HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-09-07, Page 1VOL. Vr I, N0, 1481.
!f JNLIlIAi.11.i. ONTARIO, FRIDAY} SFPTdi/;t 13F
1904. S 1 ;i NEAR IN AOYAN C .
Did any of your neigh-
bors tell you bow much
soap (Laundry) we gave
therm for MSo,
Business is booxniug so much with us
• in Tailoring that it is hardly worth our
-while to advertise this branch of our
business, but still we waut to remind all
our friends that wo shall be glad to see
Ahem, and we might mention that we
.are selling off the balance of our Sum-
mer Suitings at a great reduction. In
• It is needless to say we lead the Trade.
'Our easterners; have been more than sat-
isfied during the past season; the conse-
egnenoe is, we have had a large increase
in our sales; we anticipate a very large
'business for Fall, and consequently
:have bought heavily, and, inorder to
make room for these now Goods we eke
:selling the balance of our Spring Stock
at a large reduction from regular prices
—don't fail to secure some of these bar-
' ,gains. Boys' and Youths' sizes in
Boots on Saturday at COST. We have
-just sorted up our stock of
In these we have the very Iatest—if
you want to be up-to-date in Neokwear
-and Headwear, you must come to us.
:We have still a few
Aleft; we are selling them at 50 per coot.
ton cost --it will pay you to buy any-
thing we have, oven. if you don't need
Just now. The rest of our Groceries
i :.at cost and below. Wo have not much
left, but what we have you can have at
:your own price.
Hoinith Sons
14Iarriage Licenses
Issued by. FnArrxc PATEESON. No. 28 Victoria
.street. Wingham, Ont, No witnesses required.
•]�L•�Z.t�vL^J�"'LJ_Lt",a�r LrJ^ [P•
II Fall Tern OpensSept. 44th.
education for profitable, progressive and
permanent employment fs given in tate t
Central Business College PI
ti . Stratford, Ont. rr
No 105s than eight large business col- II
leges have applied to us within the last ry
sixweeks for our graduates- to take poli. !'
n tions es teachers in their schools. As C
rawly es five business firms have applied r
to us in ono day for office help. his its rya_
surely the best school for you to attend, i5'
Write for our beautiful Catalogue. fi4
• W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Ca
_ tz.Nr' r .�� c�?r--'; ; r.-'95g--o.F. ,. i
pays for the TIMES till
January let, 1901,
70 Cents
pays for the Min and To.
r'onto Baily. Star till Jan.
1st, 1901. All who sub.
soothe for the Star get a
handsome picture of the
Queen and Prince of
Leave your orders early
at the Thum °face, '
in great variety from 2
cakes for So to 16c per
A box good Matches 50,.
Big package Parlor
Matches 1.0c.
(The China House)
Opp, Bank of Hamilton
late •
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of London, will beat the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, ou the first
Friday of each month from 11;30 a.
m. tilI 3 o'clock p. m., for consultation
in diseases of the eye, eat, nose and
Been) OONOnztrs.' There was a ,large
number of people o t to hear the band
Friday evening. veral new selections
were given and 1 appeared to enjoy
the concert. a boys are playing
splendid. Ano r concert will be given
this (Friday) ev
WEST HVRo, Llaertsee.-•--The West
Huron Incense Contmissioners met at
Clinton on Sat rday lastancltransferrecl
the license of C. Miller, of the Hotel
Clarendon; 0 intim, to James McGuire,
of Belleville. The license of the late
John Mason, f the Central hotel, Blyth,
was transfer d to his wife, Mrs. Frances.
Hove EOR SALE,—Any person desir-
ing to purchase a , good comfortable
house ixrgood location ou easy.termasegf
payment, can learn particulars by
applying to the TIMES office.
VOTERS' Lxsr C sT.--Judge Masson
held Voters' List 0 urt in, Wingham on
Wednesday of this week. A number of
changes were' ma in the lists. New
•names were adde and the names of a
number of people who have left town
were struck off th list. Barrister Mor-
ton looked after the interest of the
Liberals and Barr ter Dickinson done a
like service for th Conservatives.
To CORRESPON ENTS.—We have mss•
sed the weekly In dget of some of our
regular correspou exits during the past
month. No don t, the busy season,. the
hot weather, and in some cases holiday -
taking have int •ferred with correspon-
dence. Most of ur correspondents have
been faithful ncl we don't begrudge
them a holiday Now that the long
evenings are It e, we shall be pleased to
welcome them t an early date,
Fon SALE. -House and lot With stable
on Patrick street; seven rooms; .good
cellar, garden, woodshed and summer
kitchen. Healthy situation. Apply to -
present occupant; Rev. J. W. Gomel'.
number from Wirt , ham attended the
garden party at t .: home of Garner
Nicholson, east of a •1grpve, on Monday
evening and roper a good time. A
Splendid progra • . o was rendered,.
Which /minded ad resses from W 11
Kerr, of Brussels;
late of South Afri
of 'Wingham. Re
grave made a sple
gate receipts am
with the sale of
oeipts would tot
the London fit next week, especially
the farmers, sl . nld not fail to see the
Bonanza oolnbi led hay and stook rack
which will be • n exhibition on the show
grounds,, Thi rack has been ptttented
in Canada by homes Toohey and W.
Morris, M. D , of Gagetown, Tamale
county, 112idI . It is One of the best,
cheapest an. easily adjusted of any
reek on the arket. it can be made by
any man wh can use a saw, hammer,
brace and bi , and any blacksmith can
make the it cessaty iron work. Tho
patentees sh to sell the Dominion
right or wil sell county rights, 'Visitors
to the fair . ould not fail to Inspect the
Moxu%')'o Lox .—latency to loan 011
notes,ud notes discounted at reasoal-
able ro es. Money advanced on inert -
gages, vit11 privilege of paying at the
end gff any year. 1 otos and accounts
voile tett. Office --•Beaver Block, Wing.
ham. ItonT. Moilsnno,
React Jolm Kerr's advertisement,
LONDON PAM. -Neat week the Lou-
don fair will be f Phil swing, The two
special excursion days from 'V'inpilanl
will be Tue eflay nttThursday, with the
return fare at ;c1 ca, Special trains will
leave'Wiegltatu bout li o'clock a. in. on
the above days
To ]rrxv.--fA to very 1, v rental per
mouth, two ft nish d 'cants, .suitable
for an office or res, . sacker, situated oI
Josophine stree • Apply to J. A. Monro';
'DIE Furfur
meeting of the
,Association, he
Thos, Hell, of
President of th
gnat ulate Mr.
stowed by the
Second Ixatul b
for sale, almost
JAM. Apply to nit & PETRxclt.
TUE LADY l3 rllA LTSTS.—ThoBoston
floor acro girls. 7v II arrive in town to -day
anal at 8 a'ela'ck this afternoon on the
parts , will try conclusions with the
Wienllaln baseb 11 club. Thoadmission
will be 25 cents , ail a large attendance
is expected,
x has beolr formed
• McConnell, of T
The room over
store has been s
Connell and lies
very nice wort
quite well -know
a painting class
ago. She will r
ir•. 1MMms,---At tato annual
clnadiall: `Iaunficetnrers'
in Termite last week,
this 'town was elected
Association. We mu -
11 upon the honor be.
A New INS Rt.'atuwr.--Halsey Park,
joe}yeler and, o ticket has put a uew
instrnutent int Itis store to be used for
testing the ey :. 11 is called the Jobb
Optometer an is said to be one of tho
best things or the market for testing.the
eyes. Mr. P, rk is bound to bay: of orye
thing the 1 test in his ee t'depart-
ivaearere --G
beadle it horse,
grocery awl y�
d sr'. rt boy who cal
deliver parcel; for
eery a .tore. N. A.
Cuoos AOT.• At •he instance of In-
spector Miller a Cha ge was laid. against
the hotel -keeper at luevale for violating
the law. The case came up for hearing
in the Counoil Ch tuber, Brussels, last
Friday afternoon, efore A. Huutor and
Reeve Thomson. Several witnesses
wars called but t o coraplai.rt was not
proven, Barest rs Vaustone, of Wing-
hdm, and Sincl ' looked after the re-
spective sides,— russels Post.
THE A. 0. U.
the A. 0. U. W.
a double esses91
Transvaal Fux
receipts from su
towards paying
of the .members
with death in Se
two ()ataxic) 1.
passed to the Gr
W.—The members of
in Ontario had to pay
ant for August. The
being known' as the
d assessment as the
h assessment are to go
he beneficiaries of any,
of the order meeting.
xth Africa. At leas
orkmen have already
at Beyond in tl i war.
Losr.—Overcoat, Clark 1 a, glee*
lining, while driving fro no, Kerr'
to McLean's mill thence Mrs. Mor-
row's on Patrick St, Finder will please
leave it at this office. ..
Have Len Tos - "David 11e'hrist,
Who has been t •rking at theunion
factory for a nu bet. of years left on
Monday morning for London, where be
has secured a ,d position in the G. T.
R. freight sheds Dave Was a young man
very popular in own. Ile was a vatted
member of the oar*n bend and will be
much Missed. Andrew Gray, another
young man, •'; • has spent some time
with let, A. Far i uhiarson, left the same
morning for T. onto, to take a s' u 'on.
with the Volt. Hardware Co. The
Teems will be eased to hear of these
yoting men meing with success in their
new homes.
PAr�{ERs I-1' hat profit is there iu
buy ng;;'oheare c ninon cast instal plow
points,�tthey a clear at any money.
Come to ins and get the genuine, made
from broken ca wheels and cannister
crucible cast, t� npered in oil, hard and
tough. made - to at — ready-to-wear on
any plow. Only 3o cents cash•
11. Ross, sole agent. ,
SALE Or Hon. • s.—Sing Bros., will
sell by public a etion to the highest
bidders at Swarts sale barn, Wingham,
on Saturday, Sep 8th, one carload of
select geldings, an mares. This stock
was reared in 11 'ids County, Kaaisas,
by S. A. Bruce, ox the Kentucky Stock
Farm and ail poss le care taken in the
breeding of them. Any one in need of
a nice. driver or sa dler should take act-
vautage of this un recidented opportuu-
ty. A free exhibi ion of lassoing and
trick riding will be given by an expert
roan the far West who will throw a
opo with his foot nd catch a horse in
any way you wish to see him caught.
on't fail to see the cow boy fun.
anis of sale: Fo r mouths credit on
urehasers furnish 1g approved joint
notes. Liberal disc. ant for cash. Peter
Deans, auctioneer.
ev. Mr. Anderson,
and R, J. MacMath, I r
. Mr. Brown, of Bel-
did chairman. Tho 1D
anted to X47.70, and T
refreshments' the re-
about $70.4
ea leacat.—Visitors to
Tho Fall terns of the Listowel Busi-
ness College and Shorthand Institute
Opened on Tuesday of this week, with a
very wood attendance from this and stir-
rounding territory. This College has
made an excellent record du t;s the
tilting a
s than A,xr
the different
he new quarters
bevelled outside
first year's oporation, gra.
higher percentage of its 'On i'
College in. Ontario, as fu
by the various reports
Busine*i Colleges.
of the Colleim
the City of Tor
and easy of access. In additiongtopktho three cakes, Ccs zee per cake.
Principal, who devotes las entire time to
class room instruction, there are three
Very able Enact efficient assistants. The
rates for tuition charged by the Listowel
College ore considerably leis than those
Charged by similar Institutions else-
where, and it would scent to us very
advisable for our young people to take
advantage of` suck an opportunity to
swum ir, good business educate:M.
Illustrated catalogue, 'with full descrip-
tion, can be had upon application to the
Principal, C. L. Hatt, Listowel.
painting; class
n town and Bliss Mary
'auto is here teatbiug.
A. Douglass' drug
urea and Mass Me -
Os are doing some
Miss 1V1cConrtell is
in town, haviug taught
ere some twelve years
main in. town during
Blade & Dr nano 1 k • the best
grades of flour • k the 1 w , prices.; also
a full line of': 111 als., y Fair's reak-
fast Food, It • the latest. 'Phone 32.
LEGAL EATE, s PER Gene—Au act to
amend the act espeoting interest, pass-
ed at the last ession of the 'Dominion
Parliament, arks an epoch in the
financial wort , in that it mal; es s per
cent. per asst the legal rate of inter-
est (as it is pr perly called) instead of 0
per cent. If to accumulation of capital
increases as i has done during the last
quarter of co tray, the rata will soon
be down to per cont.—Canada Law
Journal. •
Apprentices wanted at once, Two
"'young ladies to learn. tailoring.
tf Wellsrnn & Co.
L 0. 0.P. Grand Lod, : of Hamilton the
following •ameudine "ts were made to
the constitution:—;~ options shall here-
after be held in Ma • and November; the
initiation fee is ke at $5; no benefits
are to be paid for t to firer. week's sick-
ness; dues shall n t be 'less than 6 a
year; widows' be efits and funeral ex-
penses are not t. exceed x100 and .'x'40
respectively. A
is to be add
Guelph wns eh
ieg next year.
committee 0
was received e
thousand della
scribed to this
more is on ha
The report rec
';subscribe and
to gat cdivid
place for the h
Walter Z., the
J. E!Swarts a
for themselves
At Wellsville
their rages in t
Tuesday of thi
race at iteysro
From the tole
, imagine that tl
fastest that I=I
His best time
These horses h
our friends on
Harold H has
has won them it
in three and ha
See John Kerr's advertisement.
GeOee's New Pt s.—There hasbeeu
a um printing pi, 'HH installed iu the
Toronto Globe offs
the latest improve(
colors with ono
presses llow in the
able of printing i0i
per hour. The Cc
or:nous amount o
:lay's run► fur i4 t
seines about 8,',
is bound to be
0, The press is of
and can print in
pression, The two
lobe oiiiee are cap -
00 eight -page papers
be consumes an en -
paper, Au ordixrary
valve -page paper con -
pounds. The Globe
the head of the pro -
Coptruetot• (not n. tut' in C1ax,ns for
Move Aiuottn -1", L, Jobb seats rrx,~,
J)stnttges,—' V) L. Rebeitaon Appainted
Tax Collector,
'1 ho
Town Couxncil
evening, owin(,
Day. The 1nein
Clegg and Coun
McKenzie and
Minutes of 1
meeting were re
A communica
Vaustono, solicit
ing cognccil to pa
and e125 for darn
Victoria street,
nthiy meeting of the
s held on Wednesday
Monday being Labor
ors present were Mayor
'Hors Beattie, Holmes,
t regular auci special
d and adopted,
on was read from R.
r for T. L. Jobb ask -
$50 for filling of lawn
as to his property on
ing to the sidewalk
If claim was not
be entered to cover
Communication was
b g built to nig
settled, suit woul
amount of claire.
ordered to be file
— e Ontario 11Ztinicip
council to appoin
annual meeting
London on Septe
Fitzgerald, sell
sidewalk contrac
$1,100 for extra ii
the walks laid . th
membership committee $25 for extra w
.,#to the committees. The letter furthe
en as the plicae of moot- I factory reply wa
The report of the special
the Oddfeliows' Home
thusiasticaily. Eleven,
•s has already been sub.''
'and, and when $10,000
1 the Home will be built.
mmencled that each lodge
nt i tees bq appointed
el' Snbseriptions. No
o has yet been selected.
OonD.—Harold 11. and
race horses belonging to
o malting great records
•n Uncle Sam's country.
st week both horses won
ree straight heats. On.,
week, Harold It won Itis
in three straight heats,
in received ono would
race this week was the
old 11 has had to go.
u this race was 2.13,
e been eye. openers fur
o other side of the lines,
ent in four races' and
1. Walter K• has went
won out in all of thorn.
All kinds of sol nes have been put for-
ward to beat th s two Canadian horses,
ill able to win. Mr.
cable pair of racers. A
eivod from Mr. Swarts
corning, saying that
vo heats out of four in
:dnesday and the race
ed Thursday morning.
vas 2.14, a very low
rse. The finish of the
vould be very • exciting.
but they are
Swarts has a v
telegram was r
on , Thursday
Walter K. had
his race on. W
would be. finis
His best time
mark for this
race Tlntrsday
WANTED—At once,. 100 Tubs Butter.
Cash or trade. s G. E. Krxce
day last,; loomed
rccbver the amen
attxtecl that he ha
'te tile: Town Soli
whcabad written
tors tq+jhe effect
would be paid fo:
:coataeciww c gar
and as for:the b
Diekinst)n would
on bellelf of. the
The Council].
Mayor's proceed
[Nothing fr
this matter up 0
Maj. ---Eel.
Campbell, aski
sell or lease a
street, opposit
Newton -13
laud in Mr.
be referred to
to dispose of
wanting to let
been done in
a foundry in
structod to
effect that is
he had been.
The fellow,
Wingham T
A. Posliif, d
Geo. Me Ken
P. '.Cansley,
from Secretary of
1 Association, asking
delegate to attend the
f the .Association at
ber Ilth and 12th,—
from. Fitzgerald, &
'tors for A. Graham,
r, was read, claiming
ling in connection with
s year; also .$80 and
rk on two crossings,
not received by Setter-
gs wonld be taken to
t of claim. The Mayor
sabmittecl the letter
Ir. Graham's solid -
hat the VO Grossing
some as matters in
th had been .adjusted
uce of the clahn Mr.
cept service of writ
s approved of the
gs ixt the matter.
h had developed in
time of council meet -
was Mad from David
g if council would either
ot of laucl ou William
the flax mill.
tttie—That the matter of
ho Execative Committee
s they see fit.—Carried.
tion from R. P. Leggett,
ow ef anything further had
he matter of establishing
Ingham. Clerk was in-
vrite Mr. Leggett to the
itehri:g had been done since
taviug gravel e 00
pairing fire alarms 2 50
work at darn, Self16 76
see that windoev of $1.25. $2.00 shirts. Tj1:7 (31.101eIgg 140 C 811111311", W.17 14 451
Your choice for 75o. G. 13. X/NG. V V eaateetor , work ac clam 2 26
S a ?
If so,you should see our stock,
which is composed of some of
the most elegant goods in this
line ever offered.
We can suit any taste, at
et are commodious, any price from Too per box of
We have a few odd lines
which we are clearing out at
bargain prices. See them
Geo. Hughes, labor, streets 2 25
▪ 8 03
John R. jelin ton "
Geo. Must, 41
11 14 238 ?Al
John Muerte , repairs
Jae. Nelson, altar . • 3 00
Alin Foster, labor, W.NV 10 5o
Holmes— eattio—That HOwSJII, Hale
Vey & 13rool lebank's account of V3.83 be
paid less , being for load of same
furnished m and that Sohn Murray's
account be aid less $3.40, not certified
adopted as mended.
'The Us or reported that touneil
weld n hing more in the Sherman
case. Dr. tennedy had asked hint it
he was furnishing Mr. Ellierinan. The
For 6he Best and
Purest Pickling
corns lf) W.
\Vo will please
0 Ours are fresh and
our prices
0 The old Williams stand.
0, o O A 8
° G. IT, W. Office.
We are just passing into stock about
175 Ladies' Cloth and Ileir Jackets; else.
Fur Lined, Capes and Wraps.
The above garments b. e been ima
ported direct from the ost • bread
makers in Berle. r and for
styles, materials rk nship, fit mad
prices will easil Like rst place in the
trade of this weeteree eection, Do not
buy until you have eeitaoined very. care-
fully these beautiful:and seasonable gar-
ments. It will pay•erott. ta see thein be-
fore giving your fall order.
The Direct Importer.
Mayor told. the Dr. lie
would do so.
Councillor McKenzi
effect that he though
-werk on the streets w
work for this season,
lad spent nextrly all ti
been apportioned for t
An account of po
for four open air eon
on motion of Comic
Beattie was ordered
By-lew No. 410,1
are eollected was re:
son be apPointed
this year at the ea
and that his seee
satisfaetiou of the
By-law No. 420,
talent; at Wm. Rob
taxes was read thr
Councillor Mae
how he would go
walk on josephine
R. until he comm.
certainly intended
Mg the walk. Can
that he had prepar
what could be do
He thought a stov
preferable to any
thought council
expend some mon
the daily papers an
get skilled =elm
with a beat coin
Couucillors wet
some advertising
raay have a good
Council then ad
iought council
reported to th.e°
two more daya
-ad complete the
He thought lies .
money that had .
is work.
rts was read and
lors Newton and
be paid.
borrow $1,C00 to
are nail the .tp.aps
cl* theee times and
That Wm. Robert-
llector of taxes for
Salary as last yeare
s be umewed to the
Hieing the appoint -
teen as collector of
times and passed.
tie did net know
bout repairing the
cod. the work. He
commence repair -
tiler McKenzie said.
este* book to see
itt the way of es -
=dry in Wiegliam.
foundry would be
could profimbles
y in advertising in
see if we could not
•s to invest raoney
any to establish the
of the opinion that
1 the daily papers
Meese not thy' ends too cheap to thee
nor thyself to thy friend.—Fuller.
Wingham's Popular Shoe Store.
for the boys, and the girls, too, in our
large stock a
Much better goods than you would
expect to find, at these prices. Everr
pair is Made or good gelid leather.
SNOW Valtte this mouth iti Boys' and.
.+1.11kInde of %auks 11214