HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-03-16, Page 7exiiocreicY
' • 'Professor at Columbia "U"
Phos Many ,thaly Bach It
• L. Thornes Itopisfns of ,Columbus
Uaiversity .told the American•.As-
. soclation.tie School .Administrators
.hast • week that "too many school
men" are mme.rely "academie believ-.
ers in democracy." • •
• ; ''The trouble„ is that ' when ' a
crisis ,,arrives , .. their .academic
interest will not, stand, up : under
lire • and '.they.'ll , •sell , the schools
•' down the river to Fascism. or what-
hatever is','the ,ism •of the mwnept,»
said„Hopkins, prefesser of. educa:.
..tion,at Colunibia's teachers: college,
in-jris,prepared address. ,`
Put. Moi'e Jeitb Schools'
• "The .only hope for..democracy 14
`rata country;' he declared; 4"18 to
._ get •.more. ¢'f it in the schools. than'
rexists at, present„:” Children must
live it. °If :they don'f4ve're sunk. •
, "Let's . have less academic talk'
and • really do • something. This.
meeting .is , a beautiful example 'of
the ahousands of wordi that are 'be-
ing said. in Support .of' democracy
without anything being done about
- i Phos
The New P
Shown here -'in the ,rote of his.
former office as Papal.Secretary
of State is; the new head of ' the '
• Rornan' 'Catholic Church '= Pope
Pius ]XII
F• irst, Day At
Your First Job
Take 'Your Time 'And Don't
: . �tpect Too Muth .•
Most •people feel.pretty . small,
" their. first .day at work,.
But a.ltttie fprethough.t helps' a
Jot, . Make git tie* resolution• before
" you set off. • • • .
Don't, cling limpet fashion oto the
people who befriend' you. Because
you are sure to• be sorry after,
wards if you get too confidentia1
right away. .Don't plan ,always. to
have' lunches with, your first-dayfriend. ' ' •
Don't grumble about "the croak-
. room or' office, .saying you're 'used
o veryd•ifri•enf t goings on rhui .
aelt +eS *n sti s*Sti ti l i c;
13y Elizabeth Ledy
\ internationally famous :woman •
journalist • Paula LeCler 'who •hasp •
• just returned ,from a two-month
tour of England, France, Poland,.
Lithuania- and the Baltic States
says that a war crisis more intense'
' than ,,that . preceding the ' Munich •
• "peace" will ''break • over •Europe
this -month or.'early in April On;iy
a miracle,' elle • claims;' will preven't
:the outbreak -df actual hostilities
this, :tir e: • • .
, An interesting observation :.r•Po=
]arid `holds the• balance..;oi' • power -
in ',this delicate European situs=
t;on, �L-ying • as it ,does between
two 'great dictatorships.. Poland..
Jiasmade.it clear that...while it,.
• wiaii'es to be 'neutral;~it; 'will.''1ght-
any 0iiewer `that. t'orch'es 'art . inch
.; of its• territory."'
o -o •
• THE'NEW POPE: A 'triumph' for
the democracies it is that Eugenie'
Cardinal • Pacelli . has been 'ehos.en
as the new Pope Pius XII over the
protests of Fascist powers ,in Eu-'
rope. , Official Germany `met to
announcement of .his 'election in
sulky silence: - (As '-Papal Secre-
tory-nf stateartlsna] PaceH3
tied Teen so-hd7y.behind 'Pope 'Fur's
XI in, his. denunciation•of Nasi. ac-
tivities against tile,' Catholic
Church.). • •
Now., .udder the leadership 'of
tie relatively young. and virile.
Pius •XII it ,seems that' the Church
is. about to abandon. its, policy of
more • or r }ess passive:. resistance'
and •launch a major push a1'1 along -
the ' ecclesiastical `front.
RURAL HYDRO: The, statement.
that Hon. W. L. • Houck, vice-
• cliairman°•'of the . Hydro -Electric
"'i�ll�vnr' oiYi i�issaon' 5f'O t'aiia,'Ve
Gently made about the• extension
' of •Hydro'Services in Ontario 1lav-
ing", reached the 'saturation .•point,.,
didn't- strike fai • being ..• quite
sound. We thought• of.- all• the
' farm• houses and ' buildings ' wo
• kne* of which are still lighted by
kerosene tamps and 'lanterngs.
• •AThe• Ovven;�°Sound :•Su:n,Trmes,
The Stratford: Beacofl-Herald. and
• 'the winds ij .paily, •Star have taken
r.Mr. Houck ;tip; on it; we- are.. glad
:to:report. '.It' ' is ,pointed: out • that
.:there'.. are plenty o f areas rn - rural
Ontario.. net .yet 'Completely ser
••viced. by. '•Hydro;: there ,are ` many -
diatricta,' untapped, •o,r :fait ; touch
'ed,. by power•.line • . developments.
• The": Windsor' -.Star suggests that
• Mr. •Houckgo ;up 'and •take• a :leek
around the' • farms in, Dufferin;,
V ellington,. OrreyA• Simcoe,•. Bruce
and. Huron • counties. In' eonclu-.
• sion ; •"There are •thousands of On-
• ta'rio 'farmers.. who.till want. H•y-
dre, if. 'it • is •s
made' available ,to
- them and they :can pay ler it."
RE jEC'I'E.D .'DRIVERS- • The De.'
pa • inent. of Highways inform's us •
that.. 23 per cent. of the. people
who undergo •tests for drivers'" l-
censes' in the. province are. turned
'down by, the :examiner, for :reas-
ons • of inability to operate .the
vehicle 'successfully; physical 'hon
dicaps,'criminal •offenses''involving'
motor vehicles, .mental • incompet=
ence. .• . • • . •
Now the'Ontarjo. Motor League •j
'proposes that all motorists pass,
• eyesight tests before being allow-'
ed to drit.e, •
• o=o '
be depended on, of course): It is
whispered that instead of a •.long •
parliamentary. session lasting well
on into the middle of the summer,.
• House of • Cornmoffs proceedings
at Ottawa may' be cut short soon..
•''.after • the. visit of: the •• Kirm :find
Q.ueeny.r and_arc_.eazrly. eleetiiaaa,�eail-
�•�{;r"dbn�%�1;� " I3:terr3,VtGex�•-..�..,. ..
•kw.y that Yea Over. expected..any- 1
'thing -so grand., •
Don't join office.,clubs till you've °
i3a11on .Blockade
Protects Germany
had a ,chance .to .find out if you'd
enjoy them. Don't go "gay .your'
"Or ' • I first week. Have early bedtimes.;
you'll be tired.
If' "you concentrate and get 'the
people and the building typed then'
you're free to learn the• job. Y.ou're•
bound tomake mistakes,. but the
•' manager, too : probably did • some
'silly things when he Was !even -
teen, Best way. is to laugh them
off. •
Chain Letters' .Give
P:O. Mich Trouble
BItArNTFORD,•Ont,-= The chain
leiter his becorrhe epidemic . her&
once more. ' The n iisiges are ar-
riving at the post office in' largo
numbers and are . causing • no
amount of inconvenience 'dace to the
fact that ,a substantial number of
the letters, bear i; stiffficient postage
o,,eane cent instead of two.
.go '
ne of the letters are of the
prayer variety, While tire others are
captioned °good Welt."
When the "'inky". epistles boat
1usu'fficient • postage . tire receiver
bas to Tiny double the deficieeneY
the letters
• • aalou'nt and' many, of t
Gloyes fitted with a' 'tiny 'tied-
. tri ]amp and battery, .£or .finding
�.:.. arebei
it yhole • in the dark.,> .
grade in Britain. i • •
TheGerman air 'force has plac-
td,hundreds of balloons on cables
-around cities and industrial cen-
Cres .of the Reich and established ;.
a new "blockade" divisiop to man
this new defence 'system in case of
air attacks. • .
Motorize' d• troops have been in
training to , inflate and send the
balloons thousands of yards , into
the air' itf a' few minutes when an
alarm is given. Two motor .units,
,are assigned to each balloon.' :The:
troops. have been in training • for
these special duties for months! '
Each balleon is a unit in the
Get;nran system. A plan of sus, -
pending nets •.from cable:, wavdis-
carded as impractical. • 10
In Stagger .Formatiotl `
The balloons aro. 'staggered,, so',
thet'it would be althost impossible'
for:. an 'aviat'or to escape all- of ,
thorn over a given point. • Some
of 'them are to be,sent uu, ai high.,
a� 32,009' feet, others to lower
Plans have been :made inthis
in all starte 'c
way for protecting &'r
loons are 'needed 'for aitch poin a
as bridges', power works, darns; and
similar itructures, because the °
arsee n%ore „liil'ictllt< toattack from.
j '*. , l• t.
r. 9,1/
• Where the man. ABOVE is'seen..walking 'the King also Queen will walk • ,.'but in • a different` atmosphere,
Ws a picture, taken at the entrance to The Citadel; residence of the.lieirtemant=governor• of Quebec, where their'
majesties •wil : stay tem ' orarily while visitin' :Canada this surnmer, • The heaviest, snowfall in' uebec. cit' in a
quarter century madepthe • walks 'mere canyons 'instead of the'•vantage••points"to gaze around the historic •fort -.'
.that they -usually are. ,
amed ..;p -
)f Another Man:
Sarnia Citizen.Mleeo In 'Church •.
1Vleetit>rg • Is Looked • At ,,Aa=
ranee By Congregatiotn. Who,.
Smelt.Liquor, •
• Rumor:has it that 'one Of' Sarnia's
most i :apectable .citizens is 7'heing
slandered,,tbese days. It all' 'hap-
pened because the respectable citi-' •
zeu had -been working late. at :night
:and • vaa'so-i1reed:.hat4.e4e,11 asaVii.;:
at 'a church ' meeting. • • •,
Hie"(the respectable clition) rent
to the' church' meeting. one night'
last week and sat' dowh in one 'of
the rear 'seats. Another, m'an, a
• m^niber'of the same. church, came.
in ,and seated, Himself beside ' the .
sleeper. 'The:trouble Was that th in
second` man • had been d king '=
• and had sense, etioug of to show
Tongues. Set Wagging,' •
But.' hedid smell ,of. alcohol. And
• the combination • of 'the odor and. '
the sleeping form of the .respect-
able citizen . was e,n•o•ugh. • to set..
tongues wagging:
Women passed, by with.scornful•
looks and' muttered re:.'.tes: One ':
-of thein'. stopped and spoke to .the
tn'an, who 'had. been.drinking• 1
"Isn't it disgusting?"cshe said in•
dignantly. •r -r "' church ' : of . all.
places!" • .
Knows Nothing About Tt
• The -man who had: been, drinking
never so in:udh as s,miled'. He turn -
•'his' head when' he answered the .
lady :and agreed' that the ' whole
'•thing was s1 anieful. ' ,
• So •tongues. are wagging in 'Sarnia
these days, un'. ;known' to:. ti� • Main
who• fell asleer He, -respectable
citizen,. know -s. noticing of. the incl
.dent • other, • than that 'he dozed off .
r for a moment.:or two at a churchmeeting. -
Short -tailed. field or pine mice.
are causing severe damage to •ap-
pie t'r'ees in 'Annapolis Valley dis-
trict; N.S. Orchardists: in some
'sections estimated 'from 25 5to•50
per cent.. of thier trees .damaged.'
Lgcklzow' Man
Grows Lemons;•
And 'Oranges
greeiii mise' =at ' i kfiiarw;
N `sy" ona41l 64.4ao .. 41ri 1 •
has one lemon on it measuring'
about twelve Inches -in eircun2-
ferenee, There are three or .four
smaller size lemons. on this hot-
house tree. It is in a pot and
is less than three.feet high. An
orange ,tree is also producing
small oranges this, year, one has
matured and ripened. Another
curio is a fig tree` that bore, fruit
but at dropped oft before ripen-
ing. •
Playdowns for his season :in Ca-
nadia:n'Amateur Hockey ,'(Eastern
Section) have,• been. • arranged 'as
Senior Serie
A -Ottawa
and 'District A.H.A.
. (3. out "of 5 ser i'es•)„ vs. Maritimes •
A•..H.A.—at` Maritimes• A.H.A. Mar
.at . Ottawa and : Disti`ir't •
Id1ar, 21, 1Vlar: 23 and Mar, 25 'if
• necessary..",. ' • •
.• 13—Winner.' of "A" ' Series • vs. .
O.H.A..' •.(2 out of , 3 series)—at •
Ottawa and District Mat :26'; and
Mar. 27, :
at,. O.H.A. 14ar,..27 or Mar.' 9''or
Mar:.r31 if •necessary. ' "
C-Easteiln Final (2 • out of'.•3
series) -mat Winner `B" 11IaV -29,
orMar.' 31 or'Apr. 3; `
ct Quebec.,A.N..A. Mar. 31., Or..Apr.
Apr. 5 •and Apr. •'7 :f rje.•es-.:
.un or •eerier ••
A=- Ottawa •ai}d D1 .:l.ict A.1 -1,A....
cs. Mariti'ne� .A',il,:.�.-r•at 'farm
24;410; 10; :''r3 and -Mar.
if necessary •
,,,A4 -;Winner. of "A" :Series vs.
Quebec ;AMA,.
"If" Ottawa and District wins
Series --oat ' .:Quebec A.H.A.
6I%iar. 28 .. •
at Ottawa arid District.'Mar.: 30
and. April 1 ,if •necessa%y.
• • "If" M.A.H.A;' wins "'A" Series
mar et
• Farrrri Produce. .
The. Provincial Minister of
riculture has' estimated that • 90
per cent. of Ontario -grown •• farm•.•
produce reaches .market by., motor,
truck.• '' Highways, .,.he ; said, had
changed • shipping and marketing.,
methods. to. a' ,degree• • "never
dreamed of by t re.;people .,of two
generations ago—indeed never,
anticipated by ',our •own'' parent's.",
. Marketirng Methods• Changed' •':
!!*e oerr3ag':t � ci3 ?s guw .sh
ments°,••Mr.. •Dewan mentioned the ••
Boit and vegetable .station at Gra
enhdrstinspected, 4,098 'trucks
leaded- with •prodpp' ce. •nort'h-bound . •
...from June. 18 to Dee..24, 1938; au' •
increase of :46. per'. ccnt...over the
previous year. • '
• "Sone 443 loads• of apples, 193
loads of other^ prodi cts, 414 tons '
of .produce in :,,all `Mere held. for'
i• econditioni,ng," '.he said. •• •
"More than .2,000,000 Italians'and
100,000 .Germa'ns are. uon living •in
Argentina. •
-all •.games at Quebec A:H.A.
'With Same' dates... b .
b -=Winner . of ••"B" . Series'''i s, •
O.H.A.• . r �
Ottawa and District ' ..Or
Quebec. A':EI,.A. •wins vB
'" Series—
at Ottawa ,and Distriet o:- Quebec
'A.H.A. April. 3, .and'"at• tj•H.A:
A•pr. 5 • and .Apr. 7 if .necessary.
."If" Maritimes A.H.A. ,w'iris "B" ,
Series -all games at •O.H.A..with
same .dates.
U:S. Flier CrashesInto .Barn. Near,_Parkhill,,_,Ont.
Everybody talks about solutions
of the eai..lway problem; but every-
body avoids the discussion of the
most obvious one; more population n
—Toronto Saturday Night.
, 'It is evident ;that, given a real
ciian.ce,...beaver' will .soon have so
' multiplied in the. province that;ar,,
profitable trapping industry ,will.
again be possible=Sault Stara' `
, +Aye 'often wonder if .;those free-
plc, who ^talk about, our 'three thou
;•'•sand miiles.pf u'nprotected;,frontier
have ever tried to • argue wita
customs officer•—Hamilton Specta-
•tor:; • 'Ai
In Decein'ber. 871,0.00 persons
were''receiving relief In Canada.
That is about' 'eight per. cent. •of••
the "population,, a large. proportion
in a• country of great. resources.--- .
Sault 'Ste., Marie •St'ar.r . '
Th narrow trails where two
cars cdul'd barely pass_without col-
liding, notes a cynic; are- happily
being replaced :by •splend'itl wide
highway's'on..which six or eight
cars can.'collide at the same time.'
—Kitchener Record. •
About 60: years 'ago,' a, 50 -acre
£armin an Ontario' township was
sold for' $2,200; last' week itwas,
sold" for $625.. • The 'ezpflanation
lies `partly in the fact,,that it was
once all hardwood;; while;toda.y it
is ---stripped o€ . 1.3ush —-'c+y`,.: . MArys• ,.
'Journal Argus.
' attorney General• Conant bac
•been pointing o•ut that if it were
rift • 'for the farmers' mutual • ire
insurance' companies; which offer. •
much -reduced rates, - it would be .
almost impossible• for many f ar'm-
era to furnish •protection for their,
properties'... When it .is know:<i that
• these ' compahies • now can* a to-
,_tal'.pf $52,000,009 business i i On-.•
tario, their •popularity with .people •
liv>ng tri, rural •districts may be ap- •
precia'ted - Brockville ije!!otder
- and Times, • , • • • . • •
• Bathing •in••a high sea 'at Great
• Brak Rive. r, South. Africa, They. D..
',van• .H'uyssteen lost his false . '.
.teeth,. Four 'days. later the set'was
returned to him by. a. 'young, man. ,
who; found them, pp the beach, ••
Germany sr;'pplied' nearly
tenthe of tb,fl tools , shipped. 'into•
Italy'last year. >
. Relieve Thew . DISTRESS
This fast, Quick Wayi
- Don't take Chances: Rub on sooth-
ing, warming Musterole. Relief
quickly follows.
IVlusterole gets such 'fine results
-because-it's NOT -just -a' salve. It's a
Mtcounter-irritant-easing, warm
stimulating and penetrating—.
helpful in quickly'relieving local con- •
gestion and pain.
Used by millions for 30 years.
ijreeoinmended by many doctors arid
nurses. Made in Canada, iii :three
strengths: Regular Strength, Chil-
dren's (mild);.. and Extra 'Strong.
Approved 'by. Good. Housekeeping -
Bureau. All druggists, 400 each.
oro in 2SQ Tins
1/21B. TIN' 55c
By Fred Neher
t AZ:Z, neffesa:
i -re '
Lieut. ,j,. •A. Cowles, of the '••13":.S. Arrny Air ••Corps; w,as instantly killed.
when,his .Seversky, pursuit .plane crashed into 'a. barn near • Parkhill, '.Ont., •
killing two horses a cow,andi 7'0 chickens. •Lieut, Cowles is thought to -
• have 'become lost in a dense fog 'and crashed. when his gasoline • supply •
became exhausted:'•
richt. toxo, by 7t.d trea)
"Have a cigar, Monty—we've got a• iiew daddy' up"at •oar 'house, to -day,."
,L. FraniBaum•'
..'lily .•- - ± "'.,+ , '. ' .cb,.r,tc, 1 Pl�'l if ti
9a.R.w .. u.,;•,. - �„+• . a nal•
'Vb. - thank yonVery much,', sai'd the'
)tint my hands Will, 'g''t-all sun butfied • Kangaroo, Are Sr )od going to Vddieciim•
without mittens," said the. Kangaroo jig?" "les„" replied Dorothy],. "how far
"Nonsense," said. Dorothy.. "I Hover heard. is t?r runt,. a' little Ways,: .said the
. a1.+,.'R t'�,lditmh'YA u 0.4-'
•. r`r
os toto �--"�C%Vli�>. rKe
t d h itn get dote a'o��
re ea e the 1. "Where': When oz
p I d You l9voT �
'Over' there," was,the ans v,er, "but 1 the Wizard, curiotiely. "If"I told •yoti, it
'can't go hope witout , my mttteps," .ri , wotild spoil the run,!'. said: the Kangaroo.
_ _ flit _,F. ,___ . a-_. .., „ . _ r "
t'h8.riteaiitiilae file "Wiaarii •an: ' iTncle 1•Ierl>Y�r 1;3t1t g•o gittell`Y^^, �i'st the same, sort with
approached the 'Kangaroo. : H re, he said,...,these-'w'ords- the Kangaroo hopped 'away,
' "are some], mittens for you. 'be Wizard • while the others proceeded on their jour+
found them. ney. -
They had sheen traveling -but a short tine
atter leaving; the Kangaroo, when they
Spied a group of veery-pretty houses, stand.,
Mg trio, green fled a short distance• nh ad'
them :trut•fu t ccs srro
rtzde Ri'
Gil acs ftn'a 'frllurrit ertr• 1( tIcilT6
out of the ordinary in the seal. So, fo1-
lowii5g Lire •'Kan'gar:oo's•. advice,, they got
out of the Wagon andentered the 'field,
and 'very cautiously approached. the'. group
of houses, I301,-.ery quiet," whispered the
Wtxard.' • ' iii• ,
silt'ntly did -they e tlrtt tr i..ey
saw,•th.rotagh the. v.utdt"crr, rf ;i1r In•u es,
people proving aro,lnd, s hite•others were
passing to att'° . fro in the yards between
pope tom t„P .1etanr.t+, Ant? „•.•
patently they ,did' riot ;notfee the tattle”
,party of our friends.:' They had almost
reached the nearest .'house tv en Toto tow
a butterfly flit in frori"t of his'ndte and he
• hauled' loudly at It. Instantly a clatter
was heard .from the house and yards.
11. ir