HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-03-16, Page 8P-tetO)1 RIGHT
..., •
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. , •
VC., K. N. SENTINEL .1 • • •
. .
.• •
.1` •
...,:MEWS ,-• _ad • BOYS' :.
JUiQWS Varsity. Style SKULL'CAP, in tweed ' 45c
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ontAIO"ar • wear or
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• a.
tiAlintA NIPMObt5.c•g CauMblt'TbemPsonnd Don,
Tlie, funeal' service '°I *. Danilell id.ending this *pale in Pete.
ls1tuob0c '191"-;° '0°ied• away 14 his berough and..Toront9.'
hOlue VallOnver, February t.
18th were held..-.frosa the - United , Miss •Catherine'' *Oreg.:a' WaS a
Church, il' Daysiand on Wdnesday,
February 22.nd at 2 .o'clok, Owing to
,the ijlnes of the Weal pastor Rev.
Cr....Rogers, the impressive service Was
conducted the Rev. Lee of Strome.
Mr. ,Nicholson's -favorite- hymn, -
"Abide With M! .was sung in solo
b• Mss' Elsie Dick The Church was
• filled to capaeity •with .friend* WhO
came ,to pay thew last respects to
had taken ..0.14* ,an-ir sufferig' n stroke.at his factory last
• (part in the comapuifity in former JitidaV".• -•• , : • '
• . THURDAY, MARCH 16th , 1939.
11414A VIEW .reSsed;;•4110 =
FOUR AL LAD - penalties hsnded: et, • six, ;0' r..„noi,,,,
and four to the loclS.
Tbrcegoals the tPlrd Peioq, °!"! At the, end Of the seeend period:
of them With but a ,couple •Of Seoecif. 'free-for-all threatened hut wP,s,„
remaining, sent Hanover Jatverailes ped in the.,; bud.
' PlaYers etarted.„: mizing At with, teta
into to .1 lead over Lucicnow ,in
weekAnd visitor With re a e rt
' by .11 •
the fist" game of tae .fourth round
• ,
Chicago. • • '
Miss E.I4ihath,IYUnd ii„Slowly Chain, PoaOhiP.
Covering, having: been shut in for The series ifs two games, goals to
two niOntba,Wth serious foot 'trouble &ant -and it loks, like cnrtains for
and facial erYsipelas. the local lads, who belie done exceed
Mr ,'Steviart cif Wingliam *ugly .well this rn adVaneing
br'Other Of Mr. Stewart of tewn t4 tli4r represented
is reported to be titeichaly• ill: since O4ro4einoinx;hUipt :sitoumee ratellIt'rtnntsarrioe
:.holTnnmerse:Coati: ga4 Mo mini: .1)10Yed' 1114
night, with thiecisatm off the Press
before the-antcome Was knoWn... •
ikhe. London series left Elden'Me
flhddi' S4' thOefeerui dr•IOnlr"ant:4:ei:n4sPneOr i*i°WIrslY • • .a'.alitft.iiue iegh
blpw for the,„haisi. Besides,' Johnny
Dahmer, .shifty centr.Prnan,. was try-
ing to tittle Kid 'Flu' as 'well as the
flanover.leds., •
Ir Was: at the fifteen*inute mark
in the 'first period before 'Hanover,
got the lone goal of the Period. Hon..;
over repeated in the second but Her-
- ris ot the equalizer. -
: litinOvPr uppauMtly iwastsati-
The 'March meeting of the local 'fled with Prospects of 'taking only a
brench the Women's Intitute,was .one -goal lead to Lucknow and shifted
beld in the Town Hill on Fridaf,. With their lines for the third period to run
attendance Of fifty-four- members in three goals;' the last one just as
a viitors, and With Mrs.T. ciarke the gong was about to go-
preaiding the absence of the. pres-• The Hanover did a lot of gang
ident „ ; . ing in the third ,Period and gaveReid
It was Grandmother's Day'. and 'McKm a chance to look his best. in
they payed an important, part in the turning. aside plenty of rgbber...
The game was PlaYed:" on ,soft
:sticky ice:: • ; 't •
; LucknoW-Goal, .McKim; Defense
Mer.dedkarson; C -Mitre; a-learrert:
Wings, Harris;; Button;, Wylds;
Eedy, McDonald, .Cook, -Atchison.
Haover-CrOal• Klenmer;'
kurphY,' Xandwurn; Centre, :Wen- •
•dorf Wings, Roffman Yate; Alt,.
Patersa, Dieinert, wort
Booth..'. •
• • •
paydowns • for the • Ontario Juvenilai
ou • 1/1 a cl of „ox Cot -
17 itTi
Iktr: Nithol--------rn and raised lege, .Tormv„,..-, spent the •weesrend
to '.m.anhood. on. Abe nes with with: his Pre* Rev and Mrs.
Kinloss : He Married Miss ,Cathert. a. ritaepona*ii*I' on. Sunday ,cOn-:
M -11/facIntie: and •spent 11•: Years ducted .eerVies utf!OlneVate and Ead-
a - .
in; Michigan• before ineving7;tray-, ls., •• ., ..• : e ,,, . . , .., : .
land. He •condUeted a Very ;0•11O.O.socul• ' • Ms:
.._ Insurance ,and ;implemet Intsmess eat; Mrs.
J. A. ROW1+% Mount For-'
. .
Roy Lightfoot df Port El-
and he came to Vanconver. gin ,and Mr Cameron Geddes, attend -
for Many years until his health:fail-
go- ed the funeral of :their aunt, Mrs,
was sixtY-tive year § of age: Mrs- WM. Pincentbe, Which was held here
Nicholson and Giant Of Vincoliver on satuiday.. : • . , . .
and Mi.- and Mrs. S. NiCholson Of
Tux.ford, S'askatchewan 'attended' the • .. ,--..."-.----
1. funeral. -at Da sland, whehe the re- ; - W-1. MEETING .
'-•.'notini •'•tvere.i.latel -to ' Test beside' that
. of his Tittle daughter; Mary ' who ,
• : .
passed away, sem, , years ago Mt.
Charles' Nicholson of WaYbcirn, sk-
atchewan,„ a brother 4.,Mr. Nichols°
• wasunabe to attend :the funeral,
Fioral !tributes were, received froM
his.- loving wife and son, Miss Ivy.
•'. • Hobson ofi Vatr7ouver, Mr. and Mrs..
I L. 'Moffat of Lloydrnitister,1V1r. and
„Mrs.. W:',Innee; ,Mr: 'and Ms, J. F.
itExGitr Extra' fine
quality by Supersii. New
shadesa. All sizes. guaranteed •
ffris: ,Regular
This. week -end for
MAY per Pair "
'-F.-VE Guarantpeti
first quality:. In the new Shades popular for spring. •
Tam) • Apt-es:M0i; Roseliaze Pagan Brandywine
Gulden Dawn (Vivieity . • Titian Glow
THIS WEEK -END -,- •ONL1 : . • . mug,.
, .
TiiiE-.PRcgA,AR FOR THIS FEL' and SAT'. ONLY L"'";‘•
, It- •
• • ,
'PRONE 35: -
Presbyterian W. M. S.
The 'Marh -.Meting of the W.M.S.
was held at •the- hcime ;of Ms.J.
'program • by presenting an interest -
Parker of Vancouver, Mr., and Mrsing skit, end.Iby eighteen grand- •
IC 'Mathews, Mr. and. Mrs J IL Bur- with the prize won 'by Mrs. J: R. Mc
ws4 Mr and _Mts. A. ;Creghton, ,Mr Natz „thegr..23.44.
and Mrs. D. Wiley, Mr. and Mrs..". 'mothers taking part in a contest,
E. Block and 'family, Mr, and Mrs.-- H. mothers were tailed by their maiden
0.Brown end Muriel, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Borgen, Mr. and Mrs. S. Nchol-
son of Tuxford, Mrs. Ed. Healy, and
IL Ilerthert Vaneonier.' ; • •
• '7
. ,
The death Of ThornitsXeb$ter oc
mitred at his 'home Cin•r7, Kincar-
dine Township on. Fehtuary 27th•
"-'his; eightieth- birthday. Mr. Welstm.
• had been confined to his bed for two
•weeks prior: to; hia .death but had
stiffered several 'heart . 'attacks on
prier accasienS. • •
'A.son' of the late John Webster
and 'Sarah 'Jane • janstone, be 'WAS
'born in -..Ahlierd Township. In 192P
•LeSsont. Margaret 'Rae. favoured with
a solo-Jlirhen I-. ',COme to the End of
the RoadV, With .accompaniment by
'Louise Grer. The StOdy. Chapter,
Learning -.to„- Live l'egether' was.
taken 'by Mrd:'-' J. R. ••litcNab, ' Mrs.
McKenzie. The devotional nert° was a, McDuttinid, Mrs. 'Annie Struthers
taken by Mrs Jamieson .'' After the end. MrsR. H.•• Thompson. Mrs R C.
Minutes, the rell'•'cail was answered
Todd then conducted anAttitudetest,
by your faVourite hymn., The Bible in regard to Our relatiOnahip to Peo
SindY wita taken by Mrs A p. Ste*- pies of all Nationalities The meet-
art.„,•pirs:Phihp Stewart song a Solo. }ng closed With a hymn and 'Mizpah
Mrs Russel continued the study an Benediction.
India After a reading by: MIS: Clair
Agnew, -the Meeting .closed with Ifitekets'V. P,
•hyinri and prayer: A. half hour -1- • :
was enjoyed, the hostess serving cre- . The meeting of -March'. 9th openied
. .
freshme.nts. • ••••• .- •
Presbyterian' Guild
The meeting Monday evening open,
-ad: by singing Psalm 108.1 The Scrip-
ture lesson was' read by Pearl- Jani
follcivied the repeating of,4
the Lord's prayer and the reading Of
that minute The .Bible -Study was ing,party to -be- held on March 10th.
taken by -Miss Marion McDOugll, Plans were then made for a St. Pat -
followed by a solo by Bud Orr, reed rick's box •social to be 'held on March
, ing' by Miss Lorna :Reid, piano solo sar'' •
by Mr. ;Min Henderson and a violin 16th. undiifwere all requested to:
':solo bY Dr. Little. After the • eloding bring boxes and everyone invited tc
hymn, . Mr. McDonald closed the Meet- atelt. An interesting debate
ing With prayer be -icluded hi:: the pi -Ogren'.
,With the president, Elmira Alton in
the chair. The opening hymn 19?. was
sung and the Lord's prayer Was re--
needed in unisonAyrtin 264 'was sung
after. which 'Mr: Wilkins ' led in pray-
The president announced skat-
ecr.ipturlesson-was tken- by. -41- t--- ,
, • -
Mr: Webster was united in Marriage
to Mrs. Herman .Steward. , Besides,
his sorrowing wife • he leaves one
son,- Nelson, Kincardine • TOwnship
Township and one daughter, Amanda
(Mrs. Wm. HaVvkshaw, of •Kinlugh).
He also leaves three ,brothers, John
.'R.-,' St Helens, James Henry, -Burl-
ington, -who attended the funeral and
William of •New Oitario. In his
:death the comniunit lost a promin-
ent and respected citizen. Every' one
,who had • dealings • with found„
him an honest and upright man. He
was a menther of Zion United Church • • , • •
and the' services on Viredniclay. were
• conducted by thapastor, Rev.: IL Eyre
assisted by" Rev. F. C..MRitchie of
St..john's Anglican Church, Rervie.
names.: Ani•ong these present were
two-: great-gratidm'thers, Mrs. Jehn
Howe and Mrs. .Grace Lockhart. •
Plans were aside tohold glove-
mking course: The motto:was taken
by Mrs. jack Campbell. 'Airs. HarveyWebsterand 'Mrs: A. PatterSen 'gave
readings 'and, Airs. 'W. Huston ,took
the topk on ",Past and preient limes"
. .
.4 • ,
Mary. had-alittle geld,
But irouldnt stayat inane; .:
. And eVerywh'erAthat Mary went.... •
• That Cold was sure to- ream,.
It wandered into Molly's eyes,
• And filled them: full of tears;
It. j•tunp,ec1 fromthere to BObby'S
And thence to Jimmy's -ears.
It painted Anna's :throat bright rd,
And swelled; poet! Jennie's head:
-Then DOra caught a fever, and .
-A cough Put Jack to bd.
The moral Of this Sorry•tale •
Is very ,qUickly " •
Mary could have saved a let of pain'
•• With a day. aft two in bed.,
• • Lana* Etta.
Intermnt., was in purdy's Ceinetery
Grepnoch. The large attendance of
friends -and •beautiful fioral tributes
marked the high esteem .with which
the deceased Was held. Pallbearers
were Mini Fraser, " Wm. Graham,
Fred .Moulton,' Geo. •Rbertson, Chas.
Levis and John Bradley.
WNr•Et7. BernWne . Alton. An 'neresting • ,
The regular meeting of theW.
S. of the ljnited Church, Was held
on Wednesday last, with Mrs, BuSh•-`
ell presiding over the business part
of the meeting. Mrs., R. MNab's
groin then took charge of the meet.
reading was '"giren -by- Mrs. Ralph
Cameron. violet Twantley then led
a discussion ;on haat week's study
book, • Elmira Alton read on in the
book, ` "Ne- DkaYs 'In Old' ;India". You: • , • , , •
FIymn 171 was sang and the meeting Mar;' Yes;, but my Wife had' 'te •
He Wonldn't Stand For It
Man (leaving tramcar); This' cai
service is abontinable, always over-
crowded. • •
Condueto. You liad a seet.had 't'
ing. Mrs.. Finlay gave the Scriptute ,closed with the Mizphh Benediction. stand -up all the way.
'CH uRcH
Rev. R. C. Todd?
Pastor ' •
• iii.a.m.',..LeaterLin.
7 p,m.-''he: eighthommand-'
"Resect the- rights of
'others." ' •
Watch this space for announce.
ment -itsegarding , the special young
people's ,service, March 26th. You
will Want to know about it
Lincknoacial, Defene;
cLeo,1,0Donalci; Centre, Dahmer:
ings; Rarris, Button; Alt, Wylds,
Eecry MacDonald, Patterson,
AitchiSon. ' • .9
LOrlOn,q0Ell; .Mithe'll; Defense,
bughannon, Whiby; Centre, PrdY,
Wings, Anderson, Mockleri Alt.,
avanaagh,• Wyatt, Connely, • IVICCOI-
latic; McGill.
• gefereas Ottinpron, Lucknow;
' ,`" ...•
filleknoW Juireniles had little trou-
ble in handing LOndon Juveniles, a
• 6 to 2 licking last 'Wednesday night
winning the round I to .3 to pUt tbe
City Kids on the hook ler the seas.
Last-,WecitteadaY rthur'
"Bee -Hives", 'dropped- a.- .5 t° cf de-
cision to the Owen Sound Cuba,' and
:alsGeiteen :-gout
esa.. tAle hoekey:17ure.'i
It wag" their only loss this season in
Defeating ()Wen 'Sound 5 to' 1 in'
-Arthur, it was an uPhill fight for
Owen sound, and took thein ten.nain,
utas of overtime -get- the' fifth
goatthat '-nsd-Artinnout to- ,
on the round. The Grey' tinnier line
of.-741,atin,"Gtoom and Hutchison did
all the siporing for Owen Sound, who
this week Meet PoWassan -in the next
round" of.the Ontario' "B" playddvvns.
'Inteest will centre in :this series,
With Doug . Clarke- a member . of
th-Powassan' team; -which has been
waiting for ylayoir 'grouping for
some three weeks: This series will
be a three game `ffair if necessary,
The first game Was in Pewassan
NOWAY .and '' tbs.-40mnd ,gnane .in
Owen Sound last night. In event of
a third game ••it will also be played
In Owen- -Sound,,tOnight" .(Thursday).
Monday's game :resUlted in a 10 to, 1
Win for PoWassan.
• - •
The victory sent Luckno*". into a'
two -game series this week With lian,
over in the 4th round -playdowns.:. •
In -the Lendoti aeries,' the first
game in London.ended in a '1,:•21 draw;'
liut last ,Vedneiday night's_ gime,
before a home crowd' of „tome 990
fans, ws not many minutes' old, be-
fore the 'Outcome was apparent, and
:the city smoothies found gut -that
the locar "farmers" could show them
a thing or two about.: piiels chasing,
Huffy Harris put it M' the bag
for LUcknow,. Scoring three gOnls
within about five minutes of 'play
in the first period. Huffy's opening
goal,. unasssted, was a 'clever a kit
o manititlating as has been een
here this season. Dahmer and Mc-
Donald were in for assists on the
second one ,and •McLeod figured- in
the play, 'for • the third goal, that
ended the scaring for the period..
Melt team scored in the second
period, tucknow's goal going to 'Cook •
' who took Eedy's pass, out tO spore
Dungannon defeated Kingsbridge;
here last -Thursday in. the 'Rural Lea-
gue sudden death; firial • game hy
,score of 5 to 2: The game was Played
under protest 1by the Kingsbridge
Club; on the. grounds that Dungannon
Aged ineligible players.,
• Thursday's' game, . played • • before.
sente 250 fans, *as .a" wide' pen4bat •
tle, •vvth plenty of excitement as keen
rivalry existed between the two clubs.
Lesprance opened .the scoring for
Kingsbridge. in the .first period.•Goal
by Hall and Durnin gave Dungan,:
non the edge to end the period,'
Young Archie Maelntyrei tied it 'up
early in the second,. but Hall got -
two more ancr• DUrnin one to end
the Second 5_ to 2. The third period
was scoreless'.• '
Eight penalties were diVicied .even-
IYDbuetawgeaennnotneh-e -teams.
'Jack McGee:
Def., Arthur -& Craig' Centre; Park;
Wings, Hall; Raggitt; Eedy,
Bredy, Durnin, Culbert, Curry; ,
Kingsbridge,Gonl, Homer Durnin:
Bert Martin, •Je, Keefe; Cen..
Lesprance„' Wing, .'Bill Farrish, Lau.'
zon; Alt., Bud Parrish, Bob Parrish
Archie 'Ma -Witty% Morris 1Baler,
DtiraCan McKay, Phelix Whaling;
Referee--Cfark Finlayson.
front-•-close-Ad,- - - 4 -:..._,ONLY-14-TEAMS---REIVIA-IN-.3--
:to .,ondon's one. Dahmer got one /Ybele the 0.SILX.
was drafted for this week only four-
witen he beat the London defense to
teen teams remained, 'in the running.
a loose puck and McDonald got the
Kingston, Ottiewa,
other One On a shot; from the wing, These included
after talcing pass. Midland, Port Perry; Lucknow,
Elmira, tamilton, Port Han -
London Kids .paid more Attention Ov°3'.
hio borne, Ilagersville, Waterloo, Trest•
,te 'tossing elbows: and knees;
sticking and general' tactics °Tie Sudbury and Timmins.
8 bars for 25c
I:ti7MEFJALMUCIT • Marmalade
112' oz..............',
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'N 4 std., •fol .. 255
3ALB%f:ka4orr,Esa.,i?' BEANS'; -.
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6 for ^. • 25c
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3 lbs. for• •... 25c
7 for ..• 25c
•2,..cloz.: for •-....'•....,......25c'-.
• • ,
1 '
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IN L.OtkKOW ..`'
M. To 6.00V. M. •
'9.30 A. M. TO 12.00 'P. M.;
.AT WM. $CLIMID's. OT41E'.
644 telpoxiis 4,44,
Phone pi drop in, and let nitishOw
ral he* Bray :Chicks Made real
prohis for pou4rYmenlast year.
Per-son-al'attenticia., PronIPt
deliveiy. 'a
Finlayson ..Bros
• ' , '
• .
• • .
Religion is not Christianity Sb-
4ituting_religion ler Christianity is .
ne of , the chief. cause's • for the
chaotic state of the world- to -day.
Come out this Friday, evening and
hear a lecture on "The Churches in •
New Testament Prophcy" by Rev. .
J'. K. MacGillivray, 111A. The rOgular • •
program of Seriptura. MentorizatiOn
a:t 7:15 P.M. ---Prayer. for Revival at ".
7:39. P.M. -Doctrine of • Salvation at .
8:00 P.M. and Bible Prophecy at 8:45
P.M. Classes for High School stu-
dents at 8.00and 8:45 P.M. andJun-
ior Bible Class fon the Public School „ .
boys. and girls at 4:15 P.M.
. . •
The engageinent is announced of
Myrtle Geraldine, youngest daughter
a Mr. Robeit Lowry; .10th concession
Huroi, to Mervin. (Reid Anderson,.
youngest ion of 'Mr. Joseph A.nd-
erson,• Kincardine; the marriage to
take place -the latter .
part -of March.
, .
Men's And Bay's Work Clothing, Socks, Mitts, Shirt, Overalls, Pants, Windbreakers, Etc.
• e
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•Phone 12
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