HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-04-20, Page 5I THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, , 1939 • WiGHA,a�' SHOW STARTS .ATS -P.M. • EXCEPT SATURDAY SATURDAY NIGHT TWO'`SHOWS AT 1.45 and. 935 p.m. MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT ;2.30 • hors. ' Fri.. Sat., April, 20-21- SPECIAL' • '• STARS OF "CAPTAIHSi ':CO`URAGEOU•S"•• in 'their greatest *it! Drama thof;pocirs laughter and tears, a mlighty wallop' at our hearil. -HENRY LES1.I1 • GENE HULL ''FENTON • REYNOLDS ,. , Screen Play •by`John.Meehan and Dore Schary'. DI((••cesd by' Norman Taurog. Pioduind by John W. ConJdine Jr TWO SHOWS EACH .NIGHT -Admission, Adults 35c, Children 20c _...'Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.—Reduced Admission,. • ALSO "MINIATURE" AND. "NF,WS" MON...TUES.WED. ,:APRIL 24, 15, .26 ' GLORIA STEWART • . MICHAEL ' WHALEN e z in r r "ISLAND :IN THE SKY ,HGLYROOD� Iiev.1,ll, Ackert, • Ml's Ackert and family WS. s. J. H. Acskert -of, Moncton spent a few days last week with Mr.- Ernest Ackert's. Mrs J. 13. Aekei remaining for a visit • Miss.. Elizabeth 'Pierce received word on- Monday of the death of her. 'brother,Mr. Edward 'Pierce of Manitoba.. We .wish' . to, extend .our sympathy, to her and also Miss Jen- lilac- and ,Messrs Alex• . and Noble Pierce, 6th ;con. Mrs. Wm. Elliott and .Mrs..',_Mudie visited with their niece Miss Minnie Fanof,,Purple.,,Grove on Thursday:.. • Miss Jean `Johnston of l envie spent a.: few ',days last, ,wee ' with ,her par-; nd ents, Kr. a ' Mrs: Mark Johnston. :We wish to extend our..congrat- ulatlions • to .Mr' and Mrs., ,Eddie n.F Thompsowho were ':married Wed - levers .. esentedvm stery'yarn' •'in which Gloria Stewart does A c Y.r P. Y • • , some investigating on her ov►'n. :.ALSO "MUSICAL COMEDY MAGYc. CARPET TRAVELTAK "NEWSREEL CAMER IAN" ERSTWHILE COACH AND SEPO.Y" y/1-IITECH'URCH COACH SIN NEWS AGAIN j --Mr: Russel. Reid of Brantford spent, e(By Milt DunnelIn, Thef . Beacon- n....day with his tnother, Mrs. Alex Herald).. Reid.- . .• . Sirice eid.- Since 'anything can happen• on a Miss DbLothy Knight of rLinwood' Monday, it, wasn't such: a surpr°ise: is. Staying, with Mrs: A. Reid. when Walter..McGinne"s, Victoria Har- Mr, and Mrs: .Cox, •Sr., have •re boy'•s own edition of, Jeaii Pu'ie, .ank= turned' to their home..in Goderich af- •• led into tliis office. McGinnes first 1,er spending. ti few Meeks with their showed up iri these parts when , he son,:, Mr.'Ctarerice. Cox .in .the village .had a brief 'fling at coaching. the Mr. Geo. Tiffin lost a valuable horse Seaforth Beavers a• 'couple of • win, last week • tern back. He didn't click 'with some. A number font here attended the of •'the Seaforth • executives: Durine;• funeral of Mi'. Thos. Kew in Wing- `' the past winter, he was 'coach: of hant, Thursday; • the Ge.orgetawn club in the 0.1-1:A. in Mrs.. John `.Ciilieipie spent last rniediate coni any. •;McGinnes . was, h , r son • Charles at :St.. to p week with. • •cited several ' times during 'the .seas- Thomas. . `on. On one occasion, it was in the . n;Ita• 'R..:Mowbray is attending the' official '0'.H.A. bulletin; • 'which ',an- piovincial W..M.S. at Hamilton this. . nounced• that he was in the ,doghouse weeic.• for keeps, .because of a run-in • with 11,1r. Alex. Catileron had a very sue - , Johnny Jones, who was handling a cessful sale last 7:`1'iirsday. We are game between Georgdtewn and sorry, to rejioi•t Mr. Caineron to by ' Bramptork. Weatherbeaten •Walter, in the Hospital, yet we hope , for an the O.H.A. ruled, was tinder supen- improvement soon. cion indefinitely, • and .was to shave Miss ,Agnes Wilson, R.N., of Wli t- '''' a7. nbr-r; rtibiier and. +ua•.the ,piloting „o:f ` by,'"WentAlvelireettoond at'41teolcont•a ' . the, Georgetown squad. It looked like of her, mother, Mrs. •James Wilson. a long wait from January 13 (it•was • We ,are sorry- to report the serious a Friday) until' the lake' boats would illness of : Mr's. Gibbs, after ,having be pushing but of harbor,,, McGinnes the "'flu, from which she is not im- is a fresh water sailor in ` the sum-; proi.,ime • mer.Mr. K. Carrick spent the. week -end On , February 18, he was in the at Stratford with his friend, Mr. • • news again. Referee Norm 'Calling of Pratt. .• ' Bradford teas going to report Mc•• 111. s. ' Finirac,ruon : spent a few days Ginner for. running eta on the icy. ill II�Ing4 int ,;cith her daughter, Lila. during a tame be tween.•Georgetown• ,• •- and Bolton. And Hawes going to re-— port 'hint for, throwing punches after TO,.'itECEIVE "IRON''• LUNG the game was, over. If . was pointed , out -that McGinnes already was under • As a part of the generous .ges- iridefinite suspension,. ' so ' Collins tore made, by Lord Nuffield, Kin - didn't go to the trouble of re' i ardine hospital will shortly receive 'porting him again; McGinnes ' an "i'1'On lung;',. used in the, treat - and Mooney Gibson of the Brame-; a hent bf :infantile paralysis. "ten i club held 'up a game be= Lord , Nuffield, who owns theM or-. tween ' Georgetown •.and ,Brampton•ria Moroi' Worlds a Co lei,. Oxford. while they took turns at s1an04.rng England has • fifer d •the valuable each other's lineage 'at centre ice: equipment' free to any hgspital' in One• newspaper correspondent blamed the British Empire so desiring it. him for being:mixed up in a • brawl Application has been made through iii which Referee George Hainsworth the necessary clientele• by the Board of Govenors� of Kincardine :Hospital. f Kitchener suffered `a Wrenched' Th onlycost. mailed • •i:s' • a . cult e e p 3m► . shoulder. 'M'eGinnes denied that.or tranuportaition from the Nuffield debited • 'r the ice— works to 'Kincardine,•which is approx- on h C,latmecl lie wash t -even , just a. victim of a.,bad' mine,•. les. itnatoly ;1310; . h • he Maritimes • ne+tt Wliile the iron lung" Is associated looktnbg toward .th , reputation for in the 11'o}t rlar mind almost;, exclus• season. They tie got a repo n ively with the treatment, of iresPC. playing for .keeps down, in the IThiteo ' story paa•alysis rfoiloWin.g infantile. • . • league— and baeki tg op ..T•th eir opn- pat .it ii of value in many other •" ;%9:= �:it',eh}fil•-,7,•-"El •'tet, Tenktboil• _: �LithtWil.„ " 't a 'consi<i_ 'If' can be used for, the treatment of thinks maybe . he wonldn b niicfnsc onsnes;� following gas poi4- Fred such a..roughneek .1.11 that that e't1M11- : t • •. • ' ., onrng •it'nd • poisoning' , £rein other lsany. What he dropporl in to say, ; 'drugs.' . ' , .. or etewf had ,• �. though,. was that,Ge g ry+h.e t�eslitrator weighs ,about d06 'Who l•a er named Ken Richardson w enndt; and tapes .0 ”. slightly• more , rK op should go well in M-0 hockey.. room than a single bed. • . Kf O V SENTINEL Published ' • ,every • Thursday morning at ']Lucknow, Ontario Mr's. A., ]a. ,MacKenzie—Proprieto Campbell Thonipson—Publisher THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, '1939 MAFEKIMG' . - (Int ,nded Per Last Week):' Mr. and Mrs. 'Eldon_,Twarnley rid family ,of• • Chathafn, spent thweek- end' at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Geo T•'wamleg. Mr. and :Kra. Hiram_ Moffat and children of Watford.were week=en* :visitors at the :home of hker th.ei, Mrs.. Richard Johnston.. , Lois and 'Ruth :Webb 'of St�,Helen ; are Spending, a couple of weeks .with' nesday of last. week ,and to extend:..thffir grandparents, Mr,. and Mrs. a welcome: to Mrs. Thompson to our; camnlunity. There was , a• reception' held'in the Township Hall on Tuesday ev•eni• ng in their honour. WEDDING BELLS C'ASEMOIiE=.TUCK- A quiet' but pretty wedding took place;'at St. Andrew's United. Church parsonage„ Chatham, on Saturday af- Thos.. Anderson. ' • • .• Mr, and, Mrs. Paimer Kilpatrick of Toronto. aro Easter visitors with Mr. and .s;.. S J. atrick: MisMrs Mary. .11. ,ortoiiKilp•of A'rthur :is .• spending this week Ober home. •' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce of H'olmesvilie spent• .the week -end with, r. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson. :Mr: and 'Mrs. S. B.• Stothers, and 'family of Arthur spent Friday with Mr; and Mrs, Henry Horton. ternoori, :April ` lst,.at, three o'clock,' Miss Grace ' Blake ' of... Drumbo ' is, when nototh - Wilhelmina Tuck, eld`-, spending the Easteh vacation at her•. est' d ughter of Mr. and Mrs:. Of Tuck" home ` . • of Patterson Avenue' , became . the bride' of Victor Thornton •Casemore, ' 'Bargains in Congoleum• '=and Lin - son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry.'Casemore, :oleum Rugs. Good patterns, Most Of Wingham. Rev- W.., J. Preston. of- :sixes, THE M'ARIirET STORE: belated. The 'bride' looked charming.. in a gown. •of bine Suez crepe ' with Rosebud •trimming and, carried a bou- quetof llriarcliffe rosesand Maiden- hair ferli..The .bridesmaid % vas' Miss Shirley Jean; Dawson, and the grooms- man Kr. Lloyd Martin. Reissner. After a short motor ,trip, Mr. Mr. and Mks, Casemore. will'reside -ilia Cbat ham. T.HOMPSON ---SAUNDERS A ' quiet :wedding" was solemnized at the Ashfield- United parsonage on • Wednesday, April 12th •by Rev. Jas. Wilkins, when Ruby Violet, ' daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Saunders was . united in •. • iharriage to Edward ' 'Thoimip seta, son of '• Mr. and • Mrs • Thompson , of Holyrood: e ,. bride wore a dress of •,French' blue with Matching accessories. Following'ithe ceremony,, a wedding dinner was served at the' home of the bride's parents3'The young couple will reside at Holyrood. Their ''frie s Wish to extend ;sincere ,congr nations: •, Op ITUA•RY SERVE • (Intended 'ForLast Week) MrWn: Nesbitt passed aa y at Iiia :home oithe• South Line, Thurs day 'fast,' following it brief illness, leaving his,, Widow- and . son John of Palmerston. • ,R,ev, L. , • S. Mott ' eon- ducted 'ithe : funeral service at 'the house on Saturdayarid interment was made in Kincardine' •Cemetery.. The 'i'inion _••Servidei held; in St. John's' char& • aster 'Sunday was largely attended. Rev. Seott of Knox Church,' Kincardine, was the. special speaker; Rev. L., S. Mott and Rev. F. • C. McRitchie also . taking part in the':service. The `choir was '.made up of members .of the three congregat- ions.• Misses Gertrude and 'Alice Hew- itt who have' been in Kincardine and Toronto 'for the winter, have return= ed home: • Among those home for Eas ar ,were Miss Jean .McLelland, Windsor; 'Miss Margaret Jean Alexander, .Toronto. Miss ' Elva Horne,: Durham; Mr. Bert Needham, • Allanford; • Mr. Glenn Needham of .Matheson; Ont. Miss Pearl Dunn of Preston vis - THOMAS KEW ited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. :Hodgins Funeral services for Thomas Kew; over . the holiday. were held in' his home at Wingham on Thursday last,:' in Ewhich, town he had fer thirty-three years conducted a harness -making business: he was born at Point 'Edward. and after. living; in Clinton for a short time, moved With his . parents' to Whitechurch• •when he was .a' child df six. His father was station -master. at Whitechurch. Relearned his trade. harness -making, at Brussels, and op rtned. ,;a. shop. !at. Whitechurch. '.He ttoutotateased,,,htoshusineoeAr'Wd IO:nid in i9;06. On Christmas Day, 1901, he mar- ried Rachel Cottle of Whitechurch, who survives with one daughter, Mrs L ate., (Edith Mary) 'Whittaker, Flesh. erten, and one n,. Wi11iaih . E`r'nest, of Pickering Ont. Hi is also sur- vived' by six sisters and two brothers, Ors. A. Codwallder, Toronto; Mrs. Annie ISkelding, Toronto; Mrs. D. Walkom, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; Mrs. Jas: - Bahl, Wooster, Ohio; Mrs. Wm. Field, Wingh'atn;• Mrs. .Elliott' Flem- ing, Fergus; Dr. Arthur 'Kew, Chazt- bersburg, Pa.; William'Kew, Niagara Falls, Ont. • L,,At'IOSIDE - . Thu- Langside Rural Club held their meeting o.,n •Enda eve irig• when dancing was the enjoy1.01a. The next 'meeting is, to be April 26th and this is to: -,he the last of the meetings: Mr. Wendel Taylor hasbeen older- ed by the • doctor to rest for two weeks owingto a heart • conidtion. tine to -the resdlts of the flu: • Mrs Harry .Simpson, Kathleen and Jean, spen'"t last week at the home of her- parents, While Mrs. W:/n. Conn, Connie . and Roberta Simpson ,spent the holiday .,with Mn:' And Mrs. 'Her.. Johnston of ',L>ieknow. Mrs,••Archie Paterson and;.Helen,'of 'Lucknow • spent Easter with `het' ;mother,. Mrs,. W. A. Taylor. The Langsde 'Mission Band mem- bers, „attended the • Rally , held "'last.; 'Wednesday afternoon irk ;• sTeeswatei• when' their, famous ,quartette Miss Agnea Conley; ; Donald Donaldson, John McInnis; arid Kenneth Orr sang aceonipanied kty. Winnie Donaldsan. Mr.: and Mrs. 'Lorne 'Spec.t (nee Ada .Aitchison) newlyweds of Chesley spent Easter holidays with her aunt, and cousin, Mrs. ' W., At Taylor and Charlie.. . Mr. Alex Cameron' had a very su.e-i cessft.l sale.on,Thursday of last week. We are glad to report that Mr. 'Cam- eron has been able to. leave -the hos- pital and is 'staying at the halite, of his brother, Mr. Miles 'Cameron of Wingham • and is recovering normal' health very quickly. • „ ' Mr ,Albert : Taylor haal' . been en- gaged for the *rine work' by Mr. John -Wedel; ..• Mrs.. D. • A. MacDonald and Donald 2nd •Con , •:'spent Thursday nth • Mrs. V Emerson: • Mr. and; 'Mrs.• • R. Tiffin, • and;; Fred t .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie of: near Holyrood, The Lang'side. Presbyterian W. M. S, are holding ' their meeting I thi Thursday afternoon at the home of Mts.: John. Richardson. ", • Mr. and . Mrs; GeorgeHarkness and Miss Reba ,Marslial• 'spent Sunday With : Mr.: and Mrs. Victor.. Emerson.' Miss Tena Orr spent ..the week -end at her home here. • The Witeehurch Women's Insti- held' their' meeting, on. Tuesday' afternoon in their hall with the, president Kiss Grace' Richardson presiding. The roll call was answered `tHow Many • Meetings .have 1 'at- tended. during the year.": The finan:• •cial: statement for the' year showed a balance of $1Li.20: Thanks for -the fruit were received. from Mrs..J- Johnson and Mrs. V. Emerson: It was decided to buy 10 decks of • cards these to' be kept by _ the :Sec,-Treas: The motto—"Look pleasant•please. the ,world is taking your ' photograph"' was given by Miss, Grace Richardson. Mrs. Ezra Sholtz '• gave a :reading; "Apples fol- grandchildren." Te el- ection :o1 officers followed with Mrs. the work 'Gibson Gtllespre presenting k. cf. the nominating eolmmittee—Pres., Miss Grace Richardson; 1st vice -Pres. Mrs. L. Grain; 2nd vice-pres., Mfrs. R. Pollock; Sec.-Treas Agnes Gill- espie;' Branch directors,' Mrs. E., .Well - wood, Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Mrs• . Mac Ross, Mrs.' Walter Lott, Mrs. Jim McInnis, Mrs#'Ben, Naylor, Mrs., Roht. Ross; Reporters; Mrs.' • D. Beecroft and Mrs.' V. Emerson, :Pianists,•Mrs ;,lRyl, .. JF',acniejr,, ;.X11s ss-,.Meld:t'RV lsoi41 rPleased. r W rePort that the' We ,are to tot p sick people in our commun.ity are progressing favourably. Ir. and Mrs. Reuben Shewfelt. Arinow�, ` visited Monday" at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hunter's home. tote April CREWE Messrs. ;Ronald• Treleaven, . Chester '�li imii afiri*I lfiK1,'4` `N'.Morott11a ld i a attended ,the 'young People's Confer ece .which was held at the Wesley. Willes Church at Clinton on Fri - RAPID, CITY Miss Mary MaolCk naie received word on Saturday that her sister,• Mrs:. Allan Hayes •, (formerly ,Bello MacKenzie) 'diad passed -away after several' months illness. She is sur, vived by her mother, Mrs. C. Mac- Kenzie, 'four sisters, .Mary' and Mrs. Ross McMillan living .here, Mrs.. Joe Jardine and Mrs. ,Frank Hessle of Evanston Ill..and one :brother, Gor- don of London. The' sympathy of this, eoilnmunity` 'is extended to the be- reaved family. • Mrs: Roy 1VIciufllit2,"zoite and Roy visited with ,the• M•eQuill111,, fantily 1"6Friday.., -' , • Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy Girvin visited friends here on Sunday. Miss Bernice Durnin returned to Stratford ion Sunday '.accompanied by her uncle, Orville and Lorraine and Lindsay Durnin. ' • Miss Ella Whitley is spending some time with her aunt,'Mrs.•Isaac Nixon, Belfast. • • : ' Mr.- and -Mrs. Ranson Drown end . ' let 51e Lik..:... G. heed's on Sunday: Miss l%fyrtle McQuiilin of'Windsor` is spending a couple of weeks at her home here. • ` School started Monday with a full attendance. There will be . ne beg'i n- ner's• class till later £or- hack of seats, ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert • Paterson of Whitechurch " visited Mr. Bert 'and Mabel Reid on Friday, Mr. and .Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and: children •visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothers near Dungannon on Friday. Master. Chas. iGirvin• of •Nile 'spent the week -end with • -Mr. and Mrs. Lorne B'mntoni. .. , ' Mrs. -Auubrey. •}liggins' aka' boys who spent the '.past week with her metier Mrs. Meinary returned t'o Detroit' on Sunday. M. Harold Elakic is spending a pleasant weekend with his• sister"s at at St. Cath'eri es and Toronto • Mr. Aldoon Figs wan home from Saltford for• the holiday s. Mrs. Cecil Blake visited her parents Mr, and Mit. • S. J. •Kilpatrick. en Thursday. 'Fitiit;''-MTs: „Ezre wSiioi'tz UIstrreOir0 ector,,'Mrs . E. Sholtz, Mrs. J. B. Morrison;,Program corn., Mrs. 'T. H. Moore,. Miss Catherine Mowbray, Mrs. N. J. Coulter, Mi -s. Russel Gaunt,'a Mrs: 'R. Pinder; Auditors, Mrs.. A. Coultes, .Mrs. V. Emerson; ,Caretaker, Mrs. G. Gillespie. It was decided to .hcild the May meeting in the hall and fdr the summer months' in the homes, Four dollars was then. donated for. the use of the Presby- terian resbyterian Qshed to the , Paesbyterian Church Treasurer. - • - T,he United Church, Whitechurch, are holding their Sunday services at 7.30 .this Sunday, April •23rd 'when' Rev. Townsend of •Belgrave'.will speak Note the time please. • - • There is . considerate truth ,in "the present' quip that peace will genre to the world: rbhen •Franclo's widow takes the 'news r to Staiin's .deathbed that Mu, so'lini died of a heart attaelc while attending Hitler's funeral E c. • I 6 HELENS ItiP?--4 'WS 'Team Thom; student 'nurse av he Mothercraft. Hospital, ,Toronto, spent the week-end`at her home'. here. Rev. "}L M. Wright , and Mrs, Wright and. family ' were week -end visitors...at ' Leamington: Mrs, Horace Aitchison and , sons of Lueknow ..were guests, ,for the week withMr; and •Mrs; McKenzie' .;ebb. n:., • r c .Rev'. H. �C, Wilson .of Aub n o ducted ''the service iii '!the United Church Sunday :evning:. Misses Zeta Munro and Vivian Straughan of Ai '- burn .favoured' v*ith a .duet accom- panied .by .Mfrs. 14ltmro.••The •service next Sunday morning .-will be .in charge of' . Rev. ''H.• M. Wright :w1to;. ill be assisted by Mr..' Zinn 'ofI1._anes. School re -opened on Mond''ay, Lor, the: final term with Miss Sadie Mc- Charles and• miss Beatrice Mc'.Quillin in charge and with Billy --Webb as the only • them e1 - of the, beginner's class ' Woods were Oro.* residents of this community. Mr. ; and'. Mrs: 'George McDonald dell:Irate' ,Soli `wYi� ' 1 (116 .ween i� A, marriage of interest t� friends here took place at Regina recently. when Doiialda Courtice, only daughter' of Mrs. ,Janet C. Miller and he Into 1VIr:' R. , A. Miller; ...former i ident- of thiscol unity*, Was' united in mar- nriage .toiniMr. 'Laurens von Ghesel G.rothe, of Rosetown, Sask. Mr: and. Mrs. -Ed. Smith of Toronto were visitors •.with My. John Webster last week: •• • • . Robinson Mr. Robinson Woods ,has received' cord bf the death of his brother. Mr. John Waods, which occurred at Mel - fort, Sask. on April •'1. Mr.' anad Mrs. . C U LROSS, CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'Shewfelt of Kincardine' spelt. Easter. with Mr. and Mrs. Wall. - • Mr. and Mrs: &torrelliBell and' fam- ily of Toronto motore'd' to Kr: find Mrs. Hannah's for Easter holidays.' Mr. Ernie Hannah spent a day with 1 his. sister Mrs. Morley:Sell of Govi i'ie'. Richard Turner of Lucknow sp nt Easter week with Miss Gertie Wraith. lift. Enrle.. Ilodgints' and Wm. Dav" iSon:*aide a business trip to Toronto 1n. Miss Plortence "Ilodgins tiff Boyden was ' with her mother Mrs. Walter I}odgins Easter week. Uias Manion Hodgins visited with her, sisters, Mrs: Taylor and. riot. Thei apsen• last week. itors with their uncle, Mr. D. C. and' k?ts„,:McDonald, ':left on Monday for• the West. ASSUMES EDITORIAL DUTIES Rev. Win. Matheson of Chesley; and 'l rother of Murdoch Matheson of Ashfield,'has assumed the respon- sibility-of espon-sibilityof writing the bulk of the' editorial page, of the 'Chesley Enter: arise. Rev. Matheson is an able writer and should uphold the high standards of the editorial, page 'as maintained by the late editor, Mr. Wm..MacDon, ASH FIELD. NOTES,', Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter s,.. ent , Sunday with .Mr.: •and • Mrs. -John . 10thCon.,shfield.. o A Campbell n 10 Mrs. Jos. ,Helie visited : with 11Zr. and Mrs: ,Root. Helie over the Week-. end. 1VIiss Jean • Long spent, a day in London last' week: Miss Rena Hunter is assisting, Mrs. Ilarvey• Webb, at present-. Dr, and .Mrs. Evans'of Clinton ited` .with • •Mr. and Mrs. Will Helm core day last week.. - Mr. Robt. Reid spent ,Sunday with lr, and ,Mrs. ;John MacDonald:' Mrs....Albert Helm who has been quite ill for 'the past three weeks is progressing 'favourably; • • - You feel like stunting—but ;' • IE can't -your throat r r`� `s drY Y —: oil feel• as. if you i' • oking with appre- bensiou-u our bear-t'is oun ing rounding, pounding•--_ o w -t- ben? ' Then i .m' the burning.chaos of ....„t,h(iV .Wi our mind' springs a dear, -spar -1 ng thought: "I've.g o f to _, ” help". Beore you know what's telephone" 'for h p, happened; all the .vast organ! ration,:laboriously built cl b .our conixtiunrty firemen. p o u+#1 tltarnia2 e v .,, . and ri kr► n. 1' i?instantly e to your 1 . ice, sin latices, hospitals coni ..� rile �, erieies it s' ricPless .lio "sc�-'arttl in rarer � ii. 'eleplione seri+ice is iridely , itseiZ because it is courteous. ' of f iri 'izt,yc'sturprisingly eti wn:Si.!7t?: Not1iinq else,yi'kls so much for, what. it costs! • G r•