HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-31, Page 3THE WINGUUAM TIES, AUGUST :u 1900. MIK FEVER. .A. "veteritturrivee some \ltine at t gestiees for I)tairymett, Germs can't grew any more titan seeds if they are not planted in Heil con- dncly° to their goriuin itiou, Writes Dr, 0. S. Mead, It therefor° becomes cow owners to so manage the cow" that she will be imnnte° when the time o=nes for the disease to manifest itself, anal that is always within 100 Boors after giving birth to a calf, never to be feared with a heifer's first calf, raarely follow- ing a pro1oaged delivery or a retained afterbirth, goneritlly.following au easy, , quick delivery and the placenta soon passing away. Iti short, it comes on whoa the owner is congratulating him- self ou the good lack the cow bas had in passing through giving birth, always taking one of the best cows in the herd and never One so poor that it might have been a blossiug to the owner had she had the disease and died With it. Now, I have said the best cows. This means a good. deal. First, it means we know the ones to watch, It means a cow that is bred for a purpose, and that purpose is to give milk. This being true, thea the lesson is to lora •to food and milk her just as long as her inherent nature will yield milk, not say to ourselves. t'I believe we had better dry you oft anyway, old cow." "No; that isn't cow. sons°, and it is a t violation of her individual nature for t s to fight that nature. by drying her off simply because it is our belief. If she is bred for mine and won't readily dry off after 10 or 11 months in lactation when fairly well fed, better by far milk her the year through and avoid one of the conditions which will help wonder- fully to have her a fit subject for par- turient apoplexy, or milk fever. If it is -warm weather, don't keep her, if dried off, in the barnyard and food timothy hay, as many do. That may be prefer - •able to letting her ruu in the rioll pas- ture, whore she will be ou full feed and make blood if she can't make milk. That would be another condition favor- able for the disease. But give her an hour's run ou the pasture morning and night and keep her in the yard the rest of the time. If in the winter or spring months, and she is not ou pasture, give, if possible, a feed of beets, turnips or cabbage daily to keep the bowels a little -relaxed, A CARD. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund tho looney oil a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. Wo also warrant that friar bottles will permanently cure the most obstinate oases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when WillsEng- lish Pills aro Used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Wingllam, .Ont. C. A. Campbell, Chemist and Druggist, Winghazn, Ont. A. L. Hamilton, Chemist\and Drug- gist, Wingllaan, Ont. The Rest Bolly Polys. The three best roily poly fruits, ac- cording to Woman's Homo Companion, are black raspberries or huckleberries. There is a kind of black raspberry which is not worth using for any purpose, the ., c„ a roily . In 0 ,1 seed. kind that seems ny poly they aro abominable. To make a roly poly use a baking powder biscuit dough very' rich if it is to bo baked and with very little shorteniug if it is to be steamed or boiled. Steaming gives the best results. Roll out as thin as can be well handled, flouring the board well, into a long sheet square at corners, Cover heavily with the fruit, sprinkle well with sugar and roll up into a round roll, Have ready a piece of thio muslin wrung out of boiling water and heavily dredged with flour. Roll the pudding en to this, fold over the ends and lay in steamer or if it is to bo baked.put into a dripping Ian for the oven. Steam exactly ono hour and servo its soon as done with hard sauce flavored with nut- aneg or another sauce if preferred. Do not let the water under the steamer stop boiling for a second, as it would make the pudclieg heavy. It is hard to say which fruit makes the best roily poly, but nothing could be better than blue- berrys steamed. tti,i i t Planer. 1\I • t.e t llit. t a i. A Polish, Priem who lives in splendid house on the Avoiuio du Bois ode Boole ogee, Paris, used to be set down, by his acgahhtaneee as a zutov, Weenie he never entertained. Last winter ;fifty of hip friends Wore ttstonislhed by an invi- tation from hien to diviner. They went and sat down to a magniiloeut feast iu a huge room, one end of which was 00v- ered by it great ser°en of white sill°, Oysters evere served on beds of powdered ice, when suddenly the electric lights died away, atlas ou the soreou flashed out a living picture of wounea standing shivering kuoo-tloop in trete-tier; water, pieltiug oysters fro:a the rocks. With the fish course a smack was soon pitch- ing so heavily that the guests cried in terror, "Oh, they will be drowned!" Men anti wowern next appeared working iu the viuoyitrds. on a wet, »entity day, ankle -°leap in grey slush With every magnificent course fresh ecences of -Misery passed in silence beforo the sad- deued guests. The Prime had revenged lairiiself for their ernel remarks, but at an estimated cost of over $'20,000. icor Over kitty Years*. An Old and Well -Tried RenaedyMrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by miliionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the cliild,soft- ens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the 'lost remedy for a�diar- taste. rh a. It pleasant l0A sant to theSold by cltuggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure yon ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, aucl take no other kind. Nice Woran Medicine. Mrs. 'Wm. Graham, Sheppardton,Ont. " have - given m boy Dr. Ih \ rites y Y writes; , r i excel- lent Syrup, and find t e S Low's Worm3 p, lent worm medicine. It as nice to take and does not make the child. sick." Price 25c. Consideration for Others. - Many a time we see a face so finely lined it looks like a bit of parchment written over by the handl of some cun- ning, ancient scribe. So inany things are written upon faces—pangs and dis- appointments, losses and crosses, abor- tive ambitions and vanishing ideals; but this fine graving is often the work of hurts and injuries borne silently and United of the face by repression and dumb endurance. And, the person who has so engraved the face, so drawn those, telltale lines about hp and brow and cheek, may, perhaps, be called a good Christian, a pillar, an example. Alas! our judgments aro shallow, • our moral perceptions weak aucl vague. Our eyes are blinded for seeing, our ears are stop- ped for hearing. The secrets of hearts aro hidden front us. We fumble ignorantly with the soul keys. we touch the strings of human nature to dissonance, jarring harshly what was in- tended for exquisit music. Had we for one moment the vision of omniscience, how frightful the revelation would. bel Where we thought we were doing our duty and fulfilling the law of God per- haps we were marring a life. Let us beware of hurting others, even in the smallest way, by our hardness, worldi- ness indifference, or self-importance, lest we put the mark of hindrance on some soul that dwarfs normal develop- ment of being, and withers and dries the nobler functions of heart and brain. IT MATTERS NOT Tri us whether your wants are small or large, as we make it a special rule to give every customer the best service and at- tention. We respectfully solicit a visit that we may convince you that it will be to your advantage to bo numbered amongst the rest of our customers. GREAT RESTLTS Fuoei ONE BOTTLE. One bottle of Paine's Celeay Com- pound is often sufficient to banish the seeds of dangerous diseases, to cleanse the system and establish perfect health. Paine's Celery Compound is the recom- mended; medicine for the cure of Bright's disease, diabetes, liver complaint, blood diseases and stomach troubles. The genuine Paine's Celery Compound always in stock, fresh from the laboratory of the manufacturers. A. L. HAMILTON, Druggist,' Winghain, Ont. •AY oun•t the World on a Wheel. Two Italian cyclists, Charles Rioter r taking a 1 setas are t ' i av Minnie G trip dA , g an 'rountt�the world on their wheels and -Italy,onDee. r back Florence. r, fust be bt t¢«0'. Ywager of 50 00 •. 1 Ow to Win a > .3ot11 0 , `t , presentin Canada. � aro at francs. They l wager According to the rules of the they1ld 0 start a centnt and are compelled to live on what they earn during the trip, They make their ex- enses by giving fencing and wrestling exliibitiicils in the various places they visit. Their journey will be about 75,- 00 utiles in length, 25,000 miles of Which has been covered. .A Fatuity -Medicine, Mrs. D. Williams, Goodltorinan P.O. Ont., writes: "I have used 1Tagyard's Yellow 011 for burns, scalds, sprains, ttnd braises, mid it has always given satisfaction. It is a splendid famey medicine, it eon be Tutt to iso many diff* scent uses." Price 2Y;0. Conned met in the town hall, Tees - water, Aug. 20, all the members present, Reeve MeeKay. In the chair. Tho minutes of previous meeting were road. Scott—McKague- That the minutes of last coatoil meeting as just read be adopted, but as motion No. 11 as it ap- peared in the News and other news- papers was misleading that the clerk have it corrected in the next neiuutes published—Carried, The motion referred to should read as follows: Whereas •1w uutlerstltud that the county: courtcil lies 11111(10 a grant of t .L 00 to the electoral division No; (i, of the County of Bruce–V25- iso expend- ed is the township of Culross; that ;100 be expended ou the 14th Concession un- der the snpervisiou of MacKay and Jarvis; that $25 be expended on the Cul- ross and Carrick boundary south of the 8t11 eon. of Culross under the super- vision of Mr. Meyer provicliug that Car- rick give an equivalent; and that the balance be expended &: the gravel road with an additional $125 by the Culross Township Council, under the, super- vision of Scott and McKague, and the council will give an equivalent to any gratis labor endo in gravelling the new road on thio 14th con. . MaoKay—Moyer—That as the gravel road requires repairing immediately north f .t e � s tat • r and22G is granted 0 ow o t i6 for repairing the road and although mid portion of road is in the south half of the Oulross gravel road, that the north part being in fair repair that $125 be ex - painted north of Teeswater and $100 south of Teeswater—Carried. McKague --- Meyer — That Graham Scott have the road brushed out and the stones picked off McGlynn's hill on 12th con.—Carried. Scott—McKay—That a grant of 11110 bo made to Wm. Little for culvert op- posite lot 12, on con. 9—Carried McKague— Jarvis — That the clerk have the collector's bond prepared and signed by his securities, and ready for the next meeting of council—Oarried. Jarvis—Meyer—That the clerk be'in- strueteet to prepare a by-law for the par- pose of borrowing Money for Durrant expenses.—Carried. Scott—McKague—That the clerk pre- pare a by-law and have it ready for pass- ing at the next sitting of the council for levying for township purposes at the rate of 1;� mills on the dollar as per as sessment roll, being at the same rate as last year, and the sum of I12G90.69 for county purposes, and for school levy as per trustees' regnisitiozis—Cdtrriecl. FINANCE REPORT. Canned Corn. ' Split the kernels lengthwise with a knife, then scrape with the back of the knife, thus leaving the hulls upon the cob. Fill cans full of cut corn, pressing it in very hard. To press the cern Lithe eat, use the small end of the potato masher, as this will eater the can easily. It will take 10 or 12 large ears . of corn to fill a one quart cans( When the cans aro full, screw the cover on with th mb and first finger. This will be tight enough. Then place a cloth in the bot- tom of a wash boiler to prevent break- age. layer of cans In an n:put a Y this t On ay ep 0 r' he cans a prefer,over t positionput exit o P 5 layer of cloth, then more Cans, Fill the boiler in this manner, Hien cover the cans well with cold Water, place the boiler on the fire and boil three hours without Ceasing. On steady boiling o Y After cess ft f your success. 0 depends much boiling three hours lift the boiler from the fire, lot the water cool, thea take the cans from the boiler 'anal tighten, let them remain 'until cold and tighten again, • Wrap each can in brown paper 1. light, and keep a coo to exclude elle g , 1 r dry, cellar. Bo very sure the rubber ring are not' hardened by use. It would be best to use new rings, as poor rings are the cause of lunch fruit spoil- ing. The corn in the cans will shrink by cooking, but do not, on any account, open then -.-Good housekeeping. "Keep the head cool and the boatels open as sensible advice to follow dar- ing the hot weather. If the bowels do not .move regularly once a day Ilse Lam - Liver Pills. They are easy to take, .and do not gripe, weaken or sicken. Price • 1 25e. Janes Thompson, statute,.labor for Cargill $ Wm. Roane, '74 ycls. gravel .. Michael Schiestel, 60 yds., gravel H. Marchant, 57 yds. gravel ... . Wra. Arkoll; cedar for culvert, lot 9, con. 6 Geo. Grenache,\vorkonboundary of Oulross and Kinloss Robert Smyth, Hale pay on con- tract of bridge on con. 12, opp lot 13 H. Marchant, 37 yds. gravel , ... Walter Richardson, 50 yds gravel A. Butchart, printing, etc ....... Thos. Melvin, 70 yds. gravel John Sproal, 00 yds. gravel David Steel, working road machine in G. Armstrong's di- vision ....' James A. Yuill, hall pay on con- tract on bridge oercon. 6 and 7, opposite lot 28 R. B. Clement, 53 pieces of con- crete culvert piping •...... ... Thos. Milan, hauling timber and repairing culvert at lot 9, con. 7 J. McGlynn, 48 yds, gravel , .. R. Smith, 45 yds. gravel'.. , .... . W. J. McCrogau, supplies to Peter Long, an indigent 8 50 4 44 4 14 3 42 7 94 19 50 79 50 2 22 3 00 35 90 4 20 5.40 3 00 • 85 00 58 60 10 00 2 70 4 65 $289 90 McKague--Meyer—That the Finance report as just read be adopted and cheques issued iu payment of the same.— Carried. Jarvis—Meyer—That as it is reported that there is timber on the 5th sideroad,• con: 9 and 10, that the clerk prepare a by-law for next sitting for disposing of the same by tender in writing, tenders to be received at or before the October or early November sitting.—Carried. • Scott—.iarvis—That this council do now adjourn to meet 011 Monday, Sept. 24th, at 10 o'clock a. m. tin the Town Hall, Teeswater.—Carried. OitAs. BUTTON, Clerk. A CMAfi'S fRCE PLAINLY INDICATES THi Qom - snot; OF HER HEAI,TFI.. LONDON'S EXHIBITION. The extensive preparations which have beet,. made in the way .of enlargeuieut of buildings and general improvement to the grounds this year will add greatly to the comfort and Convenience of the many exhibitors and visitors. We are informed by th.l Secretary, Air, J. A. Nelles, that the entries, which III;AUTY PISAPPLAR4 Wnh:N TI/4 a2Y$;4 A114 1 0106.011 tine 6t11 of September, the fair DULL, TII> Szi;IN .4'AI,.L0ls, tiNP opening on the 0th and contiiiniztt_ till 'WRINIKLES BEGIN To "1'44E' --- now tins 15111, are coniiug be rapidly, and ONE WOMAN I2R'IAINED IIDALTII 414) splice win be at a pronlltnn. `.Chert: will oweE ant s% Almost every woman at the head of a home meets daily with innumerable lit- tle worries labor household ai1'uirs.. They natty be too small to nutlet) anhourafter- wards, but it its nevertheless these con - Stant little worries that make 1.0 many 'woinou prematurely aid. Their effect may be noticed. in sick and nervi- 0us headaches, fickle appetite,. a fooling of constant weariness, pains in the baclt and loins, or in a sallow complexion,. and, the, coming of wrinkles, Which every womau who desires comeliness dreads. To thus afflicted Dr, Williams' Pink Pills offer a speedy and certain cure; a restoration of color to the cheeks, bright- floss to the eye, a healthy appetite and a sense of freedom from weariness, Among the' thousands of Canad an women who have found new health and g h use ofDr. r u h the aha new strength4 Williams' Pink Pills is Mrs. Francis Poirier, of Valleyfield, . Quo. Mrs.' Poirier was a sufferer for upwards of seven years; she had taken treatment from several doctors, and had used a number of advertised medicines, but with no good results. Mrs. Poirier says: Travellers' headaches aro quickly re- lieved by Milburn's Sterling Headache They .Choy doo not upset the Stem - salt or weaken the •h heart. Price 10c and .The T. • ' or all dealers by mail. 2nD. at Milburn Coo Limited, Toronto, Out. It cost for food about $30 a week to. an elephant. Tho Agricultural Department at Washington reports that each year in the TUnitedUnitedStates people pay $0,000,000 for roses, $4,000,000 for carnations, $750, for hi ,- 600 000 c far inlets and .,3 000 v santlzonnims. • Offileqvw7in Tells the story. When your head aches, and you feel Melons, consti- pated, and out of tune, with your sta1Ytaeh sour and no appetite, just buy' it package of. Hood's Pills And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills.' You will be ettrl')rised at how easily they will do tlre.r work, cure your 1 headache and biliousness, tvuso the liver said make yon feel happy await. 41 '15 cents. Sold by ail medicine dossiers. be many new and attractive exhibits, Every* province n111 bo represented. From present indications all departments will be well filled. The special attractions and fireworks. \sill be on 0 scare never before attempt- ed. No one should miss seeing. the grand represeutatiol?, of "Au Armored Traht's Attack on Boer Stronghold," typical of Baden-Poweil's memorable stance at Mafeking. The best features obtainable levee been secured, the aim of the management be- ing only to got what was new and novel, and that object has been accomplished. Everything therefore goes to show that the Western Fair of 1900 hill be one to be long remembered, and there is no doubt that the attendance will prove greater than on any previous occasion. Toothache 7 days. Mrs. Fred Ncdd. n Eel. River. Cross- ing, N. B., says: "I had toothache for two. days, and could get nothing to stop it until I got Low's Toothache Gum, which quickly cared me, Price 100. • )1 Practical Joke. Au Irisman took a contract to dig a —"Only women who stiffer as I did public) well. When he had dug about cau understandthe misery I endured for N5 foes down, he came ono moruinp and found it caved 111—filled nearly to the , top. Pat looked cautiously around end saw 1 that leo one was near, then took off his years. As time wept on and the doctors I consulted, and the medicines I used dill not help me, I despaired of ever re- gaining my health. There were very few days that I did not suffer from. violent headaches, and the least exer- tion would make my heart palpitate vio- ien`ly. My stomach seemed disordered, W1,e epee. � AZru za t dr is like lt.i.azng--.-;1 F�z'a.a. thing whoa you su1•lico it. It is always tete er for ;tllY W011;1t1 tO please Cir 112511 then t1;: one u i:4) 15 mar- ried to him, Probably no tete ever er inn Thies 1 for tate dead i11 it ntautter t dttb4Z1(. t •,'y to all his fr•ends, Some 1•eepleh1a+e go, el leek they eer1't beat :dente -the {'.0')d leek oil l:t)t yet baiug henna )ut. The rc..l (.'.',viii 1Tt1i,i ;.r.. teas: 1' \:'111) r'c,'eo alae til!. heap rt1tti%'tat,Cttc,".1;sit,tr,tlly b:tying ou that they are e.lta,l, (Tillett'~ Eidrle, mall 11 ta.ier Pelle aro d YC)1eFsli for evcak 1rltl .t yd, bladder. dyer. 1)11111 iii b:atleete. (.1U:a.i bell's, So inane'; 111'S'7 things ar'. pat up every +,tar that it ,,t g,'tiin.; (al:.i:> , ,.ry . clay f!,r mon 1.):1\'t. ismil')11i:b;;, t1'it'1t- out \Vona:' n anima. S,v e have noticed, that tit-. ::.an r:ln e• - meat - m'e .tt of 1111 t•ng:tgr iut'.ir :taYgy$ mimes froi'i the ', lde',s fu'utly ittel that t'.i groan's family aro the meet skee thetl. Wheel a 1):11:7 assail leo; tt • .hhfr about it lie \; Ondezts ltu\v tl: .•: „ . ;t: with no means of sapper,. ,..,....,. tt) dress so well, . .l 4.) ; fillr ECUTY1 Genuine r r s hat and cess and .mug them on the C1•�j. �q' Pills. windlass, crawled into some bushes and a1 rale iiV'F . waited °Yenta. In a short time the citizens discovered that the well had and T almost loathed the food I almost caved iu, and seeing Pat's hat and coat forced myself to eat, I was very pale, I °11 sho windlass they supposed he was at and. frequently my limbs would s\weli so 1 the bottom of the excavation. much. that I feared that my trouble was ! Only a few hours of brisk digging cleared the loose earth from the well. just as the eager citizens had reached the bottom and were wondering where the body was X?at came :walking out of the bashes and good naturedly thanked them for relieving him of a sorry job. Some of the tired diggers were dis- gusted, but the joke was too good to anything more dam a hearty laugh, which soon followed.—London Answers. developing into dropsy. I had almost constant pains in the back and loins. It was while I was in this sad condition that I read •in La Presso of the euro of a woman whose symptoms were much like .nine through the use of Dr. Will- iams' Pink Pills. I told my husband and ho urged mo to try them, and at once got me three boxes. Before I had used them. all Ifelt better, and I got an- other supply of the pills. At the end of the month I was strong enough to do my household work, and before another month had passed Iliad entirely recover- ed lay health. I am sorry that I slid not learn of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills sooner, for I know that they would have saved me several years of sickness and misery and I feel that I c nnot too strongly urge other sick wom n to use then." Tho condition Ind' .ated in Mea. Polr• ier's case shows at the blood and nerves needed attention, and for this purpose Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are woman's best friend.They aro particul- arly adapted to cure the ailments from i t which so many women silence. 1 Through the use of these gills the blood is enriched. the nerves made strong, and the rich glow of health brought back to pale and sallow cheeks: There would be less snffering if women would give these pills a fair trial. Sold by all deal- ers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Mediciue Uo., Brockville, Out. Buttermilk and Health. But few appreciate buttermilk. It would be a sorry day for the doctors and hogs if everybody ate and drank as much buttermillc as this writer, says A. X. Hyatt in Northwestern Agricul- turist. I give buttermilk considerable credit for the fact that I have never been so sick as to have a doctor come to feel my pulse and look at my tongue. I don't believe we would find half as error and nonsense in our agrieultttral papers if all the editors would eat and drink enough buttermilk. Buttermilk clears the brain and deans the blood. A. noted physician said not long ago that buttermilk is "a true milk peptone" —that is, milk already partially tfallY digest- ed. est- ed It is a decided laxative, and noth- ing equals it in habitual constipation. It is a diuretic and is excellent for kidney troubles. It is tho most refreshing and digestible of all the products of mills, r Nothinging, is bettor in the treatment of of some 0 cases of cancer diabetes the stomach and gastric ulcer better - milli is the only food that ca rtaiti- u bo retain- ed. Ono of my nuigllbors spent money enough to go to the Philippines for doctors, drugs, etc., to Cure his Fleu- ry Itold t in bettor. •' 1 tion et Illatl9n without 1 t a fi' 1�' hint a few barrels of nice buttermilk world drive .rltettntatisilt froth his anatomy, and it was done with less than ri barrel, Worth about 20 Cents per .d. �.p„ d hundred pounds to feed hog. I know �•'ES of half a (106011 hi this comity of better - milk who lay the WO of rluettntatisut to loppered plink nudl buttermilk. Ary of you who think your system needs &little beer, whiskey or tobacco, try a little buttermillt, instead (give it a good trial} and become happier and healthier. The only stimulants this writer tnke.i aro buttermilk and lopporadl milli. Miller's Kidney and Bladder Pills are sold at 25c. per box. At Colin A. Camp- bell's. Must Bear Signature of See FawS1 ,15, Wrepper Retort. Very amoral ami rs easy to tale ari CARTER'S WEIR PILLS. Fsd illiADAC; Ee FOR DUENESS. MS BILIOUSNESS. FOR TII1P!I LIVER. Ft13 CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION V Pricidor-r4turixD MUGTItAVC NATU•I. 25 Cents l Purely 'Vegetable./ CURE SICK HEADACHE. �► Pk I 'V �t ��r a►oo1 v4,4 SOME FEATURES 74 74 74 •/O4 Sara Hunter's Cartoons, Full Market Reports, Special Cables, The Khan. • Ontario Despatches, Sporting News. Madge Merton's Page for 'Women orollto 07, t •Al r 7014 74 !4 4 Publishes the best of everything. It leads y13 in the excellence of its special departments, 74® E while its news columns are bright and r6 `dot readable. 74 74 74 • HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR THE BALANCE 74 74OF THE YEAR: r/ yThe Toronto Daily Star will be Milled to any Address yi ft, To January 1st, 1901, for 2 7/ 74 74 The regular subscription price of THE STAR is $3.00 a year, W. 7( and $2.00 m here the paper is not received until the day after pub• }$ v lication. The present offer is made with a view of placing 'TIE VI 1��� STAT. in tile homes of thousand's who will be interested in read•- i/a incl. the best afternoon paper in O,ltar•io.74 �� PICTURE OF THE QUEEN GIVEN FREE, To every subscriber will be mailed a /7 ll beautiful plate of' Her Majesty Queen Victoria a� '50 •ents a ♦ a and the Prince of Wales. A (Chis picture, %i1lehtonally Sells for 15 Ponta, the hnntigem e Rt p ic tur e o the e tvol mother antiset ever publish,t1 in Canada. 711,1 conventional Portraits t 1ienrepresent her ns much younger than MO cycle of years has IMG her, anti Ye t a yr • i n that her people levo her and will it ii as thea eQSu to n r d t 11 l,•• �' C ialt. t. rAsits masher of her people situ Will ever be rumembrre,l--•tit: ty,ru of 1+;1101811 Womanhood and 1 motherhood. 1 tour; it i. therefore. char. sho should be asthma aeon' with itlY her 3 el sun , 'a , ,.t • Mug, and so in setas i extern° t teturo the 1 tb r to d l future i a t ns n a tt0 a ltltnrtlr his royal mother. T1he picture Is 1s x:ii inches, hi 15 shades or eblor e, and suitably 'rented. t -ranted. would be ant ornament on any wall. ' y It Is 0. special painting, made eatelusivbiy for The Tot'onto Star, I a and is a work of art. I YeAti._ l d d d a TORONTO DAILY STA til jatluar'y 1st 190 r, and the picture of Her Majesty t Wt. gen lctoria.pnd Prince of Wales for 70 CENTS. 1 ' ou are now a subscriber to the TiM1<'S you can hro. e if you t 1e* the Star and Picture for 50 cents. Leave your (i dors early a THE Mali x OM