HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-04-13, Page 8.t"'"7"0"•••4, • '•••••• • EUHT n/*, •,0•"*.*. '0', • ROpIIII;0.44 • Ci*rtains,4 urtain Nets, Rayon- . urtains, Net and Curtains Materials:-.Raybps, Scrim, Marquisette Nets 15c a yard and :up oiri,eipurks; T.s.pesti,.. Colored. ScrMs,.• Damask,. Chintz,. Cretonnes • • • • , LARGE. SHIPMENT OF THE NEWEST PAIXERNS 0Y4lvoRTHY wALL- 1?-4•P_ERS HAS JUST AR - The oriCes of .these -popular light-resi.sting papemare now '$o"Iqw. that -they conic ), -*thin ;the .'ireaelx. Of every Fukriipsunitikp,•NEVER WERE THE PATTEgNS MORE REALPTIFUL ANA) IN KEEPriNG WITR THE TRITE COM- PORT OF THE HOMES OF TODAYWe tvie yo* *e set . • 0.4arlY date for your visit to see Gar new • • • :J....44.; a. , '• EASTER VISITORS. ' • .,1 •,,, '''''''V'''''''Pf'11.4.',"•01,1f. ‘,.., •II, sinI*0,010rnis,4,,* ntI. ,vn 7.... n 0.,. tInt,•.**140,..:.*,*. , ;;1,4•,,,,,,,,i,,,,, ,....,,,,,,,,,I,I,;,,,,,,,,,,,iino,,j,44,,,,A. ... t''''4°4**tikgii;04 ,AiIti .. . . • " CKislOW - •an I -This EaStO. :Week° and • .t has • • • breught•• the usual influx of holiday • Allis& .1-1010-• ThOMPson. i holidaY- • visitors 'to town, Among the teachers..ing this Weele.-in:' • rOntO,' students and other holiday Viettora - • • ,t I • and' Mrs ' j• Melqat, parents and is this Week in attend - don; Toni Alton, TIVIni.t.0;--ttnart 9•V‘4' '''''*43;-eek-en(1 I ante " delegate . to till' 'Wmea's • • we have noted Are Abna Alton, Lon • "•4,i, • • • yer, Stratford; Myra maeDanald Mrs. 'Charles GoOk.apent the.week. Teachers' Confederation convention hi Vingham;• • wiry kaini, 'Await°, rid visiting relatives in ,Detrolt. • Marr Rathwell; South .l)corenPinek Jane MzR W Andiew ot\ lst l. Hornell,,TorOnto; :babel Douglas andToronto, alient.tho Ikeek-end at his ..home.Na Dorothy, Nixon, W W,4 nosh; Dick * • *' 'Treleaven, Hamilton; •• ....Jessie Render- :, FOR SAIrrureb'rea Ta41 swAr' also a inrYcle. FRF1I) son,: St; Thomas; Doi•tg..' Clarke; Pow-• aasall;' Rexford , OStrander, Toronte,;' - ; Isabel llanniton, Stratford; . Edwin Mr:: and lilts• Milli 'Million and Listowel, • Alex McKenzie, Tor- children of tra.ticirit were weekend, n. viSitorsk in.teorin. Toronto; Jett „ i,1•.441,AeZ„11. H to Of or nto.-and M and And us Mrs. George Huston.:and family ef *Monte. • . • • Veit kary Rathwell of Smith POrz cUpine spent the week -end. With her. . • 151;1011 WEDNESDAY ..AND SUNDAY 8 P M. , • ' SUBJECT SUNDAY , NIGHT 4711,E(2.1tISTIAN IN -RELATIONSHIP s to WAR, er.SHOULl3 • THE CIIRISITAN TAKE UP " ARMS AND FIGHT?" This Pn- port:int! question wili be ansWered Satisfactory by the Bible: Thi,118 * a-ttueetion that We must soon face, as the threat of war greater_than.e7er hcfOre, in the midst of another exisiCjit Iurope ,Seivice each Thui.LKinioagh Orange Hall, 8.'15 -p.m. Subject: 'THE ABOMINATION OF THE DESOLATION SP,OK- 'EN- Y THE PROPHET ilANIEL". Listen In Every Tuesday To The Broadcast From Wingham To . "Glad Tidings Hour." 9ittei Melvin Johnston, McMillan, Vroxeter. Eunice Newton, Mr. Harold Allinand. e111(freii. were • Easter Viaitorsl,Witb- MrsrrOrdon and `• •• kr. and Mrs.• F.. A:, .0tiirien T/e of SiXileane; Wash.' ' • 5/1r. Wallasp• • *• is the guest' of his neice; Mrs Leivis • •• • • •• - Taylor, 12th concession Ashfiold. Mr. and Mrs. •3,, Penshatit of ' • • ° - • .Toronto were -Hut*. tvisitors with . .... her parents, M. viinit Mrs. • James session at Toronto. • Specials HAWES FLOOR GLOSS . Can.... .. ... ..; .....r.,' ' 59c, (Bottle .zfurniture polish free) HkWES MOOR:VAX D Ib. tins- . r. • 25c WOODBURY'S SOAP', 3gs*;'... ' ii (roie Hand Voii;; Vre:e 1 . .W.c AO:1:i f:Eilli_Ps_Liorl A., PS O 1,.7 7P .,_ , , •: .. 5 eakei ... .. .. . ....,. . , 1.5c • 10 cakes ' • .. •., - • 25c ' 0 Raspberri & StrawberryJAM.. 32oz..„ '• • ...• 29c, . ., ' .'PLUM JAM • •: ' ' 32. oz. ' • •. 25c • • , ORANGE MARMALADE , • .. 32 oz. . ., /4.25c., MIXED COOKIES' • Fancy, • 2 lbs., • 29c PERRIN'S'SODAS • 2 lb. box .... . 20c CORN & .•• • • • ' c Large, 2 for.19 AYLMER TOMATOE JUICE 25 oz., 2 for 19c LIBBY'S .PORK & BEANS . 21 oz, 2. for -,19c AYLMER SOUP ' (Tomatoe, and Vegetable) 3 .for 25c AMBER - HONEY ° 4-1b. pail ........ . , . 25e CLOVER HONEY .5413. pail'. . 45c Fresh Fruit' and Vegetables Always on Hand: . • . a. • . Mr and 'Mrs Orin Moffat and Matic .of Toronto were Easter visitors with her patents, Mr. and Mrs: S. C. ;atlalTell. The Apriemeeting of the Women's ;Institute will be lield inthe Town Hall this Friday, April 14th. Elec- tion of officers. LETser.ER Ebturoi • Editor. Lticknow Santlnel, • ", DernaetaSir:iew lines in your POPO in regardsr,ta the:ihooting of .doga-sand Wild; dogs in our Township. r. • . 141 iOttle 7.stool-tillittnrk.—tilfee'r"ti70",:g7inins, neighbor's; dogs have been 'Chet (one of, the* tiarmed),, since the New' Year, i'ansl tny.eitrn dog tap ,beentrap ped„ 444 the gun raised shoot' when his 'tag saved him, aviuld like - to say these. few words. . • My does /nether eing It pure- bred Alsatian ,or German :Shepherd; he resembles the. timber 'wolf • very 'much in size and color and could easily be 'mistaken for a wild dog. He always carries a brass Mounted collar with tag attaehed, and I would Miss_ Christine Finlayson of :Toronto spent the week -end ether hoine.lhere,, and on her -return was .accornpanied by her broter Cameron. Mr. andMrs. Torrance "A.nderSOn and JosePhine of •Toronto were Week- end visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1.• D. Anderson. ' Mr. G. II. Douglasof, town aur Miss Mary 'Douglas of Waterloo art Easter visitors at. Niagara, with Rev .9.nd Mrs., George Dougla's. .The m,mbersof the Juvenile hock- ey team are sporting new blue jacket bearing the , crest, Ontario Juvenile -Hockey Assodiation; Greup. Champ J !” !fl • TICURSDA* AOKI. 1304 1939. • " • Nt itt ittc.ICE FE FUNERAL DIRECTORS & FURNITURE DEALERS Complete New Stock Of Ftoor Coverings, Etc. Anil Furniture. ,n Sacrifice Prices On Present Stock To Make itooin For Kew inbu *pee Service Night iEvaDay, Or oN courteously ask the' trappers, and hitt:. tens in Kinloss to use alittle. dis- cretion, ..beflore they pia'. the trigger, and notwaritonly'..take auy. dog's' . (Councillor) Alex MacKenzie: the Pentecostal Mission Suhday night. v•tingelist E. L. Ripley spoke frOM thesubject "The ,pead in Relationship to :the. Resurrection of Christ,, Past, Present and Future." Miss Madeline. Breckles :sang a beautiful solo,. en- . . All$S1sERvIc.g • titled It Was Alone" and and Mr. 0.1s1 Mrs. Breckles sting a -pleasing Th • ere was a good attendance at entitled "On • Calvary's Brow." ..fr Mr, and Mrs. Fralik Cole arrivee home last week after visiting two !weeks „in .Detroiti on ,their return . from- the-. South, where they s,pent the winter., . •, • • Mr. Harold Burns of Fort William spent .the week -end with' his parents .Mr.. Mrs..„T. II. Burns and is attending this • ‘`Teelt the Teachers' Confederation convention in. Toronto. — , Miss Myrtle WOster of Ottawa, and Mrs. Eddie johnston and daugh- ters, Shirley and Betty, spent the East- er holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Webster. . ' 1 Mr. and Mrs, - Hank Eruger, and : Lois, and Mrs. Cringle and Helen Of Detroit ° visited last week with the ladies' 'mother, Mrs. David • Gillies ' land with • their sister, Mrs. Charles • 'Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. bavid • Huston -were, Mr. and Mrs. Will Huston of 'Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. • • 4 0• MAYBE STARTED ,SOMETHINGi ' Laccitititl,n:lciust: , DOES IT PAY?, • ,rated None . e --• •,,n - . , Naturally we're sold on adverts - That compliment Harvey MacThm- ... Mg, and continually keep f pointifog gall recently paid •to Doc. Treleaven LovelY now 3 1.' .;• . .dianioncldesign. -out that if you have something to about being such a fine royiftg Kil- ''' ' sell., that the peoPle Want 6/1 at- he tie, -a,ppears to tavo gave ,rise to, some ' Big value. , *Vr"litittniricerthatkzadvqabising,vtvill-ger.... renimations in our Pipe Band, that • ' tainly accomplish wonders. ' may lead to ,a beauty contest being '.• pi) people read the:.: ads..? W611, a waged to get an :official rulifig on the • little two-line item in' a local °grocer's matter. . . . • id last week resItithl • in the sale of • One other member points out that thirtY-eight .pails of honeY that week Doe •isn't a Scotchman to begin with end. ' ' • °. : and is also picking a few flaws in Who pays for it? Well it certainly Doc's manly. figure. And what's more ..„ . Wasn't" the consumer, for, the price this sarhe objecter we are informed was lessthan the regular price, and ic• doing read work in --an effort to• • the turnoVer' paid dividends to the regain that sehosoligir‘ figure, so ' advertiser. So who pays for adVertis- 'that he' may more eonyincinglY, back ing, unless its the non -advertiser who up his claims and in hopes that may- ,' passes up ' "Potential business ' by his be he will get the nod Froin the judge.: failure to advertise. ' if it, comes to a showdown.- ' A. LUCKNOW CREDIT 15 GOOD at SCHMID •LUCKNOW • • UNITED 7,9 trIlt IOW. • -*•••••}• • • . •.•,,1*,,, ice duet. 1••••••0000.01, ' . <Ers:$;.:773q7.FASX$KIKIKIT;Xf....:7g,i;;',;::::::01:::1:11iFir::W..1...:;,..I.I.7,7:...,..,, • . . • PRICED RIGHT DOWN WITH THE.LOWEST • YOU'LL look twice at the Pontiac price tag before You believe it! For the tag shouts TOP , VALUE from bumper to buinper. The car's so big and beautiful— radiant with new distinc- tion and packed with top-notch feathres, yet down with the lowest in price, down as much as $1.00 compared with last year. Smarter looking --smarter performing — • easier handling—a wonde 1- reader •=r -an , motley -saving frog: the word "go"! That's the • Pontiac story --and it Means a whale of a l9ti to y�,if you're out for ii that's new aid• ', better' at a price you want .to pay. - See, and drive the two great Pontiacs the. "Arrow" and the "Chieftain". Convenient terms pro.' . , • videdby the General biotors fustalment Plan. - SUNDAY 1,?th 11 a.m.„—Mornikg Worship. 3 nat.-Sunday School ' 7 p.m.—Evening Worship. • Sobject-7-"The Tenth Comma ment." , NOTEi—Practice. for missionary play Morida3r, April 171 at -9 o'clock. T W• SMITH • CENTRAL GARAGE YOUR PONTIAC DEALER'S DESIRE IS TO SERVE YOU PERMANENTLY and WELL • • .v • • ' . , • . . NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE Curtains, araperies; 'Pillow Cottons, Sheetings, Vickings, Cretous, Chintz, Prints, Ginghasnse • Ju0' Now Cleiring-Sime 14,ines .0f Curtails and Curtain Materials at Reduced Prices • I • • , • • I• • • • • I77144. • n ; , • ..• • • • , • . • Eucknow, ,Ilelliatusameat airlitar.fagorifforx= 1-7 n **a • • - .,4 04441r1.44444," 4, °1;,•rz .4'.4*444,1:r i••••'• • • VintilitientandsitAtte •aa.. • „ . • 1 4 , , . • ., . . -;•••., -„............................, • ' ......mamommunipifimmarmurramarr . Inntie0I00iitinen0.0Af,0140.0./1 •