • HAS MOMENT() OF HAS M.E.YIENTO OF - . • . . Writing of the death of "Big Rory" McKenzie, • known As the `,Astitielel Giant," the Dtiehani 'Chronicle says in part:. ' "When here. in .19.36; hespent eon-, sidetable time in .Priceville • and ' 'wad ensteumentat in having the eold cem- etery on the Derham Road ierinroVe.d. "While••here, Mr. McKenzie called a. the .Chroiliele• -.office...and', paid, es' se v eral .• visite. Ile was a good .elonver- sationalist and ve•ry. interesting' •te listen to and ..we ' enjeye.d hs visits ..yeeer • Math:, We had not heard ..f.ibiet „him 'since. While in...this' .01E4 We: had biln. *Seek a .postage .stanip'On a door jamb, and without taking ..his heels off the floorhe Placed it without effort' nine "feet from the floor. That stamp - still reinains' where he placed it,, and will remain there a - n.•inesn- ento, of. his ,visit." •. ' • - • LAN DMAitK Atigs,tp•,, A' etThe "Do You Remember." • 'cabmen •ef the Ripley Express had the felloW- ng• item; • „ • • .eVirlieh Gordon's. :blacker...0th'. shop' .nthe •corner • of. the i5th • .eidpeoad. and . .the :Ashfieid boundary,•• was •A: landmark to %Writthe traveller .te-. svard. Ripley? Now it is. removed 'and late at night, many:a •Matorist pases the snotand does not realize .his error until he 'Medi in Leetralein"•-•• • ..We -know 'of One local' motorist, who ravelsihis. toad• -a geeat'eleal,. •miss - lee. the corner on Friday evening • en- Oute to Ripley to attend the. Masonic ''At Horne"."13at in .Stiete a.heavy fog ••-•es see:jet-eel •' enegirte einiettesitideehe excused .for s ppingepast the corder: . • . BRUCE BASEBiALL .LEAGUE ORGANIIZES FOR SEASON. ° ••• . . The: annual meeting at the .Bruce Baseball .League wes.' held in ..Chesley ne Friday, :with the following .ciffiter. elected:- • . . ° Hoe: Presidents, Fred' Bowman of Solitheinpteri, H, H, Stever& of leoet• Eights. Douglas McKay of ICinearelane;••. president, •pr: W. H. CerseleofeSoulte. amptoree .vice-president; Harry Dane of Gwen Sounds: .secretary -treasurer, A. A. Perkin e of, Pori Elgin l • two. „members were elected . tai the •.exeen- tieee Caernan, Thorepion of • Teesw.ater and. Dr. J. S. Pilkey, slIanOver, while' enother Member,. is to•eb.eaPpointed, to the elsecutive• at a later •.date... •• • • . The. last.•clate•for. ,enteries, will be Friday, •May 12th, •..• ; Clubs represented. were Teeewatee, Wa I ke et o n Southampton. Owen • ,Sound, Chesleye . Hanover, •AViarton; Allenford tebet Elgin, ..end•althodgh ea definite .entries have yet been • re- ceived, runty. &rise., shave alreadY• e'er -emitted themselves either by 'tele-. phone or °thee esuninfinieetien and it. ie • expectedthat the felloWing. clubs • will operate in the league, this year :• 'Walkerton, Jr."; ; Southampton, Jr:, •Owen -Sound, 'Int., •and Je.s. .Cheeley, Int. .arid Jr.; -Hanover-, Jet,. Wiarton, Allenferd,: Jr., Fort, Elgin, Int, Mount Fewest, ant. ' Meaforde Int.. and Penetaegeant: '.and Barrie, Int., Entry fees were set at $21 for new clubs While, olderclube, will pay A fe• •01.1... • 44. . . • .•Locally baSbalf talk is 'about as dead as the proverbialdoor knob. ••' • • SPRIN.G :AT LAST S•anclay. dawned -bright and werm. 'for • the first real tAate of seeing- Weether experienced so far this seas - dee whic.h'ehas.•been •unusually 'back- ward, With.. show .and rain, • cold winds. end- en -Absence ..e.e eserielaine, -ealetes ing ' w ith..earietrees, . that made the weather a ,choicetopic to _grumble about . • • Continued warmth and sunshine on Monday • • in•d i eeted,• boWever, the f de, layed seeding operations will soon be in fuli siaings TILAC ' 4 -HOUR ENkMEL I Tin UTILAC ..... 30e I BRUSH 25c, Total • • • 50e; • FOR .ONE WEEK ONLY so TIN' and BRUSH1 ................ For ' . '• , Wallpaper clea)ier-• ., lee • . Floor Wee. e, ...e.".-... :tee, . 250 Self -polishing floor. Vex Pints ... 49; Quarts :.. 7.9e MOORE'S rTERiOR GLOSS Ease te applese'-'-beatieiful eel- ors-iplendid Fresh tearent, Lime and Plas- , ter---GYproe Wall.BoeriL.'. Mordie .LEM'S LUNCH TOBACCO; •CONPECIVONERY • 'MAGAZINES,' NOVELTIES DAILY PAPERS and • . • e STAR WEEKLY `• • -; HARRY .LEM PROP.. • 'Plume., 22 „SALE! .SALE! 'April 29 to: May 13:. THE GIFT SHOP WILL, SELL GOODS AT i0% DIS- couNT. , Splendid assortment of .stamp- • ed goods for, embroidery and needlepoint. Allegrades �f yarn for knitting children's setts; sweaters, dresses, bonnets and berets. tHILDR 'S SEWING GIV- sEN SPECIAL ,ATTENTION EVA GREER • • ..BATTERIES ,Charge all types ' • Satisfaction GUARANTEED the 1940 model radios' R.C.A. VICTOR, 6 tube per- • forntance, with batteries,. $29.95 • VICTOR.'Electrie 7 -tube Peilormance •-STEWART 'WARNER, Setilba perforinence, With • batteries •• • • $25.45. GREER Radio Service .Best Grade. White Cedar.SNrigles,.. oniy -$3.59 _square Torigite'& ::Groove Lumber : $29,00 a' thouiaud. ALL RUILD'iNG SUPPLIES AT SIMILAR LOW PRICES,. ALY UNDER ellOME IMPROVEMENT PLA/Nr-;-:4•S LONG • AS FIVE. YEARS' to. PAY tahood Stewart, Lumber Autornolbile Insurance PUBLIC ' ...LI A DILITY Coverage $500044.00,000, . • . • PROPEITY DAMAGE , $1000.00 'TWELVE WIONtilS . Prettier el 8.33 . .. AGNEWI'INSURANCE AGENCY • .4Tivtio