The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-04-13, Page 2:4•• •.' •:.. • .14 •r• d•••••• • ••• • 'f°'•.0•• • , :••• 1 ,": • , ••••4447'44,k•4,50,*ittrNit4,,Tttri-,• • • • ,tre?. ' .1444t.4hi•••e'00& • • :.•'• W•",- • • •••--r•••••-••• ' isf, • .• ' 11' ••• -d••••,"• •••••,••••• • •;,,, rd. . • ‘'''•."...•"4. 1.8 IL; New *I ariety Wheat Rid Resistant Kind To Be Given Farmer -1i For . Multip- 1kaLon - Mem= As "NO. •• 97$?! . • , A new variety ot, rest resistant. ; ..wheat. developed .at Indian. Heed, ' 00114.; experimental .forei 111 short* ; AY' be distribilted to• .farthers for ithiltielleageet. Agriculture Min-. •',Iater.'Qa.rdiaer has toia.the..House • ,f Q011:011.0. Known at Present es 'No. 076, ,this' wheat ,shistzt proinse' • •,' of vahie aYing , *Cod. 404 ao4. .... • 71e1din about 0:iliKishela to, the Aetreit.•lea.me'throiigh0:•thernsit seak • , inea ,cemparatively; free 'from dam* °age, Gatalliter.'• ' tr th werenot yet avail- able -•' ahle-but it appeared this.,.experi-r Anent was *re' 'detiefactory. than . 's•sant.4ireifouk'deierciliment:•.-. , • •, „West, EiOh • '• ....This. Wheat 'seed would • triliated so. long ae•th-e.supply lase: ." ed. .at the rata Of foni bushels eaCh to farmera ..apPlying -for it, to pro - 1e aSleek of seed Per general distributionThe new varietieS..of ,rifee resistant oate..were tieing dis- trlbuted '.tatinorsin eastern and *Stein Canada,.the minister said: 'Some :K.6.§*•.cli., la4s beennndertak,. • • en On: POSSibilitiek of'..drought re- ai�tnt 'wheat. htit• .little progress has.. 'been achieved.',! . . • "Difficult to Sinile" ''• ••• . 4. . P4..44-?,W*444W •"At• tinses, 1 find it difficult to • sinile,", was the 'response of Pre- ' • • inier''Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain td the photographer who , ' made this photo on the morning of • the Premier's 70th birthday. CBC Is Attempting, To roster •Culture Hopes To Develop A Canadian Personality, Through , Radio , Result of Acid Indigestion • "Before taking KrusChen," Werean wadtes, "I had; very - bad dizzy spells and hot flushes.; bad • spells of acid indigestien, and I was sp nervous at times that the least thing would upset me. I was • '•ablit three yearain that cell& tion. '"I cOuld not tell you in words` . hOw' happy and glad I am to -day • that 1,gave Kruschen Salts a trial: I have now 'taken' them for IS months. would net miss thenone day. Thei: are a treat help to :anyone' Who suffers as J. did. I • ,feel' in better health tri,clay than" ' TWO MILAS, PER SECOND Research with reckets is 'gang ahead rapidly and 'quietly. There are already oo experimenters in the U.S., their first objective being • ..to reach the, stratosphere With ) •Weather lestrunients. Fuels of liquid oxygen and gam.. • line airea.cly•,. give a speed of two • tines per 'second.. The next step *41 tr3 to send Mail by rockets, • which seems, to be perfealrfeas., • • • "CARE OF ENLARGED ilEARTS. :1 have •for years. After taking Eaperiments in artficially pre- :•dueing laite hearts m animals, Which have shed nevi-light:On care • and treatment of humans with:en- • larged • hearts, have been develop. ed., They show that return of the blood volume to normal and relief of strain on the heart Was not fol- lowed by a return of the -hart size • to normal. The, lesson is that it • constant , Or 'severe 'strain on an• , already Aamaged or enlarged heart only adds ineult to, injury.. • CURE FO JL BERI-BERI • '• ' A case of oriental beri-beel, the .firstevertreated in Toronte With synthetic Vitamin "Br' bas just been discharged cured front the General Hospital there:- • ,Beri-beri, a :disease'caused by diet deficiericiei, was first record- • ed by Admiral Taltaki; •surgeOn,inf chief of the., Japanese' navy, • to- • wards the dose of the laiit century. • piraSchen for thresezweeks the diz•• 47 faints Mid hot flushes' leftMe. . • I now feel. so 'bright and cheerful. liraschen Salts assist tp keep you • fit and .fine."-•-•4(lIrS'.): J. M. • Kraschen Salta is an exCellerit •• recipe for maintaining a ecindition • of internal .cleanliness. •The nu- • Mereus salts in KruSchen stimulate your interal organs to •smooth, • regular action. Your inside is thus • kept ' 'Clear of • those impurities whieb,, when allowed' to aecuinu7 • late, lower the whole trine of the system. • •• • 1 m I Farm.Foku• Q. Do celonlea need:atteatIon be. • ford.the bees Commence flying •la • late winter or early spring?1; C., °Baltoa Co. • .•:" A. 'Yes. Prevent robbing . by the clasing of the entrances Of all the' Or retnote-the entire • hex to .a bee -tight cellar. Clear all dead bees, 'lee, etc., ,from the„ trances of all live colonies. --- E. 1. 'Dycia; Debt. Agricul ture, of ' • , What .ShOeld one do w ith.. the • weak or queenlesS colonies? R. Haldimand C. • •, • A. Unite thein with strong colon.: • les: Plate a piece of newspeper, be-• , tweee the strong and :the' weak'etel- ony at, the -tithe they are being pm° • lied.. This w.ifl reduce loss result. dhg•from fighting, Dr. E. 3, DYcia; Dept. • of 'A.grieeltere„. O.A.C. Q: •We SornetiMes read' in, the farm press of the s.use of:.cencen- trated, fertilizers that May be, ap- phed by simply Mixing With :the seat grain in thegrain drill. As thefertilizer companies advertising matter .mentions this • Yee Diateriali I atif 'Wondering . f yciu. Could tell me Where, it might • be:obtained, as we have ne Perin- ' • izer drill, and Would like to give this a trial. "W. "3.G., ' gfmcoe•. County." • ., •' A.. As.. t6 sowing the fertilizer . With the grain; I Would say that . there j..s some danger' of the fertiliz- er materials' reacting on the metel', ' parts ,tif the grain drill, Which are not bnilt for fertilizer ,sowing, and Seriously injuring the drill. Then , • again, fertilizer meter:laid and the , grain are of different specific 7 .vity, This:Means that thatlertillier . being the heavier Of the' tw, o, will tend to flow through: the 'drill much more. quickly than will the grain. If a drjr,uniformly graded grana • lar fertilizer is -used,: there -I4 iorne 'chance for success by applying it • as yotehaye indicated. 'However, We do .not' recoreend this practice. I have known seine farmers wild claim /suedes's' froin sowing !think zer mixed with seed grain in the, 'Harry G. Bell, Dept. of,ChemistryY0. A. C. r•P•4•4•;"°"Mt@efailedtatrareadetOng..7-40r. " ;2;47.5.M°•77AAR711-0401.614a4litt of developing a Canadian peraon- ality , and foatering c'ultural and • edueaqonal development through its •faCilities, General Manager Gladstone Murray told the Parlia- ,nientary...Cominittee . on Radio • 13roadeasting at Ottawa. •Studying Rural Needs • Need of the .rural population • 'would be closely studied, the gen. eral manager said; and other mat. • terii on the program of the C.B.C. iacluded. school work broadcastk improved information services, preparation Or possible national. •entergenciei for possible national "the advent of the visual" in broadeating. • . ' • Educational Services Most of Mr, Murray's evidence was a general discnesion of rel&. • tides with the listening ptiblic in Canada, which he described as fir More eonaervaiive in its tastes than radio aadiences in . Great, britain. It, was One of the aims df the 'C.B.C. to make the •rest of the world,consciOus of Canada.Anter.. • national .brOadeasts had &blight praise or the Canadian programt from all over' the world. • .• • • •ffe.• • ' • Exliotts fdariatlian. pulpwood "fl. iv• European .Countries adVaneed from 10,395, cords valued at V186,192 in 198.6 to 312,832 'cords 1/aided-at1-4440-',04-3 In M8; iftel-eeWreit7i171101141171317VOili° i,fon dollars , • .; • • • • The diamond jubilee of the , Shalteapeare Memorial Theatre will be eelebrated ittStratford.on:- AVOTI, Ileifind, this year ' ; • 1 COBRA VENOM PMN4CILLER • Cobra venom, :the deadly Pei- Suited to the sport, Pheasants are ."son thmThe larfgs of A-6-.46"HO tho in gidinibers ana Th tat -,7 •- Asiatic .srialte,' may :be the most• . potent of all pain -killers; the Uni-, • ,versity ofCelifornia ,Hospital re • ports folloWing...suceessfill .eirperi:ff • Tents with ,patients Suffering ex- - ''•articia-ting torment,' „ , • Setters And Pointers, From • to19. And Nekthbering.States. • Are ComPet4 At Niagara-. on4ho44el.Aorl1 The Swipe, fieldtrials of The Oetarto Bird Deg 'Amsoclation to be held on Sunday 4pr11 1Gtla. at aara7math•di..altd, will • feature a' • neW olas Which; is, .expected 40 13131W-iiin:r:.44711hails..47"ielie..ew 0417; arnoCir 41,19:7 tn.:land Settera and poigterk, , • Teiele For Untrained' There are, numerate's "owners of 'Settere and Pointers thraughont • Onteria:: vvliose dogs show/ natArei•, -bunting iestinet ,:and style. Some . are, dOge whielr :have, accoMpanied • tneirl OW -nets. in ;the hunting . held, • -, Or pets.„ They have Mr*, ball perhaps, some m:ay be, show dogs 'traieing. Oeyon:cl that whicir`their owners, ina limited Way. -..have • been :able to ,giVe, them,. Their owners wouldlike to knew now their dogs . rate .in the field. , This Class win' enable Ouchdogle to •"do' •tbeir :stuff" before an experieneed bird dog judge. The class ;vr111-. be • restricted to Cantdian-ewried doge, • but no ag‘ limit will be enforced, • The classes foe' trained dogs.will • provide -interesting ap,ort .for both dog men and sPectators and, .aa .ththeli it is expected that a large '."gallery" of :spectators will folio* . the , • " • Plenty Of 'Pheasants '''..HeadrniarterS. for 'the trials will: . be the PHnce ofWd1es Hotel; Nia pra.on-the-Laire;!And wadi Ing to the 'grounds' will he mark - 'ed 'to that Moteriata can easily, lo- cate'. the variothit .events. • ' The frontier Co.untry" is' ideally . • • rale adJOiningthe roade surround- ing the •village has every 'type of land required to eaahle.a .good trial - Of a deg's willingness and 6.61V.ty' to *irk 'in both epeeepasttire ud' • heavy 1ovr. • . . Firestone Exhibits Farm At World's Fair` . • ' • :A 3% acre exhibit it the WOrld's Fair in New Ydrk is being:completed • bythe Firestone Tire. &, Rubber Company.. In'addition to a full-scale tire • factory producing a tire every Our minutes, probably 'the most unique part of the exhibit will be an actual life-size reproduction of a t/iriving • • farm With live stock, ?buildings, farmhands, and all. This Part cof the • exhibit Will demonstrate how the farm is being modernized by the use . of rubber tires on. every wheeled farm implement, and will call attention: . p the. fact that,..it was Harvey S. Firestone on his own 640•ncre farm • who ploheered the development of rubber tires for farm use.: • • A Ind jr.Y•dt, .1 • .n.4. t.••••4 • .••' • ;' • - ridt.',041,;441;•;,•••;.:;34:•,,4,4:PWJ.:•.1;4,4,44 , r044'•• • , •r• •I 44poomOok0Marl. ishernion's This charming story, from a•Po-• lish newspaper reaches tls from • the, United .States • ,An English Mission.ary, in a ehat • with an old Negro cannibal of•the • tribe Niam-Niani, told hini of the • enoriaons number of fiat:hint; of the wart, • „ • • ''.`1-1,ow .conld yon,": wondered the cannibal, "eat 40 i•nirch" human • meat?" • "We, whites," ansWered the Misr • sienary preudly, Ode no at hu- • •man, beings" - , • "Well,• then; what did you 'kill • them for?", asked the 'cannibal. in great astonishment. • "I've been sleepier lilts • a , "You wood &" The teacher was trying to make • Elsie underetancl subtraction and , she said: "You have ten fingers, now sUpposing there were three missing what would you have • then?" : • "No mnsic lessons," said :Elsie proreptly. , • • ° • i• "Do mistakes of your past • ever keep you awake nights?" "Not any more. I had my telephone. disconnected." • Illiinoroun Man (in street' car): 1 'Has .anyone dropped a' wad .of • \WIth an lastie band round '- them?" ' • •• •Chorns ofvoices: "Yes, I haVe !". :• "Well,' I've' just. picked ne the • elastic band." Gardening • . SPECIAL FLOWERS . .• ' :For full sun, especially if plant- • ed close tp aNitouth wall where • there Is little' proteCtion from the . • , . • , . . _ - . ,.. •9',..,4,7., ,•:•,.. , i• ;t4m.mo-4471f.'ta..v.sre,la&i.1. . ••'.1.3.4 Ateapaiii4g4.4,Ermoriplatkartilcuitta-rritti • ' ' Modern . .. other 'poppies, pfirtulaea or climb . ., .•- :.ing niortiing glOriee and , nastur- ° Etiquette Mims which :are recommended. . • , • BY ROBERTA LgE • These give remarkable results . even in a siege of dry Weather, QUESTIONS • Of an opposite nature are certain' ., . . ' • annuals like clarkia, alyssum; lark - 1.• IS it all right to give a -reason spur, pansy and phlox. These:will for not aecepting a formal invite- •actually' give better results, mord aloe? . delicate coloring, ff planted in par- / • 2. Should one use a fork to;place• butter On a niece of breed Or .cult? • 3. Isn't it improper tp send en- graved announcements , of an en- gagement? • • ' 4. Should a Woman, after the death of her huaband, be address- ed as c'elrs. Mark Blank" or ' as "Mrs, Julies Blank?" • • S., Is it, necessarY 'for a man to rise when dining, and another man stops at. his :table? ° 6. Is it. Proper to introduce one's' • self, if ono has not net the flist • *Mbar of a receiving lipe? • •• ANSWERS , I. 4s, if --one 'wishes to do so, thdugh it, is not obligatory. /. No; the knife• should be used, 3, Vers. This, is not done. • 4. The death of the hushahd of worean in.no way affects the nalve by which she ,is known. She •eatItilVkg&- 40 -bi- `41ria). -.Jet 1010.04000000.01••4 2. k„..; (Jai shade. , , NURSERY STOCK , ;Ake seed, it is important to se. cure nursery stock( roma, shrulm .vines, e.g.) from: a reputable and ,.reliable aouree, and' one that IS fa-. , miner and caters to Canadian cote ditions. This sort of Plaiting mat- erial y affered in. k wide range of prices, but as a• rule cheap stock p.roires disappointing. . " GOod stock isplia.ble,:g een and • shows. plenty Of live buds, Roots are Motet and.well wrapped . et- i chide the,air. Such will grew read-• : By when planted. Brittle tvoqd., ap.d • wrinkled buds or none at all and -expotett dry Inas 'are an indidatiOn of inferior stdek. If, it grows at all, a year or perhaps two are lott be- gligfrrtiht,IS 411tely, make any r.oal• ,.., - . • NEitt.ii Pl.4>NTS - . . • New grains and fruits are not •-the tally thing that have *bee li �c- • breeders ,in recent. years, In i,ege- • 'tablet, there ha.ve' peoi 'even mere', improvenients.'13cientists to,ve der- .6, It IS net•nteessary when there is D9 great difference in age. It, the • marr'Whd Stops is elderly`,..it is very courteeus for alyoung man t� 'G. Yes, if this,aliould happen, one. • , ' ehorild sky, Nita. Stilith." • - !mut #46, it--- '30 : • • ried. out this work in two direc- tions; first:by the introdfiction of vegetables unfamiliar to meet Can- adians, and secondly' and probably' more important; byvast improve-. !menis of those Varieties that have ' been- grown in ibis country for a great Many years. • ' • , • Clain's. Goldfish . • ,..„Est____ting-__,* ;nee°. rd.,- A Harvard University student; Irving' Clark, 20, of. Seattle, claim- ed the goldfish eating champion- • ship this week. Clark reported 'he ' ate 24 live goldfish in a little more tban five minutes,. using or • gage juice as a phaser: Clark Wag spurred on by e Filo* 'Pope, of Franklin and • Marshall, • College; who bet him $00 he couldn't eat ? more than Pope.; Vipe downed a Mere three. • • Doctor (to patient) -it's no- • thingto worry about -just a• ' little boil on the back of the • neck But. you must keep your eye, on 'it." , "„. • • • ' .• 4"14"...-.......-!.... I .. • HOW Can 41 ? * • ' SY ANNE•ASALEY • . , , • . . • Q.•11ovi can I make the drippings from highly flavou•red foods sweet and tasteless? • , A. Fry a few slices. of rate- ,peta- to in the drippings: This will also 'take away the flavour of .raneid- Q. How ean get rid of a scale of dandruff appearing on baby's head? , A. Wash the head every day with pure castile soap and then rub ' vaseline over the dandruff: The scales aboultr'loosen and come • off within a short -time. , • Q. How can I prevent piano keys • from turning yellow? ° • A. It is 'clainied that if piano. keys, are washed occaskinally 'with • alcoh'ol'; then .polished with a soft clean' Cloth, they will not- turn yel- • • 10W. • Q. What. causes boiled potatoes to be ,soft and broken on the out. side, , while •the centers are hard and uncooked? • A., Boiling too mildly will Cause • itz,heolscendition. • . Q. How can"X make a plant fertil- • A. A little ammonia, added to the • water affords a rich fertilizer•for • the .plants, also aids, in preventing • . --`''"'AQ310.,vrethigisivets341rithreitit' from ,unwinding too 'rapidly ,on a ' sewing machine? A. Place a small 'piece of felt on k the spindle under this spool, and the Silk will not unwind to rapid - nor break, Steam 1lrazils.-I3.razi1 nuts are easier to remove from • the shelle If they are steamed before crack- ing. EXCUSE. ME - BUT BIG -BEN GIVES YOU YOUR MONEY'S WORM' ! tr • •• Reputed to 'be • one 0414 greatest OM -all -MOO bleek bees sanctuar- ies , Canada, Sayfield inlet will . 'be accessible by road new Under e.construction!. by ,'.the •Ontario , de- ttme Of highways, ' -,PrevionelY °fishermen, .were forced to freaCh the inlet „either .1?y... air, or natter,- PenTereatIon Made Illasyl-,--Keep the Centre ot thero..9m foie Om fornitare. This maks fet4 eaeY . • conversation ecrose the MORI. DRINK • 110T WATER --1;ut Isessitthi 0.011111110 To your dolly cup'of not waleii,'ada the .-Juice7 of fee 10 herbs to Garfield, Tie and not 984 "fahaileoewil'ean'sitieell!wittlahOrIcdilitov-cilbnergtto • FREEto h. JinIng. er. WM* 07.4• .10. GARFIELDTEll . • " Dear. 02,• Giese, 'Avenue, • ... Torainto•a • Calthall • ra• ssifie AGENTS., WAN'I'ED BEST PROPOSITION ON MARKET --Ladtes' and •Gents' Furnishings. • Write for full particulars. Rell.a. ble Agencies, 213 Victoria Street, • Toronto. • AltTWLES FOR SALE FLAGS; BUNTING: PfIAIN' AND Waterproof ,Truck Covers and " Tents. Priges and samples on re- quest. John Leckie Ltd.. Toronto. HAWAIIAN GUITAR W1TH ALL fittings • and Ten Free Lessons. regular 310.00 value -only $5.45 delivered.; Limited number • only. Order now. 11. 9. Williams Com- pany; 431 King St. West. 'Toronto. , AW.r111114. 11114/NURITIS • " SUFFERING FROM , ASTHMA . or chronic bronchitiS send 10c te. day for trial of ASTONE 'TAB •' LETS,, the rernaskable" Britilih Remedy !Which is giving instant ' reliet to niany .thousands. Were- .:_txtre tree, _Astoria Products, 73A Adelaide West, Torott�. old, .1a1,' Druggists at 50c and , • . BABY ClliCKS • ' • 1500 CHICKS--FREE-2000. CH1ChS ' Frem a .cliciice of a flock. of 2,000 • Large Type '9. C. White' Leghorn '.Breeders, 1,000 Leghorn Rock . .(hybrids)' or 1.000 .L;arge Egg ,SIze • ',Strain Barred 'Roelta. All. you have • • ...to, do to win a prize •-• Guess the number of eggs laid from a flock ' :of .230 Large Ty pe S. C., White. " Leghorns .for the 'IMOifthS'otNo- ' vember and December .and send • • us the' narnea of 5 •people who are Interested in Poultry and ' buy chicks each year. -YouAtray NV ill • a prize as hi.gii:as 300 chicks free.. Lakeview ,Poultry Farm, . Weiu Exeter, Ont. . ,". DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS! •Two-week old Barred Etalk Cock-, erels.-.09e: Mixed 312.00,• Pullets 419.95. New Hampshire Red Cook ereig, Asc, Pullets 219.95. Three weeks old add .036.• Big Egg,Qual- • • .itY' add -.01C. Extra •Select add ;026. •Rush your orderlif you want these - bargains. Baden Electric Chick ' • •• Hatchery Limited. Baden,. Ontario. • F. C. PORTER, COCHRANE, ONT.. bought 62 Braypullet chicks. Put 51 in laying 'house. "At five moriths," says he, "they are lay - Ing kots of extra large 'eggs . .•. • 'mighty good in this cold country." Buy Bray Chicks. Bray HatcherY, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, • Ontario. • FOR. THOSE WHO WANT A MORE colorful flock, Puy Bray Brown • Leghorns, Wonderfill " producers_ of large white eggs. Cockerels( • make good broilers. • Economical to raise. tray Hatchery, 130,John StreetwNerth. Hamilton, Ontario. • NOW YOU CAN.,BUY CHICKS THAT weigh two pounds per hundred snore when hatched at a saviug of up to 36,00 per hundred. Selling , direct, no agent's commission to pay add mass production in Fer- gus enahles us to,pass the saving on to' ypu. Grade A Heavy Breeds ' I, 11.00, Pullets $18.00, Cockerels 6.00; Leghorns $10.50, Pullets . 22.00; Cockerels 33.00; Extra ', tont Grade Heavy $12.45, Pullets 119.90, Cockerels $7,00; Leghorns 11.05, Pullets $24.20, Cockerels • • 4.00., Free calendar and poultry guide. Tweddle .Chick Hatcheries . . Limited, Fergus, Ontario. - .. . - BUILDING MATERIALS ' BUILDERS, . 'CARPENTERS. AND • home -owners, new eighty -Page ' Catalogue now: ready. Write, .for -ALT. Fr rt ,Plaat' Termite. : FILMS IIEVIilLOPEID ROLL, FILMS DEVELOPED WITH two prints of each aud FREE • V1NLARt;E7IENT eotrOon . 25c: oppe.e.er COMMERCIAL PHOTO, GRAPHS' 2 111'SSE3,L ..ST., TOR-' ONTO. • Fon i.14.1.14 ' CLEAN 0,A,C. 21 BARLEY, GRADE No. 1, 'germination 99%. 76c a bushel, -sticks free. G. Broderick, Exetev, Ontario, Route 1. PURE BRED WHITE INDIAN her Ducks, the living egg kw. - entries. Eggs $1.09 a dozen; fer- linty guaranteed. Clare -nee Clarke, Ethel, Ontario. " CERTaFIED SEED POTATOES - "Warba", World's earliest potato, large, white, deliciouit, hardiest, heaviest yielder. Government Cerny 100 strong eyee $1.00 nostpai . S. V. Cowan,1 Waldeck, Sask SLIGHTLY USED CLOTIIING-THE finest In used clothing at big re- •ant:lions. Suits originally $35..00 to $60.00 how $6.00, $8.00, $10. •New suite regularly $25.00 et 31250, 'Odd Coats, pants 3200,. 32.50. Top coats ss, 36; 37. La- , 0155' Spring coats 35, $6. Big sot - big In new dresses, &epos, sat.; in*, it!. $1.50, 3200. ,'Send money - order with meastirernentst, Figs. You take ne rlsk by buying .on cur money -back guard.ntee. We pay postage. Ask for catalogue. C'anadien Clothing, 409 Yon.ge to r oti to. • EARLY ES' OP PUNT and Dent • Corn sncelany schipted for Northern .countriek. 'Write tor priees, jainee Brislek, Therrlea- •vilisOnt.. Kent Co, • RARE (its) NIIINV BRUNSWICK itd; Witit ./ipprevitra.- Letterhead., reference. n. lt-:torfa. • Its<;. vatisin , HAW E 0 ti DS , • • .• ' WIGS, TouPgs. TRANSFORMA.• tions,'Switchts. Curls, and all 'types,. • of finest quality Hair Goods. Write' .. for 11We:rated catalogue. ocinfigen. tial tome arranged. Toront0 Hum. . an, Hair ,Supply ,Co. 628 'Bathurst. ' Torotae. • ' ' • • HELP WANTED MALE , • BECOME A DETECT! VE, MEN over 18 Wanted • everywhere. 04- • teethes earn good wages: Re-• „ wards. Work • home or travel: Correspondence „training course. • Write for free ,information to •. 'Box 25. Station T. Montreal. •, , HOT. titultl-6TRAtallag•Ens PIM PACKAGE OP HOT IRON Transfers, eight sheets, over tWO • hundred. designe; also valuable instruction Stitch chart; mall 26 •' • cents in cash. Needlecraft Guild, 633 College .Street, Toronto. HUGS kroft _ALE 'FOR SALE' - • FOGB YEAR OLD Yorkshire Sire. Best' Market' Pen • : • IttryatbWitrter -Pair -an.d"-other Bari,r • Winners; •Yearling boar dire; Grandsire, and tree neareat...Grane . . dams InAdvanced' Registry. PoUr• ' • • Monthboars RN BOWS. Shade- . ' land Farms, Eden, Ont.' MEDIGAI "SUPP•LIES • DON'T surg,!Ert FROM SORE OR tired feet. Try' the new. Andy's ; Salve & Liniment. Large Ointment • only $1.00-50c bottle. Liniment, •• FREE'--- First order only. Your ' • money back if"not satialled. Please write to Andy's Salve &NLinitnent • Manufacturing, 101 Alostander St.. Toronto. • •• ' . NO FILM. REItIlliltED SEND tis YOUR ,SNAPSHOTS "011, , old photos. Wb specialiZain• .i'ng enlargements .direct from anY • print.• 5" x 7" enlargements •; oured"5.0c;• 8" x lir' enlargement • • edioured. 75e. • Stamps gceepted.• • Tru Foto Studios Limited,,,NeW . Birks Building, Montreal. • , PA T FikT AN OFFER TU.EVEitY INVENT() List �t Inventions and tull •Int =Won sent tree. The RamsarCo • • Psulf. Registered. Patent Attorna, . .273 t3aI SL Ottawa. ,ean. • PHOTOGRAPHY,. FREE ENLARGEM'ENT WITH EV. •'ery rolli film developed and 8 high • gloss prints 25c. Reprints 'Same • price. 8 enlarged prints 25c. Brightling Studio. •29A Richmond St. East, Toronto. TWO FREE RROFESSIONAL :SIL- vertone enlargements and valit., able premium coupons free, with every film developed and brinted • for•25c, or with eight super-gIoss reprints. for 25c. Personal skilled. 'attention to, every order. Cut, .. Rate qualitywould cost You more elsewhere! Cut Rate Photo Ser... ' • yice, Dept: nrii Box 136, Regina, Sask. • PERSONAL 1' MARRY -HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE from. Many, with means. Farm- ers' daughters. WIld OW'S with • . Property. Particulart •10c. Con- .• fidential.. I3ox 128. Calgary, Al- berta. , • QUIT .TOBACCO. SNUFF, EASILY. Meiteenstvely. Home reinkly. • tinionials. Guaranteed. Advice , free. Bartlett's, Box 1, Witirdee& IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATE . romantic sweetheart, with money; write: Mary Leo, 445-0..Rolla. MIs- souni, 0,411GETA*GOVESSVIIETTIFI 14:Ai4i54r.:Eacellittiltitlatatild:3MIL.Tufatlettl. • . , lays regarding°. our. alliatingly_ ens- • eesstur nybiood treatinont.. Pedi- . •'greed Products. Saskatoonr Sask.. . , WANT2lb ORIGINAL poRalS, sonfte, for immediate considera- tion. Send poems to Columbian • Music Publishers,. Ltd., Dept. M27, Toronto, Canada.. ' • SEIM§ rOR HOME GROWN SEEDS.. ALL (10V- ernment grades.. Alfalfa, red clo- • ver, aislke, timothy, sweet clover. Aelt for samples ane prices Siell'17.• ered to 'you. • The Caledonia Mil/. Ing Co. 'Ltd., Caledonia. Ont. • 'WRITE FOR ()UR PRICE LIST ON all kinda of grass ;and clover • seeds. Highest •quanty and lowest pricea ,We supply bags and pre-; 'par. Brown Bros., Arkona. On- tario: • SEWliNG MACRINES & SUPPLIES • P011 SEWING MACHINES, 11E - pairs, supplies -all makes, new" • or trade-in, reconditioned mach- ines in stock -- Write'A. Gilbert & Yonge St., TOronto.- , SPEUIAL TREATMENT $25 REAVAIIIY•FoR ANY CORN OR Oallousi Which cannot be removed , . by Lloyd's Special Treatment, un- ' der our supervision. Prevents re- • Writ, Send 55e for complete treatment, regular 75c. Lloyds -fl, 1211 St, Clair West, Toronto. irttlACCO 4 -POUND SAMPLE PACKAGn BUR - ley airroner, prior lest, flavoring _ and recipes, .or 8-pdund sample patkage Virginia Burley; Zit/finer • and prior leaf; 2 samolee. o facture& 31.00 poiitpaich Ruthven °r•thsieeo roxehso,f !to 4 Pituet liAgitg,rs a1N1131 itniaos• % PLANT IfOXV,S; brittliv • nOXI48. Preit. . and lIaMnera. 4)1900' t .,quest The Oakville ce..0d Gee ° . • . '" • (t - ROLL DEVELOPED I EIGHT PRINTS Ar tillOrV,YtARS EXPeOeIVCE ' ADDRESS PROFESSIONAL LONDOO ONT. Dept. •••• '•• • . le+