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The Wingham Times, 1900-08-24, Page 8
.„, .H74- 1\401 N D 0 .MCINDOO AUD UST We.have ve a.rranged so pleas- ing a selection of bargains for this month that we think no comments are necessary, Make your arrangements to do your shopping where ) ou get everything, good. and up- to-elate::at reduced prices, 0 VIE ilrIN(1IAA ' TOMS, AUGUST 1900 -'alio regelt>,r Meeting. of the W, O. T. U. will be field. Tuesday ilftoruoonl,. 3 &elea, in the 1.0. V. hall, Chisholm -Ula lt. S. B. p'raliek, who formerly lived near Wieghtun has sold hie farm near 13raissels to Wqi, Rands, Mr, Fralick has pu relmsecl a farm, near N'erdeu, Men. and intends going West. -Two grauolithic walks are being. laid at the school ,grouucle from, the • street to the school gates. Geo, area= is also l.ayiug a piece of waif. at talc: corner oi: Iiia brief Week,. -Clintou'e junior baseball boys were Latched on the gravel.road near- Lowe. when retwruit„ to Clinton. No damage was dome txrept the canopy of the ria; belly; broken, AND 69 us1i • 25 pieces pretty patterns of Crunl's b"st English Prints. regular price T 2 ' c, August prices I oc. New American Blue Mus - fins, very new and pretty, reg. 25c and 3oa.:,. reduced to clear at 15c. 25 New Shirt Waists, just opened, all good shades, for 50c, 75c and $I.00 Cool, Thin, Gloves and Hosiery. 15o. Samples of these fin goods at regular wholesal prices, NEW GOODS -11Tr. Cree]man, superinteudent of Femmes' List Utiles, is arranging for no less than 700 public nieetin s clurieg the et ming winter, The Department of Agrit"ulture is laying, special stress upon the necessity of a •rioniturtil tclncation among ()uterio farmers, -For tlheTorouto fair the G. T. R. end C. P, R. will sell return rickets at i'.3.tn. A faro or 2.70 will be available on August 30th and September 4th and tith. All tickers are good to return until e.eptetul,er lOth, Ile Fooled The Surgeons I tlo tIre told Ilan eh Hahuiltr , of \Vta•r fer: tall, 0., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was per- formed ;but er-formecl;but he cured himself with Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the :world,. Surest Pile cure on earth, 23 amts a box. Sold at Colica A. Camp- bell's drug store. THE EXAMINATIONS, Below will be found a list of the suo- cessful students who wrote at local cen- tres. In the part I, junior leaving lists that follow, the symbol P. (5) indicates that the candidates referred to have passed in all the five subjects of the ex- amination, while the symbol P. (3) im- plies that the candidates referred to have passed in granlmer, arithmetic and his- tory. MYTH. P. (5) .-Barr, Clark, Slater, Stewart. e P. (8). -Cox, Hammond, Wilford. e BRUSSELS. P. (5). -Hogg, Richardson, Work. P. (3). -Bewley, Buchanan, Cousley, Lamont, Ross, Strachan, Telfer, Van - stone, Zimmer, Strath. Silks, Satins, Dress Goods Ribbons, Laces, Ready-made Clothing, Corsets and Kid Gloves at.. DUNGANNON. !:. {„,ALOCALS. tee• Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran teed to cure headache, -Tuesday was Listowel's civic holi- day. -Last Friday was Luoknow's civic holiday. -The Tions is the best place to get '.wedding stationery. - Listowel's tax rate for this year is 22 mills on the dollar. - Tates for 25 cents till January 1, 1901, Subscribe now. -The degree team of Maitland Lodge, LO.0.F. visited Brussels last evening. - Jas. McGuire, of Belleville has purchased the Ciarenden hotel at Clin- ton from ,i. 0. Miller. -The rural schools re -opened ou Mon- day last. The town schools will not re- open until Tuesday, Sept. 4th. e. -The members of the Wingham Fire Brigade are practicing for the hose reel races in Stratford on Labor Day. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas.. McKelvie were both on the sick list last week. Wo are pleased to see that both are now able to be around again, - A large number of new uatnes have been added to the TIMES subscription list during the past week. Only 25 cents till January lst,1901. --The flume at the Souring mill has been causing mach trouble of late, owing to its leaking. Workmen. have been en- gaged this week in repairing it. -Last week John McGlynn, of Turn- berry Left a head of timothy ill the TIMES of Ice that measured 10 incises. This beats Zr.kLiiiklater's timothy, Maple Grove Lodge, L. O. L. will Bold a picuio on Garduor's Greve, hear z,ucknow on Labor Day afternoon. :ltte.. W. Lowe, of town will he one of the speakers. -Harry Briefinan, of I inoarditie, 00n-in•law of John Allenby, 'town, and well-known to Winghatnites ' has re- moved to Toronto, where he liar secured s good situation. —Wm. Diamond has repurchased has butchering bus:mess in town and intends continuing the business in the old stand. He will be pleased to have a!1 his old customers esill on him. C4uteridge has finished the con- crete abutments for the new iron bridge on the gravel road. 41.e and his work - left Wednesday morning for born at which place Mr. Onto. llsx a >,iunilar contract to the oz P. (5).-S. I. Wobds. P. (3). -Brown, Durgin, Glenn, 11ii1li- gan, Roberts, H. B. Woods. WrNGEAaf. P. (5). -Agnew, Edwards, Eglestone, Garrick, Gillies, Gregory, Henry, Hobbs (honors), Hough, C. Kennedy, Kerr, L. Martin, M. Lane, Murray, 1Robertson, Stewart, Whiteman, A. Wilson. P. (8). -Ansley, A. Beaton, G, Beaton, Ernest Button, E. Oayler,Dever, Gra- cep, Gilchrist, R. Jermyn, V. Jermyn, E. Lane, Little, Musgrove, H. Martin, Millen, Thompeoh, Walsh. WROXETER. P. (5). -Mason, Milue, Weir. P. (3).-E. Sanderson: Will Work At. Night. Countless thousands have found a blessing to the body in De. King's New Life Pills, which posititively cure bon- stipation, Sick Headache, Dizziness, Jaundice, Mula.ria, Fever and Ague and Liver and, S5oillaelt troables. Pureiv vegetable:never gripe or weaken. Only 25 cents at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. SPORTING VOTES. Clinton and Wingham junior baseball teams played a game ori the park here on August Oth. Score 20 to 8 in Wing - ham's favor. Clinton and Godorieh baseball teams played a league game on August 9th. The Signal says it was a poor exhibition of the game and also that Clinton played to "aliens” from Ailsa Craig, contrary to the rales of the league. Clinton won the game by the following score:. Clinton 5 5 2 0 0 0 7 0 x-19 Goderich 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5- 8 Wing%am and Brussels baseball teams played ft friendly' pine on the park here on Thursday of last week, Tt was a fine game of ball, free from any chewing, read both teams ,put up a good game. Skeates mid Alderson put rip a good game in the pitcher's bo:, and Locke- ridge behind the bat done excellent work. The other players all done well. The Brussels boy's are a gentlemanly lot of players aisd .took their defeat in good part. The score: - Brussels - i 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 '0--- 0 Witigllain+--1 0 0 CI 0 0 6 0 2.-12 A lettgae panne of ball was played on t to lrurk here on Saturday last that was in the opinion of all, they best game, of ball ever pia, ecu in Wltrghaua. Clinton atidWiugiratn teams were the players.' Both teams were in for the game and each, player played careful ball. `Sonne good plays were ramie by members of both teams. Doyle acid Leekttridge done splendid Work for the locals and wet* ,well stlppo tsd by isle other mom - bees of the team. The following score twill show that it was a good game of ball Clinton --4 0 0 0 0 0 0 •0 C Wiargbnirs-il 0 0© 0 0 0 8 :t' ''he rocord of the Huron comity base - belt league is now as follows:: Wen. Lost, To Play.. Z'in;hani 13 (,oticarieh 4 4 i> Clinton 1; 3 Wiughaue has two games yet to play with Clinton, one on the home grounds and oue at Clinton. Should Winghem win both games it will leave them with the honors for the season t:titittCIX U11':a. Rev. 0.11. Eusersort, formerly of the 1Treet>wtri'uh Street Baptist ehurele Hamilton, has ;•eeeivad and noceptecl a call to Mt. Forest Bn tist church. The Mt. Forest ehareh had been without a pastor for only a month. Rev. W. J. I'iuilley, of Guelph, has been in town in the interests of the home missions in connection mita the Cenigregati.anal oburc'_t,. Roe. 1',,, Nobly.,•" tts'1ived home from Muskoka on Friday last end ocoapied his pulpit On Siiuday. Rev. D. Porde ku'l fancily have u - rived home from their holiday trip. Mr. Perrie will occupy his own pulpit on. Sunday next. Cough, and colds that other remedies seem powerless to relieve are promptly cured by Dr. Wee. et; Nortvrev Pins Sy rasp. Try it and 1t will Coi1Vir1Ce you of its effieaoy by curing you Price 25e f r 1301IN. Cos,1r>:'rr In B'uovale, on Aug t 14th, the wife of Thou. 0o••ne.11; a ttngliter. A AYsrah'—Iu Eiotvre$, oa Au;nsy 10th, the tile, of Benj. ITN - slop; a dauightou. .Oou,er,AS—In `t[ u eve t r, on Altered 5th, the wile of Sohn Douglas: a stun. Sh1l7r,T333—I11 T. e s,water, on August Stli, the wise of John Skilling ; a Kon. 5 - 5I RRIC1? 11r.T.arr9:—•ClapT .xsaANa. A.t the Baptist parsonage, Minnie st., Winghn1n, August lath, br Pasto • Freed, Mr..Tmes Elliott, of ¶tttilnberry. Miss Margery Cruickshank, of :Wingham.- LNttreann. Fa..tserz—On August let, nt ilia residence of the bride's father, by the Bev. S. Young, Richard Enright,. merchant of Morris, Manitoba, to Miss Annie G. Fra•'•oik,.��' Bond daughter of Wm. Fraser, of llowick, 6� DIED: I1aa tf . Pftislewoo 1. agid 28twearn , tttlio lirmtof H•uzleweod Di os., luil.Icrl, cte. DR. F GNE W, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Of13ne-Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Moro. Niglit calls answered at the office. A pian Wanted at Once To engage with an old ri.liable firm in n. plea- sant. profitable and permanent business in own. county. Gond any weekly; exehisive con- trol of territory.. Only biose who mean business need apply. Enquire of N. CHENOWETEt, 44 Spndina Ave., Toronto. NOT/CE. Notice is hereby den that a oust will be heldpursu-nt to "The Ontari oters' Lists Acts," by His Honour the ,Tudo of the Oount1' Court of the County of H r , s • • the Council Chamber, Wingliam, o W . nes ay the 5th day of Sep bar/ A. D. 1900 nt J0 o'cjoc1 r.. air to hiar' and determine the several complaints of 'errors rors +nd omissions in the 4otern' List of the Municipality of the Town of Winrltan for the year 1900. 111 persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and 01001.. Dated at Winghanu tho 28rd day of August, 1900. r. a rrsc+usoN. Clerk of said Court. AUCTION SALE —OE— Valuable Farm Property. Tames h*aeDot alcl and Angus M ebonalcl, otiecutot•s to the will of the tate W' 'tau Mac - t Mac- Donald., by puldie instructed .T. sill-licc`'to ac reserve bid, at 'Queen s Hotel, 'n the ' iliage of Bel - grave, on Thursday, Sep . :0th, 1900, at 2 o'clock in e afternoon Part 1. Containinrca0 Hermmoreor less, north.% of die North 1.4 of Lot 84. Con. 0, East V,Tawanosh, about 45 noes of cleared land. Balance in bush; a log house, frame barn and frame stables. n good orchard, about IC of a rano from P. n., and near to schoolancu church. This lot is well supplied with good water the year round. .Part 2. Being port of the North x= of Lot 80, Ccn 9, East V7awnnosh, containing 28 acres More or less; all bush. Trot tis of SALE.Ten per cont. of the nur- C-ha8(,,110))1'y to be _paid on day of sale. Baal- ance in 00 days. Further particulars Inade known on clary of sale, or by aopiying to the Executors. Dated this 10th day of Atugusf, 1000. JAMES MncDONAI,D. ANGUS'bMSCDONALD, Tyxceutors. J. CIIRRIE, Auctioneer, • St.'Helons P. 0. Winghtun. For QUALITY OF TRAINING, If'011. HIo7I STANDARD of its courses, the CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. is unexoetled. The tinny applications re•'e ntly received from the !rawest American and Can- adian firms and Business Colleges for our graduates is the etrtingest evidence of Hie thorough ehhraeter of our Werk, Public school teachers who Itave talcon out courses are its creat de•natd 'among tie' representative col - le ox on the Continent, -nt.L at Initial sal r es. in many times 0f two (4,- fret times what they formerly received.. A bttthtittcr•ccilegtetrafned Canndia11 is the American businr'as tua'ri's ideal of office help-, 'We furnish the kilter of proper• atimt that is beilditig our reptttittion.. 2l. o pupils placed in ten months ending Jain Ooorl boars for gents at $2.50 per week, not foe ladies at2.00, We pay ritilwitV fete to the extent of 28.to stttdonts from 11 Mina ice. Co11e a rt•oppeirs dept. 4th. toe sue Meet co31 ,te eau/ogee issued in Canadn, write D. MCLACHLAN" & Cb , Chatham, Ont. Cook's Cotton hoot Compoai>ld. 10,0d000Litdie9 Safe eeffdea nel.tadieSesk Tithe r o ethgerr, SS &11 Mi rte ries, p! lidend titlltatietS Ste datigerotis. Prlee, No. 1, $1 per reit; rrd. 2,10 degrees etrenger,1e per hot. No. 1 or 2, Wattled oil roeeipt of price and two 8.eent etanips, The (took Uempithy.wirideor Ont. Cr'Nate, l atut eo;d and reoernmended1y alt roilp on.. ib1e Draggle to Canada. O1arx1'@ 2arc )1dln 7:nu1t<int1.yA,le. and_ e;y,�,,u on, J. 1Jln•rt:.r t A. ltterr oiw, teem A' I • �;�„t,� �, Wit.. ''< WI] AM TAM PIMP VQEv mr SIN A con ok1 -Pin, •3*a0' fills Hawing re -purchased our old . •aucl, we are uow prepared -to supply le pub - lie with Wood and Iron For arud'Lift pumps, Brass and Iron 0. tuders, Gal- vanized Iran Tubi g, r sterns, Water Troughs, Sulks, a Pipe Fitting, Well Digging ane everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel for power and pumping water, We ban do our work cheaper than others in the business as we have the steam w. I;epapoiringerpromptly attended to. We also do well digging and drilling. All work is thoroughly guaranteed, Give us a eall. • D.• HOVERS & SON reeefiarftee < i !J.thout Question The best egnippedtbtsiness and short- hand, school in Canada is. the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. Large enrollment and strong faculty. Hundreds of students in good positions. Years of excellent work at its credit. Catalogues of either course free. Correspondence invited. J. W. WESTERVELT, . • Principal. 4, -1sro m �fi°iwe- `.gr a ��"-'r`3.VA ,W- Vrr .5•ti� '!?''' veciriv,-pi�,�,Al->�P .14-l.t 34.�P �i SPECIAL PRICES IN ir Fl f.c; tat 2 1_2 inch Flower Pots,, 3 inch Flower Pats 4 inch Flower Pots 5 inch Flower Pots SOC doz. �.5 dor. 20O dor. 300 dor, 6 inch Flower Pots 40c do::. 7 inch Flower Pots 50c dor Si a)F .�.__... __._ - '•i: ♦� 'aid:-"',�')'`G'i'- J "C t`ikv*.o.• FARMERSR & BUD and an one having live stook or otherJWALKE articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise, the same for sale in the Times. Our largo circulation tells and it will be strange indeed`if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you stall sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Trxne.S and try this plan 02les. dis• posing of your stock and other rti 5F NOTE THE ABOVE PRICES Photos at Holllo M. E. Zurbrigg snakes a specialty of oat -door photography; ;picnic parties, family groups ou the lawn; residences, wedding parties and gatherings of every description photographed in an artistic manner. We deem it a pleasure to go anywhere so don't forget us. We do Picture Framing -and we do it right too. 10. E. ZTTRBR1GG'S Down floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School Flouse. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. fit NICHOLSON BUILDER and CONTRACTOR We are still in the building business and are prepared to take contraots for the erection of all kinds of buildings. Plans and specifications furnished on short notice. Workmanship guaranteed and at rea- sonable rates. WM. NICHOLSON.. Residence Diagnol street, opposite Francis street. . e the a watch. We have something expressly for him fresh from. the New Haven Works. The price' will suit you, the watch will suit the boy. The price is $1.75. The watch is a good looker, and a good time-keeper—the biggest thing for the money—convenient size, neat appearance, made of good ma- terial and well set together. Don't confound it with the cheap watches you have 'seen, for it is one in a thousand. Absolutely the best ever offered for the money. We have also watches of the highest grade, and at all prices. KINGS NECESSARY to the successful tailor are: A stock of Superior Cloth, Know- ledge of his Business, Skill in Cutting and Fitting, .and prices which are low enough to attract without being low enough to lessen value. The possession of these essen- tials makes no confident of our success in pleasing every patron. We guarantee satisfaction. Root. MaNwell High Art Tailor, Winghatn. T0iIor's Thi.. would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement, We dolt talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new SPRING SUIT OR OV I COAD LAF KE next Griffin's Grocery. o Stone Block, next Door to Clegg's Hardware. s WANTED A man to represent us at Winghatn and surrounding country, in the 'sale -of our choice Canadian grown Nurser Stock. A permanent paying position with chance of advance- ment. . Arrangements will be made with a suitable man to SELL, DELIVER and COLLECT. Good pay weekly. We also handle sprayers, large and small, the best made. Write at once for further particulars to The Thos. W. Bowman Son Co., Established 40 years. Limited TORONTO, ONT. raisin z' glam ,y..����,�.,l tins'sli t o . -.11.= a aJa�7J L..�I.,r.1LJLJr��L�]�tc.�._l�`..�1 L�JLt=1.-....IL�JL rJ Th IT; a rll 11 is Iw.4y to buy furniture. For e n cided to give :something lounges, easy chairs, m tr thing in the upholst- ed ll buy upholstered go •: s from u ex thirty days we have dep. - cial in parlor suits, couches, ses, spring beds, and any. ne. You miss it if you don't s. We intend the fall trade efore furniture bed -room its, :side.boatds, writing elks, give us a call, reduce the stock time to fill in for advances, •, if you want ettentiolx tab < s, chairs, or ALKER TO STENITtillt and IIDE ,TAXING., 2101111=81101445a4008414v10101640002tisrenentle141161.812111811211002t i