HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-04-13, Page 1• 4. ••41 s••• ' s • .. • $2.00 A YEAR:771N ADVANVE9i kIXTRA TO Lucknow Out. Thursday April 13th, 193! FOR RENT -7 -room house in Luck - now. Apply to Alex McKenzie, . at N. s HOUSE- ,FOR RENTs--Comfortable dwelling and garage in Isueluiew.. Apply, to, S. E. ROBERTSON, • - FOR SALEr-Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover. T,H01VIA .ANDERSON, R. 7; Lacknow, ''Phone Dungannon 7.7-12; • FOR , SALE -Massey, Dise Drill, with fertilizer attachments. In first ciao§ 'orders 'Apply at Sentinel. °glee." 1 , • , • . FOR ISALE—yellow ,and White 'Mos - titan!. Sweet Clover. All choice reelean: ed seed. WALTER' ALTON, •Thene. 67-15, Deriganion. 'FOR SALE—No 1 .Red C1over..seed • at 49:00 per bushel;. No.: It Yellen,: "Blossoni Sweet Clover at $3.50. a bua. ,JAMES %FOR:ESTER, 'Phone 4942, Lucknatv... AUCTION SALE—Of 26 headofbeef breed calves at the old skating -rink, , Lucknow, on Saturday, April 15th, at 1.30 o"elock. EARL WIVITEHEAU., Prop. Matt. •Gaynor, Aue. • NOTICE .TO -FARMERS The LuekaoW j4fit Club inixin Station has a coniplete •attPply of fel:: tilizer materials on hanit. JOB:. JAMIESON, Manager. 'Phone TIMOTHY AND dLoYAR • • No. 1 Government_ grades of Ali-. alfa, Alsike, Red, Mammoth, Whit:. • and Yellow blossom Sweet Cloven - also Timothy, Orchard andBluegill's'. . 'for: aaleatW.G. ANtoREW'S.' ' NEW ARMOR GLASS Insulated :hat' teres. Three "years. warranteel Suite)? Lastic•Tires and Mot -Power Batterie.' • . , for every purpose. • ."- House and Automobile bulbs; • all ' size§.' CAMPBELL GARAGE, Wlng,-. ham.. : FOR SALE -40 horses including fiv,. mares, 3 in .foal, arid. one matcher': team of mans, ages from 5 to 8 year • MI, Ontario •Work 'horses, quiet rin-• sound. NORMAN O'CONNOR, t: mils north of Thinie 66-22, Dun ramie% . • • . • ALL, YEAR INCOME selling larc line spices, .etracts, toilet reqiiisite' steck• and Other farm products. 0: coinbination ,offers open every. deor. No experience needed. Pleasant worl, .Steady repeat orders from old an new customdrs: A email aniamit Pc: you. in :business for yourself, ,.1\7•• R SK. Excellent opportunity .to. righ party. For free details and cfitalogs' FAMILEX CO. 570 , St Clemeni Montreal: 'SPECIAL LOW,PRICE''' Due to exceptionally large hatches of big husky chicks - . Mixed Pill- Cock • lets erels White Lerhorns 15a Barred' Rocks ‘.....81/44 12c 7c Now. H. Reds ... .8140 13c 6c Hybrids • 8tic •12c 7c Livability_ and satisfaction writtentI1LW. i.steredsStatted rchiciresseaeoriably- piked vv3""Mundays4sispriebierArr, sited. Near .C.N.R. station. DUNCAA • KENNEDY, Wine:tam, Ont. WHEN YOU BUY BABY CHICKS "ASHFIELD, .G1ANT" • TEXAS. Word Received Here.* Relatives '0( The Reath Of Roderick' Bain Mac Kenzie Ashfield Natk.i•WhO Taws • ' aged ,Over 7 Feet In.Heights-,Wee 'Drum. Major Of Famed .fielleville KiltY BOW.L. - , Roderick Bath MacKenzie, 'the Ashfield so termed -because. he stood oveisteven feet, iq hi etocks. timed feet, is dead. Ward his been _received here by relatives,. of. his death which oceutred suddenly at his, home in Houston Texan, last week: Burial was at Dalutli. Mr ,MaCICeri; zieswas hi his .75th year. , "Big, Rory", • as he Was -familiarly- known. as born in Ashfield, a son of the !ate Mr. and Mra. Neil Bain Mac- Kenzie , pioneer residents of the: 'Township, who lived On the farm now owned. by, Gorden Ritchie. Later the familyinased to the second of Kin- loss.. Roderick: as a young Man .was a Stine mason's helper in the employ of the late Steele Murdoch : One of the r>1)s on which he 'Worked .'beizi* the construction of the .FinlaYso&, Block: His sriothei was an unusually lai•ge 'and strong .woman, but other: wise the ,family was all quite normal in Size. : stater and" hrother survive, Mrs .James Scott of near ,Bervie: and 'Neil McKenzie of Totinite: Early in the fall of'11p6 Mr. Mac- Kenzie visited• in thirconim•unity withhisaged brotherAn,lavi, Donald R. MacKenzie �f'.Lechalsh, Who 'has since passed away. At that time Rod- eriek. weighed 368 pounds, consider- ably leis 'than his, reciird weight of 427* pounds, and was a perfect spebi- men of :physical manhood. An able nitteican and Scottish piper, Mr.. MacKenzie was at one time . the Pipe Major,.. and an imposing .one with his high plume' hat, of . the famous Kilty •°.Band, which during a tour Of the bid Country, played by conunand before Kiag Ed- ard KU. in Bahnoral-Castie. .Mr. MacKenzie has been associated with carnival and . eh* life,' since leaving Lucknow as n young- mail.. Early in -the centary he become as- sista'nt manager of Coney Ista'nd Dreamland. tiste.r he. went • to Atm; trains to help to ' eitablish amuse' inent parks" In .1914 he retpined: to the show business in the States, and soon` became head of his own show, known as MeGreror Shows. At the tine cif his death he was still head of this- carnival company, the biggest .itv'the Southland, carrying some 32 truCks; 14 rides and tea Shows,. Hia . wife Was formerly Christine McDougall of .Priceville and when Mr. and 'vire. MacKenzie came north from Texas it was for the purpose of supervising the renovating of the old cantietery, at that village, where her parents were buried. ' • 4. you expect them tolive, gm* end produee both.meat and eggs. profit-. abiy. You are assured these qealitie‘• when yen Secure your chicks from our poultry farm. rot 22 years we . have been selecting and breeding.or birds for large body and egg size . and high production. .• All breeders ' blood -tested. White leghorns, 9c, Pi* lets, 204 Barred rocks, and New Hampshire, .11c, May le Is. • .ELMER PARRISH. GORRIE. .COMIt4G,EVESTS 1 PREMIER TALKIE SHOW Presents ICermit Maynard in "Wild ilerse Iteund-Up" in the Town Mall 2--iiAckno‘w, Priday,, ,A.pril Olst, under L. O. L. auspices'. Added attractions ,9 Antos 'n Andy, Mielcey .MeQuire and • 4,141s alang",. etc, 'Time, 8.15. Adult& • 25c, children 15e. • • 'NOVEL*. DANCE The .01tuismen ,will hold their- an. nual dance in the town 1101; Friday 114144104444341144..b.y.--zomacity.aloril,, fileee orchestra. • , 'll'ARAMOUNT DANtE The 'first dance to be held thcs sea, " son in the Paramount Hall will be- rm Friday night, A•pril'-21. Dancing SLUGGISH, KIDNEYS impair your health. Rumapaps TwosWay Action spriold.yruleansessrandssinivigoratesslhe midsrayithselattrintreapisfrs"V8KIIIItS DRUGSTORE. TUCK SISTERS MADE BIG HIT ••••••••••••••••••...., WINTER'S LAST 'GASP? Cold winds prevail and worm spring days are impatiently awaited. Maybe. it was winter's last gasp, but in any event. it was a valiant effort, for late Monday afternoon- a heavy snowfall commenced that blanketed the ground to a depth. of about .8 inches, and mantling every outdoor object, trans- formed the landscape into a •pictere- saue fairyland. Tuesday's sunshine however, removed" much of the evi- dence of the overnight sterm but Weds ne'aday was, 'colder, againwith snow - flurries. • ' • WEDDING BELLS • ^ I • Sr(RIITHERS-SWAN • A PrettY spring wedding tOok place on Saturday, Aiwa 8th; at the United Church parsonage when Reit, . R. C. Todd united in marriage, Etta Her - only daughter of Mi. and Mrs. George Swan of West WavranoSh and Robert Gordon, Only ,-Son of Mrs. and the: late &ht. Struthers of Lucknow, The -bride was dressed in.cyclamen ctepe and carried a boiquet of pink roses and Maiden hair fern. Miss Mary. Struthers, 3*ter of the groom, was bridesmaid end wore Queen's blue crepe,zand carried a bouquet of ' .The Weather and the. Lucknow Fire Co. just can't click: The , Christmas dance, to have featured the Tuck Sis- ters was' ,teriipletely...sitormed ont. Bobby Burn's dance in shimmy was accomittnied by zero weather and anow•hlocked side -reads and the .giat er dance on "Monday , night was. °tic- campanied by a heavy snowfall that made mototing difficult and Was a factor in a small crowd being in tendance. ' • • Those •Whit were present however; enjoyed a realtreat as ;the Tuck Sisters presented several song, dance and aerobatic 'numbers. Thee three thatming little lasaieta• are Mary, 11, Doris, 8, and Jeanette, 5,..datighters of Mr. and Mts. Jack -Tuek Who live on a". farm near 'Palmerston. , heSe charming little lassies have never had singing Or dinging lessons, erceift what has been taught them by their father,' Who Plays their piano aecornifanititent. The girls made, a big hit ,With their pupular song numbers, linui -t -daiteinulls 1 .0 ut 1-14 ontitanding" event Was fhb anre- lbatic :contortions of the fw. 0 older iris, all of which • has been aChieVed '14r oistant practise; This performanee IMS to be Seen to be appreciated 'arid the rather till t, Music .by Itackentie's. nicagre audience gave the youttgaterri Orchestra. AdiniesiOn sweet peas and maiden hair Tern. HARRY .McGEE PROMINENT EATON. EXECUTIVE DIES Young Irish iGad, Who Upon Eis Ar- • rival :In Canada, Lived, •Here For Some Thire In The. Pioneer Home Of Daniel Wander, Rose To The. ce-Presidency Of The &too Com- . panY, ' Friends ,here.... ...learned' with regret, 1 • •, WINTER 'CLOTHES PREFERABLE •FOL EASTER 'PARADE • • The. clementar weren't kind, to the tihoernan, the Milliners and the ladies' and ,mens' wear states' this Easter, for 'prevailing cold Wind§ haven't' . been _conducive . to - tliokghteef. 'spring. . Orrery.. While; Easter . Sunday: was. hright.. and. warmer, winter 'Clothes - 'still: foupd. (bons and • the,. fashion parade, was liy..no. means the ,apectaple . • . • f :i t Often Is. -,4d ':iwitlithoSe, hats this - .Year—it : Certaielss ',Could , :have . been a sitebtaele.• • • .• ' H; ' : '''-!..... ".-, ...s.. 'of the 'death' of Ha y:McGee; fitit vied -president of e T: Eaten Cern until: his retiterpent. in 1931. Harry McGee upon coining- t� Canada, when quite .a yrning man, lived 'for a time with •hs relatives, the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel.'Webster, who were among the first'pioneer aettlers in this. community, andmoted for the& kind 'honititality to all comers .to this new district Their home was South, of the village back of Ewart Taylor'a faint ; Mr. McGee was a frequent visitor in this cm -amenity and in June • of 1983, when ;a memorial •cairn was, dedicated to the Webster pioneers at 'Greenhill Cemetery; it was fitting that the unveiling cereinony was con- ducted 'by Mr. McGee. ' ' WS death One of. the last • re'; maieing links between the T. , Eaton COMpany of today and its unpreten- The groont was attendedby:Dam --tiriaa giriatig • in 4;461 i147ket4Fitti • . . Swan, brother of the bride. !After century was severed MondayMr ' ,MOGee was for many; .years senior -vice-presiden Of the firm and hen- orary,C �f the Irish regiment. 'Mr. McGee. who was 77, pad been :identified with.. the can:piny since 1893, When, he evai hired by the late Timothy :,Eaton as a clerk at 46 a Week. He reznained in active tutioci- ation with the firm snail his re- tirement in 1931. • • • .Like the distinguished . founder., Harry McGee Was barn in :Ireland,' in the littie.village of Kiledoley, County Tipperary, on Sept 20, 1861: After an Trish national =heal education and a four-year apprenticeship in a gen- eral store at Carnews Colinty Wick- low, Canada; ar- riving with $42: in his poeket and burning ambition in his heart • Late in 1983 he approached .Tim- othy Eaton and asked for a job M his store Which was then located on the soutivwest corner of Queen and Yonge Streets. • . ' • In his first 'meeting With kr. Eaton,. the .yoang man displayed the resoureefulnesC and initiative which later made hint each a valuable Mem- bet, of the great merchandising in- stitution. In later Years"he took keen delight in recalling how he had'offer- ed to work three weeks without pay. content that his ability and his ern - player's fairness would eventually bring, about an equitable .underitand- • It was signifieant that Harry Mc- qee's first task in his new employ Was ta help move the stock from, the Eaten store to new quarters at 190 Yong* Street, where the main branch of the firm is still located. • The change- of :location represent- ed Timothy Eaton'sfirst major ex -- the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the homeof the bride's pat- ents— for trinnedicite: relatives and friends., • The bride and groom left, for a - trip . to Guelph, Tomtit? and Quebec,: the bride travelling in a 'grey -coat with matching accessories. 10a their- return they Wilt reside in West•Wawanosh. .• • AVERY—BROWN A pretty Easter Wedding tdok place on Good., Friday at 1() .a.m.,at the honie of Mr. and Mts. Richard Brown of Ashfield When their only daughter Emily Elizabeth; became the hride ' of Mervin John Avety, soa• of Mr. Sam- uel Avery and ibe late Mrs. Avery of Ripley with Rev."J. Reynolds Ester officiating. 'The.. wedding music Was played by 'Miss Margaret:Pentland, A.T.C.M.."of Dungannon.' • • Given in marriage by her father, the bride looked' Charming in a gaWn of Suez crepe with touches of white. and a bandeau.. of 'lily -of -the -valley In her hair. She parried a 'bouquet of . Talisman roses, thy -of -the -valley and maiden hair fern. Her bridesmaid, 'Miss Ardyss Brown of LangSide, was 'hecontingly attired in Lassie blue crepe with bandeau o range hies - souls. She carried pink .carnatione and sweet peas: kr. Elmer Avery was his brother's groomsman. The bride's mother was dressed in black sheer with Corsage bouquet of roses and . • The ceremony took place before a large white wedding bell with an arch of evergreen arid Yellow rOsee as background. During the Signing of the register, Mrs'. Esler sang he a pleas- ,ingswolees1.03ocaintet's • s-ss•-ssispansionssincestiw.aterewstr.tenunded 441.:AttaPuthet•-stArtallon;YahAstnnlIthuail* ifir4860;ssatiVits-AproVedViinhezdfifirlite foreruntleis.ef a long seqes•itee of ex:' pansiens undettaken by the T. Eaton - (Continued on Page Five) lo past was served to about fifty guests the color scheme in the .dining mem being carried out in yellow and white with yellow candies• in silvet holders. spring flowers and the wedding eitke In the centre of the bride's table. • Later . the happy couple left amid showers of confetti and good' wishes on a trip, the bride • travelling in a grey emit cerise ensemble, black hat with cerise trimming, black shoes and cerise accessories. On their return they will reside in Ashfield. ' from 9 • • 5. deserving "big hand." MOTOR ACCIDENT, SATURDAY On returning from the..tieatie In Wingiums Sin Saturday night, Currie Colwell. figured in a . Meter. ,aceident; that might, have had MOM. serious results luirhe not swung the Dodge, he Wag driving: tr). the diteh to Mold trashing 'into motoritit ivrho. 3*M* in front of him to Make a left hand turn off the highWay. • - •Th e accident odcarred as 'short dis- tance {titan Witighant. &rile wet , about. to Pies nat driven by Mte' Currie, a farther of that vicinity. See - in the ear about ta Wilt in frontof 40.A,P...over "rOgOaditiligiCitritki0V-1*irlira-'1&W-U phone pale, cattainweonsiderable dant,: age CS front fender ,and light Cur- rie was nnittjaped Valid, passenger in the %car 'escaped with a severe shaking up •and binises, , 'Constable Platt �f Whighana was notified 1:04 inveatigated the mishalh DOMESTIC DOGS ENDANGERED BY RAID ON WILD DOGS The lives of. dOinestic dogs -in Kin loss Township -are to some degree endangered !by the •zealotiseeSs of hunters to bring down the "wild dogs" that have infetted the Township and ravaged sheep floCks. , • COuncillot Alex MacKenzie has a dog that he values, which .tiently fell prey to a bullet recently,-. and in it letter to the editor in this l'issueo. Mr? MacKenzie urges hunters to take Precaution, before fringing a 'gnu into play; rici that his arid Other dom- • ostie dogs May not 'become victims of the war on the'"inolves.". • Mr..Matitensie's dog, which by its breed, resembles, a Welt had been caught in a trap and as he Was about to be "popped off"..front a distance the.glint of the sun on his tag, etitight the gunner'a eye and saved the dogs life, . • Two. of kr. MaCketisie's. teighhars, *fit -aa '111), rinks Jh • :OBITUARY MRS. JOHN GRAHAM Th death of Mrs. John Graham, an esteemed and beloved resident Of this conmrimity for, many Years, occurred on Sunday evening at her home ivro miles east of the village, after a dis- tressing illness of a few weeks. Mrs." Graham was in her 83rd year and Was formetly Mary Ann Bark- ley. Almost fifty-eight years' ago she married the late Johrt.Tolniie Gra- hatit, whose patents *ere theoriginal pioneer. settlers on the Graham farns east LiteknoVr. Giahara prede- ceased his 'vrite in August;of 1928. The funeral service for Mrs. Gra- ham was 'held at the home of her datightetc-Mrs, H. G. Sherriff af Luck -- now, Conducted • by her pastdr, Rev. C. H. Mactimiald On .Tuesday after - nearly with interinent in Greenhill Cemetery. • , pallbearers were K. C. Mundie, McNay, Angus Grail -int, 'J....M. Greer, tiancan McLeod and. Wm. Mc- ' Surviving are to daughters, Mts. S.. W. Lord (Mildred): Of Alberta. Mrs : H. G. Sherriff of Lucknow and three • sons, Wilfred �f Vancouver,:. 'Earl Of Edmonton and Frankat home: , JOHN Ss:PICKERING On Thursday April .0th, Jahn . S. Pickering passed away in London af- ter a. lengthy illness. • he suffered a heart attack seven days previous to his passing: - Mr. Pickering, •who write nen' in the' Township of Ashfield,: was in „his 69th year. In 1894 'he ,married Eliz- abeth Beaton, fourth daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Angus Beaton,. . The late Mr: .Pickering Was of a very kind and cheerful dispriiitiort. ever deveterl ,to • the interests of his family ,and home: Besides his widow he is survived by the following child: - ren, Mrs. William Alexander, Mrs. Geerge Smith, Miss Dorothy and Miss atherine, of Detroit, Mich. His daughter Annie' predeceased :her. father in 1924. Orielitather, ' and two sisters,.Etta and 1Margatet, Lucknow, also Survive. •• • • The funeral services were conducted at the Pickering home in .Lucknow by Rev.' R. C. Todd, after whieh the re- mains were laid to res6 in the family' plot in Greenhill Cemetery. , • „ • JEAN McKENZIE • , STUDONTS- STAGE FINE .CONCERT Large Audience Attends Open Liter; .aty Meeting In "fawn Hall Thurs- day Night --Variety Program ,ioyed Ana Field Day Medals' Pre- sented; •r••••"••••••••••,- . • • The annual High School concert which invariably is a, well presented - and eptertaining event was 'no ex.= ception this' year,, a • /arge• aud- jence Was Well entertained with 4 Pre- rtarn of :music, .culture etc:. ereises and drainaties. • • •Donald M-eKinnen, president . of the Literary Society,. 'capably pre- sided as chairman, with Louise Greer .at the piano as accompanist for all the Inimical numbers: The 'concert: got. underway With. Smile seventy-five students massed op the . stage, for the schoel yell and the opening choruses. FolloWing the chairman's lidless the -secretary's re- port Was read by Annabelle Wilkins and the treasurer's' report- by Donald. Finlayson. •; " Weaved into the girls' chorus ghat felloWed was .,a dance nnmber by Bessie, Stewart, Fern Twandey, Getharina. Johnston, Carolyn Mars and Mary Salkeld. The chorus 'Wien Pa Was Courtin' Ma," *as enacted by Gittee.Xampbel1 „and 'Muriel a duet Dein Patgrori and Marge ' Goo. TO LANDQN • Eldon McLeod, who performed for the Juvenile and. Intermediate hock- ey teama here this winter; has gone to London, where he has secured a position. alockey .rnossuls, learning . of this .seventeen -year-old lad's per- formance are lining him up apparent.' ly cinifident that he has a lot' of abi- it that 'can- be developed SPRING FAIR. WINNER 7 , hP‘MG:rliTsdFddw'sint.IBienSgItcnilozleHleledr74sid'agundPs;t1.viceita 1.attrleoedt. The picture was taken at Clinton . spring fah! last week, whde kr. Todd • exhibite.d Some of his finned herd. - TELLS ONE '01VT: HURON COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE (IV F. E. K.' insthe Beacon -Herald) Steve Stothers, native of Ashfield Township., and one of tire 'real vet- erans as far as agricultural represent- atives are concerned, renewed marty old acquaintances around Clinton on, Thursday at the annual Spring, fair. •ft was back '19 that Mr. Stothers now located at Arthur' as Wellington County representative, opened ' the Huron County branch Of the Depart- ment of Agriculture at '.)Clinton. For tea years he werised-aritang the , ersOn in typical costuine, (allowed hi,L.y era of Huron and then went down to . et McDonald. Presentation of the medals to the FieldDay•winners was made by CILIA. Finlary- son., assisted. by Jerry Culbert, "star student of the plioor." and run- ner-up for the trip te Ottawa during the: peat winter. Senior Girl charnpion Was Anna Finlaysan, but as a pre- vious' winner, she was not; elegible for the medal. Winner and turmer-upswas. Bessie Stewart and Helen MaeDon- Medaia-also went ta Careiyri Al - lin and Maw Salkeld , and Catherine PreSti the latter twO tied. for the junior Girls' runner-up-position.gPar7 tieular mention Was made of the!per- foilnance of the Junior Girls at the inter-Seheol. meet, at which Lucknow won the cup in competition with Rip- ley and ,Teeswater schools.• Donald MelCinnon, and , Jack Cook received the 1§enior Boys' medals as winner and runner-up, with the Junior medals' going to Nal', Webster and Ross Patterson. • • Continuing with the program, a double duet was sung .by Catherine JOhn§ton and Mciriel Willciitis and Muriel McBride and Catherine Prest. ' Etta Belle MacDonald, very ably gave a talk On her trip to Ottawa in the 'winter', as guest of W. R.. Tom- linson, Etta. Belle saieit had • been her honour to invite Postmaster General this summ new postof 'the honour Minister acKeniie King. ` ' Donald. McKinnon ,enplaified the Purpose of two general proficiency shields, which were on display, hav- ing been donated,by Finlaron Bros. and Wrri. MacKenzie for annual corn; s)etition.ins.Grade49send.10. ' • • .A.Vrillewririvaturalatistsissete4004:1144ii- cherus; a reading by Helen MacDon- ald; a gymastic drill by Catherine Johnston, Mildred' Wilkins, Evelyn Taylor, Grace .Campbell, Fern Twain-, Marjorie Jean Mckenzie, formerly . - of itinloss and wet known, land highly,; olgteatredilifiatssmds-,,so" Michael's Hospftal, Toronto, on Thurs- day last after a brier illness. The death of Miss' Mckftzie's brother,. the late 'Dr, A. McKenzie, occurred in Toronto just five weeks pieVious. Miss, McEenzie was born on the 4th. toncession of Kinkiss being a daughter of the lite Mr. and Mrs. Peter. McKerilio... For nuniber of years she had made her home hi Toronto. ° The funeral Service Was held in the Presbyterian Chuech, Lucknow, on Saturday afternoon conducted by Rev: C. .MacDonrild.'' • Interment was made in the- family plot at Kinross Ceinetery. , • Pallbearers were, S.• E; itobertsan, W. Hill ;Steele •Ma;c1Ceriiie, P. S. MaeKenzie, Alex and Frank MacKetn zie. ' • -4 . With the passing of the second mem- ber of this taniily within a few short weeks, tWo brothers and a 'sister riew shine surely& R. V. of Luck now, Walter .on the homestead in Kinloss and Elizabeth of Chicato. • have had their doge ohot this vOnter nt'idIti otie••case the gunman applied 'f:Os head is inSid by the Municipal Coutt- itir,:: tilde awikitsiwdn:hogif;o• boontm:, :hein$gul.00ef the opinicsi that the animal he shot • . TOOK HOLIDAY TRIP • !, .,......_..—.. ,. Miss Olive Alton. of the 'rfronto teaching staff 'ft spending the Easter . • .......4................„.......... A" McLarty to •Lucknow r to officially. Open the ice, and that also she had to shake hands with Prime ASI7IF I ELD, WON ESSAY CONTEST Eldoe Buckingham, thirteen -year - Old son • Of Mr. and Mrs. .W.m. Buck- ingham of Ashfield, was the . winner of first prize—EL check for thirty dollars, in 'an essay centest conducted by the A. W. ChaSe Medicine Co. of• Oakville. The essay dealt with their products, and was an Ontario -wide contest open to all school •children up to sixteen years of are. /3argains in Some lines of. new lace and net Curtains, suitable (or Bed- rooms, Kitcheps, Living -rooms.. TETE MARKET — s WEEK -ENO SKATING • '. Probably sornething Of a 4.retord was set lad ,week,, when preVaili g cold .weathar sew the arena .thro Open for free Skating the end of the 7,ek,; With matty takirig advantage rtet an extellent, sheet of lee to have Essex County. • And :thereby hangs 'a tale. Steve Stotheki isn't a fellow Ito telt atories, out.:orschord, but he Couldn't help joke about this rine when he Met . the presentHuron representative; J. C. Shea*, un: Thursday. Sure they had inet before and the first time was back its 1929 when Jim Shearer. wire sent to Essex county', as aseiet- • ant to Mr. Mothers: 4ftle 'came rpto the rade, a regular greenhorn and I asked him to have a amoke and rave him a ,Corncob pipe, explaining it was it Product of Esse* and then1 told him to help hiinself to Essex tobaceo. in a', jar on the desk.- He did," said Mr. Stothers. Representative Shearer never forgot. that, day, because after the Second pipe the room:. startd go- ing around: You know he* it is. LUCKNO* BIBLE • 'INSTITUTE Jpst three more nights of teach- ing- ministry of the 'Bible Institute . this term. "The _Second Coming of . Christ". is tlie• subject to be discussed by. both teachers, Rey. J. K. Mac- . Gillivray and Rev. E. M. Loney, this Friday evenings No oneshould miss, the discussion of this vital tonic under two such able teachers. Come bring Your Bible and a friend. 7:30 Fk.M.-- Gospel, ong Service -and Prayer for Revival. 8 • t :00 P.M.—Rev. E. M.Lon- e3': 8:45 .M. --Rev. 4. K. MacGillivray Junior . Bible Class every Friday . at • 4:15 . P. • M. Come. ' • • " • Specials in Curtains and Curtain ' Materials. THE MARKET O'org,E, Carsdyn'.Allin-and Mary Salkelel. Insdsi•AritentletidunfayS,UnisMaiNstil„ and Welty Pinnell. very entertaining journal' was read, by the .editorial staff, Queenie Wilkins and •Jack Meteor'. A. grout) of -boys gave a demcinsttation of Pyr-, amidbuilding, and Physical culture exercises. •• • Anna Finlayson vieeliesident in- trodUced the east of characters' in the one -apt play, "Buddy Buys An brcbid.'t They were Hilda Lane, An- nabelle Wilkins, Reid McKim, Coyle, Russell and Islay Campbell, who tobk theft. parts quite Well to provide a fitting conclusion to a concert .that • was well received throughout. otiati,;,,,,b2t,t1Lkkg,&,textday_pagto ,,w1.4,, -i- a flinvV.he aeason. trip to Washington,' NOW York, arid -Aro'ckdY amil skohig as fiy-itiii up the Itedsoo River, returning to •swing all claYPtiday and again in the Again on Saturday Torontomot•ninbefore the ice softened AO by . way of Montreal.' Olive "ehill. g' . "CI 'who tommoneed the trip , last week, that afternoon. And •• g now; "with another planned to be in Atlantic City on cold ,snip, a hockey 'game was a,trang.. Easter Sunday. . ed for last night .1Wednesday.) , NOTICE • Hydro will be Off on Sunday, April 16th; from 9 a.m. to' 3 pan.; riffeetirig... consumers on the following streets, West end •of Campbell, St., 'South end ' of• Stauffer and Ross Sta. . , • (Weather Permitting)• ' Lneknow Hydro System. ' 1. -EM -1,5 ...LUNCH TOBAtCO3..CC.INFEMONERY .MAGAZINES, NOVELTIES • DAtLY, PAPERS Sind S A e, 'Rk\f/1 LEM 'OR015: . 'Phone 22 - . • 9