The Wingham Times, 1900-08-31, Page 8M. H. Iii CI N DOO THE. W1N(III01 TI+'6ES, A I ST 3i,, WOO ,,r^. and Hies. WM. J'eukius, o,f Lis• [towel, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jenkins, Dltzevale road, Dir. and Mrs. Wm. Button have re- turllecl home from their visit with f. tends in Detroit, Rochester era other places. .or.f Luther 13a11 is in Toronto this NV( elf 1ta rn tltteliciia,, the annual lireetllit, of the Ixndertal;ere' Assaciatiau of whish he i; a znexnber. Ii. A Walker, who. has boa visiting WeT in Wiughain mutt vicinity for a few > 1 e harve arranged So pleas- t{'eeks, returned to Itis hours in Toronto ing a selection of bargains for ou svti lllesda . this nu -41 h that we think no Jas. Antietam, C. P. B. twat at COilltnent.s are n('cesi sary. Pontypool, accompanied by his wife, Make your arrallgetllents to do your shopping 1vherc )cru get everything good and up - to -(late at rt.cittced prices. • ,...t AND s i s 25 pieces pretty patterns of Crunl's best English Prints, regular price 12,;%c, August prices 1 Qc. New -American Blue Mus— Tins, very new and pretty, reg. 25c and 3oc, reduced to clear at I5c. Sliffri WAISTS 25 New Shirt Waists, just opened, all good shades, for 5oc, 75c and $r.00 Oooi, Thin; Gloves and Hosiery. 150 Samples of these fine goods at regular wholesale prices. NEW GOODS Silks; Satins, Dress Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Ready-made Clothing, Corsets and Kid Gloves at '`,n 54:z r SRS PERSONALS. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Duncan A. Campbell is visiting with his family in town. Misses Dey returned to Chicago on Wednesday morning. Miss Maud Plenty is visiting at the home of John Denholm, Blyth. Mrs. Josh, Vanallen is visiting with relatives and friends in Detroit. Mrs. Alex. IngIes, of Godezich, is visiting with Wingham friends. Geo. C, Young Sundayed at the hone of John McAllister, Grey township. Miss Ida Bennett has returned hone from her visit with friends in Alma, Miss Tena McEIroy, of Blyth, was visiting with friends in town last week. Alex. Campbell, merchant taller, of Lucknow was in town a few clays this week. Mrs. Robt, Orr, of Woodstock, is visit- ing with her friends in Wiugham this week. Free. Carr, of Woodstock, spent afew days of this week with old friends in town. Dr. F. Me Caesar left on Tuesday morning for Ohio where he intends to practice. Thos. McQueen,of the G. T. R. spent Sunday under the parental roof at Ilarriston. Mise Struthers has been spending a few holidays at her parental home in Owen Sound. Miss Jessie Gray, of town, has taken a situation in one of Ingersoll's leading milli/any store. Miss Alderson, of Ingersoll, has been visiting with Wingliani friends for a ooul.le of weeks. Mrs. Harry Jeffrey and little daughter are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Barton at Seaforth. J'o'hn Law and wife, of Windsor, were renewing old acquaintances in Winghani for a fteNt days tis week. Andrew Linklater and stifo, (;f Cie - ford, are visiting at the home of their son-in•]axv, J. I. Elliott, V. 8, Misses Unite Robertson and Maud Derr are sp mding a fovea holidays With the former's grandmother at Marnoch, Ed. MacKenzie, of London, formerly b ggn 'uzan on tho L., IL & I1, spent a few days this week With old friends in town. aro visiting with friends in Wingizani and Glonauuau. Mrs. T. E. Bowles and daughter re- , awned to Urauga"ville this week after a few days visit with her parents l4lr, and 7.drs. J. J. foxuuth. lr ilue dell, of Toronto, who has been a guest at the home of D. M. Gordon for a few weeks, returazocl to her home on :attudi y. Johu D. Campbell left this week for Highgate and will commence his duties as p: ineipal of the public school in that tattoo. on Tuesday next. rev. 1). Rogers, of Blnevale, passed ' (;x: a get town ou Tcesday on his way to I i, aeon. where he attended the t,.t. seai ut Mrs. Stothe-'s. Miss Margaret Fisher, of Winghaiu, who has been visitiug relatives iu the for the past Month,. left last night for Hepworth, on her way hone.—Guelph Herald. .5.r d, Winuii:eld, of Chicago, who I formerly clerked iu T. A. Mills, store is visiting at his parental home in White- `• church and speut a few days in Wing - ham with old friends. Jackson Wilaou, of Chicago, who taught school at Zetland eleven years ago, is renewing old acquaintances iu town. Ho gave the Tis a friendly call on Wednesday. Mrs. Ed Diusley, of Ciixcin.nati, Ohio, and Mrs. W. Dinsley, of Lincoln, Neb., who has been guests at the Dinsley House for a few weeks returned to their homes on Wednesday. Miss Cassie Farquharson returned home from Teeswater on Wednesday. accompanied by. Mrs. John Farquhar- son elncl children who will visit 'Wing- hazt frieuds for a few days. ryJ. S. Whittaker, who has been cut- ter with Honuth & Sons Ieft this week for London, England, where he will visit with his parents for a oouple of months. Mrs. Whittaker is. now visit - at her parental home in Brockville. M Beckwith, who until recently con- ducted the market bakery' has returned to town aud taken a situation with A. J. Nicholls. Mrs. Beckwith and family will move to tot at -once. The Therms is pleased to we me this family back to our town. Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of Maitland will hold its next regular meeting at Teeswater, on Thursday, Sept. 0th, at 10 a. m. instead of Sept. 18th, to accommodate Rev. Dr. R. Campbell, agent of the Century funnel who.will be present in the interests of said fund. A full atten- dance is requested. Session record not produced at May meeting will be called for that they may be examined and attested. Standing committees for the year will be appointed. Moderator will be ap- pointed for next term. Students with- in the bounds will deliver, lectures on subjects previously prescribed. Candidates for the ministry will be examined on their religious knowledge, experience our motives—students wil1 be certified to their respective colleges. Recommendation re Sabbath schools will be considered in accordance with instruction of the General Assembly {:see page 60, Minutes of Assembly.) Call to a minister from Knox church, Ripley and Bervie will be considered.' And any other competent business will be transacted. A conference on Ministerial cliaracter will be held, JonnN MAcNAr3, Clerk. %ueknow, Ont., Aug. 27, 1900. J l Para, zeelltS. North-Western, Winghain, Sept. 27-28. Western, London, Sept. 6-15. Listowel, Listowel, Sept. 18=10. Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 27 to Sept. 8. l"orthevesteru, Goderioh, Sept. 18.19, Northern, Walkerton; Sept. 18.10. N. Perth, Stratford, Oct. 2.3. 'W. Wellington, Harzis ton, Sept. 26-27 Teeswater, Sept. 25-20. Exeter, Sept. 18-19. 1'ordevich,Oct. 6, Palmerston, Sept. 2i-26. East Heron, Erttssels, Oct. 4-5. Luc/tame. Oet. 2.3. E:tet W,rxvauoeh, Belgrave,'Oct,1.L A small boy naked his father what f.»Is were, good for. The old farmer gave 1 bl +thefolloxvingreply. 'To teaelsrestltsof,win" into unloaded shot.guns, t , buy*ili' gold brides, gni :lin' patent medicines, liphthl' the fire with coal oil, goitx' spin baloons, skatinr on thin ice, tryin' to beat people at their own game, indorsin' inn Fiends' notes, thinkin' we know it all, flirtin' withgrass widows, refnsin'to subscribe for the netts, because it may not be of your own political faith, and so on and so forth." Paisley imposes a tine of $75 on the Folk) of 13;;aruttes. Thomas Johnston, Stauley, ono of Iluron'a pioneers, 1ins 9ecl eiway* t n Tliusday, in the 921i(1 year of his age, at the residence of Jams A.viirstrollx, Nana. He was highly respected. 111x. Jolnistorr was born in the county of Ter;naueg'a, Ireland, but had beet n eo11ti11uollls reaideut of the township of Stauley for CVO:. GO years. DR. ..GNEW, - ..._ l'liysttt as, surgeon, etc. ,llc( Mtiedept ki.. Mock, over ff. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answer( d at theofHre. • CIDER Mi' JELLY MILL Take action that the Wu and Jelly Mill has canine() and will ruzi NOTICE.: Gema a iiotlee is hereby by Exit n t'.;.t ( C •an't 11t t e 7 betel Itursutiut to tile churl io Vo hint..',• t, :)1 l3 His Iloxlatt. Thr 471.14:t.(,: Lb County (unrt or the County of Hutsn, in 0 Forest( st( t•K Hull, '] et kine vale, en the 111)h de - f ptc zither, 1r08, L, at 10 cl0('1.i i tae re •ori, to hear end de- termine the sr V c'e'll • liln)l,tillt i or errors foul orurssions in the tells last or thebitutici• polity of Teuebt'rry for 1r00. .Alt persons lute- ,. business . . i si t ltticc+ # t stet are required to attend ac the stud tinr(fl.iht, }dot's, �, i3luevule, Au. ;,ts, t lx+, JOHN BURGESS,� Clerk c ,hist Township l i•l; of said. Court. Jh A Mali notatl at Once Tn mirage with an old reliable :herr in a pica- sa'lt, profitable nncl permanent business in own county. (food pay weekly; exelusfve tour ii el of terrltorv. Olay thosa who mean business need apply. IDuittire of i. N. CHENOWETH, t•. bi1,ielina Ave., Toronto. l' AUCTION SALE --or_- rain Citler I Valuable Farm Property, operations i tun es Ycttc i't(naI ��- .. -gri MacDonald, l i 'f'li" 'E'&4`Od:f'G , vved-nes,(a�'a Dewitt, ilia e'3 .# heOf ft• .T. CurrieWilliam bztli+r, K r. x aursd atyT and. �1(t.tjd #a, to sell by public auati.ozr [subject to a reserve bid, at Queen's Hotel in the Village of Bel- itnttl season 1S Gilded. I grave,. on ' BRING ALONG YOUR AP,E4LBSI Thurscta3r, Sept. 20th, 1900, at 2 o'clock in the aft2'rnaon and have them matte into Sweet Syrup) two parcels of land or Jelly without extra expense. Port 1, Contninbeg ,0 acres exam or less, no: tit ri; of the ''No1.0 i of Lot 84 Can. 0, East , 1'Ctt trxa4b, about 4:i Tyres of (-leered hunt. +'cls; Bal.ulecn bixo-h; a let- house, fl•ttnu+btu•n and DAVID - ' � • Exams f tabie9 22 °log ouse,Cf •meat 11, f This lot i + well t;irin,+lied with good water the q year rcturd, Part ' Beira part of the North 3J of Lot 38, Con 8,East ''Vtnvanosh, containing 23 acres more or less; all bush. Timms or StTiS, .Ten per cent. of the pur- chase neon} to be parch on day of sale. al- B81. - once in 80 day Ftuthcr particulars made known on clay of sale, or by applying to the Esccntore. D.ti(d t1tis 10th day of August, 1009, TAMEbbI1eDONALD, lE. .4.ors, ANGUS• a M cDONALD, t 1 J. C1iltRIE, Auctioneer, tlt. Helens P.O.. Winglram. Of Witliout i1OSti011 The best equipped business and short- hand school in Canada is the Forest City Business aud. Shorthand College, London, Ont. Large enrollment and strong faculty. Hundreds of students iu good positions. Years of excellent work at its credit. Catalogues of either cours&free. Correspondence invited. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. SOLID RUBBER CARRIAGE TIRE 1 A new carriage tire that hakes riding on all roads a pleasure—economical, too, for it does away with the vibration that shakes and breaks the carriages. A Y-shaped. space between the rubber tire and the steel flange prevents the creepingereeping and cut- ting which other T11'02; are star feet 1n. See the exhibit at the big fairs. Send at once for Free Tire Catyilogue, giving prices of all sizes, THE • Dunlop Tire eCoo, TORONTO. LtuinEn. ST. JOHN'. W!ni(IPRO. MONTItE,%L. FOR TIMES SUBSCRIBERS .. The TI3rEL has completed arrange- ments for the issue of a very handsome MIST AS SUPPLEMENT to be delivered or mailed on or about December 14th. The supplement will bo in 'book form, and will contain from 35 to 40 pages. It will be printed on good paper, veli bound and profusely illustrated. The reading matter will be much above the ordinary, earl thew. rk well tvnrth pre- serviug. Size of pages 11 X 15;e' inches. NOW TO FET IT every subscriber who pays all arrears and a year in advance, will receive a copy free. Every new subscriber who pays a year it. advance, will receive a dopy free. The price to non•paeain-advance sale. Beribers and the goner 1l:aibl'c, 2,1 cants: Advance and new subscriptions will be received from this date forward, O IriC`, , Wilv'cxii.A.tt Cook's Cotton Boot Conipout d ddoeeltffully tilted tneiitltlp by cosi, i0,000Ladiee. Safe, effeetittl, LAdies asst _year druggilt for Coekt Cdt(Oa,Rabt CM - panel. `Take 116 ether.le all Mixtures,'pille And; Ittiltatiratif aie.dangoreUS. PrI eoNo.1.sl tut box No, It 10 degrees stronger, 85 per bfz;t. No. tor 2,1114114dbnredelptofpriee ndtrio14cent at_om��� �d, The Ceek Oom dila li dot' out responsible Druggists OAria atYieil ed +Y x rtmilltto,s, `J88, 2Duvet,eA A. Morrare, Cc11An'A Campbell, leaugeiste, mile from 1'. O. anti near to school aud c•hr It`will pay to be enrolled as a student in the CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. Marry of the students of our Shorthand and Business departments during the last term, were offered excellent positions before com- pleting their courses. We have supplied the largest cooperage concern on the continent with 30 BOOR -KEEPERS and STENO- GRAPHERS. RESULTS ARE THE TEST to apply when you come to decide where to take your 4 ities.course, and villages in Canada and Newfoundland' 20 counties in Ontario; Parry Sound and Muskoka, Alberta, and six states of the Union were represented last year. OUR QUARTER-OEN'TURY session opens Sept, 4. Good board for gents at $2,50 per week, and for holies $2.00. We pay railway fare to the extent of $8.03 to students from a distance. For the finest college catalogue in Canada, write D. McLACHLAN & CO. SPECIAL PRICES IN Fl 2 1.2, inch Flower Pots 3 inch Flower Pots 4 inch Plower Pots 5 inch Flower Pots 6 inch Flower Pots 100 cloz. 150 doz. 20o doz. 30o doz. 400 doz. 7 inch Plower Pots 50c doz, OTE TNE ABOVE PRICES FARM ERS WALKER & BUTTON • and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Tines, Our large chculation tells and it will be strange indeed if von do not met a customer. We can't guarantee 'that you will sell becauseou mayask t for the article. ar stook tlzaoit is wrth, more your advertisement to the Tanis and try this plan of disposing 'of your stock and other articles. Pbotos at IIoiie M. E. Zurbrigg makes a specialty of out -door photography; :picnic parties, family groups on the lawn; residences, wedding parties and gatherings of every description photographed in an artistic zliaune>•. We deem it a pleasure to go anywhere so don't forget us. We do Picture Framing—and we do it right!too. } T �j ] ]� %' M . E. ZI RBRIG-G'S Down floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. WING M STEAUMF Elin ALLSTEEL FORTY POUNDS OF QUALITY and an unmeasurable amount of comfort is contained in every one of these TT USES • we are selling, They are :Gino mattresses covered with satin ticking. In one or two pieces as desired. The mattresses are worth and usuaily sell at :0,00, but we are offering theta at $4.60, and $4.50 Mattresses at WALKER & BUTTON Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. Am—WM p,, 1 MY:WNAT A COM. 6 i'TNA, Having re -purchased our old stand, we are now prepared to supply the pub- lic with Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders. Gal- vanized Iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water Troughs, Stades, Baths,. Pipe Fitting, Well Digging and everything iu con- nection with water sappiies. • Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. We can do our work cheaper than others iu the business as we have the steam power. Repaving promptly attended to. We also do well digging and .drilling. All work is thoroughly guaranteed. Give us a call. UNDERTAKERS, WINGH/kiltl. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School }louse. Shop Qp.. posits Macdonald block. Cf Vi ■ C OL oN BUILDER and CONTRACTOR. We are still in the building business and are. prepared to take contracts for the erection of all kinds of buildings. • Plans and speeifieations ft:palled on short notice. Workmanship guaranteed and at rea- sonable rates. WM. NI6HOLSON. Residence Diagnol street, opposite Francis street. Tailor's Talk would be useless unless, the fit, style and quality ' were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new SPRING SUIT OR OVERCOAT C LA■ &KE O. SHOWER'S & SON. Stand next Griffin's Grocery. Get t k 4 e oy a watch, We have , something expressly for him fresh front the New Haven Works. The price will' suit you, the watch will suit the boy. The price is $1.75. The watch is a good looker, and a good time -keeper ---the biggest thing for the money—convenient size, neat appearance, made of good ma- terial and well set together. Don't confound it with the cheap watches you have seen, for it is one in a thousand. Absolutely the best ever offered for the money. We have also watches of the highest grade, and at all prices. al' b THINGS NECESSARY to the successful tailor are; •A. stook of Superior Cloth, llrnow- ledge of his Business, Skill in Cutting and Pitting, and prices which are low enough to attract without being low enough to lessen value, The possession of these essen. tittle snakesus confident of our success hi pieasingeverypatron. We guarantee satisfaction. Robt Maxwell iligh Art Tailor, Wingham atterson Stone Clock, next Door'to Clegg's Hardware. WANTED A man to represent us at Wingham and surrourldhn.�. country, in the sale of our choke Canadian grown Nurser Stock. A permanent paying position with chance of advance fnent. Arrangements will be made with a suitable man to SELL, DELIVER, and COLLECT. Good pay weekly. We also handle sprayers, large and small, the best made. Write at once for further particulars to The Thos. W. 13owman & Son CO., Established 40 years, Limited, TORONTO, ONT.