HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-03-23, Page 3Is Prediction Made •Bytostnnas . ter General..Tar .Vancouver In Day And 'A klaIf ' The time Viten an airmail letter posted • int• England -in the evening, willbe, delivered in Moletreei, To- Tonto and Windsor the following day was ' isualized by Postmaster-. General lVictarty in e.n addressaf- ter-the departilre of thekpiane in- augurating the '•` westbound over- night .trans -Canada airmail service. ,• • Such a.• letter would .arrive in '._tJ,ne to connect .with the west- • —henna air: mall to VancouYer and would . be. delivered in Vancouver after ,an eliapse.d time of .only .one and a. half" busineee,4Iays. •'tWhenqhe present plans, are care. ..tied out there will. be formed an uwbroken .chain • of..ai,i :mail trans-• rt nitain' 1➢t1 �.,?� g C•aal=ada evi;k�fj • Great; • Britain,. With: South Africa, Wi'th;i { `•. India, with Australia; with New • Zealand,' with, Singapore and with Hongkong; Only one more' link in , the chain mutt be forged, that of New Zealand to British .Columbia, • in' order .to .complete the roti d' -the- ' . world British air mail service. e Ontario's New Speaker • • First t•at•helor Speaker of the On- tario legislature '.in the• history •of the province; 'Major•' James 14r Clark, '$.C., was •formally •electe_ •to 'his office as.speaker at rhe., op - .ening session of .the. Ontario legis- • nature.•• He succeeds Hoa.pNorman •Hipel. .• Many " New Pilots Turned Gilt Yearly Canadian Flying Schools 'Quali fied 148 'For Private And Co7inmercial Positions in 1938 , Representatives of 11 flying schools' operated • on a commercial basis'_ira- a :offered ;thei feeil#fies ems, life xatele ioneCa eMan attle,' fl ' itrs'ettiiis ifiTti "reset ve of air pilots • ' for Canada. .t In 'intervievis • with Col. V. I. Smart, deputy' Minister of trans- ' port, and Major -Gen. L. R., La- Fleche, deputy' minister of national defense, the flying schools'• delega- tion pointed out that. manyyoung men desired to learn to fly `but , were unable to afford it. Thiy sug- gested, the government' provide sone financial aid for aspiring pilots. Consideration was promised ' for the schools' suggestion of a sthrdent pilot subsidy for.. 10 hours' e;, dual tnstruct'ice and the first 50''. ho.urs.,solo flying. 0. In 1933 the' flying schools turned "...out 128 private pilots qualified for sportsman flying, 20 conrniereisrl punts licensed• to fly aircraft fir hire, and''sii air engineers or air-, craft and engine maie enance :nen. The, 11 clubs had nearly .300 stu- dents enrolled, acid the 31 alecraft intim) were •in. the air for 13,515 • hours of dwtl control flight ipstruc- ' +�* tion and 5,443 hours of solo flying, ' Normal restrictions, on the re- production of 13ritish 'Roya'l etitb- nems ensotivefiifs of a permanent nature will be relaxed for the forthllotrin;r visit' of the King and .Queen .to Canada e:ncl"the United, States, And reprodudtlenS. of .• the Royal Arnis', the Crown and :loyal' SP1-fterletel tray be Made. , mitten c t es. col :nen a :' A't eri 'that' every year there•"are about 2,500 new books 40 00.0 articltts and 10,000 patents'of' chenlicai� in-' terest. a • • • ParliantenterY Doings %fig • With •O j#ario's 'Legk,lntora, , • , Pring, 1039 • )IY HEDY With a Premier fresh back from • Australia and a brand new Con-: ' servative" leader all ratite to .go, proceedings in Ontario's Legisia- '.Cure at Queen's Park got off to_:a: lively, start,March 8, and are likely' to <continue at slightly 'less than. boiling point througliout the 1939 8esslort . First 'off; when Mitchell Fred driek ket►b"urn twitted George Alex: ander Drew 'atbout• the fragile/Icy• With : witch the,•'On'tario Conserve, Win/Party has .changed leaders} of .74Vlfe, the latter .bristle.d, anade; no ,reply; .he; was.,eriving his fire for `• the more drarn8.tic .occasion, during the Throne Address' debEte'.when he ,hurled tradition overboard ; •by limiting.ai•1 Tory contribution to the debate to his own speech.... no more:.. It, was an Unprecedent- ed move made the tiaid) •to ex= : pedate ,the. business of •'the Legisla- tore and .save the teepayeremoneyy • , Highlights of the peecfi from the Throne: The Government will, introduce legislation to' enable On- tario to enter'. into an unempioy went, insurance'agreement with . Ottawa;. •a new ••method• T, equaliz- ing municipal • assessments; all elected municipal'officials to take • the .oath of allegiance; .relief. costs JO be higher) than. 1938's . $22;000;- • 000, forecast, "unless the-r-e.is. mark- ed.'industrial • improvement' ; . the. Dorninion •to •be. asked to repeal. the Canada Temperance Act • r,: Plies to'Giltario; steps' to ire taken toward "uniformity; and co ordina ' tion • in Municipal policing"; finan- •dalrelief'to be provided foieearth-•': .ern mtning'tnenieipali,;ie,9:'•,• - 'Looks •lilt&,a • hew •deal for On- tario'y,uiie:iiployed' ..maybe. if Premier Hepburn carries -tint his 'announced intention to •co-operate With. 1 tile ederal .Government in in- troclucing unemployment •insurance• (We Should .have. ya;l'Ontario's . future.. utiemploye.'d,' :. •biose at present out -of -Werk ),ouli9 riot > be ,• aided by .tho scbeteel... . • e,A • host of „rat eriinient bilis :was., in•trodncctl the eeecohd clay 'of the; esr'ssion : eve: i i,, :a itumher•of.Minor rlitestinns, niucli as •amendments to i`ie Cemetery AGC•; , the .Pharmacy._ Ace :ilia Public- Hospitals •Act, , . . but tine,. business of dealing. with' these measures cannot begin -to compare in interest with • the 'de- . bale 'On de- bateon rhe state of attain -le ire - fluently seed, in 'the Itaiise. ., The Budget is. likely' to be brought dowu Within a week. ,, ' administrative expenses may. be *•pared. , ..car. incenses.' may 'go, up,' a.. and a t*Q-cent jump •in the present .'six—cent' gasoline tax is sure •'to• he'• announced' (Ontario towns want to share in the ,•;rev- .enue). Questions: ,what evil! this mean to the: : tourist trade?. what' will it' meatrto •the; average' motorist driving 'f0,060, • miles a " year who • has already contributed an. extra $15 annually since the tax went up front:threk to pix coppeis1 However, we may be getting ahead of ourself:. , The Const ratives want ' "more light" on What the Government proposes .to do with' the Abitibi. Power and, Paper ' Company, •a •$125ry000,000 • property • now in pree, cess of reorganization..." a fierce fight Is raging around that. ,.,'Mr. • Hepburn thi t Col. Drew re ung_ . ery>asiiepiolone, lefifril ftititer- 'tiro ntu'oh'f' - They'ce appointed a bachelor, as Speaker of the House for the fir t -•..time in. Ontario's history,'' •Girls, we give you Major' Clark! The Dionne •Quintuplets have ae- cepted an invitation to come -see the King and. Queen" on .May 22. Qli; what a day for 'Toronto that., will be! , a• •, • Thieves have attempted to break into a vault in the Treasury De- partment; . ,an inquiry by the audit • department 'reveals shortages • of money, defalcations of tunas' in._ several branches of 'the Goviern- ment's business. . . there's been dirty work at the crossrbads. . .• Don't; Look Man Straight In Eye (girls, said M., Done Edrnbttd in An interview at New • Yerki last week, have an Unfortunate habit oflooking men str'eit'ht in the eye. "It• is tilt alluiing,' said Ed - Mond, fornier court beatify advis- er to the late) Queen Marie of Rug mania,,' "It makes 'a man feel in- ferior, lie feels you're trying' to probe his mind." Pat better it is to look at Him fleetingly, and then look' •away, Continued Edmond.' • "'lees, I believe women should be seen what coy,"'- he said, ""but 1 to xar.�., lel riblel It''anrio s a mans nerves. "Women ahoul'd 'learn how to - blush.• It can be done b• • exhaling a little longer than they are ac- c:tst(lriiied,". • ' . ' V dio "Keene vets leir Usual" Leve Water 1. Low In The St, Law- rence, Too, . According • To Dominion Hydrographic Ser.. vice. Level of the St,• Lawrence River In Montreal harbor during I' ebsu- ary was. 20 "$/4• inches lower than January, 7.1/'; inches lower" 'than •. ;'February;• 1938, and 50 3/4 .:niches lower :than the' average • level. of February -for,the last.79. *years, the ''Hydrographic • Service of Canada reports, •• • . Lakke Superior •at '.Port: •'Arthur.' was two. inched—lower ,than Janu- ary, „one inch "higher 'thee Febru- ary; 1938„ and 6 1/4',.inches higher,' .than. the• average.'ieve1 of Febru-'' ary for .the • last • 79, years.: • • Below.•Ave'rage.:For:799Year`s' • rakti Huron at •'Godericli w•as••. „the 'same tip '• January, 9. 1'x4 Wins.;' ••h.ighe'r than. February, ' 1938; and 18' inches lower than • fire average '• level of February for,' the last ;79 ' years. • • Lake Erie' a.t Port Colborne . was 3/4' of an' inoh••higher than Janu• - ary, three••inches higher than Feb- • ruatly,,.1938,. and 9. 1/4 inches' er .than• the average .level of Feb-. mit,* for the last 79 years. • •' ,,Lake Ontario -at „Kingston. -was a - half inch higher :than Janilary, five.• inches.'lower than •February, 193.8; and -13 1/4 .inches „lower than the•• average' •level o f February for .the last 79.'years. Says Ei otions. Cause Fatigue ' Marie Beynon Ray; whose flight from a: job ,ru:t:leas•Jed,.IS.et�; renght' careers as teacher, editor, wife, rncther-, and, author, ,says•• sire'' :has never .been .•.tired in her life and that she can telt otheia Women how to 'become ''inhuman dynamos" of energy and interest.. P'It • is. not thework. .we do .but 'the emotional.. ' •factoy s operative while .We Work that causes .fa- figue,'. she said. rn. an interview at ,iVeiv brk last week. • • • "Women tire of housework. not because'their chores are too hard for' them ••"but because' they can Sider' housework an inferior occu- pation," according to Mrs. Ray, • 'Tied Interesting Vocation" - 'If they cannot escape •house work, 'the thing for, them to de is io-find• some, clther •intensely'%rater- °sting ' avocation — perhaps ' the• • beautifyingof their homes;: politics, sport, *voice "culture—anything , to,.. substitute a• healthful, vitalizing: emotion for :boredom; and. depres- • • • i • OICE OF THE PRESS SOMEBODY'S KEPT BUSY• It•' is estimated' that' there .are 1.2.18000 milch cow:, in Ontario. Think of what they mean in terms of 'human labor at. nilking-time.— Brockville Recorder and Mmes. ONION ORCHARD A Baitimor"e• magistrate has rul- ed! -that : an onion may be classed as .a fruit. What •a 'fine time Mitch. Hepburn will have next summer in his onion orchard. . :',UNITY" Ai LA CANADA Tliis• new trans -Canals, air 'line may {do .something for:,Canadian unity. .'After. `all, it only takes about twenty'hours now toget a complaint'f`rom the -Pacific coastAo' Ottawa:—fia.rniiton $p4vtator. • o— WE'RE KICKING PLENTY, TOO. It is said that ''87 per cent. of the Nazi forces: are flatfooted from - too •much walking •and parading, We're getting •'that way in this country from keeping the foot on the .gas.—Peterborough Examiner.. JOBS), TRAINING FOR YOUTH -'.Governments Make substantial grants of which prizes are paid. for the. improvement of cows, heroes, pigs, sheep, chickens and all kinds of, livestock. • Perhaps it would not he, bade policy to spend. more ' money providing' a training for• youth end, opportunities .for . em ployment.- farmer's -:Advocate. NOTA Pii11'PET , 'In' Short; the Menr'ber of Parliament : is not intended' to be the.' tool, puppet or rubber stamp ef::llis.eensiituctata-ktd Mill des of any group among them. But it is' his function: before',ererythnng,else to . represent them and to promote their legitimate, interests,,by a11' , means ' in his " power,—Quebec, Chronicle -Telegraph : • 'o— HOCKEY IN THE Ohl) DAYS ' Hockey players' in some „centres are not whet they used to •be. It is not so many years ago thatwpuck , chasers Were sixty -minutemen and played every game without relief. Recent snow storms -have made motor travel impossible" for. visit- ing :hockey teams .and rather than drive by horse and sleigh as: their predecessors did -Marty a. tinie; games 'have been cancelled.--e-Pe-' trolia .Advertiser-Topie.. Of%cials .i:r Italy "nave 'reported ' that the careful selection of seed and, use of chemical fertilizers are greatly increasing grain tips, LIFE'S LIKE THAT` ;By "Fred 'Neher la "lt couldn't'' find the •button, dear, so 1 --sewed 'up the 'buttonhole!' • WONDERLAND OF OZ • die Tree cutting _. In- Ontario Probed, Hon. .Peter Heenan; provincia/. minister- of lands and,forests, said last week'that promiscuous cutting of Christmas • trees 'T during they, Yuletide season and theft of trees' from . irivate property 'was under investigation by his 'department and might lead to legislative ac Bithgr the federal :government would be asked to amend the -Crim- inal, Code to: deal with the situa- tion, or them provincewould bring, down a hill of its own, he' said. A decision will 'be made.in the near future. . . PACKAGE also In 254 Tints. __ �•'tB. TLN.Se ks at :BUS which Qtegory Clark is sending to .,The 'I orontork Dail • Star . . .from ' Rome ' make . I;nterestin read ing, . "Greg,''. �' 'g as he .is best known. to.'; hundreds of thousands of. 'readers ..of The Star Weekly, hopped a_ boat for Italy' to see: the coronation of Pope ribs 'XII, ''he ;papal coronation over, "Greg" is in brows - around the co - ..t .. nntry.,..sanap.�ng,..�::;:. delights, .ancient and Modern. I'n more than 20. years' ''of newspaper' writ><n Gre;g... has been in many. exciting and-. interesting places, but no ,ex er�'e a :. his'' • • ,experience zice:of carer has, such wealth of 'Material for his fluent en'.. He will: wander through.'marble ' palazzos, . in- spect basilicas,.3nd campaniles; appraise .famous works of ,'art and I archtecture and'.take a.` squint at Italian industry. I-1,6.7. will ..tour cities, country and 'villages, mingle with • princes:and . peasants, .blackshirts and officials; ride: in .Vene- ti an gondolas, sn:i#f ' the • air ''of sunny d Sicily and sample .foods that have made Italian • • will 'be . more Roman .than Mussolini. "Great's" Italian rambles are already shaping 'into. the most faseinati•ng trams Logue ever printed in a Canadian news- paper.. It breathes that'magic of humor `and humanism . which "Greg" infuses into every subject : he. touches. 'Wri'ters are many, but there is only one "Greg" Clark, and in his stories from tat = hes. at his best.. Read' . ` ' and . revel in his aides, ap- �, pp;ear every day in THE TORONTO ILY STA B Pea. Yik "Batrrn • to After the • clef or, nti' I intense 'sltetnce 'reigned in the town and the v isitors, «l1 knowing that caut1oif was ne -1ei:n er ate- _.�-,a-^'Craze°-4' .• fpue c y sifter edthe largest housethey came to and found the door strewn. with .nieces k of what looked much like ` freg'rne� is of wood neatly lighted, all of yy and ..pe different fa ntast[c shapes.\Vhy Cried I):orothy, picking up one of the >biecee," they're Jtg•Saw• • puzzles." The piece whicC.,11or•othy held wee ''tett ',CYO. .Which 'looped at her pleasantly, buil with an interested e,";pressfon as' if , it *rendered it MI S fi.,^t t�tq.°',.t, ln,_•wrttr " •' ii sao�r t� se. inn�.e le, it ,.., _ ,end by.Itt et t e 1 ,matching .the two l ees {,tl "t r>' found that they were part of a race. Ile"' " a@., is•. ty eBuld find the nioiith, sire said, this Paddle might be able to talk• and tell us. what to do next." Then' let us find it," Said the WIzni�d,. and so all got down on their hands' and kneeb; ' "I've found •Ttl"•' .cried l;nele llentt•, and he ran to i)otothy frith a queer, rhitped piece wmi ei •Mou'th'.. on it, •hn3 Yri�t, t ipd'..i'4, fit l e t • ' M 1 it, to life ,ive and YSeSP tlt� found hat the :tarts Would .hot match "This.mfttouth• belongs to sotrid other 'pet: - ;on'," Said Dorothy. "Yoh see we need a'" :curve hers and a point there -to Mahe it fit the 'face." Well it inmst, be' sor'ne place.', declared' the Wis°ard; "so If we search for it Tong enough we shalt certainly find it." 4. 64 46 Ilorotltj• fiftc.9•;;t1 i : • ..i t ,n : • ear had a little pnt-h •o t, r,'d :I:bi1e._-tit&-Kit-li•ere--A:•eze rcir,t"i in t. 5`iCf-..• Itrii'r .ftnet• fottritl seEernl of tit tis•, which, ' when matched to the other the1 pieces, foriso top of a man's hely She 1°titd'•nt's�i found the Other eye and ear n by and � tinge .Aunt Elan; ill a corner, discovered the mouth. When the face vias thus complet- ed all the parts .seined together i i.th a nicety that was asttonishain •. qs