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The Wingham Times, 1900-08-31, Page 2
II UNDil'ti:1a.tEll.CON ILW.NDia. (Dur re tt .rel a arra sus in business. is the t ,-Ft to v,al 0'01, vet; enjoy the arta l, teff ".r lefid •Mt,,, et' the t rit'rt'aipublic. 'We di. twee. ,dtughmei m oleins with fill." •tt•:<: Vot-Siitit) tcertrarv. Our Toilet dente i:ter i:, al -tenet: fall of the newest- ft,, L„itltt..r:, gild ear ettselc of per:etc:we le eltet,ys tact ire levet and lila: 4 : t aa- t is,;eft seep:osnrate: eta , e ' ey `• <:.• etre.. taint Paine's 'i tl .,t'(. t.; este. tial• ateet f't irthlt r,'. eta t e. .. ,• tea• tlittioe iii the weelt1 late eset: , t tee. , i eerie. to its Cret:it. It 11;, . .• :. fr. .;lt 1'lttt't1, Curr,•ct� .4-4,7•••a , it, t: lu ; ..inti a l.'.e+Y:lt,tl t t•Iud heel i'11. tc , • i:,• }•,111 t •, 11Ft1 1\1 C''ei• rF t ' s t o :.1 it •cru it e l ulnvt:ll izl the hot w, til::.. - ('. 1 t Ina r, l'reegh t, WiNQi*iAM DiSTRIOT.. t The tai: at in Goalorieh will Mills on the dollar this year. Serofilla, cured by Miller's Com s Iron Pills. At f"tll!.n t1. Gauzitllcll's. $ if nrr area Taylor, aged 87 years, tett t ld resident of Asllilehl township cliccl Mass week. Jatites Weir has sold the Royal Hotel at to James Divi. Settfurtlt for the sum of 11.00.)cash. z12.Thuell, of lot 10, eon, 7, Mortis, has sults his 30 acre farms to M. Kelly of the liuo. Price t+3,000, Caui't eat? Take Ma'r's Compound Imo Pills fora fele days and observe the results. At Colin A. Campbell's. C'l'ops ill the comity of Iiruc much better than expected., oath WINGHAN 1L 1 S, A `GI'ST 31, 1900 smith towliship came to 1Nforris where they continuously resided. Twelve he 23 ehil(1ren Were bora to. them of \v1 ou). 9 are liviege Mfrs. Button was Iii years of pealed ago, held to the Episcopalian elnurcls, aril WAS a kind hearted, neighborly W0uua114 Wll+.l WAR widely respected, The Teitswater News has gathered the mines of tate following pioneers of Cul- ross township, ip, who are Still residitiR iu that reatesitip; -•-. Robt, Barbour and Neil IticM:moll, con. ti; Mattheaw i raddel eon. 4; Joint SV itom:tlt, cors, It Laugh,. 1i:1, McKay, con 8; 3Vnt. Jarvis, Janes Reid and Peter Clark stn eon. 0 and 7; Jtunee. Iritllt*, Al.ax, itlyDoxfald, :Douala zaeDonavt, Donald DXt l ay and .tVnt, Mel—thereon on con, 8 dud 0; William Smith, Andrew Sharpe and Chas. Turn- er on on. 10 ruin 11: Ur. IIalcletlby ort you. 12, and Michael BrtinnauandDouig, all Cstuipbell ou eon. 144' ifui'tin Meyer, sou., l?(•ra:arel Fagg auel 'utl};astian Leh- man on the h:tuudary, between Amble- side told Formosa. the halite of Mr, jetliner, Qtteell street O1iutolt, \vita the scene of'tt peetty tied quiet weddiug on Wedz esr;Iay, An. 21, whoa Miss Iola, third slaughter of Mr. lilts. Jacob Miller was married to Lewis Eidt, of Berlin, formerly of Chilton, The }tome was prettily decorated for •tiro occasion, R4v. E, A. Shaw, .of Ben, miller, performing the 'ceremony. The bride was beautifully attired and also the bridesmaid her sister, Miss Nona. Benjamin Eidt, supptorted his brother. After the corcnnonty which was perform. eclat high noon and congratulations over a wedding clinuer was partaken of. The happy couple left ou the 2.055 p. m. train forOwen Sound where they take a boat for a trip up the lakes. taelt. i owls, 71.0 alit i E ,i: S. iY ',, Of fowls, Veal 1 ' fog 41 .i-, F;r y . , 1't'l:I•];v t avert t l tthet:,- tr t , ..:lis: ere of cornmeal. ':d ; Ianl ; I: 1.t.aiel tate id i)Etelttvl;c tit, j III B, ,e t ;lat. tl'lt - `,f l ,:''.•:dill al ' -I fop, tri t;l i ; :net one -eight of et,t•ll of the! ,:t'• r. Ties slltlttld be well mixed tar^'ther u.i t iu ietened with milk or. water: if aleett or mixed hot, so mucro the bt tt ,.•. • ea... mixture should be fed very Eiti"a ,,r lni:rt1711.+r�;, lot thio nor I wet, oat never er foed it while trot. Clive 1 it a little Brunie -:lever lot, in addl. t tion til tlas, gig t, s 'ole cracked corn. e and wheat tint use felt dry. e are its to the very dry weather for some weeks past: Chas. Stewart and R. Murphy, cf Clinton have been appointed district agents for the Massey Harris Co., at EXel'er. Coughs and colds that other remedies seem powerless to relieve art+ peowptly eared. by Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrtup, Try it and it will convince you c f its till:hey by curing you. Price 2.50 Mr. James Hohues, who bus been a 'r:.?c ear of Blyth and and vicinity for h. • ate t;U years, flied at the home of Ir. ;i'eu. Brown, 1',t 17 eon. 12, Hallett, 1: `Ium ay, Ang. 20th. et wee "_'ol.inscta:, Fan of the rector of 'ii' ieertou, who is on the staff of the I tls:,ns Bank at Toronto, came homeoa Saturday ill with fever. He is now making fair progress toward recovery. If you wish to cure scrofula or salt rheumpermanently, take Hood's Sarsa- i :: s SA,NIA LADY ,. T'ell's How Milburn's Heart and Nerve P:l:s Cured Her Ner- vous Troubles and. Strength- • ened Her Weak System. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are an inestimable boon to anyone suffering from any disease or derangement of the heart crnervc•s or whose blood is thin and watery. Mrs. E. Horning, of i is George Street, Sarnia, Out., is one of those whose experi. ence with this remedy is well worth con- " sidering. . Itis as follows :—" I am pleased to re- . commend lllilburn's IIeart and Nerve Pills to anyone sufl'erin from nerve trouble, no matter hew severe or of how long standing. " For years my nerves have been in terribly weak condition, but Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, which I got at Geary's Phartnacv, have strengthened` them greatly and invigorated my system, leaving tae no excuse Iberia making known 1y their virtues. y "I cannot refrain from recommending e these pills to all sufferers as a splendid cure y for nervousness and. weakness." I u; The Old Reliable Remedy for DIarrhoa and Dysentery. patella. It expells all impurities 1 the blood. William Smith, jun., a gardener, Walkertown, Ont, was injured ' nally by being thrown from his wa A broken breeching caused his horse run away with a heavy load of vete iso. The farm of the late Michael Fis lot. 8, con 8, Mullet, was'sold by atm at Seaforth last weak, Hugh Duni of Constance was the buyer. The f contains 100 acres, with fair bnild and the price was $5.000. George Sturgeoza, for 42 years a miuent citizen of Kincardine, died. Thursday at his residence very snd of neuralgia of the heart, in the 70th ear of his age. Deceased was for many ars a prominent merchant, retir- ten yeaes ago. John Wright, of Brussels met with a erious accident at the Enterprise Salt rtes l • week. o est �1e�k. While engaged rai:- e salt ou the pan the rake caught ou e of the rivets and in a vigorous pull free it ho overbalanced backward and 1 a distance of 12 or 14 feet inflicting at on his face and a bad gash ou one his knee caps. row. r Miss Smith, of Johaanesburg, South Africa, who visited for several weeks at of the homes of Mr. Wm. Smith and other znter friends in Oulross last winter, was mar- solo. riper at the home of Mr. Anderson, in to Wawanosh township, on Tuesday, Ang. tab- 7th, to Mr. R. Eclmunson also of South Africa, whose parents live in Mildmay. The young couple left immediately for her, Minneapolis, Minn., where Mr. Ecllnun- tio n son has secured a position es manager of op, t a large grain elevator for six months, at arm the enol of which time they will return inga to this section preparatory to their re- turn to their home in the pro- southern end of the dark continent. ou The wedding was a quite one, only the den- immediate friends of the contracting parties being present. ..►. Grandma Mrs.Thos. Sherlock, Am - liked It. prior, Ont., recently wrote: "My little iri, three years of age, was taken very bad with diarrhoea, and we thought we were going to lose her, When I remembered that my grandmother always used Dr. Fowler's Extact of Wild Strawberry, and often said that it saved her life. I got a bottle and gave it to any child, and after the third dose she began to ,het better and slept well that night. She Im- proved right along 'and was soon com- pletely cured," Tired Housekeepers. nomiwomurcomne Iisordered Kidneys bring them amultitude of pains and aches. tweignorrodoi How often women give out before the day's work is fairly begun and sink into a chair utterly worn out, Hub the housework must be done even though the Dacia doee ache, and the heats feels ready to burst. These women can't tinderstand why they are never strong, why the night does not bring rest, why they are always tired, have too appetite and seem to be pains and aches %B over. As a rule the real canoe of the trouble le the Iast one thought of. 16 all comets from the kidnaps. These IIelioate little filters of the blood get out of order, and as a result the urio acid and other poisons that they ought to ce;rry off are sent back into the syateni. There's no use tryingto get relied ' until the kidneys are restored to health. The easiest, safest, quickest way to Eac. etemplish this is to take Doan's Kidney Pine •--natures' cwu remedy for all kidney diseases and derangements. Mrs. Martha 8, lfroit, Little River, Digby Oo., N.S., recently wrote as follow:: "I bare rnneh pleasure, in stating that Power1lldney tike have wonderfully improved my health. 1: had been suffering with lam© back for a trona of c.r b yeas and at the tin* I began talcang Doan's Pills X was almost unable >lin air an housework. "1 Lave used three 1three belies 411d must say have taken the pain out of tray bacx elm re,tared my strength. X don't think Share is any other medicine equal to D atn'1t Sidney 1'illti for kidney troubles." Oil to fel ac of A young lace of 15 years of age, lives with Mr. Wm, Case on the boo ary, south of Teeswater, had his 1 broken on Friday morning, He wa 'um ' � plug ou to the wagon ou which a rack. In swinging himself up over t side his foot was thrown between t spokes of the moving wheel, and bef it could be stopped the leg was brol clear off below the knee. On Monday, Aug. l3fh,Jnn. McCall Brussels, celebrated his 81st birthda At supper that evening at R. Heade son's, there were four persons prose over 80 years, viz :—Mr. and Mrs. Me- Callum's, Mrs. Hogg and Mrs. 'Welsh, the two latter being old neighbors of Mr. McCallum's in Morris. Mr. Mae. has been over 50 years a resident of this locality, who 1 nd- I • Remedy for Ivy Poisoning.. eg I The active deletersons properties of s poison: icy, according to Dr. Franz Pfaff was of Harvard University, is a nonvolatile he oil,which vluelt i s found iu all parts of the he plant, even in the wood after thorough Qre. dryiu;�;. This oil cannot be washed off cen with, «rater alone and not readily with the addition of soap. A "70 per cent° uin alcohol soi.utica dissolves and tomo yes. ay, it readily. With sugar of lead added r- I to the alcohol to the point of saturation, nt this forms au efficient antidote, relieving the itching and preventing the further spread of the disease. The alcohol and sugar of lead, however, should be hand- led. With earo, as a small portion taken internally would be a more dangerous poison than the oil of the ivy, "Hunner is the hest Sauce." Yet some people are never imagery. Whatever they eat has to be "forced down." There is, of coarse, something wron.t,* with these people.. By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla a short time they are given an appetite and then they en- joy eating and food nourishes them. If you find your appetite failing, just try a bottle of Hood's, Itis a true stomach tonic and every dose does good. The best family catli'artic .is Iioocl's Pills. • Another of Goderich's octogenarians has Nen called away in the person of Donald McDonald, whose death occur- red on Saturday Aug. 18th, at the alae of eighty-six years. Mr. McDonald has been a resident of this town for five years having lived formerly at Ripley. He wee Is native of Scotland, and after coin- ing to this country was for a time in the s 'rvico of the ltudson Bay Co. in Mani- to'.fa awl the V'ortlxweet Territories. I pwarcls of a dozen people in Brussels have gone cast their SOth birthday, some a good distance by. This list includes John McNauglzton, 00; John Denbow, 88; Robt. MoNaughtone 87; Mrs. Hall, 85; M. Moi nen G' Jam , S , es Oliver, fid; Mrs. Howe, Mrs. Edwards, John Mo- Callvtn, Mrs. McCallum, Mrs. 'Holmes, Mrs. Hogg and Mrs' Welsh,' A number of the above are quite active yet and got about handily, Plante J. E. Ball, of the it}t Batt. Cannrlinu Mounter! Aida, died of en- teric.. fever at Kroonstacl, South Africa on Saturday, 20th ult. Deceased was heal ill Hallett, being at cotton of tn', NO eon Fall, c+f Chit ton, ntxdahalf.brntlx- et. of 2elm Colborne, t o(1erich township, and brother of Mira. Wm. Hill Colborne, and Mrs. .Tas. Tanney, East Wnwanos;l lle was for soma time a member of the Mounted Police before going to South Africa. Mary Ann Mf'attileNvo, relies of the late Wm. Button, died at the home of her son Alfred ill. Morris, on August lath, Heart failure was saitt to be the cause. Deceased CC sed was hernia Buctirglal,, Eng- land, and was united ill marriage to W. Britton, who pre -deceased "tier 18 y'ear's, about 66y0at'a ado. Theycltttie to Cann, da about 1865, and after"livingin Tucker - When hen it Hurts to Cotiglt. The cough that hurts, the cough that gets tight in the chest, is daily gettiug and deeper into the bronchia tubes and is making directly far the lungs, to become pneumonia, infiama- tion of the lungs or consumption. Such coughs yield only to the wonderfulern. cieney of Dr. Chase's Syrup` of Linseed and Turpentine which loosens the tight- ness and cures cough and cold together. 25 cents a bottle, Family size 60 cents. Sold everywhere. Less Dru niceness. An Ottawa dispatch says: S. iffy. Stewart, provincial inspector of licens- es, is at present in the city. Mr. Stew- art says the people of Ontario are drink- ing more ales and porter and less hard liquor than formerly, There is less drunkeness than in previous years. At the present time stir. Stewart states there are about 3,030 lignnor licenses its the province, but the tendency is to deorease the number, and considerable progress has been made in that direction this year. The class of hotels is gotxeraliy growing bettor. One thing that goes a long way towards deoreasing the illicit sale of liquors is that the purehaser as well as the seller is liable to a fine ivlueh in many localities is rigidly enforced. Reeve. After, Toad's Phoaplicid riot, The Great .iiMitglish')4mettv., Sold }tad recommended by all druggiete in Canada. Oniy reit• able medicine discovered, ate 4 k(i ax guaranteed etre ter al tonna o sexed,' iy 9 b 1 uai wn pkriess, all eftoet9afMame orexeesst Mental Mete. ExeeAsive tate of Tat', WO, O plum et' t3tftntttattte; Mailed On receipt of price, one paeka' 11'*1. sir, t5. Osie mitt please; Kt OW cum. .Thititailets free to fly address. Fier Wood Compost, wludttor, one. teeetitle Mese:Metho is sold in Win ninth Isy Crohn A. Care t, all 1 r , .A„ .i.:Ylor Morrow, .T -C, . U„ , vix r r Xi. Ti, l<..at 1. 1 Y1 iUYY r Drug'disttl. n1abou i ueeteli. Examples of the quaint English writ• tent by Hiudman:1 lather Bisbee clerks have, front time to tinne, found their way into the mese, end the following letter is about as amusing as anything, we have seen in print. We hardly sup- posed that the fame of Dr. William' Pink fills for Pale People had spread so far :thong the not very pale inhabitants of the Indian Empire, but apparently their ativertisonienta havo penetrated suiFFolenntly far to suggest to ono outer. prising native the desirability of onturiug rho oorpany's service. Tlie judicious intimation that this gentleman's alit molts only commence after business honors is espeoielly amusing:�-'- Caloutta, November 7t1t, 1800. Honored Sir,—I can't help but to take it to your kind notice, that I tun greatly suffering from a bluff attack of foyer to my system. Last fortnight I have beeu in n • hospital, but I got no reliof. Though somewhat oared, yet that's nothing. The doctors there told that I shall soon within six }inxonths 'get paralysis. I tarn now 10 years. cid, the case would be vory severe 4o, Don't leave me hopeless, clo try kiuclly, If I don't get any relief frons it, It is sure, no doubt, I shall commit suicide for I can't bear this horrible torture. By day I live alright, as an ordinary person. I do everything, bat as night falls I get interne- bed end keep up whole night in agony, I have no body in this world neither I have got a penny. If you kindly take nie to you, and keep rue under your treatment, I shall be so much benefited and so highly obliged to you shall by the; saviour of ney -life. I pray you heartily, kindly rescue me from this horrible pain. Do to are as you would do were you my father, Oh Lord, loom over me to you wretelued son, who is now going to die in agony. You. are great and rich, we are wretched and poor; if you don't loop over us like father and mother in this greatest aauger, our case is fatsil; we get nobody to say. Be kind enough and do stand by mo and take me as father of my own. It is very very simple thing for you. 'I promise you, I shall work in your office 8 or 0 hours a day, faithfully as I shall land there free of charge: Kindly excuse me for the trouble that you shall take for me. Have mercy on me as your own son. Save me, save me please, Reply me very kindly and soon. I have the honor to be, your mcst affectionate and ever obedient, Ralf Crazy With Pile). Mr. Isaac Foster, Erie View, Norfolk Co., Ontario, writes: "I was troubled with itchingpiles for about two years and could not sleep. at nights. In fact I was half orazy from the terrible itching. heading about Dr. Chase's Ointment I purchased a box. After the second application I experienced relief and one box cured nue thorough by and permanently and that was two years ago." Dr Chase's Ointment, CO cents a box, all dealers. ; The End of the World! ' Mrs. A. Elderson, forme4y of South Bend, Ind., a lady evangeli t is in Tor- onto where she will shortly couduct services. v ccs. She has al:axge � astrnomical chart, by meaus of which she Still de- monstrate that the end of the worlds at hand. The seas will be filled up with burning lava coming from the interior of the earth, bat. theearth it- self soil riot be destroyed,. Her main mission, site says, is to war:x people to get ready. She believes the end will cotuo bet:veelznow and next February. Facts in Natural Rlatory° A single codfish produpes more than 1, 000,000 eggs in a season, When a bee, wasp or hornet stiugs, it is nearly always at the expense of. its life. The power of serpents to charm birds and small quadrupeds is well authentic- ated fact. Toads, frogs and serpents never take any food but that whioh they are satis- fed is alive. Serpents are so tenaoaus of life that they will live six months or longer with- out food. Children Cry for Toads become tot;picl.in winter and hide themselves, taking no food for fit>e or six months;. Turtles dig holes in the seashore and bury their eggs, covering* them up to be hatched by the sun. The whale suckles its young and is therefore not a fish. The mothers af- fection is remittable, It is believed that crocodiles live to be hundreds of years old. ' The Egypt - fans embalmed therm. Lobsters are very pugnacious and fight severe battles. If they lcso a claw, (mother grows out. The head of the rattlesnake has been known to inflict a fatal wound after being $evered from the body. There are 40 cheese factories fit Perth county. They make from 350,000 to 400,009 pounds of cheese ina season. • DR. A. W, CHASE'S � i CATARRH CURE . y. tl to t s1 Bent direct IS he discos Ery Patti by the Improved Motto. Heels the ulcers, crests the Sle prtsangess, eteps dreppla t, in the tIt text aend p rmannnt� Catetrtr Old Na Payer, yatcorao .ItfedleIttae Co,. ?oto e' a t fufa o. Walgien_.."1ii;.+,aa{•.'t6�f,'iM+kHitai'Loe4.r.:Si:•.��,:F,":rt 5: `"ry Sct nii'a.Traf What is 11 Castoria is for rzirtznts and Chiltlren. Castello, is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, J"aregorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant, Its guarantee is thirty years' Use lzy DTilliains ser Mothers. Castoria destroys 'Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria aures Diarrhreaa awl Wind Colic. Castoria. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach anti Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea, --The Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told Inc of its good effect upon their children." Da.. 0, C. OSGoon, Lowell, "Vass, Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it no superior to any pre- scription luowu to me." Il. A. 4ttcrtnn, M. D.1roohlyn, Ar„ Y THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. TKO CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURREY CTRecr, NOW YORK O, NEGNISMEMPAv *r ^nsFt;-Ts, t al j.1 W4 0 f• EVOUSD1SEASEfl .11ira 4i#' .. ' Thu.Is t +ds oF. lbatng and Mitt°;le Aged Menitre annually swept to tt roma nr �rle[3, through arly ituliscr.•tiota hard later Rzoesces, Self abuse and Constitntiocal od Tisa aseft h v + ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising youn man, Hweo you 1 my oats f dirt fiut Symptoms: Nervousnnd Despondent•l'Iredin hg iron TTc• 11 n y .Boar; 1 retry 1'attgued Exditnblo and Irritable: Lycslot3lur gi'imp es on the l',ua• (moues and Drains at \iglu; ltestloss: Hngsard Loolcitlg; Blotches; Sore 1 l.I"tr hoose; Pains in hotly; Sunken ]ryes• L' idotess; Dieirustlnl and Lack of 7 t' nal st � yi dlStr •ugtlt. Our New 4l� �1nd Treatment will build you up mentally, physically Fli3d ���1��Q.� KE j� '"✓>' �l'ttat DE �a^aKQ9 pj g:013 $ r.•.r. (h on L 9 r:,,� Li, un tat Dr. hfnrtltott. "At 14 roars of age Damned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and weak. Dry back troubled me. I could stunt]. no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened mo. I tried seven Modfcal .Cltmis, Elec- tric Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Kerman. They sent mo ono month's treatment and it cured mo. 1 could fool myself gaining every day. Their New .ilelkad Treatment cures wltcn all else fails." They have cured many o: my friends." Ellttg VAR/0D c 11111111)1i1 "Some 8 sears ago 1 contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. 1 went to Itot Springs to treat for syphilis. Morcnys' almost killed'me. After, a while tho symptoms ninon appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, loss of hair, glands onlarged, etc. A. medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy Lk Kergan's New Method Treatanont.t I , cared me, and I hsva had no sr'mptoms for five years. item married and happy. As a ''%merit. doctor, Theartily recomend it to all who have this terrible disease- syphlris,." It will eradicate tho,poison from the blocd," Capt.'r.,.,•„.cud, 15 YEARS IN DET OFT. 150.000 CURED. "I nm 33 years of ago, and m•trried. Winn young I loll a r'L x� ar life. Forty .r R e. Lars indiscretions _I Y ad a la �r r ..:,,t„ excesses Cya made ti l ae �l,.trouble 0 for mo. I became. o amo° weak and nervous. My kidneys became ' tt^ effected and I feared Bright's disease. Dfarri• (t ltd w is aasatis- n t �„A factory exams, home unhappy. I tried overriding -all failed till ✓ Method treatment from p meatally Kennedy aol s xtiali. Their eo �; and. act like. a maa in every respect. Try thorn.” 41:rA llr't tteI? t Irll� o ernes Used WithoaaWrit Without Consent of Pafiirit. ::,.0:1r New Method Treatment ne etrfailtin curlers I7fsotsoaefmon. . e dr i'w and losses,onathens the bo ly, stops all Purifies the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous fuel sexual z 1 1“:•10a10 and restores lost vitality to the body. F.1 we Guarantee to Cure Nervous nebtltt 'Failing tlratv130c;-1, r"; ,+.ytsxlttitet, i'arlcocMEMBERele, 4trictare, Gleet, ttinrll.titurrnx ,blit e, ''5 cats Farts anndA.11Z tdueyand }tilactcler33iiseaet:ycizart:ctz, k; t', Dre. Kennedy 8e Horgan aro the leading anecdotists oe ' t 3i ;' Atamerica, They guarantee to care or no pate. amour ronu_ run no risk. Write them for an honesttdopinio 1, no maars ter ern tra'toil, you. c 10+ leas save you years of regret and suffering. ., Charges roasontbla, Wrfto for ti Question 14st arid nook Free. consta tonere Free. O Sa ENN' Y E. C k .l �iie[itvt . 1 Pel, tlFr tall. MONEY To PATENT Good Was may ho Secured by our aid. Address, TRE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, M4. SALT•t 9; IigUM. A Severe ease Permanently .Cured by "1 had Salt Rheum In my taco and hands for three years and could not get anything to cure meth! Iused Burdock Blood Bitters. "On taking the first bottle there was a groat change for the better and by the time the second bottle was finished I was completely cured and have had no return of tl aed's disease eincC, "I have reat for blood and skin tilisease P.BMiss Maud lc rue0. She1burn,t, N,%, "Canada for the Canadians." RE..413 THE CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL of est ng reading matter andllusefullin- fortnation for CANADIAN' OM1;1NT AND CANADIAN BOMBS Subscription price One Dollar per Annum. • OR you can receive it with this paper for one Vent at the Same price by aoncling your orders to the publisher of the TIMES nt Wi ngh atu. Send 10 ef'nts for wimple copy You will 111-e it,. Address. Canadian dome Journal Co., (Limiter))ToetomTO, ONT THE MITI HOLSTEINOP Tan .. is burn and cold and costs..r♦ r..•.1, .8K.. T1X11.UP CM'S A GiSA: ,it. ••w