HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-03-23, Page 8• • • ACE EIGHT - - ' vr-•• :1 :I . • ..• 1, • - 1 .11 , •f,•.,! „ • as" p. • • , :•3••• s Till-TRSDAta 'MARCH 23rd, 19$ pleton's for / Linoleum old Seal Congoleum - and Veltol Rugs RIM ,s'er" 111414 --: • THIS YEAR ' ;• -FLOOR ARE ,BIGGBR AND IVIORE • WELL BALANCED 'MAN EVER BEFORE. ,THERE • .--.- .• • .., ERNS'T�' .surr , • EVERYcouldt, SCHEME your FloorCoveringsfoliose from us 41. NEW DRESSES --Smart styles for. Easter' 'in leading spring • ,shades,, just arrived from Toronto—Priced from $2.95 up. , LADIES' ",COATS—In all leading and in letest fornpfitting snit boxy stylee. All new Material. .• • NEW ritANNISM SIPITS POR' LAIiIis—These are in fine - • :worsteds . and tailored iri smart mannish styles.. . LADIES' BLOUSES—Fine sheers and silk.shirtiogs, striped and plain shades MW'Snew suits just - arrived—Smart niaterMls Leading styles, ; colors, Blues, Greens and EraWne. ••• j•: •-• MEN'S: FELT' HATS—latest Tyrolean and Homburg stiles, px, elusive shades, Fine felt. • • MEN'S SHIRTS By .• FORSYTHL-.A new shipment of shirts, just arrived, Smart • striped patterns; Forfused. 'collars. Eve*? ' s shirt a masterpiece' • ' . • • . • . • NEW Fearnf, c'.iiatvATs.:Fin6 resilient quality. ties.. New patterns and shades WO Invite YOti TO Inspect opt .14ow SPitING MERCHANDISE 'LIICENIOW,„ Mi itiRWE OREN. OF. "r MARRIED • ..„ • • . liANOVER OUSTS RIDDLED :LOCALS • Sickness and injury riddled the slocal Juvenile ranks last week, and . they passed out of the 0.J„M.A. play- i dowzm, ousted by the classy Hanover .squad Eldon McLeod, who struggled thio' . the first game Inc Hanover with a, sev- ere shoulde injury, was completely bora de combant fat the hoine.game here Wednesday 'night, :and the 'flu • Pat Reid-MOKim, to. bed, leaving the local lads without a goalie. • The only course left -Wait 'to'.bolster the Club with Ripley juniors, and as a result seine Mire -handrail fans who attended the game, saW-Laikaavy eke out a 7 to,6 Victory, in .Whatwak, agree'd Was. one of the 'cleverest x. hibitions of the pastime seen this • , • , • • Hain -Over took theround,:li goals to 8, Mit Wiinld •have continued in the O.J.E.A. playdowns regordlesinf the outcome Wednesday. : • Harris,' Dahmer and 'Bowers, the, first line triO, were clicking to per- fection,: scoring two goals eaeh to account far 6' of Lueknow's goals. McLean Bell 'of Ripley, who teamed up with Paterson on defense -got the other. Pollock, Ripley's goal tender was in the nets for the locals. . -N From atart to finish it was a wide open • game, with both teams battliug as if the' Championship Were at Stake: it 'was a crowd pleasing finish; that marked, the exit of the lOcal:Juven- cles,•frion the pleydown picture, after advancing into the foUrth 'mend with, a team of 'comparative, youngsters, -most of whom have:two or three yrs. yet to go before reaching the .tuven- ile age limit. s Tho- local line -U1) Wednesday night was as follows: G.*, Pollock; Def." McLean Bell, Orland. Patterson;- -:Cen- tre, Dahmer; Wings, .Harris, Bowers; Alt,•Wylds, Chok, Irvin Eedy, Mee: Donald, Frank Eedy. •• PARENTS . • -'--'-end M?inT . IVIInznietolteMm,spent the, week, ..All children aKtr'll ' ti !unmarried ., • mothers should be rePertedi. to the' spienrt. thAele0xes:UWCareekrQi!'11-pofe viStilatagV.11 Children's Aid Society. We, in tun), -, • report. them immediately. to the. 1)e -i , Mrs. W. , a Andrew "visited with .pattnient of Public Welfare in Tofriendsfriends -in London over.the Week - onto. These cases, particularly when end. the parties live in remote ;parts of ,„ ,, : Mrs. ns was in Toronto last tn 10;illitY, 'where- tfrequent tripti ' attending the style show of ' deal Cf time and effort,"•but it • onlysPring millinery- .hoye to be made, de1tad 'ai:ra'week Persistently pursuing the. Patties' re- • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hassel of London sponsible that :•we can hope to , dis- Were visitors herelast Week. at the courage a practice of this _nature home of the former's mother. • 'OW is all to prevalent .-- •- ".:",:s: Nyir. and ,.141.1i Horace and Mrs and While. much, has been dene 'to as-- )41. Robert xeGo.t. of ,f40.iid ,- were gist t* unmarriedunmarriedniot4r and ite Slimier ••V•Ilit Itit Mr . Q.11 Charles Cloolrg ''' :.• rs. `Totonto. 01.0, Much remains to 'be . done in this field of our Work. I cannot pia, , .-' lute a more ,desperate plight than. that: .PEARLMAN'S have- juat brought of thegirl who f• d her If about many new. , ladies' Ester dresses to become a mother, without the pro:. coats, suits and blouses from teciion. of :husband, . family and Come in and see'Abom. 'friends. s - , " ' ' Mrs. Chas. Steirard who has been It is our responsibility to try, if in the Goderich Hospital for the past. possible,, to arrange some settlement three" weeks, was well enough to be -between-the girl and the- man iti-the btought hoinelastSunday. • c case, whereby , the support of- the A talking picture,presented in the of confinement will Town Hall' on Monday'by the World child and osts be assured, thus avoiding, when pos-Bros., under L.O.L. auspices, attraef- sible, having -the child become a lie,pub- • 'charge. It must he remembered ed only • a fair-siaed audience. .,..that . the' Dither probably .requires Escapes injury • .help in making a 'satisfactory adjust- Little Jane Johnston had a fort.- . Ment for his share of the care of the unate escape from ,injuries last baby. 'If this arrangement- cannot be Thursday When struck by, a motor • made privately as a voluntary action car ,on main street • on the part of those -concerned we Miss Bertha ARM of Toronto re take the matter to court, providing turned to the village on Saturday there is sufficient evidence and en- • where she will remain- for some time deayour to' secure an order against at the home of her ,brother, Mr. , the man for the support of the child Harold. Alum - • and expenses ineidental to its birth. • We' feet- even in Viforke 'vases •'•''17"2•4'1'17-`24 Ar -1-1-12 _ ' • no monetary , returns are procurable.'Miss Flora E. Andrew: a teacher that some moral effect must follow., in Talbot St. School, London, had the 1 our contacts With these Men) Who for misfortune to slip on the ice last week and break her ankle. She 'bat' The most im,rt are. yolOg enough to .feel some check, from the fact that returned to her,, home here. . Rev.. C. MacDOnald was in Lon- don on -Monday' attending a meeting of the executive of the Synod of Hamirton 'and London.' The Synod Will meet in St—AndreWs Church. Stratford, Mthiclay April 24th to Weds nesday,' April 26th.: OUR LARGE- . RANGE OF NEW SPRING. sAttpiegsof suiting and tin): coats hasd arrived—'all the latest they are at least biought, face to face • with the result of: their alleged unl social behaviour. • , ,Ctr just as great importance is -'the personal work' that Mast be done with; the girl. The future welfare of the child Must also be attended to... The mother:is alloWed to Make' her own decision as to. whether' or not th best plan' for her habY - isadoption. She is helped:, to make this decision by outlining all Poiiihle plans, 'with the Strengths • and, weaknesses of each. The' decision should ..not be has- ty; time is alloWed : to .consider the mother's ability to care for and 'sun- p,ort her child, the attitude of, her family is taken into consideration also . the, liklthopd • of • the child being suitable for adoption. If a' decision is made that the child should. be adopted then a suitable' home is found for placement. • ' Some; mother's • have , placed their ,babies in homes'without' . consulting the Children's Aid -Society. This, very, often prOves unsatisfactory to the adepting, patents, and the' mother of the child, in later years. Very often,' when they- want their legal papers, There is certain information Missing which' i difficult to procure, as the mother, by this `time, may be, living in another 'part of the, country. If .we tH.N .k*s Scriptureesson was read by John K. MOKenzie,, followed by the repeat- Smith.Kiidoss s. ' i f th L d' ra er od -the reading of the Minutes and- roll. call. Bud Orr played a coronet solo, fol - lolled shy the Bible study by, Dr. 'Lit- tle, 'Solo by Helen MacDonald, topic by. Mr. Stewart Robertson, and a teading by Gladys MacDonald:. After' the closing hymn, 1Mr. MacDonald closed the meeting with prayer. ng o e. or s• Ay s The ketch 'meeting was held on the 8thand ,the President presided. Roll .411 was answered by "My,Itta,r- . Mite Myna." All' -busines-' problenia were sduly dealtwith, after which the Bihle Study on. Matt. 28 was eon- . 'ducted by Miss Magisod: Many facts were revealed such as, "indifferente, tardiness, and procastinationv• 'equip AM* ries. like the "foolish virgins." ',Mrs: D. Grailani'ably" explairied continued "Topic on India," and "Gleanings" from the riadio broad - "St by Rev. K. McLean of Wingham' on the Madras Conference held - so recently, was given by Mrs. A. Mac- A 'art.' Evening Auxiliary . • • • The EVening. Auxiliary met' on Tuesday. March ' 21st at the home of , Mrs.. Cc:tn.-Decker. Mrs. Young was ' • , :the guest speaker taking' as her' sub- ject, "The Highway of Life" Which , was Very interesting. Mrs. Hall fay- ,. mired us with 'a solo, and -Mrs. Wilson .'5:17.",,tiusect411PEPstotgrantit a-Pimr•-.1417,- %Tiara" colitegt --an---- social •hour the meeting was 'brought , tea close. • ' • Presbyterian 'Guild The meeting 'Monday evening was , in:charge of the DeVotional Commit- . tee. After the .,opening hymn, the 0 olmo`111•1•44•144, • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE.MATTER of the Estate of GeOrge.Malcol, late of the Von - ship of -Kinloss' in 'the 'County, of Bruce, Retired' Farmer, deceased. • NOTICE IS -HEREBY GIVEN per- •euant to the Statute in that ?behalf that all Persons having claims against the ,Estate of the said George Mal- colm, deceased;. :who died on or about the SiXteenth day of October, Al).' .1938 are required' to forward their' are first eonsulted, we can arrange that the people giving the always claims, duly, verified by affidavit, to home te,the child din be legally pro - the undersigned, Executors on or be- fore the Twelfth day, of April, A.D. teetecl- , • • My, advice to those who wish ti.) 1.939 after Which date the said Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the place a child for adoption, or those .who want ,to adopt a'child, is 'to eon- gult the „Children's Aid . Society and through us. • ' • • • 'Maybe you know -some fine pr sop who :would like to' give a child a hpme, if so we would. -appreciate hearing from you regarding this mat- ter DONALD W. CAMERON, S•Lp't. 'The, Children's Aid Societir Estate having, regard only. to and be resp_onsiblo only -for the claims • of • " Dated 'at Lucknow, Onclirie, this Twentieth day 'of March A.D. 1939. J. It Lane, MR. 2. Holyrood, Ont., Robert Malcolm, R.R. 2. Holyrood Ont., Executors of the Estate 'of the above netted „George Maleolin, de- ceased. • ' •A• 4 fabric; tailore& strictly up-to-date Call and look 'over our' large, range buy your suit or....tsip Coat now for Easter. TEMPLE'. CLAREE, MM. chaitt Tailor. . •• ... • • • _ • DAMAGES CAR •Within a few rods of, his hone 'or Friday ',night, W1, 4, Davison's car sievedon. the' ice -rotted road, in front of Reeve' N. E. lik-ushell's hea-e, and in leaving the roadway still& a tree broadside, "neatly" leaving the imprint Of .the tree ,in the side of the car, which is at present under, going repairs, • • LUCKNOW UNITED_ CHURCH Rev. R. ' C. Todd, Pastor, , ' SUNDAY, MARCH 26th " 4 44124309Seltilirarou 7 p.m.—YOUNG. PEOPtS SERVICE. Speaker—Mr. Fred Beck of McMillen. Music—bi, orchestra, choir and saxaphone trio. Young people come and fill' the church. • • • • ..• RAPID CITY WON RURAL ;TROPHY . . "Red" McConnell's Rapid 'City sex- tette are winners of the W. ,B. An- derson. trophy, emblematic of 'the. Rural, League Championship, by vir- tue of a. 2' 40 Victory •over Kings- bridge here fipt.Friday night. , • The trophy is to he presented at the, ice carnival. held tonight (Thursday). Two goals within thirty seconds, midway through -the first. period. gave' Rapid 'City, the margin of vic- tory,-. and ftom there' on, the game was scoreless, with Nelson Snider in the R. C. net' and 'Stewart and Button on defense, doing' a good job to pro- tect their' ad,vaotage and shutout the, Irishmen; who 'were. mighty danger- ous 'in their 'bid for victory. ' J. Buttmi and .Greer•iwere the' goal getters. Keen ice kept the game clean and fast, with pnly three penalties handed out by K. Cameron, one, each to D. McKinnon, R.' Bitten and, O'Kee.te., , Rapid" City.—Goal, Nelson 'Snider; Def., Jim Stewart, Jack Button; Cen- .tre R. Button; Wing; A.' McConnell and 'C. Gre6; Alt, A. MelCinnon, D. .1VIcKirinon, Harold' Stewart, • Andy' Hamilton, MeNall. . , Kingsbridge. -.-Goal, Homer Durnin.; Def., Bert Martin, O'Keefe; Centre, Lesprance; Wiogs, Bill Parrish, Leo Lauzon; Alt., Archie, McIntyre; Mor- ris Bowler, Bud Parrish, Bob Far.' - -fish, Duncan McKay, Phelix. Whaling.- .. • toffitElikADER,1PROVIDES PLENTY OF. ENTERTAINMENT While late 'in getting anderwaY, the 'faithful fans, who stuck it out to witness the doubleheader hockey at- traCtion' on Tuesday, night, got. their 15 cents worth. • ; 4.•••••••mionirmomm, Hoffman s arkups Sale of all winter anerchandise r- at prices that will amaze you , slashed below cost to clear A CALL AT THE SiertRE Witt COI•1V,INCE YOU . • A141S. EWS WEAR WATCH OUR WiNDOWS" WILL BE 'THE OPENING SERVICES OF THE Lucknow Pentecostal Mission ON THE CORNER OPPOSITE' THE FORMER POST OFFICE BUILDING' 2 Services Sunday 230 p.m. and 8.00 p.m. ..• Come and Hear B. L. RIPLO, PASTOR AND EVANGELIST,' Fresh •From The Revival IA Kin -lough And District.: • AFTERNOON SUBJECT—"The Church and the Glorious Gospel" EVENING SUBJECT—"The r Most Profitable Thing in Life...". . • Plan TO • Attend, Both Services. • . . • NON ",'SECTAHIAN.-=,-INSVIRING GOSPEL, • SINGING • AND Everybody In the first game, that siw • plenty of -action,,the coMbined Rapid fity and Kingsbridge team's battling to a 34 tie with the' 12th Cooeession team champions '-of'; the Ripley Rural Lea.: gue. The local lineup Was: Goal, 'guider, Def, Button, Stewart; Cen- tre, R. 'Button; Wings, McConnell; Greer; Alt, Lespiance, Partial', Lau - son,, Durnin,. and O'Keefe. Referee—.K. Cameron: Intermediates Beat ,Kincardine In -the next fixture the local' inter - Mediates took' on Kincardine, -nod trimmed 'them 8 th thcknow used a ;Ripley line of Keith MCCormiek, Jack, 'Bowers and "Huffy'? Harris. s' ;Herbert's. mid •Bob Thomp- sonwere on die itiriCaydipie 14fie-up, each getting„ a goal . along 'with Buckingham.';. The two Lucknow lines Were Pass- ing the puck atourid smartly to, work, right, in On Riggin repeatedly. Each line scbred four goalg/tbe marksthen eing gishei Greer Marri's 2 and McCormick arid Bowers 1 each. LuCknow.L,Gbal, Ritchie; Defense, Canker -on, Thompson; „Centre, 'Fisher;,1 Wings, Greer, Solomon; Alt, McCor- mick, Harris, Bowers; *Oar -trek, McKenzie. '.• .• Riggin; ;Defense. Piekard,., McNair; Centre, Savage; Wings, Bird, T,hornpson; Alt., Her- berts„Graharn, Pollard, Buckingham. Referee—B, IL Agnew. — • • • , . CLINTON JUVENILES' WIN BENEFIT TELT sAiruRDAy „:fienittonzuvengirwtop4,04,4h0:„.46,34,-; bined-forees of Lucknow and Ripley here on Saturday night eri exhibit. • II • ion benefit -,game, winning the tilt Father: My son, I won't have you 9 to 2. ' constantly at the bottOm of pie class • Clinton lads, while eliminated froin as you . . • the playdowns by Elinira, -Aged 7 . (Bored). Can't see that it arelbylar the smartest thain th have, matters; Pa. Theg teach the: same . performed here this wintef: They are things at" both ends. % • elconte F T. ARMSTRONGOPTOMETRIST:LIJCKNOW •;. EACH',WEDNESDAY :1.30 A. M. To 8.;00 P. M. §AI4JRDAt .6.46 To 12.00 P. '111. AT wit. -safit4i$ STORE 111*=01/4: • ' • • s ' • Order Bray Chicks now, and be "lucky" when egg prices climb. next Fall. 'See me, or phone me, away. Personal attention, prompt delivery. Finlayson Bros. LUCKNOW, ONT. a fast, skating gang, 'have a clever oasging 'attack,: are well finished iround the net' ad equally effective defensively. They took an • 'early lead '-lete Saturday night and continued • to 'pile it up throughout the'. game. - ' . ' A 10011:ninety feature was an eresting game between the 'Brussels . -and Lucknow-virlx Atticr: ended-ifi - 4 • • • *miregaremosicsirewsias, AIMOXISM211§1011■111•11111161MI It Pays To Thinks You -Shot). ..• Get One Of Our monthlY Sale Bills For April -And Look It Over Carefully. There. Are Malty terns C • Of Interest For You, And At Prices You Will Be Pleased With. • Lucknow .144.14.44—.414 41.4.41444.4.4 .,• • . . . . . . . k. . • . .";"..iii'4$•''. ••• -,- - • • '144444°44'1441 ,••: "'•WW.,•%'•'..t`-'•'T4r41•''`ft!VrIwAt.14,,.... Tz,•$,,•00,-,,r,0,,,,,,,,„4,44,.:1•41,,Fetri."..A..•,.;16:•'....,..., . • ... • . , . • . `:"1`1114,4.041111:1`14;11.i‘ -101;149...,...rs1441`4..) ` • :••:•••,••;: 'Phorie 12 • .. . • . • ' • ' "tP,P.44•4;44,if4k,i1,Jt iek;•;;.4i5,'; '