HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-04-20, Page 5I
THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, , 1939 •
SATURDAY NIGHT TWO'`SHOWS AT 1.45 and. 935 p.m.
hors. ' Fri.. Sat., April, 20-21-
in 'their greatest *it!
Drama thof;pocirs
laughter and tears,
a mlighty wallop'
at our hearil.
, Screen Play •by`John.Meehan and Dore Schary'.
DI((••cesd by' Norman Taurog.
Pioduind by John W. ConJdine Jr
TWO SHOWS EACH .NIGHT -Admission, Adults 35c, Children 20c
_...'Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.—Reduced Admission,.
MON...TUES.WED. ,:APRIL 24, 15, .26
e z in r r
Iiev.1,ll, Ackert, • Ml's Ackert and
family WS. s. J. H. Acskert -of,
Moncton spent a few days last week
with Mr.- Ernest Ackert's. Mrs J. 13.
Aekei remaining for a visit •
Miss.. Elizabeth 'Pierce received
word on- Monday of the death of
her. 'brother,Mr. Edward 'Pierce of
Manitoba.. We .wish' . to, extend .our
sympathy, to her and also Miss Jen-
lilac- and ,Messrs Alex• . and Noble
Pierce, 6th ;con.
Mrs. Wm. Elliott and .Mrs..',_Mudie
visited with their niece Miss Minnie
Fanof,,Purple.,,Grove on Thursday:..
• Miss Jean `Johnston of l envie spent
a.: few ',days last, ,wee ' with ,her par-;
ents, Kr. a ' Mrs: Mark Johnston.
:We wish to extend our..congrat-
ulatlions • to .Mr' and Mrs., ,Eddie
Thompsowho were ':married Wed -
levers .. esentedvm stery'yarn' •'in which Gloria Stewart does
A c Y.r
P. Y • • ,
some investigating on her ov►'n.
j --Mr: Russel. Reid of Brantford spent,
e(By Milt DunnelIn, Thef
. Beacon- n....day with his tnother, Mrs. Alex
Herald).. Reid.- . .•
. Sirice
Since 'anything can happen• on a Miss DbLothy Knight of rLinwood'
Monday, it, wasn't such: a surpr°ise:
is. Staying, with Mrs: A. Reid.
when Walter..McGinne"s, Victoria Har- Mr, and Mrs: .Cox, •Sr., have •re
boy'•s own edition of, Jeaii Pu'ie, .ank= turned' to their home..in Goderich af-
•• led into tliis office. McGinnes first 1,er spending. ti few Meeks with their
showed up iri these parts when , he son,:, Mr.'Ctarerice. Cox .in .the village
.had a brief 'fling at coaching. the Mr. Geo. Tiffin lost a valuable horse
Seaforth Beavers a• 'couple of • win, last week
• tern back. He didn't click 'with some. A number font here attended the
of •'the Seaforth • executives: Durine;• funeral of Mi'. Thos. Kew in Wing-
`' the past winter, he was 'coach: of hant, Thursday; •
the Ge.orgetawn club in the 0.1-1:A. in Mrs.. John `.Ciilieipie spent last
rniediate coni any. •;McGinnes . was, h , r son • Charles at :St..
to p week with.
• •cited several ' times during 'the .seas- Thomas. .
`on. On one occasion, it was in the . n;Ita• 'R..:Mowbray is attending the'
official '0'.H.A. bulletin; • 'which ',an- piovincial W..M.S. at Hamilton this.
. nounced• that he was in the ,doghouse weeic.•
for keeps, .because of a run-in • with 11,1r. Alex. Catileron had a very sue -
Johnny Jones, who was handling a cessful sale last 7:`1'iirsday. We are
game between Georgdtewn and sorry, to rejioi•t Mr. Caineron to by
' Bramptork. Weatherbeaten •Walter, in the Hospital, yet we hope , for an
the O.H.A. ruled, was tinder supen- improvement soon.
cion indefinitely, • and .was to shave Miss ,Agnes Wilson, R.N., of Wli t-
'''' a7. nbr-r; rtibiier and. +ua•.the ,piloting „o:f ` by,'"WentAlvelireettoond at'41teolcont•a
' . the, Georgetown squad. It looked like of her, mother, Mrs. •James Wilson.
a long wait from January 13 (it•was • We ,are sorry- to report the serious
a Friday) until' the lake' boats would illness of : Mr's. Gibbs, after ,having
be pushing but of harbor,,, McGinnes
the "'flu, from which she is not im-
is a fresh water sailor in ` the sum-; proi.,ime •
mer.Mr. K. Carrick spent the. week -end
On , February 18, he was in the at Stratford with his friend, Mr.
• • news again. Referee Norm 'Calling of Pratt. .• '
Bradford teas going to report Mc•• 111.
s. ' Finirac,ruon : spent a few days
Ginner for. running eta on the icy. ill II�Ing4 int ,;cith her daughter, Lila.
during a tame be tween.•Georgetown• ,• •-
and Bolton. And Hawes going to re-—
port 'hint for, throwing punches after TO,.'itECEIVE "IRON''•
the game was, over. If . was pointed ,
out -that McGinnes already was under • As a part of the generous .ges-
iridefinite suspension,. ' so ' Collins tore made, by Lord Nuffield, Kin -
didn't go to the trouble of re' i ardine hospital will shortly receive
'porting him again; McGinnes ' an "i'1'On lung;',. used in the, treat -
and Mooney Gibson of the Brame-; a
hent bf :infantile paralysis.
"ten i club held 'up a game be=
Lord , Nuffield, who owns theM
tween ' Georgetown •.and ,Brampton•ria Moroi' Worlds a Co lei,. Oxford.
while they took turns at s1an04.rng England has • fifer d •the valuable
each other's lineage 'at centre ice: equipment' free to any hgspital' in
One• newspaper correspondent blamed the British Empire so desiring it.
him for being:mixed up in a • brawl Application has been made through
iii which Referee George Hainsworth the necessary clientele• by the Board
of Govenors� of Kincardine :Hospital.
f Kitchener suffered `a Wrenched' Th onlycost. mailed • •i:s' • a . cult
e e p 3m► .
shoulder. 'M'eGinnes denied that.or tranuportaition from the Nuffield
debited • 'r the ice— works to 'Kincardine,•which is approx-
on h
C,latmecl lie wash t -even ,
just a. victim of a.,bad' mine,•. les. itnatoly ;1310; . h •
he Maritimes • ne+tt Wliile the iron lung" Is associated
looktnbg toward .th
, reputation for in the 11'o}t rlar mind almost;, exclus•
season. They tie got a repo n ively with the treatment, of iresPC.
playing for .keeps down, in the IThiteo ' story paa•alysis rfoiloWin.g infantile.
• . •
league— and baeki tg op ..T•th eir opn- pat .it ii of value in many
•" ;%9:= �:it',eh}fil•-,7,•-"El •'tet, Tenktboil• _: �LithtWil.„
" 't a 'consi<i_ 'If' can be used for, the treatment of
thinks maybe . he wonldn b
niicfnsc onsnes;� following gas poi4-
Fred such a..roughneek .1.11 that that e't1M11- : t •
•. • ' ., onrng •it'nd •
poisoning' , £rein other
lsany. What he dropporl in to say, ; 'drugs.' . ' ,
.. or etewf had ,• �.
though,. was that,Ge g ry+h.e t�eslitrator weighs ,about d06
'Who l•a er named Ken Richardson w enndt; and tapes .0 ”. slightly• more
, rK op
should go well in M-0 hockey.. room than a single bed. •
Published ' • ,every • Thursday morning
at ']Lucknow, Ontario
Mr's. A., ]a. ,MacKenzie—Proprieto
Campbell Thonipson—Publisher
THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, '1939
(Int ,nded Per Last Week):'
Mr. and Mrs. 'Eldon_,Twarnley rid
family ,of• • Chathafn, spent thweek-
end' at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Geo
Mr. and :Kra. Hiram_ Moffat and
children of Watford.were week=en*
:visitors at the :home of hker th.ei,
Mrs.. Richard Johnston.. ,
Lois and 'Ruth :Webb 'of St�,Helen ;
are Spending, a couple of weeks .with'
nesday of last. week ,and to extend:..thffir grandparents, Mr,. and Mrs.
a welcome: to Mrs. Thompson to our;
camnlunity. There was , a• reception'
held'in the Township Hall on Tuesday
ng in their honour.
A quiet' but pretty wedding took
place;'at St. Andrew's United. Church
parsonage„ Chatham, on Saturday af-
Thos.. Anderson. ' • • .•
Mr, and, Mrs. Paimer Kilpatrick of
Toronto. aro Easter visitors with Mr.
and .s;.. S J. atrick:
MisMrs Mary. .11. ,ortoiiKilp•of A'rthur :is
spending this week Ober home. •'
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce of
H'olmesvilie spent• .the week -end with,
r. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson.
:Mr: and 'Mrs. S. B.• Stothers, and
'family of Arthur spent Friday with
Mr; and Mrs, Henry Horton.
ternoori, :April ` lst,.at, three o'clock,' Miss Grace ' Blake ' of... Drumbo ' is,
when nototh - Wilhelmina Tuck, eld`-, spending the Easteh vacation at her•.
est' d ughter of Mr. and Mrs:. Of Tuck" home ` .
of Patterson Avenue' , became . the
bride' of Victor Thornton •Casemore, ' 'Bargains in Congoleum• '=and Lin -
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry.'Casemore, :oleum Rugs. Good patterns, Most
Of Wingham. Rev- W.., J. Preston. of- :sixes, THE M'ARIirET STORE:
belated. The 'bride' looked charming..
in a gown. •of bine Suez crepe ' with
Rosebud •trimming and, carried a bou-
quetof llriarcliffe rosesand Maiden-
hair ferli..The .bridesmaid % vas' Miss
Shirley Jean; Dawson, and the grooms-
man Kr. Lloyd Martin. Reissner.
After a short motor ,trip, Mr. Mr. and
Mks, Casemore. will'reside -ilia Cbat
A ' quiet :wedding" was solemnized
at the Ashfield- United parsonage
on • Wednesday, April 12th •by Rev.
Jas. Wilkins, when Ruby Violet, '
daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Saunders
was . united in •. • iharriage to Edward
' 'Thoimip seta, son of '• Mr. and • Mrs •
Thompson , of Holyrood: e ,. bride
wore a dress of •,French' blue with
Matching accessories.
Following'ithe ceremony,, a wedding
dinner was served at the' home of
the bride's parents3'The young couple
will reside at Holyrood. Their ''frie s
Wish to extend ;sincere ,congr
nations: •,
• (Intended 'ForLast Week)
MrWn: Nesbitt passed aa
y at
Iiia :home oithe• South Line, Thurs
day 'fast,' following it brief illness,
leaving his,, Widow- and . son John of
Palmerston. • ,R,ev, L. , • S. Mott ' eon-
ducted 'ithe : funeral service at 'the
house on Saturdayarid interment was
made in Kincardine' •Cemetery..
The 'i'inion _••Servidei held; in St.
John's' char& • aster 'Sunday was
largely attended. Rev. Seott of Knox
Church,' Kincardine, was the. special
speaker; Rev. L., S. Mott and Rev.
F. • C. McRitchie also . taking part in
the':service. The `choir was '.made up
of members .of the three congregat-
Misses Gertrude and 'Alice Hew-
itt who have' been in Kincardine and
Toronto 'for the winter, have return=
ed home: •
Among those home for Eas
Miss Jean .McLelland, Windsor; 'Miss
Margaret Jean Alexander, .Toronto.
Miss ' Elva Horne,: Durham; Mr. Bert
Needham, • Allanford; • Mr. Glenn
Needham of .Matheson; Ont.
Miss Pearl Dunn of Preston vis -
THOMAS KEW ited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. :Hodgins
Funeral services for Thomas Kew; over . the holiday.
were held in' his home at Wingham
on Thursday last,:' in Ewhich, town he
had fer thirty-three years conducted
a harness -making business:
he was born at Point 'Edward. and
after. living; in Clinton for a short
time, moved With his . parents' to
Whitechurch• •when he was .a' child df
six. His father was station -master.
at Whitechurch. Relearned his trade.
harness -making, at Brussels, and op
rtned. ,;a. shop. !at. Whitechurch. '.He
ttoutotateased,,,htoshusineoeAr'Wd IO:nid
in i9;06.
On Christmas Day, 1901, he mar-
ried Rachel Cottle of Whitechurch,
who survives with one daughter, Mrs
L ate., (Edith Mary) 'Whittaker, Flesh.
erten, and one n,. Wi11iaih . E`r'nest,
of Pickering Ont. Hi is also sur-
vived' by six sisters and two brothers,
Ors. A. Codwallder, Toronto; Mrs.
Annie ISkelding, Toronto; Mrs. D.
Walkom, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; Mrs.
Jas: - Bahl, Wooster, Ohio; Mrs. Wm.
Field, Wingh'atn;• Mrs. .Elliott' Flem-
ing, Fergus; Dr. Arthur 'Kew, Chazt-
bersburg, Pa.; William'Kew, Niagara
Falls, Ont.
. Thu- Langside Rural Club held their
meeting o.,n •Enda eve irig• when
dancing was the enjoy1.01a. The next
'meeting is, to be April 26th and this
is to: -,he the last of the meetings:
Mr. Wendel Taylor hasbeen older-
ed by the • doctor to rest for two
weeks owingto a heart • conidtion.
tine to -the resdlts of the flu:
Mrs Harry .Simpson, Kathleen and
Jean, spen'"t last week at the home of
her- parents, While Mrs. W:/n. Conn,
Connie . and Roberta Simpson ,spent
the holiday .,with Mn:' And Mrs. 'Her..
Johnston of ',L>ieknow.
Mrs,••Archie Paterson and;.Helen,'of
'Lucknow • spent Easter with `het'
;mother,. Mrs,. W. A. Taylor.
The Langsde 'Mission Band mem-
bers, „attended the • Rally , held "'last.;
'Wednesday afternoon irk ;• sTeeswatei•
when' their, famous ,quartette Miss
Agnea Conley; ; Donald Donaldson,
John McInnis; arid Kenneth Orr sang
aceonipanied kty. Winnie Donaldsan.
Mr.: and Mrs. 'Lorne 'Spec.t (nee
Ada .Aitchison) newlyweds of Chesley
spent Easter holidays with her aunt,
and cousin, Mrs. ' W., At Taylor and
Charlie.. .
Mr. Alex Cameron' had a very su.e-i
cessft.l sale.on,Thursday of last week.
We are glad to report that Mr. 'Cam-
eron has been able to. leave -the hos-
pital and is 'staying at the halite, of
his brother, Mr. Miles 'Cameron of
Wingham • and is recovering normal'
health very quickly. • „ '
Mr ,Albert : Taylor haal' . been en-
gaged for the *rine work' by Mr.
John -Wedel; ..•
Mrs.. D. • A. MacDonald and Donald
2nd •Con , •:'spent Thursday nth • Mrs.
V Emerson: •
Mr. and; 'Mrs.• • R. Tiffin, • and;; Fred t
.spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Ritchie of: near Holyrood,
The Lang'side. Presbyterian W. M.
S, are holding ' their meeting I thi
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mts.: John. Richardson. ", •
Mr. and . Mrs; GeorgeHarkness and
Miss Reba ,Marslial• 'spent Sunday
With : Mr.: and Mrs. Victor.. Emerson.'
Miss Tena Orr spent ..the week -end
at her home here.
• The Witeehurch Women's Insti-
held' their' meeting, on.
Tuesday' afternoon in their hall with
the, president Kiss Grace' Richardson
presiding. The roll call was answered
`tHow Many • Meetings .have 1 'at-
tended. during the year.": The finan:•
•cial: statement for the' year showed
a balance of $1Li.20: Thanks for -the
fruit were received. from Mrs..J-
Johnson and Mrs. V. Emerson: It was
decided to buy 10 decks of • cards
these to' be kept by _ the :Sec,-Treas:
The motto—"Look pleasant•please. the
,world is taking your ' photograph"'
was given by Miss, Grace Richardson.
Mrs. Ezra Sholtz '• gave a :reading;
"Apples fol- grandchildren." Te el-
ection :o1 officers followed with Mrs.
the work
'Gibson Gtllespre presenting k.
cf. the nominating eolmmittee—Pres.,
Miss Grace Richardson; 1st vice -Pres.
Mrs. L. Grain; 2nd vice-pres., Mfrs.
R. Pollock; Sec.-Treas Agnes Gill-
espie;' Branch directors,' Mrs. E., .Well -
wood, Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Mrs• . Mac
Ross, Mrs.' Walter Lott, Mrs. Jim
McInnis, Mrs#'Ben, Naylor, Mrs., Roht.
Ross; Reporters; Mrs.' • D. Beecroft
and Mrs.' V. Emerson, :Pianists,•Mrs
;,lRyl, .. JF',acniejr,, ;.X11s ss-,.Meld:t'RV lsoi41
rPleased. r
W rePort that the'
We ,are to tot
sick people in our commun.ity are
progressing favourably.
Ir. and Mrs. Reuben Shewfelt.
Arinow�, ` visited Monday" at Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Hunter's home.
tote April
Messrs. ;Ronald• Treleaven, . Chester
'�li imii afiri*I lfiK1,'4` `N'.Morott11a ld i a
attended ,the 'young People's Confer
ece .which was held at the Wesley.
Willes Church at Clinton on Fri -
Miss Mary MaolCk naie received
word on Saturday that her sister,•
Mrs:. Allan Hayes •, (formerly ,Bello
MacKenzie) 'diad passed -away after
several' months illness. She is sur,
vived by her mother, Mrs. C. Mac-
Kenzie, 'four sisters, .Mary' and Mrs.
Ross McMillan living .here, Mrs.. Joe
Jardine and Mrs. ,Frank Hessle of
Evanston Ill..and one :brother, Gor-
don of London. The' sympathy of this,
eoilnmunity` 'is extended to the be-
reaved family. •
Mrs: Roy 1VIciufllit2,"zoite and Roy
visited with ,the• M•eQuill111,, fantily 1"6Friday.., -' ,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy Girvin visited
friends here on Sunday.
Miss Bernice Durnin returned to
Stratford ion Sunday '.accompanied
by her uncle, Orville and Lorraine and
Lindsay Durnin. '
• Miss Ella Whitley is spending some
time with her aunt,'Mrs.•Isaac Nixon,
Belfast. • • : '
Mr.- and -Mrs. Ranson Drown end
. ' let 51e Lik..:...
G. heed's on Sunday:
Miss l%fyrtle McQuiilin of'Windsor`
is spending a couple of weeks at her
home here. • `
School started Monday with a full
attendance. There will be . ne beg'i n-
ner's• class till later £or- hack of seats,
' Mr. and Mrs. Albert • Paterson of
Whitechurch " visited Mr. Bert 'and
Mabel Reid on Friday,
Mr. and .Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and:
children •visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Stothers near Dungannon on Friday.
Master. Chas. iGirvin• of •Nile 'spent
the week -end with • -Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne B'mntoni. .. ,
' Mrs. -Auubrey. •}liggins' aka' boys
who spent the '.past week with her
metier Mrs. Meinary returned t'o
Detroit' on Sunday.
M. Harold Elakic is spending a
pleasant weekend with his• sister"s at
at St. Cath'eri es and Toronto
• Mr. Aldoon Figs wan home from
Saltford for• the holiday s.
Mrs. Cecil Blake visited her parents
Mr, and Mit. • S. J. •Kilpatrick. en
'Fitiit;''-MTs: „Ezre wSiioi'tz UIstrreOir0
ector,,'Mrs . E. Sholtz, Mrs. J. B.
Morrison;,Program corn., Mrs. 'T. H.
Moore,. Miss Catherine Mowbray,
Mrs. N. J. Coulter, Mi -s. Russel
Mrs: 'R. Pinder; Auditors,
Mrs.. A. Coultes, .Mrs. V. Emerson;
,Caretaker, Mrs. G. Gillespie. It was
decided to .hcild the May meeting in
the hall and fdr the summer months'
in the homes, Four dollars was then.
donated for. the use of the Presby-
resbyterian Qshed to the , Paesbyterian
Church Treasurer. - •
T,he United Church, Whitechurch,
are holding their Sunday services at
7.30 .this Sunday, April •23rd 'when'
Rev. Townsend of •Belgrave'.will speak
Note the time please. • -
There is . considerate truth ,in "the
present' quip that peace will genre to
the world: rbhen •Franclo's widow takes
the 'news r to Staiin's .deathbed that
Mu, so'lini died of a heart attaelc while
attending Hitler's funeral E c.
• I 6
'WS 'Team Thom; student 'nurse av
he Mothercraft. Hospital, ,Toronto,
spent the week-end`at her home'. here.
Rev. "}L M. Wright , and Mrs,
Wright and. family ' were week -end
visitors...at ' Leamington:
Mrs, Horace Aitchison and , sons
of Lueknow ..were guests, ,for the week
withMr; and •Mrs; McKenzie' .;ebb.
r c
H. �C, Wilson .of Aub n o
ducted ''the service iii '!the United
Church Sunday :evning:. Misses Zeta
Munro and Vivian Straughan of Ai '-
burn .favoured' v*ith a .duet accom-
panied .by .Mfrs. 14ltmro.••The •service
next Sunday morning .-will be .in
charge of' . Rev. ''H.• M. Wright :w1to;.
ill be assisted by Mr..' Zinn 'ofI1._anes.
School re -opened on Mond''ay, Lor,
the: final term with Miss Sadie Mc-
Charles and• miss Beatrice Mc'.Quillin
in charge and with Billy --Webb as
the only • them e1 - of the, beginner's
class '
Woods were Oro.* residents of this
Mr. ; and'. Mrs: 'George McDonald
dell:Irate' ,Soli `wYi� ' 1 (116 .ween
A, marriage of interest t� friends
here took place at Regina recently.
when Doiialda Courtice, only daughter'
of Mrs. ,Janet C. Miller and he Into
1VIr:' R. , A. Miller; ...former i ident-
of thiscol unity*, Was' united in mar-
nriage .toiniMr. 'Laurens von Ghesel
G.rothe, of Rosetown, Sask.
Mr: and. Mrs. -Ed. Smith of Toronto
were visitors •.with My. John Webster
last week: •• • • . Robinson Mr. Robinson Woods ,has received'
cord bf the death of his brother. Mr.
John Waods, which occurred at Mel -
fort, Sask. on April •'1. Mr.' anad Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'Shewfelt of
Kincardine' spelt. Easter. with Mr. and
Mrs. Wall. -
• Mr. and Mrs: &torrelliBell and' fam-
ily of Toronto motore'd' to Kr: find
Mrs. Hannah's for Easter holidays.'
Mr. Ernie Hannah spent a day with
his. sister Mrs. Morley:Sell of Govi
Richard Turner of Lucknow sp nt
Easter week with Miss Gertie Wraith.
lift. Enrle.. Ilodgints' and Wm. Dav"
iSon:*aide a business trip to Toronto
Miss Plortence "Ilodgins tiff Boyden
was ' with her mother Mrs. Walter
I}odgins Easter week.
Uias Manion Hodgins visited with
her, sisters, Mrs: Taylor and. riot.
Thei apsen• last week.
itors with their uncle, Mr. D. C. and'
k?ts„,:McDonald, ':left on Monday for•
the West.
Rev. Win. Matheson of Chesley;
and 'l rother of Murdoch Matheson
of Ashfield,'has assumed the respon-
espon-sibilityof writing the bulk of the'
editorial page, of the 'Chesley Enter:
arise. Rev. Matheson is an able writer
and should uphold the high standards
of the editorial, page 'as maintained
by the late editor, Mr. Wm..MacDon,
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter s,.. ent ,
Sunday with .Mr.: •and • Mrs. -John .
o A
Campbell n 10
Mrs. Jos. ,Helie visited : with 11Zr.
and Mrs: ,Root. Helie over the Week-.
1VIiss Jean • Long spent, a day in
London last' week:
Miss Rena Hunter is assisting, Mrs.
Ilarvey• Webb, at present-.
Dr, and .Mrs. Evans'of Clinton
ited` .with • •Mr. and Mrs. Will Helm
core day last week.. -
Mr. Robt. Reid spent ,Sunday with
lr, and ,Mrs. ;John MacDonald:'
Mrs....Albert Helm who has been
quite ill for 'the past three weeks
is progressing 'favourably; •
- You feel like stunting—but ;' • IE can't -your throat
r r`� `s drY Y —: oil feel• as. if you i' • oking with appre-
bensiou-u our bear-t'is oun ing rounding, pounding•--_
o w -t- ben? ' Then i .m' the burning.chaos of
....„t,h(iV .Wi
our mind' springs a dear, -spar -1 ng thought: "I've.g o f
to _, ” help". Beore you know what's
telephone" 'for h p,
happened; all the .vast organ! ration,:laboriously built
cl b .our conixtiunrty firemen.
p o u+#1 tltarnia2 e v .,, .
and ri kr► n.
1' i?instantly e to your
1 . ice, sin latices, hospitals coni
..� rile �,
erieies it s' ricPless .lio "sc�-'arttl in rarer �
ii. 'eleplione seri+ice is iridely ,
itseiZ because it is courteous.
' of f iri 'izt,yc'sturprisingly
eti wn:Si.!7t?: Not1iinq else,yi'kls
so much for, what. it costs! •