HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-04-06, Page 5„HURS1)4Y,` : APRILS fitly•
• •
SATURDAY NIGHT TWO• SHOWS AT 7.45 .and 9.45' p.m. •
tut', • firj.., ..Sat., April; .
Ser mbar tit Y .
ere � �.: •• .s
1 An•'pmerican :Cavalcade
MorN, AO,
e O. Aril 10-11-12
T�00 � HOT 't� •.
A . picture packed full . of danger and excitement: ' Gable 'plays the •
part• of 'a newsreel Cainerman.'
Rev. ' J.. K.N.aeGillivray, ' Leader
MOTTO= -2 Timothy •''2:15, supple-
inented . this: week • by Psalm 19_:7-141,
LESSON '2, second' uarter,. 1939,
CHRIST -Acts 13, and :1' Cor. 15; an=
other good title' would:be--"HIS'RE-
!The regular meeting .of. the Church
i.et' was held in 'the basement
of the Presbyterian church ,on • Mon-
day evening with a. good attendance.
ss May Boyle took charge of the
meeting which opened 'with hymn
No. 595 ."Work 'for the Night .it.
Coming." Rev.. Mr. McRitchie'.led iii
Mi y y
prayer. Mrs. (Rev,) Young read,
,: GOLDEN ,TEXT—"But.now 'is Christ:,. the Scripture lesson.aal)ei,
risen.- from.'t:he dead, and become the from the 62nd chapter of Isiah, ,This
first fruits of them 'that: slept -1 Sha11 we .gather .at the Rives.. Min
There are many MAN MADE RE- utes, of the previous , meeting -were
LIG.IONS in •the world; but'we have read by the secretary Miss Jean Arid-
THEGOSPEL, not one of the rel:ig-' ei•son. After the roll call Miss Hazel
kions; but God's awn unique way for. PIC gave: a reading on ' "Easter''.
the: salvation of sinners,. based on and' Mrs. John'` Emmerson :sang a'
supernatural FACTS, one of the*mo�+t':suiteble .'solo. Mr. Young led 'the dis=
important of these' being the Resur• cussion, - Topic -Which .• do ' we get,
rection from''t'he dead" of our Lord more,pleasure from, Selfish or Un,
and Saviour Jesus 'Christ; 'than'*whicb
r' was , ,follow'ed 'with ' hymn . No.' 837
15 :20. 0 . „
•THE CIbN:eolee
AssoCIAT1ON *ND. wee
1NiURANC�d CO ee.r4es
Pablislied, every ' Thursday. •rnorning
at Luckriow, Ontario'.
Mrs.: A. D. 1,dacKenzie-Proprieto.
Campbell' Thompson—f ublisher',
TAURSD:Q Y,:t PItIL 6th; 1939.
A pimple on the skin is. a'good •ex•
ample of°• inflanration duato 'a germ.
Pain, redness''.`&id, ° swelling are. the
typical symptoms of infiamation; to
be followed, in' some cases,. by the
formation of
Inside. bhe :blidy, the various disease
germs • eet 'up' irufiama tlions, ;which'
have much rri. commonf but with lis •.
tinetive , characteristics, depending
upon which!,germs set•up•<inflamation:
which ;germ ;fs responsible. •
• The'' • inflamation of -the; lungs,
whish we .know' 'is. tuberoulosis,:is
cause_d• by the' actioa. of the tibercle
bacillus; •it tends to,br,eak .down.' the
lung .structure se that. cavities,: small'
or large; are formed; .
We recover, frau► an intimation,
tuberculous 'or. other," when :healing
takes place.' It May be said that all.
treatment of the • tuberculoaus• is plan-
to: place„ the diseased or 'inflamed
part at, rest., Why ? Because, . rest -is
one' of the trinity , of. the hc+aling
graces: Without sufficient rest, heal-
ing is impossible. • •
A broken leg• can be splinted in a
plaster. cast,' and. do
placed' at rest
until the bones Wheal: But :the lungs
must . , inovein order ' that • we "may
live and breathe:' lest' in bed may so
limit the demands' made on the'lunge
as' to' enable them to rest . enough to,
ensure healing. This:.is,' what has hap-
pened In those t'hwa`rt of s'es wrcr~
have; in years peat, Dome out 'of san-
atorhan 'with •their 'disease arrested.
• Unfortunately, 'this form of rest
is MA.. 'sdffrcient to allow ,for healing
in. all. cases. It' was for, the 'cases *he
did not improve. under bed:rest-that
surgical therapy was first suggested.
Surgery is now , widely used to coI-
lapse' the diseased lung,'; for when 'it
is 'collapsed,; . it is'. given complete rest.
with • the best chance for healing.
Today, collapse : therapy, .or sur-
gical treatment of one kind, or an-
other, is ,recognized. as one .Of 'the
great advances,, of'. our age. in :the
'treatment of tuberculosis.'No : longer'
is surgery the'last'resort, but'rathec
an' early choice: Its value depend`
upon a proper selection of cases suit-
able for' such treatment. It '•is not n
cure-all. ' The .earlier cases; are recog=
nized, the better'opportunity., to use
collbpse, therapy at the'time' when it
can do the sliest geed:`
The forces. that 'fight, against tub-
erculosis have been greatly rein-
forced these past. few ''years' by the
development of such. a powerful Wee;
pen' as collapse therapy.,
selfish Living? •Rev: McRitchie gave
' ,there is no' better authenticated fact .a splendid talk on "Books": Ise point -
`in 'all liistory. What was the best ed out that we shoutd choose good
reading. :Hymn No. 663 'Abide with
story His enemies could invent to; Me" •'and the' Benediction by. Rev.
'acconnt for. the ,einpty tomb of our
Mr:,Young brought the •meeting' toas
risen Lord ?, Matt. 28:11-15. ' close. Lunch was 'served
`Notwithstanding the fact that our ;There will be' a Good Fri=day Ser -
Lord had ' predicted again- and; again ice in. the 'Anglican church at 8
that He would be'. put to death and ,vm•. A• combined choir: will. supply
- ' rise again from •the dead on, the third,'
day after, did any of the disciples the music and the Rev. J. b. :Nichol -
With the possible exception of. Mary son of Pine River will be the guest
„apf;..Betliaiay,' expect that.. o '+voam - speaker. Everyone is invited to •attend
' '- lleiVisit-ttfit ' ' uoi; ,
Make a list •of ;the•�oceasions on Note The „Change... '
ilii o'f tier rir1; -441 text �xto e d
"s ry r or lrt� td'e'at1,? n –rte.
which the crucified. Lord Jesus a 'p- The service. on'•Easter Sunday in
peered afterward 'to. one or more of the Anglican church will .be 'at" 11 a.
His 'disciples, trona the accounts: ,iii m. instead of 7.30' p:m. .
'the four Gospels, • the . Acts, the E- ',l ;Congratulations" to .Mr. and Mrs.
pistles and, the Revelation,•, ,
Karl Boyle on the arrival. of a baby
.'ltd Where isrI•ie today and' what is He girl, and to Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert
doing•?' Is' He to come. back . fol• His .Hodgkinson` on the arrival •of a baby
own, and how-?- Give `Scripture proofs boys
for your atis'wer, Mr.'. and Mrs, Roy Graham have
"' What is the, relation of His Res, moved the Miller •house from east,:
urrection to ours.? See' 'John 6:3740
aril' John•11:25, 26; also 1 C. 15.12- of Inrcknow to. Kinlough and will • be
t• •19; and.•1• Thes. 4:13-18, • with • 1 Cor. •
taking up 'residence' here very scan:
i.: 50-53. , ' • .. ' Mr. Wand Mr's. Wm. Haldenby and
Distinguish the two •Antiochs: find family are leaving this week for ,their'
new home: in, Culross township.
- ' them on your 'Bible map: :
Mr. Bert' McLean' spent the week -
Look at verses 38, 39: explain for:
end in Toronto.. :
'giveness 'and justification; .what do Miss innieonto Percy, R.N..is taking
yon iind hi these verese that is 'most' the work of night supervisor in 'the
• - precious to the believer? I3 it pose -
k about this truth and Listowel 'Hospital. '
role. to now '
ndt e>�perierpce It personally? • A. nninber of ladies gathered:at the
. .
n'i definition of home of Mrs: Wm. Percy tb spend
Give your •;Catdchis
Justification., 'Have you' the assur- a: social , time and bid farewell tc
ance of being ijustified personally.: Vii'-". Wrn. Ilaldenby and . Mrs. Janc
What' bearing has the resurrection . • •4
of Jesus 'Christ o` ail His 'teaching Mrs Percy wilt make her home with
Fhe week .I n . Pa l ament
;By•, ?
!V1' .R..TOM_LINS.ON, :M. P. : .
On Monday the Prime Minister out-
lined, the rest of the,: Sessional, pro-
gram. in • Parliament, and ' it is appar-
ent' that .there 'is a• heavy aino:unt of
legislation before -the -house of Com-'
mons which •may ' make' it . impossible
for i'a>rliamient 'to prorogue, when
His Majesty, the King arrives in Can-
ada in May
The 'new legislation will include
bills regarding the co=operative mar-'
keting of products -in a broad sense;
specifically, in regard, to' dairy pro -
duets, including 'the.• improvenren't' of
cheese and. .its :making; .furthermore,
with regard, to , thel 'mark4.ti'ng of.,
cattle and ,beef. All this: is on top.
of :four or' five bills 'deal'ing..with •the
arketing of wheat from. the produc•
tion end to the selling end Other
measure include the :creation.' of. `a
bank of ' mortgage ' discounts, amend.
mentis, to the , Criminal' Code, an' Ofi'r
-sal; Secrets Act. -
. Just what is meant by the` creation
of a bank•• for the discount 'of mort-
gaged id ' not announced,- but probably
it will .be found' to provide in '• the
field 'of long-term currencies of mort-
gages, facilities :ler discounting .and,
•refinancing "similar to what the Bank
of Canada provides in• the field of
:commercial 'credit: Lending .'institut
ions; and lenders who are not inst'it-
titiens,•may be: able to cash in on their
holdings, an\d ' in the new deal, pre=
sumably, the ,.borrowers may be 'able
to get loiter rates of interest `. ' , . •
• The House program' of the day
re.voived again '.around the Tiade
Treaty 'With the United States, • par-
ticularly textiles and.
a with''regard,
ticul rly
coal.. Conslertiative ' •mmenibers'. led a •
general assault ;on reductions in'dutl
�n various textile . items Removals Of
the three• per cent. ex'cise tax. was also
protested agairf anew. 'Mr. Harris,
Conservative member for.. Danforth
called .it "a trade gift"- of half a
million. 'doll'ars on . importations of
raw cotton. Mr: Dunnirig's answer was
that , the . item of cotton had ..in it',;
:no element of protection as , Canada, .
does' not produce cotton. ;.'
Tuesday: was, quiet in the House of.
Commons and developed, into a 'Mar-
itime day, the discussion having larg-
ely to do With the fish industry both
on "the ' Atlantic and Pacific" coasts,
and the advantages 'and disadvan-
tages; of the beam trawler against the
line fishermen
: A hill' to regulate;:the small loans.
business . and_ to , Ii tit • the interest
til "oidia ichargesethwe tic. drioed:M
ilii`Ifir nrta e :-lGcitetebtYieli:f tbadtarq;
'Dandrirand, 'Under • the terms of the
bill sinall loan" companies are for-
bidden 'to • charge more than two per
cent. a' month on the amount actually
advanced to' the borrower for loans•
of.15 months or less and for 'monthly
balanced thereof, from time' to time
outstanding, For a loan' for a -period
greater. than 15 months,, the cost of
the loan, shalljot exceed one' per
cent. a month' on the.amount advanced"
to the• borrower and • on monthly bal-
ances: 'The foregoing rates are to
cover the entire costs... of the loans•
interest and other. charges.
The' vote on the Uhilited . States ,
Trade Treaty • oh Wednesday resulted
in a Government4najority of •158 to
32: 'the, Government bad a-,salfd back-
i, of the Liberal niembers''plus mem;-
of the 'C C: .• and •.Social• Credit
and two . Independents. Con-
servatives voted solidly against the
agreement. A few minut:es'later, with=.
out; a sword df debate . the ratifyting
bill was passed through committee
of •the whole, and given third reading.
'the measure' creating a War Pur-
chasing. B card ran 'into opposition.
in the omiiittee .stage. Mr. Caitlin
and Mr. `irai'sh' 'of Montreal both have
the idea that there is sornethiing un-.
demon atic abbot it --that a board is
being create ° to: perforin functions
Of :the Government and derogate froin
tire.respdirsibilities of the adttrinistra-,
dour-'2hev also expres'sed •the "view;
that for the" board to;'repo'i't to"the
Minister 'of Finance is a slight on.
the /einilter df National -rDefense.'
But the Minjster'of.Finance brushed
aside the idea that there was any
surrender of government responsi-
bilityv'., The 'Board will recommend
every contract4to him; nd"if he thinhs
fit he will recammend pit to the Gov-
ernment which must take ..the •full
responsibility. " ' l
Mrs. R. Hill ' of Purple Grove spent.
the •week -end with her mother,, Mrs•
Grace Long. •
Miss Sadie Fairish 'is visiting he
aunt in Goderich. :.. ' ,
Ab•ofib sixty ladies • spent a ''very'
pleasant eveniirg`•?at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. R", Brown on Wednesday'
March 29th. Their only Aiiiiighter,
Miss' Emily, a bati'de-to-be was show-
ered with imiscellaneotrs gifts and
good wishes.
straws ,PLA
The .• Canadian Broadcasting Corpor-
ation 'has kir,oularized ,clergymen,
drawing attdntion ,to the 'religious.,
play, "The •.Trial of Jesus", to bo
broadcast by the 'C:B.C. on - Good Fri-
day from 8 to 9 p.m. This play is by
John Masefield, Poet /Aureate, and its
presentation is nracie • • possible ' by,'
special. larrangement, marking the
'first time it. has been presente'd', in
North' Ameria, either, on the stage
or by radio. "
.In ;the most, important debate of
the Session, parlia;nentary leaders, on
Thursday, .outlined their stand on' the
international situation, and what they.
thought should be the relation'.of Can-..
ads. thereto.' The Prime' Minister
spoke to crowded House and Geller"
ies for two hours. The Conservative
Leader spoke ;for. somewhat 'lesti?4' Both
Set •out'to make their `positions clear
and left .little r.0
Dist for doubt.
' :It' was made abundantly clear their
the security.'of Canada IS 'hound 'up
iwith the "security of Great Britian 'and•
that any suggestion of neutrality''he;e.`
is out of the question.,If ,an aggressors
should-a;tttalek England and break •
through, there is no illusion as to
what would happen afterwards; -no
doubt of them coming over here, and''
consequently, no 'question -.=of• Casl, .. ,
doing . its proper part in the line
of• preparedness. But there':is rid idea,
of' conscription: Inasmuch. as the
4British • government has decided a-'
.gainst it, the 'hostility to that prin...
&ipl'e:displayed herewould have been
'doubly emphasized. The whale diplo-
uratic corps were present 'in the gall-
eries,- and` exceptional • interest WaF
At•the outset Mx: .King . entered,
extensively into the backgrpund of
the inte'rirational• situation, •tellingof
the crisis of iast� September,, 'of wha
gave rise to it and of ;the . various'
lialpenings leading: upo :the' 'under ---
and promises? 'What if He had not her mecet'Mrs. ?=Tall at .ICiricardine.risen from the dead.
"Underwent 'Operation.
' Mr,' John Wall, coneession 10, met
with a,seriotis'-accident More than li
lie he. Was struck' in the*
Women's Auxiliary will be held on. stomach • fbyf hate which . became.
"' '1ueay ;Ariri1:18th, at the Mime of frightened et a' dog.' %tisondjition
\lt'fi's. MacLean. (note.+liange of date) seemed better.for a .few days but
-On the regular meeting day Thirs-. cin , Thursday he became Worse and
day April\ 13th the'lacliea ere invited an .ciuergeia+cv1 orer•ntien was''per-
be guests of .the, Wlilkerten W. A. formed. in Witigharki Hospital.'
f. •
BUT IT'S A,141, THERM.. • '
Before prohibition a Missouri farm-
er arranged withthe .editor' of his
county 'weekly tb ;have some sale'
hills printed. When the farmer. start-
ed , tacking 'uti his bills he discovered
they were more than • ordinarily In-
"Twenty-five cows, broke to work;
41 head of cultivators; 10 head. of
shovelling boars with,' scoops by' side;.,
3 piano mares; • 1.20 rods of canvas.
,belting ibetter than'. new; De•Lavnl
cow with ice cream' attachments; Me.
Ccsrinick binder, in foal;; Poland China
bobsled, due,: to farrow in April; 14
head ':of chickens '.with grass seed at-
'tachments,. in, 'good ,working order; 2
.J., I. Case riding hes er• rerun •as -gyri,
ren; 15 billy goats, .10 bushel capa-
city, with spraying nozzle, and other
articles' toonumerous' tp iinei'rtion":
\That printer's right 0.,hand didn't
know what h s,left.band Was doing.
Chamberlain ain trade the best choice.
under the eir•eumst'adees whieki 'then
existed and eulogized his deciaion'un,•
der' conditions .off extreme .difficulty,
When Mr. King eame•'to the argu'
ment that Canada, lagged behind
other Dominions 110 eited' discussions
in the, Par•l4arnent of South- Africa
and Atks.tralia and `Now Zeaaantide-
signed t6 'show shat apart frons Corn,
':ending the. • action of .the , ,Britislia
Government, they had not gone fur-
ther •by'' iseuing ultimatums or under-
taking's.. -1 e quoted Mr. 'Chamberlain,
as .saying:.that. "none of the Domi'n
ions. had dung so.: He thought that
this should silence "once and for .all'`
the' assertion that :Canada had failed
to dd' what; other •dominions had• done'.'.
Recent events'were then 'outi'ined
i his
Pri inistex made
and. tl�. me .9'1
more important pronouncements. If
war ,Should come, what would be the
attitude cif,•the Government?:It Would
`,he '• ;ora'. the pirneiple of'; ,a.esponsibk.
•goveirnment with .the cabinet giving
Its, views to Parliament' and, allowing
Parliament to decide: He quoted, ap,-
•'provingly,, as his own position as
"Prinie.Slirlis'ter of;Canada,the pos.
• ition •taken' by Mr. Chamberlain when.
Said; "1 .de 'root •'. 'propose , to 'enga'ge
p , , ct, p p
this courntry in new, and:•unspecified'
commitments, operating under, eon
ditions • which' cannot be ;foreseen
• . He spoke of, th.e heartening change
in Canadian relations with the United
States;, Mi'...Roesevelt's under-
teking ,that 'the .United States' 'would
.not stand"`idlj' . by ,and‘' his. appreci-
ation .of that assnraikee.
Many of the Prints, -'.Minister's.
statements • were ap.por•v.ed by Dr.,
Manion;. theConservative ,Ieader.�D.
.Manion stressed; the peculiar vul-':
nerability 'of Caifada. finder conditions,
of modern ' warfare li'y'' air;: but the
-t i
•e .•t��rrti Canadian . la X31 n
standing' or supposed understanding ;war the opposition' leader agireed.
at Munich. '.' He 'thought that Mr. •would' to decided 'by 'Parliament. ' He
reiterated his stand �ainst conscriP,
. .
`tion. • '
Apropos 'of conscription; the' Pr'ixne
Minister Said, "so long as4this gov- •
ernment • is in power there will he
no. conscription.", 'His -final • thought •
was that there is neither ground for
-undue.• optimism nor persistent .pest .'
simisre but that Canada' should pre..
pare to resist totalitarianism, first -
by preparing to', defend itself. De=
'ocracy; he believed, would• survive
when dictators ;were done. Mr.RKing
wa' vigorously,. applauded.
r" 5/fifth Winnifred Ackert spent Sun-
day, with Mr. "and. Mrs. Donald' Mc -
12th 12th con.•
We wish to eittiend congratulations.
co -Mr, and. Mrs., Karl Boyle on the
arrival of a' baby girl.
- Mi •' Alvin Graham spent''the week.
end .with Tara friends. • -
1VIr-.• George White of elgrave
spent: Monday at Mr. Thos. hite',s:
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Carnpbell of '
Kinloss 'were recent visitors at Mr.
Ja'nres Baker's ` •
C:liffobd Johnston .is assisting:..
Mr.Richard .Elliott for the'. coming
'year: . •
Mr: and Mrs. George McDonald 'an , '
little., son are leaving . for -Saskatch . .
,•Wan' this' week.
-Miss Jean Ritchie' . of Byron, has ',
been a recent visitor with her par;
ents Mr.. and Mrs.',Will Ritchie.
Mrs. Anson Findlay .of Lucknow
visited • Mr. and . Mrs: Fred, .,Anderson
On Wednesday last• ,
...:T. • . f iu -has,. • been _rte gang:.. in: this
"coinmunity and almost: every family
-has been stricken.
e lo w prieed cur coqzbinin
Thcit's `uest at Lowest
��� •
�•f:.. ^5 ��1� a4! d :DSI
Mast€r DeLuxe Sedan with trunk,
�t Out -Accelerates
.: •
All Other Lew -Priced Cars
l_.1 - f t : ''tik=e' ' er 'a 's
It''s more powerful on .the• hi4'Is!
It's•the liveliest, rOst•'spirited,
mostilexible• of all love -priced
ccirs--thereby contributing to
safety,.'. also the most econ-
omical, car to. buy, operate
,and maintain.
See it, drive ,its at ,our show-
rooms today!
DoO't be satisfied :with «n
_ o anyMing
the hest 41,IY A 'CHEVROLET!
y' . • .r..
*Available on Master D'of uxe Modell Only