HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-03-23, Page 1X V,
42.00 A YEAR -IN 4DVANCE-50cE.IL1R4.TO T S. A.
/ Lucknow Ont., Thursday March ,:23rd, 1939
Licensed Auctioneer
• acirimib 8, aths :
.R.R. 1; Kincardine Otitarioa;
'Phone .30-24, Ripley,
...• '1„.0S'r-Ia laackflow on Monday,. a
. Inuatiry: tag Con easing • 1alnk4b,
Please leave at Sentinel- Office.
HORSES :FORSA.LEa-Bay horse.'
rising 3 and 4 Grey Percherota rut-
, Lucian:4. '
ache, Lumbago are 'attacked at the
source by the 'cleansing and'iantitiept-
ic action of,. Rumacaps.---MCKIM'S
':FOR SALE ---A few ohoiee gtael,
Shorthorn cows and ' heifercoming'
in. soon,--:6T...-A. &MARRON, Tholle
Dangannon 67-ts5, 7,, Lucia:way,
orating,, phone Dungannon •
will .be: 'Pleased to show samples, of
Canada's largest assortment of wall-
.. papers. Work reasonably Prieed.
100 aerie, 'Lot 5, eon. 8, E.iL, Ash
field, Also 50 acres. W., H. of. S. Ha,
Lot 1, Con 14, -E. 1):',Aaltheida AU
Tall ploughing -done on both farms.
APPlato Mrs, E. Corigram, Lucknow-
farm stock and implementsaone mile
east of St Helens on Tuasalay..Marc.
28th. See bills fot .list and terms
WILSON WOODS, Prop., Matt Pa
nor, ,Auc,
At theold skating. .rink, Lucicnow,
•on:Risley, Match 31st. Anyone hay-
ing anyairticles for sale; get in touch
• • .
be the last ;ale.- e• '
' '-farm stoLk,altiagementi- and "Aohle:
held furniture; tortda ',Oen; 9.
Kinloss,, east of HolYrsod on Friday.
• March 24th. See .biSs for lista and
berths' Nth. STUART, ...Prop.; matt
Gaynor,. Auc. •• •
daily necessities used in every homes
Sure and quick' repeaters.1No exper-
iente needed. Good pay- every, day •
ietive, and permanent business cor.
taih if •persevering. Investigate °tor
Plan at once. CATALOGUE FREE.
PAWL/EX. CO. 570 St Clement.
IVIcaftreal. s
Re Thomas; Reid, late of the
age • of Lucknew, Baker,. deceased.
ING elaiins -.4t.gi1iist the .eatate of
Thomas • Reid lite of the Village 0?
Luckpow, deceased, whe died oa
about Janu,ary. 1:936, are teirer'
to , Send flat particulars of such chi%
chile ;verified, to the signed 'Sal
ialtar. tea -the &ad"' Worthe sah.
n'i,t6tergisa;--4iff':or before *all '18t1a
2 :1939, after which date, the execute,.
IwiiI. proceed to ; distribute the assets
•, of the estate having regard only tt
the elattas of which notice shell the. -
have. been received. !
DATED at ,Londen this 14th -dor'
'Of March, 1939.
• John Andrew Reidaexectitor
Bank bf Toronto •Charnbera, Loodoe,
• S'elicitor" for the Executor. '
..; •
1 1 COiittlIktG EVENTS' I
The Lucknow High Seh061 open
literary Meeting Will he held in the
• Town Hall, :Friday evening, March
"315ta Pregtamineludes'physical cul-
ture, must:eat and literaiy: numbers,
. speeches • and ' a.short play entitled,
• ettddy 13uSts ' .
J. Sa Kilpatriek, local Maass:Y.-Har-
ris and Beatty • dealer, is apensering
a freetalking picture ahow,had datice
• in the Toieri H11, Latkrioiv, on Mon• -
dee March 27th. The film includes
the showing .•of the new Massesallar.a
ris 101 'Praetor and the latest method
" of .aaraline 4utayeatieg \Thera will be
rreeentiodate thee eventhg atte
dance, village ,resident; are request.;
ed to attend tlia afteitioen lieefOriti-
• anee.
Frei dance afterwardarveracine
welcome so
spring, which officially' arrived on
Tuesday, waliaiteltered in -during the
early hours of the morning by.. a
atib-zere. temperature dad Wise offic
ially recorded . at lave below 'Zeta.
This ;climaxed a week af slow tem-
'6pe.ratares, Mae': *mg , rho 9w,
That set in last,' Wednesday,
&renal -of.anild on Thitridayao
winter that has bee
Jong and • Steady, . even- though -ex
trente temperatures have been, rare.
This past Week has. -been in .017.:
contristate the ' ecorresPonding
period a swat ago When the .thete-
Morneter •soared 'to. near, othannier
heat, with a high of 69 degrees.Kill
deer, red -Wing .bleclobirds, wild dngke,
,rehinss song sparrows, bluebirds and
cranes were all back again at that
tinae, hut "so far this,, year theteluis
iseenapteeticillya-aracomplete .,aheepee
pf any, of these harbingers of spring.
I A compariaon of: temperatures may
Prove • interesting; •, •
1938 ; March, 19-39
pate gaa.. Min. 'Date Max. • Min.
12. '17. . 12 .27" ' 20
• 13 : 44 : 31 ... 13..33 • 20
14. 18 ' 14 • 32. .22
• 15 46 • 19 15' 40 „ • 22
i6,:44 32 16 , '. 6
• 17 .42. ' 17,' •16 • *0
18 31 32 "18 • 12 • 0
. 41 -27•4,-
• 20 •'55' • '89 •• -20 • 35- - 18
21. • 69. :31 21 •' .-2
denotes below zeros) .
Mrs. Isaac Nixon of .Ashfield ,who
has been in hospital in...Toroato as
the result of a serious head injury,
caused by a fall, was able to be
brought here by train on I' atretcher
on Monday evening and tenioyed to
her home by ambulance.
•.Sometimes there .is stii individual
Who is So rriadlhat. he will' cutoff his
•airtscriptiOn tO the local paper,. re-
nia lts the' Shelburne Free' Press, hilt
• One scarce -individual is :the than who
is so mad at a inewspaper.that.
fses even to borrow 'it.
' Mips' ,Marjoaie Hoffman' anderwent
an operation fOr appendicitis in
Wingham Hpspital op „McmdaY ' and
has. • since then, been gettina along
nicely. • Although haying suffered an
attack a. few week's ago,: a , sever's.
attack a few 'weeks SR, the, second
Week as tries Hoffman had sang in
the tinted Church choir at both set-
.isee On •Sunday. •
Holyroial Hall was the scene of a
pleasant- 'social gathering last Thura
day evening; hi honour �f Mr. an;
Mrs: Walter,Forster • (nee iIitobell Cc&
well) recent newlyweds. 'During the
course Of the' evening; which Wei
• .4.04 .dancing, parse. of monea
was presented, Mr. and Mrs: Forster
With the aceompanying
Holyrood; Ont.
' Mar. 16, 193;
• Dear Isobell and Walter: '
We, your friends have gathered
here tonight to 'wish yore, much hap'
niness in your newly niarried life.
, Beth of you were well known here
and were willing to help us. It gives.
us muc,h pleasure to think that yea
will not be so far away from US;that
we can't telephone seven 'o'itine and
as'k you to help vs, owithout receiving
'the answer "Serra, I'M too busy, ask
. .
somebody , •
As you are beginning to travel the
path of,life together may be stieivii
with roes that blOom in December.
• 'Ohl How we hope ;the Road Of Life
That lies ahead for Yea. •
Maybe the 'read ef'Surialtiee
• That leads to Dreanis ebille trite.
Oh! HOW we 'hope each coming day •
Will dawn 'heath smiling skiett;
To 'inalce:yeur road a haPPi one c
Whiehever way, it lies.
As a_ token of our esteera we ask
you to accept this purse. •
'Signed on' behalf Of your friends,
Ilaynaend Ackert,' •'Carl Boyle.wat„
Mr: and Mrs. George -Swan, LAO-
thvg, Wish as nenaimetsathe. engage-
nrient• of their Only Vaught/et, Etta
Harriet, to Mr/ Robert , Gotten
Struthers,. only son of krie Struthers
and the. late gr. Robert Struthers,
Lucknow; The marriage to take place
,early in. April. • . ,
• ..
•' 4
'Ata recent meeting of . the St. Hel-
en's Women's ,Institute,'a most inter-,
eating historicatpaper was given, re
'Calling the founding Of. that busy'
littld crossroads centre, and 'mapy
highlights brishiess;
And church life during_---thea.inter- ;
vening years. '
St. Helens is 'a crossroad hamlet
centred around • the- 10th., conceisiOn
two and a '.half miles east of Belfast
en the GraVel Road, south of Luck
now. It was laid out on lets 18 and 19.
in the year 1857 by 'Mr. Moleswarth
n governinent engineer. •
Mr, Win: Garden was •one of the
firSt settlers, and the 'hamlet was
named. aftet krs. Gordon who had.
died ramie years preiithis. Mr. Gar-
titra -operated thaa. first' 'stare and -kept.
a man and team engaged an hauling
farm produce -butter, eggs; dressed
hogs, and grain Goderich, with
the return load consisting Of supplies
and goods required by the Settlers.
Wilitain Gordon': later sold out to
John Gordon,. who also beeame, post-
a4stre' seat Of learning and , a place
Of Wership were recognited needs of
all pioneer 'settlements and soon a
toug.h leg school'was.; buijt on a site
across the toad ftom the present fine,
red brick 'school. This building eerved
f?r, holding ihurch Services' and as a
community hall.
Milling and sewing industries
soon .eskablished- to aid in the pio-
greoss and igrovith' -of the hamlet -
Thomas. Todd 'erected the first saw-
mill and also had the distinction. of
bringing to this district the first team
of Clydesdale :horses from. Scotland.
TbnsSuthinetaille Milt the afirst
stone -grinding flour been to
settlers in . the ear -minding country,
at. previous to this, flout and Other
•cemsnolities were often heeled. by
oxen frona. Gtiderich; and: it' •was not
uncommon for thee, and eveti women,
to stalk to.''Go.derich, with': a lag of
grain , slung .ori, their back, and then.
make the return trip, with, the flour
in the sean6 Manner. ,
• Hospitality was, ,a trait of. these
picineer homes'. and the hinith of. Mr...
and Mrs. John. .Cameron, avasaespec-
ially remenibered in this . re-
Speet by s incoming trivellera, many
of whom aeceived a kindly .welcoMe.
had and beard. t.hat 'Cheered and
strengthened ahem . as they went on
their vray' • to- fate the hardships of
establishing their new home. Themis
Suannerville had a movemeirt on tbot
to erect amonument tri•Mr. and lifra
Cameron's; memory, but his 6*i-cilia
being ,achieved. "
• Mk.. John Meprostie 'was ,first inn-
keeper. The hotelawas situated on
the 'corner of the "Gravel Road and
10th .COn. It , was a benefit to the
travelling public. Sheds were °pea
at all 'hotels where fanners' coula.
feed, and rest. their horses Or ex
teams as they went as or from: Odd-
erich. • • , .
• The first .Presbyterian chetch was
built on a 'piece' of ground cleared for
the purpose, by Mr, Wm. Gordon on
his far*. An Anglican **web was
also erected in St. Helens. •
The 'first Presbyterian cithrch wits
built where the United ,church now
stands. It was 'erected lainciPally .by
the free will services Of the trien• of
the ccongregatien. It was -built in
1865. 'Jlnes /Outage,• a carpenter and
John ..Rutheiford, Sr., •give 22atliya
Of work toward the erection of the
hatch. .TOdils 'gave ,tithber rind'
ber. James Wiltono, 6th aim. girie
umber and Weak as well as 'Robert
*tray, Hugh mid Angers Nitten-
ld, Wnt. and John Gerdeta Duncan
McPheisoti, Wm. and d'intes Ctinive;
Hugh` Rtitherford. and • Peter
Carnpliell. At the completion 6f the
butch a 11 was attended to Rev,
Bahasa. Lea* • whieb -Taxa ael..iPteda
Jackson, Mauriee Hedging, PholiSe
Murray. .
t iesitith Stheere appreciitior; that
the relativet of the late Mrs: ,Harry
Blackwell acknowledge the kinditeas
and syiapet ar of friends and neigh-
bors during the illness and at the
time of Mrs Bla leent1Pro
c death. .
laduation, he Married Miss Margaret'
Mcitity of, Guelph; a well ''.eilticated
and gifted lady who Ortivedt, a real
help to he husband in hi woik
eOple came Many ',Miles "to the
(continued Mt page five)
Showed aside earlier ip';.the season
by a full hockey ts4liedOld wader
bids fair to linger haw enough t*
hold the ice carnival, 'Which has beer
'billed for this Thursday night, an
will probably he, the last, majoi;- evens
:Of the Winter season( . •
- :Worthwhile ,priaaa. ;are being- off-
ered .ia east:rate; 'ipe*1 and novelty
,events, that should 'prove 'of real in-.
terest , to the spectittate° -For ' theta
added. entertainment, Ripley iih,d•
Mama* -gide will. engage la a twos;
A farewell party and presentatioti
was held at the 6th Cola Friday „night
for Mr. and Mrs. George White and
family, esteemed residents of that
corrunpaity for mina years, and wise
are leaving for their new home in the
aelgrave district. •
In Saturday's •Londori Fred :Preas.
.the ?one:Wing "Letter to the Editor'',
period hockey match commencing 'at.:
aPaeared beating the initial ;Signature
7.30. sharp. If You haven't seen the
girls play,. you've massed a thrill.
During the evening the Anderson
trophy will be presented to the Rapia
City team, •champions of the Burs'
League'. .
Admission is 25c and 10 cents f -
•public -school-a:children: See -the-- bir
far a complete list of events, wit'
prizes on display in Nurdie'a wine!
• 'Following several months of 'crit-
ical illness with intense raiffering
from:heart trouble and complication*
Wilier B. Braden,' M.D. Of. Seattle
Wash.; • •Only-;btiter' Of Tata Sethi
K. MacOillivray,, of Lucknow; Passed
away MaSeattle, .Washington, on, the
evening af March 7th. •' ' •
He leaves his widow:and one son
Walter H. Braden,. associated with
National Surety, corp. of New York
•City, as attorney.
•Of the family •of four chiidren,
• Mrs. •IMacGillivray is the . hist re-
mathing member.
' Burial was probably in Rose City
Park Cemetery, Portland, Oregon, be-
side his mother.
Your monthly • sale for April;
hittsday; Friday, Saturday -Get .a
Sale Bill -mina items you will ap-
pteeiate: the saving a:pi-a-THE MO?
vet: sTORE.
Editor Canipbell 'ThOmpson,
Lucknow, Ontario.. , ,
As ' we have :about completed our
;journey through the Sentliland and
our thoughts •are turning homeward
twill tell you a bit of our 'adventures
since leaving Tampa, Fleridaath Feb -
From Tampa me motored to' Saras-
ota, Winter boine of, thd world's lar-
gest slake, 'Ringling Bros.' and .Bar..
nem and Bailey." incidently we vis-
ited their winter quarters and saw
this •inarrithoth '.organization prepaia
ing for its. simmer tour. • This is
truly a city -of traileritei, with in te
than one thousand trailers on the
• grounds where we, are located. We
remained Saragota. for •ten., days.
then journeyed . across the state to
•Fort Pierce on •the Atlantic side,
*agssaltataalaszApitltalsalatattaakaa,' Freni
there we metered to Daytona Berreb
the •fame and beauty of Which is
too Well knewn tor need description.
• Remaining Daytena for ten
days, we then _Went •to Historical
St Augustine, America's' oldest .city.
This city, rich in historical • interest
is one �f the most beautiful in the
South. Time and nature has .bestaised
on it a mellow, lovliness that Is. hard
to describie.aRegietfelly leaving tilt*
andiept city, we went to jickson-
villa, largest eity hi Florida, a brisk
business centre, Comparable to toor
own cities of the swath. We remained
ten days in 'Jacksonville, thenee to
quaint and, beauilftil Savannah, 'Ga.
A mixture of the old pre civil Wat
days, with modern . industry, makes
this town well , worth visiting.
At the tithe of, writing, Mareh 12th,
many flowers of southern specie have
been in hither,' for weeks, principally
pink Ataliis' and Dogwood. In fact
rimmer. has cornea to Starannah.
This -team is a hupy seaport's 16
Miler; inland on the Savannah 'Elver,
at ,whotie , docks can be seen, lany
day of the week, ships from the
foil. corners of the 'avid, lOadina
arid Unloading their Varioua cargas.
Well our journey nearly cottipleted,
it aia-assitta-ragritathat *111 i3a*
, Velrafy
itIltigiPite. the IlOitie;"daffilik 611 ir�et
our:Marta friends whont we bad good-
bye te heft fall. '
„ •
Mr, end Mrs. Frank Cele; ,
Savitanith, Ga.
sasaisaf% Sala
. • •
of a relief recipient this. village.;
Editor,: Free Press.: Would you
please grant me small 'space in. your
.eat paper just to add a feW • re -
'parks, to 'John 13atiatta's letter ap-
aeating in 6Saturday's paper "Relief
' • ,
HOtiething wool:like zee'in tbe
papers is an acedunt of ivages. paid
relief' officeri and just fiCtNI'r this re-
lieeprogram is ariamged.
•A year age this Month after com
lug home froin hospital, we ' Were'
forced to go on relief as Mt. Baratte
says one mut Iabeing the first
•time ..We -had to have relief in .Sia
•years.: I am sure it 'war; no fault ef
our- own as my husband . win work at
anything to'keep the home together.
hri Signing pp I think the only ig-
aseanany avaa were spared was that '-of
fingerprinting. , Perhaps that Will
acme late'', who knows, After every,
Wag was signed, . sealed and•• deliver
ed we Weie, four of us. allotted 'the
magnificient sum of two, dollars for
groceries'and fifty ,Cents a 'week
meat. Did I say meat? tch!
lawn when the snow' went away wa,
A bone Yard. This two dollars easier.
•ed •groceries.: Things' such as :milk
fuel, :coal oil; chitlies and. *hat haY0
you, Purst have been on the. list .of
Iprouries. Their sure were lualuries
'When. and if vae got them.. I forgot to
•say that I wasitt4behospital with an
ailment that tally a very restricted
diet could control. :!When this diet,
sheet was. shown to the telief Man he
just threw his: bonds :over his ,lierta
with the expression,' , Can't' do any-
thing about it." When' he was staked
when the head relief officer would be
here he did 'not Icaow the hist thing
about it New here is the queer part.
That same month.a •family belonging
to this town but living in T, -had
relleahill of fifty (tellers whieh this
town; paid. Another faanilY in
'had a bill of thirty-nine .dollars' which
Was W'hy can't we be treated
nearly all the same. • •
. It Makes me think it .is 'Alit cases
snail as: these that give that German
for fait play a eharree to ask---PAnd
what have theBritish to brag about?'
Around here every village,: town
and township hest a relief officer then.
another man over them again. •Are.
these people working for the good .of
us poor rellefee'Ei or what is' thecs
salary. la h Country that ean* spend
tnillioria, On 'defence programs Surely
something a little squiter would be
handed out to- the poor.• •
MBS: N. S.
Luckpow, Ont.,
"Atafchaid!'09: "
MacDionald, dean of . Bruce
publisheis; halting been editor of the
• Cheidey Enterprise for forty-eight
years, died at his 'home early last
Wednesday morning, from a pare,
lytic aeiaure. Similarly stricken five
•years 'ago, Mr. MacDonald Made a
temarkable recovery and After sev-
eral .months was again, able to take
up the editorial pens -His 'wife pre-
deaeased him one year agO. •
'Mr. MacDonald was a former War-
den of Bruce County and for' eight
years a •member 91 the Legislative
Assembly. He vvits chairman of the
urban •• section ek the .Bruee County'
Valuator's hi 1926.
Among members: Of the -family sur-
viving are Mrs l (Dr.) D. It. Finlay-
son Of Ripley, and J.' C. MaCDonald
of' oheslea, the latter..widely keown
in baseball and hockey circles, and
who is ;in charge of publishing the
ktiterprise, A
Thete is aetually more thne and
attention given in Canada to the Ina'
proVement of live stock than to the
prehleiro aof_yetith, Sys'the Fatnier's
L. M. 'Montgomery, As • Guest ,Speaker
Delight's:Audience-See Preview of
•MilfbarayryNesarheitelver:17:Bain,g Added To
. ,
The Book Fair, sponsored by tha,
,locala Library Board, • and held last
Thursday evening, was' well attended
and preyed, a delightful event, sine,
a &edit to the. Beard, a..
-An ,interesting program, -the .tid
dress - Mts. Ewan MacDonald, het
tee known. by her book name Of L
M. Montgomery, a preview of man'
new 'volumes being added to the Lib
tory shelves, and a film of Grey
Owl .and his hauntat.corabinea • te
make the evening .an instructive,
tereating and entertaining one,
A Ai:tiller program was carriee
outain. the afternoon Tor the ..sChee '
children, •who also had the privelega
of heating Mrs. MacDonald saeak:
.Bey. A. A. Maloney presided a.
&airman arid gave a ' brief teviev
of 'the efforts of the Library' Bawd t•
provide for. this contmunity a wid.
selection of the best and latest 'book,
ef all' types. In introducing the guest
speaker, Mrs : MacDonald, Mt, Mal
osier 'give Credit to l the secretary of
the Board, Mrs. W. V. Johnston Tco
her .apeeasieg. efforts to have Mil
MacDonald wale to -LuCkairsaa. •: •
The program included musical sel
eetions by Dr: jellies Little; earner;
ora-MacDorfald and Mies Peggy Mac.
Donald, a solo by Mrs. Harold Tre
leaven, readiaga. by Mrs. (Rev.)
Young and a duet ,..by Mrs. Heroic'
Treleaven' and Wise Mildred 'Treleatv.:
eh With Mrs. G. A. Newton flacons-
interesting Motion . picture
films Were shown during the evening.
one of animal life high: up on .the
Rockies; and the other one of Grey
Ovid ahowing,hew he befriended the
beaver. Grey Owl is the finned nat.
uralist whose death some ' months
ago . gave rise to Much coritroVeksY
ris' to whether he was a riative borr
Englishman Or an andian, whose mods
of life mai tapicia dress he adopted
, During' the evening, the audience
,*as given the opportunity to •view
the %display of books, attractivela
arranged abont the hall; according
:to their clasSifiCation. Readers collie
•sign, a Waiting list given them, the
first opportunity 'tosecure the books
of their choice. .
The highlight .of the ' evening . Wao
Mrs. ;MacDonald's address.: A .natiare
of Priaie Edward, Islapda, but now,
a resident of Ontario, ;Mrs. Mac-
Donald Wit c`forinerly L.. M Mont-
•Op Thursday afternoon last „Geo.
Rebinsbn, seventeen -year-old studeth
at • Sky Harbour airport, received hi=
private pilot's license 'from the De
partment of Civil- Aviation. Youra;
Robinson was the only one of a class
of Tare ssertlified Students : whO was
able_toa.coaripleteadlyittgatests at,. dia.,
- -hist asomenth --"Otheraas
'6"d Whitt-:Yir'esatber. -
art Was a big day in George's life
when he had his license in, his hand
for the Private pilot'; tieket was •the
first step in the fulfilment of a long-
eheriehed ambition. He wants to be
a conitherciel flier. He masted no
time. letting his mother at •Helyroad
im Bruce County know; that he was it
lieensed flier, 'Phoning her from the
airport as SQ013 as- he .received the
papers. His father, Tyndall Itabinson
died font years ago, arid the farm i*
operated , by Georges •,Ibtatlier„
Charles. ,
-Handy -.With 'Machinery
Since childhood George has had a
hankering to work around machinery,
and his interest soot: foeueed. of; air-
planes. When ho wae ten yeate old
he had his first Iflight with a barn -
steaming Pilot at Holyroed. The next
year he wept sip again in: a plane at
.Lucknota That eonvinced ,him. •
• When Ski harbor airPort was bent
George came .down to Sep •the. planes
-Lead stayed to mark, op them "with
instructor A. C. Finlayson. His prac-
tical knowledge of machinery stood
him in good stead and he beeatne
valuable assistant At •the port. Ho
is known to ,Instruetor Fitolstitstai and
the other stpdatits as "Friday,"
He began taLviii dual with th
when he had twelve hours in he took
his firat solo flight,' Since then his
og. shows. thirteen hours and forty
mutates solo His alai is to obtairi a
ceirtnietcial license and pessibly. an
Stib- engineer liCense.-:Signal-Star.
Your monthly , Sale for
Thursday, Friday; Saturday' -'-Get
Sale Bill-ant:lay items you will ap-
predate the saving on. -THE MAlt•
The thankoffering meeting. of the
Victoria Mission Band pi: the Presby-
terian seliurch!'ilias been postponed
:until after the Easter holiday season,
dee tp the prevalence of the "'flu"'
at present. A total of forty • pupils
were ticasokteda. absent, • frem puldic
'settee) the first of the Week Vile to .
_ .
illness: .
p4o1igsT, PRoposga
An advertisement aPPearing thia
week, issued by the British American
Oil Company', Limited, protests the
proposed ProyinCial GOVernment leg-
tO increase she gasoline taiE
from six to eight cents 'a getter:Mad „-
calls on motorists who are not Con-
tent to asstrine the added burden, to ,
registeratheir objectien by calling at
their regular -service station and sign,
•the card provided.'
The proposed increase, is 'estimated
would secure an: additional .$0;00.0,001;`,
Prom the motorista of the Province;
. An advertisement' appears this
issue announcing. tbe opening of the
Lucknew Pentecostal Missien, giving
the people of Lueknow and disirict
the otportunity ta • hear Evangelist
'IL L. Ripley. Mr. Ripley has .taatvelled
quite extensively - over no, Ins-.
iting cities and • towns and holding
evangelistic services in :Many' of
the .churches and halls and missions
and •has 'enjoyed great spiritual a-
wakenirigs ha many placea where he
held services of the old primitive a
Methodist type. The servicee are a'
non-seetarista nature and becatia
of thia, manY adherents of different
ithunninations heve enjoyed these
night .gospel services and have co- .
pirated in bringing about revivals'.
A heart*. :Invitationi is extended to
tO bring their Bibles and to •work
together for a.. country -Wide revival.
srhich is so gre a t 1 y needed
Servicea are being held in the build-
ing Opiosite to •the , former' post -off-
ice building every Sunday and Wed-
nesday, of each week. .•
Owen 'Sound Trapper Cubs after
aliininatipg Arthur "Bee Hives", met' Al ,
aowasssina that yeitt's ot).H.A. `BP ' •
finialists, in at•'' three game - sekies, "
Dropping the first game 10 to. in ,
•?Owassan, Cowen Sound wortsthe next
two ;games played in • Owen Sound '•
by scores of 6 .o.1 and 6 Ja 3, te
eliminate the' northern team.
gomery and it is .by her book 'name
that she is best •known •throughout
several' • countries ef the world In
4vhich .her writings ..have; been trans- •
who 'his. 'Written
fa, ip vonrt mmse td er se. t frwmeoe rinite r=atisyD MacDonald,
t story books, eciue
d;.porftrtments- m liarving ber
returned by inagizine editors. Rer- „
aeverance 'and, postage stamps were
two factore which played an im-•
nortanil role, in having .her efforts
recognized. .
. . . .
• She does not claim her , books to
'le high grade literature, but rather. •
weaves into .them cheeriness, ideals
and laughter, that are in contrast
to many �f the -lurid writiega, of
the day.
Mrs. :MacDonald dealt entertain-
ingly on ,many amusing incidents
that 'oceur, in the hundreds of fan
mail letters she receives, and all of
which she endeavours to personally
answer. ' . •••°
he urged that all ,pioneer incidents
and history, as told- by the Oder res-
ideets of a coinmunity, •be reiorded
in waiting, so that ria the older gen-
erationd pass on this valuable in.
formation will not be lost
• The Trail Baugers met in the Unit-
ed 'church last Tireailay at, 7 p.m.
With thirteen meinbets present.. After
the secretary had read his . report _
'there was a contest, Both: sides ,tied
, this with .a score of 4 to 4. it was
'NW that- Meetings-. 4- ht4
bn Fridaa , but *this was rejetted un-,.
111 the next meetitig.:During the aus. •
ines seasion it WAS decided to buy
bitakel ef fruit or..flowers for the
Sick members.. The meeting thee clot-,
ed\ with the, Friendship Circle.
6 a