HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-31, Page 1• •
VOL, XVIII.—NO, 1480,
Did any of your neigh.
bors toll you how much.
soap (Laundry) wve ;Cave
thein for 25e.
Business is booming. so much with us
In Tailoring that it is hardly worth our
while to advertise this 'branch of our
business, but still we want to remind all
.our *lauds that we shall be glad to see
them, told we might mention that we
;are selling off the balance of our Sum -
neer Suitings at a great reduotiou. In
BOOTS and S/10—ES
It is needless to say we lead the Trade.
Our custe ers have been more than sat-
isfied during the past season; the conse-
,quence is, we have had a large increase
in our sales; we anticipate a very large
business for rill, and consequently
have bought heavily-, and it „order to
make room for these' new Goods vee are
selling the "balance of our Spring Stock
ata lame reduction from regular prices
-don't fail to secure some of these bar
:gains, Boys' ; and Youths' sizes in
Boots on Saturday at COST. We have
just sorted up one stock of
r Ili
these we have the very Iatest—if
yon want to be up-to-date .in Neckwear
And Headwear, you roust come to us.
We have still a few
.left; we are selling them at 50 per cent.
•on cost --it will pay yon to buy any-
-ea -thing we have, even if yea don't nee&
it just now. The rest of our Groceries
'.at cost and below. We have not much
left, but evbat we have yoti can have et
3 -,our own price.
iith & Sons
;.ferriage Licenses
Issued by 3'B is { PATEuSoz', No. 28 Victoria
in great variety, from 2
dikes for Go to 15e per
A box good Klatches 5c.
Big package Parlor.
Matches 10e.
o .ami
Opp. Bank of Hamilton
was •
(The China House)
T. E. Ross -L cal.
Tates Office oca1,
John Burgess Notice.
Rov. J. W. C;F -Local.
It, C.Brownt dgo-Local.
Walker and itton-Mattresses.
N. A. Farqult trson--Toilet Soap.
Dunlop Tire d. -Carriage Tire.
D. E. Bastin --Cider and .Telly Mill.
D. McLackl & Co. -Go to the Best.
TrMIS Office For Titres Subscribers..
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the first
Friday of each month from.11.30 a.
m. till 3 o'clock p. m., for consultation
in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
Co -art of the I" °pendent Order of
Foresters, havi jurisdiotioi over
Western Ontari , were in session at
Goderich on Tu.e 'day and Wednesday of
this Week . 0, Reading represented
the Wi.? Bunt C ort at the meeting.
r-Lty "cent Faa • D;: --In ieetts'
we stated that th Buyers and Merchants
Benefit Associati n, which. is doing bust,
ness with a num er of Wingham busi•
ness men had far ed. It was the Toronto
Coupon Co. that as failed and this com-
pany had nothiaa r whatever to do with
the company do ng business in Wing -
IIousn Fon SALE. --Any person esir-
ing to purchase a good o •. 'ortable
house in good location on e ems of
payment, can learn par oculars by
applying to the Teems office.
•street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. received a copy of
printed from typ
u-ui. `"i et. er 's`ui terese"u s+ type setting urachi
Fall Term Opens
Sept. 4th. Tal
education for profitable, progressive,and r
permanent employment m given in te ,,
Central Business g :. ss Colin -e C'
Stratford, cont.
pi No less than
eight largea ;fatalness alness co
l• T
NI slexewsehtkefoppoluergrtaouastevthoinatke pto
tions as teachers in their schools. As T.
man as fin biisin firsts have a ile
e ess
y p i
to us3 in no fir b ATP. ppliiw is
o rta fro ec h T
y 4 1 +-
surd the sforyou Attend.
v g. best school to a t
0 Writo for our beautiful Catalogue. gl
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,1
pays for the 'INES till
.7ainuary ist, 1901,.
pays for tho,rntss and To..
ronto Daily Star till Jan.
1st, LOOL. All who sub.
'seethe- for the Star get a
bands picture of the
Queen M Prince of
Lave your order's early
at the TIMES office,
office. The Era
folcliug machine
Judging from the
the Era is pttblis
newspaper Once
The Era is a
edited weekly pa
TRE Comm
numbers of Mai
visited Western
on Thursday ev
were initiated, t
Wfngham Long:
members of the
Leatherdale an
et ran's
been an Oddfell
the business of , • e lodge had been con-
cluded, refresh cants were served and a
short progratum : rendered, The Brus-
sels brotheru 1 now how to use their
visitors. `
Town Cot=
the Town Cot.
Mayor for last
pttt''pese of co
Chas, Barber f
crete sidewalk
of the G. T. R.
ERPRISE. We have
e Newmarket Bra,
set by a Monoline
le recently put in its
as also put int a new
ud gasoline engine.
advertising columns,
ed in a town where
rise is appreciated.
ell prid and well
ews. ' Some twenty
and lodge, I. 0. 0. F.
tar Lodge at Brussels
ng. Two candidates
e degree team of the
doing the work. Two
russets Lodge, Messrs.
Spence were lir ented
ewels. Bach tying'
w for 25 5 yaars'
. Afterr
.--A special meeting of
oil was, called by the
riday evening, for the
'tiering proposals from
the repair of the con-
n Josephine street, north
All the members of
council were p'esent except Councillor
Chisholm, A omniunieatioii evvas read
fr m Mr.,
0 Ear er's solicitor re the walk
in question. It was moved. by Colin-
cilior McXXon 4e, seconded by Councillor
Holmes, the thlscouncil do not enter-
tain llvlr. 8. +er's offer to relieve hi"xt.
and his surd 'es "from libality for repair
and manta e of the sidewalks built by
him during +1g. season of 1800, is con-
sideration • f his relinrittishing the
monies it" heft 'antis, and that this
council has ever reftised Mr. Barber
permission repair the sidewalk is
dispute in tie. • rdaixeo with the terins of
his contract. arriett. Cout"cil then
Apprentices wanted rat Onnee. Two
young ladies to learn tailoring.
tf WnusTna & Co,
See Joint Kerr's achy ° ''tisemont,
Holmes, of $t. C
Holmes, M. P.
New Era, colebs
cling on Monde)
Mrs, Holmes ar
of good health
art ` Mr..end Mrs. E.
diadem, parents of R.
editor of the Olinton
tel their golden wed-
Aug, 20th, Mr. and
yell the eajoyaient
PtiRCIT.isED Peornitvv, V\Vm.
Arwour has urchased the old, town
hail building o Edward street . nucl will
have it con'er!'.d into an egg packing
establishment. We understand Mr.
Armour " en to put in a good content
cellar. his s
iug for its bus
Get your we
the Health Ins
fever gets int
Reading Olean
Go to C. J. Rea
Pumps.• -Pelton'
Leinnt DAY SI'
will be held at Gc
(Labor Day), F
will play match
Brussels football
other for the thin
Hume; -Han'
sitting of the 1-li
I-IurQn County w
Jury sittings, b ore Justice Ferguson,
nber filth; Non, jury
Justice 1?alconbridge,
dig's for all kitale of
sold stand.
RTS. --A day of sports
iTic on 1L'CQnday next,
r good baseball teams
a and Listowc'1 and
clubs will face each
1 tittle this sc•tiSOn.
CQURT.--°Che autumn
Court of Justice for
'11 bo held, tis follows:
Tuesday, Septe
sitting, before
+uld make ate Al build- hiouday, Novonlber 12th,
",ess, Fon SALn.-=louse and with stable
is cleaned; dent wait for
on Patrick street; sec rooms; good
color to tell ouor till tt cellar, garden, w led arid. summer
yy , c gasT
your family. C, J, k$e iexa, Healthy sttuatiou. Apply to
and digs wells, tireseut occupant, Rev, J. W. (aoFSly.
AGAIN WIN -uRs,—The two race
horses belbngh g to J. B. Sweets wore
winners in th races at Wellsville, N.Y.
last week. . • th Harold H, and Walter
K. won their races ie. three straight
heats. WhiI at Wellsville Mr. Swarts
had a bandso e offer for Harold H.
The horses o at Hornelsville, N. Y.
this week and Messrs Swarts and Robt.
Beattie left fo • that place on Wednesday
the prizes giv
and Motor Company
evening last.
winner of the
euough points
win it. Tho
night and the p
ed. were Addis
Melvin.8rcl anc
secured enoug
prize and J. F.
moderate sized
Must be in goo
0. Brownridge
a Swan River,
the marriage
elft ble bachelo
of the benediot
tongs' popular
His friends we
sion here that
the sole and
him to the gilt'
It appears loin
AVinghtt r -On
had also her aft
during this we
on.July 27t1t by
. by the Canada Cyo1e
many was run on Friday
E. S. Coultee was the
rophy, he having secured
before the last race to'.
who raced ofi. Friday
aces in which they finish-
' 1st, J. F. Coultes 2nd,
Brinker 4th. Addison
points to win se ud
pintos got thin prize
popple suppose th
tached to mailing
photographs, or
This is a mistah
pertinent is 100ii
Parties who
payment of two
aro liable to to
least ten clollai:s
for all partie's,to
postage than t
ho last race for after them... If
pay ge
Ntrlclettersluo TRpostaE ,
received from t1
Davis & Lawren
Montreal a few co
tion (the .sixth)
"Nursing the Sick
written by a profe
.only the approval
'si , but is collide
isition to everyh
rent by 'Sept. 4th, ly a first aidto the
ouse f roily of twvo' modzcal and surgic
eon n. Apply G. g
agent C. P. R. published in peen
' may be `obtained
ing is a partial
made at the G.
Elliott, V. S.,
horses to Kings
be used by A.
Robertson, a c
route and a carl
wood ....D. C.
cattle to Toronto
load of lambs to
quantity of freigh
the station here
MAILS. -- Many
o is no penalty 'at-
letter in a newspaper,
'rage of merohaudfse.
and the post office de-
g after such matters.
„trying to evade the
r`three cents in postage
such an act cost at'
It will be better
y the regular rate of
lave the officials get
n are sending a• letter
nd avoid any trouble,
The following from stamp to the above
an. paper refers to the Do you want a n
f two, former young one repaired; go
"Another of our most Pumps °t ail -kinds
as has joined. the ranks order. .
. , This time it is Mini- CEME:yT Tian sex
merchant, Jas. Pocock, lege; of Seaforth h
left under the inpres- rug cement tile an
in"iipeg industrial wvas here for some days p
my attraction drawing to be much harder
luring exhibition week. and no doubt in the
haat a young lady from of _brick -rill lie u
•oe-Misssteizzie Dicer,
13ti1' ini3 es.
tionsfocused ou the city various sizes and a
They were married culverts in roadway
he Rev. Mr, Vincent. the old wooden stria.
CR --We have just
publishers, Messrs.
e Co., Limited, of
fes of the latest edi-
f their publication
" This booklet being
sional nurse has not
the medical profos-
ed an invaluable roc-
sehold, being
vounded, or :a simple
1 hand -book. It is
and English, and
by enclosing .a 5c.
Mentioned firth.
w Pump, or your old
o C. J. Reading's.
u hand or made- to
tile answer the purp
s Week. -The 'follow- the wooden culvert
list of the shipments much longer.
. I'i . this week:—J. J.
ear load of Military covR
n. These horses will OVer makes anythi
Batter Burchill & dealers who go
Battery locating in tow"
rload of cattle to To-
d of hogs to Coiling- and making a 'gr
Donald, a, carload of they have to give
d D. Stewart, a car-
are in to make u
st Buffalo. A large buy legitimate go
has been received at a legitimate deal
his week. Among to get "stuck" if
of your home de"
other things are a c. r of egg cases for C.
Gillespie ; carload of: lumber for C. Lloyd
& Son; carload of lumber for Thos.
Bell & Son Co,, aucl carload of wheat
for Howson, Harvey - Brocklebank.
Pon SALE. D, Ste vart offers for sale
at a'bargain, 25 tier" of Its farm, lying
south of Tictoria s reet to . Bluerale
road. Property is ii.:ly situated; has a
good orchard and two overflowing
springs, ,Also 82 ter: s north of railway
track; 0 acres bush td balance seeded
football match by
promenade concert
Fridaya in n•
yen i, tin
the band was a. succ
e eecu
maces wee o cern
ing splendid and alt
Mg how a progress'
ham ever done wit
ized bard. Refresh
in abundance. The
tween Winghatn
rather prolonged anc
tired of it before t
game was alright
could hardly tell
1tOMEN,t TE. The
electric light aitd
in the park last
er the auspices of
ss as far as attend -
The band ispley-
y are note wonder -
e town like Wing-
ut a regular orgnn-
metts were served
football match be-
nd Brussels was
malty people were
o end came. The
s a novelty. One
vho was the star
player on either sic e. Cotiltes end Al.
Ienby,dotte splentli work for the home
to/.in. After an h, nr's playing neither
sdo scored a goal. The names s of the
players: line ever offered,
Kerr • e Al n
?eppe 1' Oo I os \'Ve can suit any taste, at
Sample S Mitchell
Grey i Dinsley any price from toe per box of
a cal' B It
just as good bar
of goods as thes
home dealers 'are
reputation is at s
and yen assist til
and give a ssista
needed. They
societies, your
legitimate cause, while the, fakir conies
in for a few d
and gives nothiu
Look out for th
severe letting al
the welfare and
BRxcx.—F. Gutter -
been xnauufa,etur-
brick in the rink i
;t. The brick seem;
an the. Clay ones
ar future this class
ed extensively for,.
Read Jolui Irerr's WY se mit.
BUSINESS 01rAN E. the firm of
Young & Paulin, lu rawer° and tin%h are
merchants is about n be dissolved. Alex
Young is pttrchasin; B. P. Paella's in-
terest iz" the insrire s and will continue
the business iu t e old stand, Mr.
Paulin is at present u the West and w
have net hearth wha he intends doing.
IsleaCTRIC Sroitiat. A telaafie eleotrio
storm, flcconxpaniecl by a heavy &two -
pour of rain, visited the neighborhood of
Wingham on Sunda r night. The rain
was not very heal,, 'a Wingham, bat in
the nei;hborbooci was. quite heavy,
Mr. Pelmet, of the 1 t Ott concession of Mu-
loss lost his barn a d all the contents as
a result of the ligh ning. The threshing
machine inoved to his place on Saturday*
,aid the machine ww as totally destroy de
ACCEPTED A P •ITxoq,--J, H. Chis -
ham, of town has = eeepted a position as
traveller with the E. B. Shuttleworth
Chemical, Co., of .Tonto and bas been
given a territory e se of Toronto. Mr.
Chisholm is a you n anal highly respect=
ed in the town and is this year a member
of the Town Chan 11, He has had con-
siderable experien: e in • the drug and
chemical line and .i ould meet with sae -
cess in his new p sition. The Tams
congratulates Mr, Chisholm on his Ap-
EARLY FALL A v emerstx .—The ap-
proaching autunix -will witness an iu-
crease of 1iixn an a tergy and a revival of
all the activities t at hove languished iu
the heat of am e •traoxclivairy summer.
Everybody will d' cover now wants in
preparing for .,to coming months.
Those advertiser who will be first in
the field will ha - an obvious advantage
not only in su plying the immediate
needs of the emu + unity, but also in be
ing able to lead .i eopie to form the habit
of dealing with hem before the com-
petition for tract shall become sharpest.
The TLUEs can s pply the wants of the
Wingham meroli Ms in the way of any
thing in the aave *sing line.
rA.RMiRs1—"What prolrt .is. they: in
buying cheap, cQninton cast niet= +low
points; • they are dear at at money.
Coate to the and get tkl g . ine, made
theta broken car wile s ud eannister
erteOibtiee east, temper : in oil, hard and
tough', "lade -to -tit -load -to-wear on
any plow: Only. 35 cents cash.
T. H. Ross, sole agent.
. Txni BOSTON' 13LO amts. --One of the
most eetiting andde teresting games of
'trraIbas'' 'rgi ilke •'" r 6 GI1 vV1nj3Tt tt111
park on Friday, Sep . 7th, between the
Ladies' Champion Base Ball Club of
Boston, Mass. and iugham local club.
The Boston Bloomer is the usual title
given this famous Ladies' Base Ball
Club. They aro j stly entitled to the
same, as they alwa3 appear upon the
field, to battle for epremacy, dressed
in the :twentieth eutury garb—th"e
bloomer. This or y izat"ou of female
ball players is the on ' ladies' ball ib
u America. The tea • lavas first o aide -
ed in 1893. This is ti eir seyen annual
our. The club is de t - manage-
ment of Mr. W. P. N e ,• • , and they
travel in their own p ace car. During
the past six years t s organization of
emale ball players "ave traveled es•
teusively and visited • 11 the large cities
in America and Cana a. The club has
been strongtheued f •nt year to year,
each member selected for her ability to
executive anal fill he • particular posi-
tion in a manner sati aetorily and be-
coming a member of t xis, the Champion
Ladies' Baseball 01 b of the World.
Don't fail to see th:m.` Admission,
25 cents. Game Calle at 3 o'clock.
—David. E. Hastiu;.s will commence
running the cider au• jellymill onTues-
day next. The mill will be run every
. e Fri-
Wednesday, , 2 ata oda ;and I rr
day until the end of s'asott a
AocIDENacA'C IIRx;Ar 'ARD41-.4i.. terrible ;
accident happened at Eli Elliott's new
brickyard on the Blu = vale road on'Mon-1
day evening, Tho toiler burst and
scattered things in a directions, It is
supposed that the lin' ig of the fire place
had been defective a burnt ottt thus •
causing the cxplosi . E11 Elliott, jr.,
who eves standing 'ar the boiler had,
all his eloing blow • off and was my
ded in di ereut parts of the
los. Roberton who resides on
ttecicient occurred,
and only escaped
Ting pieces of the,
e,ta: pi: g position;
errct lme would
The pieces which
destroyed a brick
nsiderablc other
damage. 7:11 Elliott las beer" at the
acne of Thos. Bob rtso:t,. inner the
Iictor's ease since the accident, stud 1"e
villtot be wvell 'eno •.it to be taken
letne for a ;`ew days, wording to last
(ports he was progressi ' gas favorably
s could be especterl. tr. Bliiott, ar„
aner =-
e used mainly for
, doing away with
tures. The cement
se much better then
and they wall last
E HLA.. No man
g by buying of fake
bout the ,cpuitry,
for a fejie days,
t noise about what
way. These fellows 1
new. They cannot
ds any cheaper., than t
hence you are sure
on buy of then. Buy
er. He will give you
ins for the same class f
fakirs will. Tone
ere at all times..Their.
ake. They assist yon
M. 'they pay taxes,
ce when' assistance is
contribute to your
lurches, schools, any
s, takes your money
but shoddy in return.
fxikir. Give him a
ne and c tll
us assist in
rosperity of your town.
WANTED—At once, 100 Tubs Butter.
Cash or trade. G. E. IKirui.
See that -'"
d ) 2
window of •, l.wo, w.00 shirts.
Tour choice for 75e. G. B. I m1ci.
If so,you should see our stock,
wvl'icll is ooilyosed of some of
ci n.
the nl tit clE a.lxt goods in this
tc lis.
' Vilsoli ttlfl treks Irwin three c .ktes to 2 5n per cal.t',
I+ er tts n ell '
itlol)ouald i Gillespie c
I:foclfe 1 Ailtins 'e have it fcw odd lines w
Lampbe , Burgess ,
Campbell 1t Iclioiiegh which We aro clearing ,cllt at
Il:atniiton 1 . t IT-:;,rnilton ' T
badly s
the farm where the
was standing near b
serious injury from
I boiler by being in a
lead he been standi
been instantly killed.
flew in all directions
tnceltino and did c
Mot ' xo to tx.-•Money to loan, on
notes, and notes eiscountect at reason•
able rates. Money advanced on moot•
gages, with privztegc of 1tip rttxg at the
end of i,ey year. Notes ttth acrttttnts
collected. C)f1ce--13,,aver Block, Wing,
ham. 13,o11T. .tiCINbno..
bargain pricer. See them a
cAVis h
As been rather utifortuu ito this sum -
Fenny wire and pound
,C',1?t• l I
11 ..t,
y saved is a
peaty earned,
All old saying` but never
truer than they are today of
the household that is not pos.
sessect of some quiek sure
remedy for summer coinplaint,
eho'era morbis ltnd kindred
troubles Mat kill before you
can get a doctor to the scene.
We have all the best.. It will •
save you money to have one of
them in the house,
$' G., •. W. Office.
ty GO
we are showing very special attrac-
tions in lieu,• Autumn Dress Goods in
.fine All -Wools, Silk and Wool mule
Camel -hair mixtures. The patterns and..
colorings are really beautiful. Also to
very large display of Ladies', Children's,
and Gentlemen's fine Unerwear izr
Silk and Wool, Silk fleece, Fine Wool
Fleece and full Bleached Cotton Fleece.
The cold change will soon conte. How
comfortable it will be then to be well
supplied with Gordon's fine and cheap
It will give us pleasure to show the
above new attractions.
D. M. GORDON, ; z•,A
The Direct Importer.
Clil7atC it NOTES.
Sacramental sex ices will be held in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday -
next, Preparetor, service will be held.
ou Friday evening
Rev. J. T. Kerr u has decided to re-
main as rector of Trinity church.,
Mitchell, in comp iance with the tutani
mous request of as coegregation,
The financial eeting of the Wing-
-barnDistrict of he -Methodist 'chinch
pill be held at hitechurcll on Tues-
Se cut, ter.1 h.
.. ..g4k; ._., _ theft ,at 10 a: aiL_
Since the Methist Centel -mice met
in June, five aged ministers died, the
aggregate of whoages is 411 years.
Rev. James Bro • died at the advanced
age of 07 years; ',ev. Francis Coleman,,
93; Rev. a'ame:; Caswell, 82; 'Bev., •
Thomas Crews 80,-0idR.ev. Wm. Wood-
man, 89.
eoNaux ciAT oN..L cltt'ncx.
The pastor w 'occupy the pulpit
coming Sunday a I preach an the fol-
lowing subjeets; Morning: "Venera-
tiondue the Heave y Father ;" evening:
"What Ohristisus toow, or if they know
it not, what they ould know,"
Mr. A. Secord's 'ordi tatiou at Forest
is arranged for S ptember Gth. Mr.
Second was, for a i ort a -bile during his
student days, pasr of the Congrega-
tional ohtuch of tl hs place.
Rev. W. H. Wneou is at Cowauvillc,
now-, and the last sue of The Canadian
Con„;regationali'st ..lid "church work is
progressing very opefully under Mr.
Wattson's direction " •
What about the ongregational Year.
Book? Do you. t ant one? Let the
pastor have your o der at once.
Do you 1x00 to near it? If not, take
Scott's Emttlsion. 'Twill f"11 out your
snail:ea eyes, hollow cheeks, and thin
heads. Why not have a plump figure?
D in t he disease steal a march on you.
Wingham's Popular Shoe Store,
for the boys, and this girls, too, in our
large stock of
Mucli better goods than you would
expect to find ar these prices. Every
pair is made of good solid leather,
Special value this MOM h in Boys' and
Girls' Shoes.
mer, its it is only, a few es %c'ks since ho Bargains.
et' with alt acct'ent on the G. T. R.
' erasing,. front the effects f which 1l0
as to '`et go about on trate es. • Allhinds Af'14 a:ticVali!, + and ViOval),