HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-04-06, Page 4e.
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At The •Lcrtirest ,Obtainable
. . , ,
, .
• •
...Mr. john 131aelthet, reticling on con-.
eltessioh 6, Haien Tevreship; recently.
teceieed et timber Of beautiful pie-,
, eres. of .the. launching eel the new
.'British beetle_ ship •Kitig George V,
'Which . was built ,:and launched at
Newcastle-ontTiree, ,Englend. If is,
Df, particular iiiterest to hire because
hie brother :Albert was employed en. this giant.:ehip and at the 'thee of
,0i#6; Nancy was asked
'hefiiie the •Qiieere.'
•-Worth Iler-ore invade:este• .
inmusical festival will be held in
Witiglieue on ,May 2nd. Priortothis
ereliminaryefestivals will he held at
Blyth, Brussels and limegannee.' Feeth
lath of the prelbeinery events wM'
De chosen two choirs; two sales.
boys' one gielel. duet and
one ,boys' 'duet, to he heard at the
Enid festival at Wingharn. •
Experience of the last two Years
las shown that there 'were. too many
:settiee for any one centre,and to Oh:
•elate this difficulty . this year's methed
•hleiririefeetivals at various points
. in the county has been adopted.
By. B. J: Deachman;
Sometime age a gave eicpenditures
Of, the • Federal Government in •eo fer'
they,related 0 niain e*pepdltures
.with the excepteen . of the different
clepartm.Inte such as Arerfouleure •
• •
Post Office Z .i+etiOnale. Defense, and
Bremnei- .-, of ..Selforth
conducting the. services. in. the ..T.,,Tnit!d
-Church ehere Mee :Weight- 'is
tecovering from : •
•. . • ; . • . • •
• Ward bee .been received here Yes-
terday oj. the', deaeh, in Wingham• of
Win; Adak. Ileie re.htetheteine
law ,of• laniet. and -Chas. Mattie,
here ," Sympathy • is ' extended"! to the
• . , .
• . Mr, ,enderiVirs..J., 'McLean.: exert• .
Sunday. with ..their ion, :Mre..Ira Ale --
teen. ie. •Breesele.e• •• ,•e •
Mrs. Miles McMillatiele...e
!leaving .to the farm on the 2nd of
kiroevn as. • the .'Ed: Geurit.
u: thcuits.Othezethe
munity, ; e. •,••
A ..zioniber of 'flu cases .our
• .
.1.*V YA APR L '
, •
, (DUAGrANNON NEWS)• . • .
Me." Chas. ETOtt AaPI •"'"
olden Ne- Ontario e to asst
his fatheiein7law Itetz at Syrup;
malcieg and later •tit. sawing lumbere
He Will reture: the lettere ;part Of
The figuret lieptesent the nurieber May. • . ,' • , i • . .
of cents and frae.tioes of cents, out of Mr; j.•,;A: ii.t.rnliit94 returned ihi...fitt.:.
your tax dollars required for this, or part a, the ,emeic .f,reeii,4011,den.iife
weile For l'hitinee,. out of every ter• receiving treatment •ia. the hes.
dollar of, revenue received, e.7 .cents. Oa He is .,11.puei.,i,iitore-,4.,.
.�r ferkfaihs :Ontel,ar, 40 put it le •
another way, $00 out -Of every $100,
of Federal GeVerierjaerit. tear' id *met of Mler, Jae, StOnebeireees: residence.
on„..,: agrietvlettirit Alto -.complete ...liet
Mr. G. C. Treleaven; aevietim of a
follows: • • • : ,.
paralytic stroke, •j remaining mitch
, leepertinental •
,; Expenditures..
. . •.1.70 the same as ;freer, the fleet ... Friends
Agriculture .. „„- . .:... ,..e;
'thelciouslY wait for improvement.
Fisheries ., ' , ' : • 0,36:
Legislation .. , • - 0.44 • '
, BORN -TO Mr.: and 'Mrs, Harvey
Mines and Reseercea. ,... ... . . 2.66 :Andrews, West Wareenosh, Murch
National Defense . . .... ..."... 6.17 28th, ,at Alexandria Hespitlil GOder
Post :Ogee . i . ..... ....., ... 6.36 ii4h; a son., • Congratulations. •
T4e. 'aeXakig of their majesties tc
.3aeirda this summer, while being -per-
igee in that it ‘4111.iier ist vklit.ot 4
eeignjeg Smiereige;'will not
be by any means the only visit el
EdwardVI, !George V arid
Edward VIII all were in Canada; the
fleet as trier of Wales in 1860, the
srend. Jr Duke lot „Cornwall and
York at the beginning of his father's
reign arid again as Prince of *ales
he 1908 on the occasion the'Que,
bee_ Tercentenary: and the latter as
Frier ef Wales' in 4819 'tinff"'eti.'one,
two geeasiens'sinee
The • fleet anetiiher of the 'Royal
family to 'come to Canada was Ed -
Ward Deke, Kent 'in, e',191. He Was
a yognger, son Of George, ' M. Two
Of his brothers beceirie ;lure Geo-
rge IV and IV and long af-
terward his daughter became 'Queen
Victoria. He was in 'charge of the
troops at ,Quebee and lived at ,Kent
House near, Montmorency Falls. Lat-
er he was sent to Nova. Scotia in a
similar military capacity. Nova Scot-
ia was then a separate colony, • not
being' a parr of the Dominion
Publie Werke; a..." 2.33_ • Chas.Alton. has lately installed
.• ..Bilver Jubilee' Meeting"
The 25th annual meeting (Silver
eelabilee) of the OntarieeeProyincial
Society W. M.. the Presbyterian
ehurele' in Canada is' heingheld in•
:St, Paul's churCb,Harniltofl, on Tues •
gay, Wednesday and ThersdeY, April
• 18, ip, 20th, with three sessions daily.
Special el:maker's incliadeeMiss Bessie
KaeMurehy, Jebot, India, Mrs. W. G.
?Nevis, Manchuria; Nisi Ulnae Mac-
ertlier Mrs. W. A. Mcleennon, pres-
ident W.: M.: $., (W D) and. Mrs. John
Villiamc president of Ontario prce
winder imieletY also 'resident, mini-
sters. "
llt may be bad tote to talk elieet
;he weather, but some of our city
' fillies certainlYeexcel. in that regard:
h. bit of s ow storm tan be stretcb-
ed, with so 'e repetition, to cOlumes.
Mist. Dorothy Knight, gf 'Linwood
is visiting at the home Of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Fisher. • ..
: • (Intended for last Week) :
Mr. • and Mrs. Tom Morrieen spent
the meek -end in 'reroute, ,
Mrs AeMeQuillin spent, a day with
her' niece Mra. Ban 'Connery last
7`eariseort •
• • 2.81 a modern meat display ieunter 'and
All 'other 9.10 haridles all kinds of meat •
-"----- ' Mr. A.rthur .13rown is spending, a
*Total .. . .. ..:.. ' 31.8i week at Stratford and London.
.The Party System .: , •
• Miss Melba Fowler,. who has been
Prominent in letters rerived is a
weeks' ago has' lately been victim
thise "The Partf systein is. no geed. ' of ee efi • .
No member is ftee toe criticize hie ,
Own party. Until you are:allowed
tasay-Whete you feet then whet geed
is Perliament" , ••
. ,
The accusation is not tree. Members
are free; Some racrY net accept their
freedom. Others may not use it Well.
Ther are differene ways of employ-
ing. it But in the time I havebeen
the ilinee I ;have never felt the whip
• of party influeece I have been
in mene things *Pate !critical of my
'owe party. Further, 'unless a parte
leader tolerates criticism he *ill de-
,stroy hie own .party. It will beionie
fixed, dead, etatic. It Will :cease to
go forward --it e members even
stop thinking.
recuperating from an operation a few
staterrieet Which rune soreething like
Mr. and :111re„ Roy McDonald, Me.
and ?Are. Wm. Sillibs, MI e and.. Mrs, stone in Hellfire to mark .the place
Frank PentlandeMisiFern Robb,Mr'where he landed there. •He Was then
arid Met .Wilfred • Pentland are at a young Man and it was, not tilt eieer
tending the Avery-Breiven Wedding forty years later that he ebecaith
in, Ashfield this Friday. The guests King, . •
are -numbering about, sixty. • • The next in order was his sista,
Louise who eame with hei
.we-,sre giad.,to J. .1, Prillee„Se.
Ryan has recovered from h flhAeAS hthusGbaonvdeibt4BIteanraiis of
ff tLhdernoeo,vvioDuor
again: after heing indisposed for .two.
,m, inir, They rernained five yearat ,
or three Weeks:.
Rideau Hoese.
The Junior Room ,school 'child:ten
Next 'following them Were thc
had the billings for. a. holiday two thee Prnee or Walore. two young Sens
days the. first of the week, Miss Princes' Albert and George, who Were
Henrietta teacher, was 'one of •
. here as naval offieers. Prince Albert
ethers. with the 'N. : became Duke of -Clarence ' but :die'.
mr. and Mrs.. :Godfrey Hall, on' before his father tecatire. Khig.
can prove, my case as tikr as, 1 Tuesday March 28th, celebrated .31' Prince aeorge berme Duke of Corn
am personally coecereed, It is practi- years of their married life and were wall . and in due eburse Prince 'or
calrY certain that the A per deptex. entertained at the latter's ;.brother'Wales, and later :Kim :as George V
cise tax on imports feela U. S. will 'Mr: Thot.Wiggies for the day. Me. The nexe • visit arranged before
be, al:try:dished,. It Was suggested by ceie and •Mes.' Hall have heee spending Quer ,Victoria „died but 'reeled oni
tate' members that this. be. retained the winter With Mrs. Wm. And- in • the earlY part, of King Edward's
on automobiles "so. as to permit Can-
adian e,riternohile ' manufacturers to
charge the Canadian people higher
prices for autornobiles.71 was ,Opier-
ed to the suggestion, which had 'quite
...meesure of suPportvoinssibmiey oomwrwl:
patty: There were two
of =dein; it; by going to Washington
and seeking an amendment to the
ti.eaty, or by lthekdeor eiction in ras-
ing: values for duty purposes. I erre
posed both. High tariffs raise Prices,
lower Prodectiorie kill agriculture;
create unemploetheet, Here is an ere -
tract from lest week's "Saturday
Night' It apPaared in an ai•tidie
entitled "National Affairs":'
' "Even. at Abet, . it ' apparently
failed to convince R. J. 'Deaeh-
,man, ree trade Liberal feem
North, -Huron*, who can handle a
statietical rapier in a direl as
skillfully as any member of, the
House of Commons. Deaelef.
men this time foegot his statis- .
. ties and thet straight from the
shoulder at gt. dietathre•e--
'ial .powers whieh:enabled Him to
'upset a tariff level Provided by
• :international agreement. He chal-
Mr., Gibson Gilliespie and son Jack
Spent the week -end with'thir former%
brother Chas. Gillieepie at St. :None
as. '
We are glad to see Mrs. C. Mur -
back 'in the Village again after
limiting with ,faiends for the last..
three months. , • • ,
: Mies ,Greer of Winghein is visiting
with Rev. Mreand Ws. Polloelc.
We are sorty to report the death of
„ .
Miss Annie .Ciow ;in Winghane She
was a highly respected resident of,
this eommunity befere, moving to
*Ingham about fhillty Years ago.
A •number from here attended the
e'eheral ori'.Sundey, •
`Mr. and Mrs. Cox Sr., Of ceoderich,
ate spending •a few .days here with
.their son, Mr. Ciatence ,Cox.
Miss Ruby Conn is visiting' with
Mrs. C: Murray here.
Chalmers Presbyterian Chuteh are
celebeiting their seventy-fifth ann.,
• iversery on. May .28eh when theRev:
James Wilson .0( Toronto will con-
• duct the services.
'littVe You ever wondered what,. poor
little .ehildree :do for a place 'to live
in; a place to sleep. in,:tx plaee to Phi.).
in when their mother:a are either. to6
111 :to ,get oe, in. the hospitel, or
maybe dead?
A. oIdIa..vweilayto.a,liolwipeonidlse.retcid o.tvIzeoillixtvtlht
have. been •deserted by their .. -fathers
or Mothers? •
• , What .1.0e -eider. the grandest .part
of oar work is the Adoption 'Mei the
enehurageMent, • We ,meet . from the
adoption parents clWers ' g13. and
helps to keep us .striving day by day.
'These. _parents : the 'child : es-
tablished* place in ' Society; the .se-
earity'• of"e • home; 'a' regular Mime.
'arid all -that' gees with it. often
'weeder' 'what • woidd• hecome. of :the'
Mttle unwanted leib.ies if •ie were, not.
for Our .Society. Each ,futere.
'life is at stake.' 1.•
. ,. • :, •
I • feel my most. important respon-
.sibility is being as. a parent to the
, , • . .
'children .committed to 'our carete-and:
'providing, through foster andeedoPt-
ive •homes. , the love,; and affection
ehich. the children have missed in
their 'own honies, and striving by
every: •repeins• .63 eerie and sustain
in the children a sense of security
Which is .so essential to their normal
happy developreene which • has been
either „seriously shriken, or is reis's -
ing altogether in their lives.„. •
Not all children . are; fit . subjects
. .
for adoption nor all Weds • suitable
in which t� ' place ri A-,Vme
carefuieetedy :Must .;be _made et , the:
child, mental: teats', bleed tests, etc
as well :as of the home as describe(
(Wended fife hist Week). e.
Mr, lohji 'elartiti reeuperpting
at his. home here • following • an eP.ere
Ireton foe appeediX hi Goderich Hos-
pital. ".. , .•• •• •• •
. -The Mareh tneetieg , of: the riewlee..•
Organyeere Para:Mouth Wommee • Ine •
stitthe was held' at the home of,:.Mee.
Jas. MaeDonald 'teat tether:: after....
mote' President ilki-rte Orland
.Richards oceupied the 'chair. The.
meeting opened he singing:' the, :Ire
etitote .0de, The..Secretary. Mrs, ,
'it Martia'reed the ininute.s. and. had
chiitC of the roll tele was an-
swered • by 'Slag, 'Say, 'plee .er Pee. •
After' the, business the f011oWing ofe •
flcers were. 'dee:0.de- Mrs Williarn'
Kerniptori.aed,-Mes, Mgr ;11amijecinceed. •
Arise Jean Itaenerd were added •to the
boiird',„ef .directert: •Mitell.obt.Ham-
ilton..and Visa Dorothy: Irwin Mete
appointed :thidittirs, and. 'Mits.; Wirth
Hamilton and Mrs. • Mein .Raynatel. ••
'as -eianiste for the meetiegseThe '
' The next .roiral visitter to Canada
in Pre -confederation 'days ...was Al-
hert Edward, Prince of Wales,"son et
Queen Victoria end her. successor ae.
Edward .VII. He also etisited Noei
Solara .and I remember seeing a
Picture. of
. ,
Mrs. I'illen Quick fall, of Beidgeport, Onte had AMA
arranged g huge "bouceret( of • Cilirysanthemums, their
. Golden Wedding ,IternernRrae rent eseenibled
dren: and. greridehileleen, When the telephone tong; It
' was a call, front, Kinelaraleyt Sask., • and the Veiee of
t 0001 PTC3Cted Nytti‘t Attriitirte On Mar a
'ot iiicUitr writes,: e. filth to parsle ott 10
other Pont aiatierecithereet 'vet tar lam sans
;obtained throngh the rtleilino telepheme contacts,
particularly so ,when the dear Mir aro
, • seettered oVer the country.1' ,
. .• Why wait tore Gotyloti ,f.1,612? tee,
ante' Mitre is a family ri,fehration. can
• op Oy Lona Distorter!, illat;e it a teal
,syipitsa. And r,eatentloy 'this, it coo*
so yeti tbo, will be svrprised!
in out issue or foster ',home's. We
:1-raget. not : lase siebt • a !Ali.
responeibility--the ' best rtiteeest of
the .child: _
Placement of children. for Adeptior.
,seidore teen out • unsatisfactorily: It
almost every ceee the Orildren bring
happiness bite the home, and the par:
ents ere as „fend of then! as if they
were their 'e'en.
Some 'people thine. adePtiori is 1:
simple matter. This is not so, as' x
;Teat deal of care and thought e:
heedcd. 'the child to. be adopted must'
ave, a careful Medical exarnieatien
a certificate, froin the phyalcia,n as t.
its bodily health,' and his or hee
feW6 in• the village front :their home ee:en, Wes that of this same Prinee 'llentily history, from the medical en'c
lowirig.pro,gram wes•enjoyedt A piano
'nstruthentel by Mts. Melvin Raynard
followed by com'munity singing. Mrs.
•Jack Haniiltoii then gave- a splendid
synopsis of the, first two chapters of
the book "With. Flame • of Freedom" •
.by Miss Ethel :Chapman.. The quest,
ions on each chapter provoked a great -
deal Of interesting discussion. A pap-
er on the "Origin, and Growth of the',
*emelt% Institute", Was given by: t
Mise 'Ethel Martin. Mrs. Relit. Seat
favored with vocal solos. A' vete of...
thanks was extended to• tecehostees..
Lunch was served and a: locial' hoer:
pent. The next, teetieg will be held, e
in the filet Thursday in May. •
,a471171.41.y facr:mowh, eazt:,,,latot4LeundyeOrttihhOt1,7.
iey..Harres .eneertainment in the Town.
Recent visitors et the home of Mr.
R. Martin were Mrs. D Creech
Mr:'D.:Carruthers -from Melees:
e and John f.eam. .Pine 7iiver..ande
"flivet Y.,1;,Meeting
• in Ashfield. They are at the ereie-nf Ceeege who eame as Duke of Corn-. mental andpoiht meet be thorough
tune enjoying very geed health de- wall and York, the Duchess; later -
spite' advancing year ' • • • 'Queen Mary, accompanying I him.
Mrs. Hell was fOrnerly Charlotte This trip took in .Canada from. coast
Wiggins, daughter of the late Robert 'to coast. On that . occasion I saw the
Wiggins and whosemother was form- Royal train but not the Duke and
erly Mary Menary. Mr. Hall; born Duchess. .
near Georgetown; cattle' to Ashfield Then in 1908 the tercentenary of
when about e year old with his .par- the founding of Quebec was celebrat
ents, WM. 'J. Hall and Martha God- ed With a great pageant and Prince
freye This esteemed couple were mar- George made his third visit thir,
ried i Lucknew -thirty-nine rear t time as Prince of Wares, for he hae
ago by Rev.J McNabb, retired fres- been raised to that rank and title le
bytarian nrinistee. They Were 'Wilder- Edward VII, whose fitst. son, thc
ed their wedding dinner at Mr.' Thos. Doke of -Clarence,as stated above has'
Wiggins,. as has been celebrated a died.
number' Of times since, On Tuesday Next .we come down to 1911 wher
among , the guests were her. Jack Kink Edward's brother, Arthur Dukc
:Blake, also of Dungannon,' who had Connaught came here as 'Orme
attended e wedding reception. shortly nor Generale a position he held for
after their marriage. Other guests five years. He had: with him the
wet% some cousins of Mrs Hall's who Dears, who I believe Wee a Gee
were Messrs ;Belle Kenyon,' Frank Man princess, and his ion :and daugh
ter, Prince Arthur, A° died recent:'
Allen, Olive Ma,ckell and Miss lei*
ith, Goderieti. We join in wishine Yall iapdo Princessoord o
aoPatricia, her icia,m ot: who
themMany mere anniversaries to eel- 1,,•ery
Orate. t . • ,: the. famous Princess Patricia's reg.
irnent. (P.P.C.L.I.), whicei .wen fame
Tbee.Senior Branch Women's
ly, investiented. •
:Then thereis the . legate side. to
s'eloption,.,The :mother. Mustgiee up:
all :claire oii the chiid, befere, he M.
she is placed.. After. placernent, reg -
eller. Visitsof inspection. are -made
during -a twe' year eprobettion" eerie('
in 'coedit to. eneute 'thee the 'Child i.e..
receiving prOpec caee and training.
Net anti' 'after this two year, period
has.. been completed, can . the' .legal.
adoption , be cempleted: This is pro,.
teoction fee' .the. Parents. well .11F
the' child, ned. is :strictlyadhered to
To give:a child' a -geed and happy
hOriie, to give the 'conneenity. 'a goo('
ti.tien is one; of the . noblest thing$
for heyefie to, do., Are you going te
help ueebeing etrea•mieef eueshire
hitt) the, livesof these helpless' child
ren?Are you going- tohe1P oS
lighten -up the tear -stained 'face cr"
a little phildwith a smile?
-etitrite 'Theesday ,at the 'home ..Of b•Yerseafi• - •
'•- '''''-e:',:iee •eilireileVeealtjeStritherils.„:13).ueeetee; "iii!'-'431*3.1°*.*Prittigi0"."1-'419-01
engedeeeheielGrieeritanent4o moe-e,
, 'lank" 'to eiVathingtorie and asit:''re : ` ' '•• . eciftereehet•wateire1910'elffireiltit.
backward weather and Mernberswitn
openly for a revision rather than Edward Prince of *ales, hero and
using a Wick -door : method which large
'flu. the attendenee was not es presided ,idel' of the Empire, made a triumph.
g s' . : • et • -e a ' usual . Mrs' . ' IVers :.al trip from coast to coast The es
required not even the sanction :. . and after , the , Opening exercises , the ,
. teem art. -the Ireonle for the prince
xi Canadian Parliament
"The' powers given to the Min- roll call was answered by some in- • 7----„--:
which had been increasing ever ehee
, ister of National Revenue under &cresting fiats about 'Dungannon.
as a boy he was invested at Car -
the 'present. Customs. Act have Miss. Audrey Congrane was 'appointed narvon with the title of prince 'of
: been qiiestiened before and ,there - to . attend the Gii•Ps Conference .at
ing the war had heightened, was
*illes and which his services due
gainst tariff tampering ber thin-, Treleaven as alt rnati've Mrs Con still
in May and Mies Beatrice
_ . e____ ; , • strtiiipl. fitti rwthaeor fionitioewneoidfiebdy dounrei nog; tthwiEs,,
is some justice in the case . a- .
. , isterial decree." . , '' gram read an article on Historical . ,
There is no punishment - inflicted reteatch and eurrent events, which less forinal thee later on to vieit
upon meby my party at Ottawa be-
cause I stand up for what I _believe
to be right The same, of :course, ap-
plies to othets. The whole question
is -what is, right y Some :mete in
my own, parte held views' which diffee
'from my own vievies.1 They have the
right to do se but alma!' is a traitor
to hirriself and ttellis. party if, hold-
ing,certain- views, he fails to, eeprese.
them or talks and votes against his
convictions:: • '
.• •
Ater eisetee,
. .
Ar. Arnold Thernson hes purchased
new Ford y-8 traCk. "
Mr. Prank McNeill; of Tara was
'home on • Sitteday.
few in our burg have bean
laid ep • With the rue Scheer was
cloted a (este:46'0f days last weekend
08 Thuridey Only eight.t,scholars of
thirty-fiye :were able to. be at schoolwhich i good neWe fot,herefitiends,
Hoe/ever they tire\ nearly All. ht;c1C A little son:was born oh Friday
had mach to 'do with by-goee days of
Dungannon and vicinity. l'he hest-
essee weie Mrs. T. Park, Mrs. Geo.
Hodge and Mrs. Roy AlteDonald,
'ej Mrs. ()lev.) L. S. Mott, .who has
been nursing her .aunt, Mise J. Er -
wino at her home in Waterford for
some time ,past returned home for
a time. Friends ef Miss Earrin are
pleased to, learn that her health con-
on.' , at present present semewinit ime
A Union. Easter Service is' being
held on Sunday next at 1.30 in St.
Iehyds 'church, 'when Rate Beat WIT
A bazaar is being held Irtider the
artna prispices of Wedto
Mis's Viola Wyldes , 11 e» in llere: tal
pneumonia -"Preeeeirt y
Jere 1 In a 'game of 010 and biel•
the E. P. Ranch he had purebasedin
the west, With him on. One occasion
gime his favorite brother Niece Geo-
rge,- now • Duke of Kent I had' thie
pleasure ef .heiring them at the Care
adiah Club. Once they' slipPed away
from their steff :and went to the ex-.
hiletion, where they were found en..
jiving the rides on the giant dipper
like a* other healthie Yoting man of
their age. Some people imagined
that lines of care thowed•rin the -face
of the heir apparent that were miss,
dia he was else ,at. the same tine
ing :from 'his fresh ,b6rtish face '
190. • •
e ee '
Can You .say No. They don t:
my belp."- :
"Verily ,I Say Unto you; Ihasmuch
as ye have, Acme is .unto one !of thc
least ok th-ese. My *hretht:en; _ye. film
' ' • ' • • Donald W. 'Cameron
&net. The. Children's Aid Society ol
the 'Coinify of Bruce. e
• The ' regular meeting of Olivet
Vexing :People's opened on Wecinesdae
yelling, March e 29, with ' "What a. ,
'Freed We have in Jesus' as the epee-
ing hymn after which' allrepeated
.n unison the Lord's prayer. It Ibeing
Vlissionary Niglit the convener Norine
Walden, toOk charge a the firstpart
if our meeting with about twenty
aecessien. spite of George Vibe
Mg the first King to cothe to Canada
he will be the forleth King in eutcess
ion Who will then have been hi Can-
ada. •
It is tree that we have had (abet
reigning monarehs 'here, far a .fee
years agb We extended our hospitati4
to thaliing and Queen of Siam. We
have 'also 'had Prince arid Prince('
Chichibu of lepee and believe ors
or more .mences eof Dentriark and
Nerway. .
Xing George's visit oWill be unique
not only in that he well be the first
British King to visit Canada during
his eeigii, hut in that pe is the ,first
King of 'Canada: Hie:Other, in addit.
ion t� being crowned ap Xing of tht
/United rPngclorn and. Fanperor of In
The next of the yokel eaffillY .was
their :brother, Prince Henry irow
Duke of Gloucester, on his way home
feem the Orient, where he had pre-
sented ea'' behalf 4..1 the Klitg tome
dece,ratior , to the , avhig•
hi g gt y- in a eouver" .
ehis Week., !. • '
elartild gardeere L1o'vi Henderson,
to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford .1.1creiet,
Con,. in Kiticaedirie Iroppital. Cen-
t -reward, and Diek Reid v sited teeente grafulati°118'
This: Summer we (I) V
• .nave
tvvo more roil .trisitors-Itlieir
,jestieS Xing George and Queen
end by the'. same :let, downed "Of tie
Ilritish Dominions beyond the Seas
King." The peesent King in additioi
to his •other Royal DoMinioe and
Itheerial titles. was. crowned "of-
Cemada-e-Kinge". .06 that the first
King cif Cenado. In eeine the' the
firefleing -to visit 01116„cla. an stfri.,'
come fully' es wtivr tio
luta: AlTg. iTtliTiTI:thwils-vAMtut;.
,e.ho preeeded them. .
Hera-ethrieltaodo• '
nleginwbIr.; PtarkeseniltbeTT,b.;:eciarriePt'
and she' chose aS her reading the thir-
teenth .chapter , of .St. Matthew-. We:
:vere then favoured be ereadirig elf .:
are- satisified--tell ' others", by. -
either; 'Oshorrie. The topic "Ministry
in Storni Centres" was, well taken
by, Rev. C. N. „ McKeeziee. He spoke
ef some of the, risceirtegernente or ,
lifficelties which ,come: up in these
eentree such as Prince Albeit, Larder
lake, cities across Canada, , and le
Thitish Cotumbie when Christian
,vorkeraestork among the 'Indians ese
ecia1ly jr 13ritish .Celumbiee and the
Home- Mission efforts to which many.
ledicate their lives.for this workeele
also s,ecike en Foyeign „Miseionsire
Wark, • land read a very interesting
letter 'front • Chengtu. • Our second
hytnn was "Lead Kindly Light", and ,
this brought this pare of our :meeting
eo' a. close. The president, Norval
• Stewart, • took charge" of the rese of
meeting which closed With the
singing. of •Teith of. our .Fathers,
Liitiag Still: arid. the .11/lizliall
sondieet; '
ed an einterestieg . Quiz Contest.
, There will be no . Young People's .
'meeting this ovving..tei Pre-
Communidn, Service being' lield on
gredneaday night a•t 8 o'clock.
. On Sunday,. we were. favoured With
• beeritifur solo by Miss R. Welsh
of Pine kiyer. . • '
Quite a nuniher of people. eroded
here: have, been. On the siert litt with.
t bad 'Cold (ir the infleenze •
Get Our' Sale .1011 For April-Plent:v
..tibeth,. the first.. ' Britieh S 0 V rieW spring geode; at the right
oreigns to visit Canadaoftert. their 'price HE MARKET STORE.,
Mr, Robert McGuire, Mr, and Mrs:.
Horace McGuire, Mr: E/chrald and Mist
Helen Tuder.of London were visitors
with Mr --and- Mrs. E. J.., Thom mid
also with Mr, John MeGeire Who' ie
seriously ill at his home :in Ash-,
field.• '
e Rev. ,Or. Bremnerof Seaforth. oc-
eirpled the Pulpit in the United church
an Sunday everling. Next Sunday the
regular sereice will be conducted in
the "eveiiing at 7.30 by Ree. Mr. Gill
•of 'Dungannon, Sunday 'Medi will be
held at 11 a.m. •
The. regular meeting of the Y. P.
U. wits held on Sunday evening. Mur-
ray Taylor readthe Scri.pture leseen.
,,nne elori'don Miller read --ezioete -"The
'Pitcher' Carrier,'" The ItoPic taken
by ?are. • MerlinpeLrillireeevereese seethe
e y o the famous paiettl*
"The Last Supper
CHORN-.111 West; Wawatioeh tin
Monday, April 3, to Mr. and :Mrs..
narvey *ebb, a daughter. .•
• Merhbees of the Beef Ring please
note that the fiest.beif will .be avail-
able oe ThitedAy_mgdiek.,A.pvii 18th,,