HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-03-30, Page 1-
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$2.00 A YEAR—IN "ADVANCE -50e EXTRA TO U. S. A.„. ,
• '
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• ' .„
Lucknow .Ont., Thursday March 30th, 1939
LOST—Trailer tail board, bearing
e license 21710. Please leave at,Sentinel
Office. •
• FOR SALE—Seed Mita, alert a quant-
ity -of barbless barley. RUSS. MID!:
DLETON, 'Phone Ripley, 26-9: .
• , FOR SALE—A, few oehoice ;rads
' Shorthorn .cows and heifers Comi.ng
_ .
• in •4•• PAMERON,.'Pleene• •
Dungannon 67-ete5, -7, •Lucknoii;
'Ontario. .
,"'• FOR $A L'Ea45 baises, ,ineleding five,
' mares; i in foal, and One niatthed
team of roans, ages from 3 te 8 years.
‘• tleditMA.N O'CONNOR, 1 mile :pith
• of Kintail,• 'Phone 66-22, Dungannon.
• FAR111•. FOR SALE -.-100 acres,house
ire*ly 'shingled; hanklbarie-drive Shed
.' • Artesian -.well, 35 acres Ploughed, 7
acres weod lot, balance he grass. JAS.
H. pICKERING, Lucknow.
10a acres, Lot 5, Con. 8, E. D., Ash-
field, also 50 aerea.W. IL of S.
Lot 1, coo. 14, E. D. Ashfield. All
fall ploughing done en both 'tains.
• ApPly t� Mrs. E. ctingeam, Inicknow:
AUCTION SALE—Of farm imple-
ments; household ,furniture; etc. at
W. H. Lot 5, Con. 13, Ea.D. Ashfield
on Thursday, April. 6th. See tills for
e • - • lett end me Well, 'Reedereeta
Auc., H. L. .McKEITIT, Prop •• •
.AUCTION SALE—Of househo d, ef-
• fects of.tlae Estate of Lydia Smitllr
• at Wm.' Stanley's farm,. 1 mile west.
of Kinross on Friday, April 7th. See
• bills, terms cash. Weil. Henderson,
Aue.,, Lorne Hodgins, Administrator.
• ; AUCTION SALE., -.04 farm stock,'
implements; etc.', Con. 6, Huron Tp.
on Thursday, April 4th. WM. DLIN-
• CAINT Prop., Matt. Gaynor,
No. 1 .GOvernmerit gradea of 'A!f-.
alfa, AlSike, Red; MatinnOtli, White
d .Yeltow blossern SWeet, Clovers,
lso.,Timothy,'-Orehard and LAno-ffrase•
• for 'sale at. W. G. ANDREW'S.
At the, old skating rink, Lucknow
• -on Friday, March Net: Anyone hay
• ing any articles for sale,' get in tolicb
•• with WALTER FORSTER. This 'mile
be the last sale. •
t, FOR SALE—O.A.C. number • 21
barley, grown fromregistered seed
, at 76 cents a .,bushel. 'Early Alaska.
,• •• • 'Oats at 60 cents l a bushel, also a linr
• ited qsiantity of erban.oits at 41.00
per bushel and red clover seed: at
$9.00 per bushel. Apply to GEOZGP°
KENNEDY, R.R. 1, Lucknow, 'Phone
• . Re Thomas Reid, late of the Nil!
• age- of LucknoVe, Batter, detpaied.
• ING claims *against the estate 'of
Themes Reid late of the Village ot
• Lucknow, ,deceased, who died on oz.
• about January 23, 1939, are requirea
to' send ,fall particulars of Such claims.
• dub? verified,. to the undersigned Sol.
etaere'egiciterTeretNeee-Eieintareepf..*.the „aaiti
•"--"ceeleceersitelT on- or before April 16th.
1939, after which' date -theexeciitat
' will proceed to 'dietribute the assets
of.' the estate having regard onlY tc
. the claims of which notice shell then
• .Ittive•heen received.
6/2 DATED at London this 14th de)"
• •'of" March, 1939, .• .
, John Andrew Reid, executor
• Bank of Toronto Chambers, London,
: Solicitor for the Executor. • ,
• IN• THE' *ATTERof the Estate
of George Malcolm, late of the, Town.,
ship of Kinloss in -the County of
Bruce, 'Retired Partner, .deceased.
• silent to the Statile ih that behalf
, that all perstms hiving claims againat
, the &tate of the said George Mal-
' Mtn,. deceased, who diedeon or about
Sixteenth day of October, A..D..
'ate requiredto forward their
claims,. duly verified by affidavit, to
the undersigned, Executors on or be-
fore the Twelfth day of April,
1939 sifter which .date the 'said' Ex-
ecutors will proceed o dietribute the
&tate 'having regard Miry' to and 'be
•• responsible only foe the claims • of
which they shall then have had notice.,
Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this
" 'reelarctr--"Martir,---AeDe-1939.
J. R. Lane, R.R. 2,, Holyrood; Ont..
Robert, Malcolm, • RR. 2., Holyroode
• • Ont.
\ •
Eiteau. tors of the Estate of the
above named George. Milked* der
"•• Jewel Rebekah Ledge marked their
14th birthday- anniversary on Friday
When they -held a social even-
ing that was well attended and piny:
a pleasant and entertaining even -
. .
'playing °Felled the evening'e
•program. eiith whiners beim -Mrs,
Dayid, Huston and Jack Hall. At the
hour the • number
were: given; Vielin selection; Dr. 4_,,ite
sole, Mrs. P. Stewaktf,
Jaile Hall; etre, Mr. McGillisiray; cot::
net sole, Bud Orr; vocal trio Mr: and
Mrs. Horace Aitchison and Aylmer.
The evening,eoncluded with a per-
-d of denting. •
- '
Few families appear to haVe escap-
ed the epidemic which has been
raging, but which Weald no* appear
to • be slowly abating, as indicated
by a` gradual' increase in school ata
tendance figures:
.At• the height of the attack, 'there.
es approximately? one-half Of some
140 School Miens absent from
school, evitn quiet a high percentage:
of High School students ram and
due in which it has been necessar
to postpone the JIRO_ Sehard ,open:
erary meeting until the evening of
Thursday April 6th„ • .
George Revvat, • a member Of the
Bank 'of Meritreal staff' forabOut
sixteen, mouth, has •received notiee
of'his transfer to:the •branch sit
Picton and expects to leavethe vine
age the end of the week. ' •
George will be.succeeded
, • . ,
johnston. who comes :here from the
I.:Jensen braneh. . •
• 'Spring 'finally caught' 'up with old
man winter,. and the later part of the
week made it hot for. him. Snow
rapidly disappeared, and as main
roads cleared of snow and ice, Le-
-erne rough and soft in spots'. •
_ • R. j. Deachnien,
There is a great deal of nonsense
about the debt Of the Dominion GOV-
erinneat S,ulestelitiel reductions Were
Made: between the years 194 -and.
930: -Diring; this period the.' debt.
-*as. -reduced • by, t76;00.0,000-. The.
eears: Oiler' followed, bOginninir with
1931,braught•aboet aharp additions
to the. debt, due. printiatilY to 'bWo
factors; the cost of ' unemployment,'
relief and railway losses. Daring this
Peeled the -debt -Was 'increased by
$8A0,000,00. %But t her e. t s
-elee - we evant_t_o_ keep.
in mind. Interest rates have declined
and interest 'charges 'cm the pithlic'
debt are actually lower now than
they Were in the years from 1931 -tee
1925 and' they are $7,00,00,0 lower
than they were in 1934, one of the
depression years When debt ' burdens
'were: eertaitily difficult to hear. Be-
sides the bonds, vehieh represent the
debt are owned- mainly in Canada..
What it real6 means. is that all the
people of Canada owe some of the
peePle of Canada a:considerable sum
of rnoney, but the nation is not bank-
'rupt n.or is, the tota wealth: reduce
'by ette Pactess.""fieWouldvf eirearteebe1
pleasant to get rid of the debt but
there are in reality 'bigger PrOhlems..
' Other Ferpeases •
The 'expenses • ofgovernment are
not the .only expenditures which the
average citizen mast meet. I' checked
'Mier the other daythe Cost of moving
a ton' of freight or its equivalent
in' passenger traffic,- one mile on Our
railways. In 191344, the etost was
4.8 Mills or slightly less, than one
half cent. In 1936 the cost was 8
mills Of four-fifths o e cent. This
represents san inmease of 67 per
dent The price Of farm products is
now almost exactly at the price,„leyel
�f 1913 but are the things You Mier
as4elieap ers-they were ite191.'14 They
are far from it The increase hi' tax7
ation„is not the •only factor in. add..
in ete Costs. Price iecreases check
deMand and lead to unemployment
It is- extremely ,inthresting to. see
be* your -dollar of taxation money
is spent. •• ,
Sunday brought heavy rainfall,. ee'' • • This table shows the number of
f:omiianied by a brief hut sharp elec- • cents and the (fraction of a cent
trieal' :Storni. Cold winds- have. ire which goes to meet tertain goyern -
tompanied Old Sol this week but. with :ment
expenditures. • -
clear frosty nights •that should tend
to make the sap flow even for the
Maple syrup season which' is under-
way. •
FOR, SALE—Seed barley and a
quantity of timothy seed. WALLACE
MILLER, 'Phone 444-14, Lucknow.
from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache
Use Ithmacaps—their Twe-Way Act-
ion -attacks the .eause. McKIlld'S
IF you ARE THINKING of dee-
%rating, _Phone J:tungeniton 0$1.- _We.
will be pleased to show 'samples of
:wreathes largest assortment of wall-
papers. .Work reasonably priced.
Will start you in a profitable business
,like hundreds :of others throughout
Canada. No experience required. We
train • you. 'Liberal commission for
selling 200 guaranteed natessfties.
'Meet all ' competition successfully.
Ambitious salesmen, *rite for free
catalogue and plan withouteobliga-
Hon, FAMILEX CO., 570 Stagement,
Montreal. •
Christ is risen!' Hallelujah! '
• Christ is, risen from the dead! • •
am1e that Heath; and was dead!
and behold, I em alive fgt. evermore.",
For Easter Cards, 'Bibles,Myna
BoOks, etc., visit—THE CHRISTIAN
130.01t SHOP. •
you expect them tolive, pee/ and
produte both meat and eggs profit-.
ably. You are aeSured these qualities
when you secure YeeiL chiekrieleream
our poultry farm., Foe 22 years, we
- eene-etlittifig and liree,diag our
birds for large body and egg s#ze
and high production. All beeeders
blood -tested, White- leghotris, 9t, Pul-
lets, 20c, Barred rocks, and, Ile*
ilarepshire, 1161 May le
Etivitit \F.A..rtauSE, 00E1tiE.
Where the Meney Goes "' •
Of,Your Dollar
• •
Pensions and Card
10.25' •
Government °wiled Enterprises ,
(mainly railways) 8.45
Old Age ,pensions • ' 5:40
Subsidies to Provinces ' 4.00
Capital Expenditures ' 94.
Write down of Assets , 32
• Civil pensions' and , •
Superannunation . . ...
• • -03.8.18c
•''' This actounta for a little over 68c
• • •
out :of every defier, ear- e
6830- •
ern -ea,
. The balance consists of the expend-
itures of ;the different Idepartments
such as agriculture, National defenee,
Post Office, Public Works, Transhort,
Mines and Resources etc."But that
is a story for another day.
As a carnival attraction last Thum
slay night the Lucknow and liiPley
girls played a. tiriaperiod exhibition
'bled* game that ,ended 3 to 1 for
1 1 1 i
the oca , ass es.
' In spite of soft and Wet ice the
• girls gave a ;good display, especially
In the second period that saw all
the goals 'Scored. Ripley opened -the
scoring; but Anna Finlayson tieit
up in short order and Audrey Camp-
bell ran in two more before the per.,
led ended. , • 'r
Mary MeDonald of Huron
ship, who played defense for Ripley..
suffered nasty cuts abet the eye
and on the cheek during this periode
that required medical attention and
forced her out of the
LitektiOwaere ,Greer, Mil • Ritchie,
.:-Anise •11tailayien„,
9nai& 'Ialety.4teroale•
bell, Ileen Ilall and Kathleett Cariuth-
era , ,, •
Ripley-e•MeLeod, Robinsien, RoWeere:
White, E. MadDonald, Wiion, Hentav,
M. MacDonald,
Referite.K. Cattiertin. •
The 'Sentinel mailing list was core
rected up to. last Friday, and sub:
.scribers .w1he have Made payments.
during recent weeks • are yequested.
to note the date ;on their address la-,
bel; to determine ,if proper Credit ha -
ben given. •' - • '
• Irersaur eubeeriptiers is due or pait
,eue, arcair early attentien to thismat-
'tereis.ee'qieeeted. Thee? tlarriounts are
g .
narl :but in the aggra.
gate -they • represent 'a Cotisiderahle
suni, the entlection. of Which itea mat
-ter of impOrtinee te this offiee.. •:
-j • •
Ai •decision has been teethed by
the committee -in charge, not to hold
the SprShowethirs-yeareThe event
had been originally dated tier April
Spring Show a Ise* venture
.here, and -,8s such required a good
deal of organizing to assure its suc-
cess. With the tinie drawing Short
and With• the financial outlay -in-
volved not entirely: guaranteed, the
comniittee felt _ it aiies the • wisest
ceurse to withdraw the show for this
. . „
JOSEP.R IS., ,13()Y1,,E :
• Joseph S. ^Boyle, one. of the plop -
ma. in Bennington, Kansas, and a
business man in Bennington, for the
• past fifty-three genre, die ct) at his
home Tuesday, March '14th, after a
brief illness. .
• ,
• -Joe Moyle, as he was known to
everybody, was 79 years of age, but
was still 'active Until' a few days be-
fore his death' and gave the appear-
ance of .13Mng- a much younger man.
He had been in the real estate and
insurante husinesa Bennington
since 1886. Ile:had ale° been police
• jedge and ,justice of the peace for
many yeera•and;,besides .being active
hise-oeta business, was Resistant
peetenesteent ,,trieethea‘of hiriedeatle
JOseleh,•ITOyle, was it,' Canadian' by
birth,: having been born 'at. Holyrood,
Ontario, Canada, Sept 8, 1859. He
came to this county as a Young man
in 14,82, and he and his Wife raised
a fanaly of nine _children Benning-
ton. Although ,now this gratin is -wide-
1Y scattered, Mr. Boyle's death is the
first break in the family circle: He
leaves his faithful wife, Katie S..
Bale, and' the children as follows:
Levi.D. Boyle, Anthony, .Kansas ;-Mrs.
Naini Metysville; Xansai; Mr.e.
'Kris Dewey, Minneapblis, Mime; Mrs
Zenebia Kissiriger, Bennington; •Wal -
'ter J. Boyle, San Antonia; :Texas:
Joseph E. Boyle, New York City
Mrs. Nell • Partridge; Medical 'Lake.
Wash. ;'' Benson Boyle, Marysville ane
Bentley of Minneapolis, Minn.,
a1so,',1eaves one Sister, Mre.
Mary Co,x and two brothers Levi and
Wesley, all of HolYtroed, :Ontario.
Canada,' and one brother ,William of
Mense Jaw, Sask., Canada. • '
• .Toe Boyle lived an eventful' life. He
Served this community on. the seller)?
board for 17 yearse was assistant
'of the' Illlasterld sitiCW66diniiirfedik"
and assisted in the Organizations :Of
the Episcopal 'church in Bennington.
'several years ago. On June 15, 1931.
Joseph and Mrs. Boyle celebrated '
their Golden Wedding: Anniversary,
and, moat �f the family gathered here
honour the. occasion:
M. Boyle became 111 about ten days
before hie deat#aind was •very ill to:
the last: The 'body was- taken to the'
L. B. Smith Funeral' Renee -Mia-
rieapeliti, thee ,breught to Bennington
Wednesday morning, and lei in state
in the eEpiscopal Church for two .
hours before the funeral service, Ser.,
vices.' were held •Wedneeday at 3.00
pan, from the Benningten ,Epiricopal
Church with the Rey. a, Mciore„in
• charge. Interment. ,was made in the
Benaingten. cemetery,. ' • , °
—From the Bennington Deinocrat
••••1 , 4,41
• ."'•
• The ice carnival,' Postponed earlier
in the winter, *as. held last Thtir•sL
dey night, with iee conditions very
poor' due to mild weather, and with
the attendance*. and ennturne parade
far bele* that of a yea -r ago.
There was a fine "prize rist :offered
for' the variong .events, .7weei
es, fo/lowie • '. •
.: • •14ereiL • e
' • Valley,dreseed gene.," Iltinet •
ton, sleeveleSS aleeter; 'fancy dressed
lady, „,51afiel 'McDonald, Silver .diebe
:Conde' dreasedgent, God-
erieh, 48 lbs. floUr; Fancy dressed
'boy, Lloyd Stewart, basket of 'groc-
eries, 20 -id; Allan Steward; Fancy
dressedgirl; Beryl _Solomon, cake.
plate, 2nd, Alma SOlomon; Comic
clreaseCI hey, Ivan -1,Aoeid • shirt 2nd,
Jack "Faritish; Comic diveseti
Doris Wyreli, table cloth; Best clown-
ing on ice, Pete 4nnermen, Godey-
jell; 48' Ins, flour; Boy'S costume,
Wain Turvey, Derialdi Thorapeon,
jittiinie"McMillan,,. Dick treleasene
Glee costume, Gail McMillan.
Musical chairs, Reiss. Button, 25 lbs
flour, 2nd, E. Solomon, flashlight:
Fanner's, race, Russ Button, .set of
driving litiee, .2nd,' .H. •Greer, bottle
of hair Ionic; iGent's ease, ;K: Cam-
eron, 48 lbs. flour, 2nd., E. Solomon,
Ladies race, Mildred Ritchie,' toilet
,• .-2-adf--: Etta- Belle MacTacrealet:
Couple race, K,'Cameron and Mildred
Ritchie, casserole and kitchen Scale.;
Open race, e .and under, Gail
';: Boy's race,110 and 'under, Joe
Agnew, :muffler; Girl's "i•ace, 10 and
!under, patsy. Treleaven, picnic ham;
Boy's race, • 16 and I under, .Johnnie'
Dahmer, picnic. ham; Girl's race, 16
.and under, Audrey Campbell, • -Silk
he free epieture show and dance,
.sponsored on Monday night bP tack
Kilpatritkelocal Massey Harris agent,
,attrrieted a capacity gathering.
• •Several entertaining .filme, were
nresented, as well as interesting films
of the 101 tractor and the latest'
method of combine harvesting.
After the show dancing was enjoy -
With music by the Mecharles Orchest-
ra: The Women's Institute Operated
a lunch counter. .
Prominent Massey Harris Officials
who were' Present for the evening and.
who were 'called on td speak were R.
.A: McAllister,' and Melvin' Reed Of
Toronto,- manager and assistant man.
age+ respectively of. the Ontario
branch. Others called en by Dave Rob-
ertson of Clinton General agent, who
acted as chairman, Were John Mc-.
Xetrzie, •• combine expert from ',the
Peace River" District, Harold Will-
iams, London, supervisor of agencies,
and Jack Kiipatriek •sponsor of the
popelat event. ,
Week -End Specials
- Iced Fruit Rolls , .Cherry Pies
Doughnuts 'Honey Tarts
,Choice Layer Cakes Chelsea Buns
.1 7'•Plite.Your‘:040-.Early.-for. •
Special g#st*.
Bunnies, [aster Uiicks
. .
. ;.HouLymAkis.... .120-Aufltla-KE•10 ' •
• 4•
• •LUCKNOW BIBLE INSTITUTE , To Retire Prom Farm °
Wm. Stuart, a veteran and aged
— •
The line-up of the nations for the
• final battle of; Armageddon is found
in Ezekiel chapters 8£3'and 39. If one
will look up 'a Bible: map (IA the an-
cient world they, will discover, thai
Magog, 'mentioned in these chapter
is none else than Russia. Why gues• t
et' future events?, Come ont to tht
Bible Institute on Friday evening
and hear what God's Word has to'Say
concerning the coming deys.' Forth
next few weeks'"The Book of Reve
farmer of Con. 8, Kinross, iseretirhig •
-from-the Orderwinestead -to -Teswater -
aid with this. in View held 'a: sue
iessfur clearing auction sale last Fri-,
clay: .
• 6 iti
.1. e we understand are bringine,
'toed prices at lealef -this Spring.
'at, the Stuart sale a thoice :Yearn;
heifer ,alipears to have et,aken the
'eurels in this •respect. -This heifee
rising three, was,. bid up to $64.50,
..ve. are told, before being'. sold.
elation". he the Subject of • Study •
in the Bible PrOphecy Class taught
by Rev. J. K. MaeGillivray M.A. 7.15
p, ei_seaipee„,ere Memorization, 7.30
P.M--Song-Servie and Prayer for
keviVal, 6.0neteAlible Doctrine',
8.45 P.M.ee,Bible Prophecy. "creases
for High Scheel age at 8:09 and 845
P.M. Junior Bible:Classes for Public
Stheol age 'at 4.15 PM. Come. „
Last Tues , ay at 2 o'clock the Tree •
RR-tigers'MOt .at ThOnlp-SOle '
with 10 present. As the secretary was • .
not present there were no minetes,
of the last meeting.: There was a
toriteet of Railcar baseball which
ended in 'a 8 to. *2 eeore. • In the
PRESENTED CUP talattiess part of the meeting it '
• was decided to have a father and
it..Anderson, donor of khe R•ural SOfl banquet ,in April It was also de.;
. h
night ilt the carnival to the Rapid "tiotis giveYverelruchiotseton ttohe. tafkivee itsictbk
presentation of the cap on Thursday membersof the -Trail Rangers • and
Lea.gue 'Hockey Trophy, made, the ctwidoed
Citteam:The attractive' -up wrt their homes. After the meeting' ad.
y. .
journal refrishenents•were served. ,
isceeptecl on behalf ' of the team bY•
their 'playing manager, Allan "Red"
*Connell. • • • •
. •
Mr. Campbell )Thompson, 1 ..••••
The Lucknow Sentinel, ,
Lucknow, 'Ontario.
Dear Mr, Editor:
. "What do you make of the Lead-
erslifje League?. Tve been asked more
than once. "I don't' know' just what
to make of it." is. all I could say.
But &set Wednesday - evening found
ma'with 10,000 others at -the Maple
Leaf Gardens seeking an atiswer.
Getting there early in order to get
O good • seat„ 1 enjoyed the piping
of the 48th Highlanders. But Whether
the acoustics weren't- planned for the
centre floor or whether for eoniect
other reason, the re-echoingbadly,
garbled the tunes: Only one Who. had
learned to love the pipes ceuld ,be
expected to 'enjoy them. But :With
the perfect :marching and wheeling
Of -those fine looking „Mee in their
• , fine looking kilts, and 'With the grace
of the druMmers, the light Waves• ,
unlike those of sound,' played oo
• IN. '
aggliatet Yfroin "atiftW
that'. Mel- Brock, a Londe!' insurance
man, Saw seventy-two deer in one
herd last week atProsperity, in Vest'
Wawanosh Township.
At the first site of the herd which
included, some fasva.only a few week::
old; Brock stoped •his car and kept
quiet. For half an hour he watched
them ,and twice he counted 'them as
they •• grazed in .ft farmer's . wheat
field, at the extreme southerly end of
the Saratoga swamp,
As Broek started his. 'engine, the
deer pricked up their ears and scat-
tered in all directions into the bush., '
Efferts are being Made to re -or.
ganize the Kincardine Citizen's Band
under the leaderehip of Dick Stone:
A grant of $3(10 has •Ieeen Made by
the Town Council to be paid' 4t.•
monthly instellments. • t
The eegagement is announced of
Mr. and Mrs. ,ftiehard J. Brown of
Ashfield, to Mr. Mervin Jehn Avery,
Lafdee Lake, Ontario4. yOutegest sOn
of Mr. Samuel L. Avery eital the late
,Mrs. Avery, The marriage to take
plate early in ApriL
• •
, ,..,,„,,,,,,f•ao.,,,i,,,,,,,,e4•47,;1410•41,StA104444NP*ORWI".P'.0",44,0.4111%'faIX,,MMIZPV.^1•40'.074,0••••••41,0".•41•01t••••:44 ••••••4P. ' ••••*.44.4,114•,441•• ••"•••••••4•••••' ••44•••••4••••••••••••••••••a.
4' • • . • •
r '
,01a:;,.,. 4' ...0t"."•44•••••••• 0•00444.••••• •
• • Aftt.`,
. 1.0
F. Maltolm, lobar teamster, lost a
valuable horse the first part of the,
week as the iveult of it beceenieg
!entangled in the tie rope in its stall.
A shoe on one of the rear feet be=
tame taught over the rope. 'The horse
which was' aPparently in this predie•
animafor beam time as the body in-
juries 'Were evidente �f its frenzied
efforts ,to free itself. . • •
' TUrnheriy Agricultural Society has
adapted permishent dateor Wang;
Thursday of September; This sista!,
wiches the Wingham fair itt betweee
Ripley, which is held the last Tuesday
and Wednesday of the mottle and
.Lefeknew,„ which is held on. the lae•t"
Thursday Mid Friday of September.
l• • • ••' • 1.1" 44
• elee • • 4,,141. '4'
-„filiendeof extuseirPrae,g41,711.
"Nettie" nineiemountled Pet, "ad-:'
poor fellow—and he showed it. "You
should hear the 48th on parade"; I
enthused; "they 'never sound right in-
side a bending". "You 'should Cisme
up to Lucknow with me Some week-
end." And then 1 told,' hintof how
proudly we stood 'around on a sum-
mer Saturday night beaming on our
ow.n pipers.' "And I'll, bet thp 48th
hasn't a finer. loOking kiltie• in their
whole band than Doe Treleaven. Don-
ald McDonald (he used to be our
mailman., when we lived down •
fourth) leads them; „,,.." but I'm
afraid Alf waset listening very at.'
tentively. Aridanytvey-I sfarted out
on the Leadership league.
The fewest numbers of weide poss-
ible I should suffice for 'CePtain"Raw-
scan the first speaker. 1-re'S a 'United
Church minister, I understand, but
his flag-waving, "hurrah! boys" stuff
despite .ts couple of sobs for the un:
drapleyed,, was fate far from , my
conception of the me,Ssage of the
• simple Gelillean ,carpenter.. Captain
Rawson's might easily have ben the
voice of Hitler, egging on simple.
Gentian folk to defend their rights,
their honor, their national
socialism.. I made but one note dine
ing hiftspeech-eupiffle". But on late!'
alaflecticer4aeleeldelt zembeeaatateelmi-
gerous for vveare Inntienal, t b-
ee than a reasoning people,".
Dr. Bruce was entirely different
A well-ntepared mid 'cleverly given
speech preeented an argument for
the need' of drastic action unfettered'
(Centineed On page 51'
, ;
, • , • • ; • ' ; „
• „
Presbyterian 'Guild
' , The: rneeting Monday evening-. was
in 'charge of the Literary Committee:.
After -the opening hymn, Evelyn Tay.
lor read the Scripture lesson, farmed
by the repeating of the Lord's pray- •
er and the reading of the minutes...
Mr. Calvert cenducted a 'question and .
answer contest, followed by a Piane
Greers°lbygaPveegg MacDonald.
binnat !die :ins; • and
hellpful to*. on '"Reading". After •
.the closing hymn the meeting closed
by repeating the Mizpah Benediction.
• e
GAUNT --4n Wingham Hospital or
Tuesday, March 28th, to Mr. and Mre.
Ernest Gaunt, West Wawanosh,
BEATON---dn Toronto on Thursday ••
March 23rd, to; Mr. and Mm. Jack
Beaton,"a son, John Graham. ,
• •
The--Liecknew -H•igh --Sehoebeeperr----
ittitirry-eineeting -held in the • •••
Town Hall, Thursday evening „APril
6th. Program includes, physical eel.
tere, musical and literary numbers, : •
speechet_and a short play entitled,
"Middy Baja an Orchid. (Note the
change of date. .
. Lucknow Fire ... Company will hold
their Easter dance on Monday, April
10th featuring a floor' show • by the
• famous Tack sisters of Pelmeraton •
Music by McCartney's Orchestra. .
The •Clanstrien hold their an- •
nual dance in the Town Hall, Friday
April 14th, featured 'ItY novelty hunt;
bers. Music by Ernie Brown's eight.
piece orchestra. •'
In the town, Hall, Lucknow, Wed- •
nesday, April 5th, under Joint Club .
auspices. Teeswater _prayers 'present
"Back Seat Drivers" a three -act farce "
comedy, to be followed ,by 'a dance.
Admission to both 25e. •
A concert of unusual interest *ill:
:be held in the Town Han, Lucknow,
Wednesday? April 12th, under' ante
eoritert 'feat ' eLeeReardeeeeee't • •
rf,dontotir, an Indian reader Who epee- •
Venus in Pauline JOhristonee poem % .
wearing native costume. Ther 'will
be ether sUpportifig, artists in the
trnulee oho win preside a versatile
high„ class program, •
• •
! •
. -